Friday, November 16, 2012

Ninja News, Writers4Writers, and the I Miss You Blogfest!

It’s Time for the I Miss You Blogfest!

But first…

Ninja News

Cassie Mae and Tara Tyler hit 500 followers and are holding a giveaway! Tara is creating a blog banner for one lucky winner, and I’m sure you’ve seen her awesome banners all over the blogging world. Cassie is giving away a manuscript critique since she’s now in demand. (I’m sure I had nothing to do with that…)

Denise at L’Aussie Writer is hosting a Holiday Spirit Blogfest that runs December 12 – 21. For this Holiday Spirit blogfest (open to the whole blogosphere), RFW is looking for excerpts of up to 800 words of fiction or non-fiction stories of family tradition, favorite/unique recipes, inspirational articles, etc.; that involve the essence of the holiday spirit.

And on Monday, November 19, the details of this blog event, hosted by Mark “The Madman” Koopman, ”Marvelous” Morgan Shamy, Stephen “Breakthrough” Tremp, and David “Kingpin” Powers King, will be revealed. You’ll be surprised. You’ll be mystified. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll kiss three bucks goodbye… (Wait, that’s the tagline for the spoof Hardware Wars!) Safe to say, you will not be expecting it. Like the Spanish Inquisition. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition… (Wait, that’s a Monty Python skit!) Just forget all you know, or think you know… (Crap, that’s the tagline from Willow!) Just tune in Monday!

Writers4Writers (W4WS)

· Help writers bring awareness of their book(s) to tens of thousands of new people
· Help writers reach Amazon Top 100 in at least one category (i.e., suspense, free, whatever)
· Increase sales of their book(s) after the promo is over
· Drive new traffic to their blog and increase following
· Create verbal and viral buss.

In A Nut Shell: the spotlighted author (December will be Nancy Thompson and her book The Mistaken) will choose a social media avenue such as Twitter or Facebook (or both). Then, the good people of Blogdom will promote the author’s book to their Twitter followers or Facebook friends, that is, incredibly large new audiences the author could not reach on their own.

Hosted by Stephen Tremp, Mary Pax, Christine Rains, and CM Brown. You can also visit the W4WS Facebook page HERE.

Kickoff is December 6!

I Miss You Blogfest

Hosted by Andrew Leon, Matthew Rush, and Alex J. Cavanaugh

The bloggers we really miss…
and the ones we would really miss!

Do you have a couple blogger buddies who aren’t posting as often? Those who’ve pulled back and seem absent from the blogging world? Do you have blogger buddies you are grateful they are still around and would miss if they vanished? Now is your chance to show your appreciation and spotlight them!
List one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging. Then go leave a comment on those blogs.
Our blogger friends are special – time to let them know!

The bloggers I miss

Clarissa Draper After her book release, Clarissa posted just a little bit less, and then she went on vacation for a month. I’ve known her for two and a half years and really miss Clarissa’s words of wisdom. (Fortunately, she is now back from vacation! So maybe I won’t have to miss her anymore.)

Jeffrey Beesler Met Jeffrey the summer of 2010 and he became a good friend and critique partner. His books and real life events have kept him busy though. He used to post daily, featuring theme weeks, and I could always count on seeing his comments. I really miss seeing Jeffrey around the blogging world.

Baygirl After over two years of her wit, I really came to appreciate Baygirl’s fun posts, which often included pictures. She posts much less now and there’s a definite void without her voice online.

The bloggers I would miss if they quit:

All of you! Really, how can I select just three people? Everyone who visits is important to me. I notice when any of you are gone for a few days. I could do a really long post and say something wonderful about all of you. But since I’m restricted to just three…

Jeremy at Retro-Zombie If I’m ever backed into a corner, I want Jeremy at my side. Only once before have I met someone so willing to do anything to help another. He’d give you the shirt off his back. He has a graphics business, and yet he’s so willing to do them for free for his friends. I can always count on Jeremy. If you’ve ever visited his site and thought ‘odd,’ then you just don’t understand the heart of the man behind that blog. Jeremy rocks, and hopefully he never leaves us.

Ella at Ella’s Edge I met Ella during the first A to Z Challenge. She is without a doubt the most creative person I have ever met. She sees the beauty in the simplest things, and her words flow like a gentle stream. Even her artwork, crafts, and photos are poetic. She has a peace about her that speaks volumes of love. I would miss her spirit and the safe haven that is her blog if she ever left us.

Chuck at Apocalypse Now No other way to say it – Chuck is THE MAN. It didn’t take me long after finding his blog two and a half years ago to realize that Chuck and I have a lot in common. He’s someone I could hang with and shoot the breeze over a couple drinks. Chuck is one of the most supportive people I know – I think he’s talked more people into buying my books than I have! He’s dedicated and possesses a great sense of humor. Hopefully when the Mayan calendar runs out next month and his countdown to the Apocalypse ends, Chuck doesn’t vanish on us.

Your turn – who do you miss and who would you miss?

List of participants below. Feel free to join us!

Signing up for Cassie and Tara’s giveaway? Joining the Holiday Spirit Blogfest? Signed up for Writers4Writers? Who do you miss or would miss in the blogging world? And don’t forget to come back Monday…


Mark Koopmans said...


Don't ever apply for a job as an overnight TV gizmo seller... your "ANNOUNCEMENT, but first..." needs a lot of finesse...

Now, having just said that, your tease for Monday was *the BEST* especially as, well, I can't say... but you cracked me UP!!!

PS... thanks for the share re. your three would-miss-you Bluddies (Blogger buddies)... must go say hi :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting this blogfest Alex, it is perfect for this time of year. You listed some great bloggers. Have a nice week-end :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Thanks for hosting this blogfest. I think it will confuse my readers as the last 250 posts have been following our travels. I tried to tie it in. I am off to check out your favorite bloggers and find a few more on your list.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yep, I definitely missed Clarissa while she was away.

Donna Shields said...

It was hard coming up with three I'd miss. You're one.

Unknown said...

Clarissa is one of my favorites too.

I'll miss all the blogfests in December, but I need to unplug for a month for more reasons I dare count. Will be back stronger and more hopeful in January 2013.

Jessica Bell said...

Fab choices! I guessed two right :-) Jeremy and Ella!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, I'll scratch that off my list of job possibilities. And you like the tease? Worked hard on that one!

Hey Rhonda! You've looked like you're having fun on your travels though.

Donna, thank you!

Damy, we'll miss you!

Jessica, did you really know...?

Jessica Bell said...

LOL, of course! They're the two you speak about the most. Well, when I'm lurking around your blog, I see their names pop up quite often.

Laura Eno said...

Your taglines cracked me up and - not being a movie person - I thought they were yours. :)

This is such a great blogfest, a chance to speak from the heart. Kudos to the three of you!

Tonja said...

I miss Baygirl too.

Christine Rains said...

Sweet messages to those you miss. I've already signed up for Cassie and Tara's giveaway! There's so many people I would miss if they went away. We have such a great community here. I finally have Prometheus from Netflix. Some good sci-fi for this weekend to watch! Have a wonderful weekend!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. there are so many - I forgot Clarissa - yeah I'd miss her if she wandered off out of blogdom ... BayGirl too ..

Great selection of bloggers - but then they are all so much fun - cheers Hilary

Ella said...

Thank you Alex! I do miss Clarrisa and Baygirl...

Thanks to you, Andrew and Matthew for hosting this amazing blogfest~

I didn't know Captain Ninjas could make Ninja Stylist cry...Thank you Alex, I would miss you, too~ You are like a beacon of good will, always sharing facets of news!

Thank you for being YOU!

Off to sign up to support authors and visit :D

T. Powell Coltrin said...

You're right those are great bloggers. I was wondering about Clarissa myself.


Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

There's a definite void in the blogosphere this month with so many people doing NaNo. It's understandable but I miss them! :)

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats to Cassie and Tara!

I would miss Clarissa, too, but I knew she would be back :)

Happy Weekend!

The Happy Whisk said...

Neat idea for a blogfest. Well done.

Lisa said...

I'm off to check on your blogger friends. Thank you for hosting Alex.

Brinda said...

You guys have picked a great topic for this blogfest. It's nice to pay tribute to those folks and let them know they're missed!

jaybird said...

Nice choices Alex!

I feel the same way you do. I love everyone on my blog roll and would definitely miss them if any one of them were gone.

Thanks for hosting this blog fest!!

Elise Fallson said...

Thanks so much for hosting this blogfest! I hope folks that are being missed will find time to come back if they can.

Unknown said...

I miss not being around too. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. It really means a lot. I am trying to get back into blogging but I'm going through a lot of personal issues lately. However, hopefully I can get back into a routine which includes weekly blogging. Thanks again, Alex! You really are the best. I would miss you if you stopped blogging.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jessica, you have the makings of a fine Ninja then!

Laura, can't claim those taglines!

Aw, thanks Ella. And I didn't mean to make you cry!!

Carol, and we are glad she is back!

Jaybird, it was so difficult to choose...

Thanks, Clarissa. You just had me worried - you've been a good blogger buddy for so long.

Mina Burrows said...

Congrats to Cassie & Tara!

Writers 4 Writers sounds great!

I'm heading over to say hi to Clarissa & Jeremy now. Thx, Alex!

Matthew MacNish said...

Thanks for hosting and providing the linky power, Alex! There are so many awesome blogs I would miss too. It's tough.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

So much stuff coming up! Wowsers. I forgot to add three that I would miss, but same as you, it would be everyone! I mean if I wouldn't miss you, I wouldn't have hit follow in the first place!

Isis Rushdan said...

Sounds like we all need a Chuck! At least I have an Alex, lol.

W4WS has the potential to be AMAZING.

Claire Hennessy said...

Another great blogfest, thank you Alex. Will try to find the time to visit other people today. Wow, so many amazing blogs but so little time.

Luanne G. Smith said...

So much good stuff going on. Love the idea of the Writers for Writers project. said...

Baygirl won all of my choco-quiz contests. That woman's brilliant and creative. Great picks, Alex. Thanks for co-hosting.


Creepy Query Girl said...

I'm so glad you guys put this blogfest together. It really made me want to see what I can do about upping my bloggy participation and keeping in better touch with blogs I miss. Some great choices there Alex!

Jess said...

Chuck is totally awesome! I agree. And I miss Clarissa Draper, too!

You should host this blogfest again sometime! I didn't know about it before I posted today. I definitely would have joined in if I'd known!

I'd really miss Fairbetty ( ) if she quit. She's really cool :)

kjmckendry said...

Congrats to Cassie Mae and Tara!
In November I miss lots of bloggers cause so many have stopped for NaNo.

I would really miss you Alex. You bring so much to this community.

Jo said...

There are so many bloggers out there who would be really missed. I didn't even try this blog fest. I would miss you Alex that is for sure.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Matthew, thanks for co-hosting with us!

Elizabeth, well said!

Thank you, Isis.

Katie, glad it's prodded you forward.

Jess, you can still join us!

Charles Gramlich said...

A pretty cool idea.

Liza said...

Love the idea of this blogfest. I'm finding some great folks.

N. R. Williams said...

Oops! I forgot to write who I'd miss if they vanished. Very busy, my daughter is learning GIMP on my computer and I have little time to do anything but encourage her. She is going to redo my cover for The Treasures of Carmelidrium since no one is down loading even now when it's free. Ugh!

I'd miss you Alex.

Gossip_Grl said...

Looks like a great blogfest! I'm currently making my way through the list and have read so many good Miss You posts! Great posting! Now, going to check out the links! :)

Anonymous said...

I remember Clarissa, Jeffrey, and Baygirl. Awesome people I also wish were still blogging with us. Although I do see Jeffrey on Facebook from time to time.

And thanks for the shout out for W4WS!

Off to visit Cassie and Tara. And I could certainly use a new blog banner! The guys from MST3000 just crashed into the satellite on my banner.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Yes! to Clarissa and Jeffery. As for as the others you've chosen...finally a few I don't know. I'll have to check them out.

Powdered Toast Man said...

I've forgotten about Baygirl. She is pretty awesome. Good choice putting Chuck on your list. He would of made it on mine if the list was longer.

Susan Oloier said...

Congrats to Tara and Cassie on 500! Yes, I went to Bay Girl's blog a few times recently to find the same post there. And while I enjoy that post, I'd like to see her back.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

You're right - Baygirl doesn't post very often anymore.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

alex, thank you... it's funny how we all started our blogs as an expression of ourselves and we hoped to share that expression with others. we like seeing the followers jump, the comments being made and making friends... friends that are like family... you are part of my family. i am proud that we met and that to me is a mystery, which makes it even cooler... that mystery.

i a glad and honored to be "odd" person... and thank you again!

this all being said in the manliest way possible, you are like a brother to me and i got your back when the war starts.

jeremy [retro-zombie]

ps. i finally... finally got the new rush... outstanding.

have a great day, on to the show!!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

We all have met people in the blogverse who have shaped our thoughts and perceptions in healing, fun ways, haven't we? Have a great weekend! :-)

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with you on Jeremy. I know I don't comment often on his posts, but I love reading them every time.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I'd have to get up at 2 in the morning to hit the top of your comment list, Alex. One of these days...

Looking forward to meeting your friends. Later, Captain.

Leigh Caron said...

Aw, I missed it. But it's fun reading all the bloggers who joined and the blogs they'd miss.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, that's all right!

Stephen, you're welcome. And I can hear Tom and Crow now "Mike broke the banner!"

PTM, Chuck is awesome.

Jeremy, you and me against the zombies, man!! Odd is good if it leads to friends like you. Glad I met you, brother!

Joshua, Jeremy rocks.

Joylene, that made me laugh!

shelly said...

I'm here on the blogosphere just reading today.

Hugs and chocolate!


Anonymous said...

Clarissa's blog was one I also enjoyed very much! There are so many inspiring, encouraging, informative blogs out there. Thanks for a place that shares these in abundance.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

This is a great blogfest, I'm finding out about all kinds of fun bloggers. :)

Tina said...

I'm overwhelmed with new folks to visit. Recommendations galore out there...Great blogfest.
Tina @ Life is Good

Juliana Haygert said...

Congrats Cassie Mae and Tara Tyler!!
Oh, I dig this W4WS thing. Gonna check it out! Thanks!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

We'd all miss you too Alex. I like the W4WS, writers need all the help they can get. Juicy news today and of course that secret to be revealed on Monday.

Morgan said...

Hmmmm... I think Madman Mark is starting to rub off on you... You're starting to talk to yourself...


What a warm and fuzzy blogfest. Really fun. Thanks, Captain.

Tyrean Martinson said...

There are so many awesome bloggers, that it was really hard to choose just a few. I don't want to end up missing anyone . . .and speaking of missing things, I forgot to mention Tara and Cassie's 500 follower excitement today!

Rachna Chhabria said...

I would miss all of you, Alex. Just imagine if we weren't blogging we would have never met (online). You all are a part of my life now.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm thinking about Writers4writers.
Thanks for hosting another great event. Of course, now I'll be hopping around instead of working on my book all weekend.

farawayeyes said...

Fun and interesting blogfest. I would miss you, if you went away.

Tracy Jo said...

Alex...I just love your Ninja News. I always find great stuff to do and ppl to follow. What a fun blogfest too! Happy weekend!

RaShelle Workman said...

What a fun blogfest. I would miss you, Alex!

Emily R. King said...

Such a great idea for a blogfest!

I would miss Ella as well. She is, as you said, a creative genius. She blows my mind!

Tara Tyler said...

you have to know that you are the given on everone's list!

thanks so much for co hosting this hop
and even more for giving our giveaway a shout!
i want a sassy cassie crit too! lucky!

cleemckenzie said...

Jam-packed as always with news. And great news, too! Love being in on the Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest. Very nice way to acknowledge bloggers with style!

Unknown said...

I would miss Ella for sureas well. That's why I chose her as one of mine. I love her poetry and creativity. I would miss you, too, but that goes without say. :)

Cassie and Tara rock!

Arlee Bird said...

I suppose there are bloggers I miss and many I would miss, but my memory is so bad sometimes that I forget who they are and don't remember which ones I would miss. I guess I would just miss any and all of them.

A Faraway View

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Sheena-kay!

Morgan, that's not good!

Thank you, Karen.

Rachna, thank you!!

Susan, work is overrated.

Thanks, RaShelle.

Tara, thanks! And you'd enjoy a sassy Cassie critique.

Thanks, Melissa!

Ink in the Book said...

Already having a great time and still have lots to visit. So, thanks for hosting this fest and hope you enjoy your day of comments (my guess: you already finished. I have no idea how you visit and comment on so many blogs!!)

Nancy Thompson said...

Congrats to Tara & Cassie. Too bad I can't use their services. The W4Ws event is going to be so cool. I can't believe they picked me for their first campaign! I have a funny feeling you are on quite a few of those lists, like mine. I'll be back on Monday. Have a great weekend Alex!

Anonymous said...

What fun blogfests and giveaways!

I miss Clarissa too!

Gonna check out Writers 4 Writers. Sounds FAB!

Angela Brown said...

Okay, I'm glad to see I'm not the only that has missed Clarissa Draper. I really LOVED her A to Z challenge for 2012 but I enjoyed her posts even before then.

Donna K. Weaver said...

What a great idea for a blogfest. There are many I miss, and some of them are because I just don't have to time to get around like I used to. *sigh*

Suze said...

I'd miss you.

Golden Eagle said...

I've missed Clarissa Draper as well! She's an excellent blogger.

Thanks for hosting the blogfest! :)

There are so many announcements these days; I've seen a lot of references by the hosts about the event you're revealing Monday. Sounds awesome.

Summer Ross said...

There are lots of bloggers I would miss and some I already do.

W4Ws sounds wonderful I'll have to check it out.

Camille Picott said...

Awesome blogfest! So glad I got to participate and give a much-deserved shout-out to my blog buddies.

I have not heard of W4W before! Sounds like an awesome idea. I will wander over and check it out. Thanks for posting the info!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I miss Clarissa, too! Glad she's just temporarily away.

Thanks for giving me some more blogs to check out, too!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ink, I'm still working at it - well over a hundred already.

Nancy, I can believe they picked you!!

Laura, join us!

Suze, thank you.

Elizabeth, you'll find plenty today!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Excellent choices and I love what you say about each one. You are such a classy guy!

Great job!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Thanks for hosting this fun blogfest Alex! I think you've made everyone's list! Looking forward to the big reveal on Monday! Julie

Andrew Leon said...

Bah! I'm gonna have to go back through all the posts I managed to visit already so that I pick up the links to these other blogs.

It sucks being on a foreign computer :(

Cassie Mae said...

Oh, I love Clarissa! And of course all your peeps you've listed. :)

And thanks for announcing the contest! *cyber chest bump!*

David P. King said...

I totally know what Hardware Wars is. Mad props for the reference, Alex. And awesome peeps you highlighted. I'm off to visit them. :)

Anonymous said...

Have had fun reading all the blogs on this hop. Writers 4 Writers is a wonderful premise and am so glad Nancy gets first feature. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Have had fun reading all the blogs on this hop. Writers 4 Writers is a wonderful premise and am so glad Nancy gets first feature. Awesome.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

You are the most beloved person in the blogosphere, Alex. I've seen your name just about everywhere today (and not just in the credits of the fest). I gotta sign up for that writers 4 writers thing.

nutschell said...

what a cool blogfest! I don't even know how you keep up with all the news, Alex. You have elves working for you I bet. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Heather.

Julie, I made quite a few, which surprised me.

Andrew, sorry!

Cassie, you're welcome!

David, that makes you uber-cool!

Michael, thanks - I was stunned to see my name so many places.

Nutschell - clones!

Carrie Butler said...

I'm signed up for Writers4Writers, I'll be sure to check out Mark's blog event, and I miss Clarissa, too!

Whew! I tried to "say" (type) that all in one breath. ;) Have a great weekend!

Leovi said...

Yes, it is true, that not long ago no Clarissa.

mooderino said...

Whatever could this Nov 19 reveal be? Intriguing...

SC Author said...

No more teasing! I want to know what that blog fest is about :)

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats to Cassie, Tara and Denise! Sadly, I only know one of the bloggers you listed for the blog fest and agree Jeremy would be a loss.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

So choked up today. So many wonderful bloggers. So many wonderful friends. So few hours in the day to visit them often. So sad for the bloggers who have dropped out of our community. So understanding and giving are you and your hosts.


Kimberly Gabriel said...

So many things I missed this week! Cassie and Tara's giveaways? The Holiday Spirit Blogfest? I'm slacking...

But I have enjoyed today's blogfest. Thanks for hosting Alex!

Jeff Beesler said...

Awesome blog post, Alex! And just so everyone knows, I'm still around on Facebook and Twitter, and am about to implement a new, permanent weekly blogging strategy in 2013 so that my absenteeism isn't so chronic. I also have something secretive planned for next month, too.

Unknown said...

Awesome post, as usual. Can't wait until Monday :D

Tamara said...

Can't wait until Monday! I'm visiting you first before hopping around to see everyone else's post. This was a great idea for a blogfest. And W4W sounds really awesome

Jemi Fraser said...

I've had to back off from blogfests recently - life is way over the top crazy right now & I just can't add anything else to it. It's so true how connected we become to each other via our blogs - so many great people!

M Pax said...

So many bloggers so missed. Yeah, what did happen to Clarissa? I'm glad Ellie came back.

Unspoken said...

I love that you actually made a list of who you miss and would miss. Very nice. I miss bloggers I who have left too~

PS You are the Ninja of commenters in blogland ;)! How you do it, I'll never know.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carrie, don't hold your breath!

Moody and SC, Monday!

Maurice, he would.

Michael, Amen!

Kimberly, glad you enjoyed it.

Jeffrey, but I'm not on Facebook - we need you here! Which is why I'm glad you have plans for that.

Tamara, 6:01 am EST!

Mary, she just came back!

Dani said...

And of course Blogger doesn't release my post first thing in the morning! Grrr. But I'm in the game now. Thanks for kicking this off, Alex, along with the rest of the team!

Carol Garvin said...

I guess I can't just lurk today since Joylene elevated me to some kind of I'd-miss-you faux-celebrity status. ;)

She's special, not just because of what she writes about her fellow bloggers, but because her heart is so big. Plus several times she has pointed me in your direction and I've learned a great deal here. I'd be shattered if either of you ever decided to quit blogging!

Allison said...

Those prizes of Cassie's and Tara's are awesome. I can't decide if I want to win or if I want one of my awesome blogging buddies to win... I guess either way it's all good!

I've seen so many shout outs to you in this blog fest, Alex, and for good reason! You are an amazing presence in this blogging community. You're like the Force and duct tape :)

Hildie McQueen said...

Lots of news, i have to go on the blogging trail! Thanks for hosting this fun blogfest!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dani, look forward to reading it!

Carol, thank you! Joylene is really awesome.

Allison, thanks! The Force is strong with this duct tape...

Hildie, glad you've enjoyed it.

Livia Peterson said...

Yay, I'm here! Joined the big party taking place at Alex's!

I would miss you so much, Alex, if you stopped blogging! If you disappeared out of my life, I think I would be mourning.

You also keep this online writing community together - as ONE - connected as a family! We are a family! As it is, most of us writers meet here every M-W-F to hang out! And guess what, you're the host! We serve ourselves some snacks and beverages over here and we're all good because we're talking up a storm with the Ninja Captain!

I love your support and encouragement! You're the man! There will be nobody like YOU! Don't leave us!

BTW: I usually check your blog THE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING! It's sorta becoming a habit of mine - I remind myself every M-W-F, gotta check Alex's blog or else!

And most definitely, I'll be checking out the big reveal on Monday! I'll most likely be signing up for it! Awesome folks hosting it - it's a given!

I can't thank you enough, Alex! Thank you for your contributions to this online writing community!

Sherry Ellis said...

Thanks for cohosting this blog fest! It's such a great idea!

Johanna Garth said...

I had just started to follow Clarissa Draper when she stopped posting. Here's hoping she starts again!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Livia, thank you so much! You are a mighty force as well and will keep this community going full steam ahead. Think you will like Monday's reveal.

Johanna, she has just started again!

Marta Szemik said...

Thank you for hosting the blogfest Alex. It's a huge community that makes me wonder how many blogs are actually out there. I'm sure the stats are available. I'm very excited about W4W too :)

mshatch said...

I miss Clarissa, too. I'll be glad when her name pops up on my blog roll again.

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,

First of all, well done to Cassie and Tara on reaching the 500 followers mark. Although, I really don't like the usage of the word "followers" and wish we could use a different term.

As mentioned to you before, a most worthy blogfest to bring attention to those bloggers one misses. Much more of a way of bringing attention to them than what I've been doing for years. On a regular basis, I discreetly contact those who have been missing to see how they are doing.

All the best with this endeavour and thank you for your abundance of links and info. Have a peaceful, positive weekend.


junebug said...

You Rock! Seriously! You are one of the best supporters of writers in the blogosphere. I'm impressed with how much you get done for yourself and for others. That is all. :-)

I'm off to check into these other links. Write up my Miss You Post one day late. Anxiously awaiting with bated breath the Monday announcement although I will probably remember to check it on Tuesday.

E. M. Prokop said...

Hey Alex! Terrific 'fest! My post is coming! You seem to be tireless in your support of your fellow bloggers and up and coming are greatly appreciated. Even though I don't comment a whole lot, I definately would miss you and your blog if you left!

Denise Covey said...

Hi Alex. I think this is the first of your blogfests I've missed due to my NaNo commitments. Thanks for plugging the Holiday Spirit blogfest. It should be a lovely blogoverse experience. D

Jeff Hargett said...

Big, big fan here of the Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest execution. Some mighty good people are missed and it was good to see that they're remembered--regardless of why they're not blogging anymore.

Suzanne Furness said...

Thanks for hosting this blogfest, it's been fun. Big congrats to Cassie and Tara too and can't wait for Mark's 'mystery' to be unveiled soon!

Anonymous said...

I would miss Jamie Ayres if she stopped blogging, because that girl's got voice! ...and I love your blog posts, because you always include awesome people for me to follow! So thanks for that!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marta, we should look.

Gary, whatever it takes to reach friends we care about.

Junebug, thank you!!

Even, thanks, and off to read.

Denise, you're welcome.

Thanks, everyone!

Unknown said...

I didn't participate in the blogfest, but there are so many bloggers I'd miss, yes, you're #1. Almost always the first person to comment on my blog. Thanks Alex. :)

SpacerGuy said...

Sorry I missed the blogfest,I can tell you guys had a blast. My shuttlecraft got stuck in the Andromeda Galaxy, pesky space bugs got into my anti matter mix but really everyone here is truly awesome.

Leovi said...

We'll see on Monday, but I hope not to meet the Spanish Inquisition.

Cherie Reich said...

I miss Clarissa's blog posts too!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Not sure if it's me or my computer or the weather... but quite a few of the links didn't work. If I didn't stop by, that's the only reason why.

Ciara said...

I'm not familiar with the bloggers you missed, but I know the ones you highlighted, and love them.

ediFanoB said...

I like to see that so many people like blogfests.
I must say I'm unable to cope with. I'm happy when I find time for my blog.

Unknown said...

Holy cow -- there's a lot going on this week, and as usual, you're in the thick of things.
I'm wondering about the W4W thing. Sounds good for the first 12 writers if they're doing monthly highlights ... but what about if 30-40 writers want in? People at the end of the line won't get featured for years ... just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I can think of bloggers who either post less or disappeared completely. I do miss them.

Melissa said...

Lots of great blogfests! I love the W4W idea! :)

Author A.O. Peart said...

Awesome stuff happening! I will be cheering up the participants. W4Ws sounds great. Too bad I've missed the sign up :-(

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Candilynn, thank you.

Spacer guy , sorry about the bugs.

Leovi, that would be bad.

Joylene, they should all work... I'll check.

Edi, I'm sorry.

Lexa, think it wii be a first come, first serve for new releases.

Angela, next book!

Unknown said...

I am sure I posted a comment here on Friday night, but it seems to have vanished into who knows where!

The I Miss You Blogfest has been a wonderful experience to share with others, thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Cool blogfest. Thanks for always keeping us informed on all the news! If you ever stopped blogging, Alex, it'd be a fate worse than never eating bacon again, b/c I LOVE me some pigs:-)

Chuck said...

Alex, thanks again for the shout out. I am here for the duration (and your next book)! I missed this yesterday but I am going to post my list today anyway.

Clarissa and Baygirl are two I read all the time and they always stopped by for a visit...I do miss them. Right now I am kinda missing Pat's blog.

You rock dude, that's all there is to it!

Nick Wilford said...

I think this blogfest has done a lot of good, in letting people know how much they're missed. It was a brilliant idea! And great to see there's more awesome stuff coming up. :)

Writer Pat Newcombe said...

I think we would all miss you, Alex!The blogfest works just great for all of us,,,

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carolyn, sorry it vanished! This blogfest has been frat.

Thanks, Jamie!!

Chuck, you are welcome, and hope Pat rejoins us soon.

Nick, thanks.

Thanks, Pat!

Laura Pauling said...

It's amazing how many bloggers have tailed off. The golden days are over. I just have to look at my google reader which used to fill like crazy on Monday morning, and now? Very little.

Leovi said...

Yes, of course that Apocalypse Now is a very interesting blog.

Amy Jarecki said...

Sounds like fun, but I think I need more time in the blogosphere before I start missing people. Maybe Liz Fichera...she's pretty awesome :-)

Lisa Regan said...

What a great blogfest! I've enjoyed reading peoples' entries. I'm so happy Nancy has been chosen for Writers 4 Writers in December. No one is more deserving. Her book is amazing. Hopefully this will help it reach more readers!

Anonymous said...

Hail, King of the Blogosphere! Great stuff as always, Alex. I like the idea of Writers 4 Writers -- a few SpecFic writers and I are starting something similar (but on a much smaller scale) next week: synchronizing our free promotions and advertising them together.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, mine just gets bigger and big - want to trade?

Amy, Liz is awesome!

Lisa, Amen to that!

Milo, I just read that at your blog. We all need a little help. said...

Hey Alex, thanks for pointing me over to Chuck's blog and for nominating me for T-giving host. Come, one and all! Would you like some chocolate basted turkey? (Talk about scary.)


Heather Murphy said...

I'll have to check out your recommendations. A few of them that you mentioned are new to me.
Thanks for co-hosting. This has been fun!
I also can't wait to hear about the upcoming event tomorrow

Anonymous said...

So many great blogfests, so little time. I am definitely going to try to join a couple blogfests around the holidays. Here's hoping!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, think I will skip chocolate on my turkey.

Heather, less than twelve hours...

Liz, hope you can!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Hi Alex! It's been awhile since I've visited and somehow missed the news of Writers 4 Writers. How very cool! Awesome idea. Now off to like the FB page!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting the blogfest! I hope I don't even have to make your list. I'll have to look more into Writers4Writers. Hope you've had a great weekend!

Julie Flanders said...

I really can't stand waiting any longer for this blog fest reveal. So glad the 19th is almost here. You guys are hilarious with this. :)

Dani said...

Still working. If I don't get to everyone, will you let me play again? I like these one-day fests. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey Karen! Good to hear from you.

Julie, you will be stunned...

Dania, you can join us anytime!

Nicole said...

Love the shout outs to all those great bloggers!

Tammy Theriault said...

so very oh so very greatful for all the fun blogs! and wow, 500 followers! congrats, guys!!!

Trisha said...

I'm with you, there are too many to name just 3, but at least you can pick 3 out of all those you would miss :)

baygirl32 said...

I miss Baygirl too, oh wait! That's me - I didn't even know I was mmissing :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Baygirl, that IS you!

Peaches Ledwidge said...

You show the softer side of you.

Anonymous said...

I missed all my friends,
pity I wasn;t missed after 6years of blogging

Just started up new blog
written from the heart hope to get a few friends back.

Jai Joshi said...

I miss Rhonda at Rhonda's Wonderland.
