Friday, April 22, 2011

A to Z Challenge - S - and FFW

For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...

Shift in Dimensions
Laura’s profile photo reveals a smile - but then again, so do her posts and comments! A fellow author, Laura always stops by to say hey and leave a word of encouragement. She also promotes helping her fellow man in any way possible.

Susan Says
Susan is a fantasy writer, and her series The Futhark Chronicles boasts the most amazing covers. She discusses books, her writing struggles, and champions other writers whenever possible. As Susan Says - no flaming unless you’re a real dragon!

Today is another edition of Fantastic Friday Writers! I invite your to check out my partners - Elizabeth, Anastasia, JD, Deirdra, M. Pax, Jeffrey, Charlene, and Andrew. I’m sure their take on this subject is better than mine!

Today's topic is Support Systems.

Another easy one. You guys are my support system. Every awesome blogger who visits with encouraging words. Every blogger who posts great tips. Every blogger who's helped me on my journey. (And the awesome bloggers who are now my critique partners.)

YOU are my awesome support system! And this Ninja thanks you...

My book trailer is in a contest! Vote for #7 CassaStar at You Gotta Read Videos if you think my trailer is worthy and cool and all that.


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Read a couple of posts about support systems. I've gained a support group through this A-Z challenge!

Duncan In Kuantan

Charmaine Clancy said...

New links!

Will check out your trailer now :)

Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers


Hope you're coping with the challenge, quite a few to get through, will check out these links.


Unknown said...

We all need support, this challenge has given me plenty so thank you for that.

Li said...

You, and the other hosts of the challenge, have really done a great job of supporting all of the fellow challenge writers, so thank you for YOUR support!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Duncan, that's why the Challenge is so cool.

Thanks, Charmaine!

li, thank you so much!

Liz P said...

It's great how everyone is so supportive in all things. I see it not just on my blog, but when I'm visiting others. Everyone is just awesome. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Voting is done! Now on to the weekend.

Great blog choices by the way.

Emily White said...

I do love my support system very much. In fact, they deserve some chocolate. I'll have to do something about that.

Now I'm off to check out your trailer!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. the support system is amazing .. but I think the A - Z challenge has brought loads of people together as a more cohesive unit ..

Cheers - great fun .. Hilary

Old Kitty said...

Awwww this is the nicest Army to be part of!! :-) Yay for support sytems!!! Yay for these scrumptious S bloggers too!! Take care

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Liz, we don't want the cold, prickly feeling!

Thanks, Emily.

Hilary, that's why we did it again this year. Last year's Challenge was such a bonding experience.

Kitty, you be sure to tune in tomorrow!

Gregg Metcalf said...

You popped up on the next button! Great job promoting fellow bloggers!

Gregg Metcalf
Colossians 1:28-29

Gospel-driven Disciples

Jules said...

And this Ninja is returning the Thank you. For the support!
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Ciara said...

I voted! Good luck. :)

Dafeenah said...

I have definitely gained support through this challenge and so many more things as well. I just thought it would be fun and help me to get a bit more focused on my blog. I never expected to get out of it all that I have. Thank you for helping to make this happen.

Maurice Mitchell said...

Voted up the trailer! It deserves to win. Only 70 votes though. Come on guys, follow the link!

Angela said...

Thanks for introducing us to your partners. It's nice to have support.

Unknown said...

Well, Alex, you give so much of yourself you deserve to get something back! That's the way it works. Thanks for the links today. I always follow them.

Carol Kilgore said...

Support Systems are Stupendous!
Happy Friday :)

Mary Aalgaard said...

You are a great supporter, too, Alex. Just look at all the work you're doing during this challenge. You must be a speed reader!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Can't do it without support. Thanks for the links, too. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey Gregg! Hope you're enjoying the Challenge.

Jules, glad you're back.

Dafeenah, I discovered the same thing last year. It's such a rewarding experience.

Thanks, Maurice!!!

Lauracea, thanks - my buddies are special people.

Mary, just wish I was a speed typer.

Hart Johnson said...

Laura is fabulous! I will have to check out Susan. And it's funny you should say it... my wacky blog today is sort of on my support system, too, though you're right--the blogosphere is also a big part of it.

M.J. Fifield said...

I love Susan's blog and you're right. The Futhark Chronicles has some amazing covers. I haven't read the second book yet but I'm looking forward to it.

~Sia McKye~ said...

I've heard of The Futhark Chronicles and saw the cover.

Some interesting blogs. Thank you Alex for the heads up on them!

Langley Cornwell said...

For sure. There's no way I could do it without my support system. Great post!

I’m A-Z Blogging on Langley Writes about Writing and Langley’s Rich and Random Life

Unknown said...

No flaming unless you're a real dragon is absolutely true. I like what Susan says and I will definitely be visiting her and Laura. Thanks for sharing and I'll be heading over to vote for your trailer. Cassastar rocks!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hart, great minds think alike...

MJ, I downloaded the first one.

Thanks, Melissa!!

Lindsay said...

Yay for supporting other bloggers. You're doing an awesome job during the challenge :)

Lindsay said...

Yay for supporting other bloggers. You're doing an awesome job during the challenge :)

Cat Lavoie said...

I found a great support system when I started blogging. Fellow writers are awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links worth following; and you're right -- this writer/blogger community we've got is really something special.

M Pax said...

Support in the blogging community and elsewhere from other writers is really wonderful. Thanks for being on my support team, Alex. :D

Donea Lee said...

I voted!! You were far and away in the lead at the time ~ :) See! Your support systems at work.

Ellie Garratt said...

Support system. Such a great thing to talk about for the S post!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Lindsay!

Catherine, yes they are.

Milo, it is, and you're really doing an awesome job with the Challenge.

MPax, thanks for being on MINE!

Thanks, Donea, but I know that could change. (The voting, not my support system.)

Ellie, the FFW did good.

Jai Joshi said...

Support systems are so important! I love my blogger buddies.


Laura said...

I enjoyed your post and your suggested reads (as usual) Just popped over and managed to vote on your trailer - you're doing brilliantly - well done :)
Have a great weekend

J. D. Brown said...

I agree, blogs are such a wonderful source for writers to share and gain information about the writing biz. No other website or article is as helpful as my followers and the blogs that I follow.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

You're always a great support system for us! Thanks!

Voted for you. Good luck.


Laura Eno said...

Thank you so much for the mention, Captain Alex!

Unknown said...

I really appreciate my beta readers. And the blogging community.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate all of your encouraging words throughout this past year, Alex. April marks my first anniversary of blogging! It's been and still is GREAT fun.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Ann Carbine Best’s Long Journey Home said...

Just voted for your video. You're doing great in the polls. No surprise.
Have a great weekend, Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, thank you!!

JD, a resource and a cheering section all in one.

Monti, thanks!

Laura, you are welcome.

Clarissa, I'm sure they appreciate you as well - you're an amazing editor!

Ann, congratulations! Glad you are still enjoying the experience.

Will Burke said...

On my way, brother...

Theres just life said...

I love Laura's blog. I am on my way to check out Susan.

My support system is the people I have meet in the blogging world. Specially Laura and Grandpa. Though you and a lot of others are great help as well.I don't know why it took so long to convince me to join in.

Pamela Jo

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

voted (although it doesn't look like you need any help. You're smashing the poll!). Well deserved. :)

Mari said...

Very nice that you put other people on the spotlight for the A to Z challenge. Laura certainly deserves it, and I'm sure visiting some of your friends. :)

Leovi said...

Me encanta la fantasía de Susan. Un día de estos se viene por España y comparte una sesión de fotos conmigo. Un saludo.

Leovi said...

I love the fantasy of Susan. One of these has been to Spain and share a photo session with me. Greetings

Unknown said...

I am loving the support system that is growing on my blog and everything I see on everyone else's. My blogging that has been a dream for me is becoming a reality i hope i continue to gain followers and stuff after april is over.


Elizabeth Mueller said...

Aw, Alex, you are sweet! I know, my bloggie palz are supportive!


Trisha said...

Totally agree - the writer blogging community in general is a very awesome support system! :D

Damyantiwrites said...

Great links, once again...and you're right, the writer's community online is very supportive. :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Thanks so much for featuring me today, Alex. I feel very special.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pamela, glad you did though!

Lynda, thanks, and every bit helps.

Mari, that was my goal for the Challenge!

Leovi, that's great!

Teresa, you will. Keep active and the snowball will continue to grow.

Susan, you're welcome!