For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...
Under the Tiki Hut
Carol flies in under the radar sometimes, but she’s always there when you need her. Her Top Ten Fridays are a perfect way to cap off the week with a smile. So grab a drink and hang out Under the Tiki Hut for a while.
Movie Review – Skyline
Was it REALLY as bad as everyone claimed? YES!
As expected, it started with the invasion and then switched to a little backstory. While this was an issue with most reviewers, it wasn’t long or annoying. Bland characters are introduced and we’re back to our invasion.
At this point, I think it’ll be all right. Not great, but watchable. But as the movie progresses, the ineptness of the writing took over.
Alien invasion films have been done very well before (War of the Worlds, Independence Day) and there was zero originality to the plot. While some of the effects were cool, the plot focused more on the bland characters trapped in the penthouse. Now, if you’re going to do this kind of story (like Battle: Los Angeles or Cloverfield) that aspect of the plot (and the characters) must be strong and riveting. Unfortunately for us, that’s Skyline’s weakest feature.
There’s many, many plot contrivances and situations that occur for no reason. (Immediately after the invasion begins - “We need to get to the Marina and get on a boat – the aliens aren’t over water yet!” WHAT?!) And there are long lulls of nothing. I was bored! An alien invasion film shouldn’t be boring. And it has two endings (as in the last five minutes felt very tacked-on), neither of which is satisfying – as if the writers had no clue how to end this mess.
What’s sad is producers greenlit this movie for a large release while overlooking Monsters, which was a thousand times better.
If you’re still curious, at least I warned you! It’s bad. And not even stupid-fun bad like Sharktopus.
Now that’s bad!
And just two more days to vote for my book trailer at You Gotta Read Videos!
If it's lame--I'll PASS. (=
I'll wait for my sons' review, if it is good to them, then it is good to me :)
Oh no!! I can't have Cap'n Ninja Alex bored!!! :-(
What you need is a rum cocktail in a coconut with a banana and a little pink parasol Under the Tiki Hut! Off we go! Take care
Too bad. WHat a shame. I hate it when peeps ruin a potentially good story idea.
Thanks for saving me the time of seeing it. Crossing this one off the list.
Thanks for the forewarning Alex, I hate bad movies.
Life on The Farm
Thanks for the warning. I was going to get this on DVD, but I chose Monsters instead. Glad I did now :)
Ha Ha. You were even more scathing than I was about Skyline.
Thanks for the review. It sucks when you spend time watching a movie and it bites. We watched a movie yesterday that was so bad I don't even remember the name. The plot was all over the place and the scenes were so broken up, it was way too hard to follow. :)
SO pleased I listened to my gut feeling and stayed away from Skyline... thanks for taking one for the team, Alex!
Kitty, that sounds a thousand times better!
Pk, it really fell flat.
Lindsay, wise choice!
Ric, I can handle an okay movie, but this one just really bombed.
Salarsen, I know! That's two hours we'll never get back.
B, I'm a movie trooper!
"Skyline" was incredibly dull, but it had great CGIs though.
Did you see District 9 or Battle for LA? Just wondering what you thought of them.
Moody Writing
Ugh! Over water? Where will you re-supply? What is wrong with people? I can't stand that! Gun store with a nearby supermarket. Dig underground tunnel.
Sounds like a stinky movie!
There's an age when Skyline would work for its audience, Alex. That age is when the options are films on how to make your colon work efficiently or the harmful effects of too much salt in your diet... Of course, I'm not there, yet, and can still choose many others. Thanks for the heads up.
Hello, fellow A-Z Challenger! Here's my latest entry. Come visit either of my blogs when you can and leave some comment love:
T is for Troubador
Carol is the nicest person with a wonderful blog!
I'd heard it was a terrible movie. Thanks for confirming it!
I bought the DVD and Mr. G made me take it back before we opened it. LOL. He showed me all the bad reviews!
I thought Battle of LA looked as bad as Skyline, was it any good? I wasn't crazy over Monsters. District 9 was amazing though.
we made the mistake of seeing skyline in theaters. Sigh. What a waste of money. It's clear it was just made by effects guys because the plotting is horrible and the characters just run around like chickens with their heads off. And then the ending - WTF??! WORST ENDING EVAH!!!
No thanks. I did see Arthur over the weekend though, and really enjoyed it! Now I'm just waiting for Thor. :)
was it really as bad as everyone said... *snort* :D
I watched Twister yesterday afternoon. Is it as bad as THAT? ;p
Carol is fabulous!
And I agree with your assessment of Skyline. Son and I watched it a couple weekends ago and it was pretty lame.
Leigh--worse than Twister--Twister had some redeeming features.
Great post as always.
I take it you enjoyed the movie,
IMHO, sci-fi movies don't have the quality they used to have.
One of the best alien movies was, er, Alien. That ending was logical and scary as hell.
Aliens was excellent also but 3 & 4, eh, not so much.
I'm glad I have you to filter out the bad movies for me, Alex!
The very final scene and the images behind the closing credits seemed like potentially original ideas - the previous 2 hours was just so numbingly bad it didn't matter.
Thanks for letting us know what to avoid!
I'll check out Carol and the Tiki Hut later...
Thanks for the mention of Under the Tiki Hut :)
And for the Skyline warning.
Sharktopus- now THAT's a great movie.
Thanks for the headsup
LOL, yeah I suspected this movie was bad.
Thanks for the warning. I am not a fan of alien invasion movies to start with so I am certain this one would not be something I would enjoy watching.
Thanks for not sugar coating it; I hate to waste time on a boring, snore flick! Off to the Tiki Hut; it is 79 already at my house...!
That's sad--I was looking forward to Skyline.
Hope you join us in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post on Monday May 2nd.
Nebular, the creatures were cool.
Mood, District 9 was good, Battle: Los Angeles even better.
Heather, you should've written the script!
Sharlene, thanks for the laugh!!
Ellie, he saved you!
Chris, I reviewed Battle: Los Angeles a while back - it was really good. I thought District 9 was good but overhyped.
Sarah, I remember you saying you went to see it - I know, the ending sucked!
LTM, oh no, Twister was good!
Huntress, Aliens is one of my favorite movies of all time.
Matthew, it's my job!
Charles, you summed it up well.
Dafeenah, it would turn you off alien movies forever...
Ella, it's getting warm here...
Lee, really - don't bother. Save yourself!
"Was it REALLY as bad as everyone claimed? YES!"
Love your honesty.
I was passing on this before and will talk the family out of it now.
im a super nerd, i liked it
Hey there- stopping by for a quick hello- I haven't even heard of the movie but thanks for letting me know about it. Have a fairy great Monday!
I love Carol. She was one of my very first followers.
Catching up on your posts. You linked to some great blogs.
If these are boring films, I will not mention them to DH. He falls asleep in front of good ones! LOL
Holy crap, Skyline was awful. I actually paid money to see it, but what I regret the most is the time I wasted sitting there in the theater. And the lobotomy. I haven't been the same since.
i think ill skip out on skyline
Angela, I call them as I see them!
Holly, she's a special lady.
Glynis, he wouldn't last five minutes into Skyline.
Milo, maybe there's help for both of us.
Many thanks Alex for leaving a lovely comment, well we're on the home straight now of the challenge and boy what a challenge it's been.
I do believe I'll be staying away from Skyline. :P
Carol's Top Ten Friday posts are some of my favorites!
Thanks for the heads up on the movie. Can't believe that the Challenge is almost over!
I noticed that one at the Video store and considered it but if it bored you I know I'd not watch it.
This weekend, with the rain, was a movie weekend. I did pick up one animated I like, uh...Something Minds, made me giggle. Harry Potter was very dark and left me feeling...not satisfied. Did love The Kings Speech. I watched The Patriot again. Love the way they handled the villain in that one. I wrote about it in my post today. I'd like to see Avatar and Independence Day again.
I agree, Carol is great. I'll take your word for it and skip that movie. On the subject of entertainment, do you watch 'The Event,' on NBC. It's really good, but like 'Lost' you have to see it from the beginning.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.
At least we got to read your enjoyable review about a lousy movie. Thanks for saving everyone the trouble and $7 (plus $2.50 for popcorn).
I'm still groaning over 3.11.11. haha. Some nice Us today. Love this A to Z thing.
Ah - now I know not to go and see that one. I have a feeling your review was better than the movie. Off to check the new blog...
Wow, must be bad.
Roadkill on Syfy was horrible. I didn't make it past the 20 minute mark. So, you can avoid that one, too.
Yvonne, this year's been a stretch!
Golden, her top ten's are the best!
Sia, you beat me for movies this weekend! And Harry Potter WAS dark.
Nancy, I tried to watch it, but just couldn't get into it.
Robyn, $2.50 for popcorn? Where?!
Lauracea, my review might be better!
MPax, some of theirs aren't even fun-bad.
So I'll scratch that on out..
See - I didn't think it was as bad as all the reviews, because that would have meant that there was something to actually dislike about it - I didn't care enough to get any dislike going - it was just bleugh! But the end(s) - how bloomin ridiculous.
I love Monsters though - genious film - though the 'Making of" on the DVD is actually longer than the film itself!
You've done a public service by warning us to steer clear of this flick, Alex. Thanks for the heads up!
Bad movies are what Mystery Science Theater were all about!
I saw the trailer for Skyline and immediately said that it was a bad movie. I'm glad my spidey-sense was working that day!
Under the Tiki Hut sounds flipping amazing!!!!
Yikes! When I hear that you didn't even like it that makes me not want to see it.
I realize that made it sound like your choice in movies was hideous... on the contrary I look up to your reviews!!
PS - What did you think of Insidious?
Laura, Monsters was awesome. We haven't watched the 'making of' yet though.
Jeffrey, I'm here to save the movie-going public!
Not Another - you got it! Long live MST3K!!
Jen, I never got a chance to see that one.
really? you thought Monsters was better than Skyline? I thought they were both terrible. I didn't mind Skyline until the end. I could forgive the boring characters and plot contrivances because I wasn't expecting much. I just couldn't forgive the ending. Terrible. Terrible.
Love visiting the Tiki Hut!
Thanks for the review. Sounds like I'll pass then.
Wow... I totally forgot that this film was released. I remember that I saw a few commercials but I forgot it soon after. Guess I see why now. And poor Sharktopus is the butt of every joke now. Ha!
I'm glad I didn;t spend the twelve bucks to see it. Or the five dollars for the rental. Thanks for the review.
I think I'll stick with Dr Who! Sue@JumpingAground (Alliteration & drabbles)
Sue@traverselife(Workplace bullying)
Geoff, it deserves to be the brunt of every joke! Although Skyline was worse. Really!
Stephen, save your money.
Sue, wise choice!
Thanks for the heads up.
I don't go out to the movies much but when I do, I want it to be worthwhile.
Thanks for sacrificing 2 hours of your time to warn us about a dreary movie. That just gets my dander up! Why does Hollywood waist their time and money on regurgitation when so many original creative writers are just dying for a chance to be accepted?!
Haven't had the pleasure of watching "Sharktopus" yet...but, I can just imagine... *shakes of weird images* So, if Skyline is worse? Wow. Thanks for x-ing a movie off my list! :)
I am totally amazed at how you you read blogs that fit in with every letter of the alphabet.
And thanks for the review. Wasn't planning to see this movie, but now it's definitely not going to happen. Some movies are awesomely bad and still fun to watch. This just sounds awful.
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