For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...
Rambles and Randomness
Vicki is a hoot! You never know what she’ll come up with next. Whether she’s recalling an amusing past incident or stalking Craig Niedermaier, you are in for a fun ride. The laughs are not random, I guarantee it!
The Rainy Day Wanderer
The Words Crafter is such a thoughtful person. She’s so considerate of her followers and friends, and she writes very reflective posts. No gloomy rain here - she’s a ray of sunshine!
And today I am honored that my book is a “R” post by Donna Hole and Familiar Spirits, as they are reviewing CassaStar.
What’s cool is Donna and Gail both understood the real theme of my book. Yes, it’s science fiction. But it’s about friendship. And in the grand scheme of things, that’s what really matters in life.
So thanks Donna and Gail! And a big thank you to all of my followers who have visited the bloggers I’ve recommended during the Challenge. Thanks for supporting my friends!
And I know my regular followers are sick of this, but my book trailer is in another contest! Voting starts today at You Gotta Read Videos If you think my trailer is worthy and cool and all that, please go vote!!! My publisher did such an awesome job with the trailer…
I have never seen this before. I had to watch it twice because the text moved to fast. Something yu might want to think about for a more international market. Off to vote for you. Support is important!
I'm not a regular follower so I'm not sick of your trailer yet. :) Super cool! Great job.
To vote for your awesome book trailer is the least I can do for you.
Unbelievable I have been the first one to vote and I voted for #7 CassaStaR.
So you are in the lead at this moment.
Good Luck!
I'm sure your army will not abandon you.
How can anyone be sick of your book trailer Alex? it's wonderful.
Thanls for your comment. I truly appreciate them.
That's very cool, Alex.
Done! And it IS a great trailer!
Thank you, Alex, for the lovely shout-out! *blushing*
I'll be checking out Rambles and Randomness as soon as I get home.
Clicked over and voted :) Good luck!
Siv, as I stated, my publisher made it, so that's out of my control...
Thank you, Crystal!
Edi, thanks dude!!
Yvonne, thank you.
Whisk and li, thanks!
Words, you are welcome, and thank YOU.
I've voted! Good luck!!
Yay for these gorgeous R blogs!! Yay for Ms Donna Hole!! Yay all round!! Yay!!
:-) Take care
That's pretty cool that so many people wanted a sequel! Have fun writing it!
Have voted. :) Thanks for the R blog links.
I still have book trailer envy...
I love your trailer, Alex. Happy to help!
Done and done!
Off to vote - if authors can't support authors, who can? :) Thanks for the great blog recommendations too.
Thanks for the links Alex. Off to check them out and to vote for your trailer again!
Kitty, dig your enthusiasm!
Laura, it's done and in the process of revisions.
Thanks, everyone!!!
You have some stiff competition. Several of those videos are above and beyond the usual trailers.
Love the background music in your video, btw.
I had to stop by and tell you about reading CassaStar. I was in the hospital post op and couldn't sleep. Up the entire night with nothing to do! I pulled out my Kindle and decided to read CassaStar. I'm so thankful I had that distraction. The characters and storyline maintained my attention despite how I was feeling. I can't wait to finish reading it. :) Great story.
Its great to have people review your work and give feedback. Make those adjustments now while you can. Best wishes for the success of your next book!
I've been lurking and loving all those you are giving shout-out's for!!! I love all the one's you listed today... especially Vicki! She is so super awesome!
Once again, you've introduced me to new-to-me bloggers! And I will go vote for your trailer, since I think it's an excellent one.
Actually, that was the first time I saw your trailer. Cool. Off to vote. :)
I voted, Alex, but he doesn't make voting easy!
It's a great trailer. I think it draws in any viewer and grabs those who love scifi. I'm going to vote.
Love your trailer Alex! Thanks for the R links today too.
great trailer! I'm off to vote
That music is so perfect for your trailer.
I'm off to vote ...
Naw, could never be sick of your book trailer--just look at the smile it brings to your face! ;)
Huntress, I know! Finger crossed.
Ciara, thank you! Wow, today is just getting better. I'm thrilled you're enjoying it, although sorry you're stuck in the hospital doing it.
Stephen, so far the only adjustment will be making the sequel live up to the first one. Oh the pressure...
Jen, they are some special people.
LG, thanks!
Helen, sorry it was a challenge, but I appreciate it.
Karen, thank you!!!
Mary and every one else - thank you! I really, really appreciate it.
Loved your book trailer, and the book. Can't wait for the sequel!!!
And how do you always manage to comment on my posts so fast? THANK YOU for popping in!!
I'll probably vote for you. It's between yours and Seduced by an Angel. That one is Racy.
What an honor to have your book as someone else(s) review. I'm headed over to read.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.
Done my part to help out the captain ninja!
Elizabeth, you're right - I'm grinning!
Tessa, thanks! And Ninja skills, my dear - ninja skills!
Thanks, Chris - at least you're honest!
Thanks, Nancy! Yeah, cool surprise.
Jeffrey, you the dude!
I didn't know this book video thing was really flying with a whole lot of people. I went to vote.
Ummm apparently I am having some sort of "moment". When I read your description about Vicki, I thought you said she was "hot" and I was like hmm well ok until I realized it was "hoot" and then I went to vote for you but ummm well how do I vote? I finally found your video but I wasn't sure what to do after that and well I didn't want to end up accidentally voting for someone else so umm a little help please.
Will hop over and vote! Congrats on being in another contest!
Best of luck in the contest!
Ah, the only one I don't know today is Gail. I'll definitely check her out and her review of your book. Agreed - friendships in life are ESSENTIAL! And I'll totally vote for your trailer - off to view it now! :)
OH, man! That is such a far-out video! A movie of your book would be fantastic, don't you think? Is the book available in e-book form? I am going to check to see.
Dear Alex, thank you for your longtime support. Love, Ruby
I'm not sick of your trailer; I do need some Hot Tamales though, pass'em over will ya? Off to vote~
Will go visit these bloggers!
Thanks, Summer!
Hey Dafeenah! Well, Vicki is probably hot as well. But the vote widget is in the right hand upper corner of the side bar - my trailer is #7. Just check the dot and press vote!
Donea, thanks - and Gail is just a sweet lady.
Ruby, wouldn't that be great? I'd love to see it as a movie. And it is available in all eBook formats/
Thanks, Ella!
And thank you everyone.
seems cool
No way am I sick of it--it's a great trailer! :) Heading over to vote.
I already follow the people you mentioned, and they're some of my favorite bloggers!
I'll have to check out Gail's review too.
I love your book trailer. I forgot to post the synopsis of CassaStar - silly me - but I'm hoping the book trailer works in its place.
Honestly I've seen few trailers to rival your's. And I was glad to read a launch scene in the novel that related to the trailer. A real treat :)
Sorry, Alex. I had to delete the first quiz and repost.
I just visited the blog of "The Wanderer" Rainy Day and is delicious. I also love the rain, if not too strong I love walking.!
Thank you! Voted.
Voted. :D
Friends and the like is what life is about, definitely. And your book skillfully sets that out.
I haven't seen your trailer before so I'm not sick of it. Just wanted to say that it's fantastic.
Not sick of it at all... it's fab! I just went over to vote and couldn't find how to... will check it again tomorrow. Nice blogs you sent us to today!
One of the better book trailers I've seen. Voted! Looks like you're way ahead of the others :-)
Super cool, Alex!
And thanks for your shout out for Clark's movie-- it's gonna be a long haul to get us there-- every bit helps! (=
Golden, thank you! And they are cool people.
Donna, thank you again. I was touched by your thoughtful review!
Whisk, oh - okay!
Leovi, I think you'll really enjoy her blog.
Mary, thank you.
Cheree, thanks!!
Laura, it's the widget in the the right hand side bar at the top - I'm #7.
KC, thanks and that's good to know.
Jo, I feel special - I know someone famous in Hollywood!!
True old-school sci-fi often seems to have a noble theme. Hard-pressed to find a nobler one than friendship.
Thank you for your kind words.
You have a great trailer, Alex!
Thanks for the compliment you left on my blog!
Vicki is terrific, but I haven't met the Words Crafter yet - thanks for the link! :)
I'll do more checking out once I have my computer back - it'll be gone for a few more weeks! *sigh*
Suze, thanks!!!
Gail, thank you for yours.
Monti, you are welcome!
Jemi, no! We miss you already.
I was watching American Idol with my kids the other night(we watch it a week late due to timing and extracuriclar activities) and I thought of you when James Durbin sang Heavy Metal from the soundtrack Heavy Metal. I wondered if you watch that show and how much you are loving the comeback of metal and through Idol no less. Great stuff! Hope you're well.
Awesome trailer! :) Off to vote now!
I've voted for your book trailer before, and I'll do it again. So there.
Your trailer got my vote. But really, Alex, don't you think you should give the others a chance? You are way ahead so far. Oh well, you're the only one that I recognized so I guess that's enough for me.
Tossing It Out
I'd never heard of a book trailer before you posted your last year. Since I've seen other people refer to them, I guess it is a common practice, presumably that came about with the internet?
Normally I do not push my own posts, but if you're only going to read one post this month, it ought to be my "R" post...
Patrcia, I saw that - James singing Heavy Metal was awesome!
Milo, thanks!
Lee, never count the chickens...
Again the these Rs totally made my N look like a ZZZZs.
I hope you win this contest too!
Good luck my vote is in. Great video.
Thanks, everyone!
I'm off to vote!
I came back to let you know I voted. Good luck. You are way in the lead at the moment.
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