Saturday, April 9, 2011

A to Z Challenge - H (and movie review!)

For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers, many of whom are participating in the Challenge. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...

Holly Ruggiero
Holly is a writer and more! She’s an illustrator, a photographer, and a cook. She even has a storefront online at Zazzle. She’s a southpaw with spirit, and I look for her bear icon on every post, because I know Holly will have something bright to say. Visit her for a daily glow!

Hollywood Spy
Dezz reports the latest in Hollywood. He’s everywhere. He even featured my book when it was released, despite the fact it had nothing to do with movies. Someday, Dezz!. Visit the Hollywood Spy for the movie news

And speaking of movies...

Staring: Saoirse Ronan, Eric Bana, Cate Blanchett
"Raised by her father to be the perfect assassin..."

This movie is not what it seems - think art house action flick. It's more about Hanna's journey of discovery as she's exposed to the world for the very first time. Beautifully shot with emphasis on light, it moves at a slower pace than normal. But when the action occurs, it's sharp and packs a punch. Ronan is perfect in the role and capture's Hanna's innocence. For something truly unique, you must check out this film. I really dug it!

And look, my movie review even lined up with "H." Cool!


Talli Roland said...

Great Hs, Alex! I haven't heard of this film.

Hope you're having a good weekend so far!

Lisa said...

I kept myself updated with the movies with Hollywood Spy.

Have a nice weekend Alex.

Rhonda Albom said...

Looks like an interesting movie. I haven't heard of it before.

Jessica Bell said...

Holly is such a wonderful blogger. She's always ALWAYS leaving comments. And I feel guilty for not alwys making it to her blog! :o) I drop in on Hollywood spy now and then too. But I don't often know what to say so don't comment. But his posts are interesting and do read them! :o)

Jessica @ The Alliterative Allomporph

M.J. Fifield said...

I've been dying to see Hanna for a while now. Very convenient lettering for the challenge... Thanks for the review and the recommendation!

PK HREZO said...

Great bloggers for sure.

Oh I really wanna see this movie!!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Hanna is going to be a five star film. Makes you wonder what woul hav happened if Danny Boyle had stayed on as director though...

Unknown said...

Great links, I love Hollywood Spy. I've seen trailers for Hannah and am looking forward to seeing it. It looks fantastic.

Old Kitty said...

Oooh I wanna see Hanna now!! Yay!! thank you for the info and review!!

And double Yay for these fab H bloggie friends!!! I need my daily glow and have plenty of love to show too! :-) Take care

Mason Canyon said...

Two great features and an interesting movie review. Have a great weekend.

Thoughts in Progress

Laura Pauling said...

I can't wait to see this movies. It's right up my alley!

The Words Crafter said...

From the trailers, I thought Hanna would either be really good, or a bomb. I'm glad you dug it!

I was hoping to get to see you go all ninja on someone, but my assistant director's call may have done the trick. Another former teacher, who's now in charge of the EDU dept. has vowed that I WOULD get into the class in the fall. Yay! Thanks for the support :)

Liz P said...

I am intrigued by Hanna - I hadn't heard of it until now. Sounds like something I would like.


How have you got time to review films

Have a lovely week-end.


Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

LOL Bit OCD with the alphabet thing, Alex. This movie is one of the few on my To See list.

Amity said...

Back to A-Z, my second entry...H now up Alex!

Cool movies you've served this time...:)

Hope said...

Hanna....haven't heard of it but it does sound interesting

thank you for your post

have a wonderful weekend!

K.C. Woolf said...

Thanks for the film tip!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

"H" is for "Hanna"! Yay! :)
I loved the previews and I'm so looking forward to it.

Alex, I'm watching "Source Code" this Thursday, and I can't wait. I have big expectations about it. Hopefully it will pay off.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

MJ, it's a cool flick.

Maurice, it wouldn't have been as good.

Words, that's great! I can still go all Ninja if you like...

Yvonne, I don't even review a tenth of the ones I watch!

Nebular, hope it doesn't disappoint.

Claire Goverts said...

I've seen the TV trailers for Hanna, which were hard to get a good feel for the movie. After reading your review I'll have to see it sometime.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

More new bloggers to check out!

jabblog said...

Perhaps I'll watch that film on DVD along with the umpteen others queueing up for my attention!

Luanne G. Smith said...

Dezz is great. In fact, I first heard about Hanna on his site. Love the Hollywood Spy. Good H shout out.

Bish Denham said...

I'll have to check out the movie! Hadn't heard of it before.

Southpaw said...

Au shuck, you’ve gone and made me blush.

I just saw the trailer for Hanna this week. It looks wonderful.

Dafeenah said...

New movies and new blogs! Sounds like I just figured out what I am going to do this weekend. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I enjoy Holly's and Dezz's blogs. Haven't seen Hanna yet -- thanks for the rec!!

Bossy Betty said...

Thanks for the links and the review. I was not impressed by the trailer for the movie, but your review may change my mind.

LEon said...

For 'H', I wrote about Harry Potter and games and toys. :)

Anonymous said...

Cate Blanchett is awesome; I'll watch anything she's in.

Ricky said...

The film sounds surprisingly good.

Nice words about Dez and his blog.

Ella said...

Great review; I like movies, like that~ I could use some punch ;-D

Great H bloggers; I will go visit and show my love n' bask in their shiny brightness~

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Claire, the trailers don't portray the movie accurately.

Jabblog, sounds like my NetFlix queue.

LG, yes he is.

All true, Holly!

Betty, the trailer really doesn't do it justice.

Ric, all true words.

ediFanoB said...

Thanks for movie review. I saw the Hanna trailer recently and it aroused my interest.

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

I, too, wanted to see this one. Glad to see a review on it beforehand.


Alex thanks for the comment, when you wrote "I'm Trying" did you mean you were doing your best to make someone happy or "I'm trying meaning I'm a very trying person?????

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Edi, it was really good.

Yvonne, I meant I'm trying to make someone happy.

Unknown said...

I'm seriously behind with movies so I'm definitely following Hollywood Spy now. Hanna looks great.

Michael Di Gesu said...

On, Dez and Holly ARE fantastic.

Have a great weekend, Alex.

Anonymous said...

The reviews for Hannah is getting great reviews. I'll watch it on Monday probably by myself as wifey is not into movies like this.

Jeff Beesler said...

Don't ya just love it when the universe conspires to give you what you need. Like the movie Hanna coinciding with the letter H? Make it an excellent weekend, Alex!

Kal said...

Glad you mentioned Dez. He is truly one of the good ones. He's very supportive of all I do also.

I am glad you mentioned HANNA too. I didn't even know about it until I saw the trailer. It looks terrific and I really like the young actress involved, Saoirse Ronan. I had trouble with her last move 'The Lovely Bones' but it wasn't because of her performance. So many good young actresses out there these days and she is definately one of them.

baygirl32 said...

thanks for the new links, off to clink them now

Helen Ginger said...

Thanks Alex. I'd seen the advertisements for Hanna and has been wondering about it.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I was thinking of taking my daughter to see this. Teenage girls need to see strong young girls and this looks like it fits the bill.

Saumya said...

I want to see this!! Ah, you always give us so many fun things to check out :)

Hart Johnson said...

There was a trailer for than Hanna movie in the one my son and I watched tonight--it looks pretty good.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeffrey, making it so!

Kal, she was incredible in this role. You'll like it.

klahanie said...

Hi there Alex,
Very good and I shall check out those awesome bloggers.
So pleased to see the 'alphabet challenge' has now reached the letter 'H'.
Now then, my friend, 'I' wonder what could possibly be the next letter in this fascinating alphabet challenge?
Take very good care and soon you will have reached the letter 'K' :)

Unknown said...

Hanna looks like a great movie!

Chuck said...

Yeah I am wanting to see Hanna as well. The trailers look good and intriguing.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I haven't heard of Hanna before, but it sounds good. Thanks for the recommendation, Alex. :)

Ellie Garratt said...

More fabulous links and a great movie review. Thank you!

Ellie Garratt

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Klahanie, still three weeks to go!

Hope more people go see Hanna. Can't believe the crappy remake of Arthur is going to make more money this weekend!

Hope said...

thank you for your visit to my place, Alex!

looking forward to another week of the Challenge!

have a wonderful day!

Tomara Armstrong said...

I just saw a preview for this the other day, and can't wait to see it. You're review is just fuel for the fire.

Tomara said...

That's a great review, Alex, and impressive H blogs too.
Be well.

Julie Musil said...

Alex, a clever use of "H!" From the Hannah commercials, it was tough to see what it's truly about. Thanks!

Rusty Carl said...

Wait. This isn't a biopic about Darryl Hannah? Crap.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hope, glad you're enjoying ti!

Tomara, it's great.

Rusty, you will just have to use your imagination.

Arlee Bird said...

Two deserving H blogs to win recognition here. Saw the Hannah trailers on TV over the past few days and they didn't really catch my attention. Now I guess I'll have to be on the lookout for this one when it hits Netflix.

Tossing It Out
Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

Karen M. Peterson said...

I really want to see Hanna. After reading your review, I want to read it even more!

Sorry I haven't been commenting. I assure you I've been reading EVERY post. Just trying to take it easy.

Sarah Ahiers said...

i really enjoyed hanna. It had a slightly strange feel to it, which i loved.

Unknown said...

I just saw Hannah & really enjoyed it. She kicked some butt and then was so innocent, talk about yin & yang! LOL

Stop in and give my blog a read at The Voices Within Unleashed

Donea Lee said...

Yay for the "H"s!! These two bloggers are awesome! :)