Terminator II: Judgment Day – 1991
Released seven years after the first movie, this sequel was bigger than life. It was the first movie to cost over $100,000 million to make, and the budget showed in its amazing special effects, most notably the T-1000 made of liquid metal. Ground breaking effects snagged four Oscars for this film. Hasta la vista, baby!
1991 fun facts –
*Cost of a new house - $120,000.
*Average income - $29,430.
*Cost of gas - $1.12
*The Soviet Union ceased to exist when Gorbachev resigned
*The Internet was made available for unrestricted commercial use. At that time, one million computers were online
Movies released –
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Silence of the Lambs
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
City Slickers
Music released –
Nirvana – Nevermind (launching the Grunge era)
Dangerous Toys – Hellacious Acres
Guns ‘n’ Roses – Use Your Illusion 1 & 2
Sonic the Hedgehog
Neverwinter Nights
And why is 1991 special?
It’s the year Edi married his wife, his daughter was born, he got a new job, and they moved to a new home!
Edi was the first book blogger I found online, and since then has become devoted friend and fan. If I ever venture to Germany, we are definitely sitting down over a brew and discussing books and movies! Edi reports on books, films, and interesting things around the web every weekend, and what he finds is often amazing. One of my best friends and an awesome guy. Edi blogs at Edi’s Book Lighthouse.
Great A to Z Challenge Themes
Unique locations
Lexa Cain has been posting about haunted places and Andrew Leon has been posting about abandoned locations. Coupled with photos and facts, both have been fascinating.
Blogging about one’s book
This one is tricky, because it could come off as really promotional. Plus it might cater mostly to fans or be a book someone doesn’t want to read. However, Julie Flanders has done an outstanding job, as she’s focused on the location of her book, Martha’s Vineyard. Several others are also doing a similar style theme.
Another tricky topic, as it might not catch those who don’t start from the beginning. Quite a few of you have been blogging really great excerpts though! I’ll just give two examples. Loni Townsend has posted snippets from a serial, Murder Most Fowl, and her voice and sense of humor have made these a great read. Equally riveting has been CM Brown’s short teasers from her upcoming title, Forces of Mist.
And I’m sure you’ve found many more awesome themes!
Fan of Terminator II? Following the amazing Edi? What themes have you seen that were interesting and made you come back for more? And what do you remember best about 1991…?
I was going to talk about how horrible what's-his-name was in T2, but HEY!
Thanks for the SHOUT!
I wonder how many tens of million computers (and other gadgets) are online now. And what we filled our days with before we were online.
There are indeed some incredible themes for the challenge. Education and delight. And a lot of work for the creators. Which IS appreciated.
I like Roland Yeoman's 'Outlaw Trail' series (Writing in the Crosshairs), a compilation of 'this day in history' events that reminds us of our real heroes and also the really evil guys. I've also been enjoying Robin's (Your Daily Dose) featured bloggers.
I'm a Terminator fan, so we saw the Terminator show at Universal Studios in Orlando.
I'm glad we are in the last stretch, though. . .
Gorby may have died but Putin is in charge and he's a tough case. He'll have the Ukraine back and then he'll get Poland back as well.
Robin at Daily Dose is doing a great job highlighting bloggers. Oh, I see that DG mentioned her blog theme too. Even though I'm not participating, I've reaped the benefits of new friends. There's a friendlier-than-usual vibe in blogland, thanks to the A-Z.
Be well, Alex.
That liquid metal terminator was so cool. I remember all the hype about it too. A lot of other great movies that year. Alan Rickman in Robin Hood was one of those bad guys I just loved to hate. Haha. How cool that Edi was your first blogging find and you're still good friends today!
Loved the fun facts. And I remember seeing this film in the theater. I think I was a junior in high school. Brings back fond memories. And 1.12 for gas. That seemed expensive to me back then
Whatever did we do without the internet!Can't believe only a week to go of A-z, April has whizzed past in somewhat of a blur for me.
Hi Alex - 1991 was a momentous year ... but as Anne says .. Putin is much harder nut.
Lee of The Write Game (308) has been highlighting bloggers from last year based on their theme - guess the blogger ... I think you've been doing rather well?!
Roland too, I've enjoyed Sue McPeak of Collectin in Texas on her ancestors, Silvia Villalobos (128) on Romania, Natalie of Shoes and Ships and Cabbages and Kings (961) on Degas ..
and many others with food, herbs, stories ... and all the co-hosts who've often written more than one post for the other sites the A-Z Challenge covers .. thank you!
Cheers Hilary
Terminator II is a movie classic! I've seen it so many times, and I love it every time I watch it.
Great songs and movies (I saw many of them). I actually have never seen Terminator.
While I liked the first Terminator much more than the second, I will agree the effects in #2 were second to none. Another fun post. LOL - you should feature yourself as one with an awesome theme. :)
From your list I would go with Silence of the Lambs and Nirvana as the best of 1991. I don't remember what else came out that year that wasn't on your list!
1991 was a great music year! In fact it was a brilliant year all round for me :-)
I haven't met Edi yet - I'll have to pop over and check out his blog.
Hi Alex - and another whose tour of France I've been finding fascinating ... Lisa Buie-Collard (246) .. wonderful visits to various French towns with amazing history and architecture et al .. cheers Hilary
I remember 1991 was when we bought our first trailer caravan, music wise it was in the days before Danny Boy but I do remember Guns and Roses.
Great post Alex.
Love reading all the tidbits about different years. Can't believe how much the cost of everything has changed since then. Kind of scary.
Thanks so much for the mention, Alex. I am so glad you have enjoyed reading my teasers.
Very interesting themes this year for A-Z!
I didn't realize that Terminator II was in '91! Wow. Actually, that wasn't my favorite year for movies, looking at your list, although "Silence of the Lambs" was great, obviously, and "City Slickers" was fun. I think I'd enjoy "City" better now as a middle aged person instead of a college kid.
Have to start by saying this has been an entertaining A to Z throwing up so many memories... including how I so wanted to play Neverwinter after immersing myself in Baldur's Gate. Sadly my computer object so had to wait for years.
Lot of very informative blogs participating including Mel Chesley's late entry on weapons & armour at Writings, Musings and Other Such Nonsense. Also as writer find Sara Nego's writing posts very useful. Not sure what numbers, but one of 2048 amazing participants. Going to look forward to visiting some more over the months ahead - maybe I will have a reliable internet connection bu June 2015.
Terminator 2 - good choice, Alex. I do like some action (I live a dreary life).
Julie Flanders' A-Z about Martha's Vineyard is interesting - love it.
I keep returning to Birgit at BB Creations because her A-Z on classic film stars is brilliant and nostalgic.
Going to see Edi now.
Awesome blog as usual.
I did enjoy the Terminator movies. I remember coming out of the theater after watching Silence of the Lambs and felt very shaky and uneasy, that movie freaked me out.
I thought The Undiscovered Country was VI, not IV. (Four was The Voyage Home.) I may not see movies these days, but there was a time when we did go to them.
Andrew, hey! You're welcome.
Elephant, we went out and did things I guess.
DG, both themes are great.
Robyn, that's good!
Ilima, always use a spoon, because it will hurt more...
Hilary, good suggestions.
Rhonda, thank you!
Yvonne, cool you remember Guns 'n' Roses!
Carolyn, you're welcome!
Elizabeth, our perspective would be different...
Roland, glad you've enjoyed it, and those are good themes.
Sandra, I just mixed up the numbers. Will fix!
Terminator! Yay! I love all those movies. I love "Silence of the Lambs," too. Amazing that was the year the USSR became plain old Russia.
Thanks for the shout out. It means so much coming from you! :)
I've been enjoying Julie's blog posts. New England is such a lovely place!
I'll have to visit Edi. I don't think I follow him.
Loved Silence of the Lambs and Backdraft.
Agree about Loni and Julie's AtoZ. Good stuff. :)
I definitely agree about Loni Townsend's A to Z posts. She's doing a fine job. :)
Loved Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey!
Kirsten @ A Scenic Route
Thanks for the shout-out, Alex! And I'm not familiar with Edi's blog so it's great to discover a new one. 1991 makes me smile - good memories and the year I graduated college. Hard to believe how long ago it was.
I like these flashbacks you have been doing. I always think to what point in my life I was at the point. And if I saw the movies or of course, listened to the music!
Other themes I've seen in Atoz and enjoyed are a 90's themed and a Chicago themed AtoZ!
To this day I can't think of T2 without thinking of GnR. Great movie, with great visual effects, but it's the music that nails it for me.
My A to Z Challenge
Terminator II was a fun twist on creep Arnold being a good guy.
Our family enjoyed Robin Hood in spite of it's failings. Some people just shouldn't try doing an accent and it's irritating to see modern sensibilities in a historic piece when it's not done for humor. But we liked it anyway.
Who knew where the special effects industry would go after Terminator 2. Now it's hard to tell what's real and what's special effects. Some interesting movies in 1991. Waves to Edi.
I didn't enjoy the first Terminator, I thought it was frightening. So I didn't watch another one. Star Trek I did see as most of the rest of your movie list for that year. If only the gas prices were still that low.
Our break room at work had a Terminator II pinball game. Spent a few quarters in that baby.
Thanks (again) for the great blog leads. There is one haunted places blog I follow. I'll check out these new ones.
1991...Dec. of that year I received by "fully certified" Air Traffic Controller card. Still at it today.
I liked that movie. In fact, I liked all of the ones you listed except City Slickers (I never saw it).
I saw your follow yesterday over at my place. Thx! Following back here on linky & GFC.
That liquid metal scene was awesome!
And "Silence of the Lambs" is still a great movie…now I want to watch it again.
And I totally agree about Julie's theme! She makes me want to go visit all the places she's mentioned. :)
Retroooo,feel so gud to recollect all those good things,especially movies ;)
Your fun facts did astonish me now when i started comaparing
Oh, Terminator movies, how I love thee. I've seen the first one probably 100 times. Never gets old. Terminator 2 was a great sequel, and I love the deliberate mislead in the opening sequences. Liquid metal is cool too. James Cameron does know how to make a movie. I remember wanting Linda Hamilton's arms...man she was buff.
Glad you mentioned Andrew because I was going to suggest him to you. Will check out the others!
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
T2 was one of those films that really made me catch my breath when I first saw it. I'm not sure it's possible to recapture that feeling again now. But those fx were like something from the future.
Lots of great themes this year. No doubt.
In 1991 I didn't know much about the Internet and my family didn't have a computer. I did go see Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey and remember the sudden influx of plaid shirts and unwashed hair.
Ah, 90s...we kind of miss you!
I am a huge fan of the Terminator movies. One of those rare times when the sequels were just as good as the original, in my opinion.
1991 was the year I graduated high school! And T2 just blew me away. It set a new standard for special effects for sure.
I saw Robin Hood...I think I was on a date. That was a really bad movie.
I will check out the other themes!
Lexa, you're welcome!
Julie, you're welcome!
Kelly, Nicki's 90 theme has been fun.
Donna, it made for some good jokes.
Dean, that's cool.
Rosey, thanks and you're welcome.
Tina, Hamilton was almost scary...
Oh I remember T2 and it was really good-love the special effects. I have to check out those blogs as I like haunted stuff. I am checking in on Everything about Kevyn, Fanny and the quilting, geneology, Lauren's sketches, Retirement and loving it showcasing Germany and Anabel's Travel blog-plus many more. oh you hit another bad year for me-hhahahaha-I have to laugh as I seem to have a few bad years-so no worries the good memories win out. That year lost our home I grew up in through very nefarious means brought on by my uncle who then helped the new owners sue my mom for a doorknob, shelving and a light-not kidding. My poor mom was devastated after a few years of bad times but she is a survivor
Julie's posts about Martha's Vineyard have been exceptional. You absolutely must put Hilary's English coastline series on your feature list. She's an exceptional, in-depth blogger no matter what she features, but her coastline series is stuffed full of interesting facts.
I just came back from Edi's. Great site and I can see Edi's influence on you. *smiles*
I'm glad you gave Andrew a shout out. His blog has been a lot of fun to follow. Some of those pictures have been downright creepy! I love it!
Oh, and you're in big trouble, Alex. (I never take my own blame.) I DVRd the entire season of Face Off yesterday. Now, my DVR is full. hahaha
Yep. LOVED IT. I watched THREE of them last night. Three!! I'm actually kinda glad I have a migraine today. It means I can watch Face Off and not feel guilty. haha Thanks for the recommendation.
AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge
My favorite movie sequels are Terminator 2 and Aliens.
Yup, there are have been some interesting themes. I should check out Andrew's abandoned locations. I'm sure there are some interesting stories there.
Terminator II: Judgment Day is still the best in the series next to the original.
I loved Terminator II. I think it was that one. That was the one where Linda Hamilton wowed everyone with her rock hard bod,which made her look kick ass, right?
Terminator 2 was my favorite of the series, not hard to top 4 though haha never knew that was the year the internet came online for all
I'm a complete fan of Carolyn Brown. I've been religiously reading her excerpts and seriously can't wait until she finishes and publishes this WIP!
That is a lot of money on gas.
I didn't know it didn't do that great when it came out. I thought everyone liked it even more than the first. (At least, my family always watched the second.) Kind of surprised they've kept up the series.
That is a lot of money on gas.
I didn't know it didn't do that great when it came out. I thought everyone liked it even more than the first. (At least, my family always watched the second.) Kind of surprised they've kept up the series.
Wow! That was a busy and great year for Edi!
I enjoyed Terminator 2, and I love Silence of the Lambs.
It's hard to believe there was ever a time when the Internet wasn't widely used Alex. Terminator 2 is nothing less than awesome.
One of the few times a sequel is better than the first one.
In 1991 I did my last photographic exhibition, which I did not attend a single day!
I will have to visit Edi, I don't think I follow him. The Challenge has literally flown past, only 6 more days left.
I love the Terminator movies. City Slickers is so funny, too--the coffee grinder scene is my favorite. I was sort of going to college and sort of following the Grateful Dead in 1991. My favorite A-Z theme is Leanne Read Face's Pride and Prejudice theme :)
In spite of himself, Arnold is a money maker for sure.
I long for a dollar a gallon gas, pleeeease!
I see nothing wrong with promoting a book, I even considered doing my A-Z on it. I mean it's not going to sell if you don't--and I'm not. :) I think some people are offended by promotion, but I'm not.
Wow, '91 seems so long ago. And yet, seems like it shouldn't seem so long ago. Lol. Does that make sense?
I loved the Terminator movies!
I've read some of Lexa's posts, they're really creepy!!
I agree, Julie has done a great job. I've learned a lot of neat stuff about Martha's Vineyard.
In '91 I was in a freshman and sophomore in college. :)
I remember the first time I saw Terminator 2. I thought young John was hot. And that scene where his mom get torched at the fence due to the explosion scared the crap out of me.
~Patricia Lynne~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, YA Author
Thanks for the mention! (I hopped around the kitchen squealing a bit when I found out you'd mentioned me.)
I haven't seen any of the Terminator movies, but I have watched Robin Hood a few times.
I've really enjoyed the other themes you've mentioned. Julie's posts are packed with interesting facts, Lexa's posts give me that creepy thrill, and C.M. Brown's excerpts are great snippets into her upcoming book. I'm off to visit Andrew Leon now.
Love T2, and 1991 was a magical year for movies. :)
I'm totally enjoying your retro series. I love all things Terminator.
I agree about the Excerpts. I read CM's and others and it's all good stuff.
I thought T2 was better than the first one (highly unusual and to be celebrated!).
I am enjoying the A to Z BUT I am ready for May. I am TIRED.
I loved Bryan Adams' song from the Robin Hood movie! "Everything I do."
Love reading the history of the years in your posts! And I think Edi's awesome! Hope you get the chance to visit him someday.
1991 - the year I met my husband. :)
I'm still stunned at how much money is spent on making movies. And that was back in 1991! And it seems like that year was a pretty busy one for Edi!
T2 is such an awesome movie. Even today. Though, honestly, outside of the terrible, digital 80s music, i think the first Terminator actually holds up better (i think it's because there's so much teen early 90s culture in T2, and teen culture is a huge marker of different eras)
Just thought I'd stop in and say HI. Can't believe y'all are on T already. How time flies. Bet you'll need a bloggy break after this month! Have fun with the last few days of A to Z. :)
Some awesome things in that list! Good ol Gorbachev ;)
Prince of Thieves might have been the first movie I ever saw alone at the cinema. I loved it. Vengeful heroic stabbing is welcome to teen boys.
I'll check out that Julie Flanders post. Curious how she dodged the tricky bits!
Cost of a new house was only 120K? I wish that were still true.
I haven't had a theme this year, but I already have more than one idea for next year's theme. I just wish I had come up with them a few weeks ago!
1991 - the year that made eBay possible. :-)
T2 was, like Robin says, better than the first. Have a great last week of this challenge!
Terminator II: Judgment Day was my favorite of them all! :D
I had to be a fan of Terminator. Arnold sent letters to everyone in California issuing an ultimatum. It had to do with higher taxes if. . .
Have been a long time follower of Julie's blog. I'm enjoying her travelogue. Martha's Vineyard is a must see place.
Of course, Lexa's keeping me entertained!
Yes, Julie & Lexa have interesting themes.
Lots of great themes!
Only 6 posts left...
My sister was born in 1991, so it was a great year for me (though I didn't know it, since I was only one at the time). I used to play Sonic the Hedgehog when I was a kid, it was a great game.
Terminator 2 was pretty amazing when it came out. I remember thinking it's rare for a sequel to exceed the original.
Gosh, I've actually seen some of the films you've mentioned! (Terminator, Robin Hood, Star Trek) I'd be more impressed with myself if you weren't doing so in a historical context, but still ...
If you only knew how many times I have watched this movie.
Brandon Ax: Writer's Storm
Birgit, I'm sorry. Hope there is a happy year soon.
River, yes!
Elsie, Edi's the man! And now you're hooked on Face Off. The finale last night was awesome. Just wait until you see it.
Stina, she wowed and scared us...
Maurice, what did we do with ourselves before then?
Leovi, I'm sorry!
Teresa, you could have done it right.
Loni, you're welcome!
Robin, I'm also beat!
Tyrean, cool!
Sarah, I think it's still an awesome film.
Candilynn, yes!
Roland, didn't know that.
Laura, you are so young...
Julie's posts have made me want to read the book and visit the island!
Terminator 2 was good, but one was better. Opening scene with his naked butt was a highlight of my youth. My girlfriends and I rewound that VHS tape hundreds of times. Good times.
T2 and Robin Hood! Great films:) I had no idea T2 cost so much or that it won oscars, very cool:)
I truly believe seeing Silence of the Lambs changed me forever. I knew I wanted to write something that would win the test of time. Terminator 1... outstanding. I miss the series on Sarah. That was excellent. I think the last show she was lying on the ground at a mountain tower. Great show.
I still love Sonic The Hedgehog!
Oh man, I absolutely love Terminator. All of them, but I'll admit #2 is the best. My brothers probably watched that thing once a week.
True Heroes from A to Z
Loved Terminator 2 and Silence of the Lambs is an amazing movie, and one I've watched more than a few times.
I created my Atlantic City people in November 1991, and have been writing their stories ever since. We've known one another since we were eleven years old, and really grew up together. I actually created one of my characters, Henry Unicorn-Mitchell, and possibly his siblings, a few years before, but that wasn't as part of this fictional Atlantic City neighborhood's story.
I liked T2 and Robin Hood. My youngest son was born in 1991 and he's graduating from college in a few weeks. Time flies. My kids loved playing Sonic and still do.
The early nineties always make me think of the time when I was a huge Buffalo Bills fan. Great memories!
Another post for Terminator 2. :) I like the newest movie with Christian Bale, but the second one will always be my favorite.
Christopher Plummer is deadly in Star Trek VI. To be or not to be! of course T2 really rocked my world, so gripping and exhilarating at the same time.
Elizabeth, that made me laugh!
Carrie-Anne, a memorable year for you.
Jamie, bet that was bittersweet.
I saw some of the movies and heard some of the songs, but my favorite part of 1991 was in March of that year. It was when I accepted Christ. Pretty much everything else paled in comparison. :)
I loved the Terminator movies. I wanted to be in as good a shape as Linda Hamilton.
I got married in 1991 - May 1st!
I liked the Terminator movies and everyone in the house likes this one the best except me. I always stick up for the first in any series. Why? because it was first! That is not the same with BOOKS.
PS: Lexa Cain is awesome!!! jean
I remember seeing T2 in the theater. There are so many great themes out there for the A to Z and so little time to keep up with them all. That's why I really appreciate the short ones!
Julie is one super lady.
I saw Silence of the Lambs in the theater. In one of the first scenes, when Hannibal/Anthony Hopkins moves toward the camera, I found myself backing up over the seat.
Thx for hosting 2014 A to Z!!! Really appreciate the work you do.
Liz Blocker is also doing a great job of posting about her writing project along with occasional excerpts.
I'll be baaaack.
I saw all of the movies. How many pounds of metal?
Oh the days when the movies were simple.
Hey, David King has this as his 'T' today, too! Great minds... ;)
Terminator and Terminator II are my very favorite movies. I am the biggest fan ever, and thus terrified to hear that they're making a new one...
OH BOY!! Abandoned places! You made my day, Alex.
1991 was the year that I started a part-time job at (now defunct) Borders Books. And what a great job that was. Fortunately it was a second job because I usually spent my entire paycheck there.
I did like Terminator II. I think 1991 was the year I met my husband, so it was a great year.
Lynda, Amen!
Diane, that's cool.
Christine, I second that.
Carol, that's funny.
Nicki, yes she is.
SL, we're scared as well...
Lisa, I bet!
Mary, good stuff.
Poor Arnie, politics seems to have finished off his movie career.
Moody Writing
I reference Bill & Ted in 18 Things :-) Some cult classics were born this year!
I've seen a lot of great themes. Have a special bookmark folder for all the movie related ones.
I hope mine haven't been to sales pitch oriented. For me, I've enjoyed hearing what others think about some of my processes and learning some of there's as well.
I thought Terminator 2 was so cool with the flowing liquid guy.
I've enjoyed all of the Terminator movies.
In 1991 I did my last theatrical road tour and moved to Los Angeles.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Silence of the Lambs and Nirvana... What a year... What a combo! LOL.
A million computers? That was HUGE at that time!
IN 1991 I was TRAPPED in Bucharest, Romania during a huge uprising. Bombs exploded! Tear gas in the lobby of the hotel.. FRIGHTENING... I will NEVER forget!
On the plus side though the rest of the country is beautiful and I traveled extensively all over Bulgaria... Quite a memorable trip!
Wow, I can't believe 1991 was so long ago. Those movies have been around for as long as I can remember!
Jamie, that's funny!
Sydney, I've enjoyed yours!
Lee, that was a big change.
Michael, I think you win...
Ha, I would've thought City Slickers was earlier than '91.
I've been enjoying Lexa's haunting posts. I'm glad you mentioned her.
Ah, the infamous Grunge era. I have the myriad of flannel shirts and holy jeans in the back of my closet in case that "awesome" look ever comes back again. LOL
All fantastic blogs & themes! There's a ton more I'd love to catch up on! I'll have to send you some that really cracked me up! It's been a fun ride thus far:)
Echoes of Olympus
A to Z #TeamDamyanti
I've found several blogs/themes in this year's challenge that I like a lot.
One is Rachna Chhabria posting at Rachna's Scriptorium on Emotions and Feelings writers experience.
Bit of a random fact - the Neverwinter Nights released in 1991 is not the BioWare RPG most people think of, but a game on AOL. The one most people think of didn't come out until I think 2000, maybe 2001.
I do remember seeing T2 in the theater, though, as well as Bill & Ted. Good times. ^_^
Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar told me that I'll be back. She was right. Nice shout outs, ninja dude. I shall try to check some of it out.
Some great themes in the amazing alphabet challenge. Oh yeah!
1991, can't remember a thing.
Many years ago I was sick in bed with the flu and my son curled up with me and watched three Terminator movies in a row and I was powerless to stop him I felt so crappy. I still remember how wonderful it was for him to want to keep me company like that...
Patricia, I like her posts as well!
Mason, true!
Kim, that was really sweet.
Am pleased to see City Slickers on your movie list, as I 1) still love that flick, and 2) was oddly enough thinking about Jack Palance's role in it earlier today. Perhaps a coincidence I shouldn't read too much into, but I'd like to. :)
ah i can remember standing in line for use your illusion...and went to the tour as well..saw the longest GnR concert ever...6 1/2 hours...was pretty amazing...
Wow, sometimes I feel like 1991 wasn't that long ago, but then I remember that was the year I started high school. It's so weird. I remember when T2 came out so vividly. I can't believe it's been that long. When did the 90s happen 20 years ago?
I've been popping over to Lexa as often as possible. Love her haunted theme. I'll have to check out Edi's blog.
I took a Screenwriting course a few wears back. T-2 was required viewing for the course. The instructor said it was the perfect screen play. I had never seen it before (or any of the Terminator movies) I liked it a whole lot better than I expected. Of course, maybe that was because I was looking as much at the structure of the screen play, as the action flick.
I have missed you! Off to discover the amazing Edi!
Edi!!!! How cool that you mentioned him, and that you're still friends... no surprise, Ninja-man, you're such a friendly guy.
I love, loved those Terminator movies. Nothing can touch 'em, popcorn wise.
Oh, and I've been enjoying Andrew's posts. Great topic!
I find your theme is very fascinating and it definitely keeps me coming back, although anything with a good music theme will keep me coming back.
I'm following one that's doing a one hit wonder theme for the challenge that's pretty good.
A-Z Challenge at Father Nature's Corner
1991 my daughter turned one! That was the best thing about that year. Great movies mentioned here, and I forgot to mention on the S post how besotted I am with anything Star Trek! The thing I liked most about RH Prince of Thieves was Morgan Freeman's line when asked why God had painted him, "Because He likes diversity." Awesome response... Also a fan of the Terminator movies. I'm off to check out some of those links you put in to other blogs...
Some great albums!
Can't believe I hadn't met Edi before online. Off to visit!
Dear Alex,
I'm dumbfounded and ashamed at the same time!!!
Work kept me so busy in the last days and I have been really tired in the evening and therefore I did not check my mails and my blog in the past days.
Today is Saturday and I started to check my mails and found your message that I should visit your blog on 23rd of April.
I'm ashamed that I missed it!!!
At the moment I struggle to find the right words. I feel deeply touched and honored.
Thank you so much for the time we spent virtually and for the hours of joy and entertainment delivered by your awesome CASSA trilogy.
Let me close my humble comment with the famous Vulcan salute: "Live long and prosper"
Edi, that's all right! I know you are busy during the week. I would've sent you another email today with a direct link so you didn't have to search for it. You are a good friend and honored to know you!
T2 - love it! Such a classic. Linda Hamilton rocks. Also a huge fan of Robin Hood...yes, I know it's the Kevin Costner version. I still love it!! ;)
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