Friday, January 27, 2012

February Movies, Results, and Challenge News

It’s almost February, so time for next month’s movies. Monday is the BIG announcement for the A to Z Challenge - signups begin! And I have a guest post today at the A to Z Blog about that signup list. So if you have concerns, be sure to read it.

Voting ends Saturday at noon for my CassaFire trailer at You Gotta Read Videos. Last I looked I was trailing in fifth place, which is disappointing as the trailer for CassaStar took second place last year. I think I’ve posted about this everywhere possible, so one last round of groveling. If there’s anything you can do to help, this Ninja would appreciate it…

Great discussion Wednesday regarding authors reading their own reviews. Most of you said yes – as long as the author doesn’t respond or have a meltdown. A couple sharp ladies suggested having a family member screen out the junky ones first – excellent idea! (Because reading “This book sucked!” isn’t good for the ego.).

And for those of you who want to know what happens when one becomes a BLOG OF NOTE - a ton of new followers (over 1200 now - whoa!) and thousands of visits per day! Yeah, it’s been a wild week. Thanks again for all the kind words. I'm still stunned.

And now, on to our show! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snarky comments by me.

February Movies:

3 –

The Woman in Black
Drama | Horror | Thriller
A young lawyer travels to a remote village where he discovers the vengeful ghost of a scorned woman is terrorizing the locals.
Director: James Watkins
Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Janet McTeer, Ciarán Hinds, Emma Shorey
Previews for this one look promising!

Action | Drama | Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery. Soon, though, they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides.
Director: Josh Trank
Stars: Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly, Alex Russell, Dane DeHaan
Could go either way. Heard it’s told in reverse like Memento. (Not that it has a chance of living up to that awesome movie.)

10 –

Safe House
Action | Crime | Mystery | Thriller
A young CIA agent is tasked with looking after a fugitive in a safe house. But when the safe house is attacked, he finds himself on the run with his charge.
Director: Daniel Espinosa
Stars: Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, Robert Patrick, Vera Farmiga
Promising cast and Denzel IS the man.

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Action | Adventure | Family | Fantasy | Sci-Fi
Sean Anderson partners with his mom's boyfriend on a mission to find his grandfather, who is thought to be missing on a mythical island.
Director: Brad Peyton
Stars: Josh Hutcherson, Dwayne Johnson, Michael Caine, Vanessa Hudgens
I know it’s geared towards kids, but how on earth did they con Michael Caine into this movie?

17 –

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Action | Fantasy | Thriller
As Johnny Blaze hides out in Eastern Europe, he is called upon to stop the devil, who is trying to take human form.
Directors: Mark Neveldine | Brian Taylor
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Idris Elba, Christopher Lambert
Dumb, over-the-top sequel with violence and special effects. Sure, why not?

Any of those movies strike your fancy? Ready to sign up for the A to Z Challenge on Monday? (Don't forget to visit the A to Z Blog today.) Any other opinions on reviews? Wonder if I ever sleep...?


Sarah Tokeley said...

I like the look of The Woman in Black. Safe House would be on the list just because it's got Denzel in it.

As for Michael Caine, he's made his fair share of doozies. I'm pretty sure he was in one of the terrible sequels to Jaws, and then there was that one about the killer bees ...

Old Kitty said...

I went to see the theatre/play version of Woman in Black at least a hundred times and nothing, nothing, nothing, prepares you for the scares that come flying at you in the second half of the play! ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! I've seen so many filmed for tv versions of this - but I say the play is far better really!! Even better than the book! No special effects - just good ol fashioned shocks galore!

Gone and voted for Cassastar again!! Yay!!

Take care

mooderino said...

Michael Caine is well known for his financially incentivised film choices. He has houses in Miami to pay for.

I think Chronicle looks interesting, but the trailer pretty much gives everything away (which seems to be the norm these days.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

i am looking forward to woman in black, it has a potential of being great... sad it's rated pg-13. i keep wanting to see the ghost rider film, the trailer makes it look fun.

blog of note, wow... just wow.

a to z challenge is going to rock!

Tara Tyler said...

thanks for those previews, ive only seen the ad for journey 2, and michael caine will prob take anything, he can do anything. heard about woman in black, sounds scary!

safe house sounds best for feb. no romantic comedies for vday? huh!

Tonja said...

Sorry - I thought I voted, but that must have been for another contest you were in. Just voted.

The Angry Lurker said...

Safehouse has potential just from the cast list.......

Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping us updated, Alex. I can't wait to see how Daniel Radcliffe fairs on the big screen, outside Harry Potter. I think he chose a good one to get started! :)

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I'm still not sold on The Women in Black.. Chronicle on the other hand looks great and I can't wait to see it.

Journey 2 will be a CGI-driven no-brainer, same goes for the Ghost Rider sequel. I would have added This Means War to the list, because I think it will be so much fun. :)
Congrats on hitting 1,200 followers! :) It's impressive!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sarah, forgot about Jaws 4 - thankfully!

Thanks, Kitty. I look forward to the movie version then.

Mood, wouldn't want him to lose those houses in Miami.

Jeremy, we'll see what they can do with PG13.

Thank you, Tonja!

Lurker, that's what I thought.

Alyssia, he's done well with plays.

Rusty Carl said...

I have a hard time not watching marvel movies, and I'm pretty sure Nicholas Cage has never been in anything that wasn't Oscar worthy. The one about the teenagers looks interesting - I generally don't see movies this time of year but I might have to.

Sorry about the trailer thing - maybe there will be an 11th rush of voting.

Li said...

*Sigh* none of them strikes my fancy, but that just leaves more time for writing and planning for the A to Z Challenge :-)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I don't know what happen to my first comment. :(

The movie reviews are great thanks. There's a couple I want to see.

I AM ready to sign up for A-Z.

Congrats on being a Blog of note.



Seen you've been busy at the cinema again. Loved the reviews.

Just been over to the A to Z challenge News.


LynnRush said...

Okay, I'm excited for Ghost Rider!!!!!! :) Happy FRIDAY to you, ALEX! Have a super weekend.

Amy said...

Hey Alex, I voted for CassaFire trailer - it looks awesome! Definitely looking forward to the A to Z Challenge, it sounds like fun. Also, great movie selection for February, the look interesting. Have a great weekend! :)

Matthew MacNish said...

Dang. CassaFire has dropped to tenth place. It doesn't make much sense to me. Some of those above yours aren't very well made.

Glynis Peters said...

Woman in Black looks interesting. DH will like a few of the others. Thanks for sharing, Alex.

Christine Rains said...

I do wonder if you sleep. I'm curious about the Woman in Black, and I just started seeing commercials for it and Chronicle. Told in reverse, hm? I don't know. It's a very tricky thing.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Thanks for the overview! Looking forward to "Woman in Black."

Laura Eno said...

That "Woman in Black" video is rolling everytime I go to Goodreads - so much so that I'm getting tired of the movie without having seen it. LOL!
See you Monday for the signup! said...

I'm still on the fence regarding the Challenge, perched on the letter M. Alas, it's all pointing to the Muppet Movie.

Happy Friday and weekend, Alex.

Anonymous said...

3 out of 5 ain't bad. I'll pass on Journey 2... and probably Safe House. Definitely going to see Woman in Black. I'm digging Chronicle, but not the handheld camera action. I didn't mind the first Ghost Rider, so I'll see this one, too.

Mukil Elango said...

nice website. do visit my blog s=about scouting at and find more about scouting, camping, pioneering, and fun.

Karen Lange said...

Will probably pass on the movies this time around, but plenty of other things await my attention around here this weekend. :)

Have a good weekend!

Luanne G. Smith said...

The Woman in Black looks pretty scary, but I may see it. And Safe House I will definitely see. Gotta get my Denzel Washington fix.

Have a great weekend!

farawayeyes said...

I voted, voted, voted. I'll go back to that one that allows 'Chicago style' voting, again today.

Can't wait for 'Woman in Black'. Had not heard of 'Chronicles' but that reverse order things intrigues me. 'Safe House' will be big where I live, so I'll get to see it 'first run'. Not sure if I could take another Johnny Blaze, but if you could promise me Peter Fonda is back...maybe(**wink wink**). Michael Caine - every so often he sneaks a 'good' one in on ya, but his 'need to work' astounds me. For the most part it's a 'just say no'.

Good weekend my friend!

Brinda said...

Safe House is the one I'd like to see on this list. Denzel Washington is one of my fav actors.

vic caswell said...

the third has the most promising movies in feb! and voted.

Marta Szemik said...

Voted a few times and will continue throughout the day:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, George! I'll let you know on The Woman in Black.

Rusty, your comment about Cage amused me!

Lynn, you as well!

Thanks, Amy.

Matthew - crap. Not going to win now.

Christine, I only know of Memento that did it well.

Robyn, if M is The Muppets, then you have to participate.

Faraway, he does make a lot of movies.

Thanks everyone for your efforts in voting!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Your trailer is awesome, so I voted it up!

Charles Gramlich said...

I entered my vote!

Arlee Bird said...

Good A to Z post. It should dispel some of the fears that some people may have.

I'm intrigued by Chronicle. I like the artwork for the promo poster.

Wrote By Rote

DL Hammons said...

Other than the Ghost Rider sequel, I look forward to those movies, although I doubt I'll catch any of them at the theater.

Lock and loaded for Monday!

I'm sure my mouse has a couple more voting clicks left in it!

Have a great weekend!! :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I really want to see the Woman in Black. It looks creepy, and it just might be what gives 'Harry' a new look. lol

Anonymous said...

Must have missed the voting so I just went over and voted for you!

Will watch Journey 2 (was there a first movie???) with the kids. I'm just a big kid so will enjoy it too. Chronicle has potential. Hope its really good. And my smallest saw the poster for Woman in Black while passing by and asked why a bird pooped in the kids eyes.

Anonymous said...

The Woman in Black looks interesting. I'll probably skip the rest.

Kelly Robinson said...

I'll stick with my trusty silent movie collection for now.

Tasha Seegmiller said...

Hmm...none of these make me excited about life. Luckily my WIP does right now so that's probably a good balance.

Southpaw said...

Oh my! They did a sequel to the fire motorcycle ghost thing? Whoa.

Congrats on Blog of Note recognition.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Maurice - and appreciate the plug for it on your site.

Karen, I sleep almost seven hours a night!

Thanks, DL.

Stephen, trust a kid to notice something like that. And the first Journey to the Center of the Earth (recent one) was with Brendan Fraser.

Thanks everyone!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

My husband and I rarely go to the movies, mainly because we have very different tastes in movies. However, The Woman in Black is one we may both enjoy. We'll probably go see it.

Sarah Ahiers said...

ugh. I can't stand Denzel. But i know i'm in the minority there.
I think we'll make an attempt to see Chronicle in theaters and hold off until the DVD for WOman in Black.
I actually think Journey2 looks kinda good, for an OK movie sequel.

Miranda Hardy said...

I'm excited about the woman in black. I might actually see it in theaters, but I like horror.

Can't wait for the A-Z. I'm already working on my posts.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats on all the new followers. Might see The Woman in Black. Good horror films are so rare.

Christopher Hudson said...

Don't feel bad about fifth place, Alex ... I entered a writing contest at Indies Unlimited last week and received zero out of 135 votes ... zero ... that stung. Anyway, you got my vote, pard.

~Sia McKye~ said...

I voted Alex.

I don't like horror, but my guys love it. Go figger.

I want to see Safe House and Ghost Rider.

who spots spelling errors from fifty paces away.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Safe House looks like a good thriller, and it helps that your doppelgänger Ryan Reynolds is in it! I look forward to reading your A to Z post. Julie

Maryannwrites said...

I will definitely see Safe House, mainly because I have so thoroughly enjoyed many of the films Denzel has starred in. Women in Black also peaks my interest, but after reading Old Kitty's comment, maybe I should just try to see the play. Love live theatre.

And congrats on the Blog of Note award. So awesome.

Jay Noel said...

Voting, voting, and more voting! How can I NOT vote for a ninja? I mean, come'on!

Safe House looks incredible. Chronicle is right up my alley, too. I like scary movies - The Woman in black looks pretty scary. Radcliffe is working hard to shed his Harry Potter type-casting.

Bryan Russell said...

If Denzel's in it, I'll watch it. And Chronicle sounds intriguing. I'll keep my eye out for that one.

Johanna Garth said...

I voted! And I really, really want to see Woman in Black. Happy Weekend Alex!

Tyrean Martinson said...

I'll be signing up for A to Z, but the only movie watching I'll be doing at the theatres in the next few days will be for my daughter's first "teen" birthday party which includes going to a "second run, inexpensive" movie house for Dolphin Tale.
Let us know how you really feel about those movies when they come out.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I'm definitely interested in seeing Chronicle, The Woman in Black, Journey 2, and quite possibly the new Ghost Rider movie. I suspect that any and all of them may be bad. Meh. I'm curious.

Julie Flanders said...

I can't wait to see The Woman in Black. I saw the play when I was in London some years ago, and LOVED it. I hope the movie will be as good.

Congratulations on being a Blog of Note! I am off to vote for the trailer again. Have a great weekend!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Safe House looks interesting. I may wait to hear about The Woman in Black. It will be nice to see Dan (Harry) in a different role.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

You rock Alex! Glad you're on the BON list--wooot!

happy friday!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Jen! You always bring a blast of energy with you.

Rachel, I hope you do.

Sarah, I am glad they shortened the title for the sequel.

Christopher, you need to let us know about these things!

Crap, what did I misspell, Sia?

Julie, that's right - me and Ryan are mirror images!

Tyrean, since my wife likes animal movies, I'm really surprised she didn't insist on that one.

Michael, it's only six bucks a pop! Well, twelve for me - I never go without my wife.

Ella said...

The spooky movies sound great!
Thanks for the Classic movie suggestion ;D
I love ghost like stuff!

I love Denzel; he is the man!

I voted ;D
Congrats on all counts~

Budd said...

I want to see chronicle pretty bad.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Michael Caine once wrote that if a movie offered him is being filmed in a beautiful site he has never visited, he will do the film just to go there. A paid vacation.

SAFE HOUSE is the only one that appeals to me. It's going to take awhile before I can see Daniel as anyone but Harry Potter grown up.

I've seen a short on how the director of the sequel to GHOST RIDER risked his life over and over again, filming the movie. I wanted to tap him on the shoulder and whisper, "Have you heard of CGI? An out-of-this-world camera angle is not worth your life." I think a movie of the making of this movie would be more entertaining!

Thousands of visitors a day? Wow. As Darth Vader says, "Impressive. Most impressive." Roland

Misha Gerrick said...

Chronicle sounds interesting. Congrats on having your blog listed as one of note. :-)

D.G. Hudson said...

Nothing jumps out to me except 'Woman in Black'. I like the sound of that.

I'm still trying to decide whether to join the A-Z challenge. If I can use my photos for inspiration (as I read today when I went over to see your post), I might do it. The list of the A-Z team is inspiring (the usual good guys).
I'll decide by Sunday. . .

Colene Murphy said...

Ack...Ghost Rider...*sigh*

But Woman in Black looks incredible! And Chronicle sounds interesting too!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ella, he is the man!

Soon, Budd. Very soon...

Roland - a paid vacation. Now that's smart. And you might be right about the documentary being better.

DG, use photos! I think that's a great idea.

Leovi said...

I'm ready to enroll at A to Z Challenge.

Birgit said...

Michael his own words at the Oscars stated "I've made alot of crap in my life..." I guess he still does. I love the original movie and Ray Harryhauzen(sorry if I spelt his name wrong.To me he IS the king). The Woman in Black sounds intriguing and so does Safe house..but the rest I shall wait for TV

Carol Kilgore said...

All sound interesting to me except the last two you listed. Those...not so much.

Happy Weekend!

Elana Johnson said...

None of these look like my kind of movie, sadly. But my husband and son would probably like them. Going to check out your video. :)

FilmMattic said...

Congrats on becoming a "Blog of Note." Prestigious honor in these bloggin' woods.

Chronicle has an inventive premise and Safe House stars Denzel, so both movies warrant my attention. February is generally not a good month for movies. The lack of diverse options confirms this belief. But there's potential.

Enjoy your weekend!

Huntress said...

Ghost Rider 2? *shiver* no thanks. #1 was enough.

Congrats on your Blog of Note. Well deserved, I say.

Regarding the movies nominated for Oscars this year: I haven't seen any of them. What do you recommend?

Too bad HP didn't make a slot.

Cherie Reich said...

I'm looking forward to signing up for the A to Z Challenge.

And I really want to see The Woman in Black.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Birgit, as long as he's having fun!

Thanks, Elana!

Thanks, Matthew! Yeah January and February rarely feature a lot of good movies. Some studio needs to capitalize on that and release a blockbuster in January.

Huntress, I confess I've only seen War Horse so far, and it was good. Moneyball just hit video, so that is my next choice. And there were several movies that were snubbed this year.

Dafeenah said...

They don't seem to make good movies anymore or I'm just really really picky and have become an ole fogey. I voted but I'll tweet the link again.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I already voted for you. Hopefully today will boost you up.

I want to see The Woman in Black and maybe Chronicle. I love how you keep me a bit more up to date on movies.

M Pax said...

Cool on the Blog of Note thing. Thanks for the movie update. Otherwise, I'd have no clue what's coming out. Have a great weekend.

Len Lambert said...

I'd like to watch The Woman in Black. Sounds very interesting...but I really don't like watching scary films, LOL.

Unknown said...

I think i already voted for your video but if I haven't I'll do it again. Also, love how you changed colors between things. Makes it easier to read.

Liza said...

Saw your trailer and voted. Yea Alex!

Mark Koopmans said...

Voted again, especially because you *don't* actually sleep... you CAN''re EVERYWHERE.... (runs screaming back to Keepsmybucks Coffee House..)

Margo Kelly said...

WOW! You are a Blog of Note! :) Way to go!

Jemi Fraser said...

I actually hadn't heard of any of these movies yet - I'm so out of the loop lately!

Helena said...

I'm still trying to catch up on movies that came out in December. But I do want to see The Woman in Black.

Anna said...

I just looked at that Women in Black pic before going to bed, dammit. I deliberately switch channels when this advert comes on T.V, I know I'm a baby :P

Andrew Leon said...

Ghost Rider!

And you didn't mention Phantom Menace in 3d...

Golden Eagle said...

The Woman In Black has one creepy cover . . .

I'm definitely ready to sign up for the A-Z Challenge!

Tina said...

Maybe I'm just grumpy...but none of those appeal to me. What we want in this house is another great post-apocalyptic thriller. We're trying to ease our waiting with repeated watching of Jericho. We missed a lot of it the first time, so getting to see it all in order (even though flashback is a much-used technique) is fun, and the boys dig it.
I have no idea how you do all that you do, but I for one suggest some downtime. Pour yourself a drink, put away the laptop, and watch a favorite movie. That way when you fall asleep, you won't have missed anything.

Tina @ Life is Good

Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Twitter: #atozchallenge

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Can we vote more than once for Cassafire?
None of the crop of Feb. movies inspire me.

Carrie Butler said...

I'm still on the fence about the February films. The only movie I'm definitely going to see in the next few weeks is One for the Money. Hopefully the Evanovich-ness shines through!

Have a great weekend! :)

Lauren Darcy said...

"Woman in Black" no thanks. Another "Ghost Rider" the first one sucked in all ways and the special effects were awful! Low budget anyone.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dafeenah, thanks.

Natalie, that's my job! And amusing everyone.

Thanks, Mary.

Clarissa, I started doing that recently. Too much text bores me!

Mark, not trying to scare anyone...

Thank you, Margo.

Andrew, there was a reason for that...

Golden, soon...

Tina, I promise downtime tomorrow.

Susan, feel free!

Carrie, it was slim pickings this month.

Mason Canyon said...

Congratulations on being a Blog Of Note. Way to go.

The movies look interesting. I can't believe they are doing a Ghost Rider 2. I like Nicholas Cage and love Sam Elliott but didn't care for Ghost Rider.

Thoughts in Progress

Catherine Stine said...

Ghost Rider sounds like a good hoot!
Congrats on your nascent book.

Angela Brown said...

I could probably try Chronicle or Safe House. They do seem pretty interesting. If I weren't such a scaredy cat, I'd try the woman in black. But not happening, cap'n.

Love that your blog is doing well. You are the Ninja Captain. Cha!

Anonymous said...

Only two I want to watch on your list are Ghost Rider and Journey 2. Went and watched the new Sherlock Homes movie last night... really enjoyed it;)

dolorah said...

My son and I are both looking forward to Chronicle and Safe House.


Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

Added your blog to an article as a blog with good number of followers.
Blog followership marketing

Jim said...

Ghost Rider!

Mina Burrows said...

A Woman in Black & Ghost Rider too!

I think you should do a post on reading your own reviews - maybe for insecure writers support group. You could call it "Author Reviews: To read or not to read?" Furthermore, if you do read a bad review, what's the best way to channel the feedback? Eh, just a thought. :)

Have a great weekend!

Suze said...

Just voted for the CassaFire video, Al.

And, yes, I do wonder if you ever sleep.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mason, it wasn't great, but I'll watch the second one on NetFlix. Just a sucker for those kinds of films.

Thank you, Angela!

TF, Sherlock Holmes was great.

Mina, I did one like that a few weeks ago - first week of January I think.

Suze, I treasure my sleep!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Some of those movies look really good. I'm always months behind by the time I get to see them though.

I voted again. Best of luck.

I'm ready, with pen in hand, for Monday!


Julie Dao said...

Ooooo I want to see the Woman in Black, even though I probably won't be able to sleep again til June....

Unknown said...

Congrats on being a Blog of Note. The Ninja's place is The place to be in the blogosphere.

Can't wait for signups on Monday for A to Z. I am so looking forward to this year.

I want to see Woman in Black and Safe house. Both look very good.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Again, congrats on being a blog of note! Wonder how they decide stuff like that anyway? I am looking forward to the challenge! I see it as a relief from all the promotional stuff I've been doing lately.

Patricia Stoltey said...

What an honor, Alex. Congratulations.

Rek Sesh said...

Congrats on blog of note, voted for it too, though I voted from a few of my others bloggy friends...Tried voting on the videos again, didn't work. I know, bad woman trying to cheat. ;D
I think Chronicle and Safe house are any movie with Denzel.
Over to A-Z. Roger over and out.

Ricky said...

Some cool movie picks there.

Leovi said...

The truth is that Safe House is the one I find most interesting. Greetings.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Chronicle sounds interesting although I'm not a fan of the roving camera.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Goodness, Alex, you've become a celebrity! Congrats!!!

Mary Montague Sikes

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, that's a long time to go without sleep!

Thanks, Melissa.

Karen, no idea!

Patricia and Rek, thanks.

Lynda, I'm not either.

Thanks, Monti.

alexia said...

Congrats on being a blog of note! You deserve it...

As for movies: definitely want to see Daniel Radcliffe not as HP and see how he does. Denzel is SOOO the man. And, while I love a good dumb action movie, Nic Cage annoys the shit out of me.

Botanist said...

I only check out the "Blogs of note" list once in a blue moon. Just did so and I was blown away to see your name there! Well deserved!

Abby Minard said...

Meh, none of those movies looked very good to me. Still debating on whether to do A-Z...I'm excited to see just how many people sign up!

SpacerGuy said...

I voted for Cassastar. Please tell me Alex where you got your alien super powers from.

Cassie Mae said...

I would totally go see The Woman in Black to support Harry Potter, but I think I would probably be paying to close my eyes for two hours.


PK HREZO said...

Chronicle and Journey 2 sound pretty good. And you are so right about Memento. I wish I could see that one again for the first time!!! What a ride!
Remember Sam Jenkis.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. well done on your Blog of Note - definitely I agree 100% .. and am just about to read your A - Z brush up notes for the Challenge - good idea to set it out.

Love films - not those though! Cheers Hilary

Elizabeth said...

Old follower.

I am stopping by from the Top Writing Blog competition.

Just wanted to say hello. This is a great way to find new blogs and visit ones you haven't visited in a while. :)

Elizabeth - Silver's Reviews

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Alexia, then you might want to skip Ghost Rider!

Botanist, thanks - and I've never done more than glance at that feature in the dashboard. I'll look more often now.

Abby, join us!

Spacerguy, they come from Ninja training and exposure to teleportation.

PK, that was really profound!

Thanks, Hilary.

Hi, Elizabeth!

Leovi said...

Yes, I like it. Congratulations on this wonderful growth of your blog, you certainly deserve it. Greetings.

SP said...

Any movie with Denzel Washington in it deserves to be watched :)

By the way, congrats on achieving Blog of Note status!

Neta said...

I liked the woman in black trailer

Jessica Therrien said...

I really want to see The Woman in Black because Harry Potter is in it ;) looks scary. I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to scary movies. Release day is getting close! Feb. 28th is going to be a great day for both of us!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Leovi.

Thanks, Samuel!

Jessica, it will be an awesome day!

Pat Tillett said...

Out of that group, I'm going to see Safe House for sure, maybe one other. Congrats on the B.O.N.!

Author A.O. Peart said...

Woman in Black is on my list to watch for sure.

I've already voted for your trailer - let's hope you will gain more votes!!! I will tweet the link.

Author A.O. Peart said...

Oh, dang it. I just saw the voting ended yesterday. Sigh. So I won't tweet it. Sorry, I should have read your post yesterday but I was skiing whole day.

Denise Covey said...

Congratulations Alex on being a Blog of Note. Of course you are! Sorry that CassaFire trailer hasn't hit the top. I voted awhile ago. Who knows? Maybe a last-minute hit! It's a great trailer.

Love Michael Caine. Doing it just for the money wouldn't be that unusual I don't think. A man's gotta eat!

What! Sign ups for A-Z already! This is freakin' me out. It starts in April, right? Looks like I'd better go check...


Denise Covey said...

Okay, I at least got the badge on my site for A-Z.
During the challenge, Alex, will the Insecure Writers Support Group still be posting on the first Wednesday?


dopdavid said...

personally none of these are a must go for me.. some look like it would be more fun than sleeping

Mary Aalgaard said...

Looks like an interesting month at the movies. Wondering how Radcliffe will be in a horror flick. A-Z challenge, I'm reading to sign up.

Play off the Page

Charmaine Clancy said...

Went to vote but I was too slow, but it looks like you got 3rd, so well done.
Looking forward to waffling my way through A to Z.
Wagging Tales

Nancy said...

Will probably want to see them all except Ghost Rider and my husband will most likely talk me into that.

Anonymous said...

I just signed up for the challenge.

I really want to see The Woman in Black.

Have a great week.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Chronicle sounds promising, but nothing has been able to do what Memento did yet. Also, Safe House. Denzel and Ryan Reynolds, woo-hoo!

Congrats on all the new followers.

M Pax said...

The commercials for The Grey look intriguing. Will have to put this one on my list to see.

Signed up for AtoZ. It was a blast last year.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Pat!

Angela, thanks anyway. And skiing sounds like fun!

Denise, yes, IWSG will post as usual. Be interesting to see how everyone lines up the letter. Think it will be D.

Charmaine, thanks for trying!

Medeia, glad you're on board.

Mary, you'll like it.