RiffTrax Live: The Room Review
They claimed it was one of the worst movies ever made. I won’t argue that. The star of the film also wrote, directed, and produced it. (That’s never good.) Before it began, we were warned that not only had the man never seen a film, he’d never interacted with other humans, either.The storyline (if you can call it that) centers around a man and his fiancé who is cheating on him with his best friend. And it doesn’t take place in just one room. (The best part was the random shots of San Francisco.)
There was also nudity. Believe me, the lead had no business being nude. And they were long scenes. Despite the gratuitous boob shots, I longed for those scenes to end.
Considering this was a film about human behavior and interaction, none of that rang true. Characters flip-flopped radically. Scenes were random and made no sense. It was the rough draft of a poorly written story. And all of it made worse by a lead who couldn’t act his way out of a wet paper bag. Which just gives Mike, Bill, and Kevin lots of fodder!
Don't go into The Room unless you're armed with RiffTrax!
And of course, a few pre-movie screen shots for you!
Another solid entry in the Kung Fu Panda series.
Villain Kai breaks free from the spirit world, Po’s panda father appears, and Po must learn the art of Chi to save China.
The story doesn’t break much new ground. It still manages to be an enjoyable and very funny ride though.
The animation is stunning. The spirit world scenes are amazing.
Just good family entertainment. Recommended.
When Speculative Becomes Mundane

Last week, I watched the movie Kingsman for the first time (yes, yes, I'm late to the party, fine). If you haven't seen it, suffice to say it's a spy movie, with most of the usual themes you tend to associate with spy films.
Anyway, there's a scene in the middle where the spy's mentor shows him their “armoury”, a bit like the part in every Bond film when JB goes to visit Q, and gets his exploding jock-strap.
The mentor shows the spy a poisonous pen, a shoe with a hidden knife, a lighter which is also a grenade... Then they get to the shelf with a bunch of tablets and phones.
“What's special about them?” asks the spy.
“Nothing,” says the mentor.
It's an elegant turn-of-phrase; funny in context, but also quite poignant. I guess it's a very human reaction that something we use every day becomes mundane, even though the capabilities of a smartphone would've had you burned as a witch just over a century ago, and would've probably made you a super-spy in the 1950s.
For those of us towards the fantasy end of fiction, this isn't too big a concern. The stuff that we write about, largely, can never exist by definition. For speculative fiction authors, though, I'm curious – have you ever written something fictional that turned out later to be real? Do you ever think about this as part of your writing?
Ethan Fox is an author of urban fantasy fiction, and has recently published his debut work, The Scissors and the Sword. It's available HERE from Amazon, in both Kindle and Paperback formats.
Also, BUY NOW at a special introductory price! This offer expires very soon, so check it out quickly if you want to take advantage of it.
The IWSG Anthology!
Here’s the cover and details:
Parallels: Felix Was Here, Anthology
Print ISBN 9781939844200
eBook ISBN 9781939844118
Science Fiction/Alternate History
Enter the realm of parallel universes!
What if the government tried to create the perfect utopia? Could a society linked to a supercomputer survive on its own? Do our reflections control secret lives on the other side of the mirror? Can one moment split a person’s world forever?
Exploring the fantastic, ten authors offer incredible visions and captivating tales of diverse reality. Featuring the talents of L. G. Keltner, Crystal Collier, Hart Johnson, Cherie Reich, Sandra Cox, Yolanda Renee, Melanie Schulz, Sylvia Ney, Michael Abayomi, and Tamara Narayan.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these ten tales will expand your imagination and twist the tropes of science fiction. Step through the portal and enter another dimension!
Our very own Annalisa Crawford gathered third place in this year's Costa Short Story Award. She won for her story Watching the Storms Roll In. Visit her site for pictures of the awards ceremony. Way to go, Annalisa!
Out this week!
Assassin’s Heart by Sarah Ahiers
Multiple versions available at Amazon and find it on Goodreads
Hosted by Xmas Dolly. Forgive me if I screw up the theme this week.
I’m hooked on several albums right now – new Megadeth, Dream Theater, Serenity… But since I reviewed Baroness-Purple last week, I decided to post one of their songs. Again, just good, solid rock. Nothing scary – promise!
Lost and Found: The Valentine's Edition/Question of the Month
This time, we are joining Michael at A Life Examined and doing a combination question and blogfest.
From Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out and Guilie Castilol-Oriard at A Quiet Laughter, and co-hosted by Elizabeth Seckman, Yolanda Renee, Denise Covey. and Alex J. Cavanaugh.
Tell your story about love lost or found in our special Valentine's blogfest. Your post can be a short fiction, an essay, poetry, or even a song--let your imagination run free.
What love did I lose and find again? Not the love of a woman. (No sir, I suckered her into marrying me before she came to her senses.)
My love of playing music.
I’ve played an instrument since I was young and even minored in music in college. But once I graduated and moved on with my life, I forgot about it.
Then, several years ago, my wife purchased a guitar for me. I’d always wanted to play one and after a few months of trial and error and one month of lessons, I became proficient enough to play a whole song. After years of being away from music, it was awesome.
Now I play in a Christian band, and it’s the most amazing thing ever. That I can create something that will inspire and move people – what more can an artist ask for?
Writing is fun and I’ve enjoyed where that path has led me. But music is my true passion. And I’ll not let it go again.
What about you?
Yes, one very full post!
Have you seen The Room? (The bad RiffTrax one, not the Oscar contender.) Catch Kung Fu Panda 3? Ever written anything that became real? Excited about the anthology? Ready to give Baroness a listen? And what love have you lost or found…?
Hi Alex - The Room sounds a film I'll miss! So pleased about Annalisa Crawford though - amazing to come 3rd in a National Award ... brilliant from one of our own. At the moment .. I can feel the storms rolling in.
The Anthology: Parallels of parallel universes ... different interpretations ... will be such good reads and as you say open our minds.
I can quite see music is your passion .. but I'm glad you got into writing first .. and then the blogging scenario ... cheers Hilary
Wow, that is fully packed. Cool that you rediscovered your love of music. I've seen some bad movies myself lately, but not The Room. Writing, directing and starring in your own movie? Well, no worse than writing and publishing your own novel. Sometimes its good, sometimes not.
Thanks for hosting the blogfest Alex.
I didn't realize you were a music minor! Very cool.
Isn't it amazing how the creators of family entertainment seem to do sequels so well?
One person rolled into one is certainly not wise. Not surprising The Room did not get a good review. May look up Ethan's book for starters. Congrats to Annalisa for securing 3rd. That's certainly an achievement considering a national competition.Your musical talents are perhaps waiting for a breakaway. Good luck to you Alex!
Thanks for the guest spot Alex!
I may have to check out that RiffTrax addition to The Room. I was a big MST3K fan back in the day, and I can only imagine what they could've done with it.
I think I'll avoid The Room, thanks.
Losing love is made bearable if you can find it later - glad you found yours.
The Room sounds horrid, despite the nudity. LOL And who knew about your music career? Chicks dig the guitar player!
Sounds like The Room is a movie I will stay far away from, but I'm glad there are continuing to be good family movies like Kung Fu Panda 3. Congrats to Annalisa. It's awesome that you found your love of music again and that your wife was instrumental in helping you.
The worst ever? Okay now I've got to watch The Room.
I thought you might reference music. This is what I think your love order is: God, wife, music (though a close second and maybe first) and then the rest. Isn't it great that we are so blessed?
That's so sweet how your wife-the love of your life-helped you get back into your music that you love so much.
Glad you liked Panda 3. I won't see The Room. Thanks for letting me know about it.
What a wonderful story that your wife got that guitar for you and you finally followed your true passion again :) She sounds amazing to me :D
I had lost my love for horses for many years after high school and it was such an amazing feeling to find it again. Now I've lost it yet again after my accident...maybe it's time to go and find it again :)
Have a fabulous week, Alex!
Shock Me had an 80s feel to it, I think. Good stuff.
I rediscovered my love for writing a few years ago. I used to write all the time in high school and college. Then kids came along, jobs and life and I put it aside. Thankfully, I found the need for distraction and writing was a great one to give it to me :)
Happy Blogfesting today, Alex. Thanks for co-hosting!!
Hi Alex,
I am passionately in love with music and writing. I have been playing in a Christian Rock band since 2007 and wow do I get off when I play the keyboards. It is fantastic and the funny thing about it is that I never thought I would be in a rock band, but I love it.
As for writing, the same feeling but I think in writing my heart is more intense. I don't know. Either way, both are my heart.
My son seems to enjoy the previews of KFP3, so we might go see it.
I don't think I've written about anything that became real, though I do read a lot of non-fiction to predict how the future might turn out.
That's a wonderful story about finding your love of music again! I feel a similar way about writing lately, that I've kind of lost that passion. But I'm hoping it will return soon.
I will put The Room on my list of movies to avoid, haha.
Thanks for co-hosting the Lost and Found blogfest I never thought about writing about the love of music. I played the trumpet and piano and in the bell choir at church. I've enjoyed playing and singing all my life. Glad you found it again!
I don't think I'd have lasted sitting through that movie. lol Saw Assassin's Heart over at Natalie's place. Intriguing story. I find a lot of my listens over at her place.
Thanks for the warning about The Room. It's great that you went back to music. If that is what gives you joy, you should definitely pursue it. I once stopped writing for quite a few years and to this day I still regret it. Have a good week.
I love the story of how you found music again, and how it was your wife who led you back to it. Thanks for sharing that. :)
Hilary, I'm glad as well.
Donna, thanks for participating.
Hank, it would need to be a big breakaway.
Ethan, you're welcome. And you have to check out the RiffTrax site!
Deb, that's what my wife tells me.
Teresa, yes!
Beate, you need to find it again.
Elsie, it does have that feel. I like it.
Pat, it's amazing when we can rock for God, isn't it? Good for you!
Sarah, it will.
Murees, but you found it again, and that's what matters.
I almost want to see The Room now, just for comedic reasons. :) And I know what you mean about your music. Writing is like that for me. I actually did a lot of it as a teenager, but then nothing until 5 years ago. Things like that always seem to resurface.
Hi, Alex!
I never heard Baroness before and enjoyed "Shock Me." Before listening I thought it might be an Ace Frehley cover.
Shock me, make me feel better
Shock me, put on your black leather
Shock me, we can come together
You wrote:
<< Nothing scary – promise! >>
Think of Shady in the role of Wall Street's Gordon Gekko (originally played by Michael Douglas) uttering these words: "The point is ladies and gentlemen that scary, for lack of a better word, is good."
I only saw the first Kung Fu Panda. I will have to catch up. I too won't be watching The Room, sounds dreadful. Delighted about Annalisa's win. I will read the anthology soon too.
Sorry I forgot the blogfest. Been a tad busy lately.
Love your love story.
Haven't heard of the Room and that's a good thing, I think. I can't act my way out of a wet paper bag either, which is way I don't make movies.
Congrats to Crawford.
Love the anthology cover.
I'm so glad you found a way to bring music back into your life, and what a meaningful way to express yourself. Great post today. So much going on this Musical/Love Monday!
Mary at Play off the Page
I once saw The Room without the benefit of RiffTrax, and I can only say it was a huge mistake to see it that way. I was in pain for days afterwards. That movie needs to be riffed to be even remotely fit for human consumption.
Congratulations to Annalisa! That is so exciting!
I'm glad you rediscovered your love of music. Our days are brighter when we have something that we're passionate about. I played clarinet all the way from 5th to 12th grade, but I never got good enough for anyone to actually enjoy listening to me play. I even tried composing music myself, but I wasn't terribly good at that either. Oh well. It was fun!
I'm glad you got back your music. I did that with reading. There were so many years that I just didn't read, around the kids, around life, around moves... When I finally got back to it, it was as magical as I remembered and swallowed me whole.
The Groot quote. lolol
I've seen part of The Room, but I couldn't manage to watch the whole thing. It was just too horrible! Congrats to Ethan. My newest found love is this purry buddy on my lap. We lucked out when we found him at the shelter! :) Have a good week, Alex.
I haven't seen the room, but without Rifftrax, I don't think I ever will. Have seen Kung Fu Panda 3, but it does look cute. I'm very excited about the anthology. Most of my love loss has come from failed friendships, but I'm pretty sure it's for the best.
Glad I have never ever wasted time watching The Room. Sounds horrible. Awesome iwsg cover indeed. Awesome how things happen and then you realize a new love. I took the lovey dovey thing just human wise lol
Those pre-movie screenshots are really funny. I've never seen The Room in any way, shape, or form, but it doesn't sound like I'm missing anything.
The Room sounds. . .different. I think I'll pass on that one ;) The anthology looks great! Can't wait to see all the awesomeness inside.
I will definitely go see Kung Fu Panda with my kids. The Anthology authors are banding together to discuss marketing ideas so that's cool. And yeah, I posted about a lost . . . something, not sure it was love really.
I am Groot! An existential statement for our times
I LOVE your Valentine. SO COOL. You know something? You are a unique soul, Captain. Thanks for doing the unconventional. It was an awesome read. I'm glad you are playing again, my friend.
Congrats to Annalisa and Sarah.
Love Shock Me. I've never heard their music. Never heard of Baroness-Purple. Now I must have them on my phone, home music and IPod. Thanks. :-)
I don't think I'll be watching The Room.
I'm glad you found music again.
That is an awesome story about how you got back into music. I liked Ethan's guest post, too. Science fiction should always hold that element of what the future might be like. Congrats to Annalisa. And that's exciting about the IWSG Anthology being out so quick.
Your wife is a keeper. ;) Very cool you rediscovered your musical self again. I'm with many others - think I'll be avoiding The Room like a plague. ;)
Gamble Everything For Love for the Girl Next Door i’ll Stand By You for a Fix
The Room does sound like a waste of time. Interesting.
I think your wife is much wiser than that. :)
It's lovely that you've found your passion!
My nephew saw Panda and called to tell me all about it. I can't wait to see it. Love those movies.
That's so cool that you have another creative outlet. I have always wanted to get back to playing the piano. I stopped when I was 12. :-(
I've never heard of The Room and that's probably a good thing. That is cool how you re-found your passion for music. I don't think I knew that you had given it up at some point. And great that your wife gave you the gift that awakened that love again.
When I write science fiction, I always think future energy sources are a big thing. Space travel out of the solar system would require something we haven't discovered yet.
We share a passion for music, you and I. It is my greatest love, rivaling my fondness for storytelling AND coffee. It took many years to find my place in it, and now, working with film composers that were my idols growing up, has made my life rich in ways I never saw coming. More than anything, music connects you to who you truly are. Don't ever give that up:)
Excellent lost love story, Alex. Music is so powerful it's a wonder for people don't play.
I love that cover of the Anthology too. Very cool!
My wife still hasn't come to her senses. Score!
Every year at the college campus theater they play The Room and host their own personal Rifftrax. People are encouraged to yell out and to throw spoons at the screen, and it's just beyond hilarious. We go every single year.
I watched one of the Kung Fu Panda movies with my nephew. Jack Black makes everything fun - even just his voice.
That's a brilliant cover for the anthology.
Have a great week, Alex.
The idea of being burned as a witch because of your smartphone gave me a giggle. The real question is: Can Siri save you? Is there an app for that?
Dude of Dudes... thank you so much for playing along with us. Your tune video reminded me of a kaleidoscope. Very cool. Man, never ever lose your music. So happy to hear you play in a Christian band. We have many friends that play as that. Hubby is in a Rock & Roll band and we have tons of fun. The band is called, "We Ain't Right". There are some videos on you tube if you care to see & hear. I use to play keys myself so I should talk. Hmmm Maybe I'll go pull those out and see what I remember. heheheh! Have a rockin' week my friend! I hope you join us more in the future.
Whatcha think of '5th wave'?
never saw the room (don't think I will be any time soon! and I'm so excited for the ninjas! It's so strange and exciting seeing books coming out by people we all know and love!
The guy from The Room looks so weird! I'm sorry you had to sit through his nudeness. :)
Congrats, Mr. Fox! I'm still amazed we walk around with tiny computers in our pockets.
The anthology is going to ROCK! I can't wait to get it!
I'm so glad you found your music! It makes you happy and that's what its all about!
It's sweet that your wife bought you a guitar and got you back into music, your first true love. :)
you had me at "I am Groot". Wanted to see Kung Fu Panda 3 but it was just too nice this weekend to sit indoors. Hope it will play for awhile. Your Riff review of The Room sounds horrific but funny - not the intention of the film. Congrats again to Annalisa - what a fabulous story - everyone should read it. And love lost and found - probably the joy and frustration of writing - it can be a roller coaster. And thanks for everything else on your post. Let's have a fabulous full February
Happy Monday, Alex. Loved your movie reviews today. If you longed for boob shots to end, that had to be one rotten movie. Great news about Annalisa. I'll stop by to congratulate her. As to love lost, I'm glad you returned to your music. I miss not having live music in our home. It was always my favorite part of an evening or weekend.
"The Room" sounds like a winner.
Yeah, not really.
I can't wait to read "Assassin's Heart." I'm sure its absolutely fabulous. I have yet to see anything that Riff Trax has done. Also, I loved Kung Fu Panda 3. I kinda wonder if there will be any more. It doesn't look like there are any things for Po left to accomplish.
Hi Alex, I'm glad you rediscovered your music. Music touches us all. My sister in law is in a Christian rock band.
That's scary about the California prediction....
Melanie, yes they do.
Shady, then maybe I will post something scary next time!
Jo, no worries.
LG, as long as you had fun. And really sorry you saw it without the benefit of RiffTrax. They did have a lot of fun with the film.
Christine, that's the best place to find them - you saved a life.
Tamara, cool!
Robyn, thank you! And too cool you enjoyed Shock Me.
Sydney, you should try it again.
Susan, life just got in the way.
Sam, I won't! And we've both found our place.
Brandon and Bryan, you need to do a post about that! Bet it's hilarious.
Dianne, funny!
Marie, that's a great name for a band! And sorry I always forget.
Shadow, I didn't see it.
Heather, everything about him was weird.
Joanne, with no other animated film this month, it will be out for a while.
Lee, you know it's bad when a guys says no more boobs...
Michael, unless he becomes a god or something. The film made a ton overseas - there will be a fourth.
Thanks for the warning about The Room, Alex. I'll take that off my list.
I actually wrote a post about The Room a few years ago after watching the DVD. I had to see how bad it was after reading a story about it in the L.A. paper and it was pretty bad.
Thanks for helping us with Lost & Found. I've read some excellent entries so far and very diverse in topic. Music is a great love to have--I think it's truly a gift from God.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
I like how you came back to music again. I wish my brother would go back to playing his drums because he's stored in them in my basement for over ten years.
How great that you've returned to your first passion--music. I returned to painting after a long hiatus and I'm glad I did.
Those screen shots are so funny! (And true!)
I haven't heard of The Room, but I have no interest. Ick!
Never saw any of the Kung Fu Panda movies, but I know I should probably change that.
Kung Fu Panda 3 looks adorable. I enjoyed the first one, although I haven't seen the second or third yet. The IWSG anthology's cover is fantastic!
We have International Exchange Students from China visiting us this week and are taking them to see Kung Fu Panda tonight.
I saw your Ninja Minions badge somewhere in Blogdom this morning and have to say that is one bad-ass badge! Well done.
I just can't bring myself to watch that.
I loved music also from an early age, two years to be precise. I played the piano then had proper lesson when I was four.
Loved the excellent post though so much to take in so will return later.
Kingsman! Now thats a good movie. Sofia Boutella's killer assassin moves made my head spin.
Thank you for the chuckle Alex. This cracked me up: (No sir, I suckered her into marrying me before she came to her senses.)!!! Hahaaaa...
Lee, you are a brave man. And thanks for asking me!
Cindy, that made me chuckle.
Stephen, awesome.
Stephen, of course you need to take them. And Jeremy made an awesome badge for me.
Cathrina, it's true!
Thanks for the heads up, Alex. You never can tell by the ratings or the cover shots. I won't waste my time finding out just how bad The Room is. Have a great February.
The IWSG anthology's cover is eye-catching! The Room will be minus my view I'm afraid. Glad you rediscovered your love for music. In life, we lose so much along the way, it is heartening when you hear of someone finding something lost in the past. :-)
I've never even seen the first 2 Kung Fu Panda movies...
Congrats to Annalisa!!!
Big congratulations to Annalisa.
So much talent here.
I had no idea you had lost (temporarily) your passion for music, and so glad that your wife nudged you back into it again.
Yeah, I think I'll skip that film. But hey, it's cool that you're in a band! I played guitar and sang in a band back in college. We rocked (or thought we did). Anyhow, wish I had more time for it these days:)
Have you ever heard Tommy Wiseau talk? He makes about as much sense as the movie does.
How nice that you got your love of music back. I think the fact that your wife gave you the guitar is also a good sign about why you love her.
My hiatused sci-fi Bildungsroman (which I really do intend to get back to one of these days!) was begun in 1992, so a few of the things I depicted as everyday reality in 3001 have certainly come true. More and more people go to school virtually, though back then, I didn't know about the Internet and had the protagonist using disks on her computer and sending the lessons back. I can't remember if I depicted anything like an Internet school. There are also a lot more single mother families, though not because thee women are choosing to have all their children by sperm bank, and society isn't divided into Nuclears and Non-Nuclears based on whether parents are married or had children without any physical contact.
A music minor? Cool.
I also obtained musical certification (classical piano & theory) through the Royal Schools Of Music.
The IWSG Anthology cover is SMOKING!!! I love it.
Nice to meet Ethan - thanks for the intro, Alex! Have a great week!
I know just how you feel about music. There have been so many times when I just packed away my guitars, threw out my music, and pretended not to care, and I always managed to come back. Now with my right hand crippled, I have to settle for writing about music. Interesting take on the theme.
Yup, you covered a lot of ground in today's post.
Yay! for the IWSG Parallel Anthology and congrats on the award and the release for Annalisa and Sarah.
I was only recently introduced to the pure insanity of The Room and most of the time I didn't know whether to laugh or be horrified. Nor could I ever seem to figure out if it was supposed to be serious or satirical. I guess that's the sublime (crazy) beauty of it.
Congratulations on finding your love of music again. That's awesome!
I used to love the original MST3K. I have not seen this movie, however, and it sounds like I'm not missing much. I haven't seen any of the Kung Fu Panda movies but kids movies don't appeal to me at all. I liked Despicable Me & Minions but that's about it. Thanks for visiting my blog to read about how my husband found me after 30 years.
Happy Monday, wow a lot here to read today. I think it is wonderful when life circles around and you are able to find your passion. Music once again comes to awaken your spirit. If you can inspire but one person it is all worth it in life. Just my opinion.
Have a great week!
Wow, after writing this jam-packed post, you probably needed a nap.
Okay... gotcha! We definitely won't waste our time and money on seeing "The Room." We'll probably see the Kung Fu panda movie, though.
It sounds to me like your wife knew you and your heart better than you knew yourself. I think she knew how much that guitar would mean to you. And she was right. :) A smart caring lady.
Why am I not surprised that you're in a band?? :) You are a many of many, many skills, Alex. Pretty awesome.
The Anthology looks great. Cool cover too.
Elephant, I had - but I found it again in a new instrument.
Mark, cool!
JE, I heard him in the movie - that was enough.
Carrie-Anne, you should dive back into that story.
Michelle, very cool!
John, sorry!
Megan, I think it was just crazy.
Truedessa, inspiring one is enough!
Susan, she did.
Looking forward to Kung Fu Panda 3. Enjoyed the first 2 very much.
Glad you rediscovered music. I set aside my paintbrushes for years until I came to do cover art for my books, so I guess that's my "lost & found".
I was reading a classic sci-fi piece with my students today and something written decades ago described ebooks in the future.
I just Googled The Room. I don't think I'll be seeing it.
Hi human, Alex,
Thanks for the warning about "The Room." You want cringe-worthy films? Check out "The Human Centipede" series of disastrously bad flicks, my human friend.
Nice to see one of my starstruck fans, Ethan Fox, featured here. All the best, Ethan, with your debut book and I shall check out the link.
Well done to another one of my starstruck fans, Annalisa!
Oh no, not another Blog Fest! Arf! Still, duly noted about your passion for the guitar and your love of music, good human, Alex.
Pawsitive wishes,
My first serious attempt at novel writing included a cell phone (they hadn't been out long & certainly didn't have email!) with the ability to read emails as part of a futuristicky plot twist! #sigh Yeah, that story's been shelved for rather obvious reasons :)
Love that you've found your passion for music! It's one of mine as well (although I haven't played the piano for years, but singing & listening are up my alley :))
I haven't seen The Room and doubt that I will, based on your review.
I liked hearing about your lost and found love of music. So glad you found your way back to it. Sounds very fulfilling! You'll have to post some videos of you and the band performing!
Michele at Angels Bark
I think I'll pass on The Room. I'll catch Kung Fu Panda 3 when it makes it to TV. (I figure I'll enjoy it, but I don't get out to the movies much.) I've never written anything that became real, unless you count TV shows that you stream rather than catch via broadcast (but that was a pretty safe bet). But, I do have to rethink a far future novel to include cell phones.
I didn't know you were a musician, too. Is there any limit to your talent?!
Music is a true gift. I see it as the international language. Nothing like music to lift the soul, make our spirits soar, or hurt our ears!! You keep at it! Never give up your passion!
Tooo many questions! Yes, we will see Kung Fu Panda 3. When 1 & 2 were in the theater, my gr-kids were about 5 or 6. We took them, bought popcorn. Now the kids are "too old, Grandma", I guess we'll go alone.
I do want to The Room but not this film the other film with Brie Lawson. The Panda in those movies really remind me of my ex and even though we are good friends, I still can't watch them. I am so happy you rediscovered your love of music. So many have a great artistic gift but set it aside and forget about it due to life. This is a shame because God gave you this gift for a reason and even if it is just to calm your nerves after a long day, a person should never set their gist aside
Hi, Alex,
Thanks for the catch up... so much is going on.. I always know when I visit you I will find out what I've missed and what's about to happen in the blogosphere!
LOVE the cover for the ANTHOLOGY... I was SO privileged to be contacted by one of the chosen authors, Yolanda Renee, to help with her blurb and Tagline. Her story is AMAZING and if it's any indication of the quality of the other authors I KNOW we are ALL in for a FANTASTIC TREAT!
Without your vision these talented authors would no have been inspired to write their stories... You should be very proud of your accomplishment! Your music may inspire, BUT don't ever sell yourself short on the thousands of writers YOU have inspired!
Great song from Baroness-Purple! Glad you're continuing to pursue music! Rock on, Alex. Thanks for visiting my blogs; I appreciate you :)
Kung Fu Panda 3 was AWESOME! I loved every minute of it.
When I graduated from college, I fell in love with this guy who seemed like my soul mate, should such a thing exist. Things were great, but he pulled back from me, nervous that I was only recently single. He wanted me to "set the pace," since I was probably still getting over someone else.
I decided to make a grand gesture to show him that I was ready to move forward, so I sent a rose to his work. He freaked out, and that was the end of that. We managed to stay friends, and he was an incredible beta reader.
Years later, he worked up the courage to tell me that he'd backed away because he knew I was the woman he wanted to spend his life with, but that he hadn't been ready. And all this time I'd thought our break-up was because of that bloody rose! We started dating, moved in together, and got engaged. After spending seven years together, we ultimately decided to part ways, but I don't regret any moment I spent with him. He's a great guy.
The Room sounds like the very definition of a vanity project, and worse yet written/produced/starring someone who really wasn't up to the challenge. Still, I wouldn't mind seeing a one or two minute trailer of the worst moments in it.
I'm so glad you found your passion in music, but you please also keep writing, Alex?
The love of music. HERE HERE!!!
The Room does indeed sound terrible. I wonder how he managed to get it made - unless perhaps he financed it himself too? Think it shows the need for a second opinion on our work somewhere alng the line.
Ian, and you do a great job with your covers.
Penny, I am going to pass on that series...
Jemi, you would be a one-woman band.
Michele, no video, but I did post an audio.
Stephanie, lots of limits!
Susan, never too old!
Birgit, and now I use that gift to praise God.
Thank you, Michael! That means a lot. And wait until you read the stories. They really rock.
JH, sorry it didn't work out.
Helena, working on short stories now.
Patsy, he did produce it, so yes, he financed it.
Alex!! How are you??? I hope you remember me... Its been forever!! I'm so glad to see that you're doing well :) I've popped in and out over the last little while.. And always so happy to see your posts.
I've recently returned to blogging myself (after 4 years Alex! My last post was the Catch Fire Blog Party!!)
I hope you get a chance to stop by! See you soon!!
Rifftrax rocks! I've been watching MST 3000 with my kiddos, and they love it.
We'll have to check out Kung Fu Panda 3
The Room sounds positively awful. I won't waste my time on that one. I love the cover of the anthology. It looks great! And a big congrats to Annalisa Crawford!
Music is my love, too!
So happy for Annalisa! And your entry for the blogfest is wonderful. I'm so glad you found your passion again.
Awesome, Alex. A good lesson to never let loose of your passions. Right now my son is debating between going into film or music. Music is his true passion, but I think it would be hard if you don't know any theory :P
A most interesting take on the Lost and Found Love thing. I suppose if we all thought hard enough about something like that we would have a lost and found love of something other than the romantic kind.
Not sure I'd really want to sit through that film either, but I'm sure the Rifftrax would make it bearable.
Music is a true passion of mine also. And like you, I've lost it. I played the Viola in school and I wish I had kept up with it. I've also wanted to play guitar since I as in High School but never made the attempt. I did buy my son a guitar for a middle school graduation present because I wanted him to have what he wanted musically. He also expressed an interest in music.
I'd rather spend the afternoon in a dentist's chair, than see "The Room"
It's cool that got back into playing an instrument. I don't play anything, but wish I did.
You know, more and more, I'm seeing big artists go with typography music videos. I wonder how much money that saves them and if it offsets the rise of piracy any...
Sadly, this is how my brain works. LOL
Thank you for cover and additional information about the IWSG anthology.
It seems there is something wrong with the mentioned ISBN.
I entered the eBook ISBN 9781939844118 over at Amazon.de and got the
CassaSeries (English Edition) Kindle Edition
as result.
Print ISBN 9781939844200 delivered no result.
Would be great if you could have a look at the ISBN.
I definitely want to buy a copy of the anthology.
I've never seen the KungFu Panda movies. Just never got around to it. They looked fun and cute. Maybe one day.
I can relate to the music lost but with books. I read a lot when I was younger, but there was a period where I stopped. Twilight got me back into reading (despite now being on the hater's side.)
I like that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 quote, lol. That's an interesting thought that Ethan brings up, I would love it if and idea I wrote about became real, as long as it was a good idea :) I'm looking forward to the IWSG Anthology! I really love music and I wish I would have taken time to learn to play piano about 10-15 years ago when I had a lot more free time.
I've kinda secretly wanted to see kung fu panda :) I'll have to check it out.
Sarah Allen
What a great idea for your wife to get you a guitar! That's awesome you've reconnected with an old love. I would like to learn how to play guitar. For now I'm writing a character who's a musician.
How wonderful that your wife bought you a guitar! I knew she had to be a very bright woman with exceptional taste!
I had forgotten about that movie THE ROOM - I never saw it, but that's probably a good thing. The guy looks like a creeper!
And I wasn't really a big fan of KINGSMAN. I know, that's an unpopular stance. ;)
Happy you were able to find a way back to playing music!
I always feel sad when I hear about people letting hobbies or interests fall by the wayside.
Ooh! Megadeth! Did you see one of Dave Mustaine's recent tweets? One of the new songs was inspired by Outlander! He was talking of the TV show, wish I could find out if he's read the books...
Like you, I "lost love" for something music related. I've stopped singing when I went to university, and then again for the past two years, but now I'm finally back at lessons.
It's a lot like coming home.
A love affair with music... and specifically the guitar. If I were still doing HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY (which I'm sure I will again... someday), you'd be getting Run To You by Bryan Adams. ha!
So sweet of your wife to purchase a guitar for you. I love the cover of the anthology and the way the second L is reversed.
Hey Alex
Been a while since I came by but I saw Tommy Wiseau's face as a thumbnail for this post and couldn't resist.
I have actually been to a screening of The Room in Atlanta, presented by none other than Tommy W and Greg Sestero ("Oh, hi Mark"). It was a surreal experience. The audience cheered and talked back to the movie and threw things and wore weird outfits... Not unlike a live screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was hilarious and awesome and I'd absolutely see it again.
Glad you're making music and performing. There's nothing else like it. I'm playing bass in a band that averages about two shows a year (and mostly covers 90s-00s rock) and I'm on the worship team at my church.
Both are awesome in their own way.
I guess I wont be wasting time on that film "Room"
Thanks for the reviews and sharing with us.
Hope your week is going great!
FYI I cannot get the link ot Ann V Fiend to work. When I click on it I get this connection is not private. I have tried on several peoples blogs and get the same thing. All the other co host link worked just fine for me.
Love your music story. I had always thought of you as being quite proficient at guitar for a while. What a wonderful gift from your wife. And, thanks for the warning on the Room.
So glad you rekindled your love for music and are enjoying it so much.
The Room doesn't sound like a movie for me- so it was great to read your thoughts. Thanks for sharing!
ALEX, sorry I'm so late getting here. My employment schedule has me working 12.5 hour days every Monday through Wednesday (37.5 hours in 3 days), which leaves me no time for anything until Thursdays, when I begin my 4-days "off" from work.
I HAVE seen 'THE ROOM'. It was Beer Boy Bryan who turned me onto it. He gave me 'THE ROOM' and I gave him 'PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE' - truly two of the worst movies ever made. The kind that are SO BAD they actually entertain you and elicit laughter.
I love the "throwing the football around" in 'THE ROOM'. Yeah, that's what all cool guys do: they toss a football back and forth from a foot and half away! Ha! Too funny!
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
A love of music lost—and found! BRAVO, Alex! I'm so glad you reconnected with that passion of yours. I've always found that truly creative souls are usually involved in more than one art form—and you prove that theory :)
Thank you so much for co-hosting the Lost & Found hop, for all the time and effort you devoted to making it a success, and for sharing your love of music as a part of it. It's been a pleasure :)
Guilie @ Quiet Laughter
I still need to burn the prequels.
Thank you so much for the mention, Alex. I've been busy writing and not paying attention to posts for a little while. There I was, scrolling down to see what I'd missed... and I'd missed ME!
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