For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...
Ten Lives and Second Chances
Without a doubt, Kitty is one of my favorite people online! She possess such a great attitude and the origin of her blog title is really touching. Where she shines is in her comments! I have to make sure I’m not drinking when I read them. Kitty possesses a playful spirit that shines all over the web, and I’m honored she graces my blog with her presence.
Tessa's Blurb
Tessa is a writer - she thinks! But I know she's a writer. She's also an avid reader. She discusses both on her blog, but there's a lot more to Tessa. She's a sweetheart, and you'll discover that when she visits your blog. (I think she visits mine because I amuse her...)
For those of you who use the Disqus comment box, I've experienced challenges this week. I think a couple others had trouble as well. So, if you have a Disqus comment box (Ocean Girl, TS, Maurice) I may or may not be able to leave a comment. Sorry!
Anyone else feeling challenged with Disqus?
Have a Happy Easter, everyone! Got a couple movies to watch, but not heading to the theater. Wife wants to see the stupid cat movie. Last fall, the stupid horse movie was all right, but didn't care for the stupid owl movie. Maybe I should just avoid animal flicks in general!
My book trailer is in another contest at You Gotta Read Videos! If you think my trailer is cool and all that, please go vote!!! My publisher did such an awesome job with the trailer…
Happy Easter, and thanks for the fab blog links as usual :)
Cheers for the links, will check them out.
Moody Writing
Yes actually I have run into problems with this. Happy Easter you too, good luck with the easter bunny :)
I don't know what Disqus is, so I guess I am not having trouble :)
Thanks for introducing me to these awesome bloggers.
Happy Easter to you too! Hope you get to see a movie you like. I'll hop on over and vote for your trailer.
Have a great weekend!
Have a wonderful time at the theatre, and I wish you and your family A Joyus Easter,
Happy Easter to you too, Alex. The stupid horse movie was alright, and I loved the stupid owl movie. LOL. :)
Happy Easter to you! Maybe you should see the stupid bunny movie instead. Nothing beats a rabbit pooping jellybeans. :)
I've always had a challenge with Disqus - I thought it was just me. :)
Voted for your trailer!
I hate discus. I can NEVER comment. It sucks. Have a happy Easter! Off to vote for you trailer! :o)
Oh noes!!! I am blushing!!! Awwww schucks!!!! Off I go to hide under a rock - preferably with the spirit of Mr Bassa. Ahem.
Yes, I am feeling very challenged by Disqus because I haven't a clue what is it but it sounds ever so complicated and spelt all wrong! LOL!
Yay for Tessa;s Blurb too!!
I so tried to vote again but wasn't allowed to!
Yay for the cat movie!!! May you watch many more!
HAPPY EASTER!!! Take care
Thanks for the links again, Alex. Going to check out what disques are (duh). Happy Easter
Happy Easter, Alex, and hey - love that clip!
I was going to say I had no problems with commenting or voting on your trailer, but I'm afraid I'll jinx myself. So, Happy Easter.
It's kind of hard to avoid the animal flicks when your significant other wants to watch them. Have a happy Easter, Alex!
heading over to vote. I love this trailer!
Siv, glad it's not just me!
Pk, I saw one that sucked last night - I'll review it on Monday.
Nebular - I know! Maybe it's just me and animals.
Emily, you make it sound so enticing...
Laura, it's not just you!
Jessica, it was working for me, but not anymore.
Kitty, and it's comments like that I adore! You're right - it's spelt wrong!
Jeffrey, I'll NetFlix it for her!
Thanks everyone and have an awesome Easter weekend!
I have no idea about the stupid cat movie, but you know you have to go see it, don't you? Every once in a while you must suffer for your love.
I seem to have trouble commenting on blogs even without disqus. :( But it's teaching me to be more patient. I think.
Enjoy the movies and have a happy Easter!
What is the stupid cat movie!?
Love the trailer!
I'm in good company with Clarissa -- What cat movie?
Happy Easter, Alex!
Happy Easter!
I never liked commenting at Discus - too complicated!
I don't fancy animal movies either.
That's a great trailer.
Happy Easter Alex.
Helen, I'll suffer on NetFlix.
Clarissa and Mary, it's The African Cats.
Thanks, Grandpa!
I LOVE Kitty! I went over to sign-up with Teresa as well.
I have many issues, but none of which you speak of today.
I've been having a problem with Ocean girl's blog for sure. Can only comment once out of about 10 times.
I haven't had problems leaving comments. And I just came from Kitty's blog. Gotta love that Charlie. I'll stop by Tessa's blog and introduce myself
I'm with you on stupid movies. Siv told me that in Norway they don't have an Easter Bunny but an Easter Chicken and that made me laugh. Have a good Easter.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.
Very familiar with the wonderful Old Kitty's blog and superb comments. Will check out Tessa's too. Thanks for the links :-)
For those having disqus problems, I sent off a letter to disqus. They said it's a problem with older browsers and they hope to have it patched for next week.
Have a happy Easter Alex!
Right now, I'm wondering if "T" should be for tornadoes! What is going on? North Carolina had 100s (did I read that correctly) of them last Saturday and the St. Louis Airport was devastated last night. A middle school near where we live and many of its buses were destroyed during a tornado last Saturday.
Hope today is quieter. Happy Easter!
Betty, you don't have issues...
Charles, I can do it if I use my iPad.
Nancy, and Easter Chicken? I wonder how he tastes...?
TS, thanks, and guess it's time to update the browser...
Monti, hope it's quieter as well! And I saw the videos from the St. Louis airport - unconfirmed my ass, that's tornado damage!
Oh no, not the stupid owl movie... "Trust your gizzard!"
I agree, old kitty rocks:)
You don't like animals or just animal movies?
I remember years ago, I watched the first Lassie movie and when she went over the water fall, hubby said she died. I was so upset, because Lassie never dies!!!
It was a long wait for Lassie to limp back home. Hubby never gave it away either, just kept telling me...I knew I should have married someone else!!!
Well, that had nothing to do with this but I did vote for you, Alex.
I am ready for the second book. Hurry up!!!
Milo, but I don't have a gizzard!!
Gail, I love animals. Just don't need to see them mating and stuff in nature specials.
And my wife would kill me if I did that to her...
like always great links and good reviews, great blog!
Thanks for sharing:)
I purchased three movies for in the kiddies' Easter baskets so we'll be watching during the rainy afternoon tomorrow.
Happy Easter to you and yours.
I've run into Disqus issues as well.
Old Kitty and Tessa are two great bloggers. :)
Happy Easter!
I voted for your amazing book trailer! Good luck in the contest and thanks for the tips! Julie
Yay for Old Kitty!!! The girls and I love love love her blog and Charlie. Fun stuff!
Oh, and voted for your trailer. Best of luck~
Disqus doesn't particularly like me I am not quite sure why. I often have trouble leaving comments on people's blogs who use disqus. Sometimes it lets me other times it doesn't. At least now I know I am not the only one it doesn't like.
Susan, you did well!
Thank you Empty Nester!
Thanks, LTM. And she's a doll.
Dafeenah, you're not. TS said it's a browser issue, so I guess we all need to upgrade.
Thanks everyone and have a great Easter!
Happy Easter; I bought 3 alarm Hot Tamales, it is going to be fun! ;-D
Happy Easter, Alex! Have a great holiday!!!
Happy easter to you as well
Happy Easter, Alex :)
Happy Easter Alex! Hope you manage to avoid all furry / feathery movies! There's an award for you at Daily Dodo (I know you've probably had it tonnes before, but... well... ya know... :))
Hey, it might be a good movie....maybe.
Already following those great bloggers.
Happy Easter!
Alex, sorry I haven't been by here for a while, this Challenge is a challenge in more ways than one! I too am having Disqus issues. I have not been able to leave a comment on TS's blog in two weeks now. The screen just locks up when I submit.
I am going to vote for your trailer...least I can not for not being around lately.
And thanks for two more blogs to check out.
Ella - good for you
Laura, thanks!
Chuck, that's cool! And thanks for voting,
I'm always having blogger problems. But I didn't know there were names for the comment box. Weird.
Have a Happy Easter Alex. Maybe the cat moview will be better than a chicken or bunny movie :)
Old Kitty is one of my absolute favorite bloggers as well. Her comments always, always make me smile. Love her!!!
haven't noticed any issues with Disqus, but then again i've been super busy so my commenting isn't what it usually is...
I have had problems with Disqus, Intense Debate, as well as some of the other blog hosts or filters or whatever they are. Since I started going through Google Chrome some of the problems have been remedied, but still they at time reoccur. I have let a few of the site owners know when I really had problems, but I guess they will just have to deal with less comments if they don't want to change.
Hey, Alex, Happy Easter! Good luck on your got MY vote!
Happy Easter!
Glad to have you host a-z challenge. Enjoyed the waves of blogs/posts.
awards for you! Pick two of your choices!
Happy Writing!
Donna, if you come upon a Disqus box, you'll know it.
Lee, you're right!
Thank you, Raquel!
Jingle, thank you -glad you've enjoyed it.
Hey there!
Thanks for the links, I'll be sure to check them out. I also seem to have trouble with Disqus...
♥Nice post.) Love your blog.))♥
What's wrong with a stupid cat movie?
Pat, good to know it's not just me.
Thanks, Mary!
Happy Easter! Have fun with those stupid cats.
I've tried using Disqus and became "Disqus-ted" with it.
Thanks, Jai!
Cheesboy, you're a laugh a minute! Hope you had agreat birthday weekend.
Awesome trailer! I'm shooting my own book trailer next weekend - I am beyond psyched.
Will check out your 'T' links - great idea for the challenge.
I became fan of his and I have discussed. Kitty Qizás get lucky and I said something to me.
Happy Easter My Friend! I am loving the A to Z Challenge. To bad it is almost over!
LOL THANK YOU for featuring me!! *blows kisses*
And yes, you're amusing, and interesting, and a damned good writer. Can't wait for the sequel to CassaStar!!
ps. Happy belated Easter!!
totally had problems with disqus this week.
Disqus is a huge pain in the rear. I still think it's better than the native commenting system, but the synchronization and browser support is horrible. Sorry about that.
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