Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A to Z Challenge – Hellboy and Heroes and Villains by T-Ride, Plus Ninja News

My theme for the A to Z Challenge is Favorite Movies, Bloggers, and Music! I’ll name a favorite movie that corresponds with the letter, and then select a character from the film. I will then name a favorite blogger who reminds me of that character, and then dedicate a song to him. (Also corresponding with the alphabet.) I’ll wrap it all up with trivia and/or fun facts about the movie, the blogger, or the music!

In addition, two lucky commenters this month will receive a review copy of CassaStorm! One comment per day and each is worth one entry except – the first and one hundredth comments on each day will receive ten entries!


Guillermo del Toro is a genius. It takes a director of his caliber to capture the quirkiness of the comics and transfer it to the big screen. The film works on every level – funny, exciting, odd, and wonderful.

Hellboy is crude, funny, and answers to no one. He also has a soft side, as evidenced by his affinity for cats.

Who is Hellboy?

Powdered Toast Man from Just the Cheese!

PTM (real name, Jamie) knows how to push the limits without going off the edge. (Not too far, anyway.) He has a wicked sense of humor and a go for it attitude. He’s also a devoted friend and quite the innovator. Jamie, you are still one cool dude! And you keep me young.

PTM/Jamie is a newlywed, a comedian, and occasionally attacked by birds who are after his toast head.

To you I dedicate Heroes and Villains by T-Ride. (Title leads to YouTube video.)

“Cause breaking the rules that they told, Was something I had to do…”

Trivia and Facts:

Did you know that Powdered Toast Man, a character who appeared regularly on the Ren and Stimpy Show, was based on a Frank Zappa inspired character called Studebacher Hoch?

Who plays Hellboy’s father in the movie?

G’s trivia answer – the Billboard number one hit from Extreme’s Pornograffitti was “More Than Words.”

Ninja News

Cassie Mae just signed TWO book deals! She has a three book deal with Swoon Romance, for her YA books, starting with How to Date Nerd, coming this September. And she has a two book deal with Random House FLIRT for her NA books, starting with Friday Night Alibi, coming July 29th and Pulling the Switch, coming this December. Congratulations, Cassie – big score!

Next Monday is the release day for Flights of Fiction, published by Handcar Press, and one of the eleven stories in this anthology is "Motive" by LD Masterson. Congratulations, LD!

Also, due to blogging situations, two people have new blogs – A to Z Challenge co-host Stephen Tremp and Yvonne Lewis.

Fan of Del Toro or the Hellboy series? Following PTM? Ever heard of T-Ride? Know the trivia answer? Excited for LD and Cassie? Think we should start betting how long it takes the featured blogger to find this post? Wondering how many clones I’m going to burn out this month…?


L.G. Keltner said...

Yay for Cassie Mae! I'm so happy for her!

Cassie Mae said...

I've never seen Hellboy. I thought I had but then I saw the pick and I'm like, no... i think it was some other red dude, but I don't remember what it was, lol.

And thanks for the shoutout! I'm still bouncing from all the excitement!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yep, I love Hellboy. He's a cool character, though I've never read the comic.

Suzanne Furness said...

Yay I'm here early today! Massive congrats to Cassie. Don't know how all you A-Zers are keeping up with things at the minute - respect! Seems like fun though.

D.G. Hudson said...

I liked Hellboy, he had just enough attitude. He also had a soft side for his lady.

No idea who played his dad. It's been a while.

Mark Means said...

I really enjoyed Hellboy and I think John Hurt played his father?? Not sure on that one, though.

I remember Powdered Toast Man from Ren and Stimpy...especially the thing he did as he squatted before flying...I'll leave it at that! :)

Empty Nest Insider said...

PTM is always coming up with creative characters for his blog. Congrats to Cassie Mae!


Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats to Cassie Mae!
I need to check out Powdered Toast Man.
Just wondering, how are you holding up in all this madness Alex? The clones must be feeling the pressure too...

Writer In Transit

RaveAir said...

I hadn't knew anything about Hellboy before I watched this movie. It was a great - very positive - suprise to me. I loved it!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. I know absolutely nothing about these Hs ... however wonderful deal for Cassie May - she must be over the moon.

Thanks for letting us know re Stephen - he's had awful problems recently ..

Cheers Hilary

Patsy said...

You missed a hero - Ninja Captain Alex!

Unknown said...

Still have never seen Hellboy! After reading this and a few of the comments here, I'll have to check it out!

Big Congrats to Cassie on the 2 book deals!!!

Erick @ A Brief Sinfonia: Loving You're Wife From A-Z

Sean McLachlan said...

Whoa, big day for Cassie!

Cynthia said...

I've seen Pan's Labyrinth and The Orphanage, both del Toro movies. What are your thoughts on these two movies, if you've seen them?

Anonymous said...

A good mix and match Alex,

Hope Cassie enjoys her day,


Ray Rousell said...

Another great film Alex!! And what a great album Porngraffetti was, I didn't buy that many albums back then, but I did buy this one.

Amanda Trought said...

Alex Didn't Hellboy also have a thing for the girl with the dark hair, it looked like he was in love with her! Well done Cassie Mae, will stroll over to Stephen and Yvonnes blog, blessings for the week!

Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
Art Blog

ediFanoB said...

I like the Hellboy movies a lot. Hellboy is a great character. But my favorite character is definitely Abe Sapien

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I love Hellboy. I remember some people questioned it's success as a movie but when I saw the movie I knew it would be awesome. Congrats to Cassie, I'm so happy for her! I remember reading her blog before these book deals and how nervous she was. Well have no fear Cass.

Unknown said...

I loved Hellboy!

Congrats Cassie Mae!

J.L. Murphey said...

Actually am surprised you use clones. You do this on a regular basis anyhow. I'm going to be sad when A to Z is over and everybody goes back to their regular sporadic blog posts. I'll miss the posts everyone is placing now. Except maybe yours. :o)

Old Kitty said...

I liked the first Hellboy film!! John Hurt played his father!! The second Hellboy was so so...!

Yay I got a trivia question right!! take care

Nick Wilford said...

Powdered Toast Man, now that's a guy I don't know. Heading over.

Big congrats to Cassie! She's having an excellent year!

Nick Wilford said...

Powdered Toast Man, now that's a guy I don't know. Heading over.

Big congrats to Cassie! She's having an excellent year!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I think I've watched most of Hellboy because my hubby and son have watched it more than once while I've been around. Never watched it from start to finish, though.

mooderino said...

i always mix up Ron Perlman and Tom Waits. Just me?

Unknown said...

Wow am I ever behind the times. I've never heard of any of these 'H's. *shame face*

Congrats, Cassie on those contracts! May the sales gods bless you immensely.

Terri @ Scribbler’s Sojourn
Facebook / Twitter

Unknown said...

Hooray for Cassie Mae! I'm not a fan of Hellboy, but I am a fan of Ron Perlman.

Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn

kjmckendry said...

Yay for Cassie Mae! That's so exciting!

Unknown said...

I love PTM, he is so hilarious and yes, very reminiscent of Hellboy's attitude.

I'm catching up my friend. :)

John Wiswell said...

Del Toro is such a craftsman, and I wish we'd gotten to see his take on The Hobbit. To be able to play with Hellboy while also making the exquisite and excruciating Devil's Backbone is something else. Here's hoping Pacific Rim holds up!

from John at The Bathroom Monologues

Rick Daley said...

That was a sweet bit of Zappa trivia, I learned soemthing new today! And you foreshadowed my Z post.

Anonymous said...

Alex...what an excellent theme for the A-Z. I'm really bummed that I had to drop out, especially now that I'm feeling a bit better. But to everything there is a season. I'll definitely be a part of it next year. I just didn't think I could do much visiting.

Oh...and you'll be #2 to be spotlighted. I wrote that in my comment back to you, but don't really know if you go back and check. Man, I don't see how you get around the first time, much less any follow-ups. I appreciate you more than I've told you, but the spotlight will!

Unknown said...

Awesome news. Can't wait to read LD's story.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Casie, you're welcome.

Mark, correct, and say no more.

Michelle, I just hope they don't go on strike!

Aw, thanks Patsy.

Cynthia, Labyrinth was depressing but excellent. The other one was good, but he only produced that film.

Ray, you have good taste.

Amanda, yes he did.

JL, you won't miss me?

Moody, perhaps.

John, Del Toro can do no wrong.

Cindy said...

I always thought Hellboy was surprisingly good. A fun movie to watch.

Jay Noel said...

Hellboy is pretty steampunk. So, I'm a fan.

Congrats Cassie Mae!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Lol... Loved the clone burn out comment!

Congrats to Cassie and LD! Love to hear such great news if our blogger friends!

Leigh Caron said...

They keep promoting Hellboy down here on SKY TV...must be time for me to watch it as I can see it might be fun to watch

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

ML, next year! And thanks - appreciate that.

Leigh, watch it.

farawayeyes said...

You're still going strong. I can't even imagine. I'll have to check out PTM.

Sangu Mandanna said...

Major congratulations to Cassie Mae! And I love your choices for heroes. I admit Hellboy is not my favourite, but he's cool. And Jamie is hilarious!

Brinda said...

I barely remember Hellboy since I watched it long ago. Who am I kidding? I don't remember movies I watched last month.

Elsie Amata said...

Hellboy rocks! I love his sarcastic humor...kinda like PTM ha ha ha

Leovi said...

Yes, excellent Heroes and Villains by T-Ride, good song.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Wow! I might have to give Hellboy another chance. I really didn't like Ron Perlman much but he's grown on me watching Sons of Anarchy.

Cassie Mae is rolling in good news!

PTM is crackin' me up daily.

Alex, you are amazing.


Shell Flower said...

Yay Cassie! Powdered Toast Man is hilarious and leave really funny comments, too. Hellboy is a great example of the "save the cat" writing concept.

Angela Brown said...

Hellboy! Yeah, really enjoyed that movie.

Congrats to Cassie Mae. Such wonderful news :-)

And no, been a while since I saw the movie - didn't read the comics *ducks to avoid tossed soft object* but don't know who Hellboy's dad is.

Tracy Jo said...

I love Ninja News. It is always fun and exciting to see what is happening! Congrats to Cassie Mae!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I haven't seen Hellboy. I'll go check out Just the Cheese. And thanks for telling us that Stephen had moved.

Ella said...

Cheers to Jamie...I'd toss confetti, but for him powered sugar with cinnamon ;D

Congrats to Cassie Mae-Wow!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats to Cassie Mae! And I am amazed at your seemingly endless clues. Do you ever sleep?

Andrew Leon said...

I own the Hellboy movies; for a while, my kids were even on this big Hellboy kick started by my -daughter-!

S. L. Hennessy said...

It was amazing material in the first place, but del Toro made it even more spectacular.

cleemckenzie said...

Congratulations to Cassie Mae. That's great news.

PTM is also noted for his Pop Tarts.

I don't know Hellboy, but if he likes cats I guess I should be acquainted.

Jennie Bennett said...

Just the Cheese? What a fantastic blog name, going to check it out!

jaybird said...

Rock on Cassie Mae!! So happy for her.

(1) Hellboy is the shiz. LOVE him.
(2)Already follow PTM. He is the cheesy shiz.

Robin said...

Haha-What the Cheese cracked me up.

Super thrilled for Cassie Mae!

Kathe W. said...

Powdered Toast Man? Now I've heard it all! Hilarious!

Bish Denham said...

I figure you don't need any clones because you are THE NINJA!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

"More than Words" is one of the most romantic songs...I think.

Hellboy creeped me out a little, though his affinity for cats was endearing.

Al Diaz said...

I enjoyed PTM's site all the time I got to read it but for some very odd reason, his site triggers my anti-virus alarm. I don't know why. It happened once with Cherie Reich's site but it fixed the next day. But it doesn't seem to fix with PTM's page.

Considering casualties already? Come on! It's only the beginning of the second week. We'll talk about funerary pyres by the 22. No earlier than that.

Misha Gerrick said...

Wow that's awesome news for Cassie Mae! Heading over to congratulate her now. And to follow PTM. :-)

Summer Ross said...

I love the movie Hellboy- but still can't answer the question- I'm so not good with actor names...LOL

Laura Eno said...

I've never seen Hellboy but if he likes cats, I'm all for him! :)

Juliana Haygert said...

Oh, I like Hellboy!

Congrats, Cassie Mae!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Hellboy's real dad... or the one he refers to father [1984]?

Suze said...

That is wonderful news for Cassie Mae. I hope everything goes smoothly for her.

Jackie said...

I've never seen Hellboy. :/
Congrats to Cassie on her book deals! Fabulous news!!!

ilima said...

I'll have to check out PTM's blog. A real life Hellboy is too hard to resist. :) Yay for Cassie and all her fantastic news!!!

mshatch said...

Ah, Ren & Stimpy, my favorite duo :)
Now, who wants a happy helmet?

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I am a fan of Hellboy. Can't wait for LD's book.

Patricia Stoltey said...

The idea of signing two book contracts makes me feel anxious...it's very cool and big congratulations to anyone who can handle the pressure, but I think I'd end up stressed to the max.

Mina Burrows said...

I loved Hellboy. Congrats to Cassie. Wow!

Nancy Thompson said...

So excited for Cassie! Well deserved! I was a bit confused by PTM. I knew I'd heard of that name before. Ren & Stimpy, of course!

Steven said...

And I thought I was the only one who listened to T-Ride! My favorite song is Zombies From Hell, because they're much scarier than zombies from Earth. The Hellboy movies were great, too.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Congratulations to Cassie Mae - that's awesome news!!!!

Charles Gramlich said...

I did like Hellboy, though it never became a favorite of mine. Never read the comics. How are del Toro's books? Have you read any?

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

huge HUGE HUUUUGGGGEEE Fan of del Toro.

But you probably already knew that.

Dawn Ius said...

Hellboy rocked! A great "H" movie choice!

Jack said...

Having toast for a head would be an invitation for birds I suppose. They do have a fondness for crumbs.

Intangible Hearts said...

I never heard of T-Ride but I heard of Hellboy with Perlman.

Julie Flanders said...

Wow, congratulations to Cassie! And I didn't know about LD's inclusion in the anthology, that's awesome. Can't wait to read it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Brinda, I don't know what I had for dinner last night...

She'll, yes it is.

Angela, it is a few years old, so no tossing if you don't remember,

Andrew, good for her!

Al, let him know. And the dwarves may be dead by then...

Karen, it was fun.

Jeremy, you're sharp - who hw refers to as his father.

Steven, you rock!

Charles, read one. It was "OK."

Sandy said...

WOW, I've never heard of any of the movies you mentioned.


Powdered Toast Man said...

I've never considered myself a comedian. I have always thought I was funny but not a comedian. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside or that is the alcohol.

Thanks for picking me as one of your A to Z featured blggers.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Cassie Mae, how exciting for you. I'm really esctastic for your success. I hope you have the books already written, for deadlines are harsh mistresses!

I like Hellboy, both comic and movie!

DL Hammons said...

I actually enjoyed Hellboy II a little bit more than the first. The animated versions are pretty good as well! :)

Tara Tyler said...

love hellboy! such a crazy story!

yay cassie!!!!!!!!
she was due!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Excellent casting of Hellboy. PTM is it! LOL. Nice.


Carol Kilgore said...

Go Cassie!

Thanks for the new blogs info :)

M Pax said...

I remember Ren & Stimpy, but not the Toast man. Happy, happy, joy, joy :)

Tina said...

Totally wondering about the clones...never saw Hellboy...and someone else's blog got eaten? I'm scared...

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Birgit said...

Powdered Toast Man rocks! he has to stay out of the rain though or his head gets all heavy and falls over:) Great shout out and I enjoyed Hellboy and the others that follored. Ron perlman is a great actor. I can not remember who played his dad though.

Mark said...

Hellboy, very rad:) Also thanks for the news on Cassie, heading over to her blog now:)

PK HREZO said...

I love Hellboy! And wow go Cassie!! Yay!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Goodness, Alex, you play complicated. What fun!

Mary Montague Sikes

Mary Aalgaard said...

Met PTM yesterday. Funny guy. It is fun to see whom you're featuring each day. You are so kind.

Play off the Page

Sherry Ellis said...

I like the Hellboy series!

Powdered Toast man is way too funny! And congratulations to Cassie Mae! (I have some good news, too. - I just got an agent for my manuscript, Big Hole to China!)

Susan Oloier said...

Many congrats to Cassie Mae!!! That is awesome.

Clare said...

Hellboy 1 and 2 were fantastic films, I must re-watch them.

Massive congrats to Cassie, though goodness knows where she finds the time and energy for all she does!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Yay to adorable Cassie Mae! Who is also just too darn cute!

I love Hellboy. My kids grew up watching Beauty and the Beast. What an awesome show. Just goes to show Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

Alexandra Heep said...

The only thing I know about Hellboy is that he (it?) was mentioned on the Big Bang Theory.

Jo said...

Needless to say, I have never heard of Hellboy.

Congratulations to Cassie May.


Christine Rains said...

Hellboy is an awesome film! Must check out PTM. I'm thinking at least a dozen clones a day. At least!

Kristen said...

HA! Very unique choices. Great post!

From A to Z, Kristen's blog: kristenhead.blogspot.com

Mel Chesley said...

I love the Hellboy movies. I think I am attracted to the dark sarcasm. lol!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

PTM, you're welcome, and I think you're a natural comedian.

DL, I did as well.

Mary, still three more weeks of introductions!

Sherry, that's awesome!

Christine, I hope they don't quit that fast!

David P. King said...

Cassie is on a roll! I also do not know what I would do without Powdered Toast Man. :)

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Congrats to Cassie Mae! Is this cheese guy the same one that used to be Cheese Boy? Because that blog was hilarious and I haven't seen it around for awhile.

Michael Abayomi said...

I'm a massive Guillermo Del Toro fan, and also consider Hellboy (and its sequel) to be one of my favorite comic book adaptations of all time.

Laura said...

Love Hellboy! Lx

Susan Kane said...

Ron Perlman, who is apparently 62 or 63 years old.

I loved Pan's Labyrinth.

Tony Laplume said...

Fan of both Del Toro and Hellboy.

Anonymous said...

Hellboy was an awesome movie. As to Powdered Toast Man, is he from the later Ren and Stimpy's? I watched the religiously for the first few seasons and don't remember him...

Allison said...

Haven't seen Hellboy in a looong time. Cassie's news is awesome!

Allison (Geek Banter)

Unknown said...

Still have top see HellBoy! everybody says that's great but i didn't really take their word for it before.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I liked the Hellboy movies. I loved all his kitties.

We have that T-Ride CD. On our one year anniversary, my husband called the local radio station and requested Zombies From Hell. Yes, very romantic!

Rusty Carl said...

Those Hellboy movies are great! I'm yet again astonished by how many people I do not know.

Jemi Fraser said...

Your clones are going to need clones!! :) Off to check out Stephen & Yvonne's new blogs :)

Golden Eagle said...

All I know about Del Toro is that he almost directed The Hobbit films. I've never actually seen anything he directed.

Great to know about the book deals and publications!

Robin said...

I actually got yesterday's trivia question correct. How about that! I have no clue about today's answer, so we are back to par.

Congrats to Jamie for the shoutout.

I can't believe I actually already follow both Cassie Mae's and LD's blogs. That is a first! I actually knew both bloggers you were hyping!!! I think my mind is blown.

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Wow - congrats to Cassie Mae! How exciting! I loved Hellboy. On the DVD Extras is the director's portrayal of Poe's Tell Tale Heart. It's very cool. I use it with my students. ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Karen, no that was Abe. He's focused on Facebook and Twitter now.

Susan, yes he is!

Sotet, he was just in short bit commercials. Don't remember if it was later shows though.

Diane, that is romantic.

Golden, you need to watch one of his movies!!!

Robin, no - you need your mind!

Elise Fallson said...

Funny stuff on Powdered Toast Man's blog. Never seen Hellboy, but looks like I need to check it out!(:

And congratulations to Cassie!

Author A.O. Peart said...

Hellboy is my favorite kind of a supernatural: witty, strong, with just a right amount of snark :-)

Congratulations to Cassie!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Awesome news for Cassie and LD! So exciting!
No idea on the trivia. Starting to realize I really stink at trivia! :)

Gwen Gardner said...

I never saw Hellboy, but it sounds cute. The comics I read growing up were the Archies and Casper, lol. No superheroes. And toast head? LOL!

Congrats to Cassie!

klahanie said...

Ah yes, what the "Hellboy".

And that powdered toast type dude has recalled my bizarre fascination with Gumby :) Frank Zappa, eh. Watch out where the huskies go...

Well done to Cassie Mae

And I understand the frustration that Stephen and Yvonne have been having.

And yes I 'follow' PTM. We have to find a better word than "follow".

Be well, dude. Happy alphabeting.


Jennifer Shirk said...

Congrats to Cassie! Exciting!

Never seen Hellboy. :(

Carrie Butler said...

I won't lie. The image of PTM really freaks me out. lol He seems pretty cool, though!

Unknown said...

I've never read the Hellboy comics, but I'm getting into comics now and Hellboy will be one that I pick up!


Elizabeth said...

What a great theme. Lots of variety and interest.

Cassie Mae said...

Holy crap look at all these comments! I forgot I already stopped by today, lol, but I'm so glad I came back.

Thanks to everyone!

And Roland... no, not all of them are written. YIKES! LOL.

Carrie-Anne said...

Congratulations to Cassie and LD! That's awesome news.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I haven't thought of Ren and Stimpy in ages. I need to find that show and watch a few episodes.

Krista McLaughlin said...

Super excited for Cassie - it's such exciting news! :)

I've actually never seen all of Hellboy, but maybe a few scenes. I should probably remedy that someday. :)

Anonymous said...

I loved Hellboy, but I can't remember much about it. I think I even liked the second one. Might be worth a rewatch

Samantha May said...

LOVE Hellboy! Del Torro is an awesome director.

Great news for Cassie. It's very much so deserved :)

Unknown said...

Hellboy is a cool character. He so different from the outside cannot be more human from inside.

Anonymous said...

Huge news. Congrats to Cassie Mae.

Chuck said...

I liked Hellboy and Hellboy II. Such a keep it real kind of character.

Congrats on your feature of PTM soon to be a papa! Great choice.

Thanks for mentioning Stephen's new site...I didn't know where he went after his issues with google or blogger. Had to go offer my apologies for missing his A-Z so far.

LD Masterson said...

Thank you for the shout out on Flights of Fiction. I'm honored to be mentioned on the Ninja Captain's blog. And please forgive me for the late response. I'm only online M-W-F so I miss a lot of Tuesday - Thursdays posts.

randi lee said...

Holy Ren & Stimpy ref! I have to follow this blogger just because of the name!