Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Retro A to Z Challenge: S – Star Trek Generations 1994 (plus new Edge of Tomorrow Trailer and Poster)

Star Trek: Generations – 1994

The seventh Star Trek film, Generations passed the torch from the original cast to Next Generation. Captain Picard and the Enterprise must stop Soran and they receive help from a long-dead Captain Kirk. Three more Next Gen movies followed, including the amazing First Contact.

1994 fun facts –
*Cost of a new house - $119,050.
*Cost of gas - $1.09
*Cost of a movie ticket - $4.08
*The first genetically engineered tomato was created
*America’s baseball season was cancelled due to the strike
*The first satellite digital television service was launched
*The Tunnel Channel between France and England opened on May 6. It’s thirty-one miles long and took 15,000 workers seven years to complete

Movies released –
Forrest Gump
True Lies
The Lion King
Pulp Fiction
The Crow
Clear and Present Danger

Music released –
Alice in Chains – Jar of Flies
Soundgarden – Superunknown
Stone Temple Pilots - Purple
Pink Floyd – The Division Bell

Games released –
System Shock
Final Fantasy III
Elder Scrolls I: The Arena

And why is 1994 special?
It was the year Karen Walker met her husband, bringing great joy to her life!

Karen is an author and a singer in a band called Sugartime. She lives in New Mexico with her husband and enjoys traveling and dancing. Karen is on an amazing journey of peace and her posts are reflective and honest. She’s a special friend and devoted to those in her life. She blogs at Following the Whispers.

Movie Review - Haunter

A teen and her family are tapped living the same day over and over, like a supernatural Groundhog Day.

Abigail Breslin stars as the teen trying to find out why she and her family are trapped. They aren’t the only things trapped in the house and she begins to unravel a mystery that encompasses the past, present, and future.
There are some genuinely creepy moments as the film starts layering on clues. Breslin carries the movie and does a fine job with her role.
There are a few clichés, and the ending could have been more, but overall it was an effect story. I appreciate that the crew really tried to make a good movie. That effort shows.
If you enjoy intimate supernatural thrillers, this is worth a rental.

Edge of Tomorrow – New Movie Poster and Trailer

Courtesy of JoBlo

And if you haven’t seen the new trailer:

Fan of Star Trek Generations? Following the wonderful Karen? Have you seen Haunter? Intrigued by Edge of Tomorrow? And what do you remember best about 1994…?


Margo Kelly said...

I love Star Trek. :) And this was a fun post! Thanks.

SK Anthony said...

I hadn't heard of Edge of Tomorrow...and I'm not sure why "Live. Die. Repeat." makes me want to judge it at first glance lol but it has my interest ;)

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you. I really appreciate all the research and work you have put into bringing us each of these posts.

Andrew Leon said...

True Lies was good. There's a story that goes with that.

L.G. Keltner said...

Star Trek is a huge part of my life, and I agree that First Contact is amazing. A lot of great music came out in 1994. I love Pink Floyd and Alice in Chains!

Anonymous said...

I see some favorite movie titles here. Also, this was the year I graduated high school and entered college.

Unknown said...

I'm a huuuuge Next Gen fan. I liked the last movie and can't understand why it bombed at the box office.

dolorah said...

Edge of Tomorrow looks interesting.

I've loved all the Star Treks.


ilima said...

I graduated HS in '94. Great year! Sugartime is a great band name. :)

I am a total sucker for Tom Cruise sci-fi movies. I LOVE them. Minority Report, Oblivion, War of the Worlds...all of 'em. You have no idea how excited I am for this movie to come out. I can't wait!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - most of the movies, music, games all passed me by .. but the Channel Tunnel didn't .. it's interesting it had been mooted 212 years ago .. I posted in my S about the Thames being tunnelled under (1825-1843) by Brunel's father with a new invention .. So much has happened since ..

Now Karen I know - and love her blog and I'm sure her singing cheers many a heart ..

Cheers Hilary

Cathy Keaton said...

I am a huge fan of Star Trek: Generations! That is still to this day one of my favorite films of all time. To me, it is completely brilliant, even though most people think First Contact was better.

mooderino said...

Been burned by a lot of Tom Cruise movies lately but this one does interest me... He's got to do another good one eventually, right?

Moody Writing

Huntress said...

Hmm. A Tom Cruise movie? I'm actually interested. Karen Walker is an amazing lady. Love meeting her through your post. True Lies, one of my faves and Generations is one I haven't seen. *shame*

Brian Miller said...

not a bad year for movies....and music....ha...i think i owned all those albums at some point...

hmmm...gotta say tom cruise movies as on my not in a hurry to see list but....smiles

Rhonda Albom said...

I loved True Lies, Lion King, Speed and Clear and Present Danger, and really didn't like Pulp Fiction. Funny to see them all in the same list. Fun post, especially the image of Tom Cruise in the poster. :)

Mark Means said...

wow, not sure how Cruise keeps getting work...but he does.

The best part about that Star Trek film was the death of Kirk...I never have been a big Shatner fan.

Rusty Carl said...

True Lies made me cry. Generations wasn't a great movie, but it was it was the only trek movie is ever been to where folks showed up dressed as Klingons and Vulcans. It was pretty cool.

Liza said...

1994 must have been quite the year...since finally, I've seen almost all those movies!

mail4rosey said...

That trailer looks pretty intense. I'd go see that movie.

Cathrina Constantine said...

1994 was a good year. I've seen just about all of the Star War Movies. I haven't seen Abigail in a movie since she was that cute little girl.

Kirsten said...

Sigh. The Crow! Loved that movie. And Star Trek too. :)
It's so much fun to reminisce like this, including about gas prices at $1.09!
Tom Cruise in a sci fi movie? I'm not sure if I'm buyin' that ...
Kirsten @ A Scenic Route

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

SK, it's a great tagline.

Karen, you are most welcome!

Elephant, thank you. I had fun putting them together.

Anne, those guys could sit around drinking Earl Grey and I'd go see it.

Moody, he's due.

Mark, that's funny.

Cathrina, she was good in Haunter.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I have never even heard of EDGE OF TOMORROW but it looks good. Also making a note of HAUNTER. :)

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, Haunter won't take too long to get to Netflix. I don't think it sounds worth the rental.

Now, let's talk about some Star Trek. When they came out the TNG, I was one happy camper. My first hubby was a true trekkie and I was sooooo tried of watching the VHS tapes with Captain Overactor. When Captain Picard came on television, hello handsome! Then the movies! Woo Hoo!

Okay, I'm done showing my age. We can move on with the A-Z now =)

AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge

Arlee Bird said...

I saw a lot of films in the theater in 1994. I must have been trying to escape from life because 1994 was not one of my best years, but it was a time when things were looking better.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

kjmckendry said...

1994 was a good year for movies. '94 was wonderful for me because that's when my husband and I got married.

Edge of Tomorrow looks great!

randi lee said...

Hi Alex! I remember when Speed came out. I bought it on VHS and watched it until the tape practically wore out! And a new Tom Cruise film, huh? Wondering...do I want to see it...do I not want to see it....maybe I'll just wait for an Alex review ;)

farawayeyes said...

Not a big sci- fy fan but I have been a good sport and seen all of the Star Trek movies. 'Generations' was probably my favorite. Also, 'The Edge of Tomorrow' looks interesting. The ida of dying and returning 'reincarnation' intrigues me.

Jo said...

I'm a trekkie fan from way back. Locally they had a Star Trek weekend and I managed to catch a couple of the movies. The one about the whales is one of my favourites, can't remember what number that was. Think I have seen all of them. Hubby not a fan and I usually leave the TV to him

Saw all but one of those movies. Not sure how, we were in NC then and I only ever went to the movies once (Titanic) in the 12 years we lived there.

Don't think I would like Haunter.

Mason Canyon said...

I wasn't sure I continue to like Star Trek without Kirk and the gang, but I do. Edge of Tomorrow looks like you'd be on a roller coaster ride of adrenaline during the entire movie. Waves to blogging friend Karen.

Unknown said...

I saw the preview of Live, Die, Repeat at the movies last week - it looks awesome.

The Crow would be my favourite movie ever and I am also a Trekie fan and I see another Final Fantasy game there too!

Great year!

Trisha said...

I love True Lies, the Lion King, Speed and the Crow. Wow, that was a good year!

Also, Alice in Chains's Jar of Flies - I first listened to that in high school, remember listening on a tape walkman. :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

I may actually watch that new movie.

Watching Tom Cruise die over and over again? #cantwait

1994 was a good year! YEAH KAREN!

I did love True Lies!


Julie Dao said...

I miss the 90s just for the low cost of everything alone! 1994 was a good year. I saw a lot of Disney movies in theaters that year... I think Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast?

Birgit said...

Love Star Trek Generations-Actually all the movies especially "First Contact". The movie sounds intriguing-The Haunter" I usually get really freaked out but I love "The Others" and this sounds similar. Have not heard of Edge of Tomorrow-Tom Cruise is usually good in these films. Oh and Shawshank Redemption also came out in 1994 which is one of my favourite films and should have won the Oscars ahead of Forrest Gump, in my opion:) 1994 was a regular year for me-hooray!!!

S. L. Hennessy said...

I love all things sci fi, but I have to admit, as much as I enjoy Star Gate and Star Trek, I'm just not a Star Trek girl.

Robin said...

Karen is a special person... go glad you chose to highlight her here.

Edge of Tomorrow isn't playing but the movie poster is intriguing.

Unknown said...

My goodness, there have been so many Star Trek movies I can't even remember them all now!

I haven't heard about either Haunter or Edge of Tomorrow. I sure hope that one is better than Elysium. That was a whole lotta dumb in one spot. (Speaking of dumb -- I just watched Olympus has Fallen, and it was awful. It looked great, but the plot was completely ridiculous. Lucky it was on satellite so I didn't waste money.)

Charles Gramlich said...

Rather strangely, I had a Trek Next Generation dream last night.

Mina Burrows said...

Okay, I loved that trailer. I know some people are over TC, but I still like him. Looking forward to that one. :)

Jay Noel said...

I wasn't a huge fan of Star Trek, but I did enjoy the show casually. I thought the movie was pretty good.

1994 really was a good year for movies. Love Forrest Gump.

Dang. The trailer won't play. I'll have to go to YouTube to see it. Lots of "Ground Day" - like movies coming out.

Leovi said...

Wonderful Pulp Fiction, I liked

Frankie Miller said...

I'm late today - visitors and trying to catch up with blogs.
Forrest Gump, True Lies, Speed and Clear and Present Danger - loved these films.
I'm going to visit Karen now.
Thank you for your encouragement, Alex.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Yes, I'm a Star Trek fan. :) Yay for Karen!!!

Jennifer Hawes said...

Edge of Tomorrow better be an awesome thriller if it involves the director of The Bourne Identity:)
Not a fan of the next gen Star Trek cast. I liked the old ones and, of course, the new ones with Chris Pine and Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan.
1994 was the year my college sweetheart dumped me. But if he didn't, I would've never met my hubby!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Congrats to Karen.. She is a sweet lady.

Never a big Trekie fan...

I must admit Haunter looks chilling. I may have to check it out.

Not familiar with Edge of Tomorrow...

1994.... I moved to Atlanta... LOVED my year there!

Unknown said...

I remember going to see the Star Trek movie AND The Lion King. Geez...was it really that long ago? Crazy!

Waving to Karen! I've enjoyed her posts for years :)

Happy Tuesday,

Bish Denham said...

I did enjoy TNG and I follow Karen! As for the movies that came out in 1994, True Lies was fun, but then Jamie Lee Curtis was great.

The trailer wouldn't play for me. :-(

Pat Hatt said...

Some great movies there indeed, I remember the baseball strike, was ticked the blue jays couldn't go for 3 in a row, but they started to suck then anyway.

River Fairchild said...

1994 - I was a grandmother for the first time!
Edge of Tomorrow looks intriguing. I might have to set aside my scorn for Tom Cruise to watch it.

Tonja Drecker said...

There were tons of good movies in 1994. Wow. That was the year I graduated and moved to Germany. And yep, I'm a big next generation fan!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

In 1994, I was in DC for a six-month internship and got to see the cherry blossoms.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Great movies in '94. My daughter was born that year and my father died. It was an emotional roller coaster. And we had a terrible winter. Never sure about Tom Cruise movies.

David P. King said...

I look forward to Edge of Tomorrow. I do remember seeing Generations in theaters. :)

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

That can't be Tom Cruise in the poster; he looks tough. I am probably the only one in the world who disliked Forrest Gump so much that I wanted to walk out of the theatre, and I love Tom Hanks (way too overdone and tedious for me. I hate sap.)

Cheers, Alex. Keep rocking the retro challenge. You're making it very fun.

debi o'neille said...

I live in a small, small town where movie tickets are still $3.00. The candy is expensive though.
I'm on my way to Karen's blog now.
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

Julie Flanders said...

This was a fun year for movies. Karen is awesome and such a strong lady.

Unknown said...

I realy enjoyed seeing Generations in theaters, and Hated the Baseball strike!

Anonymous said...

I remember that Star Trek movie and enjoyed it. Well, I liked most of the Star Trek movies I've seen. Does that make me a Trekkie? ;)

~Patricia Lynne~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, YA Author

Elizabeth Seckman said...

My first son was born in 1994, so it was an awesome year!

Dean K Miller said...

Never made it past star trek 3...I think. Old school guy with that.

Following Karen...happily.

1994: Family complete with last child born. A good year.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elsie, it's there already! And you're not old...

KM, that's cool!

Randi Lee, you know there will be one.

Jo, that would be Star Trek IV, The Voyage Home.

Trisha, oh the lowly Walkman...

Heather, that made me chuckle!

Birgit, it's in the same vein as The Others.

SL, those are my two favorites.

Lexa, that was a lot of dumb.

Jennifer, then it was a good thing.

Bish, sorry!

River, you are not old enough...

Robyn, I won't get sappy with you...

Debi, whoa!

Patricia, yes it does.

cleemckenzie said...

I didn't think Star Trek could improve, but I loved the next iteration, especially Picard! He brought a new level of professionalism to the show.

I remember that baseball strike! It ruined the year for my family of baseball fans.

Sherry Ellis said...

I don't know Karen. I'll have to stop by her blog and meet her.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Oh, I love Forest Gump, the Lion King, and Star Trek. This was a very good year movie wise.
Nice review of Haunter. Will have to take a look.

Intangible Hearts said...

Isn't Cruise getting old for this?

jaybird said...

I love Karen! So happy to see her highlighted here. She is one in a million.

D.G. Hudson said...

Edge of Tomorrow looks good, even I'm no Tom Cruise fan. I am drawn to scifi and fantasy. Escapism I enjoy.

Karen is a gentle soul, isn't she a hoofer, too? I'm sure I've seen photos of her in costume on a stage.

Thanks for visiting the art posts at my blog, Alex!

Chrys Fey said...

I never did get into the original Star Trex, but I do like the remakes. :D

Carrie-Anne said...

I was so glad to graduate junior high in '94. That was also the year I finally got chickenpox, only one year before the vaccine finally came to the U.S. I'd trade in my natural immunity in a heartbeat to have been spared those two weeks of suffering and the scars it left.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Karen is a wonderful blog buddy. I have good memories of 1994. I have seen quite a few of the 1994 movies. The Lion King was my favourite.

Crystal Collier said...

Ah! I loved Star Trek Generations, and TRUE LIES!!! Oh man. That's a classic in my book. 1994 was a good year.

True Heroes from A to Z

SpacerGuy said...

Edge of Tomorrow looks good, I look forward to seeing Haunter.

Unknown said...

I graduated from high school in 94 (there, I'm dating myself)

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Love the Star Trek movies and the cost of gas back then!

Mary Montague Sikes

Brandon Ax said...

This was the year I moved to South Carolina. What a great year for music.

Brandon Ax: Writer's Storm

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee, yes he did. A whole new level of class.

Eve, you would think, but I'm not far behind him in age, so no.

Carrie-Anne, I remember suffering through it when I was a kid.

Anonymous said...

My late husband was a great fan of StarTrek and Star Wars.
In 1994 We had a trailer that we toured the UK in Great fun.


Anonymous said...

My late husband was a great fan of StarTrek and Star Wars.
In 1994 We had a trailer that we toured the UK in Great fun.


Anonymous said...

Glad I came back to check the comments, Alex. I'm going to check on Haunter this week. Thanks!! And, you're right, I'm not old. Just feel that way some days haha

Kyra Lennon said...

I started high school in 1994 - that seems like a billion years ago!

Suze said...

Nice to see Karen's lovely face in this post. :)

The Happy Whisk said...

BOOOOO! From me, regarding the GMO tomatoes.

Michelle Wallace said...

1994 was the year I got to vote for the very first time, in our first democratic election!

Liz Blocker said...

I always thought it was ironic that the original Star Trek had a so-so TV show and an amazing series of movies, and the Next Gen was the opposite. BUT, First Contact was truly astonishing.

Bevimus said...

I personally LOVED Generations, haters be damned! And what a great year for movies that was overall- True Lies, Forrest Gump, Speed, Maverick- all films I've watched multiple times and would happily watch again.

Another new blogger for me- I'll check Karen out!

Haunter sounds like something I'd enjoy, and I haven't heard of Edge of Tomorrow but I assume it'll be good- Tom Cruise does action movies like nobody's business!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I overheard one of my sons telling a friend that he only asked to borrow the car during Star Trek episodes because I'd say yes just to get back to the show. That is not true!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, that sounds like fun!

Michelle, that's huge!

Joylene, I bet it is...

mshatch said...

The only movie I didn't see was The Lion King. That was good year for movies, I'd say. I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite.

Alyssa said...

Star Trek is so awesome! <3

Haunter sounds really good as well, I love thrillers!!

Susan Kane said...

When Star Trek picked up speed, we rejoiced. Love the movies (except for Nemesis) and the repeats of shows.

1994? A blur of being transportation for my three kids, teaching, church, etc. A good time.

Loni Townsend said...

Good year for movies. I still really like Maverick.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

complete fan of Star Trek Generations--my husband is the original Trekkie, and has been at each point in his life a major fan of all the different Star Treks.
Thanks for a cool summary of 1994. the year my youngest son was born.

jean :)

Luanne G. Smith said...

Yay for Karen! And 1994 was another good year for movies. :))

Maurice Mitchell said...

Hooray Karen. "Edge of Tomorrow" may overcome my disgust of Cruise.

Lynda Dietz said...

Star Trek, movie tickets only $4, Pink Floyd and Stone Temple Pilots? What's not to like about 1994? And True Lies is one of my favorite movies. Good year!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jean, good for him!

Maurice, I'll let you know if it might...

J E Oneil said...

I was just watching the Nostalgia Critic's review of Generations and I almost died laughing. You can't expect much for an odd numbered Star Trek movie.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

That was a great year for movies! And I got to see most of them in the theater because that was PK (pre-kids). :)

I think my son wants to see "Edge of Tomorrow." At least, I think that's the Tom Cruise movie he was talking about that he'd seen a trailer of.

Nicki Elson said...

I saw the trailer for that Tom Cruise movie -- it looks like it's gonna be good.

Hooray for Karen finding happiness!

Christine Rains said...

Yay for Star Trek and Karen! I've not even heard of Haunter nor Edge of Tomorrow. Thankfully you keep me in the loop. :)

Anonymous said...

Fun post. Thanks for the memories!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Karen Walker is wonderful. She's honest and open, and her posts always make me think.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JE, it always seemed to be the odd ones, didn't it?

Elizabeth, I think it's the only one coming out this year with Cruise.

Patricia, she's awesome.

Unknown said...

Will plan on checking out Karen's blog. Thanks. Maria from Delight Directed Living

Kathe W. said...

Pulp Fiction! Right up there as one of our favs!

Tina said...

Once a Trekkie, always a Trekkie :-) Though after the day I've had I'm doubting the spelling on that...

Lion King was really 1994? I didn't have kids yet and I bought the movie??? Sigh. Maybe I played it for English class and we...did something English-y with it...yeah, that's it.

Staying away from Tom Cruise movies lately....he just creeps me out, though Emily Blunt is a favorite. Sunshine Cleaning anyone?
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014

Leslie S. Rose said...

I have shameful gaps in my Star Trek viewings. Loved the first movies, and REALLY love the latest ones. I need to get on the ball with seeing all the in-betweens. Karen sounds like a hoot. I'll have to go visit.

klahanie said...

Sleepy eyed, I backtracked to this post.

I'm a fan of anything Star Trek. I make it so.

Once again, very nice shout outs, Alex.

1994? Haven't a clue what I remember about that year.


Rumer Haven said...

1994 = The year I graduated high school. The impending 20-year reunion this year has stirred up so many sentimental and downright shudder-worthy pop cultural memories...I thought I had such good taste in despising the grunge trend, yet if I wasn't wearing oversized tennis sweaters with guys' jeans, I was pairing bodysuits with Daisy Dukes and keeping the outfit "conservative" with penny loafers.

Ella said...

I want to see the Edge~ I did hear that it is being compared to Groundhog day meets scify~

Lisa said...

So many good movies came out in 1994 but I have to say the one I've watched the most (yes can't count how many times) is True Lies. It's a remake of a French film! It's just plain fun. I, of course, loved Forest Gum and The Lion King, not so much Pulp Fiction, but Clear and Present was also good.