Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, Writing for Profit, and Contest! October Movie Preview, Buy One Get One Free Audio Book, and Ninja News

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My co-hosts today are Olga Godim, Chemist Ken, Jennifer Hawes, and Tamara Narayan!

October 4 question - Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your characters, either by accident or on purpose?

Yes, I really do own a teleporter. Kidding! Just a clone machine. Truth though, I don’t think I ever have. And would you even know…?

Show Your Writer Insecurity Contest!

Are you proud to be an insecure writer? Then show us!
Today, post a photo of yourself (or your alter ego) with any of the IWSG swag or with the IWSG logo. Then leave a comment that day at either the IWSG website’s post or the IWSG Facebook post directing us to your photo. (All blog, Facebook, Goodreads, and newsletter members welcome, but photo must be posted on a blog or Facebook to qualify.)
The IWSG site admins will visit each one and pick the top three. Why? Because there are cool prizes involved:
Third place – EBook of A Change of Mind and Other Stories by Nick Wilford, eBook of The Remnant by William Michael Davidson, eBook of Cling to God by Lynda R. Young, eBook of Already Home by Heather M. Gardner, and eBook of Dragon of the Stars by Alex. J. Cavanaugh.
Second place – The entire eBook collection of the Totem series by Christine Rains, eBooks of Princess of Las Pulgas by C. Lee McKenzie, audio book of CassaSeries by Alex J. Cavanaugh, eBook of Black and White by Nick Wilford, and your choice eBook from J.L. Campbell.
Grand prize winner - IWSG website interview, IWSG newsletter spotlight, IWSG pinned tweet for one week, C. Lee McKenzie's Featured Follower for the month, the IWSG Goodreads book club eBook for October/November, a short chapter critique, and a pair of IWSG erasers.

He’s not eligible, but Mini-Alex didn’t want to miss out today.

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Writing for Profit Available Now!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this free anthology.

From writing to publishing to marketing, the Insecure Writer's Support Group members provide tips on making money as a writer. This guide represents the spirit of the IWSG - to encourage and support writers everywhere! It is our hope that this book will benefit you as a writer, no matter where you are in the journey. 

ISBN: 9781939844453 FREE
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo

Ninja News

My publisher is running a special all October - buy one audio book, get one free.
Buy any of the eleven Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. audio books in October 2017 from either iTunes, Amazon, or Audible.
Send a copy of your receipt (less any payment info) along with your 1st and 2nd choice of free audio book to
You will receive a code for a free audio book download.
Choose your free book from these ten titles:
He Gave Me Barn Cats by Maria Santomasso-Hyde, The Remnant by William Michael Davidson, Tornado Warning by Tamara Hart Heiner, CassaStar by Alex J. Cavanaugh, CassaFire by Alex J. Cavanaugh, CassaStorm by Alex J. Cavanaugh, Bloodwalker by L.X. Cain, Matowak: Woman Who Cries by Joylene Nowell Butler, Under a Purple Moon by Beverly Stowe McClure, and Dragon of the Stars by Alex J. Cavanaugh. (You can also purchase my CassaSeries boxed set on audio, but it’s not available as a free selection.)

Don’t forget the annual IWSG Anthology Contest deadline is November 1!
Genre: Mystery/Crime/Thriller
Theme: Tick Tock.
We have an awesome panel of judges this year and the winning entries will be published in a royalty-paying anthology.
See the IWSG Anthology Contest post for details.

IWSG member in need…
Many of you know author and IWSG member Christopher D. Votey and how in August he found himself homeless. He’s still working to get back on his feet and has started doing freelance work. Chris did a great job with his article on world building for the IWSG site and is hoping to gain more work.
You can check out his website, Concrete Desk Freelance Writing, and if you can help spread the word so Chris can get more work and find a permanent home, that would be great.

October Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for October! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

6 -

Blade Runner 2049
A young blade runner's discovery of a long-buried secret leads him to track down former blade runner Rick Deckard, who's been missing for thirty years.
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Stars: Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Ana de Armas, Dave Bautista
They are saying this is the movie of the year! So stoked to see it.

13 –

The Foreigner
A humble businessman with a buried past seeks justice when his daughter is killed in an act of terrorism. A cat-and-mouse conflict ensues with a government official, whose past may hold clues to the killers' identities.
Director: Martin Campbell
Stars: Jackie Chan, Katie Leung, Rufus Jones, Mark Tandy
I heard Chan had to hire a dialect coach to nail the Chinese accent…

20 –

The Snowman
Detective Harry Hole investigates the disappearance of a woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous-looking snowman.
Director: Tomas Alfredson
Stars: Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson, Chloë Sevigny, Val Kilmer
I heard that since Fassbender is such a method actor, he spent last winter on his front lawn with a corn cob pipe…

When the network of satellites designed to control the global climate start to attack Earth, it's a race against the clock to uncover the real threat before a worldwide geostorm wipes out everything and everyone.
Director: Dean Devlin
Stars: Jeremy Ray Taylor, Gerard Butler, Abbie Cornish, Talitha Eliana Bateman
Yes, it’s yet another big-scale disaster movie. Nothing like watching the world explode. Grab some popcorn, leave your brain at the door, and enjoy!

Showing your writer insecurity today? Picking up the IWSG Writing for Profit? Want a free audio book? And what movies interest you this month?


Elephant's Child said...

Loved mini-Alex's photobomb.
And many thanks (as always) to all writers. Insecure or otherwise.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - totally agree with EC and your photos ... I'll enjoy seeing all the others. I'm hoping to see Christopher Robin and also Victoria and Abdul - typical British films! Good luck to one and all - cheers Hilary said...

Mini Alex makes me smile. Big Alex makes me feel assured - our stable force in blogland. A

As usual, or maybe even more than usual, no movies interest me right now. Seems as though quality keeps tanking.

Stay well.
Thanks for it all, Alex.

kaykuala said...

Great to have many contests running. Good luck to all those who are taking a shot at them. Mini Alex's presence is a welcomed gift. The three movie offerings are interesting. Thanks Alex!


Patsy said...

If it was accidental then we either don't know about it (yet) or have deleted it!

Angela Wooldridge said...

Hi Alex,
My fingers are crossed that the new Bladerunner lives up to the hype!

Erika Beebe said...

Good morning Alex. I love your swag picture! I plan to post mine shortly after I wake a little bit and have that first cup of coffee. I think I'll see blade runner and also the Snowman movie looks interesting too. Especially seeing Val Kilmer in the cast! Have a great rest of your day. :)

nashvillecats2 said...

My Alex, such alot going on, I thought we would see the "Real Photo" of you but will settle for what you have shown us. Good news about the Anthology another good thing to come out of this group.
Loved all the other news and reviews.


Lidy said...

Morning Alex! Loving mini Alex's photo. Wow, there's so much going on this month. Well we are approaching the end of the just hit me that 2017 is ending in 2-3 months. Where did the time go?
You know, I've never seen Bladerunner. Always mixed up that movie with The Running Man with Schwarzenegger. (Don't ask why). Think I'll watch the original first before watching the new one.

Barbara said...

Great idea to post photos it’s always nice to put a face to a name.
Exciting stuff in your October Movie Preview, I don’t want to miss The Snowman and a good popcorn movie such as Geostorm is always appreciated.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

A lot of great promotion and contests here. Audio books are the bomb. I also see movies that I must watch!

Mason Canyon said...

Always fun to see mini Alex. IWSG has a lot going on. Great special Dancing Lemur Press has going on. Audio books are a fun way to 'read' while you're driving. Interesting group of movies coming out.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Cute mini-Alex photo. The writing for profit anthology sounds good, and I could use the advice. I'll have to check it out.

Thanks for the movie recommendations. Not sure that first one will be the best of the whole year. Please tell me there's something better. The Snowman sounds good.

Nancy Gideon said...

Happy IWSG Day to you and Mini Alex!! Thanks for keeping our insecurities in perspective!

Liza said...

Mini Alex is looking good! Happy IWSG day, Alex. Thanks for all you do for other writers!

Lynn La Vita said...

Mini-Alex looks like an interesting character, filled with curiosity and love of life.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I've seen the trailer for the Chan movie. It's quite dark for him.

I'm pretty sure hubby will want to see Geostorm. He loves watching things get blown up. lol

Jennifer Hawes said...

Can't wait for Bladerunner. I hope you gets tons of cool pics today!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hi Alex! Hi Mini-Alex!!!

Awesome day, sir! Awesome.

I'm looking forward to seeing American Assassin. I know it strays wildly from the book, cause I just read it, but I'm sure they're incorporating more than one book to make the movie. And, it's got Michael Keaton and two hot guys! :)

As for Geostorm. That's just crazy talk. Remember that scene from Airplane 2 w/ the newscaster? "They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let'em crash!"
You built a satellite to control mother nature and figured no one in the world could possibly hack it to use it as a weapon? Duh!

Enjoy the day, Alex!

Charles Gramlich said...

Probably will see blade runner. The other movies coming up don't do much for me.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I want to see the movie with Idris Elba and Kate Winslet - The Mountain Between Us. Looks good!

Raimey Gallant said...

The Writing For Profit book is live! Wow. I'm going to pick this up a little later (traveling at the moment), but I should be able to get it tonight. This is plain exciting, to see my name on Amazon finally. :) Thanks for the opportunity, Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Robyn!

Angela, it's got great reviews so far.

Erika, look forward to your photo.

Lidy, yes, go back and watch the original.

Natalie, I'll let you know next Monday.

Donna, yes it is.

Heather, exactly! And extra points for quoting Airplane.

Madline, that's one I'll watch on NetFlix.

Pat Hatt said...

Mini Alex sure came out to play better than a past litter day lol

Never even knew Geostorm was coming. I'll watch that on Netflix probably. Blade Runner is sure getting good buzz. So hopefully it turns out grand.

Tamara Narayan said...

I love a good disaster flick, even if the premise doesn't make any sense.

The Snowman? Did they steal that idea from Yolanda Renee? ;)

Yes, I grabbed my copy of Writing for Profit. Thank you!

Mary Aalgaard said...

The new anthology looks intriguing. I need to carve out some time and write something. The movies you mention look interesting, too, especially that snowman one. I'm still working on my IWSG post this morning. I need someone to get up so they can take a picture of me in my IWSG t-shirt!

mshatch said...

My characters always have some aspect of me, usually my love of books. And all those movies look good to me but especially the new Blade Runner movie.

Karen Lange said...

Haven't thought much about movies yet this month, but I am enjoying the new episodes of NCIS. Thanks for all the news and info!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, I just loved mini Alex's photo, as usual he looks super. Thanks for all the news and information, your blog is my one stop place for all the info I need.

How have you been? I was travelling last month so haven't been online much.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Geostorm will be so bad and so much fun.

I hope a lot of people take advantage of the free audio book promotion.

Christine Rains said...

Mini-Alex does such amazing photo shoots, he should get some honorary award. What do flat ninjas like to eat anyway? I'm excited about Bladerunner too. As for Geostorm, I thought it was a joke at first! Or something that should have been left for SyFy Channel. Speaking of which, have you been watching Face Off: Game Face? Amazing how fast those artists work.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I desperately need to go to the movies. Eat buttery movie popcorn. Drink my first Diet Coke in two years. The Snowman might be the right movie for me.

Andrew Leon said...

I'm sure there's a joke in here somewhere about whether you ever put any of yourself into a replicant...

Nick Wilford said...

Such a lot going on, it almost makes me head spin. Mini-Alex looks great! I think we'll see some amazing entries for the anthology.

XmasDolly said...

You are too funny! ...and would we even know if you put characters of yourself in one of your books. bwahaha Great answer! I'd like to ask you a question. Have you seen any films of Leonardo DiCaprio lately? I have not watched any movies at home in ages, but do to a vein problem (which will be fixed at the end of the month woo-hoo), I'm stuck on the couch for hours sometimes. I watched a great movie of his (well I think so). "Body of Lies" and I saw another that is coming out & that looks really good too! Let me know what you think.

Jo said...

I finally saw and enjoyed Guardians 2. I hope to see some of the movies you mentioned, eventually. I don't do audio books as I prefer to use my imagination on the character's voices. I have all your books anyway. Sounds like a fun contest with the ISWG pictures.

Like Hilary I am hoping to see the Christopher Robin movie soon.

Michelle Wallace said...

Happy IWSG Day, Alex!
Contests...IWSGPit in January...gotta keep track of all these events.

I think that I need to carve our some time during the December holidays to listen to an audio book.
I haven't done so...yet.

L.G. Keltner said...

I'm also looking forward to Blade Runner 2049. I hope it's good!

I downloaded my copy of The Insecure Writer's Support Group: Writing for Profit, and it looks great!

Gwen Gardner said...

I knew you owned a clone machine!!! Haha.

Thanks for the free book, sure would be nice to make a profit from writing.

Have a great week, Alex!

Jennifer Lane said...

Wow, another anthology--congratulations! Just downloaded.

Thanks for leading the group and good luck to all on the contest.

Joanne said...

you do insert your ninja skills in your writing. Don't be modest.
Congrats on all Ninja news and participants. Lots of writing work is heating up the fall season.
As for movies - Blade Runner 2049 has the hype. We shall compare notes/reviews.
Geostorm looks way too hokey. Maybe they should have blended with Snowman for a GeoSnowman.
Cheers on the week. We need some happiness these days of some sort

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I've read 'The Snowman' and never would have guessed that it would be a movie. Hm. I'll have to check it out.

Carrie-Anne said...

I just downloaded the anthology, and will recommend it to other writer friends.

diedre Knight said...

Oooh, Snowman sounds interesting. I'd love to have a Mini-Alex, but I bet I'd have to share it with my grandson ;-) Nice hand-up for Mr. Votey. I hadn't planned to participate in Show Your Insecurity Day until a friend dared me to - so I am!

Brandon Ax said...

I am really stoked for Blade Runner and The Foreigner, not so much Geostorm.

I pretty much have one thing on my mind this month, but still next month is Justice League so I am super ready for that. Plus I get Halloween soon.

Loni Townsend said...

Dude, life would be so much easier if teleporters and clone machines were real. I could have a clone of myself do all the house cleaning while I sneak away for some writing!

C.D. Gallant-King said...

That Jackie Chan movie looks decidedly un-Jackie-Chan-like.

Sorry, no swag photos to share today. I had thought about writing "IWSG" on a bathroom wall somewhere and taking a picture of that, but I wasn't sure if it counted...

Hart Johnson said...

If it is unintentional, I figure the way you know is someone you know calls you on it. Or you notice later, after your skills have moved forward.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I think that for the remainder of the year, I'm only super excited to see six films: Blade Runner 2049, Thor: Ragnarok, Justice League, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Coco, and The Shape of Water. Everything else I'm just "meh" about.

Unknown said...

Mini-Alex is fun! I've never seen the first Blade Runner, but the previews for this DO look pretty intriguing. Plus Jared Leto is in it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Raimey, thanks for sending an article!

Tamara, that's what I thought!

Mary, and you did!

Karen, you should've known that wouldn't happen.

Rachna, busy with IWSG and life!

Christine, yes! Not quite Face Off, but it works to fill the void. Flat Ninjas - that made me chuckle.

Maria, glad I could make you laugh. I saw DiCaprio in the Revenant. The bear attack scene is not for the faint of heart.

Michelle, you should!

Joanne, thank you!

Diedre, Mini-Alex might not like that...

Brandon, that movie and the next Thor!

CD, it would count!

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded the anthology!

Arlee Bird said...

When I first saw the trailers of Geostorm I thought it was a parody. Timing and all you know. This concept is one that interests me. I wonder how badly they'll screw it up? Or maybe not?

And the Bladerunner reworking darn well better be "the movie of the year" because I think they're starting off with a silly premise. Why would a classic like Bladerunner need to be revisited unless it was really going to be something?

Best wishes to Chris Votey. Just goes to show how close any of us are to being in this sort of circumstance.

Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go find my IWSG shirt and snap a picture. I forgot about this today. ^^;;

farawayeyes said...

Aw contests and some great movie reviews. What more could you ask for?

Anonymous said...

It's always good to see mini-Alex. Hmm, would we know if the true you showed up in your books? Probably not...or maybe so...hmmm.

I'm still waiting for Dark Tower to come out on DVD. I saw It and it rocked. Highly recommended!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Carol Kilgore said...

October is going to be a busy month. I want to see The Snowman. Have a great month!

Sadira Stone said...

Cool movie list, thanks much. I'll polish up a spooky story for the anthology--good project for October, as a break from the schmexy romance I'm working on. Thanks for the movie list as well. I'm looking forward to seeing Jackie Chan's latest.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

My IWSG is packed somewhere. Darn. BladeRunner, I am a huge fan of the first one. So hoping this new one rises to the occasion. Hi Alex.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Oops - I think I used the wrong optional question this month. Oh well, hopefully it works anyway. :)
Love the pic with Mini Alex!!!

M.J. Fifield said...

Looks like I'll be skipping the movies altogether in October. The movies I'm interested in are both coming out in November, I think.

Juneta key said...

The new Blade Runner looks interesting. I never saw the first one so maybe I will try to see it so I know more about it.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Chrys Fey said...

I think you're too much of a mystery for us to notice if you do put yourself in your books. :)

The Cynical Sailor said...

Mini-Alex is very adorable :-) I don't see many movies, but Blade Runner is one that I'd really like to see. I'm not sure if I should rewatch the original first though. Cheers - Ellen

Chemist Ken said...

I think your personal information all goes into mini-Alex. Maybe I'll just ask him for the answer instead. said...

There is a certain truth in the fact that you own a teleporter, Alex,and that probably holds true for much of the equipment you find in science-fi stories. We spend so much time in our created world, living these experiences. For me it is a 18th century barge. My characters and I have been on board so many times, had so many adventures, that I know how to sail her, and could do this if required, though I might need help lowering the mast!! :0)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee, they are saying it's amazing. I'll let you know on Monday.

Patricia, please do!

Elsie, you wouldn't know...

Hey Joylene!

Tyrean, it still works.

Juneta, you really do need to see the first one.

Chrys, exactly!

Ellen, depends on how well you remember it.

Ken, might be a good idea.

Carole Anne, you need to go have that real experience some time.

Nicola said...

Hope all is well. I think you must own a teleporter. How on earth to you manage all that you do without one? Have a super October.

Sandra Cox said...

What awesome giveaways from Dancing!

Ryan Carty said...

Never, not once, no personal info. You're my new hero.

Fundy Blue said...

Let me see ~ I've got twelve more hours to get something up on the IWSG logo, since I don't have swag. LOL Might not happen since it's a busy day of packing and making the almost last round of Victoria. Mini, Alex looks great! I appreciate your support of fellow IWSG member, Christopher. I will visit his post later today. Movies look fun too! Have a good one!

Jay Noel said...

I would have NO idea if you were to slip something personal in your books, unless it concerned having a guitar! Hoping this Fall/Winter will be a great season for movie-watching. Blade Runner, The Foreigner, Star Wars, much to look forward to!

Oh, and I did an IWSG post for the first time since November of 2015!

Cathrina Constantine said...

It hurts to see a fellow writer homeless. Just recently another writer from another group also found herself homeless. So sad. But thankfully she just found a job. Sending prayers to Christopher.

A lot a good movies are coming out!!!

Cherie Reich said...

You definitely shouldn't leave Mini-Alex out of the fun! :)

I had to laugh at your comment about The Snowman.

J E Oneil said...

They keep getting Harrison Ford to his old parts, don't they? Did you see that picture of him accidentally punching Gosling? It was pretty funny.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Awww, so the real you continues to hide behind his cute little icon, eh? And here we all thought we'd get to see your smiling face. (sigh)

If I were to pick a movie to see, it'd be an intelligent feel-good comedy, but I don't know if they even make those any more. In reality, we'll probably see anything that involves car chases, explosions, or sophomoric humor.

Anonymous said...

Mini Alex needs a blog and U-Tube channel! So as to not using any of "you" in your characters - no witty smart a$$ characters in your books? Or is this a devious ploy to get people to read your books looking for bits of "you"?

Jemi Fraser said...

I haven't seen the original Blade Runner in SO long. I'll have to rewatch that at some point - then talk the hubby into the new one :)

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Cool contest. Mini-Alex loves the spotlight.

Cherie Colyer said...

Love the mini Alex photobomb. :)

Great special on audio books, thanks for letting me know. :)

Diane Burton said...

I love your movie alerts. Blade Runner is high on my list. Best wishes with the writing.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I need to get a copy of the anthology. Looking forward to seeing the winners of the contest. Mini Alex is neat. Have no idea about any of the movies.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Your clone machine is getting a good work out!

Ann V Friend said...

Thank you! Blessings

Toi Thomas said...

Happy "Show Your Writer Insecurity Contest" Day!
So happy "The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Writing for Profit" is out. Can't wait to read it.
Must see Blade Runner 2049.
Actually kinda interested in The Foreigner.
Great post.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I can't wait for Bladerunner!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nicola, I couldn't!

Ryan, thanks! Ninjas must keep their secrets...

Jen, clever thought!

Fundy, if you can, that's great!

Jay, and we're glad you did!

Cherie, I am here to amuse.

JE, yes!

Lee, it would all go to his head if I did that. And yes, there is some snark in my books.

Lynda, today it is!

Truedessa said...

Hi Alex, Happy IWSG Day!

I see your alter ego, Mini Alex came out to play. I am a poet, so I guess a bit of me goes into my poems. You have some exciting events going on with great prizes. I still cherish my autographed book "Dragon of the Stars", that I won. Good luck to those participating.

Thanks so much for all you do! You are a "rock" for so many.

Leigh Caron said...

Mini-Alex. Cute. And thanks, as always, for all your Ninja news.

Olga Godim said...

Love your mini-Alex. Pity he is not eligible.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Already got my free book. Digging into it this weekend. Bladerunner and The Snowman have my interest.

Magic Love Crow said...

Hi Alex! Hi Mini Alex!
That was an interesting question! I wonder what everyone will say? I know a lot of my own emotions go into my art!
I can't wait to see Blade Runner!
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Love the Mini Alex pic, and hubs and I can't wait to see Blade Runner this weekend!

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

IWSG is quite the hoppin’ community. I’m looking forward to a bunch of movies that are coming out at Christmas time. I think I’ll save my theater dollars for that. And can I borrow that teleporter?

Liz A. said...

I think all writers put themselves in their stories, whether they realize it or not. None of the movies really catch my interest, but the new TV season has started, so there's plenty of entertainment ;)

Leslie S. Rose said...

I grabbed Writing for Profit immediately. I so appreciate the shared advice!

Rena said...

I am so excited to see the new BladeRunner. I am also stoked to see GeoStorm, but as a geoscientist, I'm assuming it's an alternate POV comedy, so I'll be trying to sneak some appropriate libations into the theater for that one!

Birgit said...

Mini Alex is ready for the camera Mr. DeMille. I bet there is. Little bit from you in Your characters because your work is close to your heart. I. Looking forward to all of the movies except for the last one with Gerard Butler. Blade Runner looks great!

Liesbet said...

Your post is packed full again Alex! Where do I start? No movies in theaters for us anymore for a while, house sitting in the remote mountains of Colorado and then hitting the road for twelve days, back to California with our camper van. Love your swag photo! And, I will pick up that copy of the IWSG soon. Thanks for all the good stuff you keep on providing us with!

Renee Scattergood said...

Thanks so much for putting together the Writing For Profit book. I'm eager to start reading it. :-D

N. R. Williams said...

I won't be adding my picture because I don't know how. Sorry. I got the write for profit book. Good luck with everything. And your comment on my blog made me think of a mechanical man writing about a robot. Horror? Humor? A little of both?

Empty Nest Insider said...

I also love the images of Mini-Alex! So much is happening this month, and the IWSG keeps growing stronger! Good luck with all of your projects, and thanks for all you do!


Trisha said...

I'm so excited about Blade Runner but also nervous. ARGH, it better be good!

Rhonda Albom said...

Since my only still unfinished book is a memoir, I would have to say a big yes that I interject my personal information. But I don't think it really applies. As for the movies, The Snowman has the most appeal to me.

mail4rosey said...

Hurrah, Harrison Ford is in a new movie! I want to see it!! And nope, no personal info in professional writing, because the only thing I've done professionally is academic. :)

Nilanjana Bose said...

Cool pic of mini-Alex! Good luck to all contestants.

All the films sound interesting, the disaster film a little less perhaps, but even so, - 3/4 is super!

And profit? nothing less unlikely. Poetry and profit are quite immiscible :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Truedessa, and I'm so glad you won it.

Joey, sure!

Leslie, awesome!

Rena - funny!

Birgit, thank you.

Tonja Drecker said...

I just watched the Snowman trailer before heading over here. Creepy! I'm excited about Bladerunner, and disaster movies are wonderfully brainless. I'm going to pick up the IWSG book today :)

Sandra Cox said...

Looking forward to Blade Runner.
Have a good one, Alex.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

Sorry I couldn't figure out how to combine an "alter-ego me" and the IWSG swag on the computer in order to compete. Good luck to all who did!

Alex, I want a teleporter machine. Ever since I saw the first Star Trek shows on TV, I've wanted a teleporter machine. Imagine how clean our air would be if no one needed to drive, fly, or take a train anywhere.

All best to you, Captain!

Lynda Dietz said...

All those movies sound like ones I'd enjoy seeing.

As far as writing yourself into your books, you're right: who would know if you did, other than your wife? You can tell anyone anything you want online, and unless they know you in real life, they kind of have to take your word for it.

Sherry Ellis said...

That's a great deal Dancing Lemur Press is running! Some good books in there!

kjmckendry said...

Mini Alex is adorable!

Can't wait to read the Writing for Profit Anthology!

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm not sure how parts of the writer, don't make it into the story or character. Even sometimes, something so small as a favorite drink. One time I did an interview with a writer and I asked him if he like diet coke. He said he did and asked me why? I said, "Because all of your main characters drink Diet Coke."

Yvonne Ventresca said...

Love mini-Alex!

John Wiswell said...

That's a great promotion by your publisher! Smart way to get people to try more of your fellow authors.

And the movie I'm looking forward to this month is Happy Death Day. Terrible title, but a highly amusing premise. Hoping it's as funny as the trailer suggests.

Elizabeth said...

I'm glad to see that Writing for Profit has been released, I am looking forward to reading it.

Blade Runner 2049 looks like it will be really good. I agree with Tamara Narayan about The Snowman; I thought Yolanda got a movie deal when I first saw the poster.

H.R. Bennett said...

Man, I feel so bad forgetting about the Insecurity contest. That aside, might have to check out the sale. I've been meaning to grab your books.

Susan Kane said...

October movies: awesome. Want to see all of them.

emaginette said...

Thanks for another free book and the movie titles. I'm such a movie geek that I can' wait to see them all.

See you next month. :-)

Heather R. Holden said...

Mini-Alex is so photogenic. No wonder he didn't want to miss out on the fun! :P

Deniz Bevan said...

Hi mini-Alex! *waves*

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Victoria, if I could eliminate my morning commute, that would be awesome!

Lynda, exactly.

Ivy, sharp of you to notice that.

Elizabeth, she'd be really excited if she did.

Robert, please do!

M Pax said...

You have a lot going on.

Pass on to Chris that call centers/customer service are always hiring and a good way to get back into the job market. Hope he's soon on his feet.

Sandra Cox said...

That's pretty funny about Chan hiring a dialect coach:)
Hope you and Mrs. Alex have a relaxing, fun-filled weekend.

Lisa said...

Can't wait to see the new Blade Runner! Heard it's much darker than the first one, which was dark enough. Got the IWSG book already... Thanks for dropping by!

Sean McLachlan said...

Looking forward to seeing the new Blade Runner. I'm a "no spoilers" kind of guy when it comes to movies I know I'll see. I haven't read and reviews or watched the trailer or even looked closely at the poster! I'll probably go see it next weekend. This weekend was the opening weekend here in Madrid so I bet the theaters were packed!

DMS said...

I wish I had a teleporter too. :) I sometimes sneak parts of my life into my story line and or characters. My magical high heeled sneakers found their way into my stories. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, I will!

Sandra, it was great.

Lisa, not really darker. Deeper perhaps.

Sean, it wouldn't help you with the movie to see any of that anyway.

Mason T. Matchak said...

Hmm. Not sure if I've ever slipped any personal information into my characters, but there are times when I'm plotting when I'm acutely aware of what parts of me they come from. But I suppose a lot of writers are like that.

As for Geostorm... yikes. I thought we were past the disaster movie thing. >_<

alexia said...

I don't usually put personal things in my writing... maybe a pinch here or there. I am also stoked for Blade Runner!

Mina Burrows said...

Looking forward to Blade Runner and I've heard good things about the Foreigner. Who knows? Heading over to check out Chris's blog next. Thanks!

Shah Wharton said...

Gutted, I made the badge for this when you first announced the idea and completely forgot to post. Sigh!

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I'd still like to see Mother, which isn't an October release but is still in theatres up here. Looking forward to Thor next month...finally!

I'll keep my eye out for freelance opportunities.