Friday, January 13, 2012

The Naked Ninja and Other Random Facts

I wonder what that title will do to search engines?

Let’s start with some interesting random rumors and facts.

NiNoCon, an online writer’s conference, is being hosted by Dojo Ninja Master herself, Ali Cross. The conference is scheduled for Saturday, February 4, so hop on over to Ali’s site for the details.

This week, Stephen Tremp unveiled the cover for his next book, Opening. Looks awesome, Stephen!

The iPad 3 does not have an official release date yet, but the rumors are it will be sometime in February. Will I be buying an iPad 3? Heck yes! And I’ll probably get the iPad 4 when it comes out as well. (Rumored for October.) Pretty soon I’ll have an iPad for every room in the house.

Also rumored coming out soon is Diablo III – finally! Diablo II came out in 2000. The wait between Starcraft and Starcraft II was ten years – the wait for Diablo III is going on twelve years now. Come on, people! I’m dying here.

They are working on a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Yes, you read that correctly. Pirates of the Caribbean: We Want Another Billion Dollars.

Most of you probably heard about the Bronco’s miracle win over the Steelers this past weekend. Here’s something you may not have heard though. Tim Tebow used to wear John 3:16 on his person when he played for the Gators. Now, I don’t think God really cares either way about football. But Sunday night, Tebow threw for 316 yards, averaging 31.6 yards per pass, and the viewer index for the end of that game was 31.6%. Pretty wild, huh?

Now for some naked Ninja. Not really, though. I’d scare myself!

Earlier this week, Elana Johnson asked how everyone was doing with their timelines. It suddenly dawned on me that my timeline ended October of 2010. My goal was to see CassaStar published and that was it. Now I have a second book coming out soon and I’m working on a third. How the heck did that happen??? I’m so not ready for all of this…

Many people have commented that I sound really young. Fooled you – I wish! I’ve still a little ways to go, but the next big milestone in my life is the big five-zero. Getting old sucks…

I look at the list of those who’ve signed up for my Catch Fire! Blog Party and I’m just in awe. I don’t even recognize some of the names! It won’t be on the same scope as Talli’s launch party, but hopefully enough people will participate to make a difference. (And if you want to sign up, go HERE for details – the party includes a giveaway of five copies of CassaFire.)

And finally, do you ever stop and wonder what would’ve happened had you never started writing? Or never started blogging? I would’ve missed a whole world of amazing friends who have changed my life.

What would you have missed?


PK HREZO said...

No doubt... I'd have so much more free But I could never go back to the non-writing/blogging existence. Would feel kind of empty.
That is too wild about Tebow!!! I mean, WOWSERS!!! I'm in awe.
I think I signed up for your launch party but man, I can't remember. Let me know if I didn't so I can! You know I'll be there!

Rek Sesh said...

Am I going be the first one to open this comment portal...the cover is fab, his nephew's work, if am not mistaken.
Lots of activity around, no comments on 3:16, being an agnostic for half a decade now and all that...
I thought you were younger than me.... :( or :> at my deducing skills?
I hope to enjoy the party, enjoy your weekend its almost friday evening out here.
Without blogging, writing, poetry I would still be mopping and flooding my home. ;D

Rek Sesh said...

Looks like someone beat me to it while I was still typing...bah, the disgrace.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Turning 50 was really hard for me. Suddenly it felt like I was on death's door, that time was running out. Oh well... best remedy for that death's door nonsense is eat lots of birthday cake and write some more because it truly is a life changer.
Wouldn't have come across you without it!

Our Life In A Caravan said...

Since I started blogging (July 2010) I've been told several times that I have inspired people. That is the best compliment you can get!

Annalisa Crawford said...

If I'd never have started writing, I'd probably have spent a lot more time with my friends and family - but I'd have had a huge gap in my life and I wouldn't be aware of what was missing.

As for blogging, the same as you Alex, I'd have missed out on lots of help and support from people who really knows how it feels when you can't find the right last line of a short story!

No way did I think you were almost 50! But then, lots of my bloggy friends have surprised me with their ages lately.

The Angry Lurker said...

I would have missed motivation as the blog encourages me......

Juliana said...

"Come on, people! I’m dying here." << Me too! Can't wait for Diablo III.!!!
Actually, I can cause like you I have been waiting for that forever!
A fifth Pirates of the Caribbean? I'm always wary of long series, afraid they will ruin it. I hope this is not the case. "We Want Another Billion Dollars." Perfect name lol

Mark Koopmans said...


I just posted that you've won an award from me :)

So there.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

looking forward to pirates 5, jack is sleeping and has a dream about gold rings... one for every finger. bring back the swans...

Brinda said...

If I had never started writing, I would probably have nothing to show for my free time (free time, haha). I would only be able to recount numerous television show plots and still be watching too much reality tv.

Brinda said...

If I had never started writing, I would probably have nothing to show for my free time (free time, haha). I would only be able to recount numerous television show plots and still be watching too much reality tv.


I would have missed my regular blogging friends who have been a real boon in my life,

I am still waiting for I PAD 1,
can you seriously tell me what does the Ipad do? what are the advantages and so on.Are theyreally worth having?

Have left an internal letter for you,

Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like without writing! Blogging is fairly new for me, but I've gained so much inspiration by reading the writing of others, and I've learned so much about the craft!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

PK, you are indeed signed up - thank you. And that is so wild how the numbers lined up for Tebow.

Rek, Stephen's nephew did do the cover art. And mopping doesn't sound like much fun. And you were almost first!

Cathy, I will remember that!

Caravan, it is!

AnnaLisa, the community here is just so supportive.

Juliana, we need Diablo III!!!

Mark, thank you.

Brinda, blogging sounds better.

Yvonne, I can give you a long list of features...

Li said...

I'm guessing you might get some disappointed readers with that title as you didn't provide any naked ninja pics. :-)

If I wasn't blogging/writing? I wouldn't even be on the Internet, and so I wouldn't have learned how to do various things, or "met" other people from all over the world. Yes, it takes a lot of time, but the rewards are worth it.(The rewards of writing would require its own post.)

Miranda Hardy said...

Yeah, where is the naked ninja? Lol A lot of great stuff in the horizon, I see. I'm glad I started blogging, and I wonder if I'd be floundering now if I hadn't met so many incredible people.

Rusty Carl said...

If I never started writing I would have done something creative. Something artsy. Without blogging? Well, I'd probably be considering starting a blog.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Oh my serious? The iPad3? Have I been living under a rock? I can't image why we ever purchase any electronics. They are 'old news' before we even open the package and figure out how to use them.

Prior to writing seriously, I was a dancer and also a painter. My brain would always take me to someplace creative.

Have a great weekend!

Old Kitty said...

Am scraping myself off the floor. I thought you said you were 50. I must have got that wrong.


Watch out floor, here I come again!

:-) Take care

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Through six years of blogging, I've seen many changes. It really taught me the impact and value of social media.

And those stats for Tebow are amazing. There's a young man of true faith.

farawayeyes said...

TEBOW ROCKS and then some. While I share a love of my Father in Heaven, I have to say anyone who publicly displays his convictions in such a non-obtrusive manner goes on my 'good guys' list. Even if I didn't agree with him,I would have to admire his willingness to publicly stand for something. The guy has a verb named after him, people, get a grip.

AGING ain't so bad when you consider the alternative.

Recently a blogger asked my age. They said they took me for late twenties or early thirties. I was 'over the moon' for a few minutes, then I thought; in person that would be an awesome and then some compliment, in writing, I'm not so sure. I was an even bigger airhead back then. Just a woman's perspective.

ON CASSA - finished Cassa Star - WOW. Waiting for my editor to add/delete the commas and I'll post a review.

ONLINE WRITERS CONFERENCE - I'm heading over. Living in the Caribbean it's a bit more difficult to get to those in person. I'll take a look at what ever I can get. Thanks

IF I NEVER STARTED WRITING/BLOGGING wherein the heck would I put all these words.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

The 3:16 was very cool.

I've always written even as a child so I can't imagine not writing. However, my daughter and sister kept encouraging me to blog and I laughed at them saying it wasn't for me. Guess what? I was wrong. The people I've met are amazing.


Arlee Bird said...

Seems so long ago when I celebrated my 50th birthday. And I've got another birthday coming soon. Can somebody stop these things and leave things the way they are for a while?

Stephen Tremp's Breakthrough series is pretty cool. Wishing him great success on Openings.

Tossing It Out

Anne Gallagher said...

I'm on the 5-0 train myself this year. How much fun is that? But hey, the bucket list is not so daunting now is it? Two books, a third one on the way...

As for blogging, I would have probably been waitressing at the Pig-On-A-Stick downtown if I hadn't.

Heather M. Gardner said...

You had me at naked...

So many wonderful things! You always have the best news and information!

Have a good one!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lisa, I didn't want to scar anyone for life. And without blogging, I wouldn't be on the Internet either.

Kitty, it's true - I will be there soon!

Faraway, I admire Tebow as well. And he never says anything - the media does all the talking for him.
Glad you enjoyed the book!!!
And your last line made me laugh.

Teresa, glad they encouraged you.

Lee, if you find a way to stop them, let me know.

Pig-On-A-Stick - that made me laugh, Anne!

Charles Gramlich said...

Pretty weird about the Tebow numbers. Strange indeed.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Who is this Tebow fellow you speak of? Heheh, can't wait for tomorrow night's game.

Bryan Russell said...

Tendonitis, probably.

Oh, and that maddening happiness that is writing fiction.

Cherie Reich said...

Yeah, I totally would not have guessed your age to be around there.

That's awesome you have surpassed your own timeline.

I do sometimes wonder what would've happened if I hadn't started writing. I'd be completely lost.

Valentina Hepburn said...

Alex, Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog. Writing has a positive side even if the publishers aren't knocking (at the moment??) I've made great like minded friends in a sometimes un-writerly world, because of my blog, and I've read some brilliant stuff by other writers. I've discovered loads of new things too.

Sarah Ahiers said...

50?! Holy cow! I would've guessed mid to late 30s! 40 at the oldest!
You sly dog you ;)

Laura Pauling said...

But that's a good thing that you come off as young! :) I can't imagine not writing and not meeting all the wonderful people I've met. I just wish we could all get together and meet. When I do get that chance to meet bloggers at conferences - I love it!

Sangu Mandanna said...

The CassaFire party isn't far away now - gosh, time's flown so fast! I'm so glad you've had so much support and so many sign-ups, Alex, hope the momentum keeps building!

Tonja said...

Wow, you come off as closer to thirty. I've been meaning to sign up for your blogfest...will do this weekend.

Matthew MacNish said...

I would have missed SO much.

Robyn Campbell said...

Naked! You got my attention. *snicker*

I thought you must be twenty-five, ALex. :-)

Never written or blogged. Hmmm.I would have loads of free time, but my life wouldn't be as rich as it is now.

I would have missed cyber knowing you! Not cool. So I'm glad I chose this path.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LG, we'll see what happens!

Cherie, most people would've guessed wrong.

Valentina, that's what makes this community so amazing.

Sarah, that's me!

Laura, I've only met one other blogger so far, so that would be cool.

Sangu, I hope it does!

Tonja, this old dude thanks you.

Robyn, I'd glad you did. And thanks, I feel younger already.

Marta Szemik said...

I had you figured for late thirties! Cheers to the power of the word and perception!
Another Pirates - I say "Yay" so long as they bring Orlando Bloom back.
He's to me like Kate is to you Alex :)
Oh, and Derek Hough is on that list too.
If I didn't start writing I would still be looking for that thing you're told to do when you're in high school: "make sure you love your job and what you do". Before writing, I was on a constant search for what I loved to do and nothing comes close to how happy writing makes me.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Tim Tebow is an exciting persona.

I do like the cover for Stephen's book.

I'm surprised to learn that you are in your forties.

I learned so much in just one visit!

Cate Masters said...

Never write? Unimaginable. As far as blogging, I would have missed the same.

Suze said...

What is a Karma score?

Unknown said...

I'll have to check out Ali's site and I just love Stephen's cover.

If I hadn't started blogging, well I shudder to think about all the great friends I'd have missed out on. I hope to meet some of you in person one day. And not writing, I can't even imagine. :)

I'd like to try that timeline idea. That sounds like a great idea. Congrats on exceeding yours.

Christopher Hudson said...

Alex, did you have to put an image of a naked ninja in my mind? Sheeesh, now, I have to carry that around all day.

Budd said...

long waits between video games is usually a bad sign.

My family has a fire now. not quite an iPad, but lots of fun and great for reading comics.

Leovi said...

The iPad 3, we see that news brings.

Anonymous said...

The Search engines will go balastic LOL!
Sounds like you're my age.
An ipad in every room in the house? Interesting. I feel very behind with modern technology.

Julie Musil said...

You DO sound younger than your age! Quite a compliment. Here are my thoughts: Another pirate movie? Blech. Didn't bother to see the last one. Stephen's cover? Awesome! Tebow? Legit! I don't even care about football (except when my son plays), but I love that guy. If I had a daughter of a marrying age, I'd be hunting that guy down. And thanks for the conference info. I'll go check it out!

Claire Hennessy said...

We have a couple of iPads lying around the house and I hardly ever use them. Dunno what the fuss is all about (eeek are you gonna give me a blasting now?). Gosh, I am sooo pleased I finally dived into the blogging world - it is such fun. I am about to hit the Big 40-10 this year ... how did that happen? I still feel 30!

Cassie Mae said...

I'm super excited for the NiNoCon!

And I'm not sure what I'd be doing if I didn't start writing or blogging. It's hard to imagine life without it, it seems. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marta, that is wonderful! And I'd take late thirties at this point.

Michael, I think I've surprised a lot of people today.

Melissa, so much we wouldn't know and so many people we wouldn't know.

Christopher, just go check out the image of Kate in my sidebar. That should help.

Budd, just means they are tweaking it to death.

Madeleine, I hope so!

Julie, I think that's why women just love Tebow - he's stable in all areas of his life.

Claire, I don't know how it happens...

Cassie, it becomes a way of life.

Tara Tyler said...

i hate techno geeks! i'm stickin w/ my ipad "classic" til it breaks! why the insignificant upgrades! argh!

pirates needs to make up for the last snafu...and APPLE wants the millions!

I love his career story. And those stats, how crazy! Hes a ball of positive energy

sorry, pops, 50 sounds right. you know way too much!
still a ninja tho!

its more like, what would i be doing if i wasnt writing, how did i fill the voids of wasted time before i started? so glad to have this community and outlet!

happy friday the 13th!

Laura Josephsen said...

I would have missed out on a lot of friendships and stories, and a ton of things that would take me paragraphs to name.

(I love your title today. ;))

They're making another Pirates movie?? O_O

Blog party! I must have missed that earlier! *goes to sign up*

Johanna Garth said...

Really? I was thinking 20 something!

And w/o writing, I guess I would have been just another corporate lawyer.

LD Masterson said...

Got bad news for you - after 50, those damn birthday start coming even faster. But keep on keeping on and you'll stay ahead of them.

Mary Aalgaard said...

You really are a Super Ninja Blogger. This is a great place to connect with other writers and artists.

Play off the Page

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tara, I am not adding 'pops' to my title...

Thank you, Laura!

LD - crap!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

I would have guessed you were younger, too!
If I hadn't started blogging I wouldn't have found this wonderful community of writers, both published and not, who are willing to take the time to encourage and support each other. I wouldn't have found it without you, either, so thank you!

mooderino said...

Naked ninjas appear to be notable by their absence in this post. False advertising!

Liza said...

Getting old may suck, but the alternative sucks more...Happy Friday Alex!

Unknown said...

Still can't quite convince myself to buy an ipad. I want one but my sensible self keeps stopping me.

As for the Big-5-0 - me too! September.

M.J. Fifield said...

They're not really going to make another Pirates of the Caribbean movie, are they? I'm so disappointed to hear that.

If I never started seriously writing, I would've ended up an opera singer. True story.

Patsy said...

I never wonder what would have happened if I didn't write and blog because I can't imagine doing those things. I do however wonder why I didn't start both sooner - I've been writing for almost 10 years and blogging for about 18 months. What on Earth did I do with myself before that?

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I would have missed some great friends and I would not appreciate the work authors put into writing a novel

~Sia McKye~ said...

My husband commented on Tebow as well with the same figures.

Hmmm, so where is the naked ninja?


Andrew Leon said...

I would never have guessed that you're older than me.

Colene Murphy said...

I have thought about what I would be doing if I wasn't a writer exactly one time. And I avoid it now. I would be pathetic and aimless. And I don't like to wonder about that. lol. Have a great weekend!

Sara Bulla said...

Wow you have a wealth of info in this post! So excited about the NiNoCon. I'm so tempted! :) Congrats for tackling your timeline like a champ! That's awesome!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rachel, thank you!

Moody, the Ninja is hiding!

Michael, I'm sorry. And once you get an iPad, you'll wonder how you lived without it.

MJ, you need to tell us about that sometime.

Sia, he's hiding.

Andrew, hope that's a good thing.

Thanks, Sara.

Elana Johnson said...

Oooh, the big 5-0. Love that.

And I hear you on the timeline. I'm like, "Wait, is mine up yet? How am I going to launch this second book??"

Can't wait for your second book! And NiNoCon. That's going to be fun.

ediFanoB said...

I talk a lot with my wife about what I'm reading, about my blog, about bogs I visit and of course about authors where I have a relationship.

I just told her about your age. she has been totally surprised!!
She guessed 30 maybe 35!!

We are both 50+ but that does not hinder us to enjoy reading. And to be honest when I write a pot or a comment I often forget my age.

Your blog and your books are like a fountain of youth!!!

M Pax said...

Glad you're working on book three. Excellent. Stephen's cover looks amazing.

That milestone is going to bug me, too. My older brother just turned the 5-0. We all said, let's not talk about it. Mostly, because, crap, I'm next.

Helena said...

Living in Denver (I'm a rare native), I can tell you that Tebow fever is everywhere right now, but I still didn't know about the strange 3:16 connections. But I can also tell you that the SNL skit about Tebow getting a talking down from J.C. also went over big here.
And hey, the big 5-0 ain't so scary once you've passed it, as I have.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Elana! I know Ali has some cool stuff planned for NiNoCon.

Edi, glad I could shock your wife. I shall try to retain my fountain of boyish youth.

Mary, that's how I feel.

Helena, I imagine you're inundated.

Huntress said...

Pirates. LOL

I would have missed this creative process, learning a new trade, the techie-nerdie stuff of formatting a lexicon and blog.

And my best buddies, Charity and Marcy. Oh, yeah and you too, Alex *G*

Steven said...

And there the title excited me. That was a lot of good info, though.

FilmMattic said...

Those Tebow "coincidences" are pretty startling. Tebow mania surpassed logic and reason months ago; his team's exploits have been hovering in The Insane Zone since that time. It's incredible drama and entertainment, marrying two of my prominent passions—football and movies. I guess that's what happens when you suspend disbelief on the football field.

Great post!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out Alex!!! Much appreciated! I did not knpw that about Tebow. I'm always fascinated (or easily amused) when it comes to numbers and such. Coincidence about 3:16? I think not. said...

Two books done and a third on its way - you are VERY young to have accomplished so much, Alex!

Nicole Zoltack said...

I can't wait for Diablo III!

I actually did hear about the 316 connection to Tim Tebow. Pretty wild. Coincidences do happen but this seems like too much to be a coincidence.

I've been writing stories since shortly after I first learned how to write. LOL The stories were only a few pages long, but still, they had a beginning a middle and an end. For the most part, lol I don't think I've ever wondered what would've happened had I never started.

But you're so right about the amazing blogging community!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Fascinating about 3:16. Numbers are strange and amazing...

Thanks for mentioning Stephen's cover. Really nice.

Mary Montague Sikes

Carol Kilgore said...

Amazing Tebow facts.
Happy Weekend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Huntress!

Hey Matt! Tebowmania is funny in that he's really said very little - the media has just gone nuts with it.

Stephen, you're welcome, and no coincidence!

Robyn, I like your way of thinking.

Nicole, when Diablo III comes out, you won't see me for a month!

Monti, it's a really cool cover.

Carol, same to you!

Unknown said...

I didn't know that you were near on fifty! You write like a person younger than your fifty years. Now I have a lot of links to check out.

Angela Brown said...

Stephen's new book! I've got Breakthrough so I have to go check this one out.

Also, I nearly split my pants laughing at : Pirates of the Caribbean: We Want Another Billion Dollars.

OMG!! Too ridiculously funny!!!

Ciara said...

Confession: I can't remember if I signed up for the blog launch, but I'm participating. Got the button up already. :)

I would have gone insane without writing. Seriously. I lost the discs in my lower back about two and half years ago. I was always an adrenaline junkie and lived for mountain biking, running, jumping off buildings with no more than a shoestring. :) Writing had to fill my adrenaline junkie side. I seriously don't know what I'd do without it. Here's to the US staring to do total disc replacements so I can go backpack the trails again. *crosses fingers*

Golden Eagle said...

I would probably be reading more--and wishing that I could write like the authors I enjoyed. :P

If I never started blogging? I would have missed writing blog posts, finding a ton of new books, and learning about writing and all sorts of other stuff. And the people, which is the most important thing about the blogosphere.

Chuck said...

Alex, cannot wait til the release! I went and signed up since I couldn't remember if I had or I am either late to the party or I cheated with a second entry! Been sportin' the Catch Fire since it came out, I know that for a fact!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Clarissa, I'll take that as a compliment.

Ciara, hope you're able to return to your active lifestyle one day. And I'll check the list to make sure you're signed up.

Golden, the people are what matter!

Chuck, and I appreciate that! I think you were signed up, but I'll double-check.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Alex, you're only as old as you feel - which means some tired mornings I am 1000!

I have always written. Most of my early stuff was destroyed when my home burned to the ground some years back. But Blogging has opened a new world of like-minded kindred spirits, making me feel not quite so alone in my dreams.

I have signed up for CassFire! Blog Party. Your logo is in my sidebar and your dreams for success in my prayers, Roland

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would never have guessed your 50... no way. Am in shock. You totally come across much much younger:) The online writer's conference sounds good... am popping over there now:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Roland! And shame you lost your earlier work in a fire. Only way to look at it is you've come up with far better ideas and created better stories since then.

TF, I try to maintain my boyish charm.

Empty Nest Insider said...

I turned 50 a few days before the A to Z Challenge started last year, so I didn't have time to be miserable. It was the greatest gift. Alex, you have the energy of a 25 year old, so only good things will be coming your way!

Congrats to Stephen! Julie

Nancy Thompson said...

Sometimes I do wish I'd never started writing. Then I wouldn't feel so driven to do something I might never accomplish. Maybe I'd be more satisfied in blissful ignorance. But I wouldn't be happier & that's what's really important. And I wouldn't have met all the wonderful other writers out there, including you, Alex.

And WHOA! 50? Really? I can't believe that, but then I've never seen a photo of you. You do sound young, but I can relate to you better now knowing your just 2 years older than I am!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Approaching the big 5-0, huh, Alex? You're still a kid. Once consolation I gave myself when I was coming onto that was (1) remembering that while 40 is the old age of youth, 50 is the youth of old age--you'll be young for an old guy; and (2) I started taking karate lessons just before my birthday. And I got my black belt. Not too shabby for a fat, old lady, huh?

Jamie Gibbs said...

You do seem a lot younger than the big 5x10; ninjas are undetectable, even by the hands of time.

If I hadn't started blogging, I probably wouldn't be in the job I'm in now (I think the blog thing made me interesting enough for them to take me on). I wouldn't be reading as fantasy as I am now, and probably would have given up on reading all that much.

I hope Pirates 5 goes straight to DVD, maybe then they'll realise that they should stop making them.

Talli Roland said...

Ha, I'd definitely have more time nd less stress! :) However, I'd have missed out on a lot. . . including people like you.

I love Stephen's new cover.

Denise Covey said...

Good question. No writing or blogging? Sheesh, I'd have a lot more time to travel and kick sand along the world's beaches, but it's really nice writing about it afterwards.

Your blog party should be a blast. Does it fall on your big 50? Way to go with your timelines. I've seen you say only 3 books. Chances are you'll write more.


anthony stemke said...

Wow! an incredible amount of information here.

Sheila Siler said...

Hey - I just turned 51 and feel young as ever! Thanks for always being such a great support to all of us!

Luna said...

I don't want to think about my life without writing or blogging. Would have missed out on meeting so many amazing people. I've also learned so much about myself through this whole writing journey.

Ooh..I don't have a timeline. Can't wait for your book launch! It's going to rock!

Have a fantastic weekend, Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, I will cling to that hope!

Nancy, we're probably about the same age - I'm not quite there yet. ("I'm not quite dead yet!")

Donna, you have a black belt? That is awesome. And I like the idea I'm in the youth of old age. Well, not really...

Jamie, blogging really made a difference in your life then!

Denise, not hitting that 5-0 for a while. And no pressure on the writing!

Sheila and Jamie, thank you!

Jules said...

Nope, never thought about it and if you hadn't explained "Blogfest" I'd probably still be writing to myself. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

CA Heaven said...

Broncos was the best team when we lived in Colorado more than 10 years ago. They won two back-to-back SuperBowls with John Elway as QB. Must admit I don't follow NFL very closely, but if I have a favorite team, it has to be Broncos >:)

Cold As Heaven

Deana said...

Oh that makes me sad when I think about that question. I have met so many awesome people through writing and blogging. People I've never met personally, but consider better friends than those I do know face to face. Us writers are so totally blessed in my opinion.

And I can't wait until the NiNo Con!

Stacy S. Jensen said...

I would have missed a lot of cool people without the blogging. Some I've met in person and they are just as awesome as online.

Leovi said...

You are about to turn 50? Do not worry, I'm older. Health is becoming more important as age 50 and every time you enjoy more of the small details of life.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jules, I'd be reading what you wrote.

Cold, doubt they'll get that far this year, but it's fun to watch miracle Tebow.

Leovi, I try not to worry.

grins said...

People seem to like my growing old articles best. I've been called Grandpa for ten years by my friends. I still feel thirty. From what I've read you are in the prime of your writing form.

Angela McCallister said...

Oh, you're ready, though it may not always feel like it :) You've really done a lot over the past 2+ years.

I envy those who can play RPGs. I can't touch them because I get too involved and I do nothing else all day long.

I almost did give up writing. Went 13 years without, and then I recaptured my younger self. This blogging community gives me the hope and encouragement to keep it up!

D.G. Hudson said...

Alex - Age matters less if the brain is still active, and hasn't yet hit the 'zombie' stage. This fear of hitting a so-called milestone will pass. Remember, fear is the mind killer.

I started blogging to discipline myself and to practice certain skills. Without blogging, I wouldn't have planned my travel photos and notes with the thought of using them for blog material.

I think I'm on your list for the CassaFire party. Enjoy your weekend!

Author A.O. Peart said...

I'm ways from the big 5-0 as well, but then again, I never tell how old I am (thank you, Mom and Dad for fabulous genes!).
Seriously, this is what I think - it's not the age. It's the attitude.
Have a fab weekend. It's snowing in Seattle, yikes.

Julie Dao said...

Oooo, the iPad 3, you say? I'm so behind the times technology-wise. I still have a granny phone that only calls/texts, for godsake. Anyway, I wonder that all the time - and I believe that if I had never started writing again, I would be feeling sorta empty. And I wouldn't have the great blog friends I have now!

Patricia Stoltey said...

There's so much in this post I want to respond to... First, the Tebow stats--I'm a Coloradoan and a Bronco fan who's starting to get freaked out. I looked at my watch when I picked up the mail the other day and it was 3:16. What next? :)

50? You're just a kid. My next birthday will be the big...oh never mind.

My world would be much smaller without my writing and blogging, so I don't plan to stop anytime soon.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Curm, I hope so.

Angela, that's good, and we are glad you are back with us!

DG, no fear!

Angela, wish we had snow! And I have great genes as well. I certainly don't look upper forties.

Julie, we're glad you started again.

Patricia, I'm sure all of you Bronco fans will be freaking Saturday night!

Laura said...

Hello lovely ninja... huh - I had you pegged for 30 at the most... :)

So glad to hear you're writing number 3!

If I hadn't started writing or blogging? I'd have missed out on some of my most important friendships, and also the sparkly bits in life - like the weird purple glitter people keep putting on cupcakes

Happy weekend

cleemckenzie said...

I love to watch Johnny Depp with his tipsy stagger on the deck of the Black Pearl, so bring on #5 I say and a bottle of rum, too while they're at it.

Cat Lavoie said...

I'm looking forward to the iPad 3 but I'm not sure if I'm going to upgrade... It's going to be tempting, though.

If I hadn't starting blogging, I'd feel really disconnected. Interacting with fellow writers has been so rewarding and I know it has helped my writing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, where are you getting this purple glitter for cupcakes?

Catherine, it's the connections that matter.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Like you, I would have missed out on some great friends.

Despite being in Broncos Country, I had no idea about the 3:16 numbers.

Great cover, Stephen!

Good luck with your next time line.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Alex, we are only as young as we feel, right? I certainly don't feel going on 38! It would be a fun, fun day to meet you! XD

What is a timeline as Elana asked? :O

I would be very miserable right now if I'd never started writing because that has always been my escape from my ugly childhood! <3

Thanks for visiting my blog, Alex, you rock!


Marjorie said...

Would that i could afford even one iPad let alone one for every room! haha!

Blogging has been a great experience when I get in gear and just do it. I enjoy putting my thoughts out there and looking at all the other thoughts there are swimming around the internet.

Jeremy Bates said...

ive been waiting ten years for diablo III!i was still in university when it first came out :(

Rhonda said...

I agree with you, I would have missed some pretty special friends. As an aside - you finally mentioned a movie I liked - Pirates of the Caribbean - of course you were poking fun at it. LOL.

mshatch said...

Oh no, Alex, you are YOUNG :)

And if I hadn't started blogging I would not have written as much as I have nor met the people who helped me along the way - and that is priceless.

DL Hammons said...

Hey...I got a 60 in Plasma TV for my 50th birthday! I think you need to start whispering in your wife's ear! :)

Leovi said...

Yes, the blogosphere has occupied an important place in my life.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, she was referencing how long before our book is published. She gave herself five years and did it in less.

Jeremy, it's been a long, long wait...

Rhonda, just that they will keep making them until they no longer make money.

DL, I already have a 3D HDTV. Need to think of something bigger.

Jen, dead is indeed very old!

E. M. Prokop said...

Hey Alex! Congrats on all your gadgets..and on your books!! That's so excellent! I admire anyone who can not only write a book, but get it published..hats off to you sir! Hope you're having a fantastic weekend!

Jolene Perry said...

I'm thrilled you're nearing 50 because you're still cool ;-O
There's hope...
Though, it IS just a number.

Unknown said...

Love Stephen's book cover..
....and for me, If I hadn't been blogging, I wouldn't have met friends like you :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Eve!

Jolene, thanks, and I'll try not to lose the cool.

Damy, same here!

Anonymous said...

I signed up for the blog party and I'm going to post the widget right away.

50? That's still young. :)

Tyrean Martinson said...

Friends, Encouragement times 100, and fun blogfests and more!

Bkloss said...

Congrats on finishing so many books, AND on the almost five-zero! Hey, as far as I'm concerned, age is an attitude.

And I'm RIGHT there with you, with your thoughts on what would've happened had you never started writing/blogging. Sometimes I think my life would be a lot simpler, but then I'm forced to acknowledge all the ways writing and my blogging buddies have forever changed me and made me better. I'm forever grateful!

Karen M. Peterson said...

My roommates have been not-so-patiently waiting for Diablo III since it was announced a couple of years ago.

They got a code and are beta testing it...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Medeia, thank you!

Barbara, life would be simpler but not as enriched.

Karen, your friends are so lucky!

Pat Tillett said...

Lots of good stuff her Alex. I can't wait for Stephen Tremp's next book (as well as your own). You probably don't know this, but the west coast locations in his first book, took place in my neighborhood! It was a whole different thing, recognizing all the places where things took place.

Anonymous said...

We're supposed to have timelines? Erm... >.>

Also, can we have a Pirates of the Carribean/Underworld Crossover? Except they'd have to bring back Kiera Knightley. I wouldn't stand for anything less than Kiera Knightley and Kate Beckinsale swordfighting.

Also, it's been a while, good sir. Congrats on the upcomng release!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat, that is really cool!

Simon, I'd pay to see that.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. no wonder I got bombed out the first time - 143 comments ...

At the rate I'm going it'll be straight to ipad 4 - perhaps they'll have a braintechnolearn gadget then I wouldn't need to the how to booklets or dumbness state I enter ..

Cheers .. Hilary

Bryan Thomas said...

I actually thought Pirates 4 was the best of the franchise. Certainly tied with the first one. It was just a lot more coherent and focused and a lot of fun.

As for writing, well, I couldn't live without it and it's hard to remember when I didn't do it. I had periods of pausing various focuses and switching to screenwriting then plays then nonfiction then novels, etc., but I have always been writing. It's a compulsion and addiction for me.