For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...
Velvet Over Steel
Coreen is a woman of pure spirit. Her Half Full and Aloha Fridays will start your weekend right. Coreen’s blog is very inspirational and encouraging, so if you’re feeling down, visit her today!
Last day to vote for my book trailer! And it's no longer winning!
Vote at You Gotta Read Videos If you think my trailer is cool and all that, please go vote!!! My publisher did such an awesome job with the trailer… And yes, I wish it were a real movie.
Of course I voted for your book tailer :) when I read the passage in the novel that the trailer was written to; I got hooked all over again on the novel.
I went and voted for you, but you are trailing pretty badly now...
CassaStar's trailer rocks! :) Already voted ;)
No longer winning? Well, we can't have that. Going to vote right now.
OK, done. Good luck. Sue@JumpingAground (Alliteration & drabbles)
Sue@traverselife(Workplace bullying)
Off to vote!! I'll tweet you, too. :)
Already voted but posted link/plea on my blog. It really looks like it would make a cool movie!
I voted!
Never liked Blogger's voting widget, because it's easy to cast multiple votes.
Great trailer, Alex - I just voted!
Love the Feature-A-Blogger Theme you've got going here.
Hopping over to vote...
Not winning?!!! We can't have that. I've just tweeted the site link and asked people to vote for your awesome trailer.
Sir, yes sir! Just went & voted. My prediction is that you'll take a commanding lead by noon. ;)
what? Who's beating you?! Crazy!
Also i think it would be an excellent movie
I don't know Coreen, so I'm off to meet her!
Donna, didn't my publisher capture it well?
Thanks, li! And maybe some producers are lurking...
Thank you, Ellie!
Nicki, I like your prediction.
Thanks, everyone! Appreciate the help.
V is for Vote and I did!
Can I vote again? I did once. How dare it trail behind...
Off to vote for you!! Who the heck could be beating you?!
P.S. Lauracea, I don't think you can vote twice because I just tried, haha.
Thank you, Alex, for the Very Sweet 'shout out' for my blog! You have and continue to be a HUGH support and inspiration to me!!!!
I'm off to vote too!!!
Big Hug,
Coreen XOXO
I will pop over to vote directly.
I am on my way!
Oh such poops!! They won't let me vote again!! :-( I am in a major sulk!! Only the soothing hands of Mr B and older Byron may snap me out of my poutiness.
Anyway - yay for Coreen's spirit!!!
Take care
Blast those flaky widgets and their evidently unfavorable bias against CassaStar! Still crossing my fingers for you, Alex, but even if you don't win you still have a whole army behind you, giving it all to support you!
Alex, I deleted your comment on my "Scream 4" review by accident, and I'm sorry for that.
Can I vote twice?
Velvet over Steel - what a great blog name! I'll pop over to Coreen's for sure!
You got my vote already!
Hope you join us in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post on Monday May 2nd.
Oh Oh .. I must pop on over and vote - got to get the numbers back up .. good luck .. and Velvet over Steel .. sounds good to too .
Cheers Alex - Hilary
Ha! Voted! Not sure how I'd missed this contest before now...
You know I voted.;)
Velvet Over Steel is a new place for me, so I'll check it out.
Oh no! Must win, must win.
Go Cassa Star!
I voted!
I voted. It is a great trailer.
DONE! It totally deserves to win.
I just voted for CassaStar! Hope your trailer wins, Alex!!!
I voted a few days ago. I wonder how some people get this ridiculous number of votes. I Google them and visit their sites and often they are nobodies. Weird. Well, they are somebody. But unknown in terms of blogs, books, folloers, Google hits, etc.
Lauracea, how many devices do you have that access the Internet?
You're welcome, Coreen!
Kitty, at least you made me smile.
Jeffrey, thanks dude!
Nebular, that's okay - what was the answer?
Stephen, all I know is there were no votes for that trailer on Sunday.
Thanks SO much, everyone! And thank you for visiting Coreen's site.
Yes, Thank You everyone so Very Much!! XOXO ~ Coreen
ironically, earlier today, i watched a number of other trailers - and i must say, that yours does by far surpass those i viewed - by far! yours is extremely well done and easily followed while maintaining the interest and curiosity of the viewer! great trailer! oh, and i did vote just now! ;)
Just nipped over on the different computer and put in an extra vote :) p.s. you need to put the link somewhere super visible - the video is over the top of the text in the latest post on my browser... got the link from an older post
I tried to vote but it won't open at the mo. Too many people heading to vote for you?? I'll keep trying and of course I will vote for you. That trailer rocks!
I voted for your book trailer. =)
Poetry, Quotes and Book Reviews.
I did
Oh no! I already voted. Wish I could vote again.
Gypsywoman, thank you! I am just thrilled with my trailer. Couldn't have asked for anything better.
Laura - crap!
Denise, thank you.
Tiger and Biff, thanks!
I'll be check 'em out. So a couple of Vs floating around. Very impressive.
Just voted....
Cool video...
I voted and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you. Cassastar deserves to win. It's an awesome trailer that I really wish was a film. Any takers for a movie?
Can we vote more than once? I'll see.
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