Friday, April 13, 2012

LOYAL - A to Z Challenge

It’s the third A to Z Challenge! Blog the letters of the alphabet in order every day except Sundays The participation list is HERE – start with the blog after yours and visit at least five blogs a day. Mostly, make new friends and have fun!

My theme – I have selected a word for each day and will present to you blogger buddies who fit that description, along with movies, music, etc. My theme is to give back, highlight some awesome bloggers, and have fun in the process.


Chuck at Apocalypse Now
I’ve developed some really great friends here in the blogging world. No one is more loyal than Chuck. He champions his friends at every opportunity. No matter how lame my post, I can always count on an encouraging comment from Chuck. He’s enjoyed my books and even passed them along to friends. (And claims he’s read them more than once – God Bless you, man!) Chuck always has my back – and I’ll always have yours, dude.

Brinda Berry
I’ve only known Brinda since last fall, but she at once jumped in with support for others. She’s usually one of the first to comment on my blog. (Not an easy feat! Competition is so fierce right now.) She’s quick to comment, quick to respond, and quick to help out others. Brinda, you are going to go far with that awesome attitude!

Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly
Another beloved character from a show that was cancelled long before its time. (Don’t get me started on a FOX rant.) Mal was a rogue and a scoundrel but would do anything for his crew. Mal literally died to save one of his crew in the episode “War Stories.”


Several Challenge participants are posting excerpts or short stories. One of the best I’ve seen so far is Christine Rains’s ongoing story. You’ll have to go back to her A post to catch up, but it’s worth it. I feel like a junkie looking for my fix every morning. What will happen next to Abby?

I’d also like to take this time to thank my Ninja Army. You guys have been wonderful in seeking out the bloggers I’ve recommended and following them. Thanks, I really appreciate that!

To my new followers, welcome! I hope to visit everyone after the insanity of the Challenge. For those who are writers, I invite you to check out the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

And big thanks to Geof at The Man Cave for an awesome review of CassaFire!

Folllowing Chuck and Brinda? Fan of Firefly? (Feel free to share your evil thoughts about FOX.) Have you been following Christine’s story? What’s the best story you’ve read here so far? Who in your life is loyal? And who is going to see Cabin in the Woods this weekend? I’m hitting it this afternoon….


Denise Covey said...

Awesome blogger Alex. Yes, it's been great how many short stories or flash fiction there is this time. We are also writing flashes at RomanticFridayWriters. Anyone interested? I have trouble getting readers as my pic links to L'Aussie Writer.


kjmckendry said...

Ooooh I'm number 2! YAY! ALlex your posts are never lame!

kjmckendry said...

Oops maybe it's too late for me. Sorry for the typo Alex.

Nancy Thompson said...

All new folks for me this time around. Guess I'll be making the rounds. Thanks for sharing more cool people.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Why am I again the second commentor?

I have to shed this bad habit of coming second again and again.

Alex, you have many loyal supporters and its all to do with your friendly and generous nature.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Oops, by the time my comment appeared there were several more comments. Sigh. said...

Chuck's the kind of guy whose warm friendship is evident from the get-go. I will visit Brinda - don't think I've done so yet. Thanks again.


Jaycee DeLorenzo said...

Ooh, Mal was my favorite character. Great show. Stupid, stupid Fox.

Robyn Campbell said...

Drat! I am not first this time.

I plan on going horseback riding this weekend. So no Cabin in the Woods for me.

I love me some Firefly! Now you have me remembering. I was so STEAMED when that was taken away from me. *grumble*

Will check out your pals as always, Alex. Brr. What about the freeze in NC? And it is below freezing tonight too.

Kyra Lennon said...

I am totally hooked on Christine's story, I get so excited for it every day lol!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I truly loved FIREFLY. I really do not understand TV programers' mentalities! I'm heading to the blogs you mentioned. Have a great day, Roland

Cassie Mae said...

I was hoping Brinda would be first. That'd be awesome! Lol.

Mmmkay, I need to watch me some Firefly. I feel a major nerd fail on my part with this one. Maybe Comedy Central will pick it up like they did with Futurama.



Empty Nest Insider said...

Last year my "L" post was about Loyalty and it is such a wonderful feeling to connect with loyal followers. You set a great example Alex, and I will visit Chuck and Brinda! Enjoy the movie! Julie

CivilWar Horror (Sean McLachlan) said...

I'm a huge Firefly fan. Steven Brust did an excellent Firefly fan novel that he out out for free. It totally reads like one of the episodes. You can get it here:

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I have just visited chuck and I must say, I'm smitten

mooderino said...

Ah, let us know how much of a game changer Cabin really is.


michelle said...

I've been to Chuck's place on a few occasions... the man is larger-than-life... priceless!
I'm not familiar with Brinda... will pop in later...
Loyalty is very important to me!! My hubby is the most loyal person I know...

Anonymous said...

I've never seen Firefly, but I keep hearing good things about it. I just bookmarked it on Amazon instant video.

Have a great weekend.


I think I am number 19 today to comment. I shall have to stay up all night to be the that's loyalty for you.
Love the blog links will certainly look them up after the challenge.

A good "L" word.

Unknown said...

I'm twenty I think, but that is pretty good for me. I am on a different time zone from some bloggers. I have visited Brinda previously and she is as you say Alex - always ready to support a fellow blogger!

Theresa Milstein said...

There's nothing like a loyal blogger. There's so much support out there. Nice to see people get recognized.

Nick Wilford said...

D'oh - I've been so busy jumping around with the A-Z that I've been forgetting to check out the bloggers you highlight! Going to do some catching up.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Denise, I'm just not the romantic type I'm afraid.

KM, thanks and no worries on typos.

Rachna, you have to be really fast around here. And thank you very much.

Robyn, Chuck is just an awesome dude.

Jaycee, don't get me started!

Robyn, bring on the cold weather. Less bugs!

Roland, those guys are clueless.

Cassie, wish someone would renew it!

Thanks, Julie.

Thanks, Sean.

Lass, thanks.

Michelle, he's the man.

Medeia, you'll dig it.

Yvonne, appreciate that you try!

Nick, get with it man!

The Angry Lurker said...

Great fan of Firefly and subsequent movie, Fox were idiots!

J.C. Martin said...

More new people to follow! Off I go!

J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger

Brinda said...

I'd have to get up at midnight to be the first commenter on today's post. You have lots of loyal followers, but thanks so much for the awesome shoutout. :) You are a loyal follower as well and I'm lucky to know you.

Rusty Carl said...

I'm a big fan of Brinda and of Firefly. Congrats on anyone who might be first - you should make some sort of prize for it. A badge or some thing. Just seems funny to me for some reason.

Marta Szemik said...

You're awesome to introduce more and more bloggers. I'm enjoying this:)

Laura Eno said...

I agree with Rusty. You should have a badge that says "First commenter on Captain Ninja's blog" or something.

I LOVE Firefly and watch it over and over again.Truly awesome show.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Thanks for sharing more awesome bloggers and writers! I love this theme.

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm another HUGE FIrefly fan. I didn't discover it until after it was cancelled and I borrowed a friend's DVDs. I now have my own :)

Mina Burrows said...

Loyal. A great word choice. Sounds like you. :)

I'm on my way to check out Brinda.

And I loved Firefly & was pissed off too when they canceled it. How could they do that to Whedon? Jeez!!!

Kimberlee Turley said...

Brinda is another one of those blogging ninjas, just like you.

Also love Firefly. I'm going to have to get my dad the graphic novels because it's his favorite show and character behind Star Wars/Han Solo

Sherry Gloag said...

Such a small and yet powerful word. Loved reading your thoughts and offerings today.

Old Kitty said...

There's this really interesting article on the BBC stie about the Cabin in the Woods movie trailer - as apparently it's given away the twist in the story! LOL! So whatever you do - don't see the trailer!!

Who is loyal in my life? Charlie! Well - until a nice neighbour shakes a treat at him..!!

Take care

T. Powell Coltrin said...

There's been one revelation for me (ok 2500) during the A-Z, there a lot of bloggers out there and 95% are writers. :)


Huntress said...

Fox waits until I get interested then pulls the plug on fave programs. The dirty rats.

Add Lie To Me to that list.

CLR said...

Hi Alex!

Just a quick question - will the A-Z blog list still be available after April and the Challenge is over? I would love to continue to work my way through all of the awesome blogs there.

Love yours too!!


Donna K. Weaver said...

Loved Firefly (and Serenity). Yeah, don't get me going.

*off to visit Chuck and Brinda*

farawayeyes said...

Love Christine's story too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lurker, yes they were!

Brinda, thanks and you're welcome.

Rusty and Laura, I might have to do that.

Jemi, I have the series on DVD as well.

Mina, it was a crime.

Kitty, I won't let anyone spoil it for me.

Teresa, there are a lot of writers.

Carrie, it will remain up at the main A to Z Blog!

Thanks, everyone! Glad you're enjoying my theme.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Yep, we love our loyal friends who comment even on the days we suck. :))

Unknown said...

I'm following, yes I am! And I love all ONE season of Firefly! Now I just have to be satisfied watching hunky Nathan Fillion on Castle.

M.J. Fifield said...

Oh, you know I'm a fan of Firefly so I was thrilled to see Malcolm Reynolds on your blog this morning. No one embodies loyalty better than Captain Tightpants.

Elise Fallson said...

Super! More great blogs to check out! Must buy more caffeine rich food products...

TS Hendrik said...

Chuck's the man. His blog is always entertaining, and he's had some of the best headers. With most bloggers I rarely even pay attention, but he's got some magic pertaining to headers.

Cabin in the Woods should be great.

Anonymous said...

Chuck and Brinda are amazing people and I like to visit their blogs. Thanks for highlighting them today! Firefly is another head scratcher and you have to wonder why great shows like this get the ax and other shows remain running. Simply amazing.

Anonymous said...

Chuck and Brinda are amazing people and I like to visit their blogs. Thanks for highlighting them today! Firefly is another head scratcher and you have to wonder why great shows like this get the ax and other shows remain running. Simply amazing.

Gossip_Grl said...

Definately will check out the blog suggestions. My computer is running so slow this am. I am following several whose stories continue the next day!

Rekha said...

Well, I reviewed Brinda's first book in the series and should be up on my blog today.
I follow Chuck but haven't commented much, read and always think of coming back with a brilliant comment later which sadly never happens.
I think my blogger friends have been loyal these 1 1/2 years, more than expected.

Julie Dao said...

Loyal blog friends are the best!

Cherie Reich said...

Firefly was an awesome show.

And I love Christine's story. I keep telling her she needs to publish it. After all, she already has a free editor/formatter (moi) to help her.

I've also really enjoyed Rachel Morgan's Creepy Hollow creatures. The assignments are fun, and I love the YA voice.

Rick Daley said...

My dog is loyal. Not too bright, though.

I'm pretty eager to see Cabin in the Woods. I think I'll need to get there quick, before I come across any spoilers.

Bish Denham said...

Loved Firefly! As for who in my life is loyal... my husband, my sister, my dog and a few choice friends.

PK HREZO said...

*Fistbump to Geoff* And Brinda is awesome. And lucky me just had Christina beta read one of my mss and she was an amazing help! What an amazing network we have here!

Tonja said...

Love your theme.

Maurice Mitchell said...

Both great blogs. Firefly was the jam and Mal was a true hero. I had a hard time keeping up with the episodes too when it was on the air.
@Denise nice blog you have
- Maurice Mitchell
The Geek Twins | Film Sketchr
@thegeektwins | @mauricem1972

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LG, you never suck.

MJ, Captain what?

TS, and he likes to change them up.

Rekha, Brinda will appreciate that.

Rick, most dogs aren't too bright, but they are loyal.

Libby said...

I think we all need bloggy friends, I know I cherish mine. Firefly, I discovered it after it was cancelled but of course I watched every episode dang near back to back!

Jay Noel said...

Yup, I'm following Christine's story. Can't imagine the work involved with putting that together.

Wish they'd bring back Firefly. It was such a fantastic show.

Bossy Betty said...

I wuv you Ninja! And your little news too!!!! Thanks for dropping by this morning!

Jeff Beesler said...

There's an internet meme going around that is completely in sync with what you're saying about Firefly's untimely demise. It has something to do with the fact that Jersey Shore somehow made it to Season 5.

Leigh Covington said...

Hi Alex! As I attempt to blog from my phone I become increasingly jealous that you can fix your own computer! I love the blogs you mentioned for today. Good choices :)

Anonymous said...

Chuck and Brinda are great, and very recent finds of mine.

And I was wondering what I should watch over lunch today...I think it will be the pilot episode of Firefly now.

S. L. Hennessy said...

I'm so glad you put Mal on the list. He was, in many ways, a scoundrel, but he is one of the most loyal characters ever written.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I'm so jealous! I want to see Cabin! I'll get there...eventually.

You know I love the Captain. There is no doubt FOX screwed up but who knows if it ever would have been this cool to talk about if they hadn't cancelled it. I don't want them to bring the show back but I'd like to see another movie made. :)

Thank you for all your support as well!


Suze said...

Brinda is a lovely person.

Leovi said...

Until proven otherwise I think I have many loyal friends, but I have also known unfair. I guess I'll do for some and for others I will not.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

FOX used to be cool.

Hart Johnson said...

You know Alex, if I were doing loyal, I'd have YOU up there... and I love Firefly... and Nathan Fillion. Is there a reason you didn't use the naked picture of him? *shifty*

TL Conway said...

I didn't watch Firefly until after it was already axed by FOX. I like to think that is one decision they regret. However, I think the fear of repeating said bad decisions has kept shows like FRINGE alive for another year...

Who in my life is loyal? I have some of the best possible friends, but in terms of the blogosphere, I'd like to nominate you, Alex, as the most loyal! Not only do you comment on each post, but you're usually the first one!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Libby, and that's a fun way to watch them!

Hey Betty!!

Jeffrey, and that is a total mystery to me.

Leigh, I also own several computers. Don't hit me!

Joshua, there you go!

Heather, another movie would be great. But would River still be crazy?

Thanks, Hart. And not a chance in Hell a naked guy is appearing on MY blog!

Sarah Ahiers said...

sigh. I hear you loud and clear about firefly/fox rant. Stoopid fox

cleemckenzie said...

I've been reading Christine's story, and it is super. She must be thrilled that you mentioned her.

D.G. Hudson said...

I've been trying to follow Blabbing Grammy's story of 'bag ladies' or older women who have to live on the street. (she has a confiding way with her story)

It's nice to see how others interpret the A - Z Challenge.

I'm really enjoying the challenge, because it's forcing me to relive parts of my trip to Paris.

I love seeing the pics that others are posting, too. And Anne Gallagher's character series is also very good; I like seeing her picks for character inspiration in her books. I'll check out the blogs you mentioned . . .soon.

Emily R. King said...

I'll jump in on the Brinda love! She's amazing. One of my favorite bloggers, too.

Julie Flanders said...

Oh, I love Christine's story! I'm totally wrapped up in it.

Unknown said...

Brinda's amazing - she's doing so much and, as you say, always ready to help others (she's already helped me on this blog-hop alone! Boy, Alex, if you don't have a loyal following I don't know who has! I also read Christine's story every day :-)

Budd said...

On April 1st I fell for the prank that Netflix had bought the rights to Firefly and the entire had signed on for a second season. They got me good.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I went to check out your review! Way to knock one out of the ballpark Alex :)

Mary Aalgaard said...

My Mom's support group is loyal. Also, my publicist Krista. She's always there for me in every way.

Play off the Page

Matthew MacNish said...

I didn't know Chuck. Off to follow!

Andrew Leon said...

Okay... include that story in the post of all the links so that I will remember to go read it :P

Isis Rushdan said...

Brinda is awesome. I'm lucky to call her a friend! Time to meet Chuck :).

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

DG, there are just so many great themes this year. People really put effort into their posts.

Thanks, Susan!

Budd, no!

Thanks, Michael.

Andrew, that would make for a long post...

Tyrean Martinson said...

Loved Firefly! And you are an awesomely loyal blogger Alex! I'll check out your links.

nutschell said...

Loyal is THe perfect word to describe you, Alex. Gosh, I don't know how you still manage to leave comments on my blog despite your busy schedule! I can barely keep up with the A-Z :P You are my blogging idol!
Happy A-Zing!

Pat Tillett said...

I totally agree with what you said about Chuck! I like both him and his blog...a lot!

Johanna Garth said...

I love short story excerpts. I'll have to go check that out.

Tracy Jo said...

I am totally loving the ongoing stories too. I am addicted to Jen Chandler's. I will have to check out Christine's. It has made me realize that when I think I don't have time to get to my TBR books...I should just read a couple pages a day. :-) Enjoy those leisure moments this weekend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Tyrean!

Thank you, Nutschell. Just doing my best.

Tracy Jo, just takes a little time.

Helena said...

Thanks for reminding me about Apocalypse Now -- it's a blog I used to visit regularly and then spaced out. And loyalty is such a ninja trait.

Author A.O. Peart said...

I also met Brinda last fall. She is awesome and I am so happy to know her.

Heading over to Chuck's blog now. I've seen him commenting on your posts many times :-)

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm enjoying all the A-Z posts.
Happy Weekend!

SpacerGuy said...

Firefly was a really good show. Its hard to figure out why it got the chop.

M Pax said...

Brinda is fab. Will have to check out the other one. I still miss Firefly. Everyday. Sniff.

Christine's story is amazing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Helena, thank you!

Angela, Chuck is the man!

Kela McClelland said...

More new people for me to follow. :)

No movies for me lately, I would like to go see it, maybe next weekend. Of course, I still haven't had a chance to see The Hunger Games so IDK.

Perfect L choice, especially since you are very loyal. :)

Savannah Chase said...

Love firefly...Another great A to Z post.

Anonymous said...

ohhh!! I LOVE Firefly and Mal - yum!! lol

Visiting from A-Z Blog Challenge :)

Charmaine Clancy said...

Looking forward to checking out these blogs!
Wagging Tales

Kittie Howard said...

By hub's request, The Three Stooges are up this weekend. Hope you have a great weekend.

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,
How the "L" are you? As one of your loyal starstruck fans, it heartens me to know that you have developed some really great friends within the sharing, caring blogging community. I can sense the Love that emanates from here. We are 'electric friends' and the 'electronic tonic' we share, is a positive charge for a kinder, more caring world.
Best wishes and happy writing.
With respect, Gary

Golden Eagle said...

I love Christine's story! There is some great fiction being produced for the Challenge.

Martha said...

Thanks Alex. I haven't been able to keep up with all the bloggers you've featured (that pesky little thing called work keeps getting in the way!) but the ones I have visited are wonderful. Thank you! :)

Belle said...

I'm a huge Firefly fan. It is amazing to me it was cancelled. My husband is loyal - he would die for me.

Anonymous said...

Chuck's pie charts ROCK. And so does Firefly!

RaShelle Workman said...

Hey Alex - Loyal is a great L word. You're personify that. I sure appreciate you. Hope your weekend is awesome!

Nicole said...

Oh, Mal! So great. Of course, when I think of loyalty in literature, my mind automatically goes to Sam from LOTR.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Kela.

Gary, I have some amazing friends here...

Milo - yeah!

RaShelle, thank you!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Like the folks you singled out. What a following you have!!!


Powdered Toast Man said...

I get so overwhelmed reading your posts. I feel like I am missing so much in the blogosphere and stuff. I need to quit my job and focus on blogging. I think it's more important.

Christine Rains said...

I'm blushing. Thank you for mentioning and linking me, Alex. You fit the the letter theme today too. I hoped a few people would like my story for Challenge, but I've gotten such a great response.

I love Firefly!

I just got in an hour ago from my trip. I'm exhausted and happy to be home. I have a lot of catching up to do, but I'm excited about catching up on the Challenge with everyone.

Unknown said...

Christine's story is awesome, I'm just getting caught up now. Thanks for highlighting another great blog, Alex.

blissflower1969 said...

Love Firefly, and Mal is awesome. Flawed but loyal.

Loyalty is definitely a trait I value. And I tend to be loyal to a fault myself. Until you burn me; then I become a biotch and it's hard to earn back my trust.

Thanks for sharing! Good luck with the rest of the challenge!

Ciara said...

Yay, Brinda. She is so amazing. Such a giving and loyal person. I LOVED Mal. Total drool worthy for me. I know he was a scoundrel, but a sexy one. :)

Jessica Salyer said...

I'll have to head over and read Christine's story. I know Brinda, but not Mal. I'll have to head over there too. Thanks.

Chuck said...

Alex, as soon as I opened my blog today I knew something was a foot. There just don't ever appear 26 comments in one day. I suspected (and was confirmed as I read the comments) that you had a hand in it somehow. Thanks again for the mention and the follower boost!

No claim my man, true fact...I read CassaStar twice. I know I will read CassaFire a second time as well. You KNOW how good I think they are (psst one word - movie!).

Thanks again for everything and I hope you enjoy my M post!

Sue said...

goodness, 118 comments! I think I'll just go and cry myself to sleep.

Loyal is a lovely word to use for L. Just reading up a few comments there, and I'm with Powdered Toast Man, I'd have to give up everything else in my life to keep up with your gruelling blogging and commenting schedule. You do an amazing job Alex, and deserve your Loyal following!

Sue: An A-Z of Climate Matters

Arlee Bird said...

What's Cabin in the Woods? How do you find the time to see a movie, hold a job, and do all the commenting you manage to do?

A Few Words
An A to Z Co-host blog

Trisha said...


yep, I'm a Firefly fangirl, I admit it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

PTM, wait until after you're married so you have some financial support.

Christine, your story has been awesome!

Bliss, thanks for visiting!

Chuck, you are most welcome. You the man!

Sue, don't cry!

Lee, Ninja skills.

Unknown said...

I really need to watch Firefly sometime. People always say how awesome it was!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Chuck is awesome, and Christine's story has me hooked.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Leslie S. Rose said...

A single season of FIREFLY is one of America's greatest tragedies. We all have FIREFLY t-shirts in our family and do a marathon every summer. I'm still not over Wash's demise.

Tina said...

Oh how I miss Firefly! They had the best set-up to keep that show going forever!!! Great set of characters, and basically a universe full of stories. Sigh.
In your newer post you asked about challenge melt-down. Nope. Re-charged and ready to go! Now just need to get the 15 year-old through Tuesday's surgery and I'll be feeling a lot less anxious...(he broke his arm rather severely skateboarding)
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Nate Wilson said...

I'd like to thank you, Alex, for being one of my most loyal readers (and commenters). You should know I read every one of your posts as well, though I don't always comment since I'm sometimes a few days late and feel silly saying something after 127 others have already commented. (Luckily, today only 126 have.)