Why This Fanboy Loves MST3K/RiffTrax
Back in the early 90’s, I was flipping through the channels when I came upon Invasion USA on what was the Comedy Channel. Only this wasn’t just the crappy 1950’s film – there were three people silhouetted in the right bottom corner. A guy and two robots were making fun of the movie.
At first, I thought it was weird but interesting. Slowly, I realized just how hilarious the jokes were. About twenty minutes, I got into the vibe and was hooked. The humor was right up my alley – bad puns, snarky observations, and tons of pop culture references.
The premise of this silly show that made fun of movies – evil scientists had shot an employee into space so they could experiment on him by making him watch bad movies. Trapped on the Satellite of Love, he created robots to keep him company – Crow T. Robot, Tom Servo, Gypsy, and CamBot.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 went through many changes. The creator, Joel Hodgson, envisioned it more as a kid’s show. When he left, Mike stepped into the role as the man trapped on the Satellite of Love. Coupled with Kevin (Tom Servo) Murphy’s sense of humor, this led to more adult stuff.
When Trace Beaulieu left, there was cause for concern. Not only was he the main evil scientist, he was the voice of Crow T. Robot. However, the very first show with Bill Corbett as Crow started with this line – ‘Screw you, Greenland!’ And all was right with the world.
It won many awards but was eventually cancelled in 1999. Since then, the core MST3K guys started with Film Crew and then moved on to RiffTrax. It’s not quite the same as MST3K, but it’s the same guys telling the jokes and therefore awesome. They provide tracks to hundreds of popular films – all you do is sync them up with the actual movie. They then moved on to riffing older films, some of which they’d done as MST3K, and selling the videos.
It really became awesome when they moved to live events. The first one I saw was Jack the Giant Killer. I’d seen the MST3K Movie in the theater and there’s something magical about being surrounded by geeks who get you – and the RiffTrax experience was no different. That is why I am now a big fan and refuse to miss any RiffTrax event!
Including June’s MST3K Reunion show…
For more information, visit:
MST3K Reunion Show Tickets
MST3K on Twitter
RiffTrax on Twitter
That’s right – it’s back! Last week was the play-in round and on June 23 on ABC, season two of the BattleBots reboot begins!
The homemade robots are back for season two, where they will battle against each other in a single elimination tournament until there is one champion. The ten episode series will feature next generation robots – bigger, faster and stronger than ever before. The show will continue to emphasize the design and build elements of each robot, the bot builder back stories, their intense pursuit of the championship and the spectacle of the event. While there’s only one weight-class, there are a huge variety of deadly weapons. Forty-eight robots will enter, but, in the end, only one will win the Giant Nut.
Yes, it’s giant BattleBot robots destroying each other – what could be more awesome?
The Last Hotel Room by Sean McLachlan is competing in the Kindle Scout program.
This book is important to me because I've been working a bit with refugees and wrote an article a while back about one young refugee I met in Iraq who became the inspiration for this novel. If I win, $500 of my advance will go to a charity helping refugees from the war zone there.
Vote for the Last Hotel Room HERE
Available now!
Seismic Crimes by Chrys Fey
Buy it at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and The Wild Rose Press
The Haunted Stepsister by Medeia Sharif
Amazon and Barnes and Noble
Cloaked in Blood by TF Walsh
Find it at Amazon, iTunes, and Barnes and Noble
And if you are looking for something cool in t-shirts, check out the creations of Jeremy Hawkins!
He produced the awesome IWSG T-Shirt.
And he designed the A to Z Challenge Survivor T-Shirt
Get yours now!!!
You Rock Awards
I started this six years ago, right after the very first A to Z Challenge. This is to honor blogger buddies who have come to mean so much to me over the years.
Past recipients include Arlee, Yvonne, RaShelle, Hannah, Jeffrey, Gail, Rusty, Chuck, George, Jeremy, Matthew, Old Kitty, Ella, M Pax, Roland, Melissa, Robyn, Lynda, Michael, Heather, Stephen, Father Dragon Al, the late Tina, Damyanti, Edi, Karen, Elizabeth, Suze, Susan, Pat, Jo, Michelle, Brandon and Bryan, Christine, and Truedessa.
This is always such a difficult choice! I’ve made so many friends over the years. But certain people have really stuck with me and come to mean a lot to me.
So, this year’s You Rock recipients are…
Rachna Chhabria at Rachna’s Scriptorium
She is just about the sweetest person I know online. A talented author who possesses a wonderful way with words, her weekly offerings will make you think. She is also a huge supporter and cheerleader. We’ll never meet in person, but we’ve met in spirit. Rachna, you have made a difference to this Ninja – and you rock!
Liza at Middle Passages
We’ve been blogger buddies for years. I remember when she wasn’t working and all the things she’s gone through since then. She continues to write and take amazing photos of her beautiful coastal town. She’s always been there for me and I appreciate her friendship and support. Liza, you rock!
Yolanda Renee at Defending the Pen
Another friend who’s been around for a while. I still remember when her first book came out. She knows how to put a twist on a story like nobody’s business. She defends not only the pen, but her friends. And she’s a Ninja Minion above and beyond! I hope she’ll always be there. Yolanda, you rock.
Nilanjana Bose at Madly-in-Verse
We met through the Challenge, so only fitting she was one of my Minions this year. She writes amazing poetry and prose and really does her research. Nila is always there and something about her presence is reassuring. I imagine she’s always smiling, her joy contagious! She’s a whisper on the wind – and she rocks!
Fundy Blue at Standing Into Danger
You want someone down to earth and genuine? Fundy is that and more. A traveler by heart, she’s working on a book based on the letters her father wrote while teaching Indian children in the far, far north. And the posts about these letters are fascinating. What’s amazing is that no matter what, Fundy shows up online all bubbly and excited. Your excitement is contagious, Fundy – and you rock!
Hank Kaykuala at Rainbow
Yes, I like the ladies! But there are a few cool dudes out there as well. Hank is one of them. I remember visiting Pat Hatt’s site and wondered – who is this dude who has to be number one all the time? Eventually, we became friends, and I realized the cultural diversity Hank offered in his poetry and prose posts. I can always count on him. Hank, you’re number one and you rock!
JH Moncrieff
If you’ve not met JH, you are missing out. This great horror writer looks like she stepped right out from her own goth pages. She knows all about the supernatural and the unknown, and she tantalizes us with unique events and unsolved mysteries. Don’t let the dark fool you, though. She is a bright light of genuine appreciation and friendship. JH, you rock!
Anyone else a longtime fan of MST3K? Been to a RiffTrax event? Excited for the next BattleBots? Picking up some new books? Have you got your t-shirt yet? And are you following those awesome, rocking bloggers?
I remember hearing about MST3K before, but was never really aware what it was. Sounds like fun!
Congrats to all who recieved "You Rock" awards, well deserved.
Hi Alex,
Great recognition for some lovely folks.
Have a good one.
Congrats to the award winners! I heard about MST3K, but can't say I remember it. Some of the old sci fi movies are precious, but someone needs to make a little fun. Maybe.
I totally remember the Mystery Science Theater, although I never understood the story behind it (why there was a robot, what was going on as the premise). Thanks for filling me in!
I've never been to a RiffTrax event. Congrats to the "You Rock" winners. I am following a few of these already. Fundy, Hank and I've visited Yolanda a few times. Best wishes to all!
"You Rock" Alex!
That's lovely of you to recognize blogging buddies. I know some of their blogs, but not all, which I'll definitely check out. Cheers - Ellen
Mystery Science Theater was always fun to watch. Good luck to Sean and congrats to those with new releases. In addition, congrats to those who received 'You Rock' awards. Awesome bloggers, well deserved.
Congrats to the "You Rock" winners. I am friends with Rachna too. She's a real sweetie and a good blogger friend.
I've only watched a few episodes of MST3K, but they were funny.
Congrats to all of the award winners!
Wonderful poetry of Hank Kaykuala.
Oh my gosh, Alex! You've overdone yourself!. Hank feels so elated. Never thought he could be in! You rock buddy!
Hank is not missing out on the comedies. Will look up all of them certainly! And also the other 'rockers'. Had visited Yolanda and Nilanjana. Will look up the rest. Thanks Alex, you made my day!
I follow some of them, but will definitely be checking the rest out!
Liza is totally awesome and I adore the pictures she takes. Now off to check out the others on your list...
Congrats to the award winners! I love Liza's photos, and I'm already a huge fan of JH's. :)
Gotta love MST3K. I even mention that show in one of my books. :D
Gotta admit, I just never "got" mystery science theater. I tried to watch it a couple of times and would end up getting irritated about ten minutes in and turn it off.
the mystery science show is a hoot, but I'm not as hooked as you. I am hooked on some of your new blog rock stars - talented people. I'm finally catching up on movies - Jungle Book was fantastic. Also saw Money Monster - it's slick entertainment. Have a great week!!!
I do know some of the You Rock people this year and I will check out the blogs of the ones I don't know. I was delighted to receive the award last year and feel so special being one of such a wonderful group of your friends.
Damn construction is off and running again by the way. Beep, beep, beep.
I'm a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000!
Heather, you'd enjoy it.
Teresa, more than maybe!
Elizabeth, now you know.
Truedessa, you rock!
Hank, well deserved, my friend.
Donna, that makes you all sorts of awesome.
Jo, get used to that sound...
I've yet to check out RiffTrak or MST3K. A lot of awesome writer's here!!!!!
Yay! Robot wars is back! Guess that takes care of my son's summer project (the minute he sees that he'll take over our workshop). Congrats to all the authors!
Congrats to all on the award. The cat still won't let Pat rock in his chair lol Hank sure likes #1.
They can sure poke fun indeed, always interesting to see what they come up with. I think I watched a few battlebots go at it a long time ago.
I have visited most of your rocking bloggers. It's so great to read about your connections. There are some super people who spread happiness, wisdom and friendship beyond their blog posts. Such a pleasure to be part of that. Have a great week, Alex.
Hi Alex - I voted for Sean - hope he does well - his work with the refugees is something we all need to do ... good luck to him.
Minions and the organisers of the A-Z deserve many medals ... just grateful for the Challenge .. cheers Hilary
I read a few of the ones you've chosen this year. Seems we have similar tastes.
The truth, my friend, is YOU are the one who truly rocks!
Congratulations on your Rock award, Captain. And great choices from your end. I lead a sheltered childhood; never heard of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Sounds like a hoot.
Congratulations to the rocking bloggers and to the new books out.
I've never heard of MST3K.
I voted. Good luck.
Have a super week.
Nice to see your You Rock Awards going to three solidly sweet, deserving women.
Happy new week, Alex.
I had a cousin who talked all the time about Mystery Science Theater 3000 and how great it was, but for some reason, I never ended up watching it myself. (Probably too busy with my nose stuck in a book.)
I heard about MST3K, but we'd dumped our TV in that decade, so I'm appallingly ignorant on any TV shows. Great shout outs, Alex!
BattleBots are back? I might have to check that out. I love MST3K, and I'm sad I've never been to a live RiffTrax event. One day, one day. Congratulations to all the award winners!
Congrats to all of the You Rock winners. I'm particularly pleased for Liza. I just love her to pieces!!!!
I remember seeing MST3K on TV in motel rooms when I was touring. I guess it must have been during 1988 & 1991 since those were my last touring years when this show would have been on. I got a kick out of the show, but I can't say I got hooked. It was something weird to watch while being in a motel room. It must have come on late in the evening since I would have had to watch after we'd finished our shows.
That's a lot of "You Rock Awards" this time around.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Yep, big MST3K fan, and have seen a few of the Rifftrax and really enjoyed them. Geek humor is the best. I bet that's a blast live. I haven't attended a live Rifftrax but I did attend a showing of The Room where people were encouraged to throw out MST3K-style jokes at the screen. Most fun I've had in a theater in years.
And cheers to the You Rock recipients. I have some new blogs to check out, and possibly scar for life with our presence.
Thank you so much for including Seismic Crimes in your post!
And congrats on all the You Rock award winners. Great choices.
Congrats to the authors with new releases. They are awesome. Also, congrats to the award recipients. Very well deserved. Have a great week, Alex.
I like the You Rock Awards a lot
and I have been a recipient in the past.
For me it meant and still means a lot.
I know that every recipient deserve it and
it is coming from the heart.
So I wish every recipient a
MST3K/RiffTrax is nothing we really know in Germany.
By the way do you know that they opened a YouTube channel a few days ago?
I subscribed and will watch some of the stuff after my holiday.
I do not dislike MST3K, but I've also never really spent a lot of time watching it. Of course, it was on during a time when I really didn't watch anything on TV pretty much ever. Not that I watch that much more now.
T, that's cool.
Nicola, you are part of it!
Gail, thanks!
Dianne, rent the movie and try it.
Christine, hope you go to one someday.
Brandon and Bryan, that would be fun. You guys would so dig a live show.
Chrys, you're welcome.
Edi, thanks for letting me know!
MST3K was awesome! Good to know I wasn't the only one who thought it was hilarious.
MST3K's wayward offspring, RiffTrax, is coming to our local theater -- of course I am working that day! :-( Best of luck to Sean. He is going to a writer's conference in Tangier now. How cool is that?
Wow, Alex! What a lovely surprise! Thank you for your kind words about me and my blog. I have figured out how to access others and my blog from my phone, soI I'm sending you a shout from Hove, England! I can get online wherever there's free wifi. It's weird not to have a computer though! Take care! I'll pop by when I can!
I recognize a lot of those faces! There are SO many great books from our blogging friends out right now. I'm going to need more time to read!
Great choices for the "You Rock" award. They're all excellent bloggers!
In the 90s, we had teenagers who loved MST3K and we were caught up in it. We have seen two RiffTrax events: Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny (oh, so bad) and another Santa movie the year before (creepy Santa with Merlin and demons). Good laugh time.
I have the tee shirt. I'm following all those awesome bloggers. Great choices.
What a great way to honour your blog buddies. There are a couple of blogs there I don't know... I'll have to check them out. Congratulations to all.
How nice of you to do the You Rock Awards. You should have your own special award Alex for being the nicest blogger in the blogosphere :-) Oh, and congratulations to Chrys Fey for her new book and to everyone who's got a new book out!
I think I'm a cooler person than I might have otherwise been because I grew up watching MST3K. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see a RiffTrax event soon. Having young kids at home makes it challenging to make those sorts of plans sometimes.
Congratulations as always to ALL of the writers. You enrich my world.
And those who rock. To which you should certainly add your ever supportive self.
Well, I don't think I've been a fan of MST3K for as long as you have, considering the fact that I was still a little kid in the early nineties. But luckily it's one of those things that has stayed around long enough for me to grow up and enjoy it :)
What a superbly amazing surprise! I am so blown away! Thank you!!
I used to watch MST3K when it was on television but haven't bothered looking up any of the other iterations. It does bring back some nostalgia though.
Thanks, Alex, I'm thrilled to be included with such wonderful people. You've made my Monday - you've made my week! But above all you're the one who truly ROCKS!
As for Riff Trax - I'll have to give it a chance. Old movies and humorous commentary can make the experience new and fun. Lately it's been a real search to find anything entertaining on the television. :)
That is so very sweet to give the You Rock award to everyone. I bet they are deeply touched. I knew about that tv show but never watched it but it sounds like it would have been fun to see
Alex, you can't know. I was having a crummy day...and mid-afternoon I granted myself a sneak look at blog comments and found yours. So I took an extra moment to look at your blog. I couldn't respond at that moment, but your award just changed my day around. I am honored and delighted to be in such good company. We have been blogging buddies since around your first book. May we still be buddies if/when I ever get to publish MY first book! ;) Thank you for including me with such a touching tribute!
Al, you're not!
Roland, bummer!
Fundy, you are most welcome.
Susan, you have to see the reunion show!
Thanks, EE.
LG, you are cool.
Elephant's Child, thanks.
JE, cool!
Nila, you're welcome.
Yolanda, you rock!
Liza, that's good to hear. Well deserved my friend.
Congrats to the winners of your You Rock awards!
OMG Battle Bots was awesome. I loved watching that show and am glad it's making a comeback.
yay, love seeing friends on here! Medeia and Chrys stand out :)
Although I didn't watch Mystery Science Theater but a few times, I did think it was funny. One line I recall was a comment from one of the 3 where he said something about one character wearing Levi's loose fitting clown jeans. My family and I still toss that line around. :) Congrats to the award winners!
Hi Alex! Thanks for your You Rock Badge. It's got its pride of place where Hank wants it, prominently displayed on the Blog-roll. It'll stay there for a long time, certainly!
Indeed those are some rocking bloggers and writers. Might look up RiffTrax one day. Has to be online since I live in Jamaica.
Is that what MST3K is all about? I never really knew. Thanks for the history lesson. Congrats to all those with new releases! And congrats to all the Rockers! I know some of them but not all. I've got some visiting to do.
I never really got into MST3K. I knew it was on. I occasionally caught some of it. Thought it was a great premise. But never really spent the time watching. Glad they're still around.
Congrats to all the You Rock recipients.
Congrats to the 'You Rock" winners! So cool. Looking forward to checking out some new reads. Best, Becca
I occasionally caught MST and thought it was funny--I've always loved snark. Good to know that RiffTrax has such a noble genesis.
Thank you Alex for the lovely You Rock Award. Honestly, it means a lot to me. I have connected with you big time, and I hope and pray that we meet sometime in future. I try to emulate you online, because you are my inspiration. You have achieved so much, yet you remain so humble and are always helping others. Hugs to my favourite Ninja!
Congrats to the other bloggers who have won the You Rock Award. Will hop over to their blogs later in the day and say Hi to them.
All the three books you have featured look amazing. I will have to add them to my TBR list.
Have fun at the June reunion event! You honored some awesome bloggers! Great choices. I need to introduce my son to BattleBots since he likes robotics.
RiffTrax always sounds like so much fun!
Heading over to say hi to the two bloggers I don't know. :-)
BattleBots? Is that concept still around? I remember watching a version of that hosted by Sean Salisbury. I also remember that Grant from Mythbusters won it one season, which in turn got him on Mythbusters.
I was never really able to get into MST3K when it was around. The movies were so cheesy that I found myself wanting to watch the movies and wanting to mute everyone else involved.
Father Nature's Corner
I remember seeing the show while flipping the channels, but now I wish I had watched it. Thanks for sharing my book. Those are great bloggers to highlight.
Hello from Morocco! Busy here on my WIP. Thanks for the shout out! Glad to hear the MST3K reunion show is going to happen.
Congrats! to this year's You Rock winners! As a former recipient I welcome them to this awesome club. Do we get jackets? But forget about the vests. We don't need no stinkin' vests.
Rachna is one of my favorite bloggers, too. And thanks for the heads-up on Medeia's new book. She's an excellent writer!
Congrats to all the great authors with new releases.
I remember watching MST3K years ago, and enjoyed it, but I kind of lost track of it over the years. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
I have my t-shirt and wear it every first Wednesday! (Plus a few other days, too)
I still haven't been to a RiffTrax event - but I know they have them nearby.
Yay and congrats for all the new books and those awesome, rocking bloggers!
Congrats You Rock recipients.
Congrats to all those who just released books too.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
Lots of interesting sounding folks for the You Rock awards!
Thanks for following my art in the A to Z Challenge!!!
Mary Montague Sikes
Notes Along the Way
The Artful Way
As usual your "You Rock Awards' highlight some awesome bloggers. Congrats to all.
Great choices for the You Rock Awards. Congrats to your winners :-)
Ciao from Roma, Alex!
Hey human, Alex and his various clones,
Yes indeed, I'm finally here! Mystery Science Theatre has been taken over by a bunch of farcical pawliticians.
Checking out your links using the paw and skim method. I note a number of my adoring author fans and their availability, as in their books. Pawesome stuff!
A notable list of "You Rock Awards". Your altruism to these fine humans is a wonderful gesture, good sir. I thus bestow upon you the "You Ruff Award."
Never been to RuffTrax event....
I'm going now....
Pawsitive wishes, your way,
I've actually never seen MST3K, beyond glimpses as I passed through the room. But your enthusiasm for it certainly makes me want to watch. I do love bad puns. :)
Nice shoutouts, Alex.
MST3K is one a kind and a brilliant classic. It's been a family favorite with the Gowen clan forever, and a bonding experience. At one point we had all the shows taped on VHS, I think. One of my boys still has them, I'm sure.
Fabulous choices for the rockers!!
I remember MST3K!
Awesome to see all the new books out in the world. Wonderful to see Medeia's book listed! :)
Congrats to all the rockers!
Congrats to all the recipients of the You Rock Awards! I know five of them. I'm proud to be a part of this awesome pack.
I voted for Sean's book!
I'll get a t-shirt and other stuff when I finally pluck up the courage to place an order (in the hopes that I will actually receive the goods...sometime in this century...LOL)
I loved all the Godzilla films MST did.
You picked some good people to give the award to.
Great post! MST3K was always so funny, if you could stand watching the really bad movies.
Battle Bots is awesome. We saw the preview show. Carnage. It's brilliant.
Congrats on all the new book titles!
Congrats to all the YOU ROCK AWARD recipients!
Mystery Science Theater.... My hubby introduced me to them and we laughed our rears off. I've heard about the online tracks but I'm too lazy (or brain dead) to actually go put them together. Maybe one day when I have more time, eh? (Lol. More time....)
Happy Hump Day, Alex.
I've never watched Mystery Science Theater, but I know it's a classic and I'll have to catch up some day :)
I loved MST, I wish they had RiffTrax around here. I would love it.
Congrats to all the "You Rock" award recipients!
Hi Alex! Lovely to see the new titles out by dear blogger friends. And lovely to see so many bloggers I know well receiving the You Rock award! Fantastic!
Congrats to the You Rock Award recipients! How fun! :)
Last Hotel Room and Seismic Crimes are titles that really appeal to me. Especially the hotel room. I can think of nothing much more satisfying than working to help those who have been beaten down by life ... the refugees, literally and metaphorically, among us. As for the awards ... I recognize some of the wonderful bloggers I have met in my journey, Liza, Rachna, Yolanda etc. Such dear, dear people. They do rock...as do you.
MST3K taught us all to mouth off to movies to our snark's content. It blazed a trail. Maybe not an entirely positive one, but still, I used to love it.
Oh, man, I love MS Theater 3000! That takes me back:)
I used to LOOOOOOOOOOOVE Mystery Science Theater! I almost forgot that show existed...
Hope you're having a great day, Alex.
Nice T Shirts, Jeremy.
Karen, so many memorable lines...
Hank, awesome!
Rachna, thank you. I'm humbled.
GB, this is its second incarnation.
Medeia, you're welcome.
Sean! You're welcome.
Stephen, you might get a t-shirt...
Tyrean, awesome!!
Hey, Fundy!
Karen, your family rocks.
Thanks, Ann.
Sandra, busy day, that's for sure!
Kudos and congrats to the recipients! What a nice commentary on treasured pals.
Loved Mystery Science Theater; one of the most clever programs ever. We'd laugh till we cried.
I really enjoyed MST3K but haven't made it to a RiffTrax event yet.
You found some really great bloggers to honor. Some are new to me and some are my faves. What a great way to show how much they mean to you.
I used to watch MST3K back in the day. It was so funny. The crew of RiffTrax was on @midnight with Chris Hardwick and they were great - so funny! If you haven't seen it, look it up on Comedy Central. It was awhile back but you should be able to find it.
Congrats to all the You Rock awardees! Great picks, Alex.
I remember stumbling across MST3K too back in the 90s and it was so bizarre and hilarious. It's really cool that those guys have managed to stick around and are now doing live events.
Just voted for Sean's book in Kindle Scout, what a great cause. Thanks as always for spreading the word about so many fantastic books.
Just nominated The Last Hotel Room! Congrats to all the You Rock winners! There are a few there that are new to me so I'll have to go check them out.
I've never seen Battle Bots but I'm sure my son would love it!
Shirts wonderful, great creations of Jeremy Hawkins!
I am finally venturing out on my very own for the first time in years. On Tuesday, June 28th, I am going to the Rifftrax live show across town. It's an adventure for me, because it means two bus transfers and coming home well after dark (I'll be stopping at some well-lit and well-populated place and take a cab home to my front door; this is not a place to walk two blocks from the bus stop to home after dark, although, given my rep, it might not matter; still, why take chances?)
I'm so excited I can't wait for this! I've never experienced them live and I know this should be a kick. I watched the Kickstarter fundraiser and that was great and it's funny you should mention Rocket Attack U.S.A. It's on shuffle on my list of favorites. Another goodie is "Racket Girls" just for the demented rendition of the beautiful "Ukraina", or the Ukrainian National Anthem at the end of the film. But for my money, the best is "Werewolf" with the song at the end. Actually, the whole movie is great, but the song is just hilarious!
I'm glad to see "Battlebots" are back. In their first incarnation, the host was Mark Biero (he's my Hero!) from Tampa, who is a delightful chap and is a terrific boxing announcer. I've sat at many a ring-side with him and his lovely with, Jackie. Although Mark is also legally blind (from Type II Diabetes) he is able to announce between rounds and offers up some good color commentary. I'm not sure who is hosting NOW, as I don't watch TV.
Off to vote for Kevin's book and his wonderful cause, Alex! Mary
Ugh, I meant Sean, not Kevin. and the book looks wonderful. You'll also find that I posted a stray comment about this in an earlier post of yours. I need a nap. Mary
Cherdo, same here!
Elsie, I will look for it!
Viola, you are going to enjoy the show! That will be a great one to see. Just be careful getting home. And cool you know Mark.
It was only on TV 9 years? It's weird that so many great series go off the air after that amount of time.
Congrats to Chrys, Medeia, and Tania!
Congrats to the recipients of the You Rock awards! :)
Used to love watching BattleBots... didn't know it was back. Yay!!
huge thanks for the shout-out:) You're a star... actually, you're a rock star!!
Hello, Alex. I am following some of those bloggers. Now I will check out the ones that I am not following :)
MST was always one of my favorite things to watch. Battle Bots is awesome as well.
I did watch it in the beginning back when the world was flat. I still remember the bit when an actress got up from the chair and fell down and they said, she got up just to fall down. Such good stuff. But I had no idea all the changes.
As for the award, yeah for Yolanda. She's my friend too :-)
I trust you are having a wonderful weekend, Alex, and got to sleep in:)
Congratulations to this years awesome You Rock recipients.
I've only seen bits and pieces of classic MST3K - we didn't get the channel it was on when I was a kid. But it's always funny, and I've enjoyed a few RiffTrax along the way. ^_^ I really should check if any of their events are happening near me, now that I live in a geek-friendly place.
Wow, thank you so much, Alex! Sorry I'm late to respond...still in Italy, taking a much needed break, but I'll be back at the blog next week with tales of my experience on the world's most haunted island. :)
You have become a dear friend over the past few years, and I admire you so much for everything you do to help and support your fellow writers. Your encouragement has meant the world to me--I'll never forget the very first time you commented on my IWSG post--I was over the moon.
You inspire so many. Thank you for everything. <3
Congratulations to the YouRock winners!!
I love the idea that the original RiffTrax actually had a premise, and didn't just start making fun of films for no reason. An employee forced to watch bad movies in space, ha ha ha!
Oh sure, I take a half month off and miss learning the Battlebots has returned and cool MST3 info. Well, I'm back. Now I need to try and catch up.
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