We’ll start with the rest!
Thanks to everyone who visited my two guest posts this week. Sorry if I shocked anyone with my blogging hours. That’s what it takes to keep up with my blogger buddies. You guys are awesome – how could I not keep up?
I’ll be co-hosting another blogfest – details next week. And yes, I will host one of my own soon! It’s been ages since the Worst Movies Ever Blogfest and I have something really cool planned for later this spring.
The trailer for CassaFire went live at You Gotta Read Videos on Tuesday – voting opens later this month. I’ll keep you posted.
Special thanks to Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out for his review of CassaFire on Monday. I’ll take the 4.99999 out of 5.0, Lee – thanks!
And we have a special video announcement at the A to Z Challenge blog today.
Now on to the best!
Instead of just a “Best of 2011” list, which everyone else has already put together, thought I’d do my favorites, some honorable mentions, and a look ahead to this year.
Favorite movies – where else did you think I’d begin?
Super 8
Fast Five
Captain America (I know you love that, Melissa!)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II
Source Code
Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows
Honorable mention goes to Drive and Hanna – not favorites, but two excellent films.
Favorite albums – all rock/progressive rock, which should come as no surprise!
In Flames – Sounds of a Playground Fading
Dream Theater – Dramatic Turn of Events
Mastodon – The Hunter
3 – The Ghost You Gave to Me
Serenity – Death and Legacy
Favorite Games – because I am a computer game junkie.
Orcs Must Die
(I lead a double life – Orcs during the day on my laptop, Skyrim at night on my Xbox!) Favorite books – and I so dig reading books on my iPad!
Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Feast of Souls by C.S. Friedman
Honorable mentions – Karen Walker’s Following the Whispers (never read a memoir before and hers was just amazing) and Rusty Webb’s unpublished novel (don’t stop until you find a publisher, dude!)
And since this post is growing long, I’ll just give you the movies I most want to see this year –
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Peter Jackson can do no wrong! Yes, I will totally geek out at the end of the year for this one.)
Dark Knight Rises (Christopher Nolan can do no wrong either.)
The Avengers (This will be just EPIC!)
The Cabin in the Woods (Joss Whedon rocks.)
Prometheus (High hopes for another Aliens ride.)
Underworld: Awakening (Favorite vampire/werewolf series. And of course, KATE!)
John Carter (Please don’t screw this up, Disney.)
Now, you tell me – what was your favorite movie/album/game/book in 2011? What movie do you most want to see this year? Curious about the upcoming blogfests? Still trying to figure out what ‘progressive rock’ means?
Looking forward to the Hobit. WHY CAN"T IT COME OUT NOW>!
Weird Interesting News
I am looking forward to your upcoming events with great intensity. Can't you feel it?
You play Skyrim too? Awesome! I think it's the best RPG game out now, hands down!
See ya tomorrow!
I'm so looking forward to The Hobbit. I just watch the whole Lord of the Rings series in December again. I love it.
And yes, I was amazed at how many hours you spend on blogging. And you get writing done too.
The Hobit is the only one on my MUST list so far.
Looking forward to the A-Z video.
Best book last year was CassaStar.
One of my best moments visiting Nashville Tennessee and Niagara Falls.
Thanks for a wonderful post love reading.
I'm looking forward to The Hobbit. I'm a total fantasy fan. I've enjoyed playing Resident Evil 5 with Hubby, we love to play co-op mode. I wish there were more games for that.
Nice round up! My only criticism is of Sherlock Holmes; I really liked it, but I feel that it's becoming just another action hero series. But that's just me...
Great lists! I also liked Super 8 and Source Code. I loved Hugo which was my finest 3D experience! Julie
I'm still a little blown away you spend so much time blogging. Yikes!
I'm looking forward to Underworld, too. I love that series. I'm also looking forward to that horror flick with the Harry Potter actor, the lady in black, or something like that. It's too early to make sense.
Speaker, wish it was much sooner than December!
TD, until Diablo III!
Natalie, not a lot of writing, but some!
Aw, thanks Yvonne!
Miranda, heard of it but don't know any more than that.
13 Assassins, Snuff by Terry Pratchett......
I cannot wait for the Hobbit! That's one of my all time favorite books!.
I have the box set of extended DVDs for the Lord of the Rings and now I'm thinking I should do another marathon!
Another movie I cannot wait to see: Hunger Game. Read that Trilogy such a long time ago - the movie looks promising.
I'm curious to see how Haywire turns out (Soderbergh's take on te female action hero).
this is a mighty big post today... lots of great information... great list on the best of 2011, i heard such bad things about capt america... i enjoyed it, i felt it reached what it was suppose to be. into new movies, the avengers... i cannot wait... music never heard of inflames... intrigued.
ps. all great on the a to z challenge.
Yeah, I figured you'd start with movies. But I'm right with ya.
You liked Fast Five THAT much??? Yeah, it was pretty good. MI 4!!! Totally loved that one. I was really intrigued with Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Nicely done movie.
You have GREAT taste!!!!! :)
As for music.
I'm a Skillet Girl. Awake and Alive, and Monster are AWESOME songs.
Fun post. :)
I'm still trying to figure out why I love MOR music so much...!
Yay for being the Best of the Rest in the Nest of the Test as a Guest doing a Fest!
Take care
Ok, I forgive about giving Skyrim and
Orcs Must Die the best game of 2011, if you confess World of Warcraft if the best game EVER! lol
Really, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol was one of the best of 2011? I'm so skeptical about watching it ... perhaps I should.
Oh, I'm dying to see all the movies you want to see this year too!
Thanks for the tips ;)
I saw a whole lot of fantastic films last year and can't choose one as the best. It was a good year for movies.
I feel like I've been waiting on The Hobbit to be released for five years....
I loved Source Code. My favorite book this year was The Help. I have no idea what progressive rock is all about.
Wow. I'm floored. Thanks for the mention. I'm still trying.
Loved The Name of the Wind, which I read this year. Not sure I had a single favorite book though. Lots of good ones.
Same with movies. Lots I liked, none that will be all time favs.
Best album in 2011? A Vulgar Display of Power. It's been my selection for album of the year for about 20 years now, no reason to change things up this late in the game.
When do you sleep???
I really liked Source Code! Plotted so wonderfully! I couldn't figure it out.
No favorite movie, not that I did not see any. Albums, to many to name and yes I'm looking forward to The Avengers too. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
I'm an oddball. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was really, really good and The Black Keys are putting out some great music. THE CROSSING by Cormac McCarthy is beyond words and CUTTING FOR STONE by Abraham Verghese is a melody of word choices. Reading him makes you feel like you're floating in a canoe under blue skies and sunshine. If they make The Hobbit I will go see it, because it started it all. I do want to join in one of your festivities some time.
I'm reading this list and getting sad. Out of all of those books, movies, albums, and games, the only one I saw/participated in was Harry Potter.
So much to look forward to this year.
Marta, I keep meaning to do a marathon of LOTR...
Jeremy, Captain America rocked!
Lynn, what guy doesn't dream of driving like they do in Fast Five?
Julianna, MI was that good. And sorry, Starcraft is the best game ever.
Brinda, prog rock is like the band Rush.
Rusty, can't argue with Pantera! And your manuscript was awesome. Deserves the mention!
Gail, I get sleep, trust me.
Laura, Source Code was so underrated.
Rango was a total delight. I've got Rise of the planet of the apes at home now.
Well, I get progressive rock--it's one of my favorite genres. But I'm sadly lacking in having seen most of the films you mentioned or hearing most of the albums. What have I been doing with my time anyway? Can I borrow some of your time?
Tossing It Out
Ha! I've never heard of any of those music choices. Adele's 21 is probably my favorite of the year. She blew me away. I loved Sherlock Holmes and Super 8 too. Can't wait for Prometheus and The Hobbit.
Saw them 2011's not in theatre but DVDs. Here they get dubbed in my mother tongue Tamil, which I find jarring to watch so metro hopping is the only way to...
I discovered & liked Adele's songs this year.
Books, a few Indian ones, rereading the awesome Kite Runner & A Thousand Splendid Suns in paperback.
I love my fb games as it keeps me connected(truth, really bad at RPG). ;D
Gosh, yours is the only place other than Robyn & Tim where my comment is longer than my post. Sorry to hog up so much space.
Holy smokes, where do you find the time? I'm limited to watching children's movies with my Grandkids about twice a year, and I feel guilty if I even play solitaire on my computer when I'm supposed to be writing.
You Da Man!
I thought Super 8 had a decent enough story, but the cinematography was possibly the worst I've ever seen in a feature film. When I left the theater I thought it was a problem with the projecxtor, then I Googles around and found out JJ Abrams' love of lense flare was the culprit behind the many, many blue flashes filling the night sky. It went way beyond any artistic value and was totally distracting, in my opinion.
I just reviewed an IMDB list for popular movies in 2011 to refresh my memory on which ones I liked best, and ended up disappointed...most of the good movies I have yet to see ;-(
I did like Thor and Captain America and I'm totally hyped for The Avengers, Hugo was outstanding, Bridesmaids was the funniest, and my overall favorite (based on my desire to see it again) is probably The Muppets or Kung Fu Panda 2.
I can't wait to see The Dark Knight Rises or The Hobbit, the latter of which will be tough because we won't see the end until 2013, and of course the planet will explode in Dec 2012 so we may miss the first installment too...what's the release date again?
Yay about the 4.99999 out of 5 review of CASSAFIRE!
You have a great list of favorites from last year. My favorite movie is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II. Favorite book is Beth Revis' ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.
And I'm so looking forward to seeing Dark Knight Rises (huge Batman fan) and I'm looking forward to The Hobbit too. And I just started reading Beth Revis' A MILLION SUNS, which is already awesome.
LOL I'll just say that great minds do not always think alike. And hey, if we didn't have differing opinions, what would make the world go around?
I'm looking forward to all the movies on your list. Haywire tops mine. 9 more days! :)
I am WOEFULLY behind on my 2011 movies and basically, all the ones on your list are the ones I have yet to see.
One of my fave books this past year was Laini Taylor's "Daughter of Smoke and Bone." I went into it with tepid interest yet eager to see what all the hype was about. I certainly understand now!
Lee, I can spare an hour.
Rek, that's all right! And I've never liked dubbing - subtitles are better.
Rick, sorry Super 8 didn't do it for you. Avengers is going to rock!
Karen, I need to post a video then. And you are welcome.
Still haven't seen the Holmes movie, and it's killing me!
FIRST - 75% thru 'Cassa Star' and I am blown away. Sorry about that tone of doubt, but it's not my normal genre. Goes to show, with great writing, genre really doesn't matter. I'm involved. I love those guys. I'm worried about what you're going to do to them in the last 25%.
Favorite Movie - Limitless (I know I'm weird) Also, loved Super 8, Harry, Real Steel and Tin Tin. Haven't seen others yet.
Favorite Book - The Help - got involved with those women too.
Music - I have not idea what was released this year. I love Florence and the Machine especially when she's 'Howlin'.
Progressive Rock? I'll check it out. I hope this isn't another one of those 'iTunes is gonna love you and my wallet won't'.
The Hobbit - OK, I hated this book. Read it in college and - there weren't enough good drugs -( I probably shouldn't have said that). BUT, Peter Jackson made a believer out of me with LOTR, (after The Hobbit,I never read it)so I'm anxious to see it too.
Sorry about this, maybe I'll just copy this for my post today.
I can't wait for the Hobbit. I was so excited after seeing the trailer that I watched The Lord of the Rings Trilogy over the holidays.
I really liked Super 8, too, as well as Rise of the Planet of the Apes. And I can hardly wait for The Hobbit or Prometheus.
I do wish I had a brand spanking new computer to play Skyrim, especially with ALL the mods that will soon be coming out, but if I did I don't think I'd get any writing done. My brother is completely lost in that game and is now some high ranking mage somewhere :)
I'm still sucking every bit of joy out of Fallout 3 I can.
Awesome review!
I liked Super 8 until the ending. I was surprised by how much I loved Thor.
Cannot wait for The Hobbit!!! And The Avengers.
Joss Whedon does rock! He's the only reason why I'll be going to see The Avengers in the theater instead of waiting for it to show up on Netflix.
I haven't seen most of the movies you listed. Just Harry Potter, Super 8 (didn't care for the ending), and Hanna (really loved that one). I hope to do better this coming year.
Looking forward to hearing (reading?) about your latest blogfest.
Just can't bring myself to see the Holmes movies. I'm a purist when it comes to Sherlock Holmes. I don't think anyone can top Jeremy Brett, either.
3 Doors Down had a great album this year and Nickelback can do no wrong. Best song goes to Daughtry's Renegade. Super Duper!
Best album for writing goes to the soundtrack from the game Assassin's Creed.
Most anticipated show is on TV.
Next Tuesday, Justified begins its third season. omgomgomgomg
I know what the prog rock from the 60s and 70s is... Not sure about today. I don't listen to much music that was produced after I was born. ;)
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows was AWESOME!!! My husband and I are hardcore Holmes fans and we absolutely love these new versions. I hope they keep making them.
Music: Seether: Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray,Papa Roach: Time For Annihilation
Movies: Fast Five,Captain America, Conan
Books: I'll mention the first 4 authors that come to my mind and say they are excellent storytellers: Grace Burrowes, Lady Sofia's Christmas Wish, Jo Robertson--if you haven't read her thrillers you should, The Watcher and The Avenger,Tonya Kappas Carpe Bead 'Em and Anita Cleny--great series on Highland Warriors with a twist.
You pretty much got everything on my list :) (Hobbit! Eep!)
Yes to The Hobbit. And my husband is salivating over John Carter but I remain incredibly skeptical.
You do blog for many hours, don't you?
Alex, do you ever sleep?
I can't wait for The Hunger Games movie and as far as books are concerned, Insurgent has to be my most anticipated.
We have similar taste in movies.
Wow! That's one comprehensive list! Favorite movies: Super 8 ranks at the top. Love the Marvel movies. Looking forward with great anticipation to The Avengers.
Loved Super 8 too and I have a perfect candidate for your best of the worst list!
oh, I agree - please don't screw up John Carter!!! Grew up with him. I agree with most anticipated being another Underworld! But you also forgot the Hunger Games!!! March can't come soon enough.
Man O Clay, you have to see it!
Faraway, that is wonderful to hear! It really seems to have a strong appeal to those who don't read science fiction. The Hobbit is a tough read, but with Jackson at the helm, it should be an awesome movie.
MS Hatch, Fallout III was a great game.
MJ, two Whedon films that close together will be epic.
Huntress, you sound excited!
Sarah, I'm sure they will.
Sia, you rocker chick you!!
Christa, yeah - glad I have a cool job that gives me the extra hours.
Christopher, I value my sleep!
Jen, yes - bring back Firefly!!
Michael, that is good to know!
Johanna, uh-oh!
Can't wait for the Hobbit. I'd like to see Underworld too (I have to watch the other first, I'm very behind!).
I have trouble picking favorites, but the Black Keys CD spent a lot of time in my player last year. :)
Hi Alex .. I have so many movies I want to catch up with .. and The Hobbit my grandmother gave us when I was fairly young .. and it put me off .. so I look forward to the Hobbit movie.
I'm going to see Certified Copy tonight .. c/o the film society ..
Cheers .. and you certainly work hard at keeping up .. Hilary
I can't wait to see The Avengers!!! The Underworld series is one of my favorites, too. It's sad but I can't remember what my favorite movie was. Oh, well. I like your list!
Sarah and I heard him speak last year at the Fourth Street Fantasy convention. I can't wait to read his books.
re Joss Whedon - totally agree. If he's at the helm its a must-watch for me. Yay to the Hobbit!
Books: Name of the Wind is one of the best debut fantasy novels I've read for a LOOOOOONG time.
I'm struggling to come up with my faves for the year. Movie has to be a wee French indie film called Bienvenue Chez Les Ch'tis. Sweet, quirky and hilarious.
Seeing your movie list show me just how behind I am on "new" movie. I'm still trying to catch up on 2010 movies! Yipes!
I moved my blog, but there is a feed problem with my old blog and the posts aren’t showing up. You can visit me here here
How in the world do you keep up? I am exhausted just reading this!
Harry Potter was my favorite movie last year. Your list for movies this year is mine. As for music, I haven't listened to anything new these past few years. I'm still parked in the 80's and early 90's.
i like the fact that we have the same tastes in movies books and games. And i'm playing skyrim currently as well. Good times.
This is a bit depressing. So many of the movies I wanted to see this year, but didn't make time for, are on your list. Oh, well, there's alwys Netflix.
Upcoming? The Hobbit, definitely.
Hannah, that's awesome!
Michael, good to know someone else enjoyed Name of the Wind!
Southpaw, I will.
Single - Ninja skills!
Sarah, that's awesome.
The Hobbit releases this year? YAY! I've been waiting for it for years. I'm so excited. Thanks for letting me know. You've given me a lot to look forward to!
I saw a preview for John Carter last night, it looked good. Loved Source Code too.
I have to admit something...
I read that as ORCAS Must Die and thought, "...What kind of messed up whale-hunting games does Alex play?" LOL Maybe I need more sleep. :) Great post!
Hi, Alex. Read your as always welcome comment on my post just now. Came over here, and just read Laura B. Writer's site where she interviews you. I agree with you when you say the important thing isn't how many followers we have but rather the true friendships we make through blogging. And your point about finding bloggers that have different interests and bloggers that simply interest you goes along with the idea that as writers we should read outside our genres to broaden our minds which in the long run will help us as writers.
I'm looking forward to February and the release of CassaFire!!
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs
Great list of favorites, of course it is completely different from my list - being that I love comedies. :)
Your blogging hours did shock me - but please don't apologise. I (and I'm sure everyone else) really appreciates the support you show us.
I'm looking forward to The Hunger Games as well.
John Carter will probably be messed up, unfortunately. (Sigh).
And Kate looks as smashing as ever. Can't wait.
I definitely need to see Hanna. But I still have some anger management issues with that film, since I wrote a manuscript years ago with the identical premise. Damnit.
We've got some Skyrim fans in my house, too. Thanks for the movie recs...I'll check out the ones I've missed.
SUPER 8 was one of my favorite movies. JJ Abrams is a great director, reliving his teen years again. And Elle Fanning in zombie make-up was the image of Alice Wentworth, Victor Standish's love!
I, too, loved CAPTAIN AMERICA (who, even more than Spiderman was my childhood hero.)
I think JOHN CARTER will be awesome. It is PIXAR teamed with Disney after all. And THE AVENGERS, too? It is going to be a great year for movies ... then, of course, the world will end. But, hey, you can't have everything! Roland
Yes, no doubt I'll stick with Dream Theater. A true virtuoso.
Emily, not until December and then we have to wait a year for part two. Bummer...
Carrie, that's funny!
Thank, you Ann! I appreciate you reading my interview.
Rhonda, it's rare I find a really good comedy...
Patsy, that's good to know!
Jay, what a bummer about Hanna. Hope you can some day watch it. And Kate does look smashing. Always.
Roland, if you had everything, where would you put it? Super 8 just really spoke to me, as I was about the same age as those kids in the late 70's.
Which means I'm getting old...
Leovi, you rock!!!
I know what progressive rock is :) Can't remember all the titles of movies and books. I don't think I tossed more than 3-4 books from by old TBR shelf aside without finishing them, so I liked all the rest. And I think only one movie I didn't enjoy. So a good year overall.
I loved Paranormal Activity 3 in 2011. That's my favorite movie.
It's a surprise I even saw it in the first place, since I rarely go to the movies and would rather watch things at home, but my students wouldn't stop talking about it.
Looking forward to reading the blogfest entries.
Just still wanting to see the Muppets, Alex.
In Flames is still going strong. Mastodon is good too. Probably most interesting in 2011 was the new Taake album, I think. Here is one of the highlights.
Cold As Heaven
Skyrim is absolutely awesome!!
My wife, my daughter and I play it.
After more than 120 hours I know I need another 180 hours to visit all the places .. There evenings where visit Skyrim just for a walk or to look at the night sky.
Your movie list for 2012 shows a lot of movies I would like to see too. But there is one on top of my list:
I am so looking forward to "The Avengers"...
Favorite book, no can't pick! I love so many :D
I'm looking forward to your book end of February~
Music: I love so many different types. Can't pick...
I enjoyed this post, fun! I'm intrigued about the blog challenge. Give us another hint ;D
Movies, I'm right there with you! Music, I'm stuck in a world where my listening picks are dictated by children (boohoo!). Books, I read your blog and a few choice others to pick up my wish lists, and when the baby is FINALLY in daycare - I'll be able to read my ever growing list of "must reads"!
Just one? I can't choose just one! Though I did like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 which I finally (finally!) got to see this weekend. Hooray.
I really want to see The Hobbit.
Definitely curious about the blogfests!
Carol, good for you!
Robyn, you will so enjoy it when you do!
Cold, I know of them, but I don't listen to black metal.
Edi! Another Skyrim junkie. I know, sometimes I just pause the game and call for my wife to just come look at it. I certainly believe there's three hundred hours of play. And The Hobbit will be epic and HUGE!
Thank you, Ella!
Heather, your music sounds scary!
Golden, glad you finally got to see it.
Wow! Certainly a lot of BESTS. I have to see Super8.
My favorite movie(s) this year were the new Sherlock Holmes movie and The Help. The game I love to hate is Montezuma.
Count me in for the next blogfest! And glad to see our films list for 2012 match. Nice call on Mastodon too.
I read too many books to name a favorite. I liked Captain America and Thor. Can't wait for The Hobbit.
I don't do games and at my house we've been listening to anything Adele.
Justified jumped to the top of my favorite TV shows.
I loved the new Planet of the Apes movie! My son loves the Skyrim game.
When do you SLEEP?
I've missed so many movies in the past year! I need to find a way to catch up! I like your lists...
Love your movie list, Alex! I don't actually watch movies that often, but last year I actually managed to watch two from your list - actually, I saw HP & Deathly Hollows II twice in the space of a week when it first came out! And I loved Super 8!
Looks like I came out of my cave just in time to get a heads up on a couple of blogfests around the corner :).
Great list. Thanks for sharing. I've heard a few good things about Skyrim.
I want to see Snow White with Julia Roberts. And I'm late, but I just got around watching the last Harry Potter movie.
My favorite two albums of 2011 are the new Evanesence CD. I didn't think I would like it (It's SO not my type of music) but my hubby loves them. So I decided to give them a try. They are great. I cannot wait for the Hobbit to come out! I love Tolkien.
Copyboy, you do!
Helen, we all have games like that...
Geof, that's cool. And so few know of the genius of Mastodon.
Catherine, it's addictive.
Pat, you're out camping and living while I'm in front of one screen or another all day.
Belle, thanks! Glad I can point you to some good movies.
Isis!!!! Good to hear from you. Welcome back to the blogging world.
Teresa, someone else said they'd just seen it as well.
Carol, I think The Hobbit tops everyone's list.
'Favorite albums – all rock/progressive rock, which should come as no surprise!'
THE HOBBIT was a children's book - which concerns me because it may come off as LORD OF THE RINGS LITE.
Alex, you got me thinking about my favorite music (an eclectic mix) Josh Groban, Thea Gilmore, Diana Krall, Erin Bode, Within Temptation, Nightwish, Leaves' End. Most of those artists few have heard of. Thank goodness for Pandora.com. Have a great rest of week, Roland
Thumbs up for your top movies; I have no idea about those songs or games, though. I'm very much looking forward to The Hobbit and Avengers-can't wait!
Favorite movie - Super 8 (LOVED it!), Favorite book - The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkins...really, really looking forward to The Hobbit, but very worried about John Carter (so afraid that Disney is really going to have screwed it up).
I'm looking forward to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which isn't coming here until January 8th. I, too, loved Super 8 and Rango.
Ooh, I'll join you in geeking out for The Hobbit, Dark Knight Rises, and Underworld!!! :D I popped by the Challenge blog - it's looking pretty awesome, luck with all the planning :)
I haven't checked the other comments yet to see if anyone else mentioned this, but your A-Z link isn't working for me.
Also, I've been spending time on Skyrim on the xbox too lately. hehehe. I was an adventurer like you once until I took an arrow in the knee...
I shall count the days,hours, minutes until The Hobbit emerges.....
Lookin forward to Hunger Games too!!
I really enjoyed Rise of the Planet of the Apes and can't wait to see The Hobbit.
Many of the films you list I haven't seen, though of those I have I found the second Sherlock Holmes film slightly baffling and was less enamoured of Deathly Hallows II because I've read all the books and in rushing into special effects they often forfeit plot and character.
My viewing of Breaking Dawn I was spoiled by giggly teenagers throughout.
I've enjoyed watching Burlesque on DVD, the power behind Christina Aguilera's (sp?) voice is incredible!
Suze, hope that's a good yea-yah!
Roland, that is quite a mix of music!
Jennie, yay, another Super 8 fan! I'm worried about Disney's handling of John Carter as well.
Rachael, we have so much planned this year for the Challenge!
Lynda, link is fixed. And I hope the arrow in the knee was in the game!
Favorite book of 2011 was probably Jody Hedlund's latest, The Doctor's Lady. Didn't see any good films, but there's always this year to look forward to!
Great best of 2011 selections! I love all of those movies, especially Super 8. I really can't wait to see Underworld and The Cabin in the Woods, they both look amazing! Have a great rest of the week Alex! :)
I love this selection of the 2011 movies - so much to choose from. Thank you for sharing!
And, like many of the others here, I'm looking forward to The Hobbit. Lord of the Rings saga (books and movies) are on the very top of my "most favorite" list.
I'm so bad. Did go sea any movies in theaters in 2011. But I did rent Rango and LOVED it. Johnny Depp as a reptile is to die for.
I wish I had a PC that was nice enough to run Skyrim. I have to settle for 360.
I'm looking forward to The Hunger Games (my kids have opening day marked on the calendar), and The Hobbit(one of my favorite books of all time). I'm also looking forward to reading a certain book . . . Cassafire!
Yay! The Hobbit is coming out : ) I loved the Lord of the Rings movies. Can't wait for this one. Actually my eyes popped when I saw it on the list. Woohoo!
You as well, Amy!
Angela, mine as well.
Bish, he was great in that role.
Matthew, I got it for Christmas for my XBox, but I do prefer PC games.
Tyrean, thank you!
Karen, mark your calendar.
Your selection of movies I prefer Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Lots of festing coming up. Cool.
Will have to check out Captain America and Thor. The Husband Unit will like those.
Would like to check out Skyrim someday when I have some time. I always like the Elder Scrolls games. Played them since Daggerfall. I liked Morrowind a lot.
I haven't seen Sherlock yet, but I'm glad to see it on your list and will now make it a priority...eh, if it's still in theaters.
Skyrim appears to be dominating the gamewaves - I've heard only great things. :D
Congrats on keeping up the marketing on your book! Also, I can't wait for the Hobbit to come out next Christmas:)
Oh I cannot wait to see The Hobbit! I feel like I should go ahead and line up a babysitter.
My favorite book was 1Q84, and my favorite movie was, without a shadow of a doubt, The Green Hornet.
Loved your trailer, and I loved Super 8 and Harry Potter. But there were too many movies I missed in 2011. Gotta see more in 2012...
I can't wait to see the Hobbit! I may have to buy fake Hobbit feet just for the event.
Great favourites! I can't wait for the Hobbit either.
I'll have to check out CassaFire trailer! You basically are a superhuman with all the blogs you visit...
Lets see, I'm excited you liked Sherlock Holmes- hubs and I still need to see it, but the first movie is one of my favs. I have heard the word Skyrim thrown around a lot in my house, so that was a popular one with my husband. Right now he's playing this star wars one online that he likes. And I am looking forward to all those movies you mentioned too, as well as Hunger Games.
Very clever A to Z video announcement!!
Mary, be ready when you do - you'll be hooked!
Nicki, because it is great!
Caitlin, so many people hated that movie, but I thought it was quirky and fun.
Lydia, I want a photo of that!
Thanks, Abby. Sounds like your husband is a game geek as well.
Awesome taste... I share many of them...
The A to Z challenge video is done well.. I liked it:)
We DEFINITELY have very similar taste! Great lists!
This is quite an impressive list. My fav book for 2011 was The Hunger Games trilogy. Can't wait to see the movie!
Dying to see Super 8... Glad you liked it so much! Also loving your book recommendations... I will check these out!
LisaAnn, that's great!
Interesting lists. The movies, in particular, match my own in many ways, although I never saw Rango or Source Code or Deathly Hallows. Fast Five was my first Fast movie and got me hooked. Just fantastically well made and told. And they made good use of Brazilian culture and locations too. Thor was better than many reviewers gave it credit for. I enjoyed MI, which I just saw. Rise was good but not the rave, to me, that it got from everyone else. Captain America was also fun. Super 8 was one of my top favorite movies in ages.
Can't match your albums and books as I am familiar with none of the albums and have read none o the books, although Lynch and Rothfuss are in my TBR.
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