Kong: Skull Island Review

It’s pretty much what you’d expect from a movie with soldiers trapped on an island with monsters. Lots of attacks, shooting, and running.
The visuals were impressive, especially in 3D. The first encounter scene is breath taking and incredible to watch. They did an excellent job on Kong.
The acting was decent, especially considering the cast, but everyone was a supporting actor to Kong.
This is the perfect popcorn film and an enjoyable ride. However, it did seem to lack something that would raise it to epic. Still not sure what, just that it missed the mark. I think the best Kong film is still Peter Jackson’s King Kong from 2005.
That said, it’s still a lot of fun and a great monster film. Recommended.
He Gave Me Barn Cats
Hi Alex! Thank you for allowing me to guest post on your blog. Here’s my answer to your question:
Talk about the spiritual connection we have with animals and how God uses them to help us cope and understand.
All of nature cries out for us to be closer to God – but we must allow it. When there’s an amazing sunset, we can miss it if we don’t pay attention, or we can give it quick glance – or we can fully appreciate it and say “Thank You.”
However, I do believe that animals are a special gift to us from God, because God intends for animals to help us. We know this, because God says so in the Bible’s book of Job, chapter 12, verse 7: “Ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you.”
Some people feel that animals were our gift when we needed them for chores. Most of us don’t plow gardens using animals these days, but we still need their help – perhaps even more than ever now, since many of us aren’t outdoors enjoying that sunset! We need animals, both domestic and wild ones, to give us relief from stress and sadness and to provide joy and actual healing. There are medical studies reporting that people who live with animals are healthier in various ways, such as lower blood pressure.
When God tells us to “ask the beasts” so they can teach us, He doesn’t want us to learn plowing lessons from them. He wants us to know Him by learning from animals about trusting Him to meet our needs. When we get really good at this, the animals will speak to us – and so will God. Maybe God will even use an animal to speak to us. Maybe it’ll be a deer. Maybe it’ll be a sparrow. Maybe it’ll be a barn cat.
He Gave Me Barn Cats by Maria Santomasso-Hyde
Published by Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.
Available March 14, 2017
Inspired by true events...
Maria has cared for her very ill mother for many years. Her burdens are heavy, causing a sadness bordering on darkness. When she discovers her historic barn is now home to a mother cat and kittens, she feels lighter than she has in years. As the kittens grow, they teach her as only animals can do.
Then tragedy strikes. As Maria loses her family, the darkness envelopes her like the heavy fog that blankets her Blue Ridge Mountain home each morning. She creates a scorecard: God: 9, Maria: 0. Her questions turn into anger at God. She searches to find answers as to why her loving God would take away so much in such a short time.
How will she learn to trust again? Can the kittens in her barn help her heal?
Find Maria – Website and Facebook
Find her book here - Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, iTunes, Kobo, Kindle, Nook, Dancing Lemur Press, and Goodreads
Follow MC Book Tours for your chance to win a free copy of He Gave Me Barn Cats!
Movie Review – Kill Command

This movie is a nod to Terminator and robots-run-amok flicks.
While it doesn’t offer anything really new, the film is suspenseful with great pacing and tense scenes.
The robots are also impressive, especially digital vision of the mechanically enhanced company woman sent along to analyze. This film had a tiny, tiny budget and they made the most of it and then some.
For those a fan of science fiction, robots, soldiers, or any combination of those elements, this is a really good effort and enjoyable film. Recommended.
Monday’s Music Moves Me
Hosted by X-Mas Dolly, today’s them is "Band/Artist name or Song title with the word “Air.”
Challenging but not impossible! I had several choices and went with one I am Jonesing on now – Astronoid – Air:

Not on Goodreads? The IWSG book club is a good reason to join.
Don’t do much on Goodreads? This is an excellent way to dip your toes in a little more.
Not enough time in your day? We read one book every two months.
OUR GOAL: The Insecure Writer's Support Group (Book Club) is for writers to read/learn about the writing craft. In this book club, we will swap back and forth between non-fiction writing books and fiction books that demonstrate how to do certain aspects of storytelling. No promo. No review or beta reader requests. Just writers reading books and discussing those books with other writers.
**The first book will be announced on April 1st.**
**The discussion will start on May 17th.**
For more details and to join: IWSG Goodreads Book Club
C. Lee McKenzie’s book, Sliding Edge, is free right now at Snashwords and Amazon.
New release!
Incense and Peppermints by Cathrina Constantine
Find it on Amazon
Movie Trivia Answers
Here’s the answers to last week’s superhero trivia – Director/Year – name the movie:
1 – Richard Lester, 1980 Superman
2 – Alex Proyas, 1994 The Crow
3 – Guillermo del Toro, 2004 Hellboy
4 – Sam Raimi, 1990 Darkman
5 – Bryan Singer, 2014 X-Men: Days of Future Past
6 – Mark AZ Dippe, 1997 Spawn
7 – Russell Mulchany, 1994 The Shadow
Anyone else go see Skull Island? Do you think animals are a gift from God? Seen Kill Command? Every heard of the band Astronoid? Get any of the trivia right? (No one got a perfect score last week, but a couple were really close.) And who is ready to join the IWSG Goodreads Group?
I might have to see the Kong movie, although it sounds like it's the usual Kong stuff.
Nice guest post. I like the reminder that we should listen to what animals are saying to us and that God speaks through them.
Goodreads group! That's a cool idea.
Hi Alex - the movies don't inspire me - but that's normal for me! Interesting to read about the GoodReads IWSG group - now that sounds very interesting ... better get on it ...
Animals can really help so many in so many ways ... so thank goodness they are around for us ... inspirational creatures ...
Cheers Hilary
Kong just keeps on going. Sounds like they have modernized this one. Think I'll have to put it and Kill Command on my list to see. The IWSG Book Club on Goodreads sounds like a great idea. Congrats to C. Lee and Cathrina. I believe animals are a gift from God. Alex, thanks for being a part of Maria's tour.
MC Book Tours
Sorry but neither of those movies sound good. Awesome that the IWSG is starting a book club on Goodreads. I probably will join but not sure how much I will read since I'm not writing fiction right now. But I think this is an example of how supportive this group is. So awesome!
I doubt I willingly watch Kong. It could happen.
Do I think animals do God's work? I get a lot of love from my dogs. My mom calls her two chichi mixes her golden and silver angels, and they are to her. Such hard working girls. Best
wishes to Maria Santomasso-Hyde with her book tour. Great idea for a novel!
The ISWG bookclub is a win win. I'll be there.
I just joined the Goodreads group. Should be interesting to see what the picks are.
For the music theme, I probably would have gone with either Air Supply (yes, I remember them!) or "In the Air Tonight."
Alex, thanks for the review on Skull Island. The trailer looks somewhat interesting but like most King Kong flicks, I don't have a dying eager to go see. If this movie makes its way to Netflix then chances are good we'll watch it. Nope, I haven't seen Kill Command, either. However, if it's still on Netflix then I'll consider giving it a try on your recommendation. No, I haven't heard of Astronoid before now. I'm really batting a thousand here this morning. It was interesting to hear but I don't think it's something I'd want to listen to a lot of if all their mewsic sounds like this. Thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gals today. It's always fun to have you join the party! Have a good week and be blessed, my friend! PS: Your verification thingy is a bit crazy...just saying!
Another great line up of info today, Alex. The Goodreads books is an awesome idea. Will check that out. Animals and children, they show us the way, if we area willing to look, listen, and let them lead.
Kong should be an interesting revisit. Not so much the story which appears to be ordinary but more of the current wave of electronic wonders perhaps. The Goodreads IWSG grouping fills a void for the relatively untried. It should do a lot to boost morale. Yes, animals! Funny enough! They are very intelligent in their own sort of ways. One can relate well to the good ones.
I'll probably wait and see Kong when it hits iTunes etc. Looks like fun but not something I'd rush out to see. And my favorite is still the original black and white version. :)
Hi Alex!
Every time I see the commercial for Kong, I keep saying...
"They bought their tickets...they knew what they were getting into."
Congrats on the new books out there!
Elizabeth, all Chrys' idea.
Mason, happy to be part of the tour.
Thanks, Natalie!
Ann, awesome!
Sandra, thanks! In the Air Tonight has already been on one person's list today.
Cathy, what's sad is I don't have verification on...
Heather! Big score for the Airplane reference.
Karen, join us.
Swami Vivekananda (most famous for his speech starting 'Sisters and brothers of America...') said 'he who loves a living creature, he's the one serving God.' And of course Coleridge said it as well - he prayeth best who loveth best all things great and small.
Wish the author great success.
I've read so much about robots with Isaac Asimovs Robots and his 3 laws. Kill Command sounds terrific - I dunno, I always get excited about inteligent creatures whether organic, android or robotic.
Animals are definitely gifts, especially cats. Love my cats. And pretty much every other furry or feathered thing. Snakes are a bit tougher to love, but I can respect them. I think. As long as they keep their distance.
Yes, I would like to take part in a book club, but am picky about what I spend my reading time on, so I'll have to see what's selected.
I joined the Goodreads group! I'm interested to see what we read and how it goes.
I think I'm "Kong'd" out, but the fact the movie is set in 1973 does kind of interest me. I'll probably wait until it's on HBO or something.
As an animal lover, I'm looking forward to reading He Gave Me Barn Cats. I think my cats will enjoy the story too. And I agree that God means for us to take care of the animals. We can learn a lot from them. Have a great week.
C. Lee's book is a great one too. I enjoyed it.
I believe animals are a gift from God. And our cat should feel very lucky God gifted her to us, because anyone else would've kicked her fuzzy but to the curb. Thanks for featuring Maria's book.
Alex, thank you for introduocing us to "He Gave Me Barn Cats." I know animals are a special gift and can
affect us in very special ways. All of my critters are uniquel and I was just feeling sorry for big city
dwellers who are unable to share this bond with animals.
Have a super week.
Nila, those were wise words.
Spacer Guy, think you'd dig that flick then.
Tamara, join us. No pressure to read.
Sarah, thanks!
Thanks for the shout-out, Alex!!!!
I'll probably wait to see King Kong until it comes out on Netflicks. I did like Peter Jackson's portrayal of Kong too!
Have a great week.
He Gave Me Barn Cats is a book I definitely want to read. Our life with Sassy Dog and Katie Cat is so much richer than if we didn't have them to cuddle, laugh about, and talk about.
Kong seems like it's probably a must-see for the family. If the kids don't want to see it, then at least my wife and I will. She'll watch any movie as long as she gets her popcorn.
I definitely think animals are a gift from the Creator. I've had too many experiences with them to think otherwise.
Oooo, a Goodreads group! Exciting. I've joined.
Hi, Alex!
Thanks for the movie review. I love Kong sequels and plan to see this one. I also just noticed that the 1976 Jessica Lange film is available on Hulu and I have it bookmarked.
I very much appreciate and agree with Maria's beliefs about animals and their relationship to humans. For someone like me, He Gave Me Barn Cats is a must read book.
Have a great week, Alex!
I like Kong movies up until they drag him to New York. I hate that.
Have a great week, Alex.
King Kong sure has changed from the original.
I'm interested in the IWSG Goodreads Group!
I loved Peter Jackson’s version of King Kong, which makes it difficult for me to enjoy any other version, but I will give this one a go (if only to say I don’t like it) :)
I have no doubt the barn kittens helped Maria to heal; animals do that if we just let them. Dogs are far better listeners than people. They don’t judge they just offer comfort.
Definitely, yes, animals are a gift from God. So precious!
King Kong, love it! Any monster movie, really, but he's special! And I agree the one from 2005 - great movie!
My son went and saw Kong this weekend but wasn't impressed--but he didn't even know who King Kong was. I'm going to have to catch him up on that cultural end. Congrats to C. Lee and Cathrina! And wow to the new IWSG group. It's growing and growing and growing!
Okay, music is always first with me thanks for the introduction first of all. Never heard this one before, but very listenable. Now I have to admit I love the video more than I love the music. Great video! Thank you so much for joining us!!! You're always welcome because you totally ROCK! Now as far as your King Kong review... I totally agree with you. To me it's kind of like the old King Kong accept it's made with 2017 knowledge. Every King Kong I've ever seen same thing, but I do like the movie and saving the King is the best part & the King saving his best friend. Now not sure what Kat was talking about your what was crazy??? Hmmmmm Don't understand that one! Now switching channels here I'd like to sign up for that A to Z fun stuff... do you know where I sign up at ????
Animals have been proven to bring the blood pressure down in people and, for dementia patients, make them laugh and some have even talked when they haven't spoken in a long time. Animals have helped people with disabilities and animals have a keen sense when they are needed. I love animals and in Native Teachings, ti shows how every animal, even the ones maligned, like snakes, show how we can better understand life so, yes, they are a gift and a precious gift at that. I want to see the Kong film but I can tell it has less depth that the 2005 film version and I love the one that started them all...the 1933 version
I'm glad Kong was good, but sad to hear it missed the "something" that pushes it to epic. :( The bookclub sounds great. Congratulations Maria.
Yeah, Kong doesn't really look like something I NEED to see in a theater. I'd much rather have a barn full of cats. Oh God, is this what being old sounds like?
Cool about the book club group. I will wait to see Kong on digital probably.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Jackson's Kong was a giant gorilla movie turd.
I'll probably wait for this on disc.
Your site looks amazing, Alex! There is something divine about a relationship with a pet, for sure. :)
Kong: Skull Island looks like a fun movie to watch.
We enjoyed Kong, despite lack of lustrous reviews. It has a change of focus from Kong taking the blonde woman, getting gassed and then taken to America. then climbing the Empire state bldg.
No, this Kong actually has a purpose: to protect the humans from a nasty nasty carnivore. He seemed to be a problem solver (ship propeller), and recognizes weaker species.
Actors: John C. Reilly, Samuel L. Jackson (misguided, proud, arrogant), and Tom Hiddleston. they hold the film together with a weak plot. The way Jackson's glaring eye close-in matching Kong's glaring eyes is great.
I'll probably wait to watch Kong. Animals sure do bring a lot of joy to life and help keep away strife, unless they jump on you in the night or something lol
We'd planned on seeing the Kong movie this weekend but other things came up. We've heard good things and still plan on seeing it.
Did not catch movies this weekend, but I did go to a symphony. Music tames the savage beast, right?
Alex -- Thank you for allowing me to guest post on your amazing blog! I've really enjoyed being here, and I love all the great comments you get from your readers! Thank you all!
You have me interested in seeing Kong, Alex. And it looks like the filming was spectacular.
Have a great week.
Cathrina, you're welcome.
Ken, it's the perfect popcorn movie.
Bish, thanks!
Sandra, no going to New York in this one.
Barbara, so did I! I really liked the way Jackson handled the material.
Tonja, he doesn't know who King Kong is? Whoa...
Marie, there is no sign up list this year - just posting your link daily at the A to Z Blog. See that site for details.
Birgit, animals can do miracles.
Brandon and Bryan, sounds more like a crazy cat guy.
Andrew, your opinion.
Thanks, Candilynn.
Susan, those two were definitely enemies matched.
Alex -- Wanted to tell you that I find it hilarious that you asked me to post about ANIMALS on the same day that you're posting about King Kong (one of the biggest, best animals)!!! Did you plan that on purpose? If so, you are quite clever! Thanks again for posting about my book, HE GAVE ME BARN CATS.
Of course we have a lot to learn from 'dumb animals'. Not least tolerance and lack of prejudice.
Congratulations and thank you (as always) to all writers.
Maria's book sounds so intense and powerful. I love her perspective on animals. Being a non-pet owner (we travel too much), it really gave me some insight into what I might be missing.
As for the rest, I may see Kong, and I will be sure to get popcorn. Congrats on the new Goodreads book club, and to all the new author books. I see why I couldn't get any of the trivia - I haven't seen any of those movies.
Animals are so loving and forgiving, and more accepting than many humans. They don't care if someone is ugly, poor, deformed, or part of an oppressed group, but only that that person loves and takes care of them. One of the animal pages I follow shared an image with the story, "God sent dogs as angels to Earth, with notes saying, 'Don't hate, just love.' They ate the notes, but they've been trying to deliver the message ever since." I love stories of animal heroism, particularly unexpected stories, like the pet pig Priscilla who saved her two-year-old boy with Down Syndrome from drowning. I also love stories of animals' loyalty, like pets who walked hundreds of miles home, kept waiting for a missing loved one to come home, or kept vigil by a loved one's grave for years.
I hear that Kong is doing well enough to unseat Logan from the box office. Pretty impressive.
Waiting for Cathrina's book to come out so I can start reading! I don't remember a 2005 King Kong movie. I'm now losing touch with movies that came out a decade ago!
Nice to meet Maria! Wishing her well. Thanks for hosting, Alex. Have a great week! :)
Never heard of Astronoid, but that cut had me gasping for air. Guess I'm getting old. Now to listen to something kind of soft and relaxing.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
My son said nearly the same thing about Kong that you did. Might check out that Netflix movie when we're under a foot or more of snow tomorrow. I believe our ability to connect with animals is a gift from God.
I really liked Maria's guest post. So true that animals teach us about trusting God. Congrats to Maria, C. Lee and Cathrina on the new book releases! And the ISWG book club sounds intriguing!
I don't see properly in 3D (although the tech has improved so I see some depth now - yay!) so we'll probably wait until Kong is rentable :) Sounds like a fun one
Hi Alex,
I am not sure King Kong is on my list of must see movies, but it seems many are going. It may be something I will see when it hits Red Box.
"He Gave Me Barn Cats" sounds like something I would enjoy reading. I do believe animals have the ability to guide us in many ways. It truly sounds like a heart-warming story. I will add it to my list of must reads.
Enjoyed the video, I hadn't heard this one...
Have a wonderful week!
Maria's book sounds hauntingly wise. I'm Irish, which means Celtic, which means I've got a broad mystical streak, and a lot of native culture like mine teach that animals can be messengers from the other side, and that in their everyday lives they're connected to things spiritual the way we aren't.
I wish Maria peace and love, and I'll check out her book.
I plan to see Kong soon. Kill Command sounds very interesting.
I think all of creation is a wondrous gift from God! And I think God can work ALL things to his purpose. If He needs to reach us, touch us, minister to us He will use whatever is there, or whatever He knows He can speak to us most effectively through. I do believe that many times God chooses to use for either reason. That said, still His ways are not ours so this is only my opinion.
Barbara from Life & Faith in Caneyhead
Maybe Kong is a must-see in 3D because I wasn't impressed with the CGI in 2D.
The story was way too much like Jurassic Park 3, the actors were not given the chance to do much because the characters are so thin.
And yet...I liked it in spite of myself.
So, that would totally be a good reason to join ISWG, Goodreads, and all. There was just a speaker nearby (at a writers group) who wrote a book on injecting emotions into your writing. This would be a good book for the group. But, alas, I'm not in ISWG or Goodreads (I know, I need to fix that).
The story of finding healing through a connection to animals reminded me very much of Touching Spirit Bear. Not suggesting that the stories as such are in any way alike, but the theme of healing and spirituality seems to be common.
I think the IWSG Goodreads group is a great idea! I definitely had to join in!
Great post about animals. Last July I got a new puppy and during the day he's home with my 80+ years Dad. I thought my Dad was going to complain a lot because he tends to be a grumpy old man. I mean the puppy was trying to get into everything, but to my surprise, it turned out to be a good thing. They bonded somehow..lol. Now my Dad has company during the day while we're not home. So yeah, it's amazing what an animal can do. lol
I'm watching Skull Island tonight and I can't wait!
I couldn't agree more about Peter Jackson's version of King Kong - it was near perfect!
Maria, you're welcome! And I don't plan well - it just lined up well.
Rhonda, that would hinder you if you hadn't seen them.
Carrie-Anne, they ate the notes - funny!
JE, no surprise.
Lee, I can post something even faster and harder if you like.
Barbara, Amen!
Karen, that probably made a difference.
Liz, join Goodreads and us!
LG, thanks!
Cindy, that's awesome.
George, it was!
Congrats to Maria and her release. Animals definitely have a way of speaking to us and reminding us of he important things, but we have to listen. I've joined the Goodreads club :-)
I do think animals do a wonderful job with people who are sick, especially in hospitals. Also sick children seem to benefit from the animals visiting too. I wish we still had a dog, but not fair to the dog to live in an apartment and we could no longer take one out for walks.
Animals are definitely a gift from God. They give us comfort, wisdom, and love. The IWSG bookclub looks like a good idea. Is the A to Z Challenge being downplayed this year? I miss the energy of gearing up for it.
Congrats to Maria and Cathrina on their new releases :-)
Just joined the Goodreads group, thanks!
The barn cats book sounds adorable.
Wishing much success to He Gave Me Barn Cats. What a lovely sentiment.
I'll probably see it at some point but I don't typically make much effort to get out for new releases in the same old franchises, Kong, Godzilla, etc.
I do believe animals are a gift from God. I had a dog growing up and she was there for me during my most trying of high school times with her shiny brown eyes and always a wagging tail. I could do no wrong and she kept all my secrets :) great post!
I might see Kong... probably just for my honey Tom Hiddleston. But I agree, it would be hard to beat the 2005 one.
Glad you enjoyed Kong. Not sure if I will see it or not. I have a list of movies to see and with all the snow outside who knows when or if I will get to the theater this month. :)
I have Lee and Cathrina's books. Congrats to both of them! :)
I love to cover for He Gave Me Barn Cats. It's such an amazing story. A real tear-jerker.
I am thrilled by everyone's response for the book club! :D
Yep I joined the IWSG Goodreads Group. Thanks for the Kill Commando recommendation. I'll put that in my Netflix que. And yes animals are an excellent form of therapy. There's an app now if you go on vacation you can leave your pets places like retirement homes or someone who cannot leave their house and could use some furry friendship. Very cool!
Because of you I may watch KILL COMMANDO. Kong will have to wait for DVD. I do plan to see GHOST IN THE SHELL. The anime GHOST IN THE SHELL 2: INNOCENCE is mind-blowing.
Skull Island sounds like a lot of fun. I hope I see in the theater before its gone.
Yes, I think animals can be a gift from God, but sadly some people are nicer to animals than other human beings or even themselves. I consider my dog and turtle to be great blessings in my life.
I knew del Toro did Hellboy; I didn't even try to guess the others.
I'm looking forward to the IWSG Book Club.
Aloha, my friend! I appreciated the information and the link to the IWSG's Goodread Group which I joined. Sounds like fun! I'll have to get my books updated on Goodreads. Maria's book info really made me stop and think, especially whenever I see a sparrow, it always makes me think of God. So yes, I think animals are a gift from God! Have a good one!
Animals are definitely a gift and I think it's awesome that God is so creative in all of his creation(s).
I didn't get any trivia right - shucks. Oh well. :)
I think I joined IWSG Goodreads.
Hope all is going great, Alex!
Kong... Did you know they brought the Kong Ride to Universal Studios in Florida about a year ago to help promote the new movie? Ironic since it's based on the previous movie. We love it though. The ride. And it's done its job. The kids are all stoked to see the new movie.
Since I'm snowed in today I may check out Kill Command (you know I love anything scifi) - thanks! As for Kong, I figured as much. As for the ISWG goodreads book club...I just might join.
I didn't realize we had a book club. I love the idea of sharing nonfiction writing books. Though, I'm lukewarm about goodreads.
I thought Jackson's Kong had some major issues. First, it was waaaay too long. But, second, it had some major plot holes. Some decent editing could have taken care of both of those issues.
Everything I read about that Kong movie makes me think they were targeting macho men so that might ne clue as to what's missing. Top bad I don't like cats because that book about narn cats sounds wonderful. My pets as you know are always telling me stuff.
I've seen so many ads for the Kong film, I don't feel as though I need to bother going to see the rest.
It seemed to lack something that would raise it to epic? I couldn't agree more.
My hubby saw Kong and he enjoyed it. I think he liked the visuals too. I still haven't seen Get Out yet. Hopefully I'll see it before it gets out of the theater.
Ellen, thanks!
Mary, the Challenge is scaled back this year but it's still happening.
Jennifer, thanks!
Erika, my dog was like that.
Chrys, it's very popular now!
Stephen, that's a cool idea.
Roland, unless reviewers slay it, I'm definitely seeing Ghost.
Fundy, thanks for joining!
Crystal, I knew there was a ride for it - glad it's a good one.
Sandra, we just opened it.
Patsy, your comment made me chuckle.
I might step out of my box and go see Kong. We'll see. I def. have it as a big perhaps! I bet it's better on the big screen.
Congrats to Cathrina. Wishing her much success.
Hi, Alex:)
I did not see Kong, but I did go see Triple XXX. I was disappointed in this one "plot" wise because it fell flat for me. The first one is still the best one. However, I'm a huge Vin fan...so Vin shirtless works for me. LOL
Thanks for the introduction to Astronoid - never heard of them before! Thanks for the dance - have a great week! :)
I fear I have so many movies on my want to see list, Kong will never make it to the top.
I do absolutely believe animals are a gift from God.
I love all animals, and I do believe they come to us, to give us signs, or show us the way. It's like me and my crows! "He Gave Me Barn Cats" sounds wonderful!!
I'm not sure about Kong?? But, thank you for the review!!!
Take Care! Hugs!
I thought Kong might be pretty good. I never visioned in 3D. It's a go for me!
I was also wondering what I'm going to watch next on Netflix. Kill Command it is! Thanks Alex...
Hi Alex, the book 'He Gave Me Barn Cats by Maria Santomasso-Hyde' sounds lovely. I will add it to my TBR list. I'm sure I'll love it. Congrats that IWSG has joined Goodreads Group.
My pups 'talk' to me, just as I talk to them. And they are healers too....
Have a happy weekend, Alex
Rosey it's definitely a big screen event.
Hey, Sandra!
Kane, at least you got that.
LD, that was really funny.
Pat, glad I could suggest a flick for you.
I saved Kill Command for St Patrick's Day, haha hope I don't get smited or something.
I don't know if this will surprise you or not, but Kong is just not my kind of movie. I suppose I'd watch it (maybe) when it comes on TV, but I don't see myself seeking this one out.
Soldiers trapped on an island with King Kong trying to kill them. People going to test robots trapped on an island with said robots trying to kill them. Hmm. I know what to do - stay the heck off the islands!!
Congrats to Maria and Cathrina on their releases!
Hey Alex,
Shall not be going to see Skull Island but it does seem interesting. Our animal friends bestow gifts of wisdom, of unconditional, non-judgemental love.
Well done to Maria and her fascinating, even thought I don't agree with her, guest post.
Never heard of the band, "Astronoid".
A peaceful weekend to you, good sir.
Hope you and Mrs. Alex have a wonderful weekend.
I'm definitely most excited about Kong. I rarely go out and see movies, but I actually intend to see this one in theaters for no other reason than it looks big, dumb, and fun and reminds me of the old school godzilla movies.
I love the spiritual perspective on animals.
I like the Peter Jackson Kong, and the original movie, but this one looks good too.
There is definitely something spiritual about the love you get from animals. Especially dogs - I'm biased and have been a convert to them in recent years, but a dog will stick by you no matter what. Can't always say the same for humans.
I haven't seen any Kong movies since the one with Jessica Lange. Was that in the 80s? I did just see Girl on a Train, though. Totally different vibe I'm betting. :)
Have a great week, Alex!
So how did I miss this post?
Sliding On The Edge is a fab story...Lee is such a good writer!
The IWSG GR book club is growing...
Ooh, Maria's book sounds so interesting. Adding to the wishlist!
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