Monday, January 9, 2012

Ninja News Overload! And a Humble Thanks.

Overload definitely describes last week. You guys are awesome!

Today I have the honor of a guest post at Lucy’s site, Moonlight Gleam. She is a real sweet person, bubbling with energy. If you can, please pay her a visit.You even get to hear from Byron!

Want some real Ninja secrets? Want to know how many hours I devote to blogging? If you missed my short interview at Laura B. Writer’s SITE on Saturday, then you need to check it out.

Tuesday the video for CassaFire will be posted at You Gotta Read Videos. This site pits twenty videos against one another in competition. I’ll let you know when voting opens. I’ll try not to grovel, but no promises…

Someone told me on Friday I needed to move this higher (it’s at the bottom of my blog) so I thought I’d just post it here. My publisher is giving away five copies of CassaFire on Goodreads…

Goodreads Book Giveaway

CassaFire by Alex J. Cavanaugh


by Alex J. Cavanaugh

Giveaway ends January 20, 2012.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Yes, this Ninja really is everywhere…

Now on to the news!

Cassie Mae at Reading, Writing, and Lovin’ It! is hosting “Is it Getting Hot in Here? Blogfest” on Valentine’s Day. If you’re feeling hot and bothered, this might be for you!.

First edition of the Vine Leaves Literary Journal went live on Friday! Jessica Bell has put SO much work into this project, so check it out.

Karen at Coming Down the Mountain kicks off the Big Blog Tour for Celery Tree today! She has worked on this project for a year now and is so excited!

Cate Masters began a new site called TBR, “Meet the authors who’ll make your list grow.”

I was nominated for a Top Writing Blogs Award from eCollege Finder, an education resource representing accredited online institutions. Really! Must have me confused with another Alex…

Sean McLachlan at Civil War Horror had a new book, “The Night the Nazis Came to Dinner, and Other Dark Tales," and it’s priced at 99 cents.

And it’s time for the Amazon Novel Breakthrough Award contest! Head on over to Michael’s site, In Time, for full details.
Finally, I’d like to offer a most humble thank you. Last week was utterly amazing and it was all because of you guys. For these wonderful things, I give my thanks:

* For your response to last Monday’s post. (I worried about that one.)
* For helping all four of my blogger buddies reach a thousand followers.
* For your incredible posts for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. There were some really heartfelt posts and many of you rallied to offer encouragement. I think I managed to visit everyone on the list, but if I missed you, please forgive me.
* For your appreciate of the IWSG. I started it for YOU.
* For your enthusiasm for the A to Z Challenge. It really is an amazing event.
* For the sheer amount of comments you made! I’m still blown away…
* For the kind words, encouragement, and friendship

For all of that, this Ninja says thank you. I am here to serve. And sometimes amuse!

Don’t forget to visit Moonlight Gleam today and Laura B. Writer if you missed Saturday’s post.

Whew! Ready for a blogfest? Participating in the Amazon Novel Breakthrough Award contest? How about the A to Z Challenge? Feeling thankful as well? Are you exhausted just from reading all of this?


Civil War Horror (Sean McLachlan) said...


Keep on rocking in 2012! You are an inspiration to all of us crazy bloggers out there. "The Night the Nazis Came to Dinner" can be found here:

And here for UK folks

I'm off to wander through the Moonlight Gleam!

Juliana said...

Nice, Alex, that's a pretty cover!

As a Brazilian, I can't enter the Amazon Novel Breakthrough Award ... perhaps next year, since I'll go back to US in about 4 months and become a resident again ;)

Jessica Bell said...

Aw thanks for the shout out, Alex! Preciate it ;o)

Miranda Hardy said...

What can I say? You have the best followers.

I'm looking forward to the blogfests. I'm even writing some for the A-Z already, trying to prepare early, because my theme can be a bit uncooperative at times. I'm hoping no one has done it before, but with so many participants last year, I'm not sure.

Tonja said...

The IWSG posts this week were especially good. Congratulations on all of your success. I bet your new book is going to do very well. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Sean!

No problem, Jessica!

Miranda, my followers rock. And with so many A to Z themes, I bet it is original.

Tonja, I hope so!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Loved both posts and learning more about you. Glad last week was so awesome.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

you are blogger family, i can learn and be very inspired from many of your posts and recommendations. so when is the big backyard bbq this year, i will bring the potato salad... tee-hee.

great day

Jemi Fraser said...

All kinds of good stuff! Just came from Arlee's review too - great stuff! :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That is a lot of news!

Rusty Carl said...

Whoa - that's a lot of stuff. I always want to do announcements, but I could only announce stuff like, I'm going to the bathroom at 4 o'clock. Or, if you have children under the age of 5, please don't live with me.

So, it's probably better than I leave announcements to you.

Oh, and you deserve awards and recognition, glad you're nominated for the eCollege Finder award, that one sounds kind of cool. Maybe you can get them to pull some strings and get you an honorary doctorate - make me call you Doctor Ninja.

Rusty Carl said...

er - I meant make 'everyone' call you Doctor Ninja.

Leigh Caron said...

Yes, I am exhausted. I don't know how you do all that you do...and then write. The cover art is awesome. LOved your interview at Laura B's...and I do plan to participate in the A - Z thingy.

TBR said...

I don't know how you do it all, Alex. You're one rocking ninja! Thanks for the shoutout for TBR!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Lots of great news. I feel the excitement.


Huntress said...

Is the Ecollege things legit?

Just wondering because my two buddies received a nomination also.

Brinda said...

It's too cool that you were awarded a top writing blog from ecollege finder. I'll have to check that out. Congrats on that and all your other accomplishments!

Suze said...

'Are you exhausted just from reading all of this?'

A tiny bit. :) said...

Darn you for getting me to think about the A-Z challenge again.

Thanks for your leadership of this Ninja Army. You keep us going with all of it.


Robyn Campbell said...

*done in* from reading all of that. *clowning*

I missed all of this. *sob* Ninja! Love, love being pals with you. And A to Z was super awesome. I have a kid getting married this year, so I probably won't be doing the challenge in 2012, but I will miss it.

Will visit your links. You rock, Dr. Ninja! (I read the comments.)

RaveAir said...

Unfortunatelly the linked giveaway is US only. :(

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Loads of links. I'm confused.

True Life and Fiction said...

Love your posts but still don't understand the whole 'blogfest' and 'blogtour' thing. I guess I need to get schooled on that this year.

The Angry Lurker said...

You're a good man, lots of help there and for others as well.....

Rek Sesh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rek Sesh said...

Congrats on the blog award.
Amazon breakthrough needs a fully edited novel in the first place ;D...let me get my short stories out there first...
Can you teach us some ninja techniques for being everywhere and not feeling run down?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Natalie!

Jeremy, you and your potato salad are always welcome.

Thanks, Jemi! I'm really glad he liked CassaFire.

Rusty, I'll have to ask about that!

Em, thank you.

Cate, you're welcome.

Huntress, it is a real site - I checked.

Thank you, Brinda.

Robyn, it's in your brain now.

Robyn, thank you!

RaveAir, sorry!

JL, we'll talk...

T.D. McFrost said...

So much stuff! Thanks for the heads up on the blogfests. I can't wait to enter!

Unknown said...

Amazing awesome sauce all the way around. Yay!! My PC is coming along, but I thought I'd take a break and visit my favorite Ninja. I'll pop over to Lucy's site and say hello as well.

Marta Szemik said...

The best thing about your blog is that it's real and informative. I love making new connections, and you're the source of many of them. Thank you!

LynnRush said...

Awesome posts.Congrats on all that's going on with you!! Super exciting! Great journey, isn't it? I am contemplating trying this A to Z challenge. Sounds fun!!!! Difficult and fun. Thankful? I'm always thankful for my friends and family. But today, I'm mostly thankful for health. I was deathly ill this past weekend, which is strange for me. I'm never that ill. Kinda scary. But this morning I feel TONS better and am ready to FACE the week! Thanks for this post. Your posts always make me smile!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Entering to win! And ooh, heading off to check out your interview. How many hours do you blog? lol

Creepy Query Girl said...

wow- you've got your finger on the bloggin pulse! Always learn about awesome things past present and future in the blogging world when I come here! Keep it up!

Luanne G. Smith said...

Congrats on the ecollegefinder blog award thing. I got the same e-mail saying I'd been nominated. Not sure what that's all about.

And, yes, you are everywhere!!

Arlee Bird said...

I just got back from a vacation and now I feel like I need another one. So much going on!

Tossing It Out

Karen Lange said...

Wow, lots happening and lots to be thankful for! Will check out the guest post. Congrats on all your good news!

Emily R. King said...

Alex, you're so wonderful. I enjoyed your interview at Laura's blog.
How great for your publisher to give away five copies of CassaFire. I'm gunning for one!

Lydia Kang said...

I tried to leave a comment and my Firefox crashed! What evil minions do you have working at your blog, eh?

Thanks for all the great updates!

Unknown said...

Wow, so much going on.

However, I have a question. On another blog you said that many of your blogging buddies have died. Really? Who. I can't believe I haven't heard or noticed.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Thanks for the updates (and the mention) Alex, and yes I'm exhausted. But that might be due to no sleep last night too.

Tara Tyler said...

always good news here =)

thanks for spreading it!

Jeff Beesler said...

Ahem. Until I see hard evidence of a captain ninja's presence on Facebook, I shan't be remiss in pointing out a distinct lack of a captain ninja being everywhere.

That said, you deserve accolades for all the hard work you put into everything that you do, Alex!

M.J. Fifield said...

You always have so much going on in this blog, I don't even know how you keep track of it all.

And like Tara said, there's always positive news to be found here. It's nice.

Bish Denham said...

Wow! Yes that was a lot to read, but it's you so it's okay. I signed up for your book and of course I hope to win it. Also I'm making plans to participate in the A to Z Challenge. It will be my third year.

You rock Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you for coming to see me, Melissa! You always brighten my day.

Marta, thank you - I try.

Lynn, glad you are feeling better. Hope you join us for the A to Z Challenge.

Shari, you are about to find out...

Katie, I will!

Karen, I do have a life!

Emily, good luck!

Lydia, I'll fire them at once.

Clarissa, Jane of Jane's Ride died, and I believe we lost Cassandra Jade as well.

Karen, you had much to prepare I'm sure.

Jeffrey, can't do the Facebook thing. I'd really not get any sleep then.

Sarah Ahiers said...

2012 is going to be awesome!
I haven't made up my mind about A to Z yet. I probably won't know until closer to the date. Kind of depends on how the MSs are working and how querying is going

Cassie Mae said...

Wow, did you really visit everyone for the IWSG? That is a ton of people and just makes you even more awesome!

And thanks again for the shout out!

I'm heading over to read your interview right now :)

Colene Murphy said...

Wow, you are a busy bee! I have lots of looking around to do, it seems! Thanks for all the links I missed!

cleemckenzie said...

Whew! I need a nap and it's only 8AM out here on the west coast. Thanks for the heads up on all the challenges and blog hops and the giveaway on GR.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sarah, hope you can join us.

Cassie, it took me three days (and I eliminated about thirty-five who weren't participating) but yes, I did visit everyone.

TL Conway said...

The number of hours you spend a day on blogs absolutely caught my eye! It also A) made me feel better and B) Confirmed my original hunch that you are really a group of 8-10 people. :)

Not sure on A-Z yet. It was a great way to start blogging last year, but it feels intimidating to me right now. Still thinking...

David P. King said...

Wow! You were not kidding. Look at all that awesomeness to sort through. Checking them out now. :)

Johanna Garth said...

I need to head over and read that interview because I am really curious how many hours you devote to blogging! Have a great Monday Alex!

Leovi said...

Well, I started writing a book at age 12 and someone threw it away. She was so innocent that never entered my head retake. However I have written many novels in my head. Another thing is to pass them on paper.

Old Kitty said...

Cap'n Alex!! My brain is about to implode with allllllllll these awesome awesome linkies and news and fests!! Yay!!

P.S. I did head over to Laura B Writer's blog but for some reason I am unable to find a place to leave my comment - it's not the first this has happened - a few other bloggie friends were interviewed over there too and some I was able to leave a comment, some not - I don't know why..! I'm just guessing Google is picking on me again! LOL!

Take care

Jennifer Hillier said...

I honestly can't remember where I got all my blog news before becoming a regular reader of your blog. *scratches head* How did I manage? I love love love this writing community. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm on my way over to visit Moonlight Beam. And thanks for the chance to win free copies of CassaStar. I'll buy a copy and help support a great cause!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

TL, it's just me - really! And hope you decide to do the Challenge.

David, there is a lot!

Johanna, I hope that you are still breathing after you read it.

Leovi, you need to! Write a book that revolves around your wonderful photos.

Kitty, I think it has to do with the Disque comment box. I'm sorry!

Jennifer, I am here to serve!

Stephen, thanks, I appreciate that!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thanks for so much info that you pass along! Good luck with all of this...


Talli Roland said...

Look at all the amazing stuff going on! I don't know what we'd do without you, Alex!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Thanks for catching me up with the news! I'm popping over to your guest post....

Melanie said...

New have a lot going on...looking forward to see what's around the corner!

Cherie Reich said...

Yeah, it was a good idea to bring the Goodreads book giveaway to attention. :)

Such a lot of great news from last week. And I'm looking forward to the A to Z Challenge, and possible ABNA, if I can get the book edited in time.

Jay Noel said...

You're a mover AND a shaker, huh?

Thanks for all the updates. So much to do, so little time.

And that's cool that your blog is being used as an education resource. Great stuff!

Lily Whalen said...

You are doing amazing things, Alex - congratulations! I checked out the giveaway, too. Drat, it's only available to U.S. readers. But I'll still put it on my tbr list!

RaShelle Workman said...

Hey, Alex! You are one busy dude! Thanks for being so awesome. Can't wait to check out these other sites.
See ya!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congratulations on all of your accomplishments! If ever anyone needed a clone...I'll have to read up on your secrets and sign up for your giveaway. It's hard to keep up! Julie

Copyboy said...

So jealous you get to say phrases like "my publisher" haha. Well-deserved BTW

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks Monti, Talli, and Elizabeth!

Melanie, there is always something happening here.

Cherie, I hope you can get a book ready for ABNA.

Thanks, Jay! Moving and shaking and I don't even know how to dance.

Susan, thank you!

Thanks RaShelle and Julie!

Copyboy, I'm blessed I can say that.

Ciara said...

I was also nominated by ecollege finder. I thought they had the wrong Ciara. LOL

Lindsay said...

Yay Alex. Never forget that you are awesome! :)

Christine Rains said...

So many links! Thanks. You do so much for everyone. You're awesome! :)

I couldn't watch more than ten minutes of Straw Dogs. It was just that bad. And bad in a not good way!

Dafeenah said...

You make me tired just trying to read about all that you do! I truly don't know how you do it all. I'm slowly getting more organized with slowly being the operative word lol.

Bethany Elizabeth said...

So much news! Wow, how can you handle it all? I mean, it's all fantastic, but there's so much of it. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, thanks. Guess you need to go watch the original now to wipe that from your mind.

Dafeenah, I'm just in the groove.

Bethany, I did warn it was overload.

Carol Kilgore said...

OK...I'm officially tired just reading this :) But I'm headed over to Moonlight Gleam and Laura B. Writer now.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Wow so much going on. Work is so busy this week that I can only visit a few blogs today. That's why I come here to get it all in one spot.

M Pax said...

So much going on. This is a busy community. Thanks for keeping us informed.

I got nominated for eCollegeFinder, too. Cool. I don't know why either.

IWSG is great. Looking forward to another April. And I know of another blogfest in April. Will talk about it next Monday with a couple of friends. :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

wow, so much is happening. Exciting times!

Southpaw said...

I think it was a good idea to post about the giveaway.I never would have seen it all the way down in the depths of your site.

Laura said...

Wow - you're a very busy ninja!
Happy new week - hope it is a good one for you

Angela Brown said...

Congrats on the blog nomination. Keep up the good work. The Ninja Army has your back :-0

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You are a busy guy. Going to visit the Gleam.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carol, sorry I wore you out with my post!

Michael, you know I stay on top of things! David has a good list today as well.

Mary, now I'm intrigued!

Southpaw, I know - there just wasn't anyplace else it would fit!

Angela, that is good to know!

Anonymous said...

You're an amazing servant/leader in the Blogosphere, Alex, and we're blessed to have you!

Abby Minard said...

Omg, SO much going on! I think my brain is going to explode.


You are an inspiration to blogshere long may you continue.


C D Meetens said...

Yes, I'm exhausted. I'm stunned at how you do everything! Also, thanks for doing all the links to things going on in the blogosphere.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, guys! And happy to keep track of everything. I'm everywhere anyway...

Anonymous said...

There are so many awesome things here. I'll check out the links. You really are everywhere. :)

Anonymous said...

Great stuff. I will be entering the Goodread contest for sure! I'm not sure about A-Z challenge yet. I need to stay focused on finishing a novel. With that said, maybe April is the month I shall have it finished and need it to rest before starting re-writes. Then the timing would be perfect!

farawayeyes said...

Holy Moly you sure do get around. 4-6 hour a day. Are you kidding me? Holy Carpal Tunnel.

alexia said...

Wow, lots of news! Fun stuff...

LD Masterson said...

I swear, Alex, trying to keep up with everything you've got going just blows my mind.

Great stuff!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Medeia, that's why I'm the Ninja...

Lynn, hope you can join us!

Faraway, that made me laugh!

LD, don't lose any brain cells over me.

Chuck said...

Hope you find this comment waaaay down at the bottom :) I tried to register on goodreads but the site kept failing to load after I created an account. Apparently the obstacles in my way of getting a early copy of CassaFire are neverending! Congrats again on all success...they have the right Alex.

Anonymous said...

You sure do know what's going on around the net... thanks for bringing it all together for us... going to check everything out:)

Saumya said...

Congrats on everything! Reading your posts always makes me want to buckle down, haha.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Wow, just wow. You're amazing. I can't believe all that you do. Off to goodreads!

Laura Barnes said...

Well, Alex, you have people come out to support you in droves because YOU support others in incredibly passionate and sincere ways. You're tireless, aren't you? You deserve only good!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey, Alex,

Congrats on ALL of your endeavors.... You are truly Captain Ninja.....

Shockingly I was also nominated for the Top Writing BLogs Award... I am truly honored now to be in the same league as my friend Alex....

IT SO nice to be back home....(Blogger home, that is).

Patsy said...

I did wonder how much time your blogging took up, so will check that out.

Enid Wilson said...

Ah, I want some Ninji secrets too. Will check out that blog post.

The Spinster’s Vow

Enid Wilson said...

Bummer Alex, the Goodreads giveaway is only for US readers!!!!!!!!!!!

Civil War Horror (Sean McLachlan) said...

Oh, and you've convinced me to do the A to Z Challenge!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Chuck, I found you! Bummer, hope you can finally get the Goodreads account set.

Saumya, thanks!

Nicole, some days I don't either.

Aw, Laura, thank you.

Michael, at least you actually post about writing now and then!

Enid, I'm sorry!

Glad you're on board, Sean!

Susan Fields said...

I AM exhausted just reading all that - wow, that's a lot going on!

Unknown said...

Just signed up for the CassaFire giveaway. Awesome post with lots of great info. You rock, Alex!

Matthew MacNish said...

How in the world do you stay on top of it all?

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Wow! I sure missed a lot last week. Guess I'll have to do with less sleep, Huh?

Keep it going, Alex

Liza said...

Alex, you deserve all the good stuff that comes your way!

Jules said...

No wonder they call you Captain! 4-6 hours? I could actually clean the bathroom in that time. :)

PSST... don't tell Mary but I'm following her. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Nicole!

Matthew, I just visit so many sites, and when I see something cool, I write it down.

Mary, enjoy your sleep!

Jules, if you clean a bathroom THAT well, you can come clean mine! And I won't tell Mary...

Leovi said...

"Is it Getting Hot in Here? Blogfest "in this blogfest may have much fire as your new book, we have very hot in February.

Mark said...

Alright, fingers crossed as I just put in to win your book:) Congrats on the upcoming video post for it too:)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. congratulations on all that blogging-love .. you sure have lots of good things happening - so pleased for you .. Cheers Hilary

Patricia Stoltey said...

Lots of awesome stuff here, Alex. And I love the CassaFire trailer. I've made a note on my calendar to include it in my 2/29 Wednesday Potpourri with links and stuff. I know you have a big splash planned on the 28th, but that's the day I post to Chiseled in Rock blog. I got you covered anyway, just on a different day.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jen, thanks so much!

Leovi, we just might have a hot February.

Mark, good luck!

Patricia, and that is just fine - thanks!

Helena said...

You do indeed have so many friends through your blog (and life?). And there's so much info and good links in this entry I'm gonna hafta go in and out of it today and tonight just to catch up on everything. Thanks!

Elana Johnson said...

I am exhausted, because I don't know how YOU keep up with everything! You must be superman or something. Jeez. ;)

Kelly Polark said...

You must be a ninja, Alex! I don't know how you do it all!!!

Sandra McLeod Humphrey said...

I'm relatively new to your blog, but it's great and I love it!

Nigel G. Mitchell said...

Very good interview. I like your positive, social aspect to promotion. You certainly are a great booster for our blog. As for the four to six hour blogging? I wish I could blog that much

Deana said...

Wow, there are so many cool things going on, I'm having a bit of overload. I love the A to Z challenge and would love a copy of your book, so I think I will start with those two:) Thanks for all the updates!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Helena, I know - it's a lot!

Elana, just a Ninja on a mission...

Kelly, I am!

Welcome, Sandra!

Thank you, Nigel.

Deana, thank you for that!

Nancy Thompson said...

Thanks for everything you do, Alex! You're my favorite blogger out there, hands down. Rock on in 2012!!

anthony stemke said...

Congratulations all the way around, you certainly are busy.

Anne R. Allen said...

Congrats on the Top Blog nomination. I'm honored to be nominated along with you. And congrats on all the other great stuff, too!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Aw, thank you Nancy!

Thanks, Anthony!

Anne, you are far more deserving.

Author A.O. Peart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Author A.O. Peart said...

Ack, I deleted my comment by accident.

Congratulations on your blog nomination. You deserve every bit of it!

A lot of stuff happening and I can always rely on you to report the important happenings :-) Thank you!

I'm planning to do a couple of weeks of an "unplugged" in February so if you don't see me popping in here, don't worry - I won't be lost somewhere in the outer space. I will be just writing writing writing. And when I'm done, I will be back in there (your amazing blog) to get the news of the latest and the greatest.

Vicki Rocho said...

Holy crap. So much going on -- I AM exhausted just reading about it!

Jordan McMakin said...

Wow, I need to hang out here more often. You are Ninja Master! :)

Congrats on the eCollege award. I got one too and wasn't sure what to make of it. Thanks for sharing this great info!

Jamie Gibbs said...

I'm beginning to think that you've perfected the art of cloning to make sure you use all 24 hours in each day to take your ninja-ness to so many places...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Angela, hope to see you on February 28 though!

Vicki, need a nap?

Jamie, it's the teleporter. That's how I can be in so many places at once.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Congratulations on that nomination! I'm glad you had a good week, and thanks for all the links. I'm considering the Amazon contest, but not sure yet. May wait until next year.