Monday, April 8, 2013

A to Z Challenge – Galaxy Quest and Get the Funk Out, Plus Ninja News and Awesome Challenge Themes

My theme for the A to Z Challenge is Favorite Movies, Bloggers, and Music! I’ll name a favorite movie that corresponds with the letter, and then select a character from the film. I will then name a favorite blogger who reminds me of that character, and then dedicate a song to him. (Also corresponding with the alphabet.) I’ll wrap it all up with trivia and/or fun facts about the movie, the blogger, or the music!

In addition, two lucky commenters this month will receive a review copy of CassaStorm! One comment per day and each is worth one entry except – the first and one hundredth comments on each day will receive ten entries!

Galaxy Quest

The perfect sendoff of Star Trek and Trek conventions. It’s hilarious and filled with so many great lines. (Oh! That’s not right!) It has an outstanding cast and Sigourney Weaver is super smoking hot as a blond – and just wait until her uniform is ripped!

Alexander Dane is the serious character actor, caught forever in his Galaxy Quest role. He’s trying to rise about the rag-tag company he keeps and get at least some credit for his efforts. When it comes down to it though, he’s devoted to those around him.

Who is Alexander? (Besides me?)

Fran the Angry Lurker!

(Ray, stop laughing.)

He’s serious about the figures he paints and the games he plays. He’s constantly badgered and hindered by the other “Rejects.” But they are his people and he’d do anything for them. (Smile optional.) Fran is just as polished and cool as he thinks!

Fran is a tabletop gamer and painter who enjoys movies and lives in the UK.

To you I dedicate Get the Funk Out by Extreme. (Title links to YouTube video.)

“You’re all invited to the party, You know you didn’t have to come, No rotten apple is gonna spoil my fun, If you don’t like what you see here, Get the funk out…”

Trivia and Facts:

Get the Funk Out was from Extreme’s Pornograffitti. Name the number one hit from that album. (And believe me, most of you have heard it!)

F’s trivia answers – LG lives in Colorado and “Force Ten” by Rush first appeared on Hold Your Fire.

Ninja News

Cheers to everyone in the Challenge who was out commenting this weekend!! You didn't post and run - you were out in force. Awesome!

Thanks everyone for your encouraging words on Saturday after reading what goes into my Challenge posts! The hours were worth it.

Nigel Mitchell’s Book 2 of his TOONS series, In the Zone, is available now. Congratulations, Nigel!

JukePop publishes serialized novelettes, novellas, and novels one chapter at a time, and readers vote to keep the episodes coming. Milo James Fowler had the first episode of his future noir novelette The BackTracker accepted. Congratulations, Milo! You can read and vote for it HERE

When is it all right to blog your book? Anne R. Allen talks about why you shouldn’t blog your fiction but blogging a memoir is good. She also talks about the costs of the author who has a non-fiction book published by the big five and a slew of other great stuff.

And BIG thanks to Yvonne for her Guitar Man poem!!!

Some Awesome Challenge Themes

So many are blogging a theme for the Challenge, and some of those are amazing. Here are a few outstanding ones:

Michael Di Gesu is posting his amazing introductions to books.

Christine Rains is posting another awesome paranormal story in snippets.

Heather Gardner is posting Stormy the Weather Gnome’s bucket list.

Mary at Play Off the Page is posting about Millie and Willie the sock puppets – and their exchanges are funny!

Michelle at Writer-in-Transit is posting words and inviting us to make up the definition – a prize is involved!

More cool themes to come!

Fan of the awesome Galaxy Quest? Following the classy Angry Lurker? (No really, Ray, stop laughing!) Remember Extreme? Know the trivia answer? Still having fun with the Challenge? And what cool themes have you seen?


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

HA! Galaxy Quest was cool. I'm surprised I didn't think of it when I did my "G" post.

Rhonda Albom said...

Galaxy Quest sounds like a movie I will enjoy. Still loving your theme and all the new cool bloggers I am meeting through your posts.

Visiting from AtoZ #41

Ray Rousell said...

You got it the wrong way round, Alex its Fran who does all the badgering, he's a real pain in the butt!!!

Tonja Drecker said...

I loved Galaxy Quest. Don't ask why because I couldn't give a logical answer. No way.

Nancy Thompson said...

More Than Words??? Whoa, so much going on, my head's spinning.

Anonymous said...

Another great match up with your film character and blogger,
Pleased you liked the poem,
I think people have problems getting to my blog again as I have had some on facebook comment about it,


Unknown said...

Fran Rocks... it's funny I know Ray is laughing... Galaxy Quest is and still one of my favorite films.... and I have more than words to say about both Fran, he is the king of the paint jobs.

Congrats Nigel, I must check that out. Everyone else bravo!

Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous said...

I love Galaxy Quest! It's such a clever parody of Star Trek, and it doesn't offend the fans, which is next to a miracle.

Unknown said...

Definitely still enjoying the Challenge, though I have to admit I haven't been round to too many blogs. It's enough to try and write a post each day. I run out of time for anything else! But I did get around a little on the weekend, and I'm going to keep trying.

Empty Nest Insider said...

I'll have to find out if Galaxy Quest is on Netflix. It sounds like a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to meeting Fran.


Rachna Chhabria said...

Galaxy Quest sounds like something I will enjoy :)

Looking forward to meeting Fran.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Elise Fallson's ..Ology posts are both fun and informative. She picked a great theme. Will check out the angry lurker and I'm proud to say I was out in force on Saturday. Yup didn't post and run. You're such a guy Alex, excited about a woman's ripped uniform. *Grins*

Checking out three of the five themes you featured and have a great day Ninja Captain.

Michelle Wallace said...

Thanks for the shout out, Alex!

I haven't met Fran yet, but will swing by hjs place shortly...
I've been to the blogs featuring all those awesome challenge themes that you mentioned above!

Writer In Transit

Unknown said...

God I love Galaxy Quest, it was actually on British TV last week.

Got to love a good spoof!

Unknown said...

Galaxy Quest is such a fun movie!

ediFanoB said...

Galaxy Quest is a movie worth to watch several times.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Galaxy Quest was on TV over Easter weekend, and I'd forgotten how good it was - and how good Alan Rickman was/is/always will be... ahem!

J.L. Murphey said...

For its all star cast, Galaxy Quest was fun.

I'm finding that I'm enjoying the A to Z challenge immensely this year. So many interesting themes. Nick has the submit a word and he'll incorporate it into a story, Sara has the letters as it pertains to writing, Viki has based hers on what she learned from tv shows, and you are the bomb Alex as usual.

Old Kitty said...

Galaxy Quest is so up there in my top 5 best films of all time!! Love love love this film!!! The only Extreme song I know is the lovely More than Words!! Love that song!! Quelle romantique!! Take care

RaveAir said...

Galaxy Quest was a very stupid movie to me. Somehow I didn't like it.

mooderino said...

Lots of amazing themes out there. Not sure I'm going to be able to get to all of them though. Hope I don't miss any good ones (hopefully you'll keep us notified of the best ones).

Moody Writing

Natalie Aguirre said...

OMG we love Galaxy Quest at our house. It's one of the few movies I've watched multiple times. Great choice!

S.P. Bowers said...

Love, love, love Galaxy Quest.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - well I'm in the 20s, not the 120s!! I'm obviously on the wrong planet ...?

But I love the photo of Ray - that's a great lurking photo ...

Keeping up - is almost impossible, probably more accurate to say impossible - but I'm keeping on passing by .. cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

Yay! One of my favourite movies! I usually watch it once a year along with The Man Who Knew Too Little and Groundhog Day.

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Another great post! I've also really enjoyed Michael's posts and Michelle's posts. I'll try to check out the others sometime this week! Happy Monday Alex!

Arlee Bird said...

I think I have that Extreme CD, but I can't think of the song you're talking about.

So much A to Z activity and yet a lot of the blogs I visited this past week-end had no or few comments. Everybody needs to get busier all around I guess.

A Faraway View
An A to Z Co-host blog

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Do you know, I had no idea what Galaxy Quest was until I read this post! I must have missed that movie completely. Never seen Weaver as a blonde. :)

Love the Angry Lurker/Ray photo!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I've got to tell you. Galaxy Quest was not one of my favs. But, you definitely gave me a chuckle with Angry Lurker!!

Annalisa Crawford said...

Popped back to answer the trivia question, because I know it!!!!!


See I do know stuff, sometimes :-)

Unknown said...

*stamps foot* I bet we don't get Galaxy Quest here in Portugal (dammmit). I'll have to wait for the dvd. Sigourney Weaver smoking hot? Wow.
I cheated on A-Z on Saturday, Alex. Someone else wrote my post *hangs head in shame*

Unknown said...

That burger king crown is classic!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ray, does that mean you're laughing?

Nancy, very good!

Jeremy, yes he is!

Kellie, didn't offend me.

Sheena-kay, her posts are great. And what can I say about the ripped uniform...?

JL, those are all great themes.

Kitty, your answer is correct!

Moody, I'll try.

Lee, any busier and I won't be sleeping.

Elizabeth, she looked good as a blonde.

Annalisa, you got it!

Susan, that's all right.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Is 'More than Words" the #1 hit from that album??

Cassie Mae said...

Never give up, never surrender!

That movie is effing hilarious. I was nearly peeing myself from the get go when they admire his presence as he moons them, lol.

Jay Noel said...

I'm not a big Trekkie, but even I still LOVE Galaxy Quest. The cast was perfect!

Lots of new bloggers (to me) for me to visit today!

kjmckendry said...

I haven't met Fran yet, I'm going over to check him out.

Christine Rains said...

Yay for Galaxy Quest! Thanks for the shout-out. I must go check out the Angry Lurker now. :)

Jo said...

I am a Trekkie, but I never saw Galaxy Quest. I must do something to rectify that.


Heather M. Gardner said...

I LURVE LURVE LURVE that movie and quote it all the time!

Never give up, Never surrender!!!

Thank you so much for the shout out today, Alex! Stormy and I are having so much fun! We appreciate it!


Unknown said...

Boy do I have a lot of catching up to do! You have picked a great way to tackle the challenge this year, my hat goes off to you and all the hard work you have put into your posts. I have never seen Galaxy Quest, but now I will :)

Leigh Caron said...

I miss the Challenge this year *sigh* but I'm having fun reading others, like yours.

Cindy said...

I didn't know about the Angry Lurker, but that name cracked me up. Will have to check out his blog.

Tina said...

LOVED Galaxy Quest. I love a good sci-fi spoof and that one hit all the right notes. I'm really enjoying your theme.

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, those silly space movies... teehee.

Wanda said...

Hadn't had the chance to peep in on many of the A-Z participants this year but it sounds like some very creative themes this year.

Rusty Carl said...

GalaxyQuest is amazing! I assume the song is more than words.

Huntress said...

"Look! I have one job on this lousy ship, it's stupid, but I'm gonna do it! Okay?"

Galaxy Quest, one of my favorites also. The casting was outstanding.
CD Coffelt ponders at Spirit Called
And critiques at UnicornBell

Karen Lange said...

Good Monday morning! Thanks for all the great links! :)

Shell Flower said...

Galaxy Quest, LOL. Good one. I really enjoyed Anne's post about blogging memoir, too. One of my favorite A-Z themes is Melissa Sugar's law theme again this year. I am learning a ton--and I won a $25 Amazon gift card there, too.

~Sia McKye~ said...

I love watching Galaxy Quest. It's a great for cheering you up with laughter.

Love that crown, Ray!

I've not gotten as far as I would like in reading all of the A-Z articles but I have discovered a lot of fun ones. This week should be calmer at Sia's.

S. L. Hennessy said...

LOVE Galaxy Quest. Definitely a sci-fi classic right there.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I've been keeping up with Willie and Millie. Very funny.

Lots of good news.

Laura Eno said...

Galaxy Quest is awesome! They really pulled it off.

J.L. Campbell said...

Yup, it's been a heck of a challenge so far. Read one of Christine's stories and loved it, so will stop in to check.

Michelle & Elise words are so, so interesting. :D

Donna K. Weaver said...

I LOVE Galaxy Quest. As a Trekker from the beginning, it was a perfect blend of mockery and fun.

Andrew Leon said...

We make references to Galaxy Quest all the time.

Al Diaz said...

If I have to vote for the coolest I would vote for Ellise Falson. She's keeping me in awe. Clare Dugmore writes, great snippets. Jo at Jo, Food and Chocolate keeps making me drool in the mornings with her recipes. And of course Moody is enlightening, but that's his normal self.
Day 8 and only 22 to go. Yeah! :)

farawayeyes said...

I love GALAXY QUEST! I also have to say that I'm enjoying the A to Z so much more this year that I'm not participating. It's fun reading the posts and following the themes. apparently, my brain can only take so much and posting and reading was way beyond me. Keep up the good work.

John Wiswell said...

The Angry Lurker photo is so cute! Also, props for the Galaxy Quest use of 'G.' It's my favorite Star Trek movie.

from John at The Bathroom Monologues

cleemckenzie said...

Angry and lurky? Must see. Thanks for the blogger
links they help. I'm so not good at trivia, but I try.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Never give up, never surrender!

Love the expression on Lurk's face. :)

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm loving all those A-Z blogs you mentioned except for Mary's sock puppets. Those are new to me. I'm heading over so I can enjoy those, too :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Optimistic, yes!

Heather, you're welcome!

Siv, just glad you are back.

Rusty, you are correct.

Huntress, that is my wife's favorite line.

Shell, congratulations. I've been following her theme as well.

Al, I've been following all of those and they are awesome.

Faraway, glad that works for you. We don't want anyone stressed.

Nickie said...

As big of a Star Trek dork as I am, I've never actually watched Galaxy Quest! I like farce/comedy, though, so I'll have to check it out. I've enjoyed several of the A to Z themes -- Kerri Cuevas has been bloggin on haunted places, which is both interesting and a bit creepy!

Brinda said...

I love how Michael di Gesu is posting on A to Z.

A Beer for the Shower said...

I haven't seen Galaxy Quest in years. I need to dig that up again. I have, however, seen Fran and his angry mug way too many times in the past few years, and will continue to see it, because I guess he's a good enough guy. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I loved Galaxy Quest.

The song was "More Than Words" - it was my wedding song, too.

Leovi said...

Fran the Angry Lurker Great!

Misha Gerrick said...

I STILL haven't seen Galaxy Quest. Seriously should change that.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Thanks, Alex. Millie and Willie are putting another pot of coffee on for all the company that they'll be getting!

Play off the Page

Julie Flanders said...

I haven't seen Heather or Mary's A-Z posts yet, have to check those out. I love the sound of their themes. :)

Liesel K. Hill said...

I really need to watch Galaxy Quest again. It's been so long since I saw it, I've forgotten much of the humor. :D

ilima said...

Those are some unique and hilarious A to Z themes. I'll have to be more creative next year! :)

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Galaxy Quest is a real joy to watch.

Unknown said...

I am still enjoying the challenge! Love the Awesome Themes. I'm going to check them, and the Angry Lurker, out.

Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn

Amy Jarecki said...

I'll have to watch Galaxy Quest. My husbands loves goofy flicks like that!

Lydia Kang said...

I haven't watched it in years, but I remember loving that movie!

Matthew MacNish said...

You put way too much work into these posts.

The Angry Lurker said...

Thanks Alex, top man as always, Ray can kiss my butt and the song is quite apt but I may have changed the n in funk for another letter but that's just me!

Powdered Toast Man said...

wow I got here before 100 comments, that doesn't happen that often. THose themes sound pretty cool I will have to navigate over to those blogs.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nickie, you have to see it.

Brandon and Bryan, I don't think he's going away either.

Mary, tell them to keep it coming!

Matthew, that is an understatement...

Fran, you're welcome, and sorry, I told Ray not to laugh. And that was the reason I chose that song for you!

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

I've seen bits and pieces of Galaxy Quest...will have to watch it through when I get the time. :)

Unknown said...

Always something new going on or new bloggers to learn about when I stop by.

Sherry Ellis said...

Galaxy Quest is cool! I love Michelle's crazy made up words. Too fun. I keep trying to see Yvonne's posts, but they keep disappearing on me. How nice she wrote a poem for you!

klahanie said...

Hi Alex,

Galaxy Quest. Good choice And Trekkies, we hope, would enjoy it.

Angry Lurker, who wouldn't be fascinated with a blog name like that.

Those who I haven't visited on your list in the A to Z, I will check out. I would add that Stormy is a friend of the wee folks who live in my magical garden :)

Happy alphabeting, dude.


Jarm Del Boccio said...

I've never seen Galaxy Quest, but it looks like a good one for my son to watch. Thanks for all your work on the Challenge, Alex!


Mina Burrows said...

Yeah, Michelle's theme is pretty awesome. I need to check out the others you mentioned. :)

Anonymous said...

HUGE fan of Galaxy Quest: "Never give up, never surrender!" Thanks for the shout out, Alex.

Unknown said...

I loved "Galaxy Quest" - it's one of the few movies I can watch over and over. Sigourney Weaver and Tim Allen ROCK!

Morgan said...

I had the same thought with giving props to those out commenting this weekend! Phew.

And I'm glad you highlighted Michael with his awesome introductions. AMAZING theme and a lot of work! He does such a great job with them!

Mark Means said...

I loved Galaxy Quest...great film and I'll have to check Fran out...he seems like my kind of people :)

Left and Write

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sherry, she said she was having issues.

Milo, you're welcome! Hope it brings you lots of votes.

Morgan, I was impressed.

SC Author said...

Now I want to see Galaxy Quest!

Bob/Sally said...

I think of Galaxy Quest every time I watch Flashpoint, and I still can't reconcile the sad, conflicted police Gregory Parker of today with the goofy Mathesar of way back when.

PK HREZO said...

I love Galaxy Quest! So funny!

Happy G Day, ALex!!

Anonymous said...

I have actually seen Galaxy Quest - and laughed several times, probably more than I rolled my eyes so that's good. I'm trying to be better this week with visiting others blogs - seem to get buried all the time these days.

Tasha Seegmiller said...

Crap - was my teacher self again...that was me....

Anonymous said...

Never surrender! Never give up! I love that quote from Galaxy Quest. So funny spoofing Star Trek, especailly Kirt and Spook. "I see you managed to get your shirt off." :) said...

Drats, a little late for #100 this time. Fran's avatar is the best. I'll go visit.

Happy Monday, Alex.

Birgit said...

Alan Rickman and Tony Shalhoub are amazingly funny in this film. I love it when Tim (what the hell is his last name-brain fog) starts doing rolls in the dirt and the others just walk by him when they are on that planet with the mean little teeth people-I do not know the trivia answer though. Did I say you amaze me? Kudo's to you and all the writing and support you give to everyone

Bish Denham said...

Another movie I'm gonna have to look into! Trivia? Haven't a clue.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks for the shout out Alex!!! Really appreciated it.

Still enjoying the chalkenge. Trying to hop around asynchronous as I can.

I start writing with M today, so I am keeping my lead. Hope to have them all written by the end of this week's challenge. Then I will haveore time to hop around....

Susan Oloier said...

Galaxy Quest. Another movie to add to the list. I must be living in a vacuum.

Kathe W. said...

whew you are a high energy blogger!

Robin said...

The only Extreme song I can think of is More Than Words. I really loved that song. So, that could be totally wrong, but there you go. I finally have a guess to one of your trivia questions. That is *better than usual.*

Anonymous said...

Galaxy Quest is *one* of my all time geeky movies!

Jamie Dement (LadyJai)

Susan Kane said...

Galaxy Quest is one of my favorites! Always wished for a sequel, but then the sequel seldom measures up. My favorite is Tony Shalhoub's character. "That's a heck of a thing" and "It's the small things that matter."

LD Masterson said...

Galaxy Quest was a stitch. I loved it.

On the A to Z, I'm really enjoying Mark Means' comic book heroes theme at Left and Write (

Charles Gramlich said...

Although I'm not a huge fan of humorous SF stuff, Galaxy quest was just a great movie for me. I got a lot of laughs. Knowing Star Trek the way I do made it ever so much better.

Isis Rushdan said...

Loved the Burger King crown, lol!

Galaxy Quest was a great movie. Rickman can do no wrong.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Everytime I slip in a "gamble" DVD from Redbox and lose, I sigh, "I would enjoy watching GALAXY QUEST again more than this!" And so I do! :-)

I have already voted for Milo. I entered a Victor Standish serial to JukePop Serials. Cross your fingers they like Urban Horror and snarky humor!

An excellent post as usual!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bob, or the photographer on Just Shoot Me.

Michael, one week ahead is good!

Robin, you are correct!

LD, I like his theme as well.

mshatch said...

I did see Galaxy Quest although it wasn't my kind of humour (I'm very picky when it comes to comedy) but I did like Alan Rickman :)

Anonymous said...

I loved the title Stormy the Weather Gnome’s bucket list, so I've had to go straight over there and I loved it! Thanks Alex.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

We are total fans of Galaxy Quest. It is WONDERFUL! Nice to be stopping by your blog, Alex.

Jean Yates A to Z challenge 2013
3rd year

Ian Anderson said...

It's only April 8th, and my head hurts!

Kristen said...

Haha! I love all of your choices on this one. Love the movie, the Angry Lurker, and the song. All great. :)

From A to Z, Kristen's blog:

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Those are some really creative Challenge themes!

Tony Laplume said...

"More Than Words" has long been a favorite of mine. In my continuing fantasy that people will one day pay me to sing, this will be one of my staples.

Galaxy Quest!

Angry Lurker!

Jennie Bennett said...

I LOVE Galaxy Quest! Such a great movie. Off to check out Angry Lurker :)

Suze said...

:) The 'Ray, stop laughing' bit was cute.

Nate Wilson said...

I like almost every other song on the album more than More than Words. But perhaps that's just me.

And I enjoy Galaxy Quest more than any Trek show or film. But for that, I expect I may not be the only one...

Sarah Cass said...

OMG, Galaxy Quest is my FAVORITE. Seriously, I just ordered it in blu ray so I could have two copies (my old one is pretty worn out)'s my go-to sick movie. LOVE that one :D

SpacerGuy said...

Galaxy Quest is a great movie.

SpacerGuy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M Pax said...

I love Galaxy Quest. Just watched it again a few weeks ago.

Mel Chesley said...

I love Galaxy Quest! I could watch that movie over and over and... wait, I have. xD Great post!

Samantha May said...

Ah, Galaxy Quest. Throw back :D

I love Michael and Heather's theme. I'm getting a kick out of the gnome.

Happy Monday (if there is such a thing)!

Unknown said...

I remember Extreme. I'm sort of a music junky though, so it makes sense. Thanks for all your hard work, Ninja Alex. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Roland, hope they accept it!

Tony, you're correct, and that's funny.

Nate, softer than I like, but still a good song.

Ella said...

I'm a fan of funny! Off to check out all the awesome themes!


This year rocks-so many great themes and everyone seems upbeat!!!

Thanks Captain-you rock ;D

Nick Wilford said...

I've seen Galaxy Quest quite a few times, Alan Rickman did put in an excellently snobby performance. I've seen the Angry Lurker around but not visited his blog. Will do that now.

Ray Rousell said...

Oh yes! Who wouldn't laugh at his Gingerness looking thoroughly depressed after just stuffing his face in Burger King. (I took the pic and got him to pose in the hat) But what makes it even better, is some of your commenters are calling him Ray, that's gonna really annoy his highness!!! he he he!

Intangible Hearts said...

Wow, I couldn't play this weekend--too bad I'm trying to catch up now!

Gwen Gardner said...

I don't know the Angry Lurker but he sounds fun. Congrats on being featured!

Jukepop sounds interesting. A lot of people are writing novelettes and novellas these days, including me. I'm definitely going to check it out. Thanks for the heads up, Alex.

The Daily Bern said...

More Than Words
Shawn at Laughing at Life 2

Cherie Reich said...

Galaxy Quest is awesome!

Alexandra Heep said...

This is supposed to be fun? Just kidding. If it was not for the scheduling function, I would be toast right now instead of slightly heated.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ray, you're really laughing now, aren't you?

Gwen, go for it!

Shawn, very good!

Alexandra, you're just well-done.

Golden Eagle said...

Galaxy Quest is on my list.

There have been a lot of cool themes this year--and I've run into a few other science bloggers, which is really cool.

Helena said...

I loved Galaxy Quest! And what surprised me was how perfect the ending was.

Thanks for the helpful links, as always. I'd never heard of JukePop so now I gotta check it out.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm enjoying Mark Means comic heroes and so many others I can't remember them. I'm still having fun and spending way too many hours.

Carrie Butler said...

I'm loving all of these A-Z themes! They're all so different. :)

Hildie McQueen said...

I must have been in another Galaxy growing up, cause I have not seen Galaxy Quest and no not remember the funk out song...jeez I suck! My theme is Southern Livin' and it's been fun so far.

sfdada said...

I loved Galaxy Quest, too! My favorite part was when Jode Foster made the spaceship that couldn't go anywhere so she just went to the beach instead and hung out with her dead dad. That was cool. ;)

Allison said...

I forgot about Galaxy Quest! It was a hoot.

Allison (Geek Banter)

Pat Hatt said...

Fran is sure fun, with much painted under his sun. And Galaxy quest is grand, watched it many a time in my land.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read Nigel's book.

I loved Galaxy Quest.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Golden, that's great!

Susan, his posts are great!

Jeff Hargett said...

Rats, Alex! I've got to be at work early tomorrow morning and now I've got this burning need to watch Galaxy Quest--for the 1,701st time!

Oh, I love the Burger King photo of Fran. Thanks for introducing me to his blog.

Cathy Keaton said...

Yay, I totally LOVE Galaxy Quest! It blends Star Trek with The Three Amigos, two of some of my favorite things. Completely hilarious! :)

VR Barkowski said...

1. I saw Galaxy Quest but for some reason can't remember anything but Tim Allen.

2. Congrats to Fran.

3. Apparently, I am destined to connect with your A to Z on a musical level. I actually own Ponograffitti. *Hangs head in shame*

~VR Barkowski

Krista McLaughlin said...

I love Galaxy Quest - hilarious movie!

I'm definitely having fun with the challenge! I love my theme and I like reading other posts. Tons of comments daily really help. We are all a bit addicted to those lovely comments. ;)

Stephen Tremp said...

Love watching Galaxt Quest with the kids. And gotta love Sigourney Weaver in a torn skin tight jumpsuit. And yeah I can see Fran the Angry Lurker playing that role. Or not.

Maurice Mitchell said...

By Grabthar's hammer Alexander Dane was great. I'm sad to say my commenting has fallen way behind this challenge. But I'm hoping for a burst at the end.

Chuck said...

I don't know how you keep up with the commenting ARE a ninja. Although I am sure if I could have maintained a pre-post schedule like I wanted...ahhh.

Another massive post, sir. Love Extreme and the number one hit was I think, More than Words or something like that. Never saw Gary Cherone going to Van Halen.

Chuck at Apocalypse Now

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying all the A-Z posts, especially Christine's story:)

Patricia Stoltey said...

Thanks for giving us the links to so many excellent A to Zers. Much appreciated, Alex.

Linda Fischer said...

Love Galaxy Quest!

:You arrrreeeee our lassst Hope!"


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Galaxy Quest - just thinking about that movie makes me laugh! Favorite lines from Guy: "I'm not even supposed to be here! I'm just "Crewman Number Six"! I'm expendable! I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is! I've gotta get outta here!"

Ray Rousell said...

Yes I am Alex....out loud!!!

Unknown said...

Love Galaxy Quest!! Though not so much for Sigourney's cheesecake tart. She's Ellen Ripley! LOL

Great choice in Fran. I adore his comments.

Bryan Russell said...

Man, I haven't seen Galaxy Quest in ages. Time to check Netflix...

The Happy Whisk said...

Great to see Lurker here.

Gossip_Grl said...

It's been a long time since I watched Galaxy Quest! Enjoying your postings and I too have read many great postings. I think I need to eat a big bowl of Wheaties today though so I can catch up! :)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Ms. Weaver did look adorable in her blonde wig. I have a tiny little secret that you must promise not to tell. After seeing that film, I bought a blonde wig! I know, brave, eh! But we all must be daring sometimes.

Great connection, Captain!

randi lee said...

Galaxy Quest deserves a lot more cred. than it gets. Simple as that!

Unknown said...

Good choice with Galaxy Quest - This was just after I'd discovered Alan Rickman in Dogma - love his surly comedy :)

Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom