Friday, April 20, 2012


It’s the third A to Z Challenge! Blog the letters of the alphabet in order every day except Sundays The participation list is HERE – start with the blog after yours and visit at least five blogs a day. Mostly, make new friends and have fun!

My theme – I have selected a word for each day and will present to you blogger buddies who fit that description, along with movies, music, etc. My theme is to give back, highlight some awesome bloggers, and have fun in the process.


M. Pax at Wistful Nebulae
I’m not sure when I discovered Mary’s site. I think it was during one of her Pine Mountain Observatory stints. But here was a woman who was totally a science fiction geek! More than that, I quickly discovered that Mary was incredibly dedicated and supportive of her friends. And in return, she is someone I would go out of my way to champion and defend. Shame she lives on the other side of the USA, as I would love to meet Mary in person.

EJ at The Open Vein
EJ is everything – supportive, spirited, steadfast, and any other S word I could imagine. EJ’s spirit is honest and open to any who will listen. His motives are pure and words so true. EJ, don’t change your style for anything!

Jen at Widdershins and Skeleton Keys
The moment you see Jen’s icon, you know you have a spirited individual on the other side! She is a breath of fresh air. Jen, you may not think you are making a difference here in the blogging world, but your words have a big impact on me!

My wife fits both of these words perfectly. She stuck with me through all the writing, rejection letters, and frustration. Her motivation and spirit gave me fuel to achieve all my hopes and dreams.


First, a HUGE thanks to Michael at In Time for devoting his R post to me. I was humbled by his words and first attempt at science fiction writing, which was really good. Michael, you rock!

One of my most devoted commenters is Natalie Aguirre. She helps run Literary Rambles, which just made Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers for May/June. Congratulations, Natalie! That is just mindblowing.

Cherie Reich’s Flashes of Foxwick is available as an eBook! If you haven’t been following her A to Z posts, you need to check out these fantasy flashes.

And a HUGE thanks to everyone who has followed the bloggers I've featured. My greatest joy has been checking their sites and seeing all the new followers and comments. Thanks - you guys rock!

Following M. Pax, EJ, and Jen? Is Michael not just the most awesome friend? Do you have friends that just amaze you sometimes? Who do you know who is supportive or spirited? I know how much I appreciate those who’ve supported me - how about you?


Chuck said...

I am the number one comment!! Woohoo.

Chuck said...

ANd the number two!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Chuck, yes you are! For some reason, my scheduled posts weren't posting, so I just published this one before going to bed.

Unknown said...

There you go Alex! I had faith you'd make it this weekend. I'm really interested in checking out Natalie's blog. Thanks for that.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Yay for Natalie, and now I'm off to visit a few more blogs. Have a great weekend!

Rusty Carl said...

I'm a huge fan of Mary... really excited about her upcoming releases. And there is a lot of really awesome folks out there. I wish I knew more of them.

JD said...

I'm follower 1500!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

First of all, it's so important to have people in our lives who believe in us and what we do. I'm glad you have your wife's support and that you gave her a shout out.

I'm following Mary, Yay me. I will check out the others.

Congrats to Natalie. WD is an honor.


Nancy Thompson said...

I know Mary, but not EJ & Jen. I will soon though. And yay for Natalie! Can you imagine how that must feel? I do have the most supportive friends & family, & grateful for them everyday!

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

Nice of you to introduce bloggers to one another. You're a keeper!

M.J. Fifield said...

Cherie's flash fiction posts have been great. A perfect theme for the challenge.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

What a great challenge. I don't think I've said that enough!!!

Denise Covey said...

Ah, it's just one of the reasons I love this blogging community. It's so supportive.


Cassie Mae said...

Alex!!! You hit 1500 followers!! Wahoo! I've been obsessively checking it all day, lol.

And I know I've got a whole heap of people keeping my head above water. Love all my peeps and don't know what I'd do without them!

There's this one dude... oh what's his name? he's got like 1500 followers and comments on like a thousand blogs a day. Yeah, he's pretty darn supportive ;)

Annalisa Crawford said...

Mary is a lovely person and blogger. I don't know the other two, yet.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Mary is an awesome person and I love her passion for the observatory.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Mary is very supportive and spirited! Congrats on reaching 1500 followers! Julie

michelle said...

Congratulations on hitting 1500 followers, Alex!
I've met tons of supportive and quite a few spirited bloggers along the way...
I think you fit the mould quite nicely too...

Unknown said...

I do catch Mary at M Pax and EJ at The Open Vein from time to time but I do not know Jen at Widdershins and Skeleton Keys, thanks Alex. Congrats on reaching 1500 you are amazing!


A good S word.
Thanks for being so supportive to me on many things in blogland.
It was a lovely thing to write about your wife.
Congrats on the 1500's to the next 1500.


Ted Cross said...

There is a small core of people who stick with my blog no matter how bad I get at keeping it up. I really appreciate them. If I lost them, I think I'd lose all motivation to keep at it.

PR said...

I love it when the first commenter simply says they are the first commenter! Woohoo on your 1500 followers :)

PK HREZO said...

Such great news all around! I'm off to check out Michael's post ...
*highfives to EJ and MPax*

Unknown said...

So much great news and interesting bloggers. I love the Foxwick series.

Anonymous said...

I like the sound of supportive and spirited bloggers.

Have a great weekend.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for sharing my news Alex. I appreciate it. And I saw Michael's post. It was great.

Unknown said...

great blogs you have mentioned. As far as I am concerned I believe this whole community is a supportive one, and then there is you, the biggest support any blogger could hope for :)

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I love M. Pax and her blog. She's truly awesome.

By the way, congrats on hitting 1500 followers. :)

Christine Rains said...

M. Pax is awesome. I just checked out and followed the other blogs too. Congratulations on hitting 1500! There's a lot of very supportive folk in the online writing community here. They rock.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, thanks!

Rusty, there's a whole list of them.

JD, thank you!

Wendy, my wife uses that phrase now and then.

Cassie, thank you very much!

Thanks, Julie.

Michelle, appreciate that.

Thanks, CM and Yvonne.

Thanks, Anna.

Natalie, you are welcome.

Siv, thanks - that's really sweet.

George and Christine, thanks.

Laura Eno said...

Mary posts such awesome pictures from the observatory! She is a great supportive blogger.
As Siv said, you are the biggest supporter there is in the blogging community. The ninja ROCKS!

SpacerGuy said...

Thanks for sharing the newest and latest in the blogsphere. I'm trying to keep up!

Unknown said...

I love Mary as well. She is a wonderful writer and friend. Still playing catchup, but I'm loving visiting all the people you're spotlighting and have found some inspiration in them.

Brinda said...

I already follow Mary and think she is the coolest sci-fi blogger! (Besides you, of course). I will check out the other two. :)

Ciara said...

I already follow M Pax and adore her. I'll check out the other two now. I love how you are highlighting some of your fellow bloggers.

Torggil said...

This challenge rocks! Thank you for co-hosting it.


Gossip_Grl said...

Will check out the blog suggestions and wanted to tell you congrats on making it to 1500 followers.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

My scheduled posts are posting either, Alex. I think it is the new look Blogger is attempting. And congratulations on reaching 1500. Now, if you only got a dollar for each one you had, right? LOL.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I've been following M. Pax I think since the last challenge.

My post scheduler is still not working. Someone said they are converting everyone to the new blogger interface. I've been on it so long I didn't realize everyone wasn't already too. Someone mentioned we should all do a quick export of our blogs to make sure we don't lose anything.

1501! Nice job.

Jemi Fraser said...

Those are all great bloggers. I was thrilled for Natalie and Casey when I read about the listing! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, thanks!

Spacerguy, good thing tomorrow is Sunday.

Torggil, glad you are enjoying it.

Thanks, Gossip.

Thank you Roland. And several people are having problems with their posts not posting.

Heather, I've been using the new interface since last year. And yes, I do export my blog at least once a week.

Luanne G. Smith said...

I think someone else *coughyoucough* could also be called supportive and spirited. :)

JennaQuentin said...

Thanks for these links - can't wait to meet these folks! My husband has also been a great support - bless all the spouses of writers!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Thanks for introducing me to these great blogs, Alex!

S. L. Hennessy said...

I'm new to Jen's blog, but it's been a real fun read lately!

Anonymous said...

Yep. Following all three of these bloggers. Off to visit them right now. And where would we be without the support of those around us? I try to return the favor at least once a day to someone.

Robyn Campbell said...

Love Flashes of Foxwick. And the support of the blogging community is super bodacious, Alex. It is awe-inspiring to a part of this beautiful bunch of folks.

Nope. Not following them. I'll visit them later. Going shopping. Got the credit card. *wink* (Poor hubby) :-)

I have pals who support me day in and day out. I plan on doing a post about that after my two week break in May. Hat's off to Michael. He's a great pal and a fantastic writer and blogger.

Jay Noel said...

Love me some Mary! She put the SCI is science-fiction for sure.

And thanks to you for highlighting some great blogs. I'm finding new places to visit!

Unknown said...

Alex, you never cease to amaze with your generosity! Seriously, I had a bunch of new comments on a blog post I'd done over a week ago from followers I didn't know. I thought, "What the what is going on?"

Then I saw your note to check out your blog... :)

Not sure I've earned the kind words you said about me, but they're appreciated a ton nonetheless. Your support has been a real bright spot for me.

Thanks to all the new people checking me out as well. Always great to meet new faces.


Unknown said...

Alex, you never cease to amaze with your generosity! Seriously, I had a bunch of new comments on a blog post I'd done over a week ago from followers I didn't know. I thought, "What the what is going on?"

Then I saw your note to check out your blog... :)

Not sure I've earned the kind words you said about me, but they're appreciated a ton nonetheless. Your support has been a real bright spot for me.

Thanks to all the new people checking me out as well. Always great to meet new faces.


Mina Burrows said...

Hi Alex. Are you glad tomorrow's our day off? 1500 now! Yay! Congrats. M Pax is pretty awesome. I'm heading over to check out In Time. Thx.

Martha said...

Wow, 1500 followers - congrats Alex! I'm off to visit today's featured bloggers. I've found some great ones through your features, thanks! :)

Tyrean Martinson said...

I didn't know EJ - but I love his site and his posts now that I've been there. He is a funny, wise guy. I have some awesome supportive family members and some supportive friends. Lately, I've been brave enough to say "I'm a writer" to acquanitances and some of them have been very supportive. Some not . . . but I'm plugging my ears around the non-supportive types.
Many awesome bloggers, including you, have been hugely supportive and encouraging!

Rick Daley said...

For all of the solitude that is writing, it's quite evident that you can't do it alone.

And congrats to Natalie!

Charles Gramlich said...

All sound like fascinating blogspots to visit.

Savannah Chase said...

Will be checking out those blogs you listed. Thank you.

Bish Denham said...

Ah, more bloggers to check out. Thanks Alex!

D.G. Hudson said...

M Pax is one of my favourite blogs, and part of the reason is her voice and the excellent science info. I've followed her since one of the previous blogfests. I've checked out Michael's blog and now follow him. Will check out the other two.

What an honour, the MC in a fiction piece (Michael's), and I like to hear you pay homage to the wife. Supportive spouses are exactly what a writer needs.

M Pax said...

Thanks for the SO Alex. I think I've met Jenn. Will have to check on that and EJ later.

Congrats to Natalie & Cherie. I'm amazed and awed at how prolific Cherie has been.

I appreciate everyone who supports me, and I'm always happy to go out of my way to help others. I've always been a sap that way. Well, I'm off to my workshop....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, LG.

Robyn, don't go crazy with that card now!

EJ, you are most welcome! And good to know my Army is finding you.

Mina, I need Sunday desperately!

Thanks, Martha.

Tyrean, just ignore the nay-sayers!

DG, that was just a super awesome thing for Michael to do!

Mary, you are so welcome!

Cherie Reich said...

Mary, EJ, and Jen are definitely bloggers to follow!

Thanks for the mention of my Flashes of Foxwick. :)

Congrats to Natalie!

And I think you are very supportive too, Alex! Congrats for 1500 followers!

Tonja said...

I agree with you about Mary. She's awesome. I'll go check out the others.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Hi Alex, I did a quick catch up from your week of wonderful blog networking. Jen is one of my favorite bloggers, and I follow several of the others you highlighted this week.
Cheers to you!
Play off the Page

Patricia Stoltey said...

I belong to a whole network of supportive writer/blogger friends, and I'm so grateful for that. All of them are amazing.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I follow Mary - she lives in my childhood state of Oregon.

I need to read Michael's piece. I'm a bit behind in blogging right now.

cleemckenzie said...

Mary's amazing. I'm a big fan. And I enjoy Natalie a lot as well. So many excellent bloggers to stop in and say hi to.

J.C. Martin said...

MJ and Jen are new to me. And yes, Michael is a sweetheart! The entire online writers' community, in my opinion, are super-supportive of each other. We all ROCK, so let's give each other a pat on the back. :)

J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger

mooderino said...

Literary Rambles sounds interesting although the line doesn't seem to be working for me.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cherie, thanks and you are welcome!

JC, that's right!

Golden Eagle said...

I'm following all three, and Michael. All excellent bloggers.

The Golden Eagle
The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

Rek Sesh said...

I met Mary in A-Z 2011 and have been following her ever since, supportive is a word I would definitely ascribe to her along with encouraging. Hoping her writing career really kicks off this year. And Cherie's wordplay is something I am loving this time.
Will check out the others later. I don't know how you manage to visit everyone without being mentally fatigued. I can't seem to get around my small gathering in time nowadays.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Oh I'm off to check out Michael's post at In Time. That's just awesome :)) And you are the superest of super bloggers Alex.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

It's fun to meet new bloggers but I so appreciate those who stop by my blog all the time and have for many months.

Unknown said...

Widdershins and Skeleton Keys? Okay, that's a cool enough name that I have to go check it out!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rekha, just trying to do my best as a friend and a Challenge co-host.

Thanks, Michael.

Rachel, she's a hoot!

TL Conway said...

Does your wife know about your blog shout out? That is incredibly thoughtful, Alex. Coming from you though, that doesn't surprise me.

And congrats, Natalie! Such great news!

Tracy Jo said...

You made it...1503!!! I love Jen...her words touch me too. Off to check out the rest. :-) Lovely words about your wife too!

Lindi said...

Hi Alex,

Just like your wife, my hubby stuck with me through all the rejections and stories that just didn't work. I know I couldn't have done this thing without his support.

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,
You and those involved in the true ethos of a sharing, caring, all different, all equal, blogging community, shall continue to get my spirited support.
I shall, check out your links and thanks for the info.

Marta Szemik said...

I do follow all three and love their blogs.
The most supportive person in my life is my mom. She never doubted I'd publish:) Thanks mom!

Leslie S. Rose said...

I recently discovered M. Pax and I'm smitten. I see Natalie's comments all over. She's amazing and Literary Rambles is legen...wait for it...dary.

mshatch said...

Michael is definitely awesome. I loved meeting him.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

TL, I do share everything here with her.

Tracy, thanks!

Lindi, it takes their support to survive.

Gary, thanks for continuing to stop by and humoring me!

Leslie, she comments everywhere!

Julie Musil said...

I was so excited for Literary Rambles! They totally deserve that honor.

These other bloggers are new to me, so I'm going to check them out. Thanks, Alex!

Leovi said...

Yes, the blog of Mary is a nice place to get lost in time and space.

Nicole said...

Although I am not familiar with any of the blogs, bloggers or writers mentioned here, I'm on my way to visit EJ's site just based off of the name! Oh yeah! :)

Yes I have friends that just amaze me sometimes...I'm amazed at how well they handle certain situation. My aunt is supportive and spirited. She always has a pleasant outlook on things, which is refreshing. I appreciate those who've supported me a whole helluva lot, for without their support, especially Alana from Writercize, Herman at Terrible Analogies, Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out, oh, and my mother, I don't know where I'd be today.

Blog: The Madlab Post
*Rockin' the A to Z Challenge!*
@MadlabPost on Twitter

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, I'm really excited for Natalie!

Nicole, that is wonderful.

Angela Brown said...

One of my girlfriends, she isn't a blogger, is very spirited and supportive of my writing endeavors and my day to day struggles as a single mom, given she is one too. With another girlfriend, we lean on each other, support each other and lift each other up when one feels down. If I weren't doing a daily episode for Abby and Basil at my blog, I would've dedicated my "R" to my best bud Roxanne.

In the blogger world, I have gotten to know people like you, Alex, who show so much love that it's no surprise people will beat down your door to reciprocate the love. And it's done genuinely, which is the best part. Plus, I think you've gotten me hooked on Hot Tamales lol!! said...

WOOHOO, you're at 1503 and growing! CONGRATULATIONS, Alex.

You exemplify all the traits you're highlighting in other bloggers.

PS I was so excited to get a copy of CassaFire in the mail today. So far I can say it's a damn good start!


Rachna Chhabria said...

I follow M Pax.. need to check out the other two blogs.

BTW..I have given up on being the first one to comment. Its not going to happen anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on 1500+ followers!

Will have to check out the links you've mentioned.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Angela, your friend sounds special. And score! Another Hot Tamales addict.

Robyn, thanks so much for ordering it!

Rachna, I'm sorry.

shelly said...

I follow E.J. He's really cool and hip, too.

Tara Tyler said...

awwww! i wish my hub was more into what i do. then again, maybe not...ha!

Talli Roland said...

I don't some of these bloggers - must check them out. A massive congrats to Natalie! That really is mind-blowing.

Lisa said...

What a wonderful and close to heart S.

Alex, my blog has a new address and it is on my profile. Thank you Alex.

Jessica Salyer said...

Three new people to check out. Congrats to Natalie that's amazing.

Nicki Elson said...

M. Pax is an incredibly wonderful human being and quite an inspiration. Hm, maybe the two of you could meet for lunch at an in-between spot...say Chicago? I hope you won't mind a third wheel!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Oceangirl, thanks for letting me know!

Nicki, we'll see what we can do!

Julie Flanders said...

Mary and EJ are two of my favorite bloggers. I don't know Jen and am looking forward to checking her out now, love the name of her blog. :)

Susan Fields said...

I checked out your links, and I'm now another happy minion. :)

Nick Wilford said...

I know Mary and Jen. Both very talented. Heading over to meet EJ!

Sonia Lal said...

Many interesting links today!

Sonia Lal @ Story Treasury

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, everyone!

Kittie Howard said...

You're right, Jen's an amazing breath of fresh air. Cherie's e-book will rock the charts.

Morgan said...

Just came from EJ's blog... That guy is seriously so awesome. And he's SO right about you, Alex. It's so refreshing to meet real/genuine people online & so helpful in what can be a very lonely profession ;)

Susan Oloier said...

Looking forward to reading Cherie's book! And I am most certainly a follower of Jen's.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Morgan, thank you so much.

Jen, you are most welcome and thanks. Just trying to give back to the community.

Theresa Milstein said...

I'm so impressed with Natalie and Literary Rambles. Such a great blog, so I'm not surprised they were recognized.

Suze said...

Big fan of Mary Pax.