Monday, January 30, 2012

A to Z Challenge Sign-ups Open and The Grey Review

Some quick news before we dive into the A to Z Challenge sign-ups.

You guys performed a miracle on Saturday! The book trailer for CassaFire had been trailing in fifth place all week - but managed to place third and was featured Sunday at You Gotta Read Videos. Thanks so much to everyone who voted and sent out messages about it – I really appreciate it!

I also saw The Grey this weekend – excellent film. Much more somber than I expected – it’s more of a drama than an action film. The story focuses on the characters and Liam Neeson and cast did a great job. I liked how key character points were revealed slowly through the film. It is very intense with a slight art-house feel to it. A winner!

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for!! Sign-ups are now open for the A to Z Challenge.

The brainchild of Arlee Bird, at Tossing it Out, the A to Z Challenge is posting the letter of the alphabet every day during the month of April, with Sundays off for good behavior. Since April 1 falls on a Sunday, that will be the day we start with A. Whether you go with a theme or freestyle, your post must match the letter of the alphabet for that day. Add your name to the list and when the Challenge begins, start by visiting the blog immediately after your own. Set a goal – we recommend five blogs a day, more if you are able.

For more information and to stay on top of developments, we recommend you follow the A to Z Challenge Blog and the hosts: Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out, Alex J. Cavanaugh, Stephen Tremp at Breakthrough Blogs, Jenny Pearson at Pearson Report, Matthew McNish at The QQQE, Tina Downey at Life is Good, Jeremy Hawkins at Retro-Zombie, DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude, Shannon Lawrence at The Warrior Muse, Elizabeth Mueller, Damyanti Biswas at Amlokiblogs, Karen Gowen at Coming Down the Mountain, and Konstanz Silverbow at No Thought 2 Small. We also have a Facebook page,, email address, and the Twitter hashtag is #AtoZChallenge.

This is a great opportunity to discipline yourself, grow as a blogger, and make new friends – come join us!

Any questions about the Challenge? Any concerns? Do you have a theme in mind? Let's hear it!

Please go HERE to sign up for the Challenge.


The Angry Lurker said...

Wasn't keen on The Grey until you reviewed it....


All signed up and congrats on the third place.Deserved to win.


J.L. Campbell said...

Congrats on making your trailer something to talk about.

Looking forward to the challenge.

farawayeyes said...

Good deal on the trailer.

Even seen a wolf in the wild. They ARE big and scary. All those eyes glowing in the dark in the trailer of 'The Grey' kinda creeped me out.

Signed, sealed and delivered.

Marta Szemik said...

Congrats on the video!
Signed up as Lucky Number 83 :)

Matthew MacNish said...

I just finished putting my post up, and we're already almost to 100! So exciting. Liam Neeson rules.

Unknown said...

Woot! Thanks for the signup, Alex, and especially for the review on The Grey. The Hubby and I are big Liam Neeson fans and can't wait to see this one. :)

Lisa said...

Your trailer was really great. Congratulations! And the almost 100 signups on opening night is just awesome.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I signed up yesterday. My lucky number is my lucky age--29. HaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaa.

Congrats on the video!

Gail said...

Hope you keep climbing!

Not sure about the A-Z challenge but thinking on it...that is almost as big a committment as marriage.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lurker, it was far better than expected.

Thanks Yvonne and JL.

Faraway, there are lots of moments like that in the movie.

Alyssia, you'll really like it then.

Journaling you got in early!

Gail, but unlike marriage, you're done in a month.

Cate Masters said...

The Grey does look intense. I'm not big on survivor flicks but if it has greater depth I'll give it a shot.
Cheering from the sidelines on the Challenge.

Jessica Bell said...

Going to make the month like a MixTape. Each day about a different band and how they have influenced me creatively.

Unknown said...

All signed up! Congrats on getting third for CassaFire's trailer.

I say The Grey should have been made with women. Kate would have been so much more interesting than Liam. I'll see it on Netflix eventually and probably enjoy it. :)

The Armchair Squid said...

This will be my second year doing A to Z - looking forward to it!

Rusty Carl said...

I signed up and have already written the first 5 or so posts. Raring to go.

And congrats on your strong finish in the trailer contest.

M.J. Fifield said...

I have signed up for the A to Z Challenge... you have quite a lot of entries already.

I thought The Grey looked like an interesting film. It makes me think of that movie The Edge with Alec Baldwin and Anthony Hopkins a while back. Only with wolves and not a bear.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on your video getting to number 3.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the No. 3, Alex!!

Ian Anderson said...

I'm planning for April already! My theme is beautiful things.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Well done, Alex! Your career just keeps rockin'!

Miranda Hardy said...

Yeah for your trailer! Signed up and ready to go. I almost saw underworld this weekend, but it will have to wait till next. Still fighting my cold.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Good luck with the blog hop! I'll enjoy seeing what y'all come up with. And thanks for the review on "The Grey." I'll have to check it out.

Old Kitty said...

Yay for your video!! Keep voting, keep voting!!

Take care

Jeremy [Retro] said...

It's funny the trailers make "The Grey" to be nothing but action... though your review makes sound better, than them just fighting off the wolves.

Oh Happy A to Z... start!

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
A to Z Co-Host
IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness

N. R. Williams said...

Congratulations on the book trailer. For medical reason's I won't be able to do the A - Z Challenge this year.

Tonja said...

I haven't heard of The Grey. Congrats on your trailer finish. I'm in on the A-Z challenge.

Amy said...

All signed up for the A to Z Challenge! The Grey sounds good too, I might have to convince my husband that we should go see it - thank you for sharing! :)

PK HREZO said...

Woo-hoo! All signed up.
And good to know about The Grey. It looks interesting but I was hesitant.
Congrats on moving up to third!!!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Your video should've been #1. Signing up for challenge.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I'm all in!
Great job on the book trailer!

I will watch The Grey when it hits video.

I heard they are ripping up One for the Money. Probably not on your list of movies to go watch.

I'm liking the ads for This means war. I crack up at the commercial every time.

I also see Mr. Pine and cast are currently filming the Untitled Star Trek Sequel. YEAH! I loved the first one. (I like it here! It's exciting!)


Karen Lange said...

Congrats on the trailer! More good things ahead for you, I'm sure!

LynnRush said...

Yay. 3rd place is SMOKIN' That's great news. Woot!!!! I'm excited for the A to Z. It'll be my first year doing it and I think I'm going to do music. Bands A to Z....with some extra posts (since my book releases beginning of May....but yeah...A to Z music bands/musicians. That'll be fun. :)

Happy Monday! Have a SUPER DAY!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cate, it has a lot of depth.

Jessica, that sounds awesome!

Melissa, you will enjoy it.

Thanks, Rusty. And you're already writing your posts? Crap, I need to start mine!

MJ, it's like that movie only with more drama.

Miranda, I'm sorry.

Jeremy, the trailers are totally misleading.

Heather, I'm ready for another Star Trek.

Thanks everyone!

vic caswell said...

glad you nabbed third!

Luanne G. Smith said...

Wow, the list is filling up fast!

I'd like to see The Gray. I've heard good things about it. And congrats on the book trailer moving up!

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm sure I will see "The Grey" at some point. It looks interesting, although not very realistic in portraying the real habits of wolves.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your trailer getting third. The A to Z challenge looks like fun!

Rebecca Bradley said...

I signed up. I think I'm a little mad.

Congratulations on the placing for the book trailer. That must be a great feeling. Hoping it continues to go well for you.

Sarah Tokeley said...

I was on the fence about The Grey, but I think I'll give the lovely Liam Neeson another chance :-)

Brinda said...

I signed up. Now, I need to start brainstorming on topics...Yikes!

Emily R. King said...

Thanks for the movie review and the description on the A to Z challenge!

Anonymous said...

I have my theme selected and am working on individual posts a little every day. Great to see this turnout on the first day!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LG, it's an excellent film!

Charles, I did wonder about that while watching the film.

Sarah, go see it!

Stephen, Matthew and I are betting on over five hundred the first day.

Thanks everyone!

Bish Denham said...

I'm signed up and already working on my posts! Third year doing it.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Okay I'm signed up for the A to Z challenge.

Question on the Grey: would you consider it worth full price or matinee price? I'm considering going to see it, and I wanted to know if you were so excited about it that you consider it worth full ticket price.

Jay Noel said...

The Grey looked intriguing to me as well. But those movies drain the end, I always need to take a nap.

Glad your trailer jumped up to 3rd! Of course, I did my part. It's a fantastic trailer - very impressive.

Unknown said...

Glad you placed third, Alex. I voted for you!

I also signed up. Can't wait!

Nicki Elson said...

Wow, look how long that sign-up list is already!

Ricky said...

We totally agree on The Grey, it's the best film I've seen at the cinema so far in 2012.

Arlee Bird said...

The list is growing at a rapid pace. Greetings to all who are joining us for the best Challenge ever. Great job, Alex, keeping the list in good order.

Tossing It Out

David P. King said...

That's amazing how quickly and how many the sign ups are coming along. Awesome. If I didn't have other obligations, I'd be there.

Congrats on third place for your trailer! Awesome! :)

L.C. said...

Nice about your trailer! Cassaforthewin. :-)

And as much as I like Liam Neeson, I hadn't planned on seeing The Grey. I might have to reconsider now...I was afraid we were going to get bionic wolves or something ridiculous like that. (In the trailer the wolves had yellow eyes or something?)

Colene Murphy said...

A-Z already!? Seems like it wasn't that long ago! My how time flies.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats on third place! The sign up list is climbing by the minute! Julie

Tara Tyler said...

to visit as many as possible, i go to the blogs starting with the letter of the day, not counting the, a, an or my. days w/more popular letters get made up on days w/less occurring letters...i get thru most of them at least once =)

Melissa Sugar said...

Congratulations on your video. I am all signed up.

cleemckenzie said...

I'm going to hate myself about April 14th. Taxes AND the letter N as in Not, NO, Never.

Thanks for the review and congrats on the meteoric rise on the video charts.

Southpaw said...

Well, just like last year I'll wait until the very last minute to make up my mind on whether or not I'll sign up.

DL Hammons said...

Here we go!!! :)

I really wanted to see THE GREY this weekend, but it didn't happen.

Johanna Garth said...

Yay! I'm so glad it made third and got a feature.

I think I'm going to pass on the A-Z challenge but I'm looking forward to visiting a lot of new blogs and making new friends :)

RaShelle Workman said...

All signed up for the challenge.
Congrats on the trailer placing third. Whoot!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bish, good for you! We're veterans.

Michael, I think it's worth full price. Very somber though, so not one that's high on my list of repeat viewings.

Jay, thanks!

Ricky, yes it is.

David, if you don't, you'll wish you had! And thanks.

LC, not bionic, just CGI.

Tara, you are the master then!

CLee, funny how that works out.

Holly, and then you will!

~Sia McKye~ said...

Alex, I'm still thinking how I can do this. I won't be able to do every letter. But, the cool thing about this is you can write all the articles in advance. Makes it easier. You, Don, Steve, and Arle are amazing with this. :-)


Mark Koopmans said...

Hey Alex,

Delighted to hear you got the bump up to third - well done, and you deserve it.

Looking forward to my first A-Z... this should be interesting:)

Carol Kilgore said...

Have fun with A-Z. Glad to know The Grey is good.

Laura Josephsen said...

Looking forward to the blogfest! I still can't believe it's that time of year already.

SpacerGuy said...

Its just occurred to me that the linky rules have sent me off the beaten track. LOL. I've signed up for A to Z but my link 'Spacerguy' leads to my blog post instead of my blog home page. Can this be fixed?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sia, I know you can make it work.

Thanks, Mark!

Laura, it seems like only yesterday...

Spacerguy, I'll fix it now.

Will said...

Actually, I just started my list today. I've only got four ideas, so I'll have to see if I can make my theme idea work.

D.G. Hudson said...

I was up late and joined last night. I do have a question, though, if 2 blogs are entered, does that mean 2 X 26 posts? I've only entered one blog so far since I don't think I could spawn 52 posts.

I'd go and see The Grey because of Liam Neeson, a great actor. And I love drama.

Helen Ginger said...

Good gracious! So many signed up. I used to blog every day, but for a long time now, I've been blogging three days a week. I'm not sure I could go back to 7 days a week and still get the rest of my work done. Not counting squeezing in writing, I'm doing three jobs currently. But I hope to visit some of those blogs who are committed!

mooderino said...

I am signed up! Now to think of something to blog about...

Karen Elizabeth Brown said...

Congratulations on your 3rd place!

I'm looking forward to the blogfest. I'm hoping to meet a lot of new people!

Christine Rains said...

I'm signed up too. :) And great news about your third place. That's awesome!

Tasha Seegmiller said...

It's been fun to watch the linky grow through the day. Looks like it will be LOTS of fun!

Sarah Ahiers said...

Yeah i've heard nothing but good things about The Grey. I'll probably wait for blue ray

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Congratulations on the trailer, Alex. I've signed up for the A-Z Challenge. Theme : the many faces of Death in my novels. M's death word will be ... Mother. Spooky.

Jamie Gibbs said...

Let's do this thing! I was thinking about doing "a-z of fantasy metal" but I think that might alienate a good chunk of my readership :P

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Hi, Alex! Yay, it's here. Finally...


Patsy said...

I'm opting out of the A to Z challenge - will be visiting and supporting participants though and look forward to a few entertaining posts.

Angela Brown said...

I've added my name to the challenge. I'm not ready but I suppose I've got a bit of time to get there, kind of.

Copyboy said...

Congrats! Really the grey was good? Reminded me of that alec baldwin / Anthony Hopkins movie.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Gah! I made a note to myself to check late at night for teh A-Z sign ups (timing in Oz), but wasn't feeling well and forgot.... woke up this morning and discovered I'm #250!! rawr! oh well.

Fantastic news about your trailer!!! How cool!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Will, good for you!

DG, yes it does. Both blogs must participate. (So don't kill yourself!)

Helen, three days a week is all I can handle on a regular basis.

Mood, that can't possibly be a problem for you!

Tasha, it will be a blast!

Roland, that's a great theme.

Jamie, you wouldn't alienate me!!!

Patsy, you do have a wedding coming up...

Lynda, that's a lucky number. And I had the link up on a page in my blog since Sunday morning.

Angela, two months!

Copyboy, it was more drama than The Edge. And yes, it was really good.

Budd said...

I don't think I have time for A to Z this year. I can't really post from work anymore on my lunch break and that was my saving grace last year. But I might stroll around some participant's sites.

Leovi said...

I say Alex ... He has not finished the first day and I'm number 261. This year will break all records.

ediFanoB said...

first my congratulation on getting third for the amazing CassaFirE trailer.

After my great but exhausting business meeting in Rome I need to the way back to my schedule. Last week I could not spend time for reading and my blog.

I hope that all attendees of the A to Z
will have a lot of fun. I will not take part because I need time for a special project on my blog.

Helena said...

I have this thing for Liam Neeson anyway, but now your thumbs-up gives me another reason to see Grey.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Budd, that's a bummer!

Leovi, yes it will!

Edi, I certainly understand.

Helena, go see it!

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats on placing 3rd!

I think the A to Z Challenge will be epic this year (even more than last year). :)

Cindy said...

Congrats on your book trailer placing third.

LynNerdKelley said...

Yay, Alex, I'm so glad your trailer won 3rd place! What a great list of bloggers signed up for the A to Z Challenge. In the middle of moving, adjusting to babysitting 9 hrs. a day, and can barely keep up as it is. I thought I'd be taking part in it, but life takes twists and turns. I'll have to shoot for next year, but I'll enjoy reading some of the posts.

LisaAnn said...

You guys are hardcore! Kudos to all of you for participating... Perhaps I will be more "together" this time next year! I will definitely be stopping by some great new blogs, though. Thank you!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cherie, so do I!

Thanks, Cindy.

Lynn, things might change in two months - you never know.

LisaAnn, we are Ninja hardcore!

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on your book trailer! :)

I've signed up for the challenge.

Abby Minard said...

Geezie Peezie, Alex, you guys already have like, 278 people signed up. Crazy!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to everyone... going to have to pass - life is getting a bit crazy for me.... But I'll be reading them all.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

This is so incredible. Can't believe the numbers. Congrats on 3rd place.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Golden, that's great!

Abby, I know! said...

Congratulations, Alex! In my subjective opinion, you should've placed first, but third's a big honor. Wow, you've already got nearly 300 and I haven't decided yet.

Suze said...

I'd like to think it was my vote that bumped you up from the no. 4 spot to the no. 3 ;).

Deana said...

I signed up as 301! You all are going to have tons of participants this year:) I can't wait to get started!

Julie Musil said...

Alex, HUGE congratulations on the CassaFire trailer. That's awesome!

Dawn Ius said...

Very excited to take part - and thrilled to be doing a theme with Jessica Bell, our mix tape of songs / bands that have inspired us over the years.

Maurice Mitchell said...

When I saw your video it was nine on the list. I knew the ninja army wouldn't let you down. I'm surprised Grey wasn't just straight action.


Hi, found your name on the A to Z challenge list. this is my third challenge, one makes some VERY GOOD FRIENDS doing the challenge don't you agree? (One must have a little joke)


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Robyn. And you know you want to join us.

Suze, maybe it did!

Dawn, that sounds great.

Maurice, and they didn't!

Yvonne, we do make some special friends.

Thanks everyone!

Jen said...

Wow, already in the 300's! Yay! I can't wait for April.

I have a bloghop coming up and since you have a much bigger following than I do, would you pass it on? It's a Dr. Seuss style writing on March 2nd.

Thanks. :)

Susan Fields said...

Wow - the A-Z Challenge is popular - I've never seen such a long linky list. Best of luck with it to all the participants!

Ciara said...

Man I'm bummed. Yesterday just wasn't a good day. I ended up at the hospital almost all day and missed sign-ups, now I'm like 322 on the list. *sniff, sniff* Okay, pity party over. I'll just hope someone makes it that far down the list to visit little ol' me. :) Have a great day!

Mina Burrows said...

You really do have mad book trailer skills! Congrats!

Christopher Hudson said...

Wife saw The Grey ... she thinks Liam Neeson is hunk. A to Z challenge sounds interesting ... but the 6 posts a week is a non-starter for this slacker.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jennee, I can add it during the next news update.

Susan, last year there were 1300 participants!

Ciara, I hope everything is all right! And remember, we are to start with the blog after us, so you will still get a lot of visitors.

Mina, my publisher did a great job on the trailer.

Nancy Thompson said...

I'm still thinking about A to Z. It's the posting everyday thing I find daunting. And my brain doesn't understand the concept of short.

As for The Grey, it sounds a lot like The Edge with Alec Baldwin & Anthony Hopkins, which I loved. And I like that they used the English version of the word grey vs. the American gray.

Anonymous said...

WOW -- so many have signed up already! Very cool.

Susan Oloier said...

I miss going to the movies :-(
There is quite a turn-out already for the Challenge. I can see April is going to be a busy month.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Just signed up today. Very exciting.

Mark said...

Glad you got to #3! Neat review on the Grey, maybe I'll have to check it out, thanks:)

Laura said...

Well done on 3rd- that's brilliant! Can't believe sign ups are already well over 300!

Sangu Mandanna said...

I sooo want to do the Challenge this year, but I fear I'm going to have even less time to blog than I did last year! Looking forward to seeing what people come up with, though.

Congratulations on coming third!

Author A.O. Peart said...

I want to see The Gray - thanks for posting a review. Very helpful.

Congratulations on finishing at the third place! That's awesome.

I won't participate in the A to Z Challenge this time since I have too much on my plate and my health is far from good. But I will definitely continue visiting and commenting on the blogs.

Unknown said...

Oh wow, it's almost April again, isn't it! Very excited to take part in the A - Z Challenge again.

TerryLynnJohnson said...

I saw The Grey last night and did love it, though the thing about the wolf den sort of ruined it for me. I kept saying to myself - "what the... wolves only den for pups. what are they talking about" and then the scene with the moose antlers ... ?? I guess they confused the wolves with lions.
However, I can see they needed those elements for the plot, so I tried to stay quiet and enjoy what was otherwise an awesome movie. Gotta love survival movies!

Elana Johnson said...

Very cool. I admire those of you who can manage to do the A to Z challenge. I tried one year, and yeah. Complete failure. Hey, at least I'd have a post for F. Ha!

Patricia Stoltey said...

I need to start going to movies in the theater again. :)

Unknown said...

Excited for the A to Z Challenge. It was so much fun last year.

Misha Gerrick said...

I've entered both my blogs into the challenge. The one I have a theme for, but the other one's them is still a little... nebulous. :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, you could do it! you've be surprised. And a little similar, but more drama.

Jen, you have plenty of time to prepare.

Milo, it's wild, isn't it?

Susan, it will be very busy.

Laura, probably hit four hundred tonight.

Sangu, don't miss out!

Angela, I'm sorry to hear that!

Terry, I had a feeling the den thing was overplayed.

Elana, you would have one letter!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I'm number 360. That's a great number. I think I'll come full circle with this challenge.

Kelly Polark said...

Wow! Great participation in Ato Z!
I am opting out as I couldn't do it!! I'll do A P G and M. (kidding ;) I will enjoy reading everyone else's!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Ya sure know how to load a post Man!

I always enjoy all the interstin' info here. I too want to see 'The Grey'.

God bless and have a fantastic day!!! :o)

Kathy said...

Thanks for being a host to this year’s A to Z Challenge! No small job at all!
Looking forward to seeing some great posts and hopefully to connect with lots of great bloggers.
To make life easier my blog is at:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Oh Mary, bad pun!!

Kelly, I can see you doing that.

Nezzy, you'll enjoy it.

Chuck said...

We don't post on Sunday's but the 1st is on a Sunday and we ARE atarting that day??? Is that an April Fool's, Alex...or am I just confused?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you're a part of it, Kathy!

It's no laughing matter, Chuck - we start on Sunday April 1!

James Garcia Jr said...

Hey, Alex! It's been too long. Sounds like things are good with you! Thanks for reviewing that film. It kind of came out of nowhere for me. I'm glad to see it's worth checking out.


Jessica Salyer said...

Congrats on third place!!! I took the plunge and signed up for A to Z. Now I just hope I can do it :)

Angela McCallister said...

Hooyah on kicking some buns and getting a feature! It's great publicity and you deserve it.

Still haven't thought of a theme, but I'm sure I'll come up with something. There's time yet!

dolorah said...

Glad your book trailer is doing so well Alex; and I am looking forward to seeing The Grey. I'm hoping its as "deep" as The Road.

Sorry, the A-Z challenge looks intimidating. I love the concept; but I don't think I could keep up with all the blog hopping. I'm contemplating an unplugged month during that time and hoping the blogger community doesn't forget me completely for not participating.


Monica said...

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Shannon Lawrence said...

Congratulations on your book trailer! That's so great!

I'm not sure I'll be seeing The Grey. I'm very much into repopulating the wolves in North America, and having a movie where it appears there is a wolf attack is not going to help. :( Maybe it's not like that in the movie, though?

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 A-to-Z Challenge!

Bryan Thomas said...

Who did your trailers? Did the publisher handle that?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey Jimmy! Good to hear from you.

Jessica, you can do it!

Angela, I know you'll think of something awesome.

Donna, you know I won't forget.

Shannon, it's not really negative on the wolves, and I suspect it's not realistic either.

Bryan, my publisher did them.