For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers, many of whom are participating in the Challenge. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...
Familiar Spirits
Gail posts daily photos of her critters on the farm with a cute caption. I usually counter with a funny comment, but don’t worry - she often zings me back! Gail’s a faithful commenter and a great encourager, and you’d do well to go visit the spirits on her farm…
Falen Formulates Fiction
Sarah always opens her ponders with "In Which I..." - and you never know what's coming! Except on Friday. Yvie takes over the post then. Sarah is a trip - a fantasy writer with a wicked sense of humor. Go say hello. And don't forget Yvie!
And I know my regular followers are sick of this, but my book trailer is in another contest! You Gotta Read Videos posts a trailer a day for each month and voting runs the 21-26. Today the trailer for CassaStar is featured! If you have time to watch it now, it's only a minute long - GO HERE I'll let everyone know when voting opens on the 21. Thanks guys!
Thanks for the tips.
I've met Falen, but Familiar Spirits is new! Off to check out the trailer...
Cheers for the tips, Alex!
Thanks Alex, will check them out.
Will also check them out Alex.
Good luck.
Awesome links! Sarah was one of the very first blogs I followed back when I started this adventure, and we had both chosen the same blog template. I thought that was so cool, you know, great minds... :D
Thanks, Alex... will have to check them out.
I'll have to check them out. And congrats on the video.
I am honored, Alex! Thank you.
Excellent choices today.
Samantha, hope you like the trailer!
Nicole, she was one of the first blogs I followed as well.
Gail, you are welcome!
Thanks for the links Alex!
Thanks for the links. I know Sarah's blog, but not the other... yet :)
Yay!!!!!! Please do remind me when voting starts!!!! I so need prodding! ;-)
Yay too for these lovely yummy bloggie friends!!!
Take care
In which I say, bravo blogs!
Have a great day, Alex.
Thanks for the introductions. :)
Kitty, believe me, I will prod!
Thanks for the introduction, will definitely check them out.
Hello, fellow A-Z Challenger! Here's my latest entry. Come visit either of my blogs when you can and leave some comment love:
F is for Facebook Fanatic - A-Z Blogging Challenge (A-Z)
Twitter: @SolarChief
Great links...thanks Alex!
Yes, please remind us; Your book trailer is great~
Thanks for featuring blogs; It is so fun~ :-D
Thank you! I love the pictures in Familiar Spirits. Thanks for sharing!
Yay! Thanks for the shout out! And now i'm off to check out Familiar Spirits because that sounds right up my alley
I like that you're showcasing your fellow AtoZ bloggers. It's always nice to find new people to read.
I don't know Familiar Spirits, but Falen rocks!
This is a great way to showcase your supporters--by using the a to z challenge!
I LOVE the video. I can't wait to read the book. So please keep reminding. Knowing what day or date it not something I do well or often. How did you make the video??
Thanks for the sympathy about my cat. Thanks for the compliments to Eric looking cool in his Star Wars garb. And, Charlie says he'd recommend your book to a friend. (He's in 5th grade.)
Great pay-it-forward Alex, and i'd never been to Familiar Spirits before--very cute!
Just watched the trailer - pretty cool! Nice graphics that seem to go perfectly with your book's cover.
Heading off to check those out, Alex, thanks for the links!
Speaking of your trailer, I've been meaning to ask: did you make it yourself? Just curious because I'm looking into making one and yours is great.
Great tips Alex !! Thank you so much ! So many great blogs in the A-Z !
Good luck with the trailer contest. You know I must go visit your fantasy friend.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium.
Every time I see that trailer for CassaStar, I am absolutely floored. It, like the book itself, rocks!
See? Another post where I know one of two. Off to meet Gail ...
Ella, I will remind you!
Heather , she posts some great ones.
Sarah, you are welcome!
Thank you, Helen.
Lb, I knew right away this is what I wanted to do this month.
Thanks, Dafeenah! My publisher made it. And I will remind everyone on April 21.
Rachel, thank you!
Sangu, no, my publisher made it.
Nancy, you'll dig Sarah.
Thanks, Jeffrey! Sometimes I think the trailer is better...
Matthew, my blogger buddies are an eclectic group.
Holy smokes, we are already of F?! So far, so good.
Congrats on the trailer feature.
Thanks for some new blogs to check out! Liked the trailer - very BSG-esque! :)
Thanks for letting us know about the blogs. I have been blogging for years, but until this week, I never knew so many existed. Thank you for helping me meet people who share the same passions.
Will have to check your buddies out. :) Cool on getting some PR for your video.
Thanks, Chris.
Donea, it's cool, isn't it?
Crystal, it's a huge blogging world out there...
I've made a note in my diary to vote on the 21st ;)
Ellie Garratt
Appreciate the tips - another fine entry in the A to Z challenge, bro!
I will have to check out Familiar Spirits--I already follow Falen Formulates Fiction. :)
Your trailer should do well - it's really well done! :)
Love the trailer! And thanks for turning me on to excellent new blogs.
Very cool on getting your trailer featured! I will check it out!
Ellie and Marvin- thanks!
Jemi, I hope so!
Langley, thank you.
India, I appreciate it!
Nice linking!
Linda Ann
I stopped by via the A to Z Challenge for April, and I invite you to visit my blogs at:
NICKERS AND INK – poetry, humor, inspiration and more
PRACTICALLY AT HOME – inspiration, humor and how-tos for family, home and garden, and more
THE MANE POINT – a haven for horse lovers
MEME EXPRESS – daily blogging prompts for the A to Z Challenge and more
Good luck when the voting starts! I'll be there.
Thanks for the intro to Spirits, she's a hoot! Already following Falen :)
Thanks for the ninja offer, much appreciated.
A couple more blogs I will have to visit. Sure glad mine started with an A and wasn't called ZooZoo's Petals of something.
Never sick of that trailer...the more it's out there the closer to the movie deal, right?
All excellent bloggers! I'll head over to check out your fantabulous trailer.
Aha Alex,
Hey your A to Z Challenge is really loads of fun. So glad that lots of bloggers are finding out more about the alphabet.
You, my friend, inspired me to do my very own blog about the whole thing.
Thank you for that and I shall check out your links and your trailer.
All the best Gary.
I shall now return to my shy, unassuming and humble blog :)
Thanks for the links! I'll check 'em out.
I've seen your trailer before, and it is very cool.
Thanks, Laura!
Chuck, I can only hope.
Gary, that's cool!
Thanks, Milo.
The Cassa Star trailer looks wonderful, good luck!
I have been horrible with my lack of comments. Thank you for your loyalty.
Maybe my humor will return and with it Familiar Spirits.
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