Monday, March 20, 2017

Still Me and Aging, Turkish CassaFire, New Movie Trailers, Pete’s Dragon Review, and Ninja News

It’s a pleasure to be participating in the Blog Tour for STILL ME … AFTER ALL THESE YEARS: 24 Authors Reflect on Aging by Karen Helene Walker through MC Book Tours.

Thank you, Alex, for letting me guest post today. So grateful for all you do for this amazing community of writers.

I’m here to talk about a subject no one wants to think or talk about. Aging.

“Does this mean I’m officially old?” That’s one of the titles in my anthology, “Still Me…After All These Years.” The writer just turned 74. When my parents were still alive, that was considered “old.” As that writer said in her essay, 74 can’t be middle aged because no one lives to be 148, so I must be old. So I think, if I’m older than 65 and on Medicare, then I must be old, right? Satchel Paige said aging is mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Well, I’m not sure I agree. It does matter. But it is a lot about how we think about it.

What does old mean anyway? Antiques are old. And they get more valuable the older they get. But not people. We finish older peoples’ sentences, help them out of the car when they haven’t asked for that and maybe don’t need it.We leave them out of conversations that flow too fast for them to follow. That reminds me. The other night my husband and I were both on a phone call with someone and I had to repeatedly ask, “What?” but my husband heard every word the other person said. I’d been deluding myself that I needed to go for a hearing test.

How can I be old, I ask myself, when I still love rock n’ roll? How can I be old when I can still dance the night away. Now I won’t tell you how my body feels after that happens, but that’s a whole other issue. How fair is it when the body cannot do what the mind still craves. Or can do it, but maybe shouldn’t.

Do you feel old yet? I only feel old when I look in the mirror and see a white-haired lady with some wrinkles and sags. Or when I try something at the gym and go home with a back ache. It still surprises me when I see a bunch of old people at a rock concert and wonder what they’re doing there, forgetting I’m one of them. I’ve decided I want to be old like Yoda. Don’t ya just love Yoda. Except I don’t think I want to get to be 900 years old. I don’t even want to be 100.

Want to know about aging? Within the pages of “Still Me…After All These Years,” you’ll find stories from folks ranging in age from 60 to 90, from all walks of life and professions, and hopefully, a kernel of wisdom to fortify you as you walk this journey of life towards aging.

STILL ME…AFTER ALL THESE YEARS: 24 Authors Reflect on Aging
By Karen Helene Walker
Publication Date: April 4, 2017
This is a charming, funny, and enlightening collection of essays about aging. In addition, Karen is offering a tour-wide giveaway featuring two (2) print copies (U.S. entries only) of STILL ME and two (2) eBook copies of STILL ME (International entries).
Find Still Me at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and Goodreads.

CassaFire in Turkish!

I received my copy of CassaFire in Turkish last week.

Still just blows my mind my book is in another language.

Mini-Alex was rather proud of the book and had to pose with both.
(At my wife's insistence, of course.)

New Movie Trailers

In case you missed them…

The Deapool II trailer debuted with Logan. Looks just as funny and wrong as the first film:

Here’s the third trailer for Wonder Woman and shows more of her background:

Aardman and Nick Parks, the creators of Wallace and Gromit, are back with a new movie – Early Man:

And of course, the latest Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 trailer from a couple weeks ago, because it just doesn’t get old:

Movie Review

Pete’s Dragon
Caught this on NetFlix – live action remake of the cartoon classic. (Seems to be a Disney trend right now.)
The cast is good – Bryce Dallas Howard, Robert Redford, Karl Urban – and the special effects really good. The movie is of high quality and I had no problem with a fuzzy dragon who appears part cat.
Unfortunately, those are the only good things I can say about it – I really, really disliked this movie.
It’s way too dark for kids. The beginning sets the tone – Pete is in a terrifying car accident that kills his parents, then wolves threaten to kill him before Elliot the dragon intervenes. Cheery, right? Wait, it gets darker…
This film is so heavy, with very few light moments to bring it out of the pit of despair. There are abandonment issues, the dragon is hunted (and his capture very intense), environmental issues, social services gets involved… It’s just so intense and depressing. It’s like watching your pet die over and over and over…
And the message I got from the movie? If you love something, people will try to take it away from you and kill it.
Not recommended for kids, people who are depressed, those who love animals, or anyone who doesn’t want their day ruined by a downer film.

Ninja News

Into the Badlands, season two, kicked off on Sunday, March 19! Get the inside scoop at Blastr.

Faceoff still has a few more episodes left in this season’s all-star edition. Who will win? Cig and George or Emily and Tyler?

The A to Z Challenge theme reveal is today. See the site for participants.

Don’t forget to join the IWSG Goodreads Group and spread the word about the #IWSGPit! If you are a published author, please contact your publisher or agent and invite them to participate – and let us know, so we can add them to the growing list of publishers and agents on the site. And if you’re an author, you don’t want to miss the date –July 27.

What does old mean to you? Do you feel old? (Some days I don’t, some I do.) Enjoy the new movie trailers? Have the misfortune of seeing the Pete’s Dragon remake? Who’s going to win Faceoff? Ready for #IWSGPit? And are you ready for April…?


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - I don't feel old, 'cept I am getting there and in some people's eyes I am there - as in the bureaucracy! Good luck to Karen with her "Still Me and Aging" Anthology - I'm sure the stories will tell us some truths ... that's me ... cheers and then congratulations on your Turkish Translation - that's fun ... so great your book is spreading around the world ... cheers and have a good week - Hilary

Nilanjana Bose said...

Mini Alex looks supercool with the two versions of the book! Congrats!

I'm just an 18 year old mind/heart trapped in a...ahem...way older body...'18 till I die,' like Bryam Adams. Such a pity we age from the outside in, and the brain and heart never catch up.

Not yet ready for April, but there's still some more days to go, will be all done by the 31st, hopefully.

Best of luck with the antho!

kaykuala said...

Aging gracefully and one can sail along with all and everything intact. It is only physical, otherwise, the mind and the senses are all thinking seeing and hearing young. Congrats on your Turkish Delight Alex! Must have been a tremendous boost on your person with more publications in the offing, I'm sure!


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Congratulations to Karen! I just picked up her book. :)

I'm about to turn 46 and there are days when I wake up with aches and pains. And fewer days when I'll leave the house without makeup! But aging sure beats the alternative. Looking forward to reading the book.

I thought Pete's Dragon I was scary in the 70s, so I may pass on II. :)

Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats Karen! I must snag a copy of Karen's book...sounds interesting and it's applicable. *ahem*

Turkish translation! Yay!
Sci-fi seems to be taking off this side of the globe. I don't know how it works, but maybe you need to investigate having your book translated into one of our official languages...besides English, there are 10 others to choose from: Afrikaans, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu.

Mason Canyon said...

Congrats, Alex on having your book translated into Turkish. Awesome. Looking forward to seeing the next Guardians movie. Aging is something we don't want to think about but, as Elizabeth said, it beats the alternative. Alex, thanks for being a part of Karen's tour.

MC Book Tours

Nicola said...

Congratulations on your translation, Alex!

I'm so pleased for Karen. I've been thinking about aging a lot lately. It all sparked when my doctor retired! No!!! That's when it hit me, that I must be getting older. She's looked after me for years. I met her in town and she said, "But Nicola, I'm 70 and want to have some time for myself!" Not acceptable :) She's fitter than me :) I'm looking forward to reading Karen's book.

Have a great week.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Some days I feel very old and other days I feel 16 again, except when I look in the mirror and say, "Who's that?" For me its a state of mind and an achy body....

How awesome to have your book translated into different languages. Congrats.

So glad to read your review about Pete's Dragon, I wanted to watch it with my grandson...check that off my list.

Have a great week.

Erika Beebe said...

Hi Alex. I feel old sometimes. I think to me, it's the extra aches and pains. I don't like them one bit. I have seen Pete's Dragon and thought the theme paralleled the same feel when I'd watched E.T. as a kid. Where you fall in love with the story, then something terrible intercepts and makes you want to turn it off but you can't. April? Yikes! Have a great rest of your week.

Truedessa said...

We are all aging, just n different stages of the journey. I believe it is important to be young at heart. I always let my inner child out for fresh air.

I am looking forward to Guardian of the Galaxy vol 2. I never tire of watching volume 1.

Congrats! You should be proud just think people are reading your book in another country. Maybe, someone will make it into a movie or TV Series one day! Hey, always dream big!

Have a wonderful week! You rock!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on your book, Karen. It sounds great. I just turned 60 this year and in many ways, I don't feel old at all. Of course, we've gone through more of the challenges and heartaches of life as well as the joys.

And Alex, that's so awesome that your book was published in Turkey. I bet you had no idea of all that would come when you first wrote your book.

mshatch said...

I think I'll avoid Pete's Dragon. It does sound dark! I'd also like to avoid getting old without dying but I don't think that's going to happen so I guess I'll just have to accept things like needing reading glasses, not being able to easily take the caps off the juice bottle, and all those fun aches and pains that come with. I heard someone say once that getting old ain't for sissies and I think it's true.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nila, my brain hasn't caught up.

Thanks, Hank - it was!

Elizabeth, ah, those fun aches and pains...

Michelle, I'll have my publisher get on that.

Mason, happy to host her.

Nicola, impressive she's still going strong at seventy.

Cathrina, watch only if you want to traumatize your grandson.

Erika, I really wanted to turn off that movie.

Truedessa, I'm still dreaming!

Karen, you're welcome, and thanks.

Natalie, I certainly didn't!

Marcy, there is also no upside to getting older.

Pat Garcia said...

Congratulations, Alex! That's what I call a blessing. I am delighted to hear about your international success. Congratulations, Karen. All the best for your anthology and thank you.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat Garcia

Jo said...

Now I loved Pete's Dragon and didn't find it depressing at all.

I don't feel old, but I am at an age considered old but I have well outlived both of my parents as has my husband.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

So far, getting older for me means growing more into myself and being better able to accept myself for who I am. I feel less need to listen to what society expects from a woman. Now if I didn't have to listen to my aching hip....

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

I enjoyed reading Karen Helene Walker's musings on the subject of aging. I can relate because I always wonder what all those old people are doing at rock concerts. Unlike Karen I would like to live to age 100. In fact, I think I'll shoot for 900. :)

Have a great week, good buddy Alex!

Valerie Capps said...

I don't think of myself as old until I try to do something I can no longer do, or like Helen said, look in the mirror and wonder what happened to the face looking back at me. I feel old when my body aches and I wonder what activity I did to cause the pain, but suddenly realize the only thing I did was wake up and get out of bed. LOL. I suppose getting old beats the alternative; however, I sometimes wish I could grow old without all the side effects.

Juneta key said...

Looking forward to seeing all the new part 2 movies. Congrats all on new releases
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I would like to age with vitality, and I'm working on that - losing weight, being more active, focusing on the positive, etc. :)

Saw "Ouija" over the weekend - pretty good overall.

Bish Denham said...

When it comes to aging, I understand now what my mother meant when she talked about how in her head she felt she was in her 20s/30s, but that he body would let her do the things she used to do. The brain isn't the problem, it's the body that betrays us as we age. That's the hard part.

The clip from Deadpool II is hysterical! I'd wanted to see Pete's Dragon, but your review gives me pause. I do value what you say about movies.

The Cynical Sailor said...

I'm with you on feeling old on some days and not on others. The anthology sounds really interesting. Growing old is something that happens to all of us eventually, but we all have a unique take on what it means for us. Have a great week :-) Cheers - Ellen

H. R. Sinclair said...

Yes, there are days, not matter what age, when I felt older and some days when I didn’t. Bummer to hear about Pete's Dragon, way different from the old Disney one.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jo, you sure you saw the remake?

Shady, you and Methuselah!

Valerie, exactly! Nothing worse than telling people you hurt yourself sleeping.

Bish, if you do watch it, at least you're prepared.

Holly, way different!

Tamara Narayan said...

I feel old when I forget things, which happens all day long. I'd be really unhappy about it, but I already forgot what I was typing. What? (I do want to read this book though.)

I did get an A to Z reveal theme blog posted. Now I just have to go out and find 26 things to fill the slots and then get the blogs written--in two weeks? Oh, man. Where does the time go.

I will skip Pete's Dragon. I don't need anything else to depress me, my to-do list is accomplishing that task quite well.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Still Me is definitely on my list to read. I can relate. My heart is young. The rest of me, well, take one day at a time. And enjoy every moment.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I can cross Pete's Dragon off the list to watch on Netflix. It didn't look that good, and my boys didn't want to see it.
I liked Beauty and the Beast!
Are you participating in the A to Z Challenge this year? I wasn't ready for the Big Reveal today, but I do plan to participate.

Christine Rains said...

Congrats to Karen! The collection sounds wonderful. Not going to watch Pete's Dragon now! We saw Moana on the weekend and I really liked it. Fantastic trailers. I still hope to get out to see Logan.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

My body reminds me there are things I can't do anymore even though I look like I could.

Arlee Bird said...

I guess I'm getting old, but I feel pretty much like Karen described. Nice job, Karen, of putting this into some kind of perspective. Hope the book sells millions of copies for years and years to come. It's a topic that will always be relevant.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out Theme Revieal: It's About Time

Sandra Cox said...

Okay, definitely not going to see Pete's Dragon.

Congrats, Karen. Aging is a topic that touches us all.

cleemckenzie said...

I don't give age much thought. I'm too busy thinking about how exciting my next project's going to be.

Sorry about Pete's Dragon. I was hoping it would be a fun movie to take kids to.

Congrats on the #IWSGPit. I'm sure it will be a great success.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Hilarious review of Pete's Dragon. I do feel old many days, but only my body. I'd like to think my mind is getting better. LOL
Can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

Yolanda Renée said...

I finished my entries for April yesterday, but I'm taking a page out your book, and combining letters for one post on Mondays, except for the first one on Saturday. Just makes sense - with other issues.

Feel old, oh gosh, so, so old today! :)

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Sounds like a great book for anyone, but especially if they were struggling with aging. I feel like my sister says, I'm just fine, still 24 or 40 even in my mind. Then I look in the mirror and wonder how that old lady got in my mirror!

The original Pete's Dragon was perfect. Why do they keep remaking everything?! Geez.

Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead #AtoZChallenge

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, wise to cross it off. Sadly, I'm not participating this year.

Christine, I still want to see Moana.

Clee, there is no fun in that movie.

Susan, that film is going to rock.

Yolanda, sometimes you have to.

Jo said...

Yes Alex, I actually went to the movies some time last year. I loved the remake better than the original.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

It is sooooooo cool that your book is out in Turkish. (But, how will you know if something's misspelled...?) Seriously, congratulations. It must be an amzing feeling to see your books written in another language.

I didn't like the remake of "Pete's Dragon," either, and for the same reasons you mentioned. Then again, I've rarely liked any remake as much as the original. The biggest surprise I got there is the TV remake of "Lethal Weapon." I loved the movies and expected to hate the TV version. Wrong! I love the TV version, too.

Thanks for helping promote Karen's anthology. You're every writer's best friend. :)

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats to Karen! I hope I'm not at middle age yet, but I do still have days where I feel much older than I am.

That's awesome your book is now in Turkish, Alex!

LD Masterson said...

Thanks so much for your support of Still Me...After All These Years. Karen did a wonderful job putting it all together.

Loved the trailers and thanks for the review of Pete's Dragon. That was my son's favorite movie when he was little and I'd rather not watch something that would darkened a fun memory. said...

It'd be awesome to hear your book in Turkish - whether or not you understand it. That's beyond cool, Alex. Congratulations.
Happy week to you and yours.

Unknown said...


I actually liked Pete's Dragon. I'm open minded and optimistic in general so I saw some great inspiring parts in this film.
I do agree it was way darker than I expected but my teens really enjoyed the movie too. We watched it for our "together night" with close friends and all 4 kids between the ages of 12-16 really had a great time with the film. I think on some level it appeals to them, where the more animated version appeals to a younger crowd.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Happy to promote it, Susan. I do know they used a different word for Cassa - shotgun. Funny, huh? And sorry you had to sit through Pete's Dragon.

LD, it's nothing like the original movie.

Kane, sadly it just didn't appeal to me.

Andrew Leon said...

I don't remember the original Pete's Dragon all that well, just that I didn't particularly enjoy it. I haven't seen the new one.

Pat Hatt said...

Deadpool trailer was great indeed as well as Guardians.

One good thing about getting older is I get to use "I'm too old for this s***" a lot more and it applies haha

lmao I thought the same thing about Pete's Dragon's. How can that be a kid's movie? A bunch of macho a-holes wanting to kill it and mount it on a wall.

Dean K Miller said...

Old is the Roman ruins, old is Mt. Fuji, old is a state of mind. Age is simply a marker of time that is man-made. Young is in the heart.
Enjoyed the trailers.

Elephant's Child said...

Time is a trickster. On some levels, and some days I am old. Other days it is debatable. I know some of the contributors to the book - and am looking forward to reading it.
Huge congratulations on your Turkish translation. I wonder which language will be next.

Roland Clarke said...

Approaching 64 I need Karen's book - birthday gift to myself, perhaps.

Looking forward to both Wonder Woman and to Galaxy II so that shows my real age.

Liz A. said...

If you ever want to feel old, tell a teenager your age...

Wow, Pete's Dragon sounds bleak. I'll pass.

Chrys Fey said...

Karen's anthology is a wonderful idea. My mom was going to contribute to it but couldn't think of a good essay for it.

Rhonda Albom said...

Karen's book sounds brilliant. Hubby and I were just talking about ageing the other day, "If I am already falling apart at this age, what's going to happen when we get really old?" Truth, I don't feel as old as my gray hair seems to think that I am. Of course, hair colour is easy to fix. Congrats on your book in Turkish. That's very cool. And as for Pete's Dragon, it always bothered me how dark Disney movies are, when they are marketed for kids. No I haven't seen it, and now for sure I won't.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Happy Spring! (Didn't realize today was the first day of spring). But yeah, I guess I am ready for April. Hopefully that month will be WARMER.

Old, to me, is giving up. I don't ever plan to do that. I'll be young until the day I die. :)

J E Oneil said...

Can't wait for the next Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy movies. They look amazing.

A Beer for the Shower said...

Tebrikler, Alex!

(That's congratulations in Turkish. I think. You'll have to verify for me, now that you're a master of the language)

Physically, I'm in the best shape of my life, and mentally I act like a pre-teen, so I think it's going to be a long time before I see myself as old.

Suzanne Furness said...

Getting older is a fact of life, working with children helps me keep mentally young, physically too . . . except maybe when I've been too keen in a physical activity lesson! Congrats, Karen the book sounds brilliant. And congrats to you too, Alex. . . a Turkish translation, mini-Alex looks super cool with your books there.

Carrie-Anne said...

I feel old, being closer to 40 than 30, and now past my prime fertility peak, but I know I'm not that old in the grand scheme of things. Still, it's hard to believe I can now remember almost 35 years back, and how different things are for kids these days than it was for me growing up. I feel such a social, cultural, and political disconnect from many people under 25, in spite of how much I prefer younger men to guys around my age or older.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat - exactly! Not for kids. And I use that line way more than I'd like to.

Elephant's Child, any!

Roland, boy at heart!

Liz, I know...

Rhonda, I've asked myself that same question. And some of their movies now take a really dark turn.

Stacy, great attitude!

Brandon and Bryan, thought you were telling me I was a Trekker.

Suzanne, he sure thinks he looks cool.

Carrie-Anne, relating to those that age is difficult. And you're still a young pup.

mail4rosey said...

The drop down menus on websites make me scroll waaay down to find my birth year. And some blog sponsors won't take writers over a certain age, which makes me laugh because the content is ageless, and no one can see this old gal behind the keyboard, but it is what it is... I don't feel old, but my body is starting to not be youthful, ha. ;) That is what it is too. ;) I saw Pete's Dragon. I liked it, lol. Also, I saw the trailer for Wonder Woman this weekend at Beauty and the Beast. It looks so good!

Jemi Fraser said...

Yay for Karen and her anthology! It's a cliche for a reason - we're as old as we feel/act/live. Don't get old before your time! :)

I think Emily/Tyler will be the FaceOff winners!... maybe :)

SpacerGuy said...

Well Karen I guess my perspective on aging ond health is colored because since 5 my health's been dicey. Its tough getting older, I realize it could be worse. It isn't fun but liberating to show but don't tell. Do I feel older? not physically but as I lie at night I can feel my bones making strange sounds but I'm not old! No way. Always look on the bright side of life. If Yoda can make it so, then so can you! Mini Alex is just going to have to turn into our personal Turkish translator so now the Captain, put your feet up.

Annalisa Crawford said...

ARRGGHHHH! Wonder Woman and Guardians of the Galaxy!!! Can't wait.

I'll be old when I don't get stupidly excited by new film releases!! :-)

Congrats to Karen on her book - a very interesting premise.

Joanne said...

Karen's book sounds funny and poignant too. I feel old when I think that in a year I'll be 60 and that's the age my mother died. Not being morbid but it's freaky

Moving on to a tale as old as time- loved new Beauty and the Beast. Your movie trailer pics all look so good

Congrats on conquering Turkey now. Awesome!! And we are 90s in March. I fear for April in TX. Yowza. Enjoy spring??!!

Fundy Blue said...

That must be something to see your book in Turkish, Alex! Way to go! I rarely think of myself as "old." My body doesn't recover from strenuous things as quickly as it once did, but so what? I'm still learning and exploring and dreaming. My grandmother told me in her late 80s that on the inside she was seventeen! Great post, as always!

Botanist said...

What a great theme for an anthology!

I don't feel old mentally, but I'm not sure that liking rock'n'roll really counts as young. I feel old every time I say "I remember that song first time it came out".

And every time I struggle to get up from the corner of the couch ...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rosey, scrolling for one's birth year is just wrong...

Jemi, it will be close! Those teams have each won several times.

Spacer Guy, sorry!

Joanne, we were much, much cooler than that...

Fundy, and that's a great attitude.

Ian, I remember music the same way!

Karen, it was a pleasure. Check back each day - many more comments to come.

Denise Covey said...

Hi Alex. Congrats on having your book published in Turkish! What a blast! I think we're very fortunate today. Milestones that once spelled 'old age', no longer do. We're most of us pretty fit and on the ball. I'd never want to be 20 again!

Stephanie Faris said...

Turkish is awesome!!! Congrats also to Karen and crew. I can't wait to read it.

stephen Hayes said...

Now that my 91 year old mother has passed I feel much older. I'm now the head of my family. Feels strange.

Birgit said...

I'm Late here but I wanted to see the trailers. I am looking forward to all of these and Deadpool is funny! I think Emily and Tyler will win FaceOff because they are consistently good and always close to being on top if not on top Congrats on your book now going all over the world! This must be exciting. I will pass on this movie...sounds too depressing.

L.G. Keltner said...

That Deadpool trailer looks amazing! I can't wait to see it. I thoroughly enjoyed the first Deadpool movie.

I know I'm not old yet, but I do find myself thinking about how fast the years are going. At the end of the day, we need to make the best of the time we have. We should never let the concept of being old get in the way of our enjoyment of life. Yes, aging inevitably changes things, but it's important to have a positive attitude. And who doesn't love Yoda? Yoda is awesome.

Elizabeth said...

Congrats on getting published in Turkish! Mini-Alex does look proud.

That's disappointing to hear about Pete's Dragon, because the old one was one of my favorite childhood movies. I probably won't be seeing that one. But I am planning on watching Guardians Vol. 2, can't wait!

I am also excited for the IWSG Goodreads Book Club, I joined last week :)

D.G. Hudson said...

Good Luck and many sales to Karen! As for getting old, any age after 30 is a pain, because you can't do those wild and crazy things you might have done in the earlier years. Unfortunately, it's nature's way, and no amount of botox or puffery is going to last forever. Good for Karen for taking on such a project!

Congrats on seeing your book in translation, Alex, it must be nice knowing your book is being read in other countries!

Heather R. Holden said...

Still Me...After All These Years sounds like a fantastic anthology. And that's very cool about CassaFire being translated into Turkish, Alex. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like I may just watch the original Pete's Dragon after your review. o.O

Sandra Cox said...

Oh my gosh, Alex. Cassa Fire in Turkish! That's just amazing.
I am so happy for you. Proud too:)

Patricia Stoltey said...

My body says I'm a lot older than my mental age but I try to ignore that fact as much as possible. The Still Me anthology is excellent (and I have an essay in it too).

That's so cool to have your book published in another language. I hope there are many more to follow.

Ann Bennett said...

The book is a wee close for comfort. I'll probably buy it. There is a coming to terms with age. We are lucky to get old; but to dance with eternity is sobering.

Charles Gramlich said...

I used to say that age was in the mind, but that was only when I was young. :)

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Aging is a part of living and this book sounds very intriguing. Congrats Karen and the other writers in the anthology. Pete the Dragon seems to have the message that sometimes you have to fight for what you love and not everyone has your best interest at heart. Haven't watched it yet and sorry the movie was a downer for you Alex. Early man trailer doesn't interest me one bit. Already saw the others and loved them.

Karen Peterson said...

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 looks hilarious, so I'm looking forward to that one.

Wonder Woman is probably going to be terrible, but I'm still going to see it because I've been screaming for a WW movie for years.

Sharon Himsl said...

Hard to imagine Pete's Dragon going dark, but that's Hollywood for you. We could list others couldn't we. I'll stick with remembering the dated original.

Nick Wilford said...

I think this'll be a thought-provoking book for any age. As long as I can still do the things I enjoy, I'll be happy.

Lidy said...

Can't wait for the new Dead Pool, Guardian and WW movies. And thanks for the heads up about Pete's Dragon. Will avoid it like the plague.

Helena said...

Congratulations on your books being translated into Turkish, Alex! What a deserved thrill that must be for you.

Karen has a great sense of humor. Funny how I too now see elderly white-haired ladies checking out Keith Richard's autobiography or at the Bruce Sprinsteen concert. Karen sounds like one cool lady, and I'd love to grow as cool and wise as she is.

Tonja Drecker said...

Yay for the Turkish book! How fun it must be to stare at the words, not get a single one and still know what they should say. Twilight zone feel???

As to age, I'm sticking with Peter Pan and never growing up--a decision I made years ago and enjoy.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Lovely bit about aging here. I remember my grandmother who was 80 and living with us needed some help from my husband who was half her age. It was one of those embarrassing moments when a state of undress was part of the situation. She told him "Just don't think this is a date." I realized then that there was a 20-year-old woman living in that body. And I'm there now, myself. Not 80, but old.

John Wiswell said...

I will be bummed if Ego spends most of the movie in human form, even if that form is Kurt Russell.

M Pax said...

I think we're weird about aging. We can't avoid it. I'm OK with it. It should be more celebrated.

Yay for Deadpool 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

Major cool on a book in Turkish.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Denise, I don't want to be twenty again!

Thanks, Birgit. Sig and George won again last night over Emily and Tyler, so it will be close.

LG, great attitude!

Elizabeth, thanks!

DG, I never did wild and crazy things anyway.

Thanks, Sandra!

Patricia, awesome!

Charles, too funny.

Sharon, good idea.

Helen, wouldn't we all?

Donna, that's a special memory.

Magic Love Crow said...

Hi Alex, I don't feel old. I feel if you are young at heart, then you are. I feel more old, with the people who I am sometimes around! LOL! Congrats on your book being in Turkish! That is amazing! I can't wait to see Deadpool 2, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2! I was going to see Pete's Dragon this weekend! Maybe not now!!
(I got your e-mail! Will e-mail you tomorrow! Thank you so much! I am honoured! I'm thinking too much about the questions, though! LOL!)

Tyrean Martinson said...

I love the new Guardians of the Galaxy trailer and the Wonder Woman trailer.
Thanks for the review of Pete's Dragon. I added it to my netflix cue but wasn't sure I wanted to watch it ... I like the old version.
I will add some information about IWSG in my next goals post and my next IWSG post.
Love the Turkish translation - congrats on that!

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Gosh. This resonates with me. Sure, I'm 47, but still, I feel this way about "getting older" because when I look in the mirror and see those grey hairs every month, my reminder that I need to make my appointment with the hairdresser, or when I roll out of bed and my body hurts, I think how is this possible? I just graduated high school, didn't I? Or when a celebrity passes and I think, "I loved them when I was a teen, how could they be dead already?" Age really is a state of mind, I think. I refuse to succumb to a number.

Rachna Chhabria said...

WOW! Congrats Alex for the Turkish version of CassaFire. You must be thrilled. I am super happy for you. I'm excited for #IWSGPit.

Sandra Cox said...

I would love to see Wonder Woman, but I really don't care for Zack Snyder movies so I'm not holding out much hope.

Sherry Ellis said...

Sorry to hear Pete's Dragon was so depressing. Who needs a film like that?

The aging book sounds cute. I think you're only as old as you feel. If you stay interested in life and keep busy, age is just a number.

G. B. Miller said...

Old means to me that I simply have to explain pop culture references from the early 90's and backwards as I'm now dealing with staff members who were born in the year I graduated high school (1983) through the year my brother graduated high school (1987). Oi vey.

I Are Writer!

nashvillecats2 said...

Congrats to Karne, I once won one of her books some years back.


Unknown said...

I loved the guest post about Still Me... I'll be 56 this year. Consequently though I'm STOKED about the new movies coming out, my tired self can only do a happy dance in my head.

Yay for your book being in Turkish!!

Pete's Dragon sounds like a whole movie of "Bambi's mother died!" Waaaaa!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Crow, happy to feature you next week!

Tyrean, thanks, and it's nothing like the original movie.

Elsie, that last one about movie stars gets me.

Thanks, Rachna!

Sandra, he's a love him or hate him kind of director.

GB, I know the feeling...

Lexa, you don't act that old. Good for you. And you nailed the movie exactly.

T.F. Walsh said...

Congrats on your book being in Turkish... that is so amazing :) I can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy II :)

DMS said...

I had no idea Pete's Dragon was so depressing. Thanks for letting us know.

I definitely feel older than I used to feel, but I don't usually feel old. Some days I do though. I think the amazing thing is how differently the mind and the body age. :)

Have a great weekend!

Blue Grumpster said...

How can anybody be old when they're still rockin' and rollin'... Hey, you sure beat me too it, Alex. I had absolutely no idea there'd be a Deadpool 2 movie this soon. It does make sense, though. Loved the first one. May this one be great, too.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Great post! Have a wonderful April!

Sandra Cox said...

What movie did you go see, Alex?
We rented Dr. Strange, which we both enjoyed and went to see Beauty and the Beast. The HH was worried about a sugar spike:) It was good but geared for the younger crowd.

Mason T. Matchak said...

I think about getting older all the time, and when I was young, people always said I seemed older to them - my mom even joked I was 45 at birth. (It's so weird being older than your parents.) But I find myself thinking about actually getting older as I do so. It kind of sucks. >_<

And I'm still madly looking forward to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Only a little over a month away. Bwa ha ha.

Toi Thomas said...

I had issues with Pete's Dragon too.

Marcie said...

Oh! Out of all this, what jumps out at me is your review of the Pete's Dragon movie. My girls LOVED the cartoon back in the day. We used to walk around the house humming tunes from the movie. I was looking forward to seeing this new version... but now I think I may opt out.

Lisabella Russo said...

Very interesting, thank you!

The Happy Whisk said...

Wow, so many cool trailers.

Yes, I'm ready for April. I'm just getting back to blogging and emails and you are going on spring break. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!