Saturday, April 14, 2012

MOTIVATED - A to Z Challenge

It’s the third A to Z Challenge! Blog the letters of the alphabet in order every day except Sundays The participation list is HERE – start with the blog after yours and visit at least five blogs a day. Mostly, make new friends and have fun!

My theme – I have selected a word for each day and will present to you blogger buddies who fit that description, along with movies, music, etc. My theme is to give back, highlight some awesome bloggers, and have fun in the process.


Milo at In Media Res
If you’ve ever wondered if there was a market for short stories, then wonder no longer. Milo is THE short story master. He doesn’t just write and submit a couple a year – this dude submits weekly, and his rate of acceptance and publication reflects that. Last year during the Challenge, he posted links to sites that accept short stories, which was very generous. Milo is motivated times a thousand!

Jeffrey at World of the Scribe
Two years ago – maybe longer? – Jeffrey’s manuscript The Flettleglag Force was accepted for publication. He’s been waiting… and waiting… and waiting for its release. Jeffrey didn’t remain in limbo though – he continued writing and finally decided to self-publish his fantasy epic, Spell of Entrapment. I admire his bravery and determination to expose his work to the world. Jeffrey is also one of my awesome critique partners and one of the first real friends I made here in the blogging world. Dude, you rock – keep pushing forward!

This is a band that is motivated by the sheer joy of making music. Formed in 1968, the band’s first record dropped in 1974 but didn’t quite gel until drummer and lyricist Neil Peart joined later the same year. Nineteen studio records (with a twentieth coming this year) and the band is still going strong and sound just as good as ever.

NINJA NEWS! (And movie reviews)

The Cabin in the Woods
Wow! The trailer does NOT give away the twist. It’s not a parody, but rather a scathing satire of the horror genre. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, it’s clear the makers are in on the joke. With Whedon’s impeccable writing, some scenes are laugh out loud funny. I wouldn’t dare put any spoilers in this review, but sufficed to say, the third act is bat-shit crazy.

The Thing (2011)
This movie is well done, the acting decent, and the special effects really good. It was cool seeing the alien’s spaceship. As a prequel to 1982’s The Thing, you know where it’s going and it leads you right there. That said, it didn’t break any new ground or bring anything new to the table. And with CGI, they could do more, but gone was Carpenter’s skill of proper lighting to bring out the best in the special effects. Worth a watch if you’re curious. Or bored.

We are almost halfway through the Challenge!!! Good to hear so many are having fun with it. And some of you have worked SO hard on your themes – I am impressed. Don’t forget that May 7 will be the Challenge Reflections post, so mark your calendars. Details soon.

Following Jeffrey? If you write short stories, you definitely need to follow Milo. Fan of Rush? (And if you’re not, please don’t make the Ninja sad.) Did you see The Cabin in the Woods? Or The Thing? Any other movies? Having Challenge meltdown? And who do you know who is motivated?


Shannon Lawrence said...

I remember Milo posting those links last year, and I thought that was so awesome! All these magazines I hadn't necessarily heard of. Can't wait to see Cabin in the Woods. The Thing was alright.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Wow! I've never seen zero comments before, and by the time I jumped to the comment form there was already a comment. Oh well. Sob.



Motivated is a good word, without motivation one wouldn't be bothered to achieve their goals.
Excellent post Alex,
Have a good week-end.


Roland D. Yeomans said...

Milo is an inspiration to me. He gets in there and runs up that hill. I really want to see CABIN IN THE WOODS. The 3rd act, huh? May your weekend be healing and not bat-shit crazy! :-) Roland

Nancy Thompson said...

Way to go, Milo! I don't think I could ever write a short story. That's pretty sobering that Jeffrey was accepted for publication then had to wait forever. Self-pubbing is a monumental task. Again, something way beyond me. I used to listen to Rush many, many years ago. And I do not enjoy horror flicks but I'm dying to know what the twist in Cabin is. Have a great weekend, Alex, & thanks for dropping by everyday. I know how busy you are!

PR said...

Haven't seen The Cabin In The Woods but it looks messed up :)

Empty Nest Insider said...

I met Jeffrey last year at A to Z, but I'm sorry that I didn't meet Milo. I'll head over there now. Thanks Alex! Julie

Kyra Lennon said...

Yippee, more recommendations of cool blogs to follow! :D You are so generous, you rock!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

yep, Jeffrey is awesome.
I totally agree with your review for The Thing.

Unknown said...

I don't think I have visited Milo as yet, but I will head there now. Hey I am number 10 today, getting closer.

Unknown said...

I didn't know Milo did that but that's amazing. I haven't seen the trailer for Cabin but it sound weird. I'll check it out.

Annalisa Crawford said...

More bloggers I've never heard of.

I just read your Cabin in the Woods review to Hubby, and he's jumping up and down about it now! Even I'm keen, and I don't usually like horror stuff. I'm leaning towards this no-quite-horror stuff though!

mooderino said...

i thought the sfx in the recent version of The Thing weren't as good as the original's. Quite a feat for a 30 year old movie.

Will be checking out Cabin to see just hoe batshit crazy it gets.

Moody Writing
The Funnily Enough

Trisha said...

Rush are awesome! and thanks for pointing out Milo's page, I'm checking it out!

LynnRush said...

Boy, who do I know is motivated? I've got a few friends, that come to mind. I'm here at RT in Chicago so I'm super happy to be getting to hang out with them, too! Ciara Knight, Hildie McQueen, Kendall Grey.....just to name few. :)

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

I'll pass on the movie, but I'll check out Jeffrey and Milo. Thanks.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I don't remember being that excited about a movie in my life, as I'm for The Cabin in the Woods. Watching it on Tuesday!

Glad you enjoyed The Thing. I also thought it was pretty well-made and entertaining.

Brinda said...

I'll check out both your links to the bloggers and I MUST see Cabin in the woods. Squee...

Jemi Fraser said...

I wish I liked horror because I love Whedon's stuff. But I don't think I'd ever sleep again if I saw that movie!

Anonymous said...

The Wife and I have date night tonight. Sadly, CABIN IN THE WOODS is not on the agenda.

I like reading Jeffrey's blog, even if I don't comment all the time.

Talli Roland said...

RUSH! They're Canadian, dontcha know. :)

I've heard great things about 'Cabin'. TimeOut London even gave it a 5-star review, which doesn't happen very often!

Gail said...

I could not find a way to follow Milo...

farawayeyes said...

Hey, I know Rush and I like them.

Bat-shit crazy and not scare the shit out of me. Maybe I'll give it a try.

Amy said...

I so can't wait to go see The Cabin in the Woods - it really looks great! Glad you liked it - have a great weekend! :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

I was motivated sometime during the night and checked your blog. You had posted at some un-earthly hour and already had 5 comments!
I waited until now, when I was more coherent, to comment!
I do follow Mr. Jeffrey, thanks to you.
I'm so glad you liked Cabin! Bat shit crazy! That is awesome!
Regarding River from yesterday's post, still crazy, due to the repeated cutting into her brain pan, but not with another persons memories.


Mina Burrows said...

Hi Alex! I want to see Cabin in the Woods so bad. I love Whedon. Maybe I'll make my hubby take me. I think you should have listed yourself as motivated. You are pretty amazing. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shannon, he had quite a list.

Monti, you have to be quick.

Roland, bat-shit crazy movie was enough! A lot of fun though.

Nancy, sorry I can't tell you.

Kyra, you rock!

Lynda, yeah it wasn't bad, just nothing new.

Annalisa, he will dig it, and you will spend half the movie with your eyes close. (My prediction anyway.)

Moody, you're right, the older effects look just as good.

Lynn, cool you're hanging with Ciara!

George, you are in for a heck of a ride...

Joshua, you mean it's not the perfect date movie???

Talli, I knew. And five stars because it is just that good.

Faraway, awesome!

Jaye Robin Brown said...

I would definitely be having challenge meltdown if I hadn't pre-written. Pshew. This is intense. Fun but intense.

Anonymous said...

Alex, y'are too kind, dude! Thanks for the shout-out. (I don't have a "follower" widget, but folks can visit my FB page or Twitter under UPDATES if they'd like.) Cabin in the Woods? Hey, if it's got Whedon's name attached to it, I'm in.

M.J. Fifield said...

Crap. Now you've made me want to go see The Cabin in the Woods and I was all prepared to wait for it to come out on DVD.

And my significant other high fives your mention of Rush.

michelle said...

The dude submits a short story every week? Wow! I'm off to check out his site...

On the subject of motivation... we're at the halfway point in the A to Z Challenge and it's been hectic - but lots of fun! I think we all need tons of motivation to tackle the next 13 posts...

Bish Denham said...

Rush, a true trio. Have you seen the original 1951 movie of The Thing (from Another World)? The alien was played by James Arness, who, (for the younger crowd) played Marshall Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke.

Robyn Campbell said...

I will follow Milo. I have a short story accepted for publication and want to write more. They're fun!

Ninja be happy! Rush was one of my favorite bands. I saw them in person down at the University of Miami. I'm from the Keys. They used to give a lot of free concerts. (Those were the day, my friend)

Love The Thing. (The original was the best!)

Will check out your peeps, Captain! (I'm ready when called upon!)

Luanne G. Smith said...

Gotta love Milo's motivation.

And I think Rush has the most dedicated fans ever.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Cherie Reich said...

Jeffrey and Milo are definitely motivated. :)

I haven't seen The Cabin in the Woods, but I would like to. Right now I'm saving my movie-going money for the midnight viewing of The Dark Knight Rises in July.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather, I try not to blog when incoherent. And it wouldn't be the same if River was sane.

Mina, thanks.

Milo, you are welcome!

MJ, he is cool then! Go see the movie.

Michelle, we can do it.

Bish, it's been years, but yes I have.

Robyn, bummer - I had to pay for the dozens of Rush concerts I've seen!

LG, yes they do!

Cherie, that one will be awesome as well.

DL Hammons said...

I saw CABIN IN THE WOODS last night with my daughter, and it was AWESOME!!!! A treat for horror fans....and fans of smart writing! It will definitely be added to my Blu-Ray it is an instant classic! :)

Rick Daley said...

I am a bass player, so by law I am a Rush fan (and proud of it)!

I really want to see Cabin in the Woods. I'm glad it got your vote of approval, it keeps my hopes up.

I haven't seen this version of The Thing, but I love the John Carpenter / Kurt Russel version...

J.C. Martin said...

Off to follow some motivated people! :) And thanks for the review of Cabin in the Woods. Was in two minds about it.

J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger

Rusty Carl said...

I almost went to go see the Cabin in the Woods yesterday... But I didn't. I may go today. Not sure.

Anyway, I forgot to schedule a post for today. Dammit. I'll have to whip something up.

Tonja said...

Will check out Milo. Love Rush. I remember being completely underwelmed by the 80's version of The Thing.

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

Great M word!

Juliana Haygert said...

I so want to see The Cabin in the Woods!!

Cassie Mae said...

I have a hard time writing *short* stories. Gonna go give him a follow and find out how it's done, lol.

Okay, so will I get scared of this Cabin in the Woods? I don't wanna have nightmares or soil myself in the theater. But I want to see something that'll make me laugh out loud. I'm a bit torn. Poster alone gives me the heebees.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Thanks for the everyday motivation throughout the Challenge Alex! I was having a bit of a downer on the challenge yesterday, but today I'm back!!! Maybe it's just because I know that tomorrow I have the day off, but I think I'm ready for more posts and more reading now.

PK HREZO said...

I just learned of the Cabin in the Woods yesterday. SOunds and looks great! Thanks for not spoiling it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

DL, I can't wait to see it again now that I know the twist!

Rick, that makes you uber cool.

Rusty, go see it!

Cassie, it's not really scary, but there are many things of nightmares.

Jessica Salyer said...

On my way to check out Milo. :)

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm gonna try to borrow some motivation from this post.

Morgan said...

I have LOVED seeing all the awesome themes... Can't believe it's half-way over! Definitely a success, Alex :D

Anonymous said...

I love Rush. Their music puts me in a good mood.

I'll check out the links.

Have a great weekend.

Tracy Jo said...

Rush gives me total flashbacks to high school. A modern day warrior mean mean stride. Geez, now that song is going to be in my head all day. Ha! :-)

Julie Flanders said...

Oh, I can't wait to see the Cabin in the Woods. I wasn't familiar with Milo's blog, wow, very inspiring!

cleemckenzie said...

Here's to the half way mark! What will I do in May?

Tracy Moore said...

I'm definitely doing to go check out the blogs. I love coming across new people...especially motivated ones. :) Cabin in the Woods was fantastic!

Unknown said...

I Love Rush!!! One of my all time favorite bands! This post brought back some great memories. Thank you. Love your theme too. Here from the A to Z...

Leslie S. Rose said...

Wow, Milo the short story Jedi. I admire anyone who can be so concise in their story telling.

SharleneT said...

Hey, Alex! With all of the entrants in the Challenge, it's going to be months before I get around to starting at the beginning where you're listed, so I just wanted to pop in and say what a bang up job you're doing and can't wait to review your posts during the rest of the year when I'm not so busy trying to participate. (Whoosh!) Isn't this fun?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Charles, take some!

Medeia, same here.

Tracy Jo, you're welcome!

Tracy, it was great, wasn't it?

Carla, you rock!

Sharlene, thanks! I know, it's tough to get to everyone.

Golden Eagle said...

I've been following Milo and Jeffrey since sometime after the Great Blogging Experiment; motivated is a great word for both their blogs!

Christine Rains said...

Great M day. I'm following both gentlemen. I haven't had time for movies lately, and I'm having a little meltdown trying to catch up with everyone. Still, it's so much fun.

Nikki said...

Great post :D I'm so sad that we're nearly halfway through, I'm enjoying this too much :)

Nikki – inspire nordic

S. L. Hennessy said...

So Cabin in the Woods was good? Because I've been really looking forward to it, so I'm glad to head it's great. Thanks for no spoilers!

Nick Wilford said...

Milo's certainly a great guru for anyone wanting to make a name as a short story author.

Not good news that getting a publisher doesn't necessarily mean you've made it, but full marks to Jeffrey for pushing on and doing his own thing!

D.G. Hudson said...

I already follow both these guys and enjoy reading both blogs!

I'm interested in hearing more about the Challenge Reflections post - in case it conflicts with other commitments in May.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I am having some melt down trying to visit all the terrific blogs.

Alexandra Heep said...

Rush: At first I did not like them because of the Tom Sawyer crap they play on the radio. However, once I listened to a live recording of their's I was blown away at how good three guys can sound live.

My favorite Rush song is Subdivisions. Superb song writing.

Kittie Howard said...

I met Jeffrey last year. He really is awesome. But I can't handle scary stuff. Hub changes channels if a scary trailer's coming. However, I DO love the dragon in Shrek.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, if this slow day is any indication, I think some people have melted.

SL, it rocks.

Nick, that's the sad truth, isn't it?

DG, just keep May 7 open.

Susan, so am I!

Alexandra, good choice. Their best stuff isn't what's played on the radio.

Unknown said...

Loved your review of Cabin in the Woods and it sounds like my kind of movie, though I'll probably have to wait until it comes on video. :(

klahanie said...

Hi Alex,
In my continuing ongoing tour of delighting numerous bloggers who are involved in the challenge that brings further awareness of the alphabet, my schedule has been so hectic, that I have only just now arrived to your proactive and interactive site.
Superb links, as per usual Milo and Jeffrey seem like most inspiring folks for those who have the passion, the commitment, the desire to see their writing exploits come to a positive published reality.
And Rush, oh yes, a much better known group than that other, what seems to be, rather obscure Canadian band, "Mahogany Rush". I'm giving away my age, but when I lived in Canada, I had an eight track recording of "Fly By Night", that would be cranked up in my 1973 Dodge Polara.
All the best Alex and may you and all those involved in the challenge, have lots of fun and interaction.
In kindness, Gary...and with that, I shall now go to my next port of call....

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Somehow I didn't know that "The Thing" was a prequel. That actually makes me more interested in seeing it! I thought it was a remake.

Jeff Beesler said...

Thank you so much for your kind words today, Alex. I really appreciate them. Somehow I've managed to stay motivated, but sometimes that motivation wanes every so often...

Leovi said...

Rush is a band that has its place in the history of music in his own right.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, you'll dig it.

Gary, I never had them on 8 tracks, but I did own an 8 track player. We're getting old, my friend.

Elizabeth, that would've been awful to remake it. No, it's the the story before the story.

Jeffrey, you are welcome!

Leovi, and yet they will never make it into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame because the owner hates them. So wrong.

Julie Musil said...

Last night I saw a commercial for A Cabin in the Woods, and couldn't decide if it was horror or what? Just the title alone creeps me out :/

All the A-Zers are doing an awesome job! So many fun themes this year.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Saw the trailer for Cabin in the Woods. Seriously creepy looking.

James Garcia Jr said...

Hey, Alex! How have you been? Thanks for the Rush mention. You've inspired me put that last twelve bucks that I've got on my iTunes account to good use.


Tara Tyler said...

cassie mae is a perky motivator!

and rush! my guy bff from grade school loved them and it rubbed off =) said...

I had no idea Rush was so old. So many of the same groups from my youth are still going strong. It's kind of strange and very impressive.


Michael Abayomi said...

While I really enjoyed the 1982 version of The Thing (and would be posting a review soon for the A-Z challenge over at my blog), I was quite disappointed with the prequel. First was the fact that they'd decided to place American scientists in the Norwegian camp. Secondly, it lacked in terms of scares and that overall fear of the unknown. Lastly, the ending felt too rushed and scripted, almost like they'd forgotten it was supposed to be a prequel.

Suze said...

I am a huge fan of Neil Peart -- not only as a drummer but as a lyricist and a memoirist. Don't know if you ever knew about: this .

Melissa Sugar said...

Hi Alex. I just took another "surprise " spin on m new A to Z navigation button (that I love ) and look at this I landed on your blog. I feel like I am playing wheel of fortune.

Rachna Chhabria said...

I like writing short stories. Will go and meet both Jeffrey and Milo.

SueH said...

The Nav Buttons mean we get to go to all sorts of places - like here, for instance!

Like the way you're highlighting other bloggers - I shall be clicking on some of these recommended sites!

SueH I refuse to go quietly!
Twitter - @Librarymaid

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, it's horror, science fiction, humor... bit of a mix.

James, good for you!

Tara, glad he converted you.

Robyn, it's really wild when you think about it.

Michael, yeah I was starting to wonder about the dog and the helicopter.

Suze, his book? Yup, I've read it.

Melissa, as long as you're having fun.

Thanks, Sue!

Anonymous said...

My first LP was Fly By Night. My older brother gave it to me for Christmas. At the time I didn't relate to their sound because I was still into the Monkees and the Brady Bunch. But that album was my first real rock and roll record.

Anonymous said...

Bat-shit crazy? Hahaha I haven't heard that in a while. I've earned two free movie passes with my rewards card and will see The Cabin Tuesday when wifey is at work and the kids are in school.

Gossip_Grl said...

Definately will make time to stop by the suggested blogs. I saw the older movie of The Thing before the old drive in theater shut down. My hubby went to a Rush concert back in the 70's.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I follow Jeffrey, but it's been a while since I visited.

M Pax said...

Yay for Jeffrey. I'm not usually into horror, but if Joss Whedon wrote it, I might give it a try at some point.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Me, me, me -- I'm motivated.


Donna Shields said...

I do like Rush. Great M post.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, definitely don't take the kids!

Gossip Girl, won't tell you how many of their concerts I've seen.

Mary, prepare for overload in the third act - it's wild!

Jennifer Lane said...

Kudos to Jeffrey for not succumbing to misery while waiting for publication. He made things happen!

I thought the lead singer of Rush was a woman until I learned the truth. ;)

Jaycee DeLorenzo said...

I'm too much of a fraidy cat to see The Cabin in the Woods. I'll take your word for it. :D

Nicole said...

Motivation is so key - and so hard to hang on to sometimes. Thanks for the great reminders in your post!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jennifer, that's funny! Definitely a dude.

ediFanoB said...

There was no time so far to leave a comment.

Thanks for The Cabin In The Wood review.
Today my wife watched the trailer. She is not sure if she wants to see it or not.

But there is still some time left until the start of the movie in Germany.

I'm afraid this will be my last comment until next weekend.

Leovi said...

I love the satire of the horror genre. The Cabin in the Woods can be very interesting.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Edi, hope you can talk her into it.

Cat Lavoie said...

As a Canadian, I am legally obliged to like Rush! ;) I have heard a lot of good things about Cabin in the Woods but I'm a wuss when it comes to horror. Great post! :)

Tobi Summers said...

Ah, I really want to see Cabin in the Woods. Joss Whedon + Bradley Whitford? How can anything be wrong with that?

Unknown said...

I have so many amazing memories that took place in high school listening to Rush. Just the mention of the band brought me back to more simple times. Thanks for mentioning them!

dolorah said...

Both these bloggers inspire me with their motivations.


dolorah said...

Both these bloggers inspire me with their motivations.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cat, what's not to love about Rush?

Robyn, happy to provide a Rush of memories!

Lindi said...

I so wanted to get in on these comments because I love Rush. I used to ride around in my Camaro with my 8-track--am I dating myself here? and listen to Rush all the time. Thanks for the memories. :)

Nate Wilson said...

I'm not necessarily a fan of Rush, but I do like their Tom Sawyer perhaps a little more than Twain's. (That's Shania Twain's... she does a cover of it, right?)

And yeah, can't wait to see Cabin in the Woods. Can't go wrong with Whedon.

vic caswell said...

aw man! i wanna see cabin in the woods so bad!!!
they don't even have it at our theatre...

SpacerGuy said...

I've watched Carpenters 'The Thing,' which has great special effects for 1978 and scared the be jeekers out of me, wowsers over 20 years ago now! Awake 2007 is another effective shocker worth watching but do be prepared! LOL.

Pat Tillett said...

I liked all three releases of the The Thing. That's an oddity for me... I knew nothing about the cabin in the woods, but now I'm going to see it for sure! Thanks...