Movie Review – X-Men Days of Future Past
One of the best X-Men movies so far!
I can’t say too much about it without spoilers. It’s a compelling story that melds past and future together well.
There is an all-star line-up of mutants. You’ll see a lot of familiar faces and several new mutants. (One of the best and funniest scenes involves Quicksilver.)
This film is epic in scope – the storyline, action, and special effects. You will walk out of the theater thinking ‘Wow!’ It’s a spectacle movie you’ll want to see in the theater.
It competes with Captain America: Winter Soldier for the best superhero film of the year, and definitely one of the best movies so far. And with this film, they have completely rebooted the series.
Highly recommended!
Ninja News
Today I am at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website with tips on author etiquette online.
Over at the A to Z Blog, Themes that Rocked the Challenge continues with Lanise Brown,
who posted images of amazing libraries from around the world.
Out now!
Leverage by Nancy Thompson
This is the sequel to The Mistaken, an incredible thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
You can pick up Leverage on Amazon
Pat Hatt has a new book – The Cosmic League: Rise of the Allies.
Citadels of Fire, Book 1 of Kremlins by LK Hill comes out on Tuesday!
Shelly Arkon and her pups gave me the Bonefied Blogger Award. Her husband was recently in the hospital, so prayers for Shelly.
During the A to Z Challenge, Sia McKye was recovering from an injury, but author Kat Sheridan was awesome enough to step in and blog for her. Kat’s first book, Echoes in Stone, came our recently, and you can purchase it on Amazon
Eric Buffington is giving away copies of Stones of Power Book 1, The Exile this month. Use coupon code sw69s at Smashwords
From Randy Johnson at Not the Baseball Pitcher - Ten Coolest Movie Spaceships
You Rock Awards!
Time for the fifth annual You Rock Awards!
Every year, I select a handful of blogger buddies and highlight them. I keep making new friends, so it doesn’t get any easier as the years pass! The people below are very special to me, and I hope you’ll read why and then pay them a visit.
Past recipients include Arlee Bird, Yvonne Lewis, RaShelle Workman, Hannah, Jeffrey Beesler, Gail, Rusty Webb, Chuck, George, Jeremy Hawkins, Matthew, Old Kitty, Ella, M Pax, Roland Yeomans, Melissa Bradley, Robyn Englel, Lynda Young, Michael Di Gesu, Heather Gardner, Stephen Tremp, and Father Dragon Al.
This year’s You Rock recipients are:
Tina at Life is Good
This one is long overdue. Tina has been a dear friend for years, and through her posts and email exchanges, I know more about her than anyone else.. She is an integral part of the A to Z Team, which could not function without her organization and wit. Yes, if you’ve not met Tina, that’s the first thing you need to know – she is hilarious. I never know what she’s going to say, but I know it will be both funny and genuine. Tina, you are a delight in all things you do, and I could not be more honored to be your friend. Since we both claim Jeremy as a brother, that would make you my sister. Yeah, aren’t we a wild family?
Tina, you rock!
Damyanti at Daily (w)rite
Another one that is overdue! I’ve known Damyanti for even longer, and she’s also an important part of the A to Z Team. Hailing from India, she is an incredibly talented writer and deep thinker. She’s a gentle soul with an inner strength. And she’s very forgiving and patient – she’s put up with me calling her Damy for years! (I worried I would misspell her name.) We have a strong mutual respect for each other and I know I can always count on her. Damy, you can always count on me – I have your back.
Damyanti, you rock!
Edi at Edi’s Book Lighthouse
I met Edi four years ago while searching for book bloggers who reviewed science fiction. Not only did he agree to review CassaStar, he posted the most amazing review just before its release. I’d already become a fan of his blog, and from that point onward, we became more than reviewer and author – we became friends. Sometimes you just need someone who ‘gets you’ and understands the heart behind what you write. Edi is that person. We have a lot in common and I always trust his judgment. If we ever get the opportunity to speak in person (he lives in Germany) I know we’d discuss books, movies, ideas, and life well into the night. Edi, honored to be your friend – and to know you by your real name.
Edi, you rock!
Suze at Subliminal Coffee
Suze is probably the most introspective and wise person I know. If you visit her blog, take your brain. There’s no skimming her posts – and you wouldn’t want to, as you would miss so many nuggets of wisdom. No one knows how to craft words like Suze. (She’s currently working on a rewrite for an agent and he damn well better sign her, because no one deserves publication more than Suze.) You’ll learn a bit more about life and people, and come away looking at the world a little differently after spending time with her. Lest you think she’s all pomp, she does have a geek side, and it’s fun to see that come out now and then! (The geek stuff is probably why she visits me. Either that, or I amuse her.) Suze, you challenge me, my friend. And that’s good.
Suze, you rock!
Karen Walker at Following the Whispers
I believe Karen was one of my first followers. (I think we were in the BBT group together?) She is incredibly honest and open, and in ways I can’t ever imagine sharing with the world. There is such strength in that kind of transparency. She’s devoted to her friends and I don’t believe she’s ever missed one of my posts except when traveling overseas. Karen’s both author and singer, so we share a love of writing and music. (And if you’ve never read her book, Following the Whispers, pick it up today!) Karen also makes me think. She makes me appreciate life. And she prods me to live for the joy of today. She is a true friend.
Karen, you rock!
Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth is one of my very first followers. (Probably one of the first ten!) Considering she is the most successful author I personally know, I’ve never figured out why she followed me – or why she visits every time I post. (I must amuse her as well!) Elizabeth maintains a very professional author site, offering incredible information and tips. She shares what she’s learned and even set up the Writer’s Knowledge Base to help others. A full time writer, she really has her act together. And she’s real. I think that is what I admire most about her.
Elizabeth, I know the award doesn’t fit your site, but it fits you – and you rock!
My friends, I’ll email you a personalized You Rock badge today!
And I will be on vacation this Friday through Monday with very limited Internet! So no post on Monday. Looking forward to getting away and I will even have a little time to write.
Anyone else see X-Men this weekend? Excited about the new releases? Do anything fun Memorial Day weekend? And what blogger buddies rock your world…?
Don’t forget to visit the Insecure Writer’s Support Group and remember IWSG post day is Wednesday, June 4!