Friday, April 8, 2011

A to Z Challenge - G

For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers, many of whom are participating in the Challenge. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...

Garden Full of Lily
Jennie is a gorgeous person inside and out. She’s a Humane Education teacher with a passion for animals, and the Lily in her garden is her dog. Her regular features include the Wednesday Wishes and Friday Fun. Actually, every day is fun with Jennie! Go take a look at what’s growing in her garden today.

Giggles and Guns
Mary has a wonderful sense of humor, layered with compassion and a great storytelling ability. She’ll make you smile with her posts and comments. Mary is just one of those special people we meet on our journey through life. I just adore this lady. And she adores the one-liners, so go leave her a zinger of a comment!

Today is another edition of Fantastic Friday Writers! I invite your to check out my partners - Elizabeth, Anastasia, JD, Deirdra, M. Pax, Jeffrey, Charlene, and Andrew. I’m sure their take on this subject is better than mine!


This one is easy – my genre is science fiction. My first book was published last fall, and I am currently working on the sequel. (Thanks to the help of some amazing critique partners and test readers!) I also enjoy reading fantasy and thrillers, although not sure if I’m ready to attempt to write in those genres.

But you never know. Ninjas can be sneaky!


Siv Maria said...

Thanks again for the tips...Off she goes :)

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Thanks for the links, Alex, and I wish you a great success with the CassaStar sequel. ;)

Barbara said...

Thanks for the links, I even went beyond them to meet some exceptional bloggers :) Great job!

mooderino said...

More top bloggers, cheers. And thanks for stopping by mine, appreciate it.
Moody Writing

Talli Roland said...

Yay! Some more great blogs I love. Thanks, Alex.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

My Google Reader is getting fuller every day! Thanks, Alex. :)

Dempsey Sanders said...

this is a great challenge and I apologise for missing so much of it, I will certainly check the blogs you have mentioned.

I have come to know you as the go-too-guy for sci fi, your a great writer and always enjoy reading your posts

Liz P said...

Two great bloggers there - Jennie and Mary are so full of awesomness! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Nebular, and I am working on it!

Mood, trying to keep up with all the cool bloggers.

Elizabeth, right now mine is a mess!

Dempsey, thanks, I appreciate that!

trininista said...

Will check out your tips! Happy Friday!

Chris Phillips said...

Glad you had those links. I thought I was following both of them, but I wasn't.

Unknown said...

Off to follow these awesome links. Thanks, Alex! Have a great Friday!!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Mary is a hoot!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Alex. I'll have to check these bloggers out.

Ellie Garratt said...

I love visiting all the blogs you're highlighting! Thank you!

Ellie Garratt

Jules said...

Mary makes me snort coffee quite often :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Old Kitty said...

G for gorgeous blogbuddies and sneaky Ninja Turtles!! :-)

Take care


Will look these blogs up on my travels around Blogsphere,


Unknown said...

I'm really glad you're highlighting some amazing bloggers.

Gregg Metcalf said...

Sci Fi seems to be popular genre but I could never get into it. Will look into your links, thanks!

Gregg Metcalf
Colossians 1:28-29

Gospel-driven Disciples

baygirl32 said...

loving the challenge, and you take on it! 2 more blogs to go see (heading there now)

Anonymous said...

I know some of the people. Will stop by the newbies I see and say hello.

Maggie said...

Wow, that is so cool you're featuring bloggers in YOUR blog. Totally awesome. I hope you'll consider me if you ever want to. :) I'm not a "writer" like you, I just enjoy it so much. My blog is about family and health issues, and also quirks and sarcasm about life.

Huntress said...

A big thumbs up for Giggles and Guns.
I found her blog on the first day and it is rapidly becoming my fave.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Now you are, Chris.

Ellie, you're welcome!

And I'm sure that's quite a sight, Jules.

Just trying to give back, Clarissa.

Gregg, some science fiction is too tech-heavy for me.

Thanks, Exceptional.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Thanks so much for the beautiful words, Alex (She writes as she blushes.)
It's been an amazing year for me in so many ways. Thanks again.
Gotta get back to being "Goofy" I think you called me.

Michael Di Gesu said...

I must check these ladies out. Thanks, Alex.

N. R. Williams said...

I love Mary too. I noticed that you are almost at 700 followers. Way to go!
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.

Carol Kilgore said...

Alex the Sneaky Ninja - LOL
Happy Friday!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

mary, you're welcome, and you're goofy in a good way!

Nancy, I just noticed that as well - whoa!

Ella said...

Hi Alex, Ninjas can be if they need to! I have met Mary, she always makes me smile n' giggle. Off to meet Jennie! Your army is building almost 700; I'm over 300(Thanks for allowing some of your army to visit me)! Perhaps they will hang with me a bit in the Fort! ;-D

Dafeenah said...

I had seen that Fantastic Friday Writers badge on several sites. I have been wondering what it meant. How did you decide on your genre or did it sort of decide for you?


Matthew MacNish said...

This is the first day I haven't known either blogger. I'm on my way ...

Jeff Beesler said...

Mary's "F" post about Facebook was filled with alliteration. In fact, it inspired an alliteration-laced comment of my own on her page.

And somehow I managed to navigate the A-Z Challenge and Fantastic Friday Writers theme with relative smooth sailing.

Ciara said...

I like the blog title, Giggles and Guns. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ella, they better!!!

Dafeenah, I was invited. Ananstasia is the coordinator if you'd like to ask her about FFG.

Matthew, finally got you!

Jeffrey, helped that Anastasia adjusted the schedule!

The Old Silly said...

Golly Good Gee Good bloGGer shout out post!

Tiger85 said...

Thanks for the links Alex, I can't wiat to read your book. Have a good weekend. =)

Susan Oloier said...

Appreciate the links. It has been so great to connect with so many amazing and diverse people.

Trevor Peck said...

"G"reat links! Really like your linking for each letter too! Realized that I had never followed you and so I am now #700!!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's a lot of Gs, Marvin!

Tiger, thank you! Hope you enjoy it.

Trevor, you should win a prize or something!

Hannah said...

ooh, I'm missing out on a few blogs today! I'll have to blog-hop to it!! Thanks. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Thank you Alex for the links. I think it's sweet (yah, you're a guy)to point people to blogs you've enjoyed reading.

As genre's, I've been experimenting with a few just to stretch. I love sci-fi! Writing it is...well let's say that for me, it hasn't come together. I've written a few short pieces. They're not bad, but I'd need lots more practice. I'll just read yours. :-)

Maurice Mitchell said...

Ninjas and science-fiction. Now that's a book I'd love to read. Ya never know Alex!

Jeff Beesler said...

I also just happened to notice this. You've just about reached 700 followers, Alex! Congratulations!

M Pax said...

I should attempt another genre some time soon. I hear it's good to flex our writing muscles. Shrug.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Hannah! Just wait until we get to M...

I'm okay with being sweet. And I bet you could write it just as well, although I don't object to you reading my book!

Maurice, I might have to explore that idea...

Jeffrey - 701! Wild, huh?

MPax, you just flexed!

Golden Eagle said...

I love Science Fiction--it's the main genre I write in, although I have started Fantasy novels before.

Congratulations on 700+ Followers!

Unknown said...

Good luck on your sequel.

Speaking of Ninjas, yesterday at Six Flags Over Georgia in Atlanta, I rode on the Ninja roller coaster. I love roller coasters, but this one put some Ninja moves on my neck.

I'm loving this A to Z stuff. So many blogs to get to and so little time left.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the look Alex. Ill check em' out tonight


Hart Johnson said...

Doh! I totally forgot my blog promo piece today! I would have plugged Mary too--I will have to make up for it tomorrow...

My genres are suspense and mystery...

nutschell said...

I love jennie's blog! She's such a dear friend. we're actually meeting up to go to the renaissance faire next weekend. Yes, we're fantasy geeks, No, we're not dressing up.


Alison Miller said...

Great post! I've been to Giggles and Guns (love!) and will have to check out the others. I grew up with a sci-fi gene in me so you'd think that would be my genre - but no - I write sci-fi free YA. Hmmmm.

Katherines Corner said...

Love this! Hugs and have a great weekend.

Nicki Elson said...

Science fiction---big shockah! Thanks for today's blog features. You really are amazing to be able to follow so many blogs AND be able to describe them so enticingly.

Jemi Fraser said...

2 of my favourite people today!! :)

Denise Covey said...

I've been running into FFW everywhere today. Must be Friday in Yankee-land!! Great that you could incorporate it into your challenge.


L'Aussie Travel A - Z Challenge Posts G is for Galapagos Islands

Loki Morgan said...

Thanks, very cool! :)

Bossy Betty said...

Thanks for the links!!! Happy Weekend, Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Golden - and I know that's your favorite genre.

Lucy, I don't do coasters well. Glad you're enjoying the Challenge.

Hart, think she got lots of love today!

Nutschell, hope the two of you have a blast!

Alison, can't explain it either.

Nicki, I just admire and respect my blogger friends.

Denise, who are you calling a Yankee...?

Ella said...

Line up those hot tamales they will get you up to speed; In no time you will be on the editing end. Ninjas need spice~ lol

Anonymous said...

How about an SF/Fantasy Thriller?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ella, don't have to entice me twice to eat Hot Tamales!

Milo, that's a possibility... said...

Of course you are ready for fantasy and thrillers, Alex. You are sci-fi (i.e., thrilling fantasy) extraordinaire!

I appreciate all your blog references and have been making visits accordingly.

Petra said...

Great G post! I like how you spotlight different bloggers. Happy weekend to you.

Jennie Bailey said...

Alex, thank you again for the mention. You humble me with your sweet words. And thank you for always being such a loyal commenter on my blog. You're the BEST!!

dolorah said...

Giggles and Guns sounds like a fun place.


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm the same -- there's a lot of genres I read and enjoy but I will likely never write in.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Alex, you made me laugh. Have you ever written any other genre besides science fiction? How about when you were a wee lad?


Andrew said...

Great links....
And I'm always glad to find another sci-fi aficionado. I totally agree with you.

E. M. Prokop said...

What a wonderful idea! To feature other're awesome! I am doing the A-Z challenge, but I started to late to sign up officially, I'm only on 'B', lol! I'm going to check out some of these bloggers you recommend..great blog Alex! :)

Tomara Armstrong said...

Going to check this out.