Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Insecure Writer’s Support Group and CassaStorm Book Trailer!!!! Plus Ninja News, Wednesday Movie Quote, and Special Announcement.

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Nancy Thompson, Mark Koopmans, and Heather Gardner! Please be sure to thank them for their time and effort to make all IWSG members feel welcome.

This month I am finishing final edits on CassaStorm. I’ve already seen a few of the reviews for my third book. (He shoots – he scores!) My tour is set and my publisher notified me of some major promotions they will be doing for its release.

My insecurity right now has to do with how well this last book will do and where the other two are right now. Sales have slowed this year for CassaStar and CassaFire. Which I can’t complain about, because when they were at the top of the charts, they were moving big time. But I’m concerned that slower sales now for the first two will hurt CassaStorm.

Like most writers, I think I improved, and the third one is the best of the trilogy. I think with a younger character like Byron’s son it will have an even wider appeal. But will enough people find it? It could be my last book – I’d really like to send it out with a bang.

Anyone else looking at the final book in their series the same way?

Visit others on the IWSG LIST!

Ninja News

Julie Flanders signed a publishing contract for her second novel, The Ghosts of Aquinnah. Congratulations, Julie!

LG at Bards and Prophets posted about the Content Idea Generator. So if you need a cool idea for a blog post, check it out!

Talli Roland has a short story in the anthology Sunlounger, organized by Belinda Jones. Congratulations, Talli!

Lynn Rush revealed her secret identity – she’s Reese Monroe! And her agent, Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency, helped her acquire a three book deal! She signed a deal with Entangled Publishing for her Bound by Hades trilogy. Congratulations, Lynn!

Looking for MG/YA.NA reviewers? S.A. Larsen compiled a huge list, and if you know of more, please let her know and she’ll add them.

Jessica Bell has a music video!!! We finally get to see her sing and jam one of her songs from String Bridge.

Lisa Regan’s book, Finding Claire Fletcher, is a Finalist in the 2013 eFestival of Words Best of the Independent eBook Awards in TWO categories - Best Novel and Best Heroine! She needs votes to win though – see her site for details. Very awesome, Lisa!

Sarah’s Book Reviews is giving away copies of all of C. Lee McKenkie’s books! Go HERE, HERE, and HERE for your chance to win.

Wednesday Movie Quote

Name your favorite. Today’s genre – water movies!

I have to go with The Abyss:

“So, raise your hand if you thought that was a Russian water tentacle.”

Next week – Free-For-All! Come at me with your most favorite movie quote ever.

CassaStorm News and Trailer!

First the news – my publisher is doing another giveaway on Goodreads. Open to the USA, Canada. AND Mexico!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

CassaStorm by Alex J. Cavanaugh


by Alex J. Cavanaugh

Giveaway ends July 22, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win
And now, the trailer! (Like you didn’t scroll down to see it first anyway, right?)

Short and to the point – I like it! I knew they weren’t doing a long, involved trailer this time. But this one is really cool and a great way to finish the series. (If you can’t see it here, watch it on You Tube.)

Whoa – post overload!!!!
What’s your insecurity today? Ready to play with the Idea Generator? Know some good reviewers for the list? Entering any of the contests? And what did you think of the trailer?

Have a great Fourth of July my American friends! I’ll be enjoying a BBQ and Despicable Me 2…


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Steven said...

The Abyss was great! I have yet to do a series, but I would think the pressure is pretty serious with the third book. I'm sure sales will pick back up since mine ebb and flow all the time. said...

Great trailer! Good luck with CassaStorm. Hopefully, once it hits the market, sales will increase for it and your previous two. I haven't written a series either, but I agree with Steven that it must be a great deal of pressure by the final one. Great IWSG post, Alex!

(This Writer's Growing)

Unknown said...

That trailer is really well done-top notch. BBQ sounds fantastic. Burger and dogs or steak? STEAK!

Empty Nest Insider said...

What an eye catching trailer! It really gives us a taste of the thrilling adventure to come! I'm so excited for you Alex! Happy 4th of July!


Denise Covey said...

Aw, Alex, I'm sure you will begin a new trilogy now. Your trailer is awesome.
Yes, Happy Independence Day!


The Angry Lurker said...

The trailer is quite well done and I need to borrow a child to go to Despicable Me 2, loved the first one!

Kyra Lennon said...

I don't think you need to worry about book sales! Firstly, you're a rock star, and secondly, when a new book is released, sales of previous books usually pick up!

Anonymous said...

Great post as usual Alex, loved your trailer. Time getting nearer for release date.

I withdrew my poem for I.S.W.G. after receiving an obscene and hurtful comment, can do without that,

Have a good day.

mooderino said...

Love the trailer. Very cool.

Moody Writing

Patsy said...

Great trailer, Alex.

Suze said...

:) That was quite a carousel.

Have a wonderful 4th of July, Alex.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

The trailer was very good. I love the line about being caught in the middle. Congrats to all the authors with book deals and new books out. Also don't worry too much Alex, remember you have two books out already so you have loads of people waiting for the final one.

stu said...

It's not so much about the sales now when it comes to the last one as all the sales you've made previously. When it comes to the final one of a series, people are going to make up their minds based on what they've already read, so it's less about the momentum and more about making sure that those people know it's out.

Mark Koopmans said...


I went back and watched all three trailers in order and No. 3 definitely *rocks.*

I have a sneaky feeling there are a few more novel ideas brewing inside the Cavanaugh cranium :)

CONGRATS on the trailer and only two more months... :)

Annalisa Crawford said...

Great trailer. I think the sales of the first two books will pick up once the third is released and being marketed... it's a whole new opportunity to get new readers! Good luck.

Misha Gerrick said...

Awesome trailer! I know I can't wait for CassaStorm to be released. :-)

M.J. Fifield said...

I remember The Abyss. Haven't watched it in years but that Russian water tentacle line always makes me laugh.

And I have no doubt that CassaStorm will do very, very well.

Huntress said...

With a trailer like that, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Excellent

ediFanoB said...

Thumbs up for the trailer!!

Will share word aboutthe traile and the giveaway when I'm back from work.

Christine Danek said...

Best of luck with CassaStorm. Awesome trailer. I can't wait to see Despicable ME 2.

Brian Miller said...

solid trailer alex...lots of action....and i hear you on wanting this one to do better than the last and your concerns..i think we all want to keep getting your plan at this point...have a great 4th alex....

Ian Anderson said...

The trailer was short and to the point - nice! I hope your book sells like you want it to. Can't say I can relate to the trilogy issue you mentioned, but I know I want people to read what I've written!

Marta Szemik said...

They say releasing another book (especially a trilogy or a series) spikes the sales of previous books.
I'm releasing a stand along soon and it's so difficult to spread the word, but it's beginning to pick up the steam:)
I have all the faith in CassaStorm!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Steven, the pressure is beyond serious.

Anne, probably turkey burger. Although around here, BBQ means pulled pork.

Fran, we need a child? I'm in trouble...

Yvonne, I'm sorry.

Sheena-kay, I hope so.

Mark, thanks for watching the others!

Edi, thanks!

Brian, it is all about getting better.

Marta, hope you're right.

Thanks, everyone!!!! My publisher uploaded the trailer on Monday and it's been so hard not to share it sooner.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

wow, wow, wow. Great book trailer!! And yes, you've sent out your possibly-final book out with a bang! I LOVE Byron's son. He's such a cool character (but you knew that already hehehe)

Ciara said...

My sales have also declined. It surged in May then tanked in June. I guess we'll see what happens in July. :) Congrats to all of those amazing writers with spectacular news!! I like the trailer, Alex. I think they made a great teaser.

Li said...

It's a great trailer, Alex. And I agree with most, I think sales of the first 2 books might pick up a bit with the release of the third. Have a happy 4th - I'm looking forward to doing absolutely nothing but eating and reading. :-)

Melissa said...

Great trailer.

I'm no expert on book sales, but I think book 3 might very well boost the sales of 1 and 2. You know, reach more readers and generate new interest.

Best of luck! :)

Stephanie said...

Awesome trailer, Alex. I felt chills.

My favorite water movie has to be Waterworld. It may not have been worth all the money spent, but I still love that movie.

Deacon: If you'll notice the arterial nature of the blood coming from the hole in my head, you can assume that we're all having a real lousy day.

jaybird said...

Cool trailer Alex! Best of luck. Hope the sales improve and you get to go out with a "bang". Although I do hope that you do not give up writing all together after this.

The Abyss! Oh my gosh what a great movie. I have to think about my fav water movie quote. Um, does The Water Boy count? Cause if it does, my favorite quote is "My, my, momma says, foosball is from the devil!" LOL

Karen Jones Gowen said...

So cool that your 3rd book is coming out! I remember back when you thought you had just one book in you LOL. Remember that? I should have saved the comment but I do remember it! Book sales are down overall this year, and summer is usually a slow time when people are outside instead of holed up indoors reading.

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the trailer, Alex. Sooo looking forward to reading Cassa Storm, I am sure it will do well, no need to have insecure feelings about its release!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Love the trailer! I think your fear is common for any book, whether it be the first, second, or third. You have a huge community of supporters so I'm predicting that you'll have good sales.

Excited to read the ARC. I only have a few books ahead of it.

Anonymous said...

Why do I always think the I in IWSG stands for Insane? Maybe it's just me.

Favorite water movie? Waterworld.

PK HREZO said...

Happy 4th to you too!! And I like that the trailer is succinct. Perfect! I think your third book in the series will boost your sales for the first 2. So that's a really cool thing!!!
Big congrats!!:D

Rachna Chhabria said...

I loved the CassaStorm trailer. Stop fretting about the third book. Its going to rock the charts (my instinct tells me that).

Tonja said...

I think anyone's third book would be better. I bet it will be easy to sell since you've done well on the other two. :)

Kirsten said...

That trailer is fantastic! I think CassaStorm will do great. :)
I might have to check out that idea generator, although I never seem to have any trouble at all coming up with posts about insecurity!

Luanne G. Smith said...

You always get the best book trailers!

And you know your fans will find your third book. I don't think I realized it was about Byron's son. That's a new twist and people will be curious to find out about that, so it will probably do just as well if not better than the other books. And, of course, we hope it isn't your last novel.

Christine Rains said...

What an awesome trailer! I'm so excited about your final book. I have the same worries about my final book. Though, to ease your worries, I've been told that more people buy a series that is complete than before it's done. So maybe it's good for both of us! :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

Never say never, Alex!

This trailer is cool!

Everything is gonna work out. You'll see. There will be a big rush on 1 & 2 before everyone wants to read 3!

Great news for so many good people!

Enjoy your holiday!


Unknown said...

Loved your book trailer Alex! With your third book coming out sales will be even stronger than the first two. You now have a fan base well established so how can you miss? Word of mouth is a powerful thing. Loved the Abyss, seen it several times :)
Here is a qoute from waterworld:Deacon: Well, I'll be damned. It's the gentleman guppy. You know, he's like a turd that won't flush.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Ah! That trailer was awesome, Alex!! Congratulations! And I'm sure the third book will do great. All those people who loved the first two are eagerly awaiting its arrival. :)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

trailer is tight and crisp... to the point. happy day.

thank you for sharing it with us today... it was a rush!


Juliana Haygert said...

Your sales will probably go up once more after the release of the third book - that's what I've have seen with other authors.

AH! Great trailer! Congrats!

Isis Rushdan said...

I actually remembered the IWSG this month. Woo-hoo!

Don't worry about sales. When the 3rd book comes out, it will give a boost to the first two.

Great trailer and you're lucky to have so much support from your publisher.

Laura Clipson said...

I love the book trailer, really sucks you in! I'm sure the sales for your third book will be fine. Like other people have said, its release will probably mean more sales for the first two.

Tonja Drecker said...

Fantastic trailer (I love trailers :) ). I imagine the sales on the third will be fine - people will want to see how it ends. Good luck with those revisions, and enjoy it.

Unknown said...

I played the trailer twice! Congratulations, Alex!

Stephen Tremp said...

Very cool video! Yeah, I did scroll down to see it first.

Good luck with the third installment and just have fun with it. I'm having a blast with mine.

Unknown said...

Alex, I've thought this before with your other posts, but I really admire that you pursued your writing interests and wrote three successful books. That's amazing! But I also admire that you are pursuing your music and allowing your life to be a manifestation of all your creativity. I think about that a lot-- it speaks to me.

Elsie Amata said...

The trailer was great, Alex!! Your book sales are gonna rock. Enjoy your BBQ and the movie. I want to see it too. So many great movies out there this month and last month.

Louise said...

Oh my, I can't even imagine the pressure with the final book in a series. I'm chewing my nails over releasing the first book! I'd like to think the pressure eases, but I'm sure it will only get more intense. Good luck, and I'm sure it will do fantastic!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Aww, yeah, trilogies are hard. Sequels in general are hard. My sequel for one of my books doesn't sell as well as the first, and I doubt it ever will. But just keep putting your books out there and others will always discover the CassaStar series as long as it's there. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, thanks! I knew that, but good to hear it again.

Ciara, hopefully we both sell better.

Thanks, Jen. I do want it to satisfy the readers.

Stephanie, wicked line!

Jaybird, it does count. And still not sure if I'll keep writing.

Karen, I do remember.

Natalie, hope you enjoy it.

Rachna, I like your instincts.

Kirsten, I don't either!

Thanks, LG. Yes, part of the story is told from his son's point of view.

Christine, that is good to know.

Siv, wicked quote.

Stephen, when do we get to see your third one?

Julie, thank you!

And thanks everyone. So many IWSG posts today - have patience with me as I try to visit everyone. said...

I have shivers. That's the best of your trailers and one of the best I've seen, Alex! No worries about sales. They will soar. We're all waiting to make the purchase.


Carol Kilgore said...

Great trailer!
Happy 4th :)

Molly/Cece said...

Hi Alex, I am new to Writer Insecurity Support. You have all stuff in place you need. Yay! I think a hear a new wave of sales coming across the ocean of consumers.

David P. King said...

First off, TRAILER! That was a good one. And he's got a son now. I look forward to the epic conclusion.

I've heard say that the release of a new book boosts sales of previous books in the series. Maybe you can let us know if you see a different after the Storm is released. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats and thanks to Nancy Thompson, Mark Koopmans, and Heather Gardner and of course you Alex.

It's interesting comment about maturing as a writer. Sometimes I read early stuff by authors and it is very compelling and their later stuff is less so, others mature into their writing and some seem consistently brilliant with every novel they write. it's very intriguing.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I like it!!! Great trailer.

Happy 4th to you!

J.L. Murphey said...

Cool trailer! The idea content looks like a fun tool to play with. I bookmarked it. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Ahhh. The neurotics unite. Always a good cathartic morning--these first Wednesdays...
~Just Jill

Mark Means said...

Very cool video and I'm sure your upcoming release will be as big a hit as your first two :)

Looking forward to your thoughts on The Lone Ranger....I was a bit disappointed in it, sad to say.

Have a great Independence Day!

farawayeyes said...

That trailer is excellent. Short and to the point and very very suspenseful. Can't wait.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

"You're going to need a bigger boat." - from JAWS. I'd say that's a "water movie." :)

I bet the sales of your other books will pick up again because people who read the new one will want to go back and see the story from the start. Cool trailer, too!

Oh, and the Minions! :)

cleemckenzie said...

Loved the trailer. Great job.

Ninja News rocks today and thanks for the links to that giveaway.

Happy 4th! Happy last edits.

Brinda said...

I love your trailer! I'm doing first round edits on my 3rd book and it's killing me. :0 I hope to be as far along as you very soon.

Congrats to Lynn/Reese. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Awesome book trailer, Alex! Will share it with my nephew. He will love it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Louise, it definitely increases!

Robyn, glad I could shiver you. Wait, that came out wrong...

Molly, thanks and welcome!!!

Madeline, smart observation.

Mark, I might be skipping that film...

Madeline, excellent quote!!!!

Lee, you're welcome.

Liz, thank you for sharing.

You guys rock!!

Laura Eno said...

I think many writers feel insecure about letting go of a series. It's become a family member. (I'm guessing, since I've yet to finish a series!)

Love the video for CassaStorm!

Yolanda Renée said...

Awesome trailer! Congratulations!

and to Lisa too, and all the other wonderful news you've posted.

L.G. Keltner said...

The Abyss is a good movie.

Happy 4th of July!

J.L. Campbell said...

Lots going on an usual, Alex. Congrats to all the writers with new releases and deals. Thanks to Heather, Mark and Nancy and now I'm going to watch the trailer. I'm sure the book is going to do well. Keep the faith.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Your book trailer is awesome. My son read your first book and asked for the next ones. That is high praise. Ride the wave of success and smile!

Bevimus said...

Great trailer, Alex! they did a good job with it. ANd knowing nothing about book sales I can't really say, but I'll bet your existing fan base coupled with spreading word-of-mouth will give the final installment some push.

I'm going to go check out the idea generator and all the book giveaways- yay!

And Happy 4th to you, too! I will be joining you in the celebration by watching Despicable Me 2- so excited!!!

mshatch said...

Or your third book will fuel sales for the first two...Think positive!

Loved the Abyss :)

Unknown said...

Loved your trailer, Alex, it rocks!! I especially dig the soundtrack - to me, music makes all the difference and that particular score made quite an impact! Many readers wait until the entire series is complete before picking it up - just wait, they'll be clamoring for your books the moment CassaStorm is released!
Cheers & Happy 4th:)

Morgan said...

Oh to be where you are and writing the final book in a series, Alex! CassaStorm is going to sail up the charts--just like your other two. You're just that good. And we will all love seeing your success! :D

(Sweet... I only used two exclamation points... an improvement... uh oh... now I'm getting ellipses happy...)

Charles Gramlich said...

I also felt like my writing improved over the three Talera books, although Witch, the third in the series, has gotten the fewest reviews. I guess that is natural.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

You have a great 4th also!

Congrats to Lisa! So excited for her :)

Read one of Lee's books and it was well worth my time. She is a good writer.

Excellent trailer! I'm all signed up to win!

Anonymous said...

I know I'll be telling everyone I know to buy it. It's going to do well, I have no doubt.
Cool trailer.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Isn't it great to see your book done visually? Your trailer was riveting. Only the higest sales.

Anonymous said...

Fear not, dear Ninja Captain, your third book will do awesome! It will probably bumped the other two back up as well. Just remember to think positive.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I love the trailer! Alex, I think your book trailers are the most entertaining ones on the internet. Seriously, I've looked at quite a few and yours are AMAZING. I'm gonna show this around to some friends.

I'm surprised to hear that book sales have dropped off. I wonder why. Do you think it may be because people are waiting for the third book? I bet once it comes out, the trilogy will do extremely well.

Congratulations on your successes and have a great Independence Day.

Susan Oloier said...

Alex, I wish you an abundance of fortune with CassaStorm. In fact, I bet its release will boost the sales of your first two books.
Congrats to all with their good news :-)

Cherie Reich said...

The book trailer is awesome!! And I'm sure you'll see sales increase once book three is out. After all, everyone who loved books one and two will rush out to buy book three. Plus, that'll boost sales of the first two books too.

Congrats to all the great Ninja News!

Michael Di Gesu said...


What a COOL trailer!!!!! PHANTASMAGORIC!!!!!! I love using fun words to express myself .. LOL

No need for insecurity.... Your book will do GREAT!!!!!

Now I'm anxious about keeping up with all this exciting NINJA NEWS....

CONGRATS TO EVERYONE! But a special WOOT! TO Julie... ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really do love visiting your blog, Alex and see all the wonderful Ninja news. I hope some day soon I will be among the treasured list of signed book deals.


SO many bloggers to visit and NEVER ENOUGH TIME!

A special thanks to Mark, Nancy, and Heather.... For their time too!

Ink in the Book said...

So much going on this holiday week!! So many congrats are due!

happy July 4th:)

Donna B. McNicol said...

Popping in from #IWSG - have to catch up on my favorite bloggers!

Michelle Wallace said...

The trailer: short and gets the message across very effectively!
Content Idea Generator? Sounds awesome. I must remember to check it out.
Thanks for all the links.
Enjoy your BBQ with family/friends!

Andrew Leon said...

I doubt slow current sales will hamper book 3; after all, you have all of those people out there waiting to see how it all ends.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, family member - that made me laugh!

Mary, that's awesome - thanks for telling me.

Thanks, Beverly - and enjoy the Minions.

Samantha, thanks. I think my publisher did well with the music.

Morgan, you will be here one day!

Sydney, thank you!

Roland, yes. Like a miniature movie.

Michael, thanks - appreciate that. I think it's because I've run out of potential readers...

Michael, thanks! And you WILL be listed here one day soon.

Andrew, waiting to see if the third was worth the journey?

Carrie Butler said...

I'm loving the new trailer, Alex! How long does it take them to make these little masterpieces?

I'm getting ready to start my third book, and I have very similar anxieties. Here's to hoping we send both of our series out with a bang!

P.S. Congratulations to Julie, Talli, and Lynn! :) Best of luck to Lisa!

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Awesome news about Cassastorm. The sales will pick up once the new book is out, probably bigger than ever.

Congratulations to Julie Flanders, Lynn Rush, Jessica Bell, Lisa Regan, and Talli Roland!

Jennie Bennett said...

I'm sure your books will be around for years to come! Good luck on your release :)

Suzanne Furness said...

I love the trailer! I'm sure the new book will generate renewed interest in the previous two.

Livia Peterson said...

Can't wait to see Despicable Me 2! It looks awesome! Your CasssaStorm trailer rocks! I love it! Good luck, Alex! *hugs*

Liesel K. Hill said...

Congrats on finishing your trilogy! So exciting. I really appreciated the Abyss quote. Probably my favorite water movie as well, but I hadn't thought about that line in years. Happy Independence Day! :D

Old Kitty said...

I'm number 99!!! How fabulous!!

Huge congratulations with your trailer!!!! I'm using this word a lot today and I think it sums you and your Cassa books beautifully:


Al Diaz said...

I just had to laugh. THANK YOU for including Mexico, that's like the coolest thing an author has done for Mexican dragons lately. I'm in of course. I must confess I have yet to read your two first books. I've been dying to do this but ever since the treasure disappeared, many plans are on hold. But as soon as I can I'll buy your books and read them all. I'm sure Cassastorm will do good. After all I've seen lately, I am becoming a believer that if you have faith, things work out as you expect. So I'll have faith in your book and expect it to be a great hit! :D If it is really to be your last book, you deserve to leave with a standing ovation. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

The trailer is so cool! Perfect way to end the series. And don't worry. I think your third book will do very well.

Al Diaz said...

Oh, and the trailer is GREAT. It's so exciting to see your words turned into images!

RaShelle Workman said...

Love the CassaStorm book trailer. *squeals excitedly* Congrats!!!

~Sia McKye~ said...

It fits the book well. Captures his worries sets up the emotional impact of the story.

This IS a great read! Definitely a tight story that packs a wallop.

Honestly, every author I know feels insecure with the release of a new story, Alex. The nature of the business.

Enjoy your weekend.


Wanda said...

I love the idea of being able to put your insecurities out into the world with fear. What a great support group you've developed. All the best to you on your upcoming release. Hope you & yours enjoy a Happy 4th of July.

Nicki Elson said...

Awesome! I think sometimes short is even more effective - especially these days w/ everything moving at lightning speed.

I'll be the promo for CassaStorm is going to reanimate the first two. Plus, how will all the readers of those two books be able to resist adding Storm to their Cassa collection?

Congrats to all the authors! I'll go congratualte Julie right now. :)

Nicki Elson said...

*gasp* Julie's blog is GONE! Do you know what's up with that?

Julie Flanders said...

Oh wow, I love the trailer!! Perfect!

Thanks so much for the shout-out, Alex. Happy 4th to you! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carrie, think this one only took six weeks. And yes, with a bang!

Liesel, I need to watch the Abyss again.

Al, no worries. And when my publisher was setting it up, I asked if they could include Mexico. Glad they said yes.

Sia, thank you again so much!!!!

Thanks, Wanda.

Nicki, no idea what's up!

Julie, you're welcome.

David T List said...

Happy 4th of July, Alex! That's an awesome video. I hope your book does well! (I have my copy! :) :) )

Unknown said...

Congrats on the trailer and the giveaway. I not only think CASSASTORM will do great, but that it will drive up sales for the first two!

Holy moly, there's a bunch of good news for people, huh? Yay and congrats to all! :-)

Gwen Gardner said...

Maybe CassaStorm will renew interest in the first two books and you'll reach new readers! I just know it's going to be wonderful.

Thanks for all the awesome news, Alex :)

SK Anthony said...

I'm not denying nor confirming that I did scroll down to watch the trailer before reading the rest BUT I will say I saw it, awesome!!!

CASSASTORM will do great! Congratulations on finishing the trilogy, it sure will be a bang ;)

Now, I have to go click on the links for the Ninja News crew, congrats to them!

Jennifer Lane said...

I hear you. I'm also coming out with the third (and final) book in a series soon. Like you, I believe my writing has improved, and I also worry about sales being much less than the first two books. Unlike you, my first two never sold all that well so the worry multiplies! But it does feel AWESOME to finish a series.

Golden Eagle said...

That's an awesome trailer. There's a lot of tension in a short amount of time.

Maybe interest in your books will peak again with the release of CassaStorm--I know I'll check out a new (to me) series if I find out it's been completed.

Happy Fourth of July!

Donna K. Weaver said...

The release of the third book could increase the sales of the first two, introduce the series to new readers. I'm excited for this next book.

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats Alex! I tried the idea generator before with limited success.

Ella said...

Amazing Alex...I love it your trailer!
I have tried 3x's to is a bit full! Teens and loud movies...augh~ They have gone to a fund raising maybe now I can rewrite it!

I'm a Jaws gal...that movie scared the day lights out of me. I was on an island and had to go back to the mainland, the next day on a ferry!
I need to go to the fund raiser so I will be return to visit the IWSG.
Have a Happy 4th with Mrs. Cool(AC), lol~

Optimistic Existentialist said...

You know, I really loved "The Abyss" and my coworker makes fun of me because he says it's one of the most terrible movies ever. I disagree!

Anonymous said...

I re-admitted a post this morning, Why should I take any notice of what some person thinks. I know the truth,
It was a waste of time as when I looked to see what comments I had it was just 2. just remembered it was Bliltz day too.

Shell Flower said...

Having 3 books out should increase your sales of the older books. The more interest generated by the release of the newer novel, the better the earlier books in the series will do. I've heard that having multiple books on Amazon is one of the keys to selling more. I'm sure CassaStorm will do well and only increase your fan base. I saw a prominent agent's recent dream list and she was looking for a space opera, so they must be hot right now. Good luck and have a great 4th!

Anonymous said...

Book #3 looks awesome! And yes, I think the same way as you. Even though I have plenty of ideas for more books, I don't know if I'll write them until both of my kids are off at college. I just feel like I'm missing out on some stuff I don't want to. Sounds like your publisher is doing a lot to help--that's awesome :-) Happy 4th!

Allison said...

Hurray for CassaStorm almost being finished! That is exciting that you feel like it is the best one.

Allison (Geek Banter)

Sherry Ellis said...

What a cool trailer! Your publisher did that?

Lots of exciting news from all the ninjas. Have a great 4th!

M Pax said...

Cool trailer.

I think you'll be fine with CassaStorm's release. But I understand the worry. I worry every time I send a new one out.

Have a great 4th.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Congrats to everyone with news!

Alex, I hope CassaStorm does well!

Kimberly Gabriel said...

I entered to win CassaStorm! I loved the book trailer - very cool Alex. Whether or not I win, I'll be buying a couple of copies for my classroom shelves - and, of course, for me. ;) I've missed you Alex! It's good to stop by and hear you are well. Have a happy 4th of July!

John Wiswell said...

For all we know your three books could float around for a decade, selling a hundred copies here and there, before the right maven hits them and suddenly they are mainlined for canon. Just exactly what will catch on and when is something I don't think I'll ever be able to game.

Good luck with the final passage, Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

David, yes you do!

SK, you can't deny it!!

Jennifer, maybe the third will spark interest - you never know!

Maurice, I don't need blog post ideas, but I do want to try it.

Ella, hope you get some peace and quiet.

Optimistic, I disagree as well!!!

Yvonne, just delete those nasty comments.

Shell, that's good to know!

Jamie, family always comes first.

Sherry, yes they did.

TS Hendrik said...

Solid trailer for what I expect to be a fantastic cap on the trilogy.

I'm all geared up for Despicable Me 2 also. Loved the first one. Happy Early Independence Day.

The Words Crafter said...

Wow, great trailer! Congrats!

Love the Abyss-I do not like the director's cut...

I, too, want to see DM2 :)

Have a safe and fun 4th!

Mel Chesley said...

Awesome trailer! Tons of news, wow! Congrats all around to everyone. :D
As for your insecurity, I think book three may increase sales to the first two. Lots of people like to wait until they can read all the books in one shot rather than wait. I think you'll see a bit of an increase.

Carrie-Anne said...

Very nice trailer! I don't know if I'd ever be able to boil any book down to something so succinct and brief. If you think it might be your last book, it's a good idea to do your best job. It's like a band whose final record is a perfect swan song instead of feeling like any other record. The legacy is remembered better when it's an awesome final effort that doesn't just blend in.

Pat Hatt said...

Awesome trailer indeed, and yeah i think the farther I go along with the novels they way better they are,just cringe at my first one, blah haha I also find though if you write them with a broader appeal like you say, the third sells better and then people go get the rest.

DL Hammons said...

Hot Dogs...Apple Pie...and Fireworks! I'm stoked and ready!! :)

Cathy Keaton said...

I think the release of your third book will actually boost the sales of the first two. I hear about this happening all the time to indie authors, so there's no reason this can't work for authors of any kind. They're always saying in order to promote your books and increase sales you have to write another book. ;)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Love the trailer. I also felt a little twinge when I finished writing a series but then I always have another book waiting to be written.

Leovi said...

Yes, I'm sure CassaStorm not your last book. Probably successfully overcome in the previous two!

klahanie said...


What can I say? Another instalment of "IWSG" and no, I wont mention, yet again, that I thought it meant "I Was Seeking Gary", because I have been found :)

You are pleased with the third book. And even if the sales are not what you would perhaps visualise, the satisfaction of a job well done, is profound revelation. I shall check your caravan, sorry, trailer.

Enjoy the Fourth and may all our American friends embrace the ideals of an all different, all equal world.


Sher A. Hart said...

Hmm, I think I posted almost too early this time. But I see lots of good news, including yours. I've heard each title you add to your list will increase sales of the others, so don't worry about flagging sales of the earlier books. And yep,short and sweet trailer. How young is that son? The only reason I didn't read your other books is such a long review list that I only do up through YA even though SF is my all time favorite.

Cynthia said...

Alex, that's a cool trailer. Was that you doing the voice over?

To address your insecurity, I haven't even gotten as far as having one book out, so I don't know how it's like to have a third book in a series out, which I think is a HUGE accomplishment on your part. I think you have to just trust yourself and know that you've gotten this far because people enjoy reading your work, and they have reasons to continue doing so.

Cherie Colyer said...

We have similar insecurities this month. The release of the third book will probably help the sales of the first two. And your fans will want the third book. Congrats on your publisher doing major promotion. That says a lot for how great the series is.

Unknown said...

Great trailer! Don't worry about the sales. It'll go well. You are way popular. It'll sale for sure!

Unknown said...

Great trailer. I have entered the giveaway and added your books to my reading list.

J E Oneil said...

I love the trailer. Short and to the point is always the best.

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for sharing everyone's great news! Cheering you on to the finish line with your book!

Swimming in insecurities here while finishing up my book. Working on focusing on what it IS, instead of what it is not.

Happy 4th!

Nancy Thompson said...

First and foremost, you know how much LOVED CassaStorm! I hope you link to the review so others know how great it is. I visited each of the 75 blogs assigned as co-host for the IWSG and I had a lot of fun, but I don't know how you do that all the time. I'm completely buggy-eyed now! And whoa! So much going on! Yay for Julie & you know I'm Lisa's biggest cheerleader so I'm ecstatic about her finaling. Yes, The Abyss is one of my all-time favorites. I've seen at least 50 times already. And wow! Awesome, awesome trailer'. Totally what I imagined, too! Happy 4th Alex!

Tia Bach said...

LOVE the trailer. Wishing you much success with CassaStorm. My IWSG was focused on keeping my finger on the pulse to promote my book. Thanks for sharing about the YA review post! Promotion is one of the hardest parts of the book process, so it's great when other writers share!

Angela Brown said...

This was certainly a great post filled with lots of great Ninja goodness.

I hope things go very well when your trilogy concludes. You may see a resurgence of sales from folks who waited to read all three of the novels to conclusion :-)

Patricia Stoltey said...

I like book trailers that are short and to the point. Very well done, Alex.

Lily said...

Love the trailer!

Congrats on ending your series. I've barely started with mine but I hope I can be successful as you!

Nebula Way

Unknown said...

Good luck on your final edits! The trailer is very cool, high-tech and to the point. I'm sure the release of the third book with bring in a whole new legion of fans. Have a safe and happy 4th!

LD Masterson said...

Great trailer. Congrats to Julie. I agree with your choice of water movies but my favorite quote was:
"It's not easy being a cast-iron bitch. It takes discipline, and years of training. A lot of people don't appreciate that."

Unknown said...

Love the trailer - the voiceover was kickass! Best of luck in the runup to its release :)

Shannon Lawrence said...

Wow, a lot of congratulations out to everyone! You, too! The trailer is awesome! If you think this is your best one yet, I bet others will feel the same way.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

RaveAir said...

Great trailer! It's a little bit remind me to the Imperium Galactica computer games which were great at their time.

Do you plan a non-justAmerica giveaway at the future? :)

Elise Fallson said...

Happy 4th of JULY!! Love your tralier for CassaStorm, it looks great. And I'm sure sales will pick up as soon as CS is released. Hope you and your family have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Great teaser... a lot:) Once book 3 is out, it is bound to get a lot of attention. Happy 4th July.

dolorah said...

The trailer is great. Perhaps the slow down in sales of the other two books is because everyone has a copy and is waiting for the last book.

I'm sure you are not looking at writer obscurity Alex. You will always be on the #1 list :)


Bonnee Crawford said...

I'll have to go and check out the IWSG; I've heard about it a few times around the blogosphere!

Awesome that you're finishing edits on the third and final installment of your trilogy and the best of luck to you for September 17! Hopefully a new book will pick sales up again for you and you can send the trilogy off with a bang the way you want to.

Happy 4th of July to you and all the other Americans... Hope you enjoy Despicable Me 2; I've heard it's good!

Cally Jackson said...

Loving the trailer!

I can only imagine the pressure of writing the third book in a series. Rachel Morgan wrote of similar pressure recently too. I just published my IWSG post about being a writing tortoise. I hope that one day I'll be writing the third book of the series that's currently occupying my thoughts. Fingers crossed I get there! :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kimberly, thank you!!!!!

John, the first one floated around for almost a year before it shot to the top of the charts. I'd be happy if it happened again in the next ten years.

TS, second one was good.

Mel, I hope so.

Carrie-Anne, I'm going to do my best to send it out right.

Cathy, I wrote another book! Now we'll see what happens.

Gary, I am indeed satisfied with this one.

Sher, the son is ten. And I actually pitched the first book as young adult when I ran out of science fiction publisher to pitch.

Cynthia, no that wasn't me! My publisher did the trailer.

JM, thanks!

Nancy, thanks so much! I will link to it Monday - was already too much going on for this post. Thanks for visiting so many.

Tia, hope you find some new reviewers from her list.

LD, that was a good one!

Zoltan, I can ask my publisher.

Thanks, Donna.

Bonnee, please join us! And the movie was good.

Cally, I bet you will.

Jemi Fraser said...

So much good news! And you have nothing to worry about with book 3!!!

Brian Miller said...

despicable me 2 looks so good too..enjoy if you go...and happy 4th

Unknown said...

Super-awesome trailer, Alex! Happy IWSG to everyone. :D Thx to Heather, Mark and Nancy for helping out this month. Y'all rock. :)

Tina said...

Good trailer - but I hadn't imagined Byron's voice like that. More Morgan Freeman meets Bruce Springsteen...but that's my imagination for you. Will head over to Goodreads. Sorry I missed IWSG this month. Had my post all done and scheduled when I realized and just didn't have the energy to write anything else...
Tina @ Life is Good

Ellie Garratt said...

Wow. Stunning trailer! Do you mind if I put it in my Monday blog post?

Have an awesome 4th of July!

Jeff Hargett said...

A most excellent trailer. They did a great job. I wouldn't worry too much about the sales numbers. There could be folks waiting to purchase the trilogy all at once.

And congrats to Julie all the others.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine the fear grows with every book Alex. I'm also sure you have nothing to worry about and that it's just natural nerves. Brilliant trailer!

Brandon Ax said...

I think each time we put a book out there is a little more fear and expectation.

I saw the trailer on Being Retro and I also watched it again here, they did and awesome job. I posted on my blog about it. Well good luck with your release glad to help in anyway.

Anonymous said...

I love the trailer. I'm positive the sales of the first two books will increase once you have this third out in the world.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Brian, I did go and enjoyed the film.

Tina, that's all right. I think the voice is the same from the second trailer.

Ellie, do I mind? Not at all!!

Brandon, thanks!! I was really happy when I finally saw it,

Unknown said...

Wonderful news on CassaStorm! Couldn't load the video, but will check out on YouTube.

Have you thought about a re-release of the first two? That may boost interest in the third.

M.L. Swift, Writer

Catherine Stine said...

Book sales go up, down, up etc etc ad nauseum. It's enough to make a writer totally neurotic. But it's a fun rollercoaster, and I want to be on it! In the trenches of writing Ruby's Fire I thought I'd NEVER write the third in the series, but when I came to the end, and saw a logical, rather intriguing story thread wriggling forward, I thought, what the heck!? Never say never.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Great book trailer, Alex! Wonderful plans for your book release. Bet the new books raises sales on the first two...

Mary Montague Sikes

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

ML, how would my publisher re-release the first two?

Jo said...

Loved the trailer Alex. I also entered the competition. I will actually be on vacation when the book is released.

Congrats to everyone who's about to have new books out. Way to go.

Trisha said...

There are probably still people out there (other than me I mean) who have not yet read any of your books but fully intend to just as soon as they get around to it. I think you will continue to get new readers and I think the promo of the third book will help get those new people on board. But hey, I'm just speculating 'cause I haven't published anything yet so what do I know?

Unknown said...

Yay, great trailer! Congratulations!
And yes, I'm also onto the last book in my series, so I have similar feelings...

Unknown said...

Nice trailer, fella!

As for the next book, hopefully the release of that will push up sales of the other ones. Is that not how it works?

Yeah, it is.

Here's to you, Alex.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - I'm sure CassaStorm will do really well - and open those doors for more sales of the earlier books ..

Loved the video .. and all those promotions - must check out Jess' music video .. and all the other books - so clever to write and publish a book of any sort ..

Happy Fourth of July weekend .. Hilary

ilima said...

The trailer is awesome! So excited for you.

Thanks to the IWSG hosts, and don't worry, Alex. Your book will do fine.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Cool trailer!!! I'm pretty sure that since there are a bunch of is in line waiting already to get CassaStorm that it will be definitely findable when it releases . . . we'll make sure of that! :)

This is how I picture it - we're waiting for Father Dragon to light up that campfire while we camp out the summer and early fall in line for your book . . . it's bigger than any blockbuster movie line because we're lined up around the blogsphere.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jo, thanks!

Michael, I hope that's how it works.

Thanks, everyone!

Unknown said...

Hi Alex!
Great post.
Thanks for visiting mine!
Best wishes,

Anna's ISWG for July: Swedish Mysteries

Shah Wharton said...

Oh, rotten flip-bag. I missed another IWSG? My head is so FULL lately... and the hours don't seem to last long enough. *Groan. I only just remembered my CTST post, and came here for that feeling chuffed with myself, only to find I missed this. Sorry Alex! What's worse is that I wrote a very IWSG appropriate post a few days ago, all about my insecurities and admitting a glaring failures.

My main insecurity / problem is organisation.

More importantly - LOVE the trailer. I made one for mine, but the further I get form the creation date, the less I like it. Best of luck with the story... I just know it will go awesomely!

Shah X

Unknown said...

Yay for the trailer. And thanks for the shout out!! You're a rock star, ALEX!

Susan Kane said...

We could not get ticket to Despicable at all. We went to see Lone Ranger. It is a love/hate relationship. I loved Tonto...his facial expressions cracked me up. The Ranger, not so much.

Deniz Bevan said...

Thanks for the great interview with DL in your other post, Alex! I'm so excited for WRiTE Club.

Thanks to you and your co-hosts for IWSG!

And what do you mean last? You mean last book in the series, I hope, and not last ever?! Awesome trailer!

One quote, only one? Hmm... All that's coming to mind is Spaceballs (which was on again last night): "I can't breathe in this thing!... use the Schwartz... merchandising!... we ain't found s$#%!... etc..."

Lisa Regan said...

I really hope the slow sales don't affect CassaStorm! Awesome trailer and THANK YOU SO MUCH for the mention! :)

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

That's a cool trailer, indeed. Wish it was longer. :)

Belle Wong said...

Love the trailer, Alex! Hope you had a great 4th of July.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Anna, thanks for being a part of the IWSG.

Shah, that's all right.

Lynn, you're welcome.

Sorry, Susan. Despicable Me 2 was good.

Deniz, that's good. And I do mean last book

Lisa, you're welcome.

George, so do I, but it's still cool.

Deniz Bevan said...

Aww, that's too bad :-(

Leovi said...

Congratulations, wonderful trailer!

Arlee Bird said...

I don't think you'll have any problems with the upcoming book. Nice trailer.

A Faraway View

Martina Boone said...

I love this whole Insecure Writer's series. It's so wonderful to see that we are not alone in being worried about aspects of this journey--and judging by what I am seeing around the web, I doubt very much that you will need to worry about your third book selling. But I'm curious. Why would you think this could be your last booK?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee, hope not!

Martina, glad you enjoy the IWSG! And I never intended to write more than one book, so not sure I'll continue.

randi lee said...

Alex! I wouldn't worry about your sales for your third book hurting...I think you generated enough buzz with the first two that your built-in fan base is going to be happy to spread the verd! I hope this book goes great for you and is as successful as your first two :D (which I know it will be!)

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