Tree of Life
On the heels of the wonderful turnout for Sunflowers for Tina on Monday, Samantha Redstreake Geary made this announcement:
“As a lasting tribute to Tina, I, along with 25 amazing authors, are publishing audiomachine‘s TREE OF LIFE: Branching Out collaborative story in ebook format on Amazon, launching Sept. 12th! Stunning book cover designed by gifted graphic artist and composer, Ryo Ishido. All proceeds of the TREE OF LIFE ebook will benefit the Downey Education Fund set up for Tina’s two boys.”
Tina also contributed to this anthology - look for it Friday! I will include a direct link in my Monday post as well.
Shelfie Blog Hop
This is my contribution to the Shelfie Blog Hop, hosted by Tara Tyler, Heather Gardner, Christine Rains, Elizabeth Sechman, CD Coffelt, MJ Fifield, Vikki Biram, and Rena Rocford:
Ninja News
Today at the IWSG Site we have none other than the awesome Elana Johnson! So head on over and make a wish.
Yesterday was Jeremy Hawkins’ birthday! We celebrated with the release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Go wish him a belated happy birthday.
PK Hrezo has been asked to write the story of an amazing young lady by the name of Queena. Six years ago, she was strangled, beaten, raped, and left for dead. She suffered multiple brain injuries and lost a lot of her mobility. PK has started a Kickstarter fund for this project. Help her by either donating or spreading the word. See her site for details.
Out now - The Test of Time by Nicole Zoltak
Just released – The Trouble with Flirting by Rachel Morgan
On Monday, September 22, post about your favorite unknown –
Post about one or all four – dealer’s choice!
Sign up HERE
Movie Trivia
1 – What was John Wayne’s last film?
2 – Who directed Once Upon a Time in the West?
3 – How does Doc Holiday die in Tombstone?
4 – How many Oscars did Unforgiven win?
5 – Kevin Kline, Scott Glenn, Kevin Costner, and Danny Glover starred in what Western?
Critique Partners
One of the items I mentioned was a sense of humor. I’m blessed to have critique partners who excel at snarky humor.
So for those of you who dread critiques and worry they might upset or anger, let me show you why I chuckle my way through them:
Heather, who also had some funny visuals I wish I could include –
We might be gone for a while, he thought.
Aden is always thinking.
And I can’t win if I can’t play.
You have an ‘and’ at the beginning of your sentence addiction.
Damn, what have I done?
WHAT? I thought you were kidding!
Rusty and his ongoing issue with eyebrows –
…his scowl pulling his brows into one.
Hey!!!! I remember this discussion. I like how you married to the two into a sorta compromise (although I still contend we only have one brow anyway).
…his brows together.
Still bugs me.
The com officer’s brows…
Knife in my heart
Vardy’s drawn brows…
You’re rubbing my face in it, aren’t you?
Lynda felt sorry for the com buttons –
Aden mashed the com button…
These com buttons get a beating ;)
…mashing a final button.
Looks like the Balkan's buttons are going to get a beating too ;)
He mashed the com button.
You know all the com buttons are going to unite in protest for better treatment of buttons... they might even revolt. Better watch your back ;)
…her short stature a hindrance.
Hey! Short people can run fast too!! :P
Short people and buttons unite!! ;)
Downloading Tree of Life on Friday? Have you posted your Shelfie yet? Ready for my next blogfest? Know any of the trivia? And do your critique partners make snarky fun comments…?
OMG, I love your critique partners! Especially the brows one :) I need your critique partners!
Nope, nope, nope, sometimes.
Silverado is the answer to the last one!!
I need critique partners like that. What a wonderful tribute for Tina!!
I think John Wayne's last film was The Shootist, which I did see. Does Doc Holiday die of TB? He coughed a lot. Unforgiven, a great movie won 4 Oscars.
If I remember correctly (and I might not!), Doc Holliday died of TB and #5 is Silverado, of course. What a fun movie and what a great cast :)
Those comments ARE funny. I need critique partners.
Keith, you got it.
Cathrina, you got three.
Marcy, that's two! And awesome movie.
That Tree of Life image is just so beautiful!
"...sentence addiction." #snort (HUGS, Heather...)
If I could write critiques like that I would be happy to do so. How very clever they are. Poor buttons.
Love the idea of the book sales going to the Downey Foundation.
I thought The Duke's last movie was True Grit, but what do I know.
You're cheating there with the selfie! No fair ;)
LOL your critique partners are funny!
The Tree of Life project sounds wonderful. Your selfie is perfect. Now for the trivia:
1 - The Shootist
2 - Can't remember his name but he did Clint Eastwood's spaghetti westerns, I think.
3 - TB
4 - 4
5 - Silverado
You had a trivia that I remembered a bit about, not sure what that says about me. :)
Congrats to all who have books out.
Hi Alex - delighted about the Tree of Life project ... for Tina and I'm so pleased one of her stories will be in the book.
SelfieShelf with mini Alex is great -
I have no idea re the quiz - but can see Mason's answers above!
Yes - congratulations to one and all who have published .. cheers Hilary
One of my favorite westerns is LONESOME DOVE, the book and the mini series. Pretty sure it's not the answer to any of those, although Danny Glover was in the mini series.....
Great crit partner comments!
Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption
That's awesome that a tribute to Tina will benefit her boys.
That's what parents want most, for their children to be cared for, so I'm guessing she would have loved the consideration behind that collaborative action.
I know how Doc Holiday died in Tombstone, that movie is always in my top 5 for faves. :)
OMG - Rusty is killin' me! "Knife in my heart."
I missed the mashing of the buttons, Lynda! So funny.
I love the Tree of Life tribute. Its going to be great.
I LOVE your Shelfie! You have to let Tara know! Hi Mini-Alex!
PK is brilliant to do this story. I read about it yesterday. Queena is very inspiring.
3. Was that Kurt Russell or Dennis Quaid? I always confuse the two movies. I think he gets shot in both. :)
4. ?
5. Wyatt Earp? I don't remember Kevin Kline in that.
Okay, as we can see, westerns are not my thing.
Great post!
Ha! Your critique partners are awesome!
Thank you so much for mentioning my new release here.
And Tree of Life looks like a wonderful tribute to Tina.
To be a CP in general, I think a sense of humor is a must. Yours, have them in spades!!
The Tree of Life sounds like an amazing opportunity to give back to Tina's family.
Wonderful book Audiomachine's Tree of Life, a great tribute!
LOL! Those are funny comments from your critique partners. :)
You do seem to mash the com keys a lot. That's okay, my characters are constantly recoiling. They're a jumpy, twitchy bunch!
As for the brow war -- I got that from my copy-editor, too. She maintained that we have one brow and two eyebrows. (Well, most of us have two eyebrows ...) I acquiesced to her logic and edited accordingly.
I'm signed up for Monday's blogfest! Have my movie all picked out.
That Tree of Life tribute sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing those crit examples. CPs & betas rule!!
It's a great day for having friends, and family. thank you... The Tree of Life is Good, thank you Samantha! THANK YOU!
Ps. Westerns... Argh! :)
Sheri, she made you snort!
Jo, not quite.
Mason, you know Westerns.
Karen, I can't!
Rosey, you got it.
Heather! My post is complete.
Rachel, you're welcome.
Dianne, Rusty and I are still battling the brow...
Ah! The shelfie. I keep remembering and then forgetting about that. Nice ninja.
That is a GORGEOUS cover for the Tree of Life.
Good luck to PK. That's going to be an emotional project for her, I'm sure, but what a wonderfully compassionate author to have for the job.
Those are some hilarious critique comments! Short people and com buttons unite! :)
Definitely will get TREE OF LIFE: Branching Out to help Tina's boys.
I can't imagine losing a mother at their age.
What a nice tribute to Tina, and a special gift to her family. Her legacy will live on, just as it should.
What a beautiful idea for the book.
Those comments made me laughed - the brows. Needed that!
I need to read the crit post still.
1 - The Shootist
5 - Silverado - one of my husband's favorite movies.
Absolutely love Mini Alex on the shelf. And the Tree of Life project is such an amazing idea, wonderful.
Tree of Life sounds like an awesome project. Hope it helps Tina's family. Awesome how supportive the blogging community is.
I am going to get that book and I've signed up for the next blog hop though I'm still undecided on my unknown.
My first critique partner reminds me of yours. She always made me laugh as she pointed out my 'addictions.' I do the 'And' at the beginning too.
Yes, snarky humor is a plus in crit partners. Whenever my longstanding writing group gets together, between working hard on our manuscripts, we laugh long and hard about lots of off-color things.
That is an awesome cover and book tribute to Tina. And yes, Snarky humor is much appreciated in a good critique session. It's important that we laugh at ourselves. :)
What a awesome tribute to Tina! And I love that the proceeds go to her sons. Your critique comments had me laughing! Have a good one!
Wow what a fabulous tribute for Tina! That is way way cool.
I agree with the humor needed in CPs. It makes the process so much more bearable. :)
(BTW thanks so much for mentioning Queena's project!)
You're critique partners have great comments. Thank you for sharing and enjoy the new audiomachine download.
lmao on the brows and that poor button.
The Shootist
3 or 4
Liked the Shelfie photo! A good way to remain incognito, let mini-Alex handle the PR stuff.
Good luck to all those with book releases!
Tree of Life is Good - that's a good one Jeremy.
Michelle - nailed it!
Susan, good to know it's not just me.
PK, you're welcome!
Pat, almost a perfect score.
My agent made me take out all but one "drawn brows" reference in my last book and I about died getting it done. :)
I just adore your snarky crit partners. My crit partner (Mark Noce) makes the sweetest comments that always makes me smile.
My characters all swallowed hard, until Tammy made it sound like porn. Now, no one swallows anything. Ever.
Ooo, nice shelfie!
Your CPs are hilarious. I love those excerpts!!
I want your CPs! ;) Joking. I love mine. They're pretty snarky too.
And I'll keep my eyes open on Friday / Monday for the anthology.
I'm too serious to even think of making comments like that if I were critiquing someone. I'd be worried they'd take it the wrong way. Snarkiness doesn't really come naturally to me, the way my brain is wired.
Congrats to Nicole and Rachel!
Nice shelfie. I'll have to dust soon, I guess.
Glad you have fun reading your crit. My editor can be pretty funny in her comments. My group laughs all the time. We deliver crit in person.
Wonderful idea selling the book for Tina's charity. It sounds like you have the best critique partners ever!
Sounds like you have an excellent collection of critique partners, and their comments are a good sign that your writing is enjoyable. I try to add lighthearted humor when I comment, though it happens a lot more frequently when what I'm reading is fun to comment on.
ROFL! Who is that masked man? I have yet to see your real face and you've been quite successful in keeping it hidden. :P What if you hit it BIG time and it gets all smattered over the news? What then, hu? Hu? HU????? ;P
I like 'And' at the beginning of a sentence, once in a while. It's a good way to establish a rhythm. And to make things feel conversational.
The anthology is going to be awesome! What a great thing to do to support the fund.
I'll be sure to look out for the anthology. Love your critique comments!
Ilima, I have my work cut out for me.
Rachna, I bet he does!
Elizabeth, that's hilarious!!
Carrie-Anne, my critique partners know me well - bring on the snark.
Elizabeth, I'll have to dress like a real Ninja then!
Suze, exactly.
You're lucky to have such amazing critique partners. They make writers strong. I can't wait to get my copy of Tree of Life!
LOVE the Tree of Life initiative.
Rusty's right: one brow, two eye brows.
HA! Love your crit partner comments. I should pull out some from mine--they are hysterical. And looking forward to the Tina tribute book!
It's great that you have such awesome critique partners. Gotta love comments that'll make you laugh.
The Tree of Life project sounds wonderful! Love your shelfie! I only know the answer to your last trivia question. You have very entertaining, and insightful critique partners!
Hart, please do!
If you're having a problem with "brows" then maybe you need to start using a different browser.
Tossing It Out
I know nothing, trivia or other. My crit partners are great though we tend to be more serious. I wonder what they'd do if I get snarky. Might be fun to find out.
Off now to check out some links.
Tree of Life is a fitting dedication and I'm so happy someone thought of it!
Awesome Shelfie! thanks for doing it!
Still thinking of good items for your blogfest =)
And only my editors make snarky comments... "what does that even mean?" !
I am getting my thinking cap on for the blogfest:) The dedication for your friend Tina was wonderful and so nice that more is to come. now my answers
1.The Shootist-I cry every time because it is so sad.
2. The Great Sergio Leone
3. He died of T.B. or consumption as they said in the day but he died many yrs after the actual gunfight.
4. 4!-Another great western
5. Silverado-fun and it stars the man I love Kevin Kline-hubba, hubba
Now that's a good selfie. Well done, you.
I love funny/snarky comments. I can be pretty snarky in my critiques, but I always warn the writer ahead of time because thought it's always in good fun, you never know how people are going to take it if they're not used to your sense of humor.
Congrats to the authors and their new releases and isn't the cover to the Tree of Life rockin'!?
Ooh, westerns. I don't know anything about those. I'll have to skip the trivia this time :)
LOL at your critique partner! Can't wait to grab a copy of Tree of Life, love that the proceedings will be going to the boys' fund.
I'll give it a whirl:
1. "The Shootist?"
2. Sergio Leone?
3. Tuberculosis?
4. None? (this is a wild guess)
5. Dances With Wolves?
Lee, rim shot!
Beverly, you should try it.
Tara, I had a couple comments like that...
Birgit, perfect score!
Elise, yes it is!
Al, you got three right.
Funny comments make going through a crit partners notes much easier. It breaks up the monotony and gives a good chuckle.
Shelfies! What a fun idea!
I haven't had a snarky critique partner, but I'm very fortunate to have one who's helped point out how things would actually go among two people who just got together. Being single for so long has its drawbacks. >_<
I love that Shelfies idea. Damn, I missed out! :P
Love your snarky CP comments. Fun times!
I know nothing about John Wayne, so will just move on past those trivia questions. ;)
That cover for the Tree of Life is so gorgeous, maybe they could consider selling it separately as a poster. I'll certainly be buying the book for Tina's boys.
I know two trivia questions, for a change! 1) The Shootist (I think), and 5) Silverado, 'cause I saw it on the big screen years ago and got a crush on Costner.
I was very happy to contribute to Tree of Life. It was sad that my last contribution was a dedication to Tina. I hope she rests in peace.
Tree of Life - What a great idea.
Cute selfie!
Trivia - Hey I know some.
1. The Shootist
3. TB/comsumption
5. Silverado
Haha, love your shelfie with the mini-Alex! I don't have a bookshelf, so I'm shelfie challenged. Most of my books are on Kindle. I should find a way to work in a shelfie with my Kindle!
I love your Shelfie. If asked to caption the shelfies, yours would get the title of "Mini-Alex and the Cassa Crew!"
... can't wait for the Tree Of Life anthology... that cover is unbelievably, amazingly, stupendously, breathtakingly (and insert every other adjective/adverb that fits here...) beautiful.......
I need those snarky C.P.'s. Are they by any chance on loan???
You have an ‘and’ at the beginning of your sentence addiction
Include me in that one.
Love your critique partners'!
Your selfie is very clever!
Those comments made me laugh to tears. Good trait to start the day. I sent my dragon hugs to Jeremy right on time. Thank fb reminder. The book the book, must remember. Dragon Ancestors! This week has been madness.
Mason, after being married for so long, I don't remember the days before it...
Trisha, there is still time! It's through the end of the month.
Helena, a poster is a great idea. And you got both right.
Faraway, correct!
Stephanie, you should.
Michelle, I like that caption. And I might be willing to share...
Great critique partners. If anyone got a glimpse of the comments Carrie and I leave for each other, we'd be committed. LOL
Oh my gosh! I just read Tina's entry in the Tree of Life book. Gave me chills.
I added TOL to Promo Friday. If you get the buy link, send it to me. I'll be on the lookout, too, but for now, could only find the MP3.
Yes, one of my critique partners is pretty hilarious. His humorous comments make it so much easier to deal with my story's shortcomings!
That cover for the Tree of Life anthology is stunning. I'm sure the stories inside will be wonderful as well. :)
*LOL* Love your CPs' comments! Thanks for posting your Shelfie. Mini Alex is rocking out with those books!
Your CP are awesome. Thanks for the giggles and for all the great book information.
Wonderful and fun Shelfie Ninja Alex!
My beta readers all live in Alberta and get to see each other once a month. My dream is to show up one day and surprise them. They're all so terrific.
Excellent post, Alex. I'm going to read it again just for fun.
The Tree of life is so inspiring especially with the rays shining. Not sure of the trivia though! Great write Alex!
Tree of Life certainly sounds like a great project!
Excellent snark, and I love the shelfie of you and your books. Oh my, there are too many good books coming out. I may have to give up writing for reading only. I cannot keep up with all the fabulousness in our writing community.
I love the cover for the Tree of Life book. What a wonderful idea to raise money for Tina's children. The sunflowers are a lovely idea.
Mary Montague Sikes
I have no answers to your trivia questions LOL I never do- but I like reading them.
Already signed up for the blogfest and am looking forward to it.
Have a terrific day!
I will be sure to pop over to Amazon on Sept 12th!
So wonderful with the tree of life!!! And Alex, seriously, mini Alex is the coolest. I will never stop laughing whenever he's used in a picture!!! Hahahaha!!!! :)
I finally saw Captain America, the Winter Soldier. Great movie. Okay, I tend to start waaayyy too many sentences with "But." When I find a great verb, I tend to overuse and abuse it to death. As far as the eyebrows, I have my characters punching/elbowing/smacking/flicking each other a lot. But I guess they're teenage boys, so... (Notice I started that last sentence with my addiction!)
It's important to have amusing crit partners. It's sometimes the only thing that keeps you smiling when you get your crits back.
Hi Alex,
The Tree of Life lives on as does the inspiration of our beloved friend, Tina. Thanks for all you do.
My critique partner, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar makes barky comments...
It seems I'm going to be in the background for another month or so. Completely out of the loop.
After Lynda's words I guess I'm against you now Alex since I am 'short in stature.' Lovely tribute to Tina, you guys are saints. Thanks for reminding me about the Shelfie Hop. Your critique partners are hilarious!
Melissa, that's funny! And I will send it to you.
Joylene, I am here to entertain...
Kane, glad you're on board!
Morgan, then I will continue to take more photos.
Gary, barky rather than snarky?
Sheena-kay, but I like short! My wife is short.
Sorry for taking so long to get here Alex. Us short people can run fast (sometimes) but making the blog circuit is another story.
I agree that the cover for Tree of Remembrance is spectacular.
Take care, friend.
John Huston
Tuberculosis, but not in Tombstone
3--but this is purely a guess
I do love my westerns.
Just started with a new CG. Held back on the "snarkisms" until I get to know the others better. Plus two of the submissions dealt with suicide, so that really wasn't the time/place for a side remark.
Maybe a bit more upbeat tomorrow.
Tree of Life painting is incredible.
The critiques ARE funny, but they're also sort of rude, IMHO. I really wouldn't like to read comments like that in my critiques, personally. -_-
My crit buddies know how to inject the humour too! Always easier to learn with a giggle :)
Your critique partners rock.
I'd like to read more about this anthology. Looking forward to it.
Ha, I hadn't noticed the brows. Just goes to show you need multiple CPs. I must also admit, I don't go snarky for all my critiques. With three books out, I knew you were used to getting critiqued so I figured it was safe.
And I love your shelfie.
Okay love the Tree of Life tribute. Beautiful.
And I like to start my sentences with And too. LOL! Knife in the heart is the best.
Re movie trivia: #1 is "The Shootist," #5 is one of my favorites, "Silverado."
Better late than never with a comment.
The Tree Of Life sounds great, will look out for future announcements.
Love your shelfie!!!
I can't wait for the Underrated Treasures blogfest!
Cool shelfie and your crit partners are hilarious. That inspires me to be funnier in my critiquing. Now I'm hungry for some mashed buttons.
Robyn, no worries - you made me chuckle.
Susan, you got three right.
Cathy, they make me laugh, and the result is I'm never offended.
Lynda, you can snark all you want with me - I can take it!
John, very good!
ha! I love funny crits. Always makes the whole process fun!
Will definitely be looking for the link to The Tree of Life on Monday! I am currently reading for someone and love it!
I'm sorry I missed this when you posted it. I'm just glad you didn't critique my critiques - where did those typos come from?
You have such awesome CP's! and I love your Shelfie pic. And um, is it bad to admit I don't know any of the answers to the trivia? *hides in shame*
Beth, yes it does!
Rusty, I'm sure they weren't there when you wrote them...
Caffe, just means Westerns aren't your thing.
The Tree of Life project sounds amazing! I had never heard of a shelfie. :)
Yes, do not forget Blogfest Underrated Treasures!
I don't think I could make it through the average faculty meeting without a neighbor with whom to exchange snark.
Snarky critique partners are the best. Those comments are hilarious!
LOL! Those comments were awesome. I love my critiquers too. What would we do without them?
Great shelfie! I just got my bookshelves back together...and realized I need about 3 more shelves to hold everything. Want to donate to the "Crystal needs more shelves" fund? (Kidding, kidding. Sort of.)
I'm loving all these hops coming up, but man, I'm so overbooked! We've got about 15 family members coming into town for the last half of the month, a couple major life events, and I've still got boxes sitting everywhere, and a book release next month! I need a clone. Can I have my cloning machine back, please?
Another great post Alex! I hope you're doing well. Fun movie trivia. I think having a sense of humor is key... in everything!
Unforgettable John Wayne, I do not remember his last film, but always remember that it was almost bigger than the horses!
Squid, that's the only way to survive work meetings.
Crystal, I can hook you up with some clones!
My editors sometimes reply with slightly-snarky comments; they crack me up.
I like the mini ninja standing next to his books..cute..I was thinking of trying the blogfest but, I have
never done anything like
are you Alex? Hope you are enjoying your weekend..
Love the shelfie!
Great critique partners are hard to come by - sounds like you have the best!
"Short people and buttons unite!! ;)"
Hah! I nearly spit out my tea. :)
Thanks Alex, I realised there was time when I checked out another blog. Gonna try & get a decent picture that I can share. My shelves are floor to ceiling, so I would want to get as much of them in the shot as possible. hehe
My CPs make me laugh too. It's great to have a little laugh especially when you're staring down tons of changes you know you have to make.
I'm loving your critique partners! Their comments are too funny! And great post on the IWSG website about critique partners. I enjoyed reading it.
I love snarky humor, I think I'm in love with your CPs lol
Love the snarky comments.
Love that dragon. What a beautiful piece of art. The blogfest was a blast. I especially liked learning about several underrated books that I can put on my TBR list.
I'll look for the anthology on Amazon. Cool shelfie!
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