Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Plus NetFlix’s Daredevil, Ninja News, and New Releases

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Eva Solar Melanie Schulz, Lisa-Buie Collard, and Stephen Tremp!

Dragon of the Stars came out last month in the middle of the A to Z Challenge. It was a struggle to balance my blog tour, marketing for Dragon, and the Challenge. The book has sold well and promotion efforts continue. My publisher is working with a lot of science fiction conventions and my blog tour continues. (My stop this week was at Teresa’s Journaling Woman site.)

Anne R. Allen posted this week reasons why authors should write short stories. I’ve contributed to four anthologies, and since my novels are all really short, short stories might be something I pursue. I do have an idea for an adventure involving Bassan…

But the one thing I really want to focus on now is the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. I want to bring in some awesome guests, add many more sites to the database, and elevate the site to Writer’s Digest level quality.

Writing is tough business. Maybe that’s one of the reasons I’m hesitant to continue. (I didn’t sign on to do more than one book anyway.) I know the bad reviews on Amazon were inevitable, but it always sucks. I’ve been through some incredible highs and lows, and I want to do my part to help other writers going through the same stuff. I’m not a great writer, but maybe I can be a great supporter.

Ninja News

If you’re looking for my A to Z Challenge Reflections post, it is HERE.
Sarah Foster is hosting The Muse Party Blogfest on May 25 2015 – visit her site for details.

Cherie Reich’s book Reborn is a finalist in the Rone Awards – please help her by voting HERE.

Michael G D'Agostino just started a monthly hop - Question of the Month. It’s on the first Monday of the month, so sign up at his site for June.

Ray at Don’t Throw a 1 is hosting a mega 500 posts giveaway. If you are a gamer or a painter, you definitely want to check it out.

The Blood, Boobs, and Carnage Blogfest is May18 - movie/show/book that exemplifies the theme. (Or part of theme.) Hosted by me and Heather Gardner.

Just Released!

Titanic: Newly Discovered Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Holy Ghost Writer

The Bear Who Wouldn’t Leave by J.H. Moncrieff

The Botanist by Liesel K. Hill

Melissa Maygrove announced the release of Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing. She and many other contributed to the book, which was edited by JQ Rose.

Daredevil Review

If you’ve not been watching this series on NetFlix, you are missing out!
This is one of the finest shows I have ever seen. It not only sets the standard for comic book series, but for any series.
It’s not a candy-coated comic book show. It’s real and sometimes brutal – part character study, part serious drama, and part amazing action sequences. It’s built for people who love comics and those who’ve never read one in their life.
All of the characters, good and bad, and fully fleshed out and real people. You sympathize not only with Matt as Daredevil but with Wilson Fisk as the villain.
This is an event series – and they don’t come around often.
Highly recommended!

Joining any of those blogfests? Picking up some new books? Have you been watching Daredevil? And what are your writing insecurities this month?


Unknown said...

Wednesday 5th May 2015

Dear Alex,

Wow! You have really been doing a balancing act, with your new book AND the A to Z! I'm glad it's time for the IWSG. Finally back to normal.

Best wishes,

Michael Abayomi said...

I binged the entire first season of Daredevil when it premiered on Netflix like two weeks ago, and I've got to say that you've hit the nail on the head with your review. It is indeed miles ahead of the competition, and I love its depiction of Kingpin aka. Wilson Fisk. The fight scenes are simply jaw-dropping, especially the one at the end of episode 2.

TBM said...

You have some great ambitions for IWSG and it'll be fun to watch and participate. Oh getting negative reviews does sting. And there are so many ups and downs to this biz.

Thanks for the link to Cherie's vote. I almost forgot to do that. But now I've voted.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've been taking it easy. You may want to add a bit more to your plate to avoid boredom. *smiles*

You're a superstar, Alex and if short stories look appealing to you - go for it.

I'm not sure how I'll handle bad reviews. I hope I can take them constructively, but I'm not sure…best of luck!

mail4rosey said...

Ghost has a new book! Awesome. :) I loved re-visiting Monte Cristo through him...that was a can't-put-down read!

Annalisa Crawford said...

There are some great blogfests happening, but as I almost forgot about the IWSG today, I think I'd better not sign up to anything at the moment!!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

April was a crazy month, wasn't it? Please let us know if you're planning to attend any conventions.

Cathrina Constantine said...

It sounds like we're pretty much in the same boat as far as reviews go. As authors we can have 10 glowing reviews and its the bad one that twists our gut.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Daredevil! I thought my boyfriend would be into it because we watch Flash and Arrow together, but he didn't get into DD. Obviously he is stupid.

But yes, writing IS hard! That's why we need each other and this amazing support group you started ;)

Jennifer Hawes said...

IWSG....Writer's Digest level?!! Awesome!! And I need to watch Daredevil...

Christine Rains said...

Those are fantastic ambitions for the IWSG. I can't wait to see what the future holds for it. Writing is tough, but you're talented. Daredevil is high on my to watch list. I think it's going to be some good summer watching for me! And I'm having trouble deciding which movie to use for Blood, Boobs, and Carnage Blogfest. So many! :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Woot! for your continued tour. Kuddos to you for tackling so much at the same time. Thx for sharing all the book news and notices.

Jay Noel said...

Yup. I forgot to mention the A-Z Challenge on my list of things that zapped my mojo. Writing is a really hard business, and it takes its toll.

I thought Daredevil was amazing. I'm excited to see the cameos they're planning for Season 2.

Unknown said...

I'm gong to have to check that series out--always looking for something new to watch.

Nicki Elson said...

Thanks for the recommendation - I've got just the friend who needs to watch Daredevil. Did you get your free comics on Free Comic Book Day.

Don't let bad reviews question your writing talents (I know, I know, easier said than done). Your books wouldn't sell as well as they do if you didn't have a special spark to your writing.

Looking forward to what IWSG can become! I'm still enjoying its roots in this monthly blog hop.

Tonja Drecker said...

Daredevil sounds amazing! Thanks for pointing it out because I think I'm going to use exactly that as an incentive to get my writing done. You might have just saved me ;)
And wow to your IWSG dreams! Amazing to watch how it's grown and where it's going.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Anna, I guess that means my normal is still rather crazy.

Michael, I tried to binge-watch, but it's just so intense that I had to spread out the episodes.

TBM, she'll appreciate that.

Thanks, Elsie.

Rosey, I'll have to read that one.

Sandra, at the moment it's just my book attending.

Cathrina, that always sucks.

CG, that made me laugh!!

Christine, feel free to cheat and use more than one.

Nicki, no I didn't. And thanks.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I haven't seen Daredevil (and admittedly superheroes are not my thing), but I keep hearing about it. I'll probably give it a try on one of my late nights when I'm struggling with the Muse and need a break.

And I hear ya about the writing being a tough business part. I am staring at the end of my 3-book contract and wondering if I will be lucky enough to get another one. Especially since I quite the day job. (Not because I was confident about my writing career, but because the day job was sucking the life out of me.)

However, the thing about writing is that we're always looking for the next thing: the next book, or the next step like getting an agent. Sometimes, we need to stop and wonder at what we've already done!

Melissa said...

You're amazing.

I think short stories are a great idea. Go for it!

Thanks for the shout-out about our book. :)

Justlittlecajunme said...

Remember the negative critics are just a few. Concentrate on the positive. After the A2Z challenge I am wiped out but I am confident I can write a monthly post. You had no idea how happy I was to find out I am obligated only once a month. I keep seeing Daredevil on Netflix but I usually don't like that genre but I may check it out.

P.S. The robot with the hamburger is genius. But now I'm hungry for a burger!

Tamara Narayan said...

I haven't watched Daredevil, but as a Netflix binge-aholic (wait, what?), I'm always up for trying a new show.

I've signed up for two of those blogfests and thanks for the heads-up on the third. Without blogfests, I think I'd give up on blogging.

Insecure? Heck, yeah. I feel like I should be doing something amazing to promote my short-story collection since its price is reduced this month, but all I want to do is get back to writing.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Not that I have ANY reviews (, but the negative things said and in general steal my focus.

YOU are an AWESOME writer. How's that for a review? :)

Sarah Foster said...

Thanks for the shout out, Alex!!
Negative reviews can be tough (I'm not even published yet and I've been stung by negative feedback). Try not to let them get to you. Or better yet, don't read them!

J.H. Moncrieff said...

You've changed so many people's lives for the better with the IWSG, Alex. Thank you for starting it, and if I can help with your new plans in any way, please let me know.

Those one-star reviews aren't fun. I got one myself today. I think Amazon reviews are akin to comments on YouTube.

Thanks so much for featuring my book!

ELAdams said...

Daredevil is amazing! I'm in the middle of watching it on Netflix at the moment.

It looks like your new book is selling really well - congratulations! :)

kaykuala said...

The way you are going, researching keeping an eye on practically everyone to see to their 'personal needs' and involved in A to Z (glad it is no more for now) make you one Superman of a person! Thanks Alex!


Mary Aalgaard said...

I think you are both a good writer and supporter, Alex. Thanks for the recommendation to watch Daredevil. I think it might be one for the whole family! I'll check out some of those other blogs.

SittieCates said...

Haven't seen Daredevil yet.

Picking up new books? Yes, but not now. Will do soon.

Insecure? Yes, once in a while. It's nice that it doesn't come in that often nowadays.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Alex, you're already a GREAT SUPPORTER of all of us writers out here in the blogosphere! :)

Making a note of Daredevil....

DMS said...

Lots of great things going on around the blogosphere! I like the idea of writing short stories to get our writing out there. Great advice!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad your book is doing well. And wow, I'm impressed with your vision for the ISWG blog. That's awesome.

Julie Flanders said...

I'm so glad to read your book is selling well. Congrats!! And you are already an amazing supporter so you've got that down.
Looking forward to plans you have for the IWSG.

Unknown said...

You are a busy, busy person! Congratulations!

Pat Hatt said...

Daredevil was awesome indeed. 2 and a half days I watched that in.

Yeah, bad reviews are a pain, but meh, can't please everyone. Short stories work pretty well and add to ones bookshelf, May 11th, may just see something like that from me lol

Shell Flower said...

I always tell people to go read some bad reviews of a truly great novel before worrying about their own bad reviews. Every novel out there has bad reviews, even #1 bestsellers and classics. You are obviously a great writer or nobody would buy your books. Short stories a fun thing to try after writing novels.

Gwen Gardner said...

I only just got Netflix so I'll have to check out Daredevil.

P.S. you are the most supportive blogger/writer I know. The IWSG should make Readers Digest best!

Congratulations on your new release, Alex. You're certainly moving right along and so so busy!

Chrys Fey said...

I love to write short stories. All of my published eBooks so far are short stories. With one novella.

IWSG is the reason why I have as much support as I do. I don't know where I would be without it. :)

Chemist Ken said...

Since I'm such a slow writer, maybe I should consider going the shorter story route too.

And when you say you're a great supporter, I'd say you were undervaluing yourself. You're a absolutely fantastic supporter.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dianne, very true! And I bet you'll get another contract.

Melissa, you're welcome.

Lisa, just once a month! I like simple.

Tamara, glad they keep you going.

Thanks, Karen!

Teresa, thanks - that works!

Sarah, you're welcome.

Thanks, JH. And you are welcome!

Emma and Hank - thanks!

Madeline, I try.

Julie, thank you.

Pat, awesome!

Shell, that is very true that all books have bad reviews.

Gwen, thanks!

Dean K Miller said...

Don't know how you keep up with it all, Alex. But glad you do and thanks for everything you do. Congrats on Dragon of the Stars. Best new book I've picked up lately: "Stars Go Blue" by Laura Pritchett (and got to take a class taught by her as well!)

EEGiorgi said...

Hi Alex, congratulations on the success of your new book! Sorry I stayed away from the A-Z challenge, but I'm back now and looking forward to your posts!

Holy Ghost Writer said...

Bad reviews come and go. You had a busy

The Happy Whisk said...

Good, no excellent last paragraph. I've been waiting for this kind of post for far too long. It's very good to read this.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I'll definitely check out Daredevil. I'm really enjoying Arrow, which is filmed in my home town of Vancouver. Sorry about the review, Alex. You're right, you simply can't please everyone.

Liesel K. Hill said...

Thanks for featuring my book, Alex. Sorry I never sent you any info on it. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. But I appreciate you posting it anyway. :D Might have to check out the DareDevil series. :D

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
I can see that having a publisher is a plus. Congratulations. Short stories are great. As for a fabulous supporter, you already are.
Nancy said...

I think I'm joining Gary and Penny's anti-blogfest fest - little do they know. Thank you for all the 411, though, Alex.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I have no writing insecurities at the moment because I'm in revision/self-editing mode. I'm most comfortable there (and most uncomfortable when I'm churning out that horrid first draft--I'll get back to that next month).

Unknown said...

I saw Daredevil pop up in the New Releases on Netflix. I'll have to give it a go. Right now I'm watching a series on WWII all shot in colour and converted to HD. It's an amazing collection of real footage and includes writings from the men who fought in those battles. Inspiring stuff.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the offer of help, Alex, very kind of you.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ken, appreciate that!

Dean, that's cool.

EE, no worries - I don't blame you for hiding last month.

Holy Ghost, that made me chuckle.

Ivy, that's good to hear.

Joylene, good show, and cool it was filmed there.

Liesel, you're welcome!

Patricia, I'm with you!

Jennifer Lane said...

Congratulations on the success of Dragon of the Stars! I agree with you about writing being a tough business. Some of the reviews are soul-crushing and just plain mean. But I have met so many lovely, supportive readers.

cleemckenzie said...

It has been a wild month, hasn't it? But you did it and you're still here to write about it. I'm putting Daredevil on my Netflix list and some of those books you've given a shout out to today!

Now I'm off to read your reflection post.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Bad reviews are hard to swallow, but I hope it helps to see how many great ones you've gotten too. I'll be adding mine to that list shortly! It's a tough business, but you have all of us behind you.

David P. King said...

Agreed on Daredevil. I enjoyed that show way more than I thought I would. Congrats on all your success with Dragon so far! :)

Fundy Blue said...

Your post screams been pushing too hard lately, Alex!

You're right, writing is a tough business. I've watched my youngest sister's journey as a published author, and I'm hoping I can circumvent some of the pitfalls she ran into. You might really enjoy some sci fi conventions. My sister and I presented at several literacy conferences on topics related to her books, and that was fun.

My inner teacher surfaced when I saw "I'm not a great writer, but maybe I can be a great supporter."
#1 You have published four, count 'em, four books that have done well. How many people can claim that? Your books are short, but they are filled with heart, and the writing in each one is better than the previous one. One strength is that you have the ability to make space battles come alive vividly. When I read those passages, I always feel like I am right there inside the action.

#2 Whatever you decide to do with your writing in the future is up to you. You have to listen to your heart and do what is right for you. I can see lots of short story potential in your Cassa and Dragon worlds, and I for one would enjoy such short stories.
But don't ever say that you aren't a great writer!!!!! You are the perfect example of persistence, dedication, and discipline that turns your ideas into reality. You are a growing writer who is already writing great books! You have walked the talk!

#3 "Maybe I can be a great supporter." Warning ~ Here comes my inner Newfoundlander: WTF? You ARE a great supporter!!!!! OMG! What you have accomplished so far is awesome.
I remember when Pat Hatt promoted CassaStorm on his blog ~ I hopped over to your blog the first time to see it, commented, and you commented back on my blog. That was such a thrill! You have tremendous heart, and it shows in all you have done. But don't ever say that you aren't a great supporter!!!!!

Okay, I'll stop. I hope you won't take offense at my third grade teacherly comments. I can't help it! I really care about the people I interact with on-line too!

Happy IWSG Day!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Yeah, bad reviews can bring us down. I'm always trying to learn more and improve my craft, but what I write will not appeal to every. Ever. No matter how good I get. That's why I like Beth Revis's take on negative reviews:

And someday you might be a good supporter? Who's whispering such nonsense in your ear? You do so much good, my friend. And I thank you for it!

Patsy said...

There's no 'maybe' about you being a great supporter - you're definitely that already. I'm glad you're continuing with it.

Stephsco said...

the hubz burned through Daredevil and said I HAVE to watch it. I only caught glimpes (oh the joys of sacrificing TV time for writing time). I cannot get over how much the lead looks like a young Robert Downey Jr. Go back and watch his 80s movies and tell me I'm not right!

Arlee Bird said...

"Question of the Month" sounds interesting, but right now my question is: Do I really need to do another blogfest? Probably.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host

Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

You are a fantastic supporter! IWSG has given me more of a sense of community that anything else since I started writing. I am so grateful for it :)

Happy writing and blogging to you, Alex!

Shah Wharton said...

Oh, I'm up for the blogfest!!

Cannot believe you had a bad review, but it's impossible to please everyone all of the time. That's what I tell myself, anyway. :)

Ash-Matic said...

I caught up with Daredevil last week. Totally worth it, and a great introduction to the character.

D'Onofrio makes a great Fisk and Cox is the charismatic Matt Murdock we (and Hell's Kitchen) need.

My (current) writing insecurity is all about whether I've done enough editing/redrafting. One more pass, or get it on Amazon and move straight to feeling bad about not doing enough marketing??

Michael Di Gesu said...


You are THE BEST SUPPORTER!!!!! NEVER question that...

Our community is very privileged to have you....

Loni Townsend said...

I missed pretty much everything in April. I'm glad to hear Dragon of the Stars is doing well! Good job with pulling off all of that. I sit in front of my computer in awe of you.

Kai Strand, Author said...

I made my family watch the first episode of Daredevil with me on my birthday. I've been desperate to get back to it since, but I've been stupid busy! Why can't life cater to my entertainment needs?

Chris Phillips said...

I'm starting D.D. this week! Super pumped!!!!1!!

Cherie Reich said...

Thank you so much for mentioning Reborn's nomination for a RONE! Daredevil looks so good. I wish I had NetFlix and good Internet to watch it on NetFlix.

SpacerGuy said...

Great article Alex, Thanks for sharing all these neat places to visit. You really take the guesswork out of blogging and make it look so easy! I’m looking forward to Blood Boobs and Carnage now I know more. I've finally taken the plunge!

Yolanda Renée said...

I liked the suggestion by Shell Flower, so true, some the most iconic books out there have received the bad review.
You've done an awesome job as a writer, and you've proven your desire to help others struggling with all the writing insecurites - the IWSG was a godsend for me, truly! This group means the world to me! Thank you!

Birgit said...

You are a wonderful supporter and should receive what you give. Negative reviews do sting but these reviews are often written by critics who could never write a novel so that is why they became critics:) If one ever listened to the negative comments great books, film, art and people would never be known today. I don't have Netflix so have not seen Daredevil. I have joined Boobs, Carnage and Bloodfest. The most wonderful thing is to keep doing what you love and what you believe in and this will make your life whole. If you stop doing these 2 things you will feel a sadness and no one likes to go there

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

You weren't sure if you'd keep writing when you finished your last series too. But you did. You're a writer, and as long as you have stories in you, you'll keep it up. :) You're too good not to.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jennifer, so have I.

Lauren, thank you!

Fundy, I am overwhelmed. Thank you doesn't seem like enough. I appreciate your words more than you know.

Donna, thanks for that and the link.

Stephsco, I'll have to!

Lee, you know you can't refuse.

Amelia, that's awesome to hear!

Ash, no more editing, but do plan some marketing.

Michael, thanks!

Loni, I did it, and I'm exhausted.

Kai, yeah - what's wrong with life?

Chris! Good to hear from you.

Cherie, you're welcome.

Spacerguy, glad you're on board!

Yolanda, glad it's helped you so much.

Birgit, you said it so well.

Anonymous said...

I've never been very good with short stories. They just won't stay short and inevitably turn into novels. I'm dreading the bad reviews. I've had a few good reviews so far, which are wonderful for the psyche. I know the bad ones are going to hurt, but as others have said, you can't please everyone. Meanwhile, I'm working on developing a thicker skin.

Lisa said...

I've gotten to episode four on Daredevil. I think it is very well done, but sometimes I have issues when shows keep the same villain ALL the time! I hope in the second season we get a new one, and some new fight scenes because as of 4, I think they need to show some growth in that direction. I like Daredevil's character and how they are working the lawyer image. Really nicely done. Lisa, @

Jo said...

Don't have Netflix I'm afraid. I am so glad writing is still hidden in you somewhere Alex. Your first 4 books have been so good I would hate for you to just quit.

Have you seen Elizabeth's crime?

L. Diane Wolfe said...

No "can be" - you are a great supporter.

I never watch TV, but my husband got me hooked on Daredevil.

dolorah said...

It has been forever since I joined an actual blogfest. Good to break up all those book promo's ;) I signed up for both; hope I can come up with something interesting.

Melodie Campbell said...

Anybody who gets 79 comments (I think I'm no. 80 on this post) is a master at the trade, Alex! And that trade is writing.

Jenni said...

I've thought of doing short stories after I finish revisions on my novel. It'd be nice to do something short for a change. Hang in there with the reviews! There's a lot of people out there who just like to be negative because they can. I do hope you stick with writing. You are such a great support to the writing community!

Diane Burton said...

Not sure how you handle everything, Alex. I hope you're enjoying the release of your newest book.

Suzanne Furness said...

Glad to hear your sales are going well. It must have been hard work juggling all the marketing with A-Z last month. I enjoy writing short stories too but often don't have time to write as many as I would like!

Liz Blocker said...

You're a great writer and an amazing supporter. Ignore the Amazon trolls, Alex! We all think you rock.

Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats to all authors on the new book releases!
Did I see 3 blogfests mentioned?
Don't worry about bad reviews. The greatest writers in the world have had their share of negative feedback.

Elephant's Child said...

Hooray for the hard work all writers do. Hooray for your supportive self.

Andrew Leon said...

I'm not all the way through Daredevil, yet, but I am not enjoying the portrayal of Fisk. He's whiny in a way that makes it hard for me to take him seriously as a villain.

Maurice Mitchell said...

No sweat on the negative reviews Alex since haters gonna hate. Daredevil is a more brutal character than any of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it'll be interesting to see what happens if he joins one of the movies.

LD Masterson said...

As usual, I'm blown away by all the balls you manage to keep in the air.

I didn't know Netflix had the own series. Gotta check into this.

Insecure writer stuff - um, probably that rejection I received from the agent who'd had my full for five months. (I admit it. I'd gotten my hopes up.)

cheerfuloptimistic said...

I don't have Netflix, so I probably won't watch Daredevil until it's on DVD.

Given all the blogs you visit daily (over 100?!) you've done with this IWSG, you're already at the point of being a great supporter.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck with it.

Brandon Ax said...

I need to get Netflix. I know I am behind.

Good luck on your book promos, it is truly one of the hardest parts of being an Author.

stephen Hayes said...

I wish I had your energy and organizational skills. You handle so many things at once. It's quite impressive.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm a big fan of short stories myself. Love to write and read them.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Rachel! And I did say that...

Lori, just know one will come, but it will be all right.

Jo, you mean not liking asparagus?

Donna, awesome!!

Melodie, thank you.

Jenni, appreciate that.

Liz, you rock!

Michelle, yes - three blogfests!

Maurice, he's more like Nolan's Dark Knight only more realistic.

LD, I'm sorry!

MRR, thanks.

Stephen, a couple more years and I might be too old for this shit...

M Pax said...

Dare Devil was awesome. I hope they make more of them.

Yeah, there are a lot of low points in this business. It's not an easy business at all.

Anonymous said...

I've joined Sarah's bloghop.
I still haven't started watching Daredevil. Mostly because I have a bunch of things to get done first and I won't if I'm binge watching the show.

farawayeyes said...

I'm no real judge of whether or not you are a 'great author', I've liked what I read, so far, BUT you are already a great supporter.

The IWSG was an awesome idea that has blossomed into something very real and helpful to so many. If you were to walk away fom it today, I have no doubt that it would continue to grow and help others. That my friend is a testiment to your sincere desire to make a difference in the 'writing world'. So much more thab any author can or has done.

J E Oneil said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so down about your writing. I think it's great of you do so much to support other writers. You're a great guy for all of us to know.

Ann Bennett said...

I would not bash myself based on a poor review. Everything is relative.

This is a little too extreme but one man's trash is another man's treasure.

DiscConnected said...

Looking forward to binge-watching Daredevil sometime this month.

There was a run in the comic a couple of decades back that a friend gave me in graphic novel form, where the Kingpin ruined Daredevil's personal life and he was destitute in Hell's Kitchen.

The character went from saving the city and the word to saving people in that neighborhood, and I have been told the show is more of that scenario.

Carrie-Anne said...

Good luck on bringing the IWSG website to even greater heights! I'm sure you'll be able to bring in lots of high-quality guests. And good luck with trying your hand at some short stories. I admire those who can master that artform, and don't have to use pre-existing characters to create a short story.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Coming from a full on cheerleader/supporter all you have to do Alex is be there when you can and offer the support you feel is best. Trust me, it's truly appreciated. Hope that tip helps. Daredevil on Netflix is really good. At first I stopped after watching the first 7 minutes but positive reviews made me give it a second look and I was slowly but fully drawn in. Writing is fun for be but I have discovered recently that I enjoy my freelance work more than writing my own work to be published. Go figure. Life is full of surprises Alex. You just be you.

Cherie Colyer said...

Writing is tough business, but you're doing something right or you wouldn't have made it past one book. Congrats on the good sales. (Oh, and I think you already do a wonderful job of supporting others.)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patricia, it will suck you in when you start watching.

Faraway, and that's far greater than any book I could write. Thank you!

Larry, he definitely focuses on Hell's Kitchen first.

Carrie-Anne, and I couldn't do a long one.

Sheena-kay, you never know what direction you'll go, do you?

Thanks, Cherie!

Tonja said...

You had me at science fiction conventions. That would be so much fun! GO IN COSTUME! I will be so jealous and/or will need to start writing me some science fiction so I can go too!

Anonymous said...

Blessings Alex (smile)

Mason T. Matchak said...

Glad to hear the new book is selling well. ^_^ And I keep hearing great things about "Daredevil" - I don't have Netflix, but I plan to subscribe for a month at some point just to watch that show, as I'm a huge Marvel fan.

And you are a great supporter. You've created a support network that spans hundreds of writers with IWSG. Sometimes that support is what we need the most, because we all know how hard it is to keep going sometimes. So thanks.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Bad reviews just show that your book is making huge inroads into broader Amazon readership. Consider it a badge of honor! :)

Insecurity this month...yes. All business related and I've no background in business. Definitely can knock the stuffing out of you.

L.G. Keltner said...

Daredevil is a great show!

Unknown said...

Bad review are inevitable, and I'm sure you've gotten way more good than bad. Don't sell yourself short. And yes, short stories can be a great break from writing novels. Go for it!

Congrats to Holy Ghost Writer, J.H., Liesel, and Melissa for their new releases!

Liz A. said...

You're not a great writer?!? Huh?

All of us are on a journey, learning to get better at whatever we turn our hand to. Seeing where we can improve means that we continue to grow. But belittling what we've done in the past? Nah. You're a published writer. While some of your work may not have been popular with some reviewers, that does not negate the talent and time that you put into your work. You're great, and you should remember that.

Sandra Cox said...

Alex, as far as your writing goes, I really enjoyed Dragon. I think you're a great writer.
And I agree, bad reviews suck.

Cathy Keaton said...

I think getting the website up to Writer's Digest standards is a great idea! You can do it! I'll be supportive. ;)

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I don't have Netflix, just basic old local channels. But I watch very little TV. I'm usually reading or writing or playing with my cats.
And you do a lot for other writers.

Stephanie Faris said...

YAY to good sales on your book. I saw the ad for Daredevil on Netflix but I thought it was the movie!

Rachna Chhabria said...

You are a great writer and a great supporter. Yay for the good sales of your book. And I love the idea of making the IWSG site like the Writer's Digest site. That would be wonderful.

XmasDolly said...

I'm glad I signed up for your e-mail so I can see what's going on at your end of the world. I'm glad you like my pup although she's 13 yrs our lab is spoiled rotten and she thinks she's a baby & loves to go outside and throw her pet around... You have so many things going on here one can get confused really quick. Well I've had a long day as you know so I have to say goodnight! Nite & thank you so much for stopping by.

Elizabeth said...

I've been thinking about the IWSG since I first saw some posts last month. I have not written a book (maybe someday), but just taking a peek at the world of publishing and critics looks daunting. You found a great way for writers to help each other out and I commend you for it :)

I am about to get Netflix just so I can watch Daredevil. And thanks for including those blogfests, I was wondering what else is out there besides A to Z. said...

You've had a full plate. I hope the sales continue to rise. Your goal of building IWSG up to Writer's Digest levels is laudable and quite generous. Fingers crossed.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I love Daredevil. It is really good. I joined one blog hop but mostly I'm taking it easy. Upcoming conference will give me plenty of material for my blog. I hope.
Susan Says

Elizabeth Mueller said...

I guess all we can do is put in our best effort and try, and being a great supporter is wonderful!


Unknown said...

That's so awesome that you can commit to 2-3 hours of writing a day while you're working on a new book. I try to get 5 out of 7 days, so I shoot for a weekly word count so I have some flexibility. Is it time for a break yet? Haha. Congrats on your good sales!

Cynthia said...

Thanks for commenting on my IWSG post earlier today. =)

First, congratulations on getting through A to Z! I read your A to Z reflections post from Monday, and I can relate to some of the stuff you mentioned from the two years that I'd participated. I remember how some bloggers never reciprocated my visits or adds either. But oh well...I'm grateful for those I did establish connections with.

Helena said...

My own insecurity these days is the feeling that I'm not getting my writing projects done fast enough. Even without thinking of publishing, getting two books completely polished, finishing a screenplay, then finishing a scifi book -- it can be overwhelming. Maybe I should just learn to enjoy the writing.

I'm so glad Dragon is selling. Which reminds me that I haven't bought my copy yet! So of course I will and no doubt I'll enjoy it, just as I did CassaStar. And another I've yet to write: a glowing review of CassaStar, which it deserves. I'll try to get it posted on Amazon this weekend or next.

nashvillecats2 said...

Sorry I am behind commenting after my day out yesterday, actually I had to go for some yearly test at the hospital and then I a walk around the shopping area.

Pleased your book is doing well, it was a foregone conclusion it would.
Again many new books coming out on the scene good luck to all authors.


Empty Nest Insider said...

I'm excited that Dragon of the Stars is selling so well! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your IWSG plans! I also enjoy writing short stories. Congrats to all the authors!


Leovi said...

The bad reviews are unavoidable, it is impossible to please everyone, and there are people who specialize in discovering the defects and prevent virtues.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tonja, what would I go as?

Mason, it's the best Marvel series ever. And thanks.

Elizabeth, I will!

Lexa, I might go for it.

Thanks, Liz.

Thank you, Sandra.

Rachna, we'll work hard at it.

Marie, doesn't matter how old the dog - they never outgrow the pup stage.

Elizabeth, please join us for the IWSG!

Cynthia, it's the ones who do connect that matter.

Helena, thank you! I appreciate that.

Leovi, that is very true.

Murees Dupè said...

I'm sorry about the bad reviews. Don't pay any attention to them. Focus on the positive. Don't let the bad stuff get you down. There is definitely a lot happening around the blogesphere. Thank you for always keeping us informed. Hang in there.

Hart Johnson said...

I'm always amazed at how much you are able to do in service to other writers. And I'm very glad your book is selling well! I think you should figure out a way to bottle what you do--you'd make a fortune.

Mark Koopmans said...

You're a great writer... shush, no eye-rolling, just accept the compliment.

Thanks for the Daredevil review... I've got it in my watchlist, but was "worried" it'd be too like a comic!

Continued success with growing IWSG, by the way... if anyone can do it, it's you :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

It just figures that after I get rid of Netflix they have all these quality shows available. Jerks.


I almost made it to you on the same day. I was actually reading this post last night and then I had a meeting to go to and didn't get a chance to comment.

I'm glad to hear that things are going well with DotS! I really need to finish the review I started and get it out there. It was such an enjoyable story and there is NO need to be a sci-fi fan to read and like this book!

Going to say hi to your friends!

Morgan said...

You're a great writer AND a great supporter, Alex. You're one of the most amazing people I've ever "met." Easy. Hands down. Everything you touch turns to gold. I often wonder if you ever step back and realize how much you've done---how many people you've helped--how many people you've influenced. It really is a remarkable thing. :)

Ella said...

Alex, you are a daredevil! I will check it out~ I am always insecure about everything art, poems, writing-tis the nature of the beast!

I need a daredevil suit-lol or a tall pair of red boots~

You are supportive-always~

Unknown said...

you rock, Alex! You're a wonderful writer and one of the most supportive writers in the write-o-sphere lol.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I realized today as I'm going around visiting the Insecure Writer's posts how this is like my monthly visit to my writer's group. Thanks for working so hard to create it and keep it going, Alex! With your goals for the web site, can I suggest you think about giving it a shorter name? Something that's easy to write and say and remember. What you started has been fantastic and I agree it would be awesome to build on it but the name is rather unwieldy if you're wanting to expand. Renaming the site itself could be a fun thing, holding a contest or doing something similar to get more attention. This way you wouldn't lose the following you've created with the original name you'd simply transition it into the next level to appeal to a wider audience.

Laura Pauling said...

Congrats on your release! I saw you and the cover all over the internet! I'll have to check out Daredevil. :)

XmasDolly said...

I guess you would have to advertise this twice there's so much going on here. Do you know what? I wrote a book, but I'm still trying to finish typing it. I wrote it back in 1988.. had a publisher & everything, but it was a true story & I changed the names of everything to protect the innocent. Well, I told my children about it & they didn't want me to publish it. I think they might have been too young back them to understand my reasoning, but I am ready to publish it now. So when I'm done typing it I'm gonna let er' rip! Any advice?

Al Diaz said...

I am watching Daredavil too! I thought it was very good. We'll continue watching as soon as we are over with The Musketeers, another very good show!

Toi Thomas said...

First off, I'm loving Daredevil. Trying to watch it slowly to make it last longer.
I like these blog hops; I just hope I can manage one of them.
I am excited about some of the new releases.

Leovi said...

Funny Blood, Boobs, and Carnage Blogfest!

Juneta key said...

I've been very impressed with how supportive you are. You are doing an awesome job with IWSG. Looking forward to the future. Best of luck. I am posting after IWSG due to life interferes, but better late than never I guess. Happy IWSG and Best of luck with all your endeavors.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Lauren Farrow said...

Your Daredevil review is very helpful because the movie with Ben Affleck left a bad taste in my mouth. The movie was disappointing but from how you describe the series I'm interested in checking it out on Netflix.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hart, a new way to make money!

Mark, nothing like comic books.

Heather! Thank you.

Morgan, I guess I need to step back...

Karen, not sure about renaming since we have the domain name...

Marie, test the waters again with that book. Maybe they have changed their minds.

Juneta Key, no worries if you are late.

Lauren, like comparing apples to oranges.

Sharon Himsl said...

The IWSG site has a lot of potential and I look forward to reading more. Many thanks for all you've done to date, Alex!! It's true though isn't it? Writing really is a 'tough business'. It's good you at least have positive reviews, right? My rejection limit and tough skin is about to be tested. I'm glad I have other important things to do in my life...but ask me again in 6 months.

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats to all the authors with new releases.

Happy Thursday, Alex.

Susan Kane said...

We binged on Dare Devil and are angry that the season is over. Vincent De'Nofrio (?) is and has always been a gem, ever since the first Men in Black.

Can't wait for Season 2.

mshatch said...

So far the only blofest/hop I'm doing is The Cephalopod Coffeehouse, but I'm considering one more...

Glad you made it through April!

Zan Marie said...

Congrats on the latest release! April was challenging for me and I didn't do the A to Z. How you do all of this is beyond me. Go, Alex, Go!

Al Penwasser said...

So, if I hear you correctly, it's a better Daredevil than the Ben Affleck one...? Hard to believe.

Kristin Smith said...

My husband and I watched the first episode of Daredevil recently and loved it! Thanks for reminding me that we need to get back to watching the series! :)

That would be awesome if the IWSG hit Writer's Digest level! Definitely something to work towards, although I think you already are a great supporter and role model for many of us writers. :)

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Alex, for some reason, I thought I'd visited before, but it's been one of those weeks with work and computer issues.

You've done a great job with your promo and the A-Z with all the stuff you had going on and as to reviews, yeah, not everybody's gonna like you're writing and they're not afraid to say so, but the wonderful thing is that we always keep moving onward and upward!

Unknown said...

I definitely think you should write some short stories. They're fun and challenging in a very different kind of way from novel writing. I think you'd do very well with them!

I'm with you on the bad reviews. You're never really prepared for them. It's important to just keep swimming that way.

Congrats to Cherie, Melissa, and all the folks with great news this week!

And I agree totally on Daredevil. I'm so glad his character got the story/show he deserves. Easily one of the cooler Marvel heroes. I just loved the first season and can't wait to see where they go next season. (Elektra!)

Sherry Ellis said...

Glad you book has been selling well. That's what counts. I'm amazed at how well you've balanced everything. Excellent work!

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats to Cherie.

Have a great weekend, Alex.

klahanie said...

Hi Alex,

Amazing stuff and I have no idea how you do so much. I think you need a balance for your balance. Then again, either you don't sleep, or your clones are working overtime.

Kudos and congrats on everything. As for blogfests, no chance! As for writing insecurities, I have none because I'm happy with what I write or what Penny the dog writes. No worries, no expectations and thus, no pressure.

A good weekend to you, my illustrious friend.


T.F. Walsh said...

Oh my... I'm addicted to Daredevil. I just watched episode 12... argh, I need 13 quickly. What an amazing series. And am I the only one that kind of likes Fisk?

Unknown said...

Thanks, Alex, with my husband's deteriorating health it is an uphill struggle, but getting there :0)

Unknown said...

I'm psyched to be a tag on an Alex J Cavanaugh blog! I admit I haven't seen Daredevil, but it's on the list!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - that's great you're always thinking of others and finding ways they can all help and support each other ..

The IWSG is a wonderful platform and I'm sure will rise up the list of places to be a part of ... hope you're having some break this weekend .. cheers Hilary

Kimberly said...

Congrats on your newest release! I think it's cool that you only meant to write one and now you've written several. :)

I just heard about Daredevil yesterday for the first time (twice) and now seeing it on your blog makes me think it's a sign for me to check it out - I have no more shows to watch starting next week.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sharon, thanks, you'll be all right.

Susan, I can't wait either!

Marcy, join one more!

Zan, some days it's beyond me...

Al, much, much better...

EJ, thanks, I just might try some.

Sandra, hope you're having a good weekend!

Gary, the clones are working overtime because I do like my sleep.

TF, he's a good villain.

Michael, that made me chuckle...

Kimberly, watch it!

Rhonda Albom said...

Yikes, I think this is the latest I have ever been to your blog. My apologies. I did my first Flash Fiction piece for the contest you suggested for me, only it's still here sitting on my desk being tweaked a word or two at a time. I need to submit it, but insecurity rules - don't worry, I will get it in before the deadline. So many new books. You are already a great supporter to the group. As for netflix, the New Zealand version is so scaled back it's not worth it.

Anonymous said...

You're a great writer and great supporter.

I've been writing some short stories lately. Not many, but a few here and there. I love being included in anthologies.

Deniz Bevan said...

Forget the bad reviews -- going to conventions sounds like fun!

Rachel Pattinson said...

I think you're being too hard on yourself - you're a great writer AND a great supporter. I even credited the IWSG in the acknowledgements in my book, because I know there's no way I would've finished it without the group's support. Thank you so so much for all the hard work you've put in to the IWSG.

On another note, this is the third time today I've heard Daredevil mentioned. Think I know what I'll be watching tonight...

Nick Wilford said...

Hopefully you've recovered from last month as it sounds like it's full steam ahead with the conventions. Unfortunately, I blanked on the IWSG this week - sorry!

I think that is the scariest panda I've ever seen on JH Moncrieff's book. Never thought of them as evil before...

Nick Wilford said...

Hopefully you've recovered from last month as it sounds like it's full steam ahead with the conventions. Unfortunately, I blanked on the IWSG this week - sorry!

I think that is the scariest panda I've ever seen on JH Moncrieff's book. Never thought of them as evil before...

Blue Grumpster said...

Hi Alex. I'm a comic book collector and I'll tell ya.... Any Daredevil who's NOT Ben Affleck is bound to be good. So now I'm off to check this one out. Thanks for the tip.

Mark said...

Cool interview:) I'm also looking forward to Iron Warrior:)

The Happy Whisk said...

I did start watching Daredevil. It's not bad but not my top pick, either. But I'm only one or two shows in.