Today I’m welcoming a Twitter buddy, Leo Wyld. In addition to being a Rocket Raccoon fan, he is an expert online gamer. Now, I’ve not played a lot of games online (although I am really digging the new Fallout 76), so I asked Leo to fill you in on etiquette and strategies. Take it away, Leo!
Cosmic Greetings! My name is Leo Wyld. It's not my legal name, but it's the name I use on my writing and nearly everywhere I frequent online. Here I'm representing two of my passions, writing and gaming. I'm not published as a writer but have worked as a contributor at a now-defunct Guardians of the Galaxy newsite called Guard the Galaxy. I also have designed and written my own sites, one of which is for fans of Marvel's superhero Rocket Raccoon. I dubbed the fandom Raccoonatics (combination of raccoon and lunatics) and is our site. Gaming is a hobby I've had since as long as I've had memories, starting with Atari back in the 80's. Today, though, I am writing about online gaming.
I had my first online computer in early 1999 and I've been playing some game or another online since then. Some advice and some of my favorite games:
Find friends and allies in the community. A good way to do this is to join a guild that fits your personality and playstyle. Even if you mostly play solo, having people to chat with. or group with when content requires, can make a game much more enjoyable.

Learn, grow, but don't lose sight of the main goal. Everyone is new at some point. Don't be afraid to ask questions from the community. Some might be annoyed be frequently asked questions – see Mankrik's wife – but you'll likely find someone to give an answer. Don't forgot to use the Internet. Some of the toughest mechanics and quest-related quandries can be resolved by a quick web search. The more you play, you better you will become at the game. Keep in mind, there will always be players who are just better at the game and you will likely be judged at some point for your skill level (or lack thereof). Take advice when it is given kindly and work on improving where you struggle but always do so in a way you find enjoyable. Because above anything else I've said, a game is entertainment. If playing the game a certain way makes you miserable, it's just not worth it. Always put having fun first – if you can do that, you'll figure out how to navigate the other obstacles.
Now, for some online games I am currently enjoying...
World of Warcraft –PC only
Elder Scrolls Online –Is available on PC, PS4, and XB1.
Guild Wars 2 –PC only
Champions Online – PC only
I have some others I play less frequently, but I won't bother listing everything here (we'd be here a while). These listed are my most recommended. I think any of them you should at least try out. And, who knows, maybe you'll see me online. Have fun online!
Find Leo on Twitter and at the Raccoonatics website.
Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse Review
Miles Morales becomes Spider-Man and teams up with other Spider-Men from different dimensions to stop Kingpin from destroying all dimensions.
One word - wow!!
It's unlike any animated film you've seen before. It's literally a work of art put on the screen. It's also one of the best Spider-Man movies.
Combining elements of 3D, cell, anime, comic book, and graffiti art creates an amazing visual experience. It's certainly a must-see in 3D.
It focuses on Miles' story, but the other characters are also fleshed out nicely. There are many major villains in the film, but they don't distract from the story at all.
One of the funniest moments involves a scene with an elevated train - you will literally laugh yourself out of your seat. There were a lot of really funny moments, along with many touching scenes.
Even if you're tired of the superhero genre, this film is a breath of fresh air and a must see.
Very highly recommended!!
Latest Godzilla King of the Monsters Trailer and Posters
The second trailer dropped recently on YouTube. Wow! You get to see the monsters, including Ghidorah, in all their glory. They even made Mothra look bad-ass. And check out the new posters.
Monday’s Music Moves Me
Hosted by Xmas Dolly. And today it’s all about the Christmas music.
Our band has been really busy learning and playing new songs for Christmas. This is one of them – God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen by MercyMe. A rocking version that I’m sure is not what you are accustomed to! Watch on YouTube or below:
New Releases
Hosted by Xmas Dolly. And today it’s all about the Christmas music.
Our band has been really busy learning and playing new songs for Christmas. This is one of them – God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen by MercyMe. A rocking version that I’m sure is not what you are accustomed to! Watch on YouTube or below:
New Releases
Journey Through a Dark Forest: Lyuba and Ivan in the Age of Anxiety by Carrie Anne Brownian
This Russian historical is available in four volumes.
Find them on Amazon - Vol I, Vol II, Vol III, and Vol IV
Writing Secrets of the World's Most Prolific Authors by Sean McLachlan
What does it take to write 100 books? What about 500? Or 1,000?
Find it on Amazon
Fate Summoner by Juliana Haygert
The Fire Heart Chronicles Book 5
“Magic never lies. I’m forced to make a choice. And once I decide, I can never go back.”
Find it on Amazon
The next post date for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is January 2.
We’ll be announcing the winners of the 2018 IWSG Anthology Contest, so don’t miss it!
And we need one more co-host for that day!! If you can help out, please leave a comment or send me an email.
The #IWSGPit Twitter pitch is once a year now – and the next one is Tuesday, January15.
Don’t miss it, either!
The IWSG Goodreads Group is currently reading Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
The discussion will start January 23, 2019 and will go to the end of the month, but it will be up indefinitely, so you can hop in whenever you're able.
This will be my last post until January 2. I’ll be taking a break starting Friday. (And Aquaman was great! Such a fun movie.)
Everyone have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and enjoy your holidays!