Movie Trailers
Some interesting new trailers up at JoBlo:
First up is Anna and the Apocalypse, a zombie musical. Yes, you read that right…
Next is Revolt, a science fiction alien invasion film.
If you haven’t seen the new Tomb Raider trailer, it actually looks good. (And it’s based on the newer version of Laura Croft in Tomb Raider.)
Of course, one of the movies to watch for is The Shape of Water, directed by Guillmero Del Toro. They are already calling it another Pan’s Labyrinth…
And quick thoughts on the new Star Trek Discovery - great looking show with high production values, first episode moved a bit slow, don't like new Klingons, and one character's actions were handled wrong and done just to force the plot. Verdict - while it looks great and could get better, I won't be paying for CBS All Access to watch it.
Review - Mastodon - Cold, Dark Place

Recorded during the last two albums, this four track EP is a curious animal indeed. Just when I think I have them figured out, they release an EP more musically adventurous and odd than anything released on the last two full length albums.
Full of mood and tone and chock full of crazy time changes, this is why I love prog rock music. "Toe to Toes" stands out as one of the most interesting and challenging compositions (so many time changes in a 4:30 minute song).
Mastodon once again tramples my musical expectations (in a good way).
Today’s guest at the IWSG is the narrator of Joylene Nowell Butler’s Matowak: Woman Who Cries, and he outlines the process of creating an audio book.
We have a date for the next #IWSGPit – Thursday, January 18, 2018!
We’ve already amassed a list of over three hundred agents and publishers and will continue to build through the end of the year.
So polish those manuscripts and pitches!
October 4 is the next IWSG post day and it’s also the Show Your Writer Insecurity contest. Prepare your photos and post them on your blog that day. Cool prizes for the winners!
And the deadline for the next IWSG Anthology Contest is November 1. The genre is mystery/crime/thriller and the theme is Tick Tock.
This is a great opportunity to see you work in a royalty-paying anthology.
See the IWSG site for full details.
Jeremy Hawkins has a cool new t-shirt design!
Check out The Monster Club at his Neatoshop.
New Release!
Black & White by Nick Wilford
What is the price paid for the creation of a perfect society?
Find it on Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes, and Goodreads
Author Michelle Gregory shared this article about writing fears from Medium - The Startup.
Movie Trivia Answers
Name the movie from the year released, sport, and star of the film:
1 - 2000’s, football, Sandra Bullock – The Blind Side
2 - 80’s, baseball, Tom Berenger – Major League
3 - 90’s, golf, Kevin Costner – Tin Cup
4 - 2000’s, horse racing, Viggo Mortensen - Hidalgo
5 - 90’s, hockey, Russell Crowe – Mystery, Alaska
6 - 70’s, boxing, Sylvester Stallone - Rocky
7 - 90’s, football, Sean Astin - Rudy
8 - 2000’s, football, Mark Wahlberg - Invincible
9 - 70’s, running, Susan Anton – Golden Girl
10 - 80’s, baseball, Kevin Costner – Field of Dreams or Bull Durham
11 - 90’s, bobsledding, John Candy – Cool Runnings
12 - 2000’s, jousting, Heath Ledger – A Knight’s Tale
13 - 80’s, rowing, Nicolas Cage – The Boy in Blue
14 - 2000’s, skating, Will Ferrell – Blades of Glory
Any of those trailers look enticing? Ever heard of Mastodon? (This would be a great album to sampl.) Ready for the IWSG contests and pitch party? And how many movies did you guess? Pat Hatt got thirteen right…
And three months until Christmas!
#1 what fun
All the four trailers seem to be scary bits. Black and White should delve into very interesting but perhaps controversial racial matters
I procrastinated a bit too much on ordering some swag but hopefully it comes in time for me to participate!
Hoping I have something ready for the pitch party! I'd love to take part in that.
Much of interest going on and that new T Shirt is awesome.
Congrats to Nick on his new release and to Jeremy on his new tee shirt design. I watched the Tomb Raider trailer recently and was impressed, but there's just something about that first one. Maybe it was the unknown and the cool way it came on.
Did not do well on the trivia and my verdict on the new stark is the same as yours: not paying extra to watch.
Good Morning Alex!
I left the trivia to Pat as I knew he would nail them.
I am with Hank the movie trailers look scary. I will pass. I heard some hype about the Kingsman this weekend and I thought you would have a review.
I have heard of Mastodon, but I haven't listened to this compilation.
Have a great week!
haha never would have got number 14, first I've heard of it. But 13/14 isn't bad. I kinda rolled my eyes at the zombie musical lol the new Tom Raider does look good indeed. Not gonna pay CBSpinoff even more money? 300 is a big list indeed for the next that takes seed.
Too bad the new Star Trek didn't look good. And it's a drag that CBS is making people pay to watch it. I won't be paying to watch it either.
Wow! The next Twitter pitch sounds awesome. I can't believe how many agents and editors you've gotten to participate.
Making a note of The Shape of Water. Although, I've been disappointed in a lot of new movies lately. I'm going to start gong back and watching old ones I know are good.
Thanks for your take on the new Star Trek TV series. It's like it gets worse and worse each time they make a new TV show. And, why does it have to be behind a paywall? Glad I know now not to even worry about watching it.
Pat, you even beat Hank here.
Sarah, saw that you'd ordered - thanks!
Marcy, I'll watch it eventually.
Truedessa, the first Kingsman was just a bit too quirky, so I didn't go see it. If you're going to sample Mastodon, this is the album to try. Very mild.
Pat, I guess they are going for a musical Shaun of the Dead vibe.
Cathy, it will be free eventually. Sadly, probably after they cancel the series...
Sadly, I haven't heard of Mastodon. Actually, I hadn't even heard of any of the upcoming movies!
Anna and the Apocalypse looked scary until I saw 'musical.' Wow, that sounds like a tricky concept to pull off!
All trailers look a bit scary, Shape of Water looks very interesting. I've vaguely heard of Mastodon - most probably from another of your posts?
I remember Nick Wilford's excerpts of Black n White from the A-Z this year - best wishes to him for its success. Also to the contest participants in Tick Tock.
Happy autumn to you and yours!
I liked the crew of Discovery, but I'm not one to pay for TV. I didn't even have cable until after I got married.
Congrats to Nick on his new release!
Hi, Alex!
Thanks for posting the trailers for Anna and the Apocalypse, the first high school zombie musical comedy, and Revolt, a sci-fi alien invasion film. Both are of interest to me. By the way, have you seen the alien invasion themed TV series Colony? We are watching it and think it's terrific. The Shape of Water looks like the best one of all - intelligent and gripping.
Thanks, Alex!
I hope The Shape of Water isn't as crushing as Pan's Labyrinth.
I love Mastodon't first four albums. I've sort of been drifting away from them. But I'm hearing good things about this ep, so I am going to give it a listen. I want them to do great stuff!
I now have a copy of Nick Wilford's book -- the premise caught my attention so I have to see what happens!
Congrats to Nick on his release! It's a shame you have to pay to see the new Star Trek series, which I won't be doing either.
Elizabeth, it will either be really funny or really bad.
Nila, I've posted about Mastodon before, so that's probably where you heard them.
Shady, I haven't watched that one. Very excited about Shape of Water although I'm sure it will depress the heck out of me.
Harry, you definitely need to get it.
Later, when I have sound, I'll try to listen to some of the stuff.
Pat had the movie trivia clinched from the start. I knew quite a few. Those trailers are not in my wheelhouse, but that's okay. Good luck to Nick - his blog tour is everywhere. I'm ready for This is Us this week on old fashioned network tv. Going old school.
Have a good end of September week
I'm familiar with Mastodon, but not up on their music that much. I've heard it, but doubt that I could identify it in a blind listening. Sounds like music that I would like.
What is the price paid for the creation of a perfect society?
How about the blood of Jesus Christ and the defeat of Satan? That's where I think it all starts. No society on this present Earth will be perfect.
Though for an allegorical fiction Nick's book sounds intriguing.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I can't believe how seriously twisted Anna and the Apocalypse is! They've just ruined my favorite Christmas poem!
I love a good musical but a zombie musical? I don’t think it would be a lot of fun... but then again. :)
Cold dark place is playing as I type this, it is certainly striking. The first few bars are reminiscent of The House of the Rising Sun “There is a house in New Orlenes” etc., Or is it just me that thinks that?
I am so all over Anna and the Apoc. My gr-daughter Lily will eat it up.
Pan's Labyrinth revisited is not on my list. Maybe Laura Croft. No alien movie.
3 months? Okay. I get do that.
I'm so excited for The Shape of Water! Guillermo del Toro is a visionary genius in my book.
I haven't watched Star Trek: Discovery yet, but I have it recorded. I can't see paying to watch it, though. Perhaps it'll get to another streaming service in time that I already have (like Amazon Prime).
Anna and the Apocalypse looks truly awful. But I guess if you're a teen girl and you liked Glee and you also like zombies, this is the perfect movie for you?
Lee you nailed it! Great answer.
Sherry, sorry!
Barbara, it could have a hint of that song.
George, yes he is!
Cherie, what sucks is the rest of the world gets to see it on NetFlix, but not USA or Canada.
Brandon and Bryan, and if you also dug Warm Bodies.
Wow the next IWSG Twitter pitch sounds like it's going to be epic!
Really like the sound of Nick's new book, will have to check it out.
The Shape of Water is the film to see...for me anyway. The Zombie musical actually looks quirky and fun. I will probably see Lara croft but Angelina is the best in my book, Alicia needs to gain a few pounds. I watched Star Trek and hate the new Klingon look-why must they keep changing them up-keep it the way Worf looked. I also didn't like the sound effects used when the Klingon ships appeared-that was hoaky in my book. It should be on the Sci Fi network which is where I will watch it, otherwise, I will pass and CBS is making a big mistake streaming this. I agree with the one character-made the captain look bad-not good in the writing dept. Congrats to Pat to get 13 right !
A zombie musical? Oh, good grief. I may just stay in and read a book until further notice.
Or at least until Thor, Justice League, and Star Wars come out.
I'm doing some research on thriller-writing before i start my submission to the anthology. I'm planning on a sci-fi thriller set in the final days before the Sun potentially swallows Earth during its Red Giant stage.
I'm really looking forward to the "Shape of Water." It's been a long time since I've seen a movie that has Guillermo del Toro's signature weirdness on full display. He's my favorite director btw.
Just read James' post on IWSG. Very impressive. Never would have thought of making a clicking sound. Hi, Alex. Thanks for sharing all the movie reviews. Watched PAN last night for the first time. Loved the imagery. It was a shock seeing a nicer side to James Hook.
Ps. Congratulations to the authors and their new books.
A zombie musical. That sounds...different.
I am interest in the new Tomb Raider movie. Those video games were my favorite. I love Lara Croft.
Birgit, the look of the Klingons was my biggest complaint. There was no need to change them.
Al, you got it!
Carrie-Anne, sounds good!
Michael, he's one of my favorite directors for sure.
Joylene, glad we could feature your narrator.
Three months until Christmas? Did you have to remind me.
Congratulations to all those with new releases.
I definitely want to see The Shape of Water, as director Guillmero Del Toro has to be one of my favourites. I've watched Pan’s Labyrinth quite a few times - as I bought the DVD when it came out. Never been disappointed with his work - or that of his 'followers'.
As a gamer, I want to see the new Lara Croft as well. Just wishing that Star Trek: Discovery was not 'pay-to-view' - will have to make do with The Orville - and that comes on after Gotham.
I've heard really positive things about the new Star Trek series. I really want to see it, but of course I can't afford another streaming service so that's a real pain.
I can't remember the last time I heard something by Mastodon. It's definitely been a while.
Some pretty intense looking movies coming up. Thanks for the trailers. And thanks for the shout! Not sure how it can be three months to Christmas though...
So much happening! Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Alex. Will have to hop over to IWSG to see Joylene.
Netflix is free for the first month anywhere which might be enough of a hook unless the show gets scary hairy, hehe. Polished manuscripts, crumbs, pressure. Oh No, Scotty... transporter...but first let's make it so!
The new Tomb Raider does look interesting, but I haven't decided if I'll see it in the theater yet.
As much as I like Star Trek, I'm no Trekkie. Knowing I can't watch the whole season, I simply skipped episode one.
I like that Mastodon album cover.
Elephant's Child, yes I did!
Roland, neither show has knocked my socks off though.
JE, you need to listen to this disc! Better than the new Star Trek.
Nick, you're welcome.
Spacer Guy, of course we don't get to see it on NetFlix here...
Toi, it's a great cover.
Thank you for all the great updates Alex. Yay for Pat!!!
I knew 11/14 which is the best I've ever done. Not looking forward to any of those movies. Getting my pitch ready for the 2018.
Neat T-shirt.
Three months until Christmas?!? Don't remind me...
I didn't even try to guess the movies because I knew I'd never get more than half at the most. And I'm so bummed about Star Trek. I want everything to be exciting and yet familiar . . . and I certainly am not going to pay for access to it. I'm kinda weird like that, though, so I'm sure they won't be hurting for an audience.
I read Nick Wilford's prequel (The Treatment) and really enjoyed it! Black & White is on my want-to-read list for the near future.
Great trailers! The Lara Croft does looks good.
A zombie musical? Much as I don't like blood and gore, that might be a fun flick. And the newest Tomb Raider could be fun -- I love it when the ladies prove they are tough action heroines!
Hi, Alex! Zombies and other things are too scary for me! I'll be passing on these movies. But maybe not Mastodon ~ How can you lose with a name like that? I've gone down in flames ~ forgot all about ordering IWSG swag and haven't come up with an idea for the anthology this year. Oh well! I'm having a blast in Victoria. Have a good one, Alex!
If Rock 'N Roll can be played on a violin, zombies can be in a musical. ;)
Christmas is fast approaching! :)
Interesting trailers. Believe it or not, I am a Laura Croft fan. As for the first one, it reminds me a bit of a musical LARP my daughter was a part of two Halloweens ago. She was a creepy zombie child, who carried around a teddy bear named Bernard. Moving on I am pleased to say I knew 7 of the movies.
Hi Alex - 1/14 of the movies! The movies I will miss ... but as usual there's lots going on in IWSG land ... excellent you've got a date for next year - amazing and over 300 agents and publishers ready to go. I saw the audio book advice - looks very thorough. I'm following Nick on his B+W tour ... cheers to one and all - Hilary
Congratulation Nick on your new release! Jeremy, your new tee shirt design is fab! The Tomb Raider trailer was enticing :)
Lynda, not sure about that - I don't know anyone paying to see the new Star Trek series.
Helena, I know you do!
Fundy, hope you come up with an idea.
Rosey, rock can indeed be played on a violin. Electric of course!
The next Twitter Pitch party looks like it's going to be great! I won't have anything ready in time for that one, but I'll definitely be watching it with interest and taking notes.
Okay, I'll have to pass on the zombie musical. But the rest of the trailers have piqued my interest.
Looking forward to the next Twitter pitch pary. Doubtful if I'll have anything read but will be waving my support flag on Twitter.
Wow, we're starting the Christmas countdown already? Good to know. :)
Those movies are just not my favorite kinds of entertainment. Sorry, I'll go back to simpler times like Westside Story and James Dean. I know, but they're good.
I'm working on new stories, but I'm so slow they won't be ready by January. Maybe some day.
Ooo...a zombie musical. I wonder how that one will be. As to IWSG, it sounds like it's going to be an amazing pitch party! You've been busy.
Hmm, no, not interested in those trailers. Mastadon sounds awesome though :)
I think I'm sitting out this IWSG post day. The new laptop isn't working out too well and I'm trying to finish three short story submissions on it. Well, two left, got one submitted. Arrgh; deadlines. Love to hate them.
I might be able to participate in the next IWSG pitch party! I was on vacation for the last one and didn't have access to the internet. Have a great week, Alex.
Maybe the upcoming Pitch Party will motivate me to finally get my butt in gear and have something to actually pitch. If so I'll know miracles really do happen. ;)
Excited for Nick on his new release!!
I felt much the same about the new Star Trek. I didn't dislike it and there were some really good things, but the Klingons didn't work well for me and I'm not sure about the characters at this point.
I want to see a zombie musical! Plus that new Del Toro flick looks fantastic. I felt the same way about the new Star Trek. There's so much I need to catch up on watching, and now the new season of shows is starting.
I'm not sure about that Tomb Raider movie. It could be fun, but I'm more excited for a third game in this series. Crystal Dynamics has done an excellent job with the reboot.
In trailer-land, I'm super excited for Creep 2! I didn't know it was coming next month.
I think I want to see the new Lara Croft movie - it looks good and I know I like the lead actors. BTW, have you seen Badlands on Netflix? You may have mentioned it in a previous post, but I thought I would mention it here. It's a post-apocalyptic show with some sword-fighting, a bit grim, but interesting.
I have an old photo for the swag day and I'm definitely putting the pitch day on my calendar.
Exciting news about January's #IWSGPit. You guys have been working incredibly hard. Thank you!
A zombie musical?? LOL! Anxious to see the new Laura Croft one! Congrats Nick!
Our power went out during the airing of Discovery and we haven't been able to find it ever since. We're totally bummed. It's like a total tease. Hopefully, it'll show up again so we can record it.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
LG, you never know!
Libby, we are!
Beverly, there's always next July.
Donna, hope one of those is for the IWSG anthology.
Cathrina, that would be awesome.
Charles, exactly my thoughts.
Christine, too many shows, not enough time.
Tyrean, that's a great show! I dig it. Awesome you have a photo ready.
Elsie, bummer!
Thank you for spotlighting Jeremy's new shirt offering. That is kind of you. I just saw the movie trailer for ANNIHILATION with Natalie Portman, and it intrigues me.
I agree with you about Star Trek. Until that plot incident happened, it was boring.
I will delete all my anti-jew posts if the Zionists offer me a job working as an online shill for them. I will use my website and my other methods of making content go viral online for the purpose of promoting the Jew's agenda of multiculturalism, destruction of the white race, pro-transexualism, socialism, etc. I am ready to work for the Zionists and stop all propaganda efforts to expose the Jew's agenda. All you have to do is email me and offer me a job. I can be either your greatest ally or your greatest enemy, so choose wisely, Zionists and Jews. If you do not accept me into your ranks, I will spend the rest of my life exposing the entire Jewish conspiracy and making it go viral in front of millions of people. You have 48 hours to contact me. Once again my email is and my website is the famous Boycott American Women blog:
Thanks, Alex-- I can always count on you to give me the heads up of what's coming out in new sci fi movies. I like a good alien invasion story!
Anna and the Apocalypse--excuse my language but WTF?! It's so off-the-wall, but part of me wants to see it. Zombies are ridiculous so this may be brilliant. Makes me think a little of Isle of Dogs trailer I saw this morning--bizarre, different, but might be excellent.
Revolt--pass. The aliens look like skinny Transformers. Not scary. Scary aliens should look like, well, Alien aliens, if you catch my drift.
Lara Croft--I don't watch much movies of this ilk, but the trailer is excellent.
The Shape of Water--risky business, this one. I can't help but remember M. Night Shyamalan's Lady in the Water. That one didn't go over with audiences so well.
I need to get my entry ready for next week's contest.
Roland, I saw it as well. Will be interesting - the book was also odd.
Cindy, the scenes with the Klingons were soooo boring.
Tamara, fortunately this is Del Toro and he always delivers.
Holy moley! A zombie musical?? I believe that's one I'll skip... I really like Angelina Jolie, so I'm not sure what I'll think of the new Laura Croft movie, but I'm willing to give that one a shot. (As long as nobody in it eats brains... and then sings about it!)
I haven't watched the new Tomb Raider trailer. The games were okay, but I wasn't a big fan of rebooted Laura. She was a bit bland.
A zombie musical? Either that's a new idea or I'm a lot more out of touch than I realised!
I haven't heard of the first two movies (although I definitely need to check them out) however Tomb Raider looks like a great big pile of meh (simply because it's basically scene for scene the just play the game). As for The Shape of Water? I absolutely can't wait.
Maybe it's just my mood, but none of the movies looked that interesting to me. And I find it hard to believe they're rebooting the Tomb Raider movies... or at least I'd like to find it hard to believe. >_<
I'm glad to see that you enjoyed the Mastadon album, though. It's always good when a band you like does something unexpected that works really well.
I would have gotten about half of the trivia questions. It's so awesome to see so many books in your header that you've published. I think when we "met," you just had one. Congrats on accomplishing so much.
Susan, what if they do...?
Patsy, it's just weird.
Robert, or watch the movie if you're in a hurry, right?
Mason, they've really stepped out from their roots.
I enjoyed getting a preview of the new movie trailers. The zombie mewsical is probably my least favorite but it could be a kooky film to see. I will watch for these to appear on Netflix or Amazon Prime for viewing. I have heard of Mastodon right here on your site. I'm not completely sold on their sound but I do enjoy listening to some of their mewsic. Have a tunetastic week and thanks for sharing!
A zombie musical....that's got to be a first! Sounds like lots of fun:)
YOU, have a great one.
I love the cover art of the Mastodon ep. I'll have to check out their music, as I'm not familiar with them, but I love discovering new music.There's a new Star Trek series out? I know my brother will love it. Have a great week, Alex.
I think I wanna see the new Tomb Raider flick -- hopefully it'll be better and less cartoonish than the original.
But then, I'm so behind on movies I still haven't even seen Dunkirk. Maybe this weekend...
I'm not familiar with Mastodon's music, though I've been hearing about them for many years of course. Will have to check them out! I've been on a very satisfying music-buying kick lately!
A zombie... musical? (Imagine me saying this like, "Dino... dino droppings?") Well, you can't accuse them of being unoriginal. Do zombies get to keep their vocal chords, though? Just wondering.
I started to watch Star Trek, but it just didn't hold my interest so I gave up on it:(
Hope your day is productive and your evening pleasant.
A zombie musical? Have you seen Cannibal: The Musical? by Tromo?
Cathy, thanks for visiting!
Helena, you need to see Dunkirk.
Blue, good question!
Sandra, it's not rocking my boat either.
Sean, no, I haven't.
Ooh, the Shape of Water seems intriguing. Off to explore!
Lots of trailers! A zombie musical certainly sounds unique. :)
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