Cassans and Ninjas - Myths and Answers
Thanks everyone for the awesome comments on CassaStorm’s book trailer and my IWSG POST last week! Since there were some interesting comments and questions, I decided to set the record straight about a few things. I was also informed there is never anything about ME on my own blog. So you're getting me. (Hope this isn’t a mistake of epic proportions.)
The Trailer
CassaStorm’s trailer was created by my publisher, Dancing Lemur Press.
No, I am not Byron’s voice.
Not sure how long it took them to make it. Between one and two months?
Yes, the visuals are awesome! I want a Cassa movie now.
The only thing I contributed was a short summary of the plot. (And those four lines were changed for the trailer.)
My Books
CassaStorm is written from three points of view – Byron, Athee, and their son, Bassan.
Bassan is ten years old.
Yes, I’m feeling the pressure of this third book and wrapping up the trilogy.
When CassaStorm is released, I’m sure there will be eBook giveaways that will be open to everyone. Those in North America can enter the Goodreads giveaway for a review copy now.
Re-releasing the first two books? No sure what that means. Will ask my publisher.
The general consensus is that sales will boost up again when the third one is released. Both CassaStar and CassaFire enjoyed time on the Amazon US and UK best seller charts, and the first time didn’t occur until almost a year after CassaStar’s release. I also think sales are slower now because a lot of people who read space opera have already purchased the books. (It’s not a really popular genre.)
The Ninja
Yes, I do remember stating I only had one book in me when I began this journey. What the heck did I know?
‘Is this really my last book?’ I am still undecided. Music takes a lot of time now, and I am very focused on improving my guitar skills and playing the best for our band. Either way, I get to be creative, which is very cool.
‘I’m a bit intimidating and viewed as a celebrity.’ Folks, I’m just Alex. If you’re a visitor or fan who comes by but is hesitant to follow or comment because you don’t think I’ll notice – I will notice! I’ve enjoyed the friendships I’ve made online, and I’m grateful for every connection and comment.
But otherwise, I’m just a dude with a guitar and a couple books. (And possibly a clone machine…)
Any other questions? Did I confuse anyone? I think I confused myself...
Ninja News
CineMarvellous is hosting a giveway for a free television! Open to UK residents, you could win a free 19 inch Alba HD TV. Check out his site for details.
Cassie Mae’s book is out – Friday Night Alibi
In the wealthy town of Sundale, Kelli Pinkins has hatched the perfect plan to capitalize on her sweet reputation. For a generous fee, she will be every trust-fund baby’s dream: a Friday-night alibi…
Congratulations, Cassie!!
Tara Tyler’s book is out – Pop Travel
In a futuristic cat-and-mouse game, hard-boiled detective J.L. Cooper is chased across the world using Pop Travel teleportation, which has a deadly flaw he is determined to expose…
Find it on Amazon
Congratulations on your first book release, Tara!
Special Thanks
A very special thanks to my buddies Edi at Edi’s Book Lighthouse and Jeremy at Being Retro for the awesome features they did for CassaStorm and its trailer. You guys rock!
And a big thanks to Father Dragon Al for his very moving post on Friday and including me on his Dragon’s Eleven team. You are one awesome dragon!
Movie Review
Despicable Me 2
Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League, and he and his partner Lucy must find a mystery super criminal.
This one is almost as good as the original. It falls just short due to the fact the plot is thin and secondary to everything that is happening.
That said, it’s still a lot of fun! The Minions are even funnier and get more screen time. The animation is stunning. And very colorful.
Will there be a third film? This one made $142 million dollars over the Fourth of July. Pretty sure you will see a Despicable Me 3.
Highly recommended for adults and kids!
Any other questions about the trailer, my books, or me? (No, I will not reveal the location of the clone machine. Last time I did that, we were up to our ears in Dwarves.) Excited about the new releases? Anyone else see Despicable Me 2 this past weekend? And would anyone care to clone a Minion...?
Despicable Me is in theaters here in Madrid as Gru 2. My kid is going to see it with his uncle. they both love those sort of movies!
I'd buy a minion, can a large Irish adult go to see Despicable Me 2 without a child?
Thanks for the Caasa facts most interesting and enjoyed the read.
Enjoy your day.
I want to take my lassies to see Despicable Me 2
You are the NinjaDude!!!! ;)
Congrats on the great trailer. And yep, I believe sales will get another boost :)
I remember being very intimidated before I posted my first comment here - I'd lurked for a while, it seems so silly now :-)
Your publisher is awesome, by the way!
Thanks for all the Cassastorm news and congrats to new authors. I saw Monster University over the weekend and it's good you liked D2.
I enjoyed the Cassa info. I have another question for you - if CassaStorm is your last book, will you continue this blog?
And... "No, I will not reveal the location of the clone machine. Last time I did that, we were up to our ears in Dwarves." BAHAHAHAHAHA. :-D
Hey, what's wrong with dwarves? Thanks for the movie review, I plan on seeing this one soon. Good luck to Cassie and Tara with their new book releases.
I think it's hilarious that folks might be intimidated here...just look see how cuddly Mini-Alex is :)
If there are any new bloggers reading this... if you comment, Alex will come by.
I promise!
(After that, you may never be able to get rid of him, but that's another bloghop for another time :)
Thank you for mentioning my giveaway, Alex. Really appreciate it.
And those CassaFacts were such an interesting read. :)
^^^Laughing about Mark's comment.
I didn't see Despicable Me 2, and I probably won't until it comes out on DVD. I just never get to the theater as much as I like. But I loved the first one, and I just want the second one to be funny and fun.
Thanks for sharing some home truths about yourself, Alex. Yes, I must admit I felt a little blown away when I first started following this blog almost 2 years ago, now. But you have always been the most reliable, supportive, helpful and generous blogger I have come across. I still cannot work out how you have the time to do all the things you do in your life. You deserve a gold medal.
That's cool that the kid has a POV. With the upcoming popularity of the Ender's Game movie, it may boost your own "catchiness" <-- totally created that word.
Would you believe that I've never even seen the first Despicable Me? Think I probably ought to tackle that before watching the sequel. I do like the idea of minions, though. So far my children just won't cooperate ...
Fran, yes! No child required.
Anna, glad you no longer lurk.
Cally, glad I made you laugh, and yes, I will continue blogging.
Thanks a lot, Mark.
George, you're welcome.
MJ, you won't be disappointed then.
Carolyn, I appreciate that.
Brinda, good point.
I was a bit intimidated by you at first. I lurked a few times and thought "why would this guy bother reading my silly little blog" But you did and you are very kind and decent to everyone who takes the time to come here. I still don't know how you manage it all. I suspect a clone:)
3/5 part family watched the Despicable Me 2 movie (we left my wife at home with the 1,5 months old son), and we really enjoyed it. However it was 15-20 minutes longer than should had it been. But I also strongly recommend it!
I have an idea in connection with your new book. You'll have to release the CassaStorm in audiobook format too, spiced with your guitar music in the background. ;)
I love minions! I'll take two. I'd also love to see movies of your books.
Nice to hear more about you and your books! I guess I've been following you so long I'm not intimidated... you should write something about music!! Now I'm heading over to check out your trailer.
I think the big burning question is will you ever post a picture of yourself. Ha! Either way is okay.
I didn't finish watching the first Despicable Me movie, maybe I should try it again.
Father Dragon sold a lot of the cloned dwarves.
Not long before Cassa Storm comes out, looking forward to it.
I have to laugh because I was intimidated here for a long time. Seems very silly now! Congrats again on the awesome trailer. :)
I am SO looking forward to Despicable Me 2! Want a pet minion--no, a pack of 'em! Throw them a banana, sit back, and watch the fun! Now I have their banana song in my head!
Your trailer is awesome. I love how it's quick and to the point. Long book trailers are a big yawn-er for me.
Looking forward to the third and final book!
Didn't get to see Despicable Me 2 yet, but I will take the kiddos to see it soon. I know it beat the pants off of The Lone Ranger.
I could use a minion about now as I finish my book and related details. Thanks for sharing more about Alex! :) Cheering you on to the finish line!
eh a bit sad despicable me fell short as we are really looking forward to it...maybe that is enhanced by lone ranger not being so good....
hey you never know...another book may be in you when the time is right...pretty cool on the band as well...
Haha on cloning a minion! I would like a handful of minions or I would adopt them all. ;) And oh, can I adopt Gru and his family as well? Despite the Despicable Me clan is annoying as hell, I would move in with them. I'm seeing Despicable Me in 3D this Wednesday and am so damn excited to see it! Awesome review as always! I have really high expectations for this sequel because I LOVED the original. However, the originals are always the best.
You're the King of the Blogosphere, Alex! I just can't get past how you're a normal guy in a band and wrote a few books. You treat your writerly friends with dignity and respect and WE ALL SEE THAT. I don't know how you do it, but everyone LOVES you - old and new friends. You keep us all together as a family in this online writing community. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't exist. I can't say this enough Alex, THANK YOU. *hugs*
My husband and I watched the first Despicable Me again this weekend and loved it just as much as the first time we saw it. Can't wait to see the second one! Might actually go to the theater! :)
And I've been playing Minion Rush on my iPad. Totally cute and addicting!
See? I did learn something....I never knew you were in a band. Very cool and best of luck with it!
Congrats to Cassie and Tara, as well :)
Oh I've long thought you had a cloning machine. ;) Just watched the trailer. It IS cool.
Anne, I'm glad you no longer lurk.
Zoltan, that would be cool!
Alexia, I'll post about music soon.
Julie, glad you're not now.
Thank you, Karen!
Jay, beat it by a lot.
Thanks, Livia! Appreciate that. Think you will really enjoy the movie in 3D.
I'm still getting over the whole intimidation thing...
I'm sure there's another book in there for you! I have absolutely no idea what I'll write once my WIP is done. But ideas usually find me, not the other way around.
good things from good people... you is good people!
I've heard it said a couple of times, that if you are able to Not Write, then do something else. And to be honest, I'm kind of jealous that you have something else to do and love and I wonder (hope) one day I find something else, too. Because as much as I love writing, it's like a drug habit for me. It makes me feel good and feel like crap at the same time and I wish I could quit but I come crawling back for more. Oh well.
Ah, that's what I'm lacking, minions!! Now I know what I want for Christmas.
And interesting to learn your latest is told from three POV's. :)
Great post. I enjoyed learning a little more about you and your new release.
Congrats on the other new releases. Heading to Amazon now...
My wish: that you never ditch the invisible underpants Cap'n Ninja! Yay!! Take care
I used to be a little intimidated by you, you're a very big presence in this community!
It's nice to see a post focused on you for a change :)
I have never been intimidated by you, because you're just so darn nice! I hope you have many more books in you and have time for music as well!
You're very down to earth, on your blog that is. I don't know you in "real" life. :) I do know you are very supportive of your writing community. I appreciate that.
I also like that you don't hide your Christianity.
Thanks for the movie review. My daughter turns 7 on the 10th & we plan to see it.
Hi Alex!
Just a dude? Ha, like that's accurate. :)
You are an awesome friend to everyone.
We took the family to see DM2. I agree, very funny, thin plot, but really, who cares? Minions are the best! I'm dying to get my son a purple one now. :)
Happy Monday!
Cheering you on, Alex. There must be a larger reason why your one book turned into three fabulous books. Isn't it great to see that you're a thread in a larger plan? Congratulations to you and to all the other authors out there leaving their legacy to readers.
The ads for Despicable Me 2 are so endearing, I'm wanting to see it.
I'm very excited for you, Cassie, and Tara. CONGRATS to all!
I got to go to a free showing of Despicable Me 2 that included popcorn and a drink (courtesy of Technaglass). I enjoyed myself.
You should let us know more about your music here some time.
I think that kinda goes with the territory with a popular blog, you get scary haha people are afraid at mine because they think they have to rhyme. Having a cat for a minion doesn't work well though, they are too independent. So if want to send one my way, I'm all for it.
I watched this movie -- it is HILARIOUS! I loved it :) And keep on playing music!
Madeline, we downloaded that game as well!
Mark, now you know!
Sarah, I'm just a geek with a blog.
Ilima, I'm sorry!
Kitty, thank you for the laugh.
Laura, glad you aren't anymore.
Thanks, Julie. I think you knew me way back when as well.
Teresa, and I never will!
David, she will enjoy it.
Heather, your thoughts on the film made me laugh.
Charles, I will do that.
Pat, no way I could even begin to rhyme.
Alex, glad to hear you'll continue blogging even if you stop writing books.
My son isn't much of a movie-goer, but he is going on a field trip with daycare on Wednesday to see Rise of the Guardians. If that goes well, maybe he'll want to see D2 in theaters.
I love hearing more about you! I'll check out the trailer sounds great! Glad you're enjoying your music.
Congrats to Cassie Mae and Tara! Yay! The ninja army is awesome! :)
Is Cassie Mae the name of your cloned minion? :)
Great info about you, Alex. All my questions are now answered and I feel caught up!
I think you have another book in you. :)
M.L. Swift, Writer
It's a good thing you are so talented Alex- you have more than one creative outlet to tap into if you don't continue to write. That's a blessing for sure!
I loved the original Despicable Me, my girls are quite pumped to go see DM2!
Yes Alex, I'm in awe with you. I enjoy your writing quite a bit. The way you pay it forward is the right attitude to have.
Great info on Alex the man.
Great to learn even a teeny bit more about you. Congrats to Cassie and Tara!
I know you're more than just a guy with a guitar and a "couple of books" but thanks for being humble Alex. DM2 creamed Lone Ranger.
i'm sorry i didnt get over here sooner! fabulous news!
love all the answers! a perfect group interview!
excellent trailer! woot!
congrats to cassie!
and thanks so much for mentioning me, too!
i am not expecting much from de me 2, its all about the minions, my take from previews... loved first one too much!
I haven't seen either movie but I want to. They look so cute. :)
I enjoyed the 'fun facts' Alex! :)
I STILL haven't seen Despicable Me #1 yet - have to get on that - they look like such fun movies!
I want a Cassa movie too! YEAH!
"I’m just a dude with a guitar and a couple books. And possibly a clone machine…" And a ninja army. Can't forget that!
I want to see Despicable Me as good as the first one. But rarely are the second movies or books as good as the first. Occasionally though, they are as good or better. Such as your books. I cannot wait to read the third one.
I understand your love for music. One of boys is a musician. His wife sings with him. When you got the music in you, it never goes away!
Thanks for all the answers, Alex? And a mistake of eopic proportions? I'd say the exact opposite! I'd love to see more about you on here!
Congrats to both Cassie Mae and Tara- that's awesome and I so wanna read Pop Travel!!
And yes, I would so love to clone a minion!
Despicable Me 2 was great. It may actually be the best movie I've seen in the theater this year. This summer, for certain.
Hmm... I had something else I was going to say, but I got up to stick my mocha in the microwave, and I've forgotten whatever it was. :/
I think hubby and I should have seen Despicable Me 2 instead of The Lone Ranger...
Seems to me it didn't go as bad as you feared. People loves to learn more about you. Maybe you can try 50-50. Not too much, not too few. That would be balanced and good for the Zen, hahahaha. Now I'll leave in the search of mine. May the Higher Powers shine in your path always! :D
Alex, its high time a Cassa movie is out. We all are eagerly waiting for it. We do want to know more about you.
Despicable Me 2 was a fun ride! Our whole family enjoyed it, although for some reason I wanted to the plot to be a bit thicker. However, I liked 99% of the movie - so it's a good one! Lipstick Taser!
Sorry, had to say that at least once today.
Yay for Cassie and Tara!!!
I'm looking forward to CassaStorm!
Re the re-release of the first 2 books:
Maybe in a year or so your publisher should release the collector's box set edition of the entire trilogy along with added bonus materials. Maybe even a CD or DVD?
Wrote By Rote
Sandra, hope it's a good experience for him.
Desert, nah - she's just an awesome critique partner and friend.
Maurice, thanks, and it sure did.
Tara, you're welcome, and you'll enjoy the film.
Robyn, thanks, and you understand!
Beverly, I'll try to do better about that.
Al, I'll just give them a little bit...
Tyrean, and you made me chuckle by saying that.
I understand Despicable Me2 out did The Lone Ranger at the box office. I thought nothing could outdo The Depp.
Congrats to all the authors with new books out!
Good to hear a little more about you Alex, the book trailer is brilliant. Want to catch Despicable Me, just waiting to find time.
Congrats to Cassie and Tara on their releases.
I also loved the trailer, and it was fun learning more about you Alex! Congrats to Cassie May and Tara!
As a guy without kids, I can openly admit that I went to see Despicable Me when it first came out and enjoyed it. And now I can say I'll probably see the second one when the crowds die down a bit.
Also, I'm glad you mentioned the trailer. We both took some time off from blogging late last week (for the holiday) and didn't want to miss it. It did not disappoint. Love the music, love the CGI, but also love that it's short and to the point without going overboard. Some of the 3 minute long book trailers with all kinds of 'scenes' and actors make me feel like I should be expecting to see a movie, not that I should be looking forward to reading a book.
Lee, a boxed set would be cool. So would audio books.
C Lee, outdid and crushed!
Brandon and Bryan, we saw it sans kids. And thought the length was perfect. The first two were only a minute though.
I'm thrilled for Tara and dying to see Despicable Me 2. I loved the first one. And I predict you will see an increase in sales of your first books when the third comes out. Some people like to wait until the whole series is out before committing.
Congrats on the trailer, Alex! Short and to the point, plus that's one great voice :) I'm planning on taking my kiddie to watch Despicable Me 2.
I'm feeling the pressure of writing the second book in a series ... I can't even imagine wrapping it all up. *shudders*
Despicable Me 2 was awesome! <3
Thrilled for Tara!
The pressure to.finish strong is there. Just have fun with it and go with it with confidence'and the help of your CPs.
We.saw.DM2 and Mosters U. Both were fun and we escaped the heat.
I've heard Despicable Me 2 was really good. I actually saw the first one and enjoyed it.
I loved all the Ninja info!
Congrats to everyone on their new releases!
I can't wait to see DM2. Hopefully this weekend with the kids. :)
Ditto what Mark K. said.
Love minions btw.
This is a good idea to let us know about your own books...sounds interesting
AHHHHH! I was up at the cabin and forgot about your trailer!! I'm off to go watch it!
Congratulations to Cassie and Tara!
I read Al's post and agree with his words, congrats on making it on his Dragon's Eleven team :D
It's so awesome that your trilogy is almost completed, three different POV's must have been a lot of work. Between your music and your blogging I have no idea where you get the time to write. But I do hope you find another story in you eventually and that this isn't it for you and books. I really enjoyed the trailer, the movie (s) need to be made! If only I had contacts in Hollywood... ah well!
Congrats to everyone! That would be cool to have a series of movies or even a TV show. This would be some good quality sci-fi for Syfy! Sharknado on Syfy this Thursday, Alex. I've set the time aside for it already!
Dang, I was so sure that was your voice. I even had a conversation with you. Of course, now I learn it wasn't you. Hmm. You meet the strangest people online. Haha.
I wonder if the minions will get their own spin off movie or maybe a tv show. I think i'd make a good minion. I have my own dungarees and everything.
Very excited for Cassie Mae and Tara Tyler for their releases. Both are sure to be excellent reads.
Ninja Ales, whatever you decide regarding the next step on your path, may creativity abound with all you touch...and this Ninja team mate will be happy to see what you share next, whatever it may be :-)
I missed the trailer... I'm going to have to go watch it :)
I want to take my son to Despicable Me 2, just have to find time! And hope he sits through it, lol.
Um... Thanks for the shoutout, but FRIDAY NIGHT ALIBI isn't out yet, lol! July 29th ;)
Congrats to Tara!!!
Phew... Hope things are going well, Alex :D
Juliana, you'll be fine!
Sarah!!! That's all right.
SK, thanks so much.
Christine, you know I have to watch at least ten minutes of it!
Joylene, that made me chuckle.
Moody, I can see television show.
Angela, thank you.
Cassie, it's not? Oh crap!!
You know, the way you wrapped up the Cassa series really reminds me of the way I wrapped up my sci fi trilogy (POV of the MC's kid, too), and I'm curious to see how it all pans out. Much better than mine I'd wager. :)
Also so DM2 over the weekend. As good as the first, I think.
I always love learning more about you, Alex! But please, please, I really need a one-time use pass for the clone machine.
Congrats to Cassie and Tara!
And I'd like to know where I can get my own clone machine, but that's probably some ninja secret. ;)
I am looking forward to seeing Despicable Me 2. It sounds like it was good.
Thanks for sharing about the books and the process! Great to learn more about you. :)
I could use minions. Woo hoo, new book is almost here!
I could use a clone. Lots of new books coming out and daring me to grow that TBR pile a little bit higher.
Loved the movie! Loved it! I wish I had some minions just like those. My gr-kids love the fire alarm minion, "Bee-Boh" and run around the house say it.
This is cool stuff, Alex. I am catching up on blogs and since I don't have sound on mine - I'll go back and watch your trailer on Tim's.
He's gaming on Skype with the guys right now. But I still wanted to say a big congrats for all the hard work you've done.
Very cool.
Congratulations to Cassie and Tyra!
I think a Cassa movie is an AWESOME idea! I'd go see it in a heartbeat!
I second what Koopmans and Livia said. You can tell that touching base with everyone really matters to you. It's why everyone shows up here :)
I really want to get over to see DM2!
I saw The Heat this weekend. Kinda funny, even though it had a lot of F-bombs.
I'm betting Despicable Me didn't.
It's great that you can say you've written a trilogy, and if you want to skip writing for a while and just be a ninja musician, you've earned that right. But I bet you're so creative you may write another book farther down the road, but only when you want to and you're ready.
I and my minions salute you, Alex!
That DM2 is known as Gru 2 in Madrid seems only right! Like the others, I am glad that you will continue writing your blog even if you decide to follow the music path for awhile!
I am delighted you talked a bit more about yourself on your own site. Interesting premise.
Now then, I went onto YouTube and watch your trailer again. Heck, I even left a comment on there. Most impressive. The trailer, of course.
Thanks for the links. I must be getting good at this, I was already aware of a number of them.
You aren't just Alex you are Captain AC=Alex Cool ;D
Happy for you!!! Music is magic and whatever path you focus on rock it!
I know you will~
Congrats to Cassie n' Tara!!
We need a party so many wonderful things to look forward to~ :D
Nancy, I'll see what I can do.
Whisk, thank you.
Words, thanks so much...
Al, no F bombs.
Helena, thank you.
Gary, thank you for the comment.
Ella, you are a light onto the darkness....
The Despicable Me sequel still sounds better than anything else out there right now.
I realize that I didn't comment on the trailer on the last post. It is very cool. Fascinating the things that they are doing now to promote books. There was a time when trailers for books were simply NOT DONE. Now, I see it more and more. Some of them are very effective. I really liked yours. I think that if they can draw you in given 60 seconds or less, thumbs up. If they go on too long... diminishing returns.
Like you kept telling me, you will know if/when you are ready to write again! Trust your gut.
If Space Opera isn't a popular genre, it's still a wicked and radical one. I'm glad you've pursued it, and I hope this won't be your last book. I also suspect your books will have a long tail.
Interesting to learn more about you and the third book, Alex. You may have had only one book in you, but the characters wanted to finish their story. I like the idea of three POVs in the third book.
Good luck with CassaStorm! I would think the time to package the three books as a set would be near the Christmas season.
BTW - is mini-Alex's music career parallelling yours?
One way to keep writing without sacrificing your music time would be to write some short stories that bridge the timespan between each book - that way you could release a super mega awesome ninja omnibus edition of the Cassa trilogy :)
You're pretty awesome, Alex, and well done on finishing book 3:-) Now... what's in store next?? Just watched Despicable Me 2 this arvo... pretty fun.
All those bloggers' books...I wish I could read faster.
Dude. You've got a CLONING machine???! And there's never anything wrong with sharing YOU. Followers always want tid bits of your life revealed. Makes us think we really do know you. :)
Robin, I'm very fortunate my publisher does a good job with the trailers.
John, hope so!
DG, Mini-Alex is way ahead of me.
Jamie, that is a thought.
TF, I'm not sure what's next.
Terri, don't tell anyone about the cloning machine.
I'm totally in love with DM2 and can't wait for a third! We went to the drive-in this weekend and saw Monsters University as well... animated is the way to go!
It was great to get to know you a little better Alex!
I love the posts where you talk more about yourself!!!! Thanks for sharing. I know that sounds like a lame thing to say, but THANKS. I know you value your privacy and that of your family highly, so it's a treat when you share of yourself. That's why everyone likes it so much.
Missed Al's post, so will have to go back and catch that. Haven't seen DM2, but I'm sure we'll end up with it on Redbox before too long. We're kinda in a documentary phase this summer. Boys actually love it.
Tina @ Life is Good
I can't wait to see Despicable Me, I know that seems lame, but there is just something about the minions. :)
ooh! Loved this Alex! Thanks for letting us into your inner sanctuary for a bit. It's nice to get to know a little more about the enigma that is you. :D What I'd like to know is--Are you ever going to share a video of your band with us? How about an audio file? Do you have an album out? Seriously, I'd love to get a taste of your guitar skills!
Hey Jen!! We dig them as well.
Tina, just for you, I will do this more often.
Nutschell, no video. I do have an audio file of me playing though.
Thanks for answering the questions about your trailer. You'll just have to see where the road goes for your writing. If inspiration hits, maybe you'll write another book.
I think you should be very proud of your trilogy, congratulations!
Thanks for sharing the Cassa Facts Alex! Well done on wrapping up your trilogy... what an achievement!
Wouldn't it be great if your books could be made into movies? Just imagine it? I'd DEFINITELY go to the movies to see it.
Congratulations on making it into the Dragon's Eleven team... that's really special!
Congrats to Cassie Mae and Tara Tyler!
"Wouldn't it be great if your books could be made into movies?"-- That would be cool. :)
My boys are grown up, but I still want to see Despicable Me 2.
Hi, Alex! Thanks for sharing the Cassa facts. Found it interesting. I definitely want to see Despicable Me 2, but will wait until it comes out on DVD.
Loved the 1st Despicable Me. This review is encouraging. Thanks.
Thanks for the peek behind the curtain, Alex! It's always nice to see a personal post thrown in. :)
The trailer looks great. Can't wait for the release! So happy for Tara and Cassie too. It's so cool to see blogging friends getting published :)
Leovi, thank you.
Michelle, that would be EPIC!
Cherie, go and enjoy the film!
Carrie, I'll try to do more.
Yes, funny Despicable Me 2
I'm catching up here and now have to go back in time to see your new trailer!
"...just a dude with a guitar and a couple books." ?? Understatement of the year. You're hero for, inspiration to, and admired by more people than most folks know by name.
Thanks for sharing a little more about yourself. Next you can write a book centered around music or a band...blend your passions together! Congrats to Cassie and Tara on their book releases!
Oh, no. Don't let it be your last book! Thanks for giving us some info about you. Okay, I'm going to track the trailer down now.
Thanks for all the answers; its great to see the author Alex sometimes here :)
Ha! I wondered too if that was your voice on the book trailer.
"I’m just a dude with a guitar and a couple books"
You should put this on t-shirts or bumper stickers. Ninja-wear! ;)
Alex, your publisher did a GREAT job on the book trailer. The music and visuals are great, and the four lines of plot (that you gave them and they changed - haha!) work really well. Can't wait to read this book.
Hi Alex .. actually I love Nicole's idea ... what great fun thing to do ..!
I see the trailers are on your latest post I'm off to view them now ..
So pleased the guitar is proving to be such fun - and successful ...
Challenges - but many successful people have two strings to their bow ..
Cheers Hilary
Interesting tidbits about the trailer, Alex! I'm so psyched for you, btw! And thanks for the Despicable Me 2 review...once again I was on the fence about seeing this one, but definitely going to check it out now!
Veyr, very late this time, but I'm happy I made it here anyway. :) Love all the terrific news and no, I won't be seeing DM2. I spent my weekend with some giant robots and monster smashing up the Pacific.
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