Today begins my virtual tour for CassaStar, which comes out October 19.
First stop: Speculative Book Review with a review.
Not a perfect review, but a positive review!
And this review just appeared at Scribbler to Scribe - WOW!!
My publisher has agreed to a giveaway, too! It starts today and the winner will be announced on November 1.
So here's the scoop - I'm not going to make this complicated:
* Comment here
* Comment on just one of my tour stops
* Those of you posting an announcement on the 19th receive a second entry - I really appreciate everyone who volunteered to do this!
You are welcome to comment on any or all of the stops, as each one is quite different. (But it's not a requirement.) Select a blog that's new to you. Several of these blogs receive high traffic but low comments - I'd like to blow their minds! Show them that Alex's Army ROCKS!!
I'll announce each stop as it occurs. The full tour is:
October 12 - Speculative Book Review
October 13 - Sia McKye’s Thoughts Over Coffee
October 14 - Patricia Stoltey
October 17 - Edi’s Book Lighthouse
October 18 - Scribbler to Scribe and SFF Hub
October 19 - Hollywood Spy and Speculative Book Review
October 20 - Mystery Writing is Murder and The Non-Review
October 21 - Straight From Hel
October 22 - Sharp Pen Dull Sword
October 23 - A No. 2 Pencil Stat
October 25 - Grasping for the Wind
October 26 - Confessions of a Watery Tart
October 27 - Spunk on a Stick’s Tips
October 28 - Breakthrough Blogs
October 29 - Thoughts in Progress
Wow, Alex, very full on! I'll beam you some multivitamin pills. Enjoy your tour.
My Darcy Mutates
Yay:) This is going to be awesome!
Thanks Enid and Alexandra!
I feel excited for you Alex.
Good luck you deserve it.
Can the nerves, buck up and enjoy, you are going to be great!!!!!
Plus, I want to win!
I hope this works out great for you!
I'm so excited for you! Good luck, though you really don't need it!
Very exciting!
Best of book luck!! May Oprah smile upon you.
how on Earth will you find enough stylish suits and outfits to appear in all these places in all glory :)
You are making me nervous with all this excitement :) (Well maybe it is cold medicine withdraws) I'm sending you buyer fairies. The little ones who make suggestions in undecided buyers ears. Good Luck!
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Yay! Your doing an amazing job Alex- keep it up....How exciting this must be for you! You will do great at all your stops, and your book will do fine when it comes out too...deep slow breathes...:) Good luck!
Looks like you have a great tour set up (and I'm not saying that because I'm on the list of hosts). I'm excited for you, so I know you're excited.
Congratulations Alex! This is so exciting!
Enjoy the ride. You'll only have the sensation of this first time once.
You are talented. Your book is good. And you are surrounded by friends.
This will be something memorable and positive. Bet on it. Roland
Sounds like you have a busy time ahead. Good luck! :)
This is so exciting! I love this trailer.
Best of everything, Alex!
Looking forward to every stop. I'll be there. Nest wishes for a smashing success!
Stephen Tremp
Excited for you! Congratulations!
So excited for you! Here's to hoping that it's more fun then nerves. :)
Can't wait to see the finish product and all the love sent your way on the blogtour.
I'm very excited for you!
How exciting and how stressful. Can you sit still?
Thanks, Gail - that makes me feel better!
Dezz, guess I need to go shopping.
Thanks, Roland.
Oooh so so so so excited for you!!!!! GOOD LUCK and above all ENJOY THIS!!!! :-)
yay!! take care
Very exciting! I will stop by and visit and give you a shout out on the 19th! enJOY, you worked hard for this~
Enjoy every stop and relish every minute - you deserve it!
SO Excited for you!! Enjoy every second of it!
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!
I left my comment on Tyson's site so you can read it there. I think he did a good job with the review, but I think I can understand where you are coming from on the points he cited as weaknesses.
I'll be following the tour.
Tossing It Out
Yay! Go Alex go! Best of luck with everything - I'm sure your book get a fantastic response. I can't wait to read it!
That's quite a lineup you have for the blog tour! Enjoy the insanity :)
Enjoy the ride! First book only happens once.
I thought I was on for 10/19 as well. Did I F it up somehow?
Alex, my stomach has butterflies FOR you! This is so exciting. I'm proud to be one of Alex's Army (love that term).
How superbly awesome Alex! I'll be heading over to all those sites to check out your tour! Good luck to all those entering to win his book!
I am happy dancing for you!!!!!
Good luck, Alex!!
Congrats on the review! Are you having trouble sitting still yet because you're so excited? I will definitely give you a shout the 19th in addition to participating in the tour.
Very cool! I'll be scoping out your stops.
Thanks, Lee - I'll jump over and read it.
No, Matthew! You and about 50 others are posting about my book that day, so it was too many to name - but I will give everyone a shout-out.
Thanks, Julie!
Thanks, Hart!
And thanks everyone! Another review was just posted by Scribbler to Scribe, so I listed that as well. Blew me away!
Good luck with the tour!
Yes, Very Excited for you Alex!! WootHoot! Congrats and enjoy the ride!!! :-)
Good luck--I'm so excited for you! :D I'll be sure to check out the virtual tour stops!
Looking forward to the 19th.
Good luck, and ENJOY IT ALL.
Hloody hell, you're gonna be freakin' exhausted! Best of luck to ya! I'll head over tout suite!
Enjoy every minute. You'll never get to have this exact experience again.
Will, I can see exhausted from here!
Karen, you're spot on right!
Yeeeeeee Haaawwwwww!!!! Here we go!! Exciting stuff. :)
Breathe man, breathe. And take some vitamin B.
looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!! :)
It's going to be F.U.N. Yay!!!
I was going to follow your tour anyway, but of course I would love to win a copy of your book! Even better. Good luck this month buddy!
DL, sure you're from Arkansas and not Texas?
Thanks, Geof - and everyone!
Wow, looks like you're going to need a flying car alright. This is really a great experience for us to share with you, too. Thanks, for sharing it.
Oh, by the way, I just beamed down my Amazon Kindle copy into the iPad.
It's all there! Already!
I'm so excited for you! And don't worry, everything is going to be amazing! :)
I am SO looking forward to this Alex! I am HUNGRY for a great new sci fi to blow my mind!
Just like all the others, I'm extremely excited for you, buddy! :) Only 5 days left ;)... 5 days of huge anticipation for all of us.
I would almost be envious of you, Alex, except that I know my time will come soon enough as far as getting ready for the launch of my own novel. I can only speculate the level of excitement coursing through you right now.
Bryan, thanks!!!
Thanks, Nebular.
Jeffrey, you will know soon - and then I can tout YOUR new release!
Alex, great review on Scribble to Scribe. Congratulations!
normally i'd be all over this contest, but i'll need a book to read before Nov 1st and i was planning on buying Cassastar on the 19th. So i will stick with my original plan so i can read it sooner
Congratulations, and enjoy the tour! And I love that you're promoting some smaller blogs - you rock!
I'm on my way to the first stop!
Alex, Thanks for the visit and lovely comment. My cousin Pat is 3 yrs older than me, Christine is 6 months younger than me .
The two cousins are sisters and all three of us got married the same year. The photo of Brian is their brother who is nine years older than Pat..
Thanks for the compliament.
How exciting! Good luck with the tour!
Thanks, Liza!!
Falen - thanks! That is sweet. You da woman!
Yvonne, don't tell them I said that then! But you look ten years younger at least.
Here's hoping you have a fabulous book tour!
Sorry I'm a little late following you over to her. I see your name all over the net when I read the blogs. Just followed you over from L'Aussie and Laura's book launch.
Have a great time and enjoy...You can sleep later or maybe not.
I am always up for a good party count me in on the launch date I will mention it over at my blog. There's Just Life...
that's totally exciting, nerve-wracking, lols...tiresome i mean! have fun...and enjoy the tour..;-)
will find time to be there when i have the luxury of time... :P
I'm excited for you! enjoy your tour
I'm excited for you! enjoy your tour
Thanks, everyone!
Read both the reviews so far. Both are very interesting.
I hope the tour goes well.
happy to help. best wishes on the tour.
Good luck!! I'm getting my Alex post ready this weekend! Are you freaking out?!
Palin, not just yet...
Commenting here, commented on Edi's blog and will be posting an announcement on the 19th. I really wanna get my hands on this book :)
I'm very excited for you.
It sucks that I've missed a lot of the tour :( Stupid academia :( You bet your ass I'm gonna play catchup though :)
best of luck to you, and I'm looking forward to the 19th :D
Thanks, Lynda!
Thanks, Jamie! Hey, you've been focused on important stuff.
This is going to rock!!
Just remember to breathe tomorrow Alex! Enjoy the moment for all of us.
I'm heading to check out some of the tour stops, and my post is ready to go for tomorrow.
Congratulations, Alex!!!
Congratulations! And I'm heading off now to check out some of the blog tour stops.
I'm so excited for you!
The excitement is tangible. I've been following some of your blog tours and you've had an interesting journey. I'm all set to post in a few hours. Enjoy the ride, as Roland says, this is the only ever first-time so make the most of the rush..:)
Sincerest congratulations. How thrilling! Thanks for flagging up some terrific blogs too. :O)
Oooh I hope the giveaway is open to foreigners.
I really really really want to read CassaStar.
very best of luck and if you have the need for a meltdown... just breathe...:)
all the best!
Congratulations on an accomplishment that is out of this world. My boys would love this book. Your book trailer is fantastic!
Sounds very cool! Congratulations.
Well, I'm just so excited for you I'm gonna do an extra post tonight to spread the word.
Wow, you must be overwhelmed!!
A HUGE congrats!!
Congratulations Alex! The blog tour sounds fun too, best of luck with everything!
God bless!
Thanks everyone who's commented and don't forget to comment on one of my tour stops to be entered in the contest!
Congratulations on the birth of your new baby boy! I'm so happy for you!
I've left a comment on Old Kitty's post and I've posted it on my blog and here's my comment.
Have a great time, Alex! <3
Hey Alex! I'm new here...in August and September, I had lots of computer issues and forgot to go back and follow the people I intended to follow.
Hope I didn't lose you there...
Congratulations on your book release; I'm getting my copy Thursday. I'm very excited to know that out here in the blogverse, it really is happening for people.
Again, congrats!
Seriously, man-- mazel tov! This is so freakin' awesome. (= Going to make a noise about it.
Words Crafter - wow, thanks!!
Thank you, Jo!
Oh, I'm so glad I didn't miss the tour. Congrats, Alex!
I'm really excited to see your book, now that it's out. I'm a little late to the game, but better late than never, no? :)
Looks like an awesome book. I <3 your book trailer - in fact, it's the first book trailer I've seen that made me think maybe I should change my opinion about book trailers. ;o) Good luck!
Alex, I am so excited for you! Your baby is out there in the big world and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy (next payday).
I've been away from Blogger quite a bit and only got your post up yesterday. Which doesn't qualify me for another entry but that's okay. If even one person finds your blog and buys your book because of my post that's what matters.
Have a great weekend! that rebel, Olivia
How exciting, Alex! I'll be sure to check out your progress through the tour...have fun.
You had a great tour, Alex. Sell a million!
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