Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WISE/WEIRD - A to Z Challenge

It’s the third A to Z Challenge! Blog the letters of the alphabet in order every day except Sundays The participation list is HERE – start with the blog after yours and visit at least five blogs a day. Mostly, make new friends and have fun!

My theme – I have selected a word for each day and will present to you blogger buddies who fit that description, along with movies, music, etc. My theme is to give back, highlight some awesome bloggers, and have fun in the process.

And my apologies for missing so many posts yesterday! We had meetings at work in the morning and a project I HAD to complete, so I didn’t make it to many of you. Forgive the Ninja? 


Clarissa Draper
Sometimes the best thing in the world is a broad and gentle wisdom. Clarissa possesses that and then some. She is sharp when it comes to all things concerning writing and is an expert editor. But you soon realize her wise thought extend far beyond the written word. I can easily picture Clarissa as the wise woman of the tribe, with everyone gathered around, waiting anxiously for her next words. Yes, I’m sure I just made Clarissa laugh with that sentence! But she really is one of the wisest people I know.

Jesse at Not Worth Mentioning
Since Clarissa is wise, then you probably assume Jesse gets the weird honors. The dude gets both! Yes, his posts are out there, on the fringe and poised ready to go over the edge. Nothing is sacred to Jesse. But the man is a genius. He knows how to push his topics to that line without shoving them so far that his followers abandon him like rats from a sinking ship. And that’s not an easy feat! Jesse my weird and wise friend, I salute you!

Tetsuo the Iron Man
If you think Lynch’s Eraserhead is the weirdest movie in the world, then you haven’t seen Tetsuo. You’ll watch with equal amounts of shock, revulsion, discomfort, and downright unease. Nothing about this movie will make you feel normal or good. And when it’s done, you’ll still have no idea what on earth you just witnessed. You have been warned…


Tracy Jo recounts her triumph over Dystonia in a post that is a testimony to the power of a great attitude!

MoonWynd is one of my new followers and she’ really struggling to connect with others in the Challenge. So if you could visit her site, I would greatly appreciate it .


To celebrate 1500 followers, I’m holding a giveaway – a copy of CassaStar and CassaFire! The books will be donated to the winner’s choice of public or high school library, along with a selection of bookmarks. (The winner also gets bookmarks.)

How to enter: (and must be a follower)
Comment on my posts (just once each) U-X (Tuesday through Friday) – one point
Ten extra points for the first comment (please don’t melt my blog)
Ten extra points if you blog about this contest (leave a link so I know)

Winner will be announced Monday during the Z post!

Following Clarissa and Jesse? Ever seen Tetsuo? (If not, do you dare?) Still trying to be the first to comment? Forgive the Ninja for not commenting yesterday? And name you favorite wise or weird person or thing.


kjmckendry said...

Could I really be first? wooo hoo!

Shelly said...

No. Not following Claris or Jenne. Never seen that movie. Weirdest and could take all night. Me eye-brains are fried.

Lauren said...

No, I don't think I would dare watch Tetsuo. I kind of like feeling normal and good....

I've seen Clarissa around the challenge blogs, but I don't think I've visited her blog. Off to go check it out now...

Laura Eno said...

Google says this has been up for 3 minutes and there's already 2 comments! I'll never be first...but I'm in the top 5!

Adrianne Russell said...

Thanks for linking to other bloggers! There's so many people to check out it can be hard to visit everyone. One of my favorite weird people is John Waters. Totally not afraid to embrace the oddness!

Tracy Jo said...

No way! I really tried tonight. Number 3. :-) Thank you so, so much for the mention! It means a lot to me after putting something so close to my heart out there. So thankful for all the support here!

Tracy Jo said...

Geez, by the time I hit enter I was number this will probably be like 8 or something. Ha!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kmc, you are the frist.

Andrew Leon said...

I think it's great that you're donating the books to a library. I've done that a few times with mine.

kjmckendry said...

I think I'll skip Tetsuo. I do follow both Clarissa and Jesse, they're great! And of course we'll forgive you! Life sometimes has to come before blogging! :)

Anonymous said...

You have me curious about Tetsuo the Iron Man.

Unknown said...

Ha, you did have me laughing by that sentence. And here I was hoping for weird. Oh well, perhaps next time. You're a super swell guy, Alex!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Ah, a wise word now and then is necessary.

Leigh Covington said...

Haven't seen it, but YES, I DARE! And I must follower Clarissa and Jesse. They both sound awesome! Cassie Mae is my favorite weirdo! Love that girl! And Peggy Eddleman is my wise favorite! Love her too!

Nicole said...

Whoa, that movie sounds ka-razy! ;)

Donna K. Weaver said...

Wise and Weird. That just made me smile.

D.G. Hudson said...

Sixteen comments already, but on the west coast, it's still Wednesday.

I'll visit the two bloggers you suggest on Thursday. I like wise, and weird I'll consider.

Never heard of Tetsuo.

Nancy Thompson said...

No thanks on the movie but I will go check out Jesse & MoonWynd, neither of whom I'm acquainted with. said...

Yes, I'm glad to be following both great bloggers, Clarissa and Jesse. Never heard of that movie and I'm good with that.

Be well, Alex.

Copyboy said...

Dude that was sooo nice! Thank you sooo much!!!

Robyn Campbell said...

Yikes I got busy with wedding stuff. The post is up, Captain!

Clarissa and Jesse are totally cool and wise. I've heard of Tetsuo, Alex. Um, I'm thinking I don't need to see it. Will visit MoonWynd.

Here's the linkage to the post:
Putting Pen To Paper

Carrie Butler said...

You know what would be entertaining? Watching everyone try to get to you first.. in person. Say, at a conference or something. People would vault over tables. Chairs would get knocked aside. Ah, yes. Chaos would ensue. :)

Cassie Mae said...

I follow both of these awesomesauce bloggers. :) Love weird people!

Um, and no way do I have the guts to see Tetsuo. I'll probably end up biting a hole in the hubs shirt like I did when I watched The Walking Dead.

Unknown said...

I may not make #1 at least I can get 10 pts for a blog post about the contest!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Weird and wisest movie? How about DONNIE DARKO? I think I can do without the revulsion -- if I want that, I can eat my own cooking. Going off to check out the bloggers you've spotlighted, Roland

Lisa said...

It is really already W. I like wise and weird :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

yep, I agree Clarissa is wise and wonderful.

I might pass on Tetsuo the Iron Man, though ;)

Empty Nest Insider said...

Lots of visiting to do, and thanks again for everything! Julie

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Jesse is one of my ultimate favourite bloggers. He's adorable and I think I may have a crush on him (but then he knows that).

Rekha said...

Sadly, I'll never be the first commenter, time difference. :(
Interesting bloggers, will have a peek in.
I have noticed this last year too, A-Z has many small, regular groups visiting each other and most of the newcomers have no or just couple of comments once in a while (some of them are frankly posts I am hard pressed to comment on).
I am guilty of the same practice this year, blame it on the extreme heat, power cuts and real life which have reduced my blogging time by 75%. I was lucky to have my photos in draft in Mar, so I didn't have to opt out.
From July onwards, I plan to visit all the ones on the linky I have never visited before.

Unknown said...

I have never visited any of the sites you have listed today, but I will definately visit them all tonight.I have never heard of that movie either!

My favourite wise person is of course - His Holiness the Dehli Lama


Never seen Eraserhead, but know of Clarissa. A great blog.


The Angry Lurker said...

Tetsuo put me off foreign horror movies.....for a little while!

Annalisa Crawford said...

Your description of Tetsuo puts me off a little bit - I like to have a vague idea of what's going on when I watch films, it makes me feel stoopid if I don'tunderstand!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Great blogs to follow!

Yeah, I'm probably not going to watch Tetsuo. I've seen Eraserhead, so if Tetsuo is weirder then I don't need to see it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Andrew, someone will enjoy them that wouldn't have otherwise.

Kathy, that 'life' was work which was the real bummer!

Thanks, Clarissa!

DG, it was Wednesday when I posted this unfortunately. Don't trust scheduled posts at the moment.

Jesse, you're welcome!

Robyn, you probably want to skip it.

Carrie, that would be funny.

Cassie, you'd chew through his flesh with this movie.

Thanks, Michael!

Roland, that was wise and weird.

Lass, if not, he knows now.

Rekha, yeah it happens. Hopefully Moonwynd gets a few more friends before the Challenge is over though.

Lurker, Tetsuo will put you off just about anything for a while!

Brinda said...

I've seen Clarissa around on other blogs. I'll have to visit her. I like weird. I think Jesse is a new one. AND that movie has to be too weird for me.

Ciara said...

Don't feel bad, I didn't make it by all the blogs yesterday either. Sometimes life gets in the way. :) I hope your meetings went well and you are back on the Ninja path.

Huntress said...

HooRay for Clarissa! One of my faves.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Eraserhead was weird, really... i must find out more about, Tetsuo the Iron Man. Does that star Robert Downey Jr too?

Rusty Carl said...

I haven't see Tetsuo before, I don't have as much patience for things I don't understand as I should. I'm not sure I'll be watching that movie.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I think we can all forgive you for doing that thing at work you're supposed to do at work called work. I wish I could blog more from my job.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Following Clarissa but going to check out Jesse.

Weirdest movie I ever saw was called Basketcase. Not sure we even got through the whole thing. But so creepy it stuck with us all this time.

Great post, sir.

Jemi Fraser said...

Clarissa is awesome! I'm loving her Death By... A to Z posts!

Unknown said...

I follow Clarissa and Jesse both, thanks to you. :) I love their blogs.

Tetsuo is utter madness.

farawayeyes said...

I know Clarissa but not Jesse. Saw Tracy Jo's awesome post and went to visit Moon Wynd. I was having some problems of my own with the participant list yesterday, but it was probably me or rather my browser. The price of living in paradise.

Luanne G. Smith said...

You're right, I did think Eraserhead was the weirdest movie ever. Don't know if I'll take it one step weirder and watch Tetsuo the Iron Man. Weird is just weird sometimes. :P

Karen Lange said...

Congrats on the followers, Alex! Great giveaway! Yes, follow Clarissa, and will have to check out Jesse's blog.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 1500! I just hit 200 and know how it feels to appreciate my fellow bloggers! Awesome news, Alex! Kudos!

Old Kitty said...

Charlie's pretty wild and weird!

Yay! take care

Sarah Ahiers said...

I'm familiar with Clarissa, but not Jesse. Off to visit Jesse's blog!!

Hart Johnson said...

Clarissa IS wise, and especially helpful to those of us plotting murders regularly... erm... Thanks for the intro to Jesse!

Allison said...

I have not seen Tetsuo the Iron Man, but when I think of weird movies, Mirror Mask is the first one that comes to mind. That is a neat idea for a giveaway!

Allison (Geek Banter)

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Checked out your wise and weird friends, Alex. Thanks.

Mary Montague Sikes

Matthew MacNish said...

I've seen Tetsuo, and you're right - mindblow. Did you know the whole thing is based off that scene near the end of Akira?

Tonja said...

I'm so glad you shared Tracy Jo's link.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Karen, I do!

Jeremy, no, but you can catch him in The Dark Backwards, another weird flick.

Heather, I've seen that film.

Faraway, I think it was down for a bit yesterday.

Thanks, Jack!

Allison, Mirror Mask was weird but at least watchable.

Matthew, I didn't. Did you know they made three sequels to Tetsuo?

Julie Dao said...

Guess what book is sitting on my nightstand right now?! Hint: It begins with a CASS and ends with a "astar."

Anonymous said...

Just stopped by Clarissa's, Jesse's, Tracy Jo's, and MoonWynd's blogs. And I haven't heard of or seen Tetsuo. I'll take the challenge and look to rent it.

Tyrean Martinson said...

I don't think I dare to see Tetsuo . . . and you are definitely forgiven! Sometimes life just gets crazy busy.

Anonymous said...

I'm dreading "X." Send help. ;-)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi Alex, just peeking through your window... through the Venetian blinds... I see much information in here and I will work my way through it shortly! Thanks for all your great help, love MoonWynd

PK HREZO said...

Well, Alex, I guess they actually put you to work yesterday, huh? Darn meetings. Just teasing, of course. But I do admit, I hate when my work duties interfere with my blogging. You'd think those airline passengers would have a little consideration regarding my cyberlife. :s

Cherie Reich said...

Work just ruins everything, doesn't it? Hehe!

I haven't heard of Tetsuo before.

Gossip_Grl said...

Love both of the blog suggestions. I have not heard of the movie Tetsuo tho. I think I have given up trying to be first to comment to your blog. I think this is #65 or 66, I think they are tag teaming and arm wrestling for that spot. j/k

Mina Burrows said...

I love Jesse's blog & posts. I'm heading over to check out Clarissa. Thx.

Rick Daley said...

I haven't seen Tetsuo. I've heard of Eraserhead, but haven't seen it, but having seen several of Lynch's other films I can only guess at the semi-cohesive visual mayhem that it surely holds...

Arlee Bird said...

Sometimes wise and weird make the best most effective combination--I can think of a few.

Places I Remember
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

David P. King said...

Have never heard of that movie before. I could use a little more weird in my life. Thanks for the recommendation! :)

Claire Hennessy said...

Wow, first comment, eh? Don't think that'll happen in my lifetime! Off to check out Clarissa (great name) and Jesse.

Unknown said...

Favorite wise person or thing: Yoda.

That was easy. : ) Really cool idea to donate to libraries, btw.

Leovi said...

Congratulations, at this rate soon spend than 2,000 followers.

Anonymous said...

Excellent choices. I think I should be happy I got Variety rather than Weird.

I can't see the name Tetsuo without thinking of one of my all-time favorite books by my all-time favorite author and mentor, "Not for Glory" by Joel Rosenberg.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, thank you! Hope you enjoy it.

Stephen, just don't let the kids see it.

Liz, you can do it!

MoonWynd, you are welcome!

PK, that's right!

Gossip, it's fight for the top.

Rick, it's out there.

David, good luck watching it.

Leovi, that would be scary.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Clarissa's blog is one of the first ones I stared following. Always a good read.

Laura Josephsen said...

Man, that you've been able to keep up with people at all on top of everything else, I'm very impressed. Between writing and editing deadlines, my blogging has fallen by the wayside. O_o

I've never seen Tetsuo, and looking at your description and that cover, I don't think I ever will. ;)

Charles Gramlich said...

i'm a big fan of weird.

Tara Tyler said...

weirdest movie i ever heard of & wouldnt watch is human centipede, ewwwww! saw south park's version & that was bad enough!

Gwen Gardner said...

I don't know the others, but Clarissa is awesome! Have you seen the crime resources on her site? And her A-Z true crime stories kept me coming back.

Alexandra Heep said...

I stopped by Moon Wynd's blog and left some love.

Not entering your contest, but have fun with it. I still don't see how you make time for it all.

You must be one super-organized ninja.

baygirl32 said...

Yep Jesse takes the weird! :)~

Christine Rains said...

Something weirder than Eraserhead? Interesting. Checking out two new bloggers now. :)

Morgan said...

Love this give-a-way, Alex! So fun. I would freak to get a copy of your books! :D

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I can't help it I am fan of Clarissa's blog. But, I'll go check out the others. :)


Nick Wilford said...

It feels like a gauntlet thrown down to watch a movie like that. But there's no way my wife would. She never quite got over SAW, and I'm not watching on my own!

mooderino said...

Tetsuo is definitely a bonkers movie.


Ella said...

I love these W's...very wise choices!
I know Clarissa. I will check out the rest~ What wonderful choices you so thoughtful picked~

Hope your day is wacky and wonderful!
Damn, wish it was Wacky Wednesday!
Okay, so now it is thoughtful Thursday?! Let's hope...

Liza said...

Congratulations Alex. That's a thoughtful give away!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, I'm doing my best!

Tara, not watching that one either.

Alexandra, I just do my best.

Nick, far weirder than Saw!

Ella, you are always thoughtful.

PR said...

That movie sounds amazing! :)

Unknown said...

Following both these blogs and stopped by to visit MoonWynd (great name)Have no favorite wise person (maybe Yoda) or weird one. I think everything and everyone is weird!

SpacerGuy said...

Tetsuo sounds like a really spooky movie.

Julie Flanders said...

I can't imagine how you visit as many blogs as you do, I'm sure the Ninja will be forgiven!

Jesse's blog is new to me so I'll have to check that out, weird is fun.

Nate Wilson said...

Yeah, I know a bunch of wise guys. Not the type who like making irrefusable offers, but the type for whom sarcasm is a way of life.

Whereas, my favorite weird person would probably be Al.

M Pax said...

Wow. Something stranger than Eraserhead ...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Siv, we are!

Nate, good one,

Mary, it really is weirder. Didn't think that was possible.

cleemckenzie said...

Just when I think I might have caught up, another day rolls around and I'm where I was yesterday, except staring down a different letter.

Obviously I can't ignore weird, so will be sure to check out the Iron Man along with the others.

On to X!

Leslie S. Rose said...

I've seen Clarissa's comments around Bloglandia. Time to go visit her. Again, thanks for the spotlights. Great to meet new friends.

Golden Eagle said...

Uh, dare watch that movie? Probably not. Though morbid curiosity is raising its head now. :P

I've given up trying to be the first to comment. LOL. I get up at the wrong time in the morning and would probably not be able to form a coherent comment if I tried!

The Golden Eagle
The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I have too many weird friends to name though Ava at Tongue in Cheek is way out there.

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,
Humble apologies for not being around much later. I mean us dudes and all our multi-tasking. Yes, I can watch TV and drink a cup of coffee, all at the same time.
Now then, Clarissa is one of my starstruck fans and she has the great privilege of having me linked into her site. And Jesse I shall delight by checking out.
Tetsuo is something I'd be brave enough to watch. After all, I survived watching "Bedknobs and Broomsticks".
My favourite wise and also weird creature is Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star. Her pawstings put any human's writing to shame....
All the beast, I mean, best :)

mshatch said...

omg Erasorhead WAS the strangest movie ever! I sat there watching it with this look on my face - the entire time! - like WTF?

Patricia Stoltey said...

I follow Clarissa and find her posts amazing. The series she did on poisons was excellent and gave me lots of ideas...for fiction, Alex, fiction.

Marta Szemik said...

Just saw Jesse's post on Hemp Candy:) hehe!
Haven't seen Tetsuo, but despite the warning, I'm now intrigued.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Golden, you could just go with "Bam!" Worked for Heather.

That's all right, Gary! And it will take great bravery to watch that film. Trust me.

Patricia, good for you!

michelle said...

I'm off to Clarissa, Jesse and Moonwynd right about .... now-------------- WHOOSH----------- (and this whooshing all over the blogiverse is super-duper-ultra-uber hectic - phew!)

Pat Tillett said...

I'm not thinking I'll be seeing that movie anytime soon!
I've been following Clarissa and Jesse for a very long time...

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. you've got masses going on and how you all cope - I have no idea! Love Clarissa and your updates on bloggers, new releases etc ..

Cheers Hilary

Suze said...

Clarissa is a great, friendly blogger.