My theme – I have selected a word for each day and will present to you blogger buddies who fit that description, along with movies, music, etc. My theme is to give back, highlight some awesome bloggers, and have fun in the process.
And today is for those that need to know it’s not the end, it’s the beginning!
Angela Brown
A single mom trying to fit writing into her busy day. Do not give up on that dream, Angela!
Katie at Creepy Query Girl
She’s had some setbacks and been at this query thing a long time. Katie, you are so close – don’t doubt who you are!
Liza at Middle Passages
She began her blog after suddenly finding herself unemployed. Liza, we’ve grown with you on this journey – keep moving forward!
Ted Cross
An epic fantasy writer trying to find a fit. Ted, don’t give up on that book!
A big thanks to everyone who visited and commented during the Challenge! At over a hundred comments a day, I know I couldn’t keep up with all the new people. Thanks to those who visited the bloggers I highlighted – it was awesome to see those people with new followers from the Ninja Army.
Special thanks to the A to Z Team, starting with Arlee Bird. Lee, two years ago you invited your followers to join you on this wild ride, and a hundred of us fumbled our way through the letters. But that first Challenge changed my blog forever and I am in your debt!
It took one heck of a team to pull off the Challenge this year. Jeremy Hawkins created many of the badges and banners, and he jumped in several times to help with emails and such. Tina Downey managed the Challenge email and kept us straight with posts. Damyanti Biswas was our Twitter Master. And everyone else who helped with the project - Stephen Tremp, Jenny Pearson, Matthew McNish, DL Hammons, Shannon Lawrence, Konstanz Silverbow, Karen Gowen, and Elizabeth Mueller. You guys rock!
This Wednesday, May 2, is the next posting for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! I was able to clean up the list so we have a good core group of participants now. If you haven’t signed up, please join us!
Next Monday is the A to Z Challenge Reflection post. Let us know what you thought of the Challenge – the good, the bad, and the surprising.
The following Monday is my First Loves Blogfest!
And the winner of my Epic Ninja 1500 Followers Giveaway is...Arlee Bird!
Congratulations, Lee! Now is that not fitting?
Whew! We made it. Feeling sad that it’s over? Ready for a nap? Going to share your thoughts on the Challenge during the Reflections post? Ready for Wednesday’s IWSG post? (Hey, you get Tuesday off! You can do it.)