Monday, September 8, 2014

Sunflowers for Tina, Giant Spider Dog, Monsters: Dark Continent, IWSG, and Nina News

Today I have a special interview over at EE Giorgi’s blog!

I’m also posting at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group - what to look for in a good critique partner.

Sunflowers for Tina

Today is also the day we honor Tina Downey. She loved sunflowers and her motto was ‘Life is Good.’ It’s not so good without her, but we can still see her in the sunflowers. I will miss you, Tina. I'm just going to let Mini-Alex express my thoughts.
For a list of participants, visit the A to Z Challenge Blog - Sunflowers for Tina.

There is also a Downey Education Fund set up for her two boys that you can donate to.

Ninja News

Today’s Themes that Rocked the Challenge features Jo Wake from Jo on Food, My Travels, and a Scent of Chocolate who posted animals and recipes from around the world. Check it out at the A to Z Blog.

Thanks to all who celebrated three years of posting for the IWSG! All members are welcome to submit to our upcoming anthology – see the IWSG site for details!

The Guardians of the Galaxy was number one at the box office again, making its run four out of five weekends at number one. That is more than any other Marvel film! One more week and it’s more than any comic book film. So, if you haven’t seen it, why not???

Milo James Fowler’s book, Immaterial Evidence, is just .99 cents for a limited time.

New Books!

Released today:
MOSAICS, book 2 in the Track Presius mystery series, a hard-boiled detective series with a genetic twist.
By EE Giorgi
Find it on Amazon

The Rifters by M Pax 

The Rifters is available at an introductory price. The second book in the series, The Initiate, will be available October 20, 2014. It’s up for preorder for a special price at iTunes, Amazon, and B&N. Check HERE for links. Giveaways and events are ongoing through October 31, 2014. Check HERE for details.
Links: Amazon / AmazonUK / B&N / Smashwords /Googleplay / iTunes / Other Outlets
Visit M Pax at her SITE

Induction Day by PK Hrezo
Find it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IBookstore, and Goodreads

Erron by Melanie Schulz
Get your copy at Amazon

Old Women Waxing Poetic
Compiled by Julie Kemp Pick and Susan Flett Swiderski, it features work from Liza Salerno and Robyn Alana Engel, with an awesome cover by Michael Di Gesu. All proceeds go to CARE International. They are all hosting an Old Broad Fest and you can win a copy of the book by commenting on their post by Friday, September 12.

Shadow Warrior by Jay Noel
Find it at Amazon and Barnes and Noble

My Only Escape: Book One in the Hiding Out Series
By Jaycee DeLorenzo

Monsters: Dark Continent Trailer

Jocelyn Rish alerted me to the new trailer for the sequel to Gareth Edwards’ brilliant film, Monsters. He’s producing rather than directing this time, and while the film looks very different from the first one, the trailer is still really cool. The monsters are a little different as well. Check it out:

Giant Mutant Spider Dog

How funny would it be if you dressed up your dog as a tarantula? While the setups might be staged a little bit, they are still funny.

Did you post sunflowers today for Tina? See some good new books? Contributing to the IWSG anthology? What did you think of the Monsters trailer? And do you want your own spider dog now?

Back to posting on Wednesdays again, so I’ll be back then with my Shelfie, some trivia, movie reviews, and other fun stuff. Maybe even a peak at my hilarious critique partners’ suggestions…

Be sure to visit EE Giorgi and the Insecure Writer’s Support Group!


Mark Koopmans said...

I was telling Elise that I couldn't find a sunflower anywhere and then the lady in Lowes found one on a back shelf...

...kinda like Tina put it back there, waiting for me to come in.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - I can quite see Tina was definitely your blog-sister ... I miss her, but sunflowers will always remind me of her ...

Spider - yugh! Lots of books the Old Broads Waxing Poetical is such a great idea and I love Michael's cover ..

Cheers Hilary

Brian Miller said...

so very cool that you are honoring tina...and the foundation for her boys as well....

the monsters trailer looks very cool as well...

Liza said...

I didn't know Tina...wish I had. Seems like she enriched the lives of so many. Thank you for posting OBWP! Wishing you a great week, Alex!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Love the Mini-Alex tribute. I know Tina would, too.

Spider dog is disturbing...ack!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I didn't know about Sunflowers for Tina. We planted a couple of sunflowers in our garden this year, but I think they're past their prime.

Congrats to everyone with writing news!

Melissa said...

Great tribute, Alex.

Congrats to all who have new releases. I bet the Old Broads book is a hoot.

I'm trying to come up with something for the anthology. Blank pages are intimidating lately.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I forgot to add to my earlier comment that Sunflowers for Tina sounds like a sweet tribute!

Miranda Hardy said...

Wonderful tribute to Tina. She will feel the love today, for sure.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Lovely tribute to Tina. Wishing the best to her family.

Is that Monsters film a psychological thriller as well?

Loved the mutant dog. *sharing*

Jemi Fraser said...

Tina sounds like she was an amazing lady - wish I'd 'met' her online

Unknown said...

Sunflowers are my favorite too! Thanks so much for helping me spread the word about my book launch, Alex!

kaykuala said...

Would have loved to meet Tina during those hectic days. Glad that her family being looked after. The spider dog looks like it's going for the kill. Great write Alex!


Natalie Aguirre said...

Didn't know Tina so didn't post. But it's been beautiful seeing the posts from all of you who were her friends.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, I bet she did!

Liza, you're welcome!

Sandra, I couldn't even find a live one...

Melissa, you can do it!

Donna, it looks more action, but there is a strong human element to it. So not sure.

EE, you're welcome, and thanks for featuring me today.

Denise Covey said...

Yes I posted sunflowers for Tina today. What a lot of lovely tributes I've seen for a lovely lady.

Annalisa Crawford said...

The sunflowers on everyone's blog look beautiful.

Jo said...

I posted sunflowers for Tina today too as well as mentioning the Pulmonary Hypertension Association. A group also worthy of our support. I hope a lot of people will donate to the Downey Education Fund.

Thanks for the interview on the A to Z blog too. Makes me feel special.

Shah Wharton said...

Love how everyone is posting for Tina. Think I really missed out there.

As for Monsters, not sure. I rarely love movies about big scary monsters. I prefer monsters who are more closely related to humans. Makes it more real and little less ridiculous. That sad, as far as those kinds of movies go, the trailer was compelling. Although I winced when the little pooch attacked a baby monster. You just knew the pooch was outta luck!

I have Mary Pax over at mine today on her tour! I wrote a horror short in honour of Settler. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Tina would like that photo of Mini-Alex with sunflowers.

That spider dog is so cute! I wonder if I could make an outfit like that for one of my cats?

Mason Canyon said...

A lovely tribute to Tina, Alex. Sunflowers will always remind me of her now. The spider outfit probably freaked the dog out too. Congrats to all those with new books out.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I am at a loss for many words today... other than Tina would love all this attention, though feel it not necessary. That is what makes her great. We will miss her!


H. R. Sinclair said...

Mini-Alex with the sunflowers - perfect.

Chemist Ken said...

I'm still amazed at the success of Guardians. I liked the movie, but I'm surprised so many other people liked it too. To be honest, I thought most people would think of it as a niche film.

Jay Noel said...

Prayers to Tina and her family during this difficult time.

And thank you for the shout out today. I'm off to check out your interview...

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I really wish I had known Tina. She must have been such an amazing person!

And that spider-dog is super creepy lol said...

Mini-Alex is a sweetheart. I'm sure Tina loved him too.

Thanks so much for the shout-out, Alex, with all that you have going on. You're the best.

Take care of yourself and Mini-Alex. We can't do any of this without you. xo

River Fairchild said...

What a wonderful way to honor Tina's memory.
There is so much happening with all the book and movie releases lately!

mshatch said...

That spider dog is creepy!

Huntress said...

Erron by Melanie really caught my eye. Downloading sample now.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

My sunflowers are up! The blogosphere is blooming today....

Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

Christine Rains said...

Lovely tribute. So nice to see sunflowers everywhere this morning in honor of Tina. Lots of great news, and I did get to see Guardians the other week. Hilarious!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Nothing like spreading yourself thin!

Way to go, Mini Alex! That was perfect! I love seeing the sunflowers all over Facebook and the blogs this morning.

I HATE spiders, but that video cracked me up I had to watch it again and then show my son and husband the other day. I hope that dog gets a lot of love for all the screaming he has to endure. :)


S.A. Larsenッ said...

I just came from another site with a beautiful sunflower tribute to Tina. It's just so wonderful! I truly wish I'd have known her better; briefly brushed passed her only a few times on others' blogs.

And as for your video: DO NOT DO THAT TO ME! It's the only creepy, crawly, BLUCK!!! ... I fear. And I'm not talking about the poor pooch!

Al Diaz said...

I couldnt find sunflowers either, and a friend called and told me she had many things she wanted to give me because she was moving. Among the stuff, there were 9 sunflowers and three sunflower candles, and about ten sunflower table clothes. I was like "okay, Tina must want to fill the cave with sunflowers"

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Alex Great Tribute to a Dear Sister!
I too posted my flowers to Tina!
Also I posted my tribute to all my blogs in Malayalam and in all my social media circles.
She was such a loving personality we lost. Yes, we really miss here Alex.

Have a good day today
~ Phil

Pat Hatt said...

Hopefully Guardians makes it #1 another week, not sure it will though. But just might, not a ton of competition.

lmao, that last guy could really move fast. Spider dog is great.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jo, you are special!

Shah, I don't think the dog had a chance...

Ken, it just hit all the right notes for so many people, quirky or not.

Jay, you're welcome!

Robyn, you're welcome, and thanks - I appreciate that.

Madeline, is sure is!

Christine, excellent!

Heather, he just wanted to play.

Sheri, sorry!

Al, that was perfect timing.

mail4rosey said...

The sunflowers are nice. :)

Happy to see Old Broads Waxing Poetic featured. I'm betting that's going to be a good one, and I love that profits are going to charity.

Samantha May said...

A very nice way to honor someone special. Hopefully that fund gets a lot of donations!

Still haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm so behind on all of these movies!

I would love to dress my dog like that. I think he's going to be a pumpkin this year though. :D

Writing Through College

Vanessa Morgan said...

I watched the spider dog a couple of days ago. Almost choked laughing.

And a sweet thought for Tina today :(

Vanessa Morgan said...

I watched the spider dog a couple of days ago. Almost choked laughing.

And a sweet thought for Tina today :(

Shell Flower said...

Blessings to Tina. I didn't know her, but she sure has a lot of friends out there. Some more awesome books out, too. I'm not so sure about spider dog, but I do want to see Gardians of the Galaxy.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

What a lovely tribute to a lady I wish I had know. A sunflower is almost ready to bloom in our yard. I'm dedicating it to Tina.

Will check out the links later today. Looks like a lot of good reading.

L.G. Keltner said...

Love the sunflower picture!

Catherine Stine said...

Haha, the Ninja Warrior guy by the sunflowers is funny. I finally saw Warriors--very clever dialog! And for all of our fellow writers who have book launches today, a big fat KUDOS to you!!!

Unknown said...

Whole lot of books coming out! That's great :D
Lovely tributes to Tina. I regret that I didn't know her that well. She was one awesome lady!
Haven't seen "Guardians" yet. Things have been a bit crazy around the old homestead.
Spider Dog? No thank you! I HATE spiders...seeing that picture made me think of some giant, dog eating arachnid...*shudder*

Morgan said...

Ohhhh… hahaha!!! Laughing AND crying!!! There's something about that little guy that ALWAYS makes me smile! You're right… Tina would've LOVED this. So beautiful, Alex--and mini Alex. Loved. :)

S. L. Hennessy said...

That's a wonderful tribute to Tina. I think she would have just loved seeing Mini Alex next to her favorite flower. I hope she's smiling up in Heaven as she sees all these sunflowers. Life is Good.

Robyn Campbell said...

Captain, I didn't know Tina. I prayed for her family. What a lovely tribute you gave her. I'm so very sister for your loss, my friend.

Congrads PK.

The spiderdog made me laugh so hard coffee flew out of my mouth. HILARIOUS!

Robyn Campbell said...

Very sorry for your loss, Alex.

A Beer for the Shower said...

A beautiful tribute for Tina. It looks awesome.

Also, I have 4 dogs... if I could get 4 spider dog costumes, I would have them terrorizing the entire block.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sam, that's a great idea for a costume.

Beverly, she'll appreciate that.

Morgan, thanks!

Lauren, I'm sure she is smiling.

Robyn, there goes your keyboard. And thanks.

Brandon and Bryan, you need to do that!

Unknown said...

Loved that picture, Alex. Tina would have been so kicked!

We miss her so bad, don't we?

ilima said...

A lot of great books out! And the spider dog is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Tina's spirit and personality will live on in our blogging community.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I really like Gareth Edwards movies. Even if he's producing, I think this new Monsters movie will be awesome.

My sympathies of course go out to those who were very close to Tina.

Arlee Bird said...

Today I think we'll be seeing a lot of tributes for Tina. After today the world is going to have a lot more sunflowers.

Tossing It Out

Elise Fallson said...

I think Tina would have gotten a kick out of seeing Mini-Alex next to all those sunflowers.

Loni Townsend said...

Wonderful picture of Mini Alex with the sunflowers. It's a great tribute.

I need to go check out your interview!

Vidya Sury said...

I am loving the love for Tina across the blogosphere today!

Thank you Alex!
I've posted mine too and confess I shed some tears.


Sean McLachlan said...

Such a shame about Tina.

Sean McLachlan said...

Such a shame about Tina.

Gwen Gardner said...

I loved Spider Dog! HaHa, that was a nice Monday morning laugh.

Congrats to all the authors with new releases!

RIP Tina. I posted <3

J Lenni Dorner said...

That is an awesome spin on the sunflowers. Cool ninja. I'm sure she'd laugh and be touched by that.

Spider dog..... ha ha ha.

Suzanne Furness said...

Sunflowers are brightening the blogosphere for Tina today.

Trying to come up with an idea for the anthology. Not sure I would want to meet a spider dog!

jaybird said...

That giant spider dog just gave me an eye twitch!! I didn't see the puppy head at first glance, and almost had a giant spider-induced heart attack!! You know I suffer from some serious arachnophobia. That image pushed me right over the edge. LOL

Big congrats to Jay, Melanie, Jaycee and all of the other authors who's books dropped this week!

I'd love to get the inside scoop on what your CPs write to make you laugh so hard. Looking forward to reading that.

And, again, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your good friend Tina. *Hugs*

Unknown said...

love sunflowers--RIP Tina!!
huge congrats to all these authors

PK HREZO said...

That vid is hilarious! They really went to great lengths. I've seen some more like that that are just wrong to do to people ... but so so funny!!
Loved your ninja sunflower pic. RIP Tina.
Thanks for featuring ID here today!:)

Chrys Fey said...

Thank you, Alex and the A to Z team for creating this tribute. I love the ninja in your picture, Alex.

There are a lot of great books out right now. I've already read Erron, and right now I'm reading Induction Day. I'll be reading The Rifters soon. :)

Carrie-Anne said...

I don't want a spider dog; I'd want an actual spider! If only tarantulas didn't have to eat live mealworms and crickets, which I personally don't feel comfortable feeding to another animal.

Cherie Reich said...

Lots of new books out!

The spider dog is creepy!

Unknown said...

Tina would have loved the little Alex tribute. The trailer to Monsters: Dark Continent looks decent. I guess the monsters are evolving or somthing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Damy, yes we do...

J, she would've chuckled.

Jaybird, you made me chuckle. And Wednesday you will get a taste of their humor!

PK, you're welcome.

Carrie-Anne, that would be creepy...

David, they must be, as they aren't quite the same ones.

M Pax said...

It's wonderful to see Tina so well loved. What better tribute is there?

Thanks for the shoutout today. Congrats to Jay, Melanie, Jaycee, PK, EE, and the Old Broads Waxing Poetic. So many great books.

Spider dog is creepy.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Nice tribute, Alex, especially with mini Alex, the sunflowers, and the messages.

Mark said...

Great tribute to Tina:) And thanks for recommending "Guardians," it was awesome!

Suze said...

Old Broads Waxing Poetic is a great title. :)

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I recommend The Paper Magician by Charlie Holmberg. Guardians of the Galaxy rocks the planet! I think it has made 300 mil in the U.S. alone by now which will make it the first movie to succeed at that this year. Not even Captain America 2 or the latest Transformers movie did that. Tina is being remembered everywhere. Such a sweet dedication Alex and Li'l Alex. And yes I did a tribute as well.

Anonymous said...

Farewell Tina, we'll make our lives good for you. =)

Unknown said...

Love seeing all of the beautiful flowers around today. :)

cleemckenzie said...

The tribute you organized has been so successful! There are some excellent sunflowers, beautiful words about Tina and a genuine feeling of community. Great job.

As to the doggie spider. That is really creepy, but I love it.

Birgit said...

Tina is smiling down to all of you today:) I saw the video of spider dog and I laughed-it does look pretty freaky.

Leovi said...

I love sunflowers paw Tina, I join this beautiful tribute and 'Life is Good.'!

Empty Nest Insider said...

I wish that I had known Tina better. I'm sure she would love the beautiful arrangement with Mini-Alex! Thank you so much for the Old Broads Waxing Poetic shout-out! You are the best, Alex!


Empty Nest Insider said...

I wish that I had known Tina better. I'm sure she would love the beautiful arrangement with Mini-Alex! Thank you so much for the Old Broads Waxing Poetic shout-out! You are the best, Alex!


Nicole said...

It's nice to see Mini Alex paying such a great tribute to the woman who gave us a sunny side up way of approaching anything and everything that came with each day we faced.

You are right in that our days are less bright without her; to that end, what we have is one of nature's most precious gifts to always remember her, knowing she's always here with us, with every bud that blooms.


Unknown said...

That was a lovely commemoration for Tina.

Giant Mutant Spider Dog-Love it!

Michelle Wallace said...

Mini-Alex amidst the sunflowers is a wonderful touch...
Social networking is buzzing with #LifeisGood...I've also posted to Twitter & Facebook...

I'm eager to get my hands on Old Women Waxing Poetic...
Well done to all the authors with new releases.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, you're welcome!

Mark, glad you enjoyed it!

Sheena-kay, sadly Transformers beats it world wide. No idea how that film made a billion dollars.

Thanks, Lee! Sunflowers are everywhere.

Julie, you're welcome!

Nicole, well said.

Michelle, that's good to know!

Silvia Writes said...

A wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman. Well said, Alex.

Silvia Writes said...

A wonderful tribute to a wonderful woman. Well said, Alex.

Michelle Stanley said...

These tributes to Tina are so wonderful, and I enjoyed reading yours too. There is unity among the writers and blogs which I like very much.

Unknown said...

I love the tributes too! The writers community is so supportive of each other. I don't think I could be a writer without all of you, especially you Alex.

Liked the Monsters trailer too.

SC Author said...

This community is amazing and supportive in ways that real-life friends sometimes aren't.

Andrew Leon said...

I actually managed to go see Guardians a second time, and it was just as good.

I did my thing about Tina already, so I skipped today. You know I can't do things like everyone else. I think Tina would appreciate that.

Karen M. Peterson said...

That giant spider dog is NOT funny. It's scary. And it's taken over my internet!!

Julie Dao said...

I never got the chance to know Tina very well, but with all of the love and respect for her, I know she will be very missed. There was such a beautiful outpouring of support on her blog, and lovely to read!

Kristin Smith said...

Love the sunflowers for Tina. Such a great tribute.

I got a good laugh at the Giant Mutant Spider Dog video! Thanks for sharing!

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm happy to see so many sunflowers for Tina. Everyone loved her.

Congrats to those with new books.

Giant Mutant Spider Dog - giggle :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Your tribute is beautiful with mini Alex. And that video . . . OMG, I had to call my teens in to see it and we all laughed together, whilst feeling sorry for the people who were pranked.

Ray Rousell said...

That Giant Dog-Spider thing is so funny, although If I saw it running towards me down a dark alley, I'd have a fit!!

Elephant's Child said...

So many sunflowers across the blogosphere. Wonderful.
And congratulations to everyone with a new book (any book really) coming out.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

So many sunflowers everywhere today. It's heart warming. The Ninja farewell is very touching.
I have purchased a few of the books you listed and am going to check out another one.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michelle, yes there is!

Clarissa, thanks!

Andrew, didn't see your sunflower post.

Karen, that made me chuckle.

Julie, so many cared about her!

Rhonda, glad it amused you.

Ray, I wouldn't run, but I would jump.

Mina Burrows said...

Love that Tina's tribute picture with mini-Alex. She would love that.

Robin said...

I didn't know Tina, but it warms my heart that Blogland has shows this sort of support for her. I am sure she is smiling in heaven.

Life is good!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Tina will be missed by so many.

I must say, that spider dog is awesome.

And Yay for Guardians of the Galaxy. Brilliant film!

Angela Brown said...

It's been awesome seeing all the sunflowers bright and wide open for Tina.

As for the spider-dog, the dog part is too adorable. But that giant spider coming at me at night would have me screaming until the sky fell for real lol!!

Rusty Carl said...

We'll all miss Tina.

Guardians deserves its good fortune at the box office. Saw the Spider Dog over the weekend. Hilarious.

Truedessa said...

I still haven't seen The Guardians of the Galaxy. Maybe, I can get there this weekend. Seems to be a big summer hit.

The spider dog is cute but, something about spiders..puts me on guard.

Nicole said...

It's like the blogosphere has sprouted a field of sunflowers! This is such a wonderful tribute, everyone.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Very nice honour to Tina, Alex. The flowers are beautiful. Congrats to you. Thanks for the trailers. Excellent post. A real pleasure to read.

Unknown said...

Tina's the toast of the town and most likely kicking back some cocktails on the other side:)We should have her TREE OF LIFE ebook ready by week's end! Congrats to Mary & Jay for their new releases!
<a href=">Epitaph</a>

Leigh Covington said...

Seeing these books in lots of places. Very exciting! Congrats authors!!! And that spider-dog is weirding me out! lol.

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Sorry I never got to know Tina. Lovely tribute

Elizabeth Mueller said...

I love your sunflowers! I'm sure you made Tina smile today! <3

Oh, what about a spider cat? :P


Anonymous said...

So many bloggers' books. I need more time to read.

Beautiful sunflowers are everywhere. Such a great tribute.

Helena said...

I wish I had known Tina -- she sounds like a wonderful woman. May all the sunflowers in the world nod in her direction.

I loved the Giant Mutant Spider Dog! Even though I really, really can't stand tarantulas.

Cathy Keaton said...

The tarantula dog is hilarious! So cute.

Sad to hear about Tina's passing. RIP.

Anonymous said...

That's a really cute gift for Tina. I am sure she has seen it and loves it :)

Murees Dupè said...

Wonderful and original tribute for Tina.

Susan Scott said...

May your sister continue to resonate with you Alex.

SittieCates said...

I met Tina online, but our acquaintance was short. Sunflowers are the perfect tribute to her.

By the way, Alex, just would like to inform you that you're one of my nominees and awardees for "The Versatile Blogger Award" that I got for my second blog. Here's the post: Versatile Blogger Award: Delighted to Receive it!

TBM said...

Not sure I'll dress my dog up as a spider since they freak me out. And Miles isn't the easy-going dog. Just getting a sweater on him (and he needs them in the winter) is trying.

A wonderful tribute to Tina and lots of good book and movie news.

And exciting news about ISWG.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, yes it is!

Angela, he's not very scary in the light.

Samantha, I will mention the book in my next post. And Tina is enjoying a divine glass of wine right now.

Elizabeth, that would be even scarier.

Susan, I'm sure she always will.

Sittie, thanks!

TBM, he might not tolerate the spider outfit then.

Unknown said...

Nice tribute to Tina with the mini-Alex! I am sure she would approve.

Congrats to M.Pax and her new release!

Anonymous said...

Your tribute to Tina is beautiful. She'd love it.

Um, I think it's a terrible idea to dress that doggy up as a dog. Just look at him. He was so cute, then they added that awful costume!

I need to get my butt in gear and think of something to contribute for the book….

Dean K Miller said...

Looks like Guardians this weekend . . . though I'll be bending my wife's arm to get her to go.

Nice tributes everywhere for Tina. Those who think writers are shut-ins who don't know the outside world and its inhabitants are sadly mistaken. Best bunch of people I know.

Heading over to E.E.'s now.

Keep the love and the sunflowers growing.

Cate Masters said...

So sad about Tina :(

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I posted some ugly roots, but my heart was in the right place.

Lots of new good books...get the readers ready!

Gossip_Grl said...

Great post! And great tribute to Tina. I didn't know her personally like many of you, but I will remember how helpful she was when I was new to blogging.

dolorah said...

I forgot to post my sunflower yesterday. Got preoccupied with work stuff. Congrats on getting to 3 years, and beyond for IWSG.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elsie, I'd just be worried someone would shoot the poor dog.

Make her go, Dean! She'll enjoy it.

Stephanie Faris said...

I love mini-Alex. So cute! Great tribute. She'd be amazed at the outpouring of support and love for her out here in the blogosphere.

Finding a good critique partner is tough, so I need to check out that blog.

Leovi said...

I really liked your post on IWSG. Yes, well reasoned the qualities of a Good Critique Partner. They may also be true for other creative fields: music, painting ...!

farawayeyes said...

I never signed up for the Tina Tribute, but I did add some Sunflowers that a friend sent to me to the end of my BOTB Results post.

Nice to see Mini Alex out there in the blooms.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephanie, he was created by the awesome Elise!

Leovi, so true! I need someone who can judge my music fairly, just as you need another photographer to judge your work.

Faraway, and I know Tina appreciates that.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

The loss of Tina is felt throughout blogland and so it should be.

Cindy said...

I wanted to do IWSG post last time, but I missed it again. Hopefully next month because I have a lot of insecurities to unload.

Susan Kane said...

Sunflowers in our area are burnt to a crisp, but I do have some sunflower fabric. Just the right size for a baby quilt. Time to sew again.

The Armchair Squid said...

Spider dog! Love it. I think a spider cat would be more trouble, though.

John Wiswell said...

A nice tribute to Tina, Alex. I just wrote my dedication for her in an upcoming anthology.

Tammy Theriault said...

what a special and totally unique tribute :)

Tyrean Martinson said...

Wonderful tribute to Tina!

I have a few of those books already. :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Loved Mini Alex's sunflowers tribute to Tina. Its such a sweet gesture.

RaveAir said...

Have you been watched the other videos of the spider-dog video creator guy? Some of them are really funny.

Rick Watson said...

I snorted coffee out my nose when I saw the dog as a giant spider. I wish I had one of those for my collie this Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Ninja and Tina. Perfect.

Unknown said...

Dear Alex,

Thanks for visiting my post.

Tina was so special to me because we were mirror images of each other, linguistically. Our lives were very different, but we had Sweden and the two languages, Swedish and English, as a common denominator.

And besides that, Tina was such a likeable, well-balanced, and genuinely good person. I mean, she was a kind person, even when other people were not.

She was good for me.

I love her "From A to Z" from 2012; her postcards from Sweden. In one post she complained about the flats bottom sheets in Sweden that made bed-making so difficult, when she was growing up. I could report that there are now fitted bottom sheets here now. And there is a new Swedish word for them too - "dra-på-lakan", meaning literally "pull-on-sheets".

I wish I could have helped her.

It was a privilege to have "met" her, even if we only got to chat through comments on our blogs. I should have understood what might happen to her when she wrote in response to my stories about the my cat-population explosion, that she could not get anywhere near a cat because of her extremely bad asthma. She warned me to take care of my daughter, Elisabet, so that she does not get asthma.
Kind regards,

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful and heartfelt tribute!

DMS said...

What a beautiful tribute to Tina. Sunflowers are everywhere this time of year and it is a lovely flower to have remind us of someone. :)

Shannon Lawrence said...

I love what you did with the flowers and mini-Alex! And the spider dog was posted to my Facebook page by someone. We're planning how to make several of them to run around town. A friend volunteered his pure white husky. ;)

Velten said...

And do you want your own spider dog now? Back to posting on ...