Monday, December 1, 2014

IWSG Book is Available! Plus Penguins of Madagascar Review, Battle of the Bands, and Ninja News

A lot happening today!

The Galaxy Express has a special feature on CassaFire, including an amusing and very short excerpt. If you want to know a little more about the book and sample the story, check it out.

I’m a guest at Thoughts in Progress discussing the IWSG and the IWSG book.

Which is available NOW!!!

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond

Tapping into the expertise of over a hundred talented authors from around the globe, The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond contains something for every writer. Whether you are starting out and need tips on the craft of writing, looking for encouragement as an already established author, taking the plunge into self-publishing, or seeking innovative ways to market and promote your work, this guide is a useful tool. Compiled into three key areas of writing, publishing, and marketing, this valuable resource offers inspirational articles, helpful anecdotes, and excellent advice on dos and don'ts that we all wish we knew when we first started out on this writing journey.

ISBN 9781939844088
235 pages, FREE
IWSG sites – website, Facebook, and Facebook Critique Circle
Find the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Goodreads.

Thanks to everyone who contributed and to my IWSG Admins who worked so hard to put it together. This was a huge project, but we wanted to celebrate three years of the IWSG right and highlight its blog and Facebook members in the process. We hope you’ll find some great information within the pages and spread the word about this awesome book.

You guys rock!

Movie Review

Penguins of Madagascar
The penguins are up against Dave the octopus who wants revenge and to rid the world of cute penguins.
Yes, I was drug to see this film. (By my wife who completely enjoyed it and has already announced she wants it on video – the first animated film she’s wanted this year.)
It’s a lightweight film with fast action and LOTS of silliness. Not the most memorable movie, but much better than Madagascar II – and certainly an entertaining hour and a half.
Lots of crazy puns, great animation, and a simple plot that moves quickly.
You could certainly do worse that watch the stupid penguins movie!

Ninja News

Karen’s 2014 Blog Awards are now open for voting. There are some awesome blogs in the running for each category, including the IWSG for best writing! If you think the site rocks, please vote.

Battle of the Bands

Welcome to Battle of the Bands! Founded by Stephen T McCarthy and Faraway Eyes. You know the routine – pick your favorite.

First up is the original version by Gary Numan from 1980:

Next is the remake by Fear Factory. This super-cool video also features Numan:

Vote for your favorite version.

Anyone else see the stupid penguin movie? (At least it was better than the stupid owl movie.) Vote in the blog awards? Which version of Cars is your favorite? Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday? And are you downloading the IWSG book?

Be sure to visit Thoughts in Progress and The Galaxy Express. See you Wednesday for the IWSG posting!


Murees Dupè said...

Congratulations on the feature and the release of IWSG The Guide to Publishing and Beyond. Thank you for letting me take part. I'm on my way to download my copy. Thank you again.

Blue Grumpster said...

Not the most memorable movie... Now, why doesn't that surprise me one bit? Why would anyone want to make a movie that is not memorable?

Oh wait... it's called money. ;)

Vanessa Morgan said...

I still want to see the stupid penguins movie :)

Off to purchase the IWSG book.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Aw, I like the Penguins. A bit of silliness is good for the soul.

And YAY to the IWSG guide!!!! Exciting!!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Nothing bad happens to any of the penguins, right? Okay, if not, then I'll go. But otherwise, no way!

Dixie@dcrelief said...

The excerpt and trailer of your book was great. Can't wait for he movie!!
I like silly stuff - penguins too.
I like the second version of Cars - a little more variation i the music and a dynamite video.
Thanksgiving was great - hope you had fun!

Holy Ghost Writer said...

The movie was a good way to pass some time, but forgettable.

kaykuala said...

Wonderful for the IWSG guide book. Will be a boon to the aspiring authors. The penguins sure have them talking too!


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Congratulations on the release! I've just downloaded it from Smashwords. :) And I reported it free there to Amazon. Not sure why Amazon is being slow on the uptake!

The penguins sound like easy entertainment. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Murees, thanks for contributing!

Blue, if there's money to be made...

Vanessa, you'll enjoy it.

Lynda, you put a lot of work into it!

Joylene, how could they do a sequel if one of the penguins dies?

Dixie, thanks! And thanks for picking one of the song versions.

Elizabeth, thanks - we've been bugging Amazon for weeks now!

Rhonda Albom said...

Congrats on the book IWSG book publishing. I am off to get my copy. As for the movie, I am going to see a preview this weekend. It doesn't officially open in New Zealand until January.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Alex,

Thanks for the update. I will definitely be downloading my copy of the Guide to Publishing.

It's wonderful to be part of such a supportive community of writers.

Christine Rains said...

Yay for IWSG! I have my copy. :) I also voted for the site on Karen's awards. And finally, my vote goes to Gary Numan's version. I'm all ready for Wednesday. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hubby and Peanut were going to see the penguin movie but it was way too crowded. They saw that other kid movie…Big Hero Six (I think). My son and I saw Horrible Bosses 2. It was pretty good. Not as good as the first but Charlie Day made the movie funny.

I'm excited about the book! I just checked Amazon and it's listed as .99 but I'll download it to my Kindle because it's well worth it!!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on the IWSG book. Not seen the penguin movie. Not sure I want to see it.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

My son used to really love penguins, but he never got into those penguins. I guess that's a good thing.

I'll report the price difference to Amazon as soon as I have a chance. Back to work today, and I'm already behind.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Congratulations to all those involved with the IWSG book! :)

And forget penguins - I'm waiting for Minions! :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love the Penguins.

Such a relief to finally get the book out into the world.

I vote for the second version of the song.

Donna K. Weaver said...

lol Stupid penguin movie. Yeah. I haven't and don't plan to. I got hubby to see Big HERO 6 which I loved. I'll be getting it to keep.

mshatch said...

Congrats on the release! And thanksgiving was great except for the power outage which put a damper on dinner but we had it on Saturday instead so it all worked out.

Cathy Kennedy said...

Thanks for the heads up on the IWSG book being available. I will be sure to get my copy!

Usually, I like the cover and although I like this song by Numan part of me never completely liked his version because it sounds like he's singing in a tin can. So, my favorite #BOTB pick is Fear Factory!

Yes, our Thanksgiving was fabulous! I ate too much and need to hit my elliptical hard this week. lol Have a joyful Christmas season!

Pat Hatt said...

lol I think I'll wait until it is on tv or something before on see the stupid penguin movie. #1 gets my vote. And awesome the book is out

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I think penguins are cute so I'll be seeing the movie. I'm ordering a copy of the book next.
Had a lovely Thanksgiving at my granddaughters house. Good food, great company.
Have a super week.

Arlee Bird said...

No penguin movie for me.

The two versions of "Cars" were very similar, but Fear Factory's version definitely stands out above Numan's. Partly it's because of the video though we're not really supposed to judge on that, but Fear Factory also added some nice musical embellishments that enhanced the song.

I vote Fear Factory!

Tossing It Out said...

Haha, I laughed at your review of the stupid penguin movie. I love that your wife loved it, and I have a feeling she and I would get along just fine. xo

S. L. Hennessy said...

I'm so excited about the book! Heading over to get my copy right now and I have my post all set up to go for Wednesday! Exciting times for the IWSG!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

No penguin movie for me, thank goodness. I have to go with the Cars. I used to play their tapes in my car all the time.
Exciting release Day.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

enjoy both versions of "cars"... dig the heavy version because it features gary with the vocals... :)

giving of thanks to all, i found myself away from the computer and up against the dinner table... now not only does my table wobble... :)

great post, looking forward to reading more on your book and excerpt.


Melissa said...

Woohoo! Got my copy! :D

Sarah Ahiers said...

I probably won't see Penguins until it's on HBO some afternoon when I'm lazing around the house

Karen Lange said...

Will definitely pick up the book! Will hop over and check out your posts too. Happy Monday!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Good morning, Alex!
Hope you had a restful and wonderful Thanksgiving.

I'm so happy the book is out! I'll be spreading the word!

I'm sure Guardians will be coming home for the holidays. :)

I like the original version of the song. My ears expect that nasal voice.

I'm off to visit you all over the inter-web!

Have a great day!

Al Diaz said...

I'm going to see the penguins for sure but it is not here in Mexico yet. Sorry, second video won't play for me. Congratulations on the IWSG book! I am sure it will be a great helps for writers, as the group is already. Way to go.
P.S. You're grounded and have to wash dwarves' socks for two weeks. They'll be arriving soon.

Bob/Sally said...

Awesome news on the The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond, Alex - so proud to be a part of it!

Sorry about the Penguins. My 3 year old is getting to the age where I suspect I'll get dragged to movies a lot sillier than that, so count yourself lucky. :)

Shell Flower said...

Congrats on the launch of the IWSG book. Yay. I have a feeling the Penguins movie will be played at our Christmas gathering this year, knowing my family. And the original Gary Numan Cars all the way!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rhonda, wow, not until January?

Christine, big thanks!!! And your vote noted.

Elsie, thanks for paying for it. We're trying to get them to price match.

Thanks, Sandra - we've been bugging Amazon for weeks.

Madeline, now that's a film I'd watch.

Diane, vote noted!

Marcy, crappy time to lose power!

Cathy, singing in a tin can - funny!

Pat, thanks for voting.

Lee, they did add depth to the song.

Robyn, I am here for your amusement...

Lauren, awesome!

Jeremy, that was cool they got Numan involved.

Heather! Your comment about the vocals made me chuckle.

Al, that's a lot of socks for my dryer to eat...

Leovi said...

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond, I think it is highly recommended for any creative process!

H. R. Sinclair said...

By Guardians do you mean "of the Galaxy"? I finally watched that one and liked it. I know there were other question, but I can't remember them. I know, sad right? I could go look them up, but it's a rough morning. :)

Unknown said...

can't wait to check out the IWSG book! huge congrats!! and my thanksgiving was awesome, very calm and I of course ate too much but that's to be expected!

A Beer for the Shower said...

Ah, "the stupid penguin movie." I'm sure I'll be dragged to that as well, just as I was dragged to "the stupid racing snail movie," which the wife absolutely loved and led to us adopting a 'pet' snail from our garden. I only wish I was kidding you. He's in a small terrarium in my office and I guess he's really not that bad once you get used to him.

Robyn Campbell said...

Of course I'm going to download the IWSG book. I had a story for it and did not get it finished in time. I can't wait to read it. I will spread the word.

Since I write for the itty kids I will probably see the stupid penguins movie. *snort. Loved your review.

It would have to be the original Cars version for me, Alex.

Congratulations on the IWSG book.

Stephen Tremp said...

We'll be seeing the Penguins this week.

I'll download The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond this week too.

I have to say both versions bother me but I'll opt for the second one.

Jay Noel said...

YES! The IWSG book is going to be great. Can't wait to delve into it.

And I have to vote for Gary Numan's version. I'm old school like that.

StratPlayerCJF said...

Oh yeah! I'll definitely get the IWSG book! Thanks!!!

I remember the old Gary Numan song, and thought it was catchy in a weird techno way. It's kinda cool seeing how it now seems so retro. But I actually like the Fear Factory remake better. It keeps the vibe of the original without as much self-conscious cheesiness. The production is better and I like the riffs done on guitar as opposed to the old synth sound, but I was a little disappointed that they didn't add a solo or two to stretch out on the song. It was essentially a note-for-note cover with just an updated sound. Still, I liked it a little better so Fear Factory gets my vote.

Bish Denham said...

Because the remake of Cars is so like the original, I'm going with the original (though the video IS cool.) I have voted, downloaded but no, I haven't seen the stupid penguin movie. :)

Hart Johnson said...

Well done to the whole team for getting that book out! I downloaded mine! And I am going with the Fear Factory version of cars... the vocal is just more interesting. Gary Numan is a bit monotone.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bob, glad you contributed. And I guess I am lucky.

Shell, your vote is noted.

Holly, I did - sorry, I'd originally had that in my post until I remembered it comes out NEXT week, not this week.

Brandon and Bryan, I believe you. Glad we missed the stupid snail movie.

Robyn, sorry we couldn't include your article in the book.

Stephen, that made me chuckle.

Jay, vote noted!

Chris, it is the exact same song all right. Just a lot more depth.

Bish, thanks and vote noted.

Hart, I'm with you!

Jo said...

I saw the trailer of the Penguin movie, I am like your wife, I want to see it.

Congrats on the ISWG book but I won't be getting it thanks.

Off bowling now, no time for anything else.

cleemckenzie said...

Very exciting to see the book out! Congratulations to all who worked so hard to pull this together.

I'm going with the Gary Numan 1980 version of this one. Call me retro.

Gwen Gardner said...

I will see the stupid penguin movie when it comes out on television, lol.

Thanks for all the hard work on the IWSG Guide. I know it has lots of good info.

I'm voting for the original video--both are equally good, but the new version has to be good enough to take it away.

See you Wednesday!

Mason Canyon said...

Alex, I'm delighted to be a part of the announcement for this awesome book. I've said it before but it's worth repeating, writers helping other writers is a wonderful thing. Glad to know Penguins of Madagascar is a cute movie.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the release of the IWSG book. And that goes to all the authors!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - that's Christmas solved for your wife?! Well done for pampering her with a visit to the film .. I'm sure I'd feel the same as you ..

Delighted to have downloaded the book from over here ..

Now to read your excerpt .. cheers Hilary

Birgit said...

Congratulations on the book! This should help many authors and future authors! I like those penguins but will wait for video (DVD). I am at work(shhh) so I have to listen to the Battle of the Bands tonight. I had issues with the computer this weekend and I noticed on my blog that some guy, who I never followed has placed all the streaming "blog posts" I will not click on them at all but how do i block him? How do i get rid of these as I feel there is a connection with this and what happened to the laptop? I am trying to look for it but my lack of computer skills is not great

Andrew Leon said...

My kids want to see the Penguin movie, but I'm going to try to delay that till it's out on disc.

Anonymous said...

Of course I'll be getting the book. Who wouldn't want it? ;)

I considered seeing the penguin movie, but I don't think I care to spend that much money at the theater. If I really want to, I'll rent it off Amazon one day.

Sarah Foster said...

Can't wait to check out the anthology! Looks like it's still 99 cents on Amazon, but I'll still get it if it doesn't change. Silly Amazon.

Carrie-Anne said...

It's awesome that the IWSG book is now out! Everyone did such a great job on their essays, and of course you and the admins did a super job on collecting everything and putting it all together.

Elephant's Child said...

Congratulations on the IWSG Guide. Love your (writing) community spirit. And love writers.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee, you're retro!

Gwen, thanks for voting.

Mason, I really appreciate it!

Anne, there were a lot of us...

Hilary, I can't tell her no.

Birgit, you can block people through the Blogger Dashboard. Under 'posts' I believe.

Sarah - I know! We've been badgering them non-stop.

Thanks, Carrie-Anne!

Maurice Mitchell said...

IWSG is a big project Alex and you guys deserve the success. I'll see penguins because of my son, but I'll stay for "Private"

Anonymous said...

I want to see the penguin movie.

I look forward to downloading/reading the Insecure Writer's Support Group Guide. THANK YOU to all who were a part of making this possible!

Tonja Drecker said...

Yay to IWSG's Guide! And of course, I'm going to download it (silly question ;) ). I'm afraid I'll end up seeing the penguin movie at one point or the love that stuff.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the IWSG book! I haven't seen the stupid penguin movie, but I'm glad your wife liked it.

Fundy Blue said...

It was fun to see the IWSG book! It's now in my library. I finished Cassastorm late last night ~ wouldn't go to bed until it was finished. Thoroughly enjoyed it! I vote for song version 1.

Mark Koopmans said...

Congrats on getting the guide out - and thanks for letting me be a small part in the puzzle that is writing :)

Roland D. Yeomans said...

That Penguin Movie is going to be my DVD gift to my childish self! :-)

Congratulations on the feature and the release of IWSG The Guide to Publishing and Beyond. Thank you for letting me take part.

It's a great book despite my article in it! Thank you for the compliment of having me in it.

L.G. Keltner said...

I just downloaded my copy of the IWSG Guide! Fortunately there's no one dragging me to the stupid penguin movie, so I'm safe there!

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats to everyone involved with the IWSG Guide! No penguin movie for me, although I did see Mockingjay Part I last week, and I'm looking forward to the final Hobbit movie.

mooderino said...

The IWSG book looks great, congrats to all involved. Will stick it up on my blog.


mail4rosey said...

Congrats on the excerpt in the book. It's always nice when big projects end up at the goal line.

I am surprised at how similar the remake is to the original (is that just me thinking that way?).

I vote #1... reminds me of my youth. Nostalgia is hard to compete with sometimes. ;)

Helena said...

Karen has some really great blogs up for nomination--I want to check out several.

Congratulations on the IWSG publication! May thousands of us neurotic writers benefit from its wisdom.

J E Oneil said...

I don't have anyone who would drag me to see the penguin movie, so I'm glad for that :).

DiscConnected said...

The remake adds a little bite, but is somewhat note-for-note...and the Numan original is kind of an 80's classic.

So while I like both, I am going with the original.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I had a friend go see the penguins movie and she said it was really cute. And I was like, uh....You have lived a very sad cinematic life if you think that's quality entertainment.

Truedessa said...

Hi Alex,

I enjoyed the book trailer and excerpt.

I think I'll go with the second song as I like the video better.

I did go to see The Hunger Games - Mocking Jay part 1.

Happy to hear you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

No penquins here.

My vote, I think is for the original.

Congrats on the IWSG book.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your book, Alex! And who doesn't love penguins? :) Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. I've got my copy of your book - looking forward to reading it too!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maurice, Private is the focus, so you'll enjoy it.

Fundy, thank you!!!! Those are words all authors like to hear.

Mark, you were that really interesting shape...

Roland, your piece was awesome.

LG, thanks, and lucky you.

Moody, thanks!!!

Rosey, they really did make it note for note the same, but with embellishments.

Larry, vote noted!

Karen, that's hilarious!!

Trudessa, thanks for picking a version of the song. I thought that video was great.

Liza said...

Will be downloading the IWSG book tonight!! Thank you to all who made it happen. Looking forward to some awesome learning and reading. I've said it before but it bears repeating. You are awesome, Alex!

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats on the ISWG book! Awesome :)
I'm sure I'll be buying the stupid penguins movie once it's out on DVD for a special little guy in our family circle, but I haven't seen it yet :)

DMS said...

Congrats to all the writers who contributed to the ISWG book! How exciting. :)

I haven't seen the penguin movie- and I don't actually remember hearing of it either.

The Happy Whisk said...

Congrats on a job well done. Hope you sell bunches and bunches.

Krista McLaughlin said...

Lol, sorry you got dragged to see the stupid penguin movie, but it looks pretty funny to me! I'm a big fan of kid movies though. :)

I'll have to go get the support group book now! :)

Birgit said...

You won't believe it...I can't watch the 2nd video! Not available in my country! Now I always loved the original no matter which version I ever heard but I can't make that final decision unless I could hear the 2nd one...bummer. I will see if I have time to go to youtube and listen

Brian Miller said...

ha i will watch penguins just for th e mental break...congrats on the book...i will download my copy and check it out....

i will go second version....

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats on the release of the IWSG Guide! I'm honored to be a part of it! Thanks to your amazing team for all of their efforts! Great trailer too! The original version of Cars is my favorite! It brought back memories of my college days.


Author Joshua Hoyt said...

Congrats on the book release and I'm definitely downloading it!

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

Congrats on the book release and I'm definitely downloading it!

Jenni said...

Yay for the ISWG book! I'm so excited about this and will be downloading it. The Penguins movie sounds fun. Both the adults and kids love animation at my house.

ilima said...

Haha. I love that your wife dragged you to that movie. My husband came with me to see "Becoming Jane" once and he fell asleep in the theater. The group of ladies in front of us kept giggling at his periodic snores. What a trooper!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new book! I bet when you thought up the idea for a IWSG blog-hop, you never imagined it would become so popular or there'd be a book released! I'll be sure to mention this in my IWSG post and also my Friday Freebies.

The penguins sound fun, and if your wife liked them, I'm sure I will too. :)

Shannon Lawrence said...

I'm hoping to take my kids to see the penguins as a surprise after school sometime this week since the hubster is out of town. Yay for the book being out!

Trisha said...

YAY for the IWSG self-pubbing guide. So exciting! :)

I think I'm going to skip the penguins ... but you never know.

Anonymous said...

I'll check out the blog awards. I enjoyed both videos.

Thank you to the IWSG team and all the contributors for making the book possible, and I look forward to reading all the contributions.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Liza, thank you!

Jemi, I'll let you know when it hits DVD.

Birgit, there were several other versions on YouTube.

Brian, noted!

Ilima, that's funny.

Lexa, thanks! And no, I never imagined it would get this far.

Thanks everyone!

Catherine Stine said...

I just bought the Insecure writers guidebook and I can't wait to check it out!!!!!!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I must admit, I totally want to see that penguins movie :)

Lux G. said...

Not sure if I'm gonna watch the Penguins movie.

Congratulations! Great way to start the last month!

Robin said...

As a child of the 80s, I knew I was predisposed to like the original better... and I did. The remake wasn't different enough to grab me and sway my decision. So, I'm going with the original.

Jennifer Hawes said...

I can't wait to see the Penguins in action! Thanksgiving was great except for the entire family coming down with the flu and bronchitis and, well, you get the idea. :D

Chrys Fey said...

I got my copy of the IWSG book! It's great! :) And my vote goes to Fear Factory.

kjmckendry said...

I'm so excited to read the IWSG book! Thanks to you and all your helpers for working so hard to get it together! :)

Anonymous said...

Not seen any penguin movies ;O)
Congrats on the book sounds AWESOME!

Julie Flanders said...

Congrats to you and all the admins for getting this book together. What a wonderful resource for all of us!
Heading over to vote for the blog now. :)

Unknown said...

Great work on the book! Off to go check it out.

As for the Penguins movie, I opted to go see Hunger Games: Mockingjay this weekend...after which, I immediately regretted. :(

Suzanne Furness said...

Many thanks to all those involved in putting together the IWSG book. I'm sure it is going to be a valuable resource and I am definitely going to download my copy.

Version one for me!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Catherine, thanks!!

Keith, I should've had you take my wife to it then...

Robin, your vote noted!

Jennifer, what a bummer!

Chrys, thanks and you rock.

Julie, thanks!

Anna, sorry about that...

Suzanne, vote noted!

Thanks everyone.

Leovi said...

Yes, great memories from the 80's with Gary Numan, great!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

No penguins!!! The book is a great accomplishment. Congratulations to all who worked on it!

Kittie Howard said...

Loooove the Madagascar series. (Actually, I've been to the real country. Amazing, seeing lemurs doing their thing!)

Day trip to Wilmington today. Got NC Christmas cards at the Cotton Exchange - fun!

~Sia McKye~ said...

Now that my kid is grown I don't see many animated films. I've seen a few the past couple of years and kid films are great for multilevel dialog. As an adult I giggle over puns and one liners that go over the little kids' heads. That's the fun part of them.

Yes, I do have my copy of the IWSG book. I was impressed with the scope of it and how well it had been organized and info presented. Good job editing team!

Mina Burrows said...

The guide looks fantastic. Going to get my copy now. You guys rock!

Mina Burrows said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer Lane said...

Yee hah! Congratulations, Alex and editing team! That's a wonderful accomplishment. Thank you for taking the time to put that together.

Ella said...

Congrats, Captain! This is what I asked Santa to bring me~ Did you tell him?

No sightings of stupid owls or penguins in my neck of the woods~

I hope you and Mrs. AC had a lovely holiday!

Kimberly said...

Wahoo for the IWSG Guide! I have not seen the penguin movie but I just saw Despicable Me a couple of days ago and it was so darn cute. :)

Morgan said...

You must look at IWSG and think, "Wow… look how far it's come… I can't believe I started this…"

It really is incredible, Alex. You're so wonderful. Hope you and mini Alex are healthy and happy. :)

Shah Wharton said...

Not seen the silly penguin movie, and probably won't, although my hubs would probably like to. :)

Battle of the Bands: The original sounds better, but I prefer the sci-fi elements of the remake video. The remake sound is empty, where the original is multilayered, at least to my ear. :)

Yippe to the launch of the book! I s wanted to submit to that, but didn't have the time to do it well. Hope it does awesomely. When I get a moment, I'll pop it on my books for sale list on my blog.

Have a great day Alex!

Shah Wharton said...

Not seen the silly penguin movie, and probably won't, although my hubs would probably like to. :)

Battle of the Bands: The original sounds better, but I prefer the sci-fi elements of the remake video. The remake sound is empty, where the original is multilayered, at least to my ear. :)

Yippe to the launch of the book! I s wanted to submit to that, but didn't have the time to do it well. Hope it does awesomely. When I get a moment, I'll pop it on my books for sale list on my blog.

Have a great day Alex!

Unknown said...

No, I haven't seen the penguin movie.

Congrats on the publishing of IWS book, what a wonderful project and I am sure it will be a success.

Michelle Wallace said...

Hey, I'm late!
Better late than never...
Off to check out Thoughts In Progress and The Galaxy Express!
The IWSG book is burning up the blogosphere!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Gary Numan all the way. Rock on Cars! Got the IWSG book on Smashwords. Saw Penguins of Madagascar yesterday and it was a lot of fun. Dave was a well done villain and I think Dragons 2 can take note on how to flesh out a villain properly. Funny both were made by Dreamworks Animation. I truly believe some deep characterization went into this from Private's desire to be accepted as a useful member of the team to Dave lashing out in anger over being rejected. Not even his achievements as his fake human self could cover that pain, that is Oscar worthy character development in my opinion.

farawayeyes said...

I gotta go with the original version of 'Cars'. The remake just is not different enough to win me over.

as for the 'stupid penguin movie'. I saw it and I liked it. Of course, I was in the company of children, so that tends to help with these type of flicks.

Unknown said...

Congrats on IWSG's Guide release!! That was a huge undertaking and we appreciate everyone who brought it to life! Pretty awesome trailer, too:)

Jennie Bennett said...

Yay for the IWSG release!!! I saw Penguins of Madagascar too, but Big Hero 6 was sold out and we had the kids. My favorite part was the Kpop song that played for about 5 second when they were in Shanghai...haha. No, it really was cute.

Don't worry about sharing my cover design thing. I'm already getting a lot of requests. I think I've gotten myself in trouble :)

Mike said...

Gary Numan gets my vote, congrats on the book

Toi Thomas said...

So happy to see the book released. I've missed so much being diconnected. Happy to be getting back into the swing of things and catching up on my favorite blogs.