Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, February Movie Preview, and Love Triangles!

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Allison Gammons, Tamara Narayan, Eva E. Solar, Rachel Pattison, and Ann V. Friend!

And yes! We have a new official badge. Time to ditch the lame image and go upscale. Feel free to grab it for you blogs.

Since not a lot has changed in my personal writing world since January, I thought I’d focus on some opportunities for you guys.

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group’s first newsletter goes out on February 24! Sign up HERE. (If you are a member of the monthly blogging group, you are already signed up.)
One of the monthly features is an article from an IWSG member – and Chrys Fey needs your articles! If you’d like to submit an article for consideration, please follow the instructions below:
Who Can Submit: Insecure Writer's Support Group Members
Topic Ideas: Your number one writing, publishing or marketing tip; a motivational pep talk or inspirational story; a snippet about something you used to be insecure about but overcame or an Aha moment you had about writing/publishing.
Length: 200 words or less
How to Submit: Send a DOC attachment to Chrys Fey at ChrysFey(at)yahoo(dot)com Put “Member Article” in the Subject Line.
Deadline: March 2nd (Next IWSG Day)
NOTE: Chrys needs a member article for our first newsletter coming out February 24th. If you’d like to be considered for that issue, please send your article to her no later than February 17th.

Most of you saw the cover art and synopsis of the IWSG Anthology on Monday. Releasing this spring, Parallels: Felix Was Here features the ten winners from last fall’s IWSG Anthology Contest.
But guess what? We’ll be holding another contest this year as well! Which means another opportunity for blogging and Facebook members to submit a story.
And we’re going to let you guys decide the genre. So, keep watching the newsletter for details!

Now, go visit others on the IWSG list and encourage them!

Love Triangle: coffee, tea, and juice, by Toi Thomas

Alex, thanks for having me today. As we writers and bloggers know, our fuel of choice makes all the magic we create possible whether it’s coffee or tea, we can never have too much of it. But what about the oddballs- I mean, rare exceptions where the person doesn’t like tea or coffee. I find that these people tend to like juice or soda (water doesn’t count, we all need water at some point).

When working on my latest novel, It’s Like the Full Moon, a contemporary romance, I begin to think about the nature of writers and their fuel of choice. In my book, my main character Rebecca gets caught in a love triangle and I think I may be caught in one as well. While it seems that most writers have a kind of love-hate relationship with coffee and tea (they love one and hate the other), I find that I crave them both at different intervals.

When I’m in the zone, honing in character and plot development, tea is my drink. When I’m exhausted but know I need to write, coffee gives me the boost I need. Sometimes, however, when I’m milling about the draft stage, sweet juice keeps me going. What can I say, I just can’t choose one. But at least I’m not stuck in Rebecca’s shoes. Please enjoy this sample and check out my book, released under the pen name Glorie Townson.

“Whenever she was at home alone she tended to drink juice; when spending time with Virgil they drank coffee, and when she was with Paul they, of course, drank tea. With a furrowed brow, Rebecca shook her head to snap herself out of her trance. She thought to herself, This is not the time or the place to be having this particular breakdown.”

Find Toi at The ToiBox of Words
Find It’s Like the Full Moon at Amazon

February Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for February! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snarky comments by me.

5 –

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Jane Austen's classic tale of the tangled relationships between lovers from different social classes in 19th century England is faced with a new challenge -- an army of undead zombies.
Director: Burr Steers
Stars: Lily James, Lena Headey, Douglas Booth, Matt Smith
I might be in the minority, but I’m about zombie’d out – especially PG-13 zombies.

Hail, Caesar!
A Hollywood fixer in the 1950s works to keep the studio's stars in line.
Directors: Ethan Coen | Joel Coen
Stars: Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, Tilda Swinton, Ralph Fiennes
Coen brothers, so could be great, or it could be the Ladykillers all over again.

12 –

A former Special Forces operative turned mercenary is subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopting the alter ego Deadpool. Director: Tim Miller
Stars: Morena Baccarin, Ryan Reynolds, Gina Carano, T.J. Miller
Holy chimichanga – this looks funny as hell!

26 –

Gods of Egypt
A common thief joins a mythical god on a quest through Egypt.
Director: Alex Proyas
Stars: Gerard Butler, Abbey Lee, Courtney Eaton, Geoffrey Rush
Doesn’t look great, but then again, this is the director who brought us The Crow and Dark City.

What’s your writer insecurity today? Submitting to the newsletter? Have a genre in mind for the next IWSG Anthology Contest? What’s your love triangle? (If you can state it in public!) And what movie catches your eye this month…?

Thanks again to all who participated in the Lost and Found blogfest on Monday.


Cathrina Constantine said...

Good Morning, Alex. I love that new badge and definitely getting it today. I just saw a commercial for Gods of Egypt last night, and I agree with you. I'm hoping its good because I like Gerard Butler. I'm still trying to catch up with all the movies that I haven't seen yet.

Now off to sign up for the newsletter, and I'm even considering sending something to Chrys.

Cathrina Constantine said...

It appears that I already signed up! Haha...Have a good day!!!

Angela Wooldridge said...

Hi Alex,
Thanks for the heads up about the new badge, looks fab. Looking forward to the newsletter too. I might even get a brainwave and submit something!
All the best,

J.L. Campbell said...

Yup, I've got my shiny, new badge up. Congrats to all in the anthology and to Toi on her new book. I'm coffee girl myself Looking forward to the first issue of the newsletter!

Brandon Ax said...

So excited for Deadpool.

That is really cool that you guys are doing another anthology. Maybe I can get the nerve to enter this time.

I got my IWSG scheduled for 9 but I will grab the new badge for next time.

Jennifer Hawes said...

Kung Fu Panda 3 is on my must-see list of movies this month. My love triangle is my three kids always vying for my attention. Mom, mom,!

Truedessa said...

Good Morning Alex,

It sounds like you have a lot going on here the newsletter and the anthology. You are a great source of encouragement to so many.

What is my insecurity today? I don't think I am much of a writer when I look around at all the talented poets and storytellers. Perhaps, I don't belong in the blog world. It has been weighing on my heart and my mind. My 3 year anniversary is coming up so I need to figure it all out. I guess I am just a dreamer with her head in the clouds.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day, may your hopes and dreams always grow and bare fruit. Dreams are the desires of our heart and it is what keeps us going in our waking state or would the true waking state be when we are dreaming?

Sorry, just me and my wandering mind traveling that labyrinth within. To find ones way through the garden of life we must turn
the flashlight within for here we will find the beauty of the soul.
A bud of hope waiting to bloom into a glorious flower. Ah, I can smell a bouquet of wildflowers on the path to enlightenment.

Alex, you are light :) - may you always shine...

Donna K. Weaver said...

So are you saying you like R rated zombies better? Just curious. I don't watch a lot of zombie movies and I was appalled at what these guys did to that classic book--but the movie looks kind of cool.

Tim Knight said...

The only one of this month's movie crop I'm really jazzed for is Pride And Prejudice And Zombies.

Deadpool I'll catch on home video (as it's a superhero flick, I have to see it at some point), but honestly it does very little for me.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Thanks for the new badge!

I'm a big tea drinker, but I never acquired a taste for coffee. I used to drink OJ every morning, but these days I typically have a real orange instead. (Less sugar, better for me and the environment.)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Not sure I'd like the Pride and Prejudice with zombies. I love that story and don't love zombies.

I'm definitely a coffee addict!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Catherine, glad you like the badge and hope you can send something to Chrys!

Angela, please do!

Brandon, hope you can submit to the next one.

Truedessa, you are a true writer! You definitely belong. Don't give up on it or us.

Donna, yes! I'm in it for the gore.

Tim, I will be seeing it, so I'll let you know.

Sandra, definitely less sugar!

Liesel K. Hill said...

Love the new badge! I'm definitely a tea person (herbal). Yeah I read P&P and Zombies years ago and was seriously underwhelmed. So I'm not looking forward to the film much. I'm actually surprised it's taken so long for a film version, since it was all the hype like 5+ years ago. ��

Mary Aalgaard said...

Toi, what we drink, and when, does define us, and our characters. I also drink both coffee and tea. Coffee in the morning, and tea in the afternoon. I especially like the Biker Chef's scones with either one, though!

Alex, the new badge is great. I'll grab it right now. Thanks for all you do for this writing community.

Mary at Play off the Page

Sean McLachlan said...

I like the new badge. Too late to use it for this mont's post, though. I'll try to think of something for the newsletter.

Chrys Fey said...

So much awesomeness in this post. The new badge is neat. :) One movie I want to see is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

Chrys Fey said...

So much awesomeness in this post. The new badge is neat. :) One movie I want to see is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

Unknown said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's zombie out. My own repulsion probably has more to do with my son, though. He's completely into zombies right now. There's only so many times you can play zombie bowling. :)

Jo said...

Things seem to be going well with the IWSG. I hope the first newsletter is the success it should be.

I am appalled at the idea of Pride and Prejudice with zombies. One of the English languages great classics should not, IMHOP, be allowed to be messed around like that. Horrors.

Haven't yet got the anthology, will do so.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Here I am an admin and I'm terrified of submitting to a newsletter. Can't help but think what do I have to say that anyone needs to hear. I know, I need to get over this. Wish I could take a pill that would solve the problem. Great badge, Alex. Everything you do is remarkable. Great post.

kaykuala said...

A new badge and a new newsletter. Very refreshing Alex. Couldn't think of Pride and Prejudice with zombies! It would be an injustice to good writing.


Tamara Narayan said...

I don't think the old IWSG badge was lame (but I did wonder why you picked the finger for the back image. Oh wait, that's a light house?! My bad.)

Toi, I'm happy to conform to your stereotype. I've never had coffee in my life. I had to stop drinking caffeinated beverage in college because I wasn't sleeping after slurping down 6 Diet Cokes. (Shocking, I know.) These days I indulge with decaf green tea in a mug so large it might as well be a bucket, with a ridiculous amount of sugar and a good dose of ginger. Yum.)

Alex, I may be zombied out as well. I really liked the book Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, although I hear the movie was terrible. I've been tempted to read Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies, but I'm just not sure I'd like it. Maybe I'll just stick with The Walking Dead and patiently wait for next October to see who's become zombie chow via Netflix.

Spanj said...

The new badge looks great. I'll have to update my post with it now. My writing fuel is definitely coffee (and it's not even the caffeine, I'm on decaff at the moment). But all my inspiration is found in a coffee cup!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hi Alex! Happy Wednesday!

I'm so proud of all that you've accomplished with your 'little group'! It's grown by leaps and bounds and helps so many writers!

Another contest? That's awesome. Maybe I can get my 'stuff' together this year and do it!

That Deadpool movie does look funny. :)

Have a great day!


Tamara Narayan said...

Technical Note: Eva E. Solar's web link needs a correction:

instead of

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I only came on board a year ago with zombies. I'm always late to the game. The Walking Dead is the only one I've watched except for an old zombie movie that was sooo good. I would like to write one piece about zombies, but honestly, I don't know enough about them. Thankfully. :)

I hope I can write something for the next anthology.

I'll grab the new badge next time.


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Just updated my post with the new image. I forgot last night. I'm looking forward to Deadpool. And I'm like Toi, I like coffee and tea, hot or cold. And of course, lots of water.

Nicola said...

Thank you for the new badge. Looks Cool!! Already used it. I'm looking forward to the new newsletter from Chrys too. And thank you for giving us the opportunity to submit to it.

Genre: Thriller! That's my thing and lends itself to all kinds of setting.

Have a great February.

Unknown said...

Ahhh I didn't realize there was a new badge! I'mma go swap it out, this one is so much prettier!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Love the new badge, have downloaded it. Will put it up ASAP.
Like the idea of IWSG members contributing to the newsletter.
Toi, I too oscillate between tea and coffee at different times.
Alex, I am holding on to what you said on my blog, that we meet our loved ones in the Afterlife! It made me feel loads better.

Lynn La Vita said...

Love the new badge. Can't wait to see my first newsletter.

Nissa Annakindt said...

What's my love triangle? Well, Julianne is my favorite cat and Umberto is my favorite cat--- and now my new three-legged cat Ozymandias is my favorite cat.... more like a love quadrangle.
I am trying to overcome my anxieties and get a poem a day written (short poems). Also am trying to get a print version of my most recent poetry chapbook out. Lots of word, and my new computer loves to slow things down by shrinking or growing the text every time I use the mouse.

Robin said...

I've seen the previews for that Jane Austen zombie movie on TV. Can't say that I was impressed. I think that The Walking Dead is killing it (literally and figuratively) in that genre. Do we need more zombies???

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Liesel, it has been a long time since the book came out.

Melanie, zombie bowling?

Jo, will be out later this spring.

Joylene, you can't be scared - you'll have to write one for the newsletter later this year!

Tamara, exactly why we needed a new badge. And yes, that movie was awful. Will fix the link.

Thanks, Heather!

Nicola, we'll see which genre this fall!

Rachna, good!

Diane Burton said...

Lots of new stuff this month--badge, newsletter, another anthology. Don't let us get complacent. LOL I'm looking forward to the new Star Trek movie. Love the reboot.

Shadow said...

Tea. Coke. Water. Thanks for the background, now I'm curious...

Christine Rains said...

I'm one of those who don't like tea or coffee. I drink water almost all the time. Congrats to Toi! My husband and I already have a date to go see Deadpool on the 12th. Tickets bought and babysitter booked! Romance is in the air. *LOL*

Shell Flower said...

Quite a packed post again :) I am a yerba mate drinker, so I guess that means tea for me. And I recently read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, so that is my #1 pick. I thought the book was awesome because the zombie storyline actually made the plot more believable, especially why Charlotte would marry Mr. Collins.

Loni Townsend said...

I'm looking forward to the upcoming movies. A few of them look fun. Oh, I need to update my logo!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I keep waiting for those Oscar nominated movies to be available on demand/online. I can't wait to see The Revenant and Room, and I think Bridge of Spies is available to rent now....

Will have to put the new IWSG badge on my blog's sidebar!

Sarah Foster said...

Oh, a new badge! I'll have to snag it for next time (because I'm way too lazy to change today's post...)
Can't wait for the newsletter! I'd love to submit something but I'll have to think of a good topic first.

Hart Johnson said...

I admit to a vague curiosity about Pride, Prejudice and Zombies in spite of not really caring for Pride and Prejudice or Zombies... go figure. And Gods of Egypt trailers look fairly entertaining... and Nicolai Koster-Waldau, or however you spell his name... love him. But I will probably not see either until they make HBO.

Blogoratti said...

Great movie review for the month, would be on the lookout for some of those titles. Greetings!

Mason Canyon said...

Congrats to Toi on the new book, sounds like a fun read. I'm with you on being zombie'd out. I saw a trailer on Deadpool last night and it did look like it would be funny.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

Re Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, you wrote:

<< I might be in the minority, but I’m about zombie’d out – especially PG-13 zombies. >>

I hear ya! There's another new movie that has Bub teaching English Lit at the community college! :)

Joanne said...

Good morning - I've already caught up with Liza on Middle Passages - she's doing great and she discussed coffee, croissants, and writing. I'm not a coffee or hot tea person - I plunge into cold drinks right away - OJ, then water.
I have concerns on PPZ - it's been a long time since the book came out. Often not a good sign. But the concept was so wacky - might have to see it.
Good luck to all writers - 2016 is a fresh page

Bish Denham said...

I'm glad to have a new badge! I love coffee, but don't drink it very often any more. It's herbal teas for me, or water.

None of those movies do a thing for me...

A theme for the next anthology? How about Synchronicity.

Yolanda Renée said...

The new badge is cool!
Thinking about the genre for the new anthology. I love being challenged. Hmm!
Not really interested in any of those movies - too busy. That's good, right?

Sandra Cox said...

Of the offerings, I think I'd pick Gods of Egypt. We'll see.....
Thanks for the comment at my blog, I really appreciated it.

Mark Koopmans said...

I've grabbed the new badge here, but I definitely think you should have an official badge-change ceremonial post (think how much the first lighthouse helped insecure writers "find the light."

There you go, a ready-made blog fest to retire the old guard.

My work here is done:)

Mina Burrows said...

I like the badge. I added it too! Very nice!

You have a point with the Pride & Prejudice and the Zombies, but I still have to see it.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I can only do one cup of coffee. After that, it's hot tea.

I like Ryan Reynolds so we'll probably see Deadpool next week.

Tara Tyler said...

i will email chrys - i love to help out, even if it's not this month

movies - why does hollywood waste money on such drivel as P,P & Z! ugh!
can't wait for hail caesar - looks hilarious! and deadpool - my jury is still out, looks too cornball

hail alex!

ps - i'm a slow reader too - and critting to boot!

Anonymous said...

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies?? You have got to be kidding.
Love the new badge. I'll be using it next month.
Congrats to Toi on her latest novel! I'm definitely one of the oddballs. I drink milk. You can take the girl out of the dairy...
Happy IWSG Day!

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Yep, agreed, all zombied out. I didn't read the book, not sure I'll go see the movie either. I did see The 5th Wave this past weekend. Not bad, book was by far better. (Of course.) Have a great one. Best to all

Julie Flanders said...

Love the cover and the new badge. Will definitely upgrade my blog with the new look.
Congrats to Toi! Love the name of her blog.

Pat Garcia said...

Alex, I love the new badge. The colors make it stand out like a beacon of light.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Diane, not a chance of that here!

Christine, I also drink water.

Mason, it looks like Reynolds has a lot of fun with the role.

Joanne, that is odd the movie has taken so long.

Bish, that would be a challenge!

Sandra, you're welcome.

Mark, if only I'd made the new badge before late yesterday afternoon.

L.G. Keltner said...

The new badge is great! Every time I see the anthology cover displayed somewhere, I feel giddy. This is an exciting thing to be a part of.

I've considered submitting something for the newsletter, but my insecurities have been nagging at me on that front. Maybe I need to just ignore them and try to think of something. What's the worst that could happen?

I'm glad I took part in the Lost and Found Blogfest on Monday. It was a lot of fun!

Tyrean Martinson said...

My love of caffeine comes in a pentagon instead of a triangle: soda, tea, a cold brew espresso Italian soda with vanilla and orange, coconut milk vanilla lattes, or home-made coffee with honey and coconut milk. However, there is an overall theme . . . sweetness, which means that for me to lose some weight this year, I have to limit my caffeine craziness to a bare minimum.

Planning to submit to the newsletter . . .

And . . . movies .. um, I think I'm sticking to DVDs and Netflix this month.

Leigh Caron said...

Okee dokey I've signed up and I'm insecure that I don't know how to host meaning what hosting means. OK that was clumsy, but I can share I'm feeling clumsy and insecure today, si?
And any movie with Gerard Butler is a winner with me

cleemckenzie said...

Wow! New badge. Newsletter. Some great things happening as usual.

stephen Hayes said...

I can't decide if "Hail, Caesar" is a worthy project or not. It could be fun, but I have my doubts.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. lots going on and with lots of offers to submit articles etc.

I saw the "Being Elmo" film .. which I found really interesting .. about how puppeteers make their mark .. Jim Henson was a legend as we know, while Kevin Clash is a wonder story ...

Cheers Hilary

Andrew Leon said...

Deadpool will let everyone know why the first Wolverine movie was so bad.

Elephant's Child said...

Congratulations to Toi Thomas. And to all writers. This reader NEEDS you.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Deadpool is a must see for me. Sadly some reviewers are saying Hail Ceasar is kind of LadyKillers again, better in quality but still disappointing for the Coen Brothers. Maybe they're wrong or maybe it is the whole really good deceptive trailer a la Tomorrowland rearing it's ugly head. I'm starting my movie going for 2016 next week with Kung Fu Panda 3. Then it will be deciding which I see next Deadpool or Zoolander 2. If Pride Zombies is good I might see it, no promises. Toi I'm one of the proud oddballs with orange juice as my drinking poison. But on super rare occasions peppermint or ginger tea have a nice effect. Eww, no coffee. Congrats on your book and I'll check out your site.

Juneta key said...

Gotta remember to post the new badge. Looking forward to the newsletter and possibly contributing something.
Juneta Writer's Gambit

Unknown said...

Congrats on the anthology cover and the new badge! (I'm grabbing it for my blog.) Congrats to Toi on her release.

Your comments about the movies cracked me up! Have a great week and weekend, Alex! :)

Sher A. Hart said...

Got hacked again. I will grab the new badge if I'm still blogging next month.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the new IWSG badge! I'm such a bad co-host though; I already had my post scheduled before I saw it. Bad Eva, bad! Yay to Chrys for being in charge of the IWSG newsletter. She's going to be awesome. I love her! Going to try hard to enter this year's anthology contest for sure. Hugs.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LG, what is the worst? You just got the lead in the IWSG Anthology - an article would be a piece of cake.

Leigh, that almost made sense!

Stephen, as do I...

Hilary, Henson rocked.

Sheena-kay, go for Deadpool.

Lexa, I am here to amuse.

Sher, I'm sorry!

Eva, no worries.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Deadpool! I read the comics when I was younger (my brother had them and I'd sneak into his room and read them when he was away in the Navy.) The fact that Matt Smith is in the zombie movie is the main reason I want to see that. GERONEMO!

Fundy Blue said...

Hi Alex! I'm semi-surfacing again, because it's IWSG day. The new logo looks great! And the new contest sounds intriguing too. I'm looking forward to reading the new anthology! Have a great IWSG Day. I only have a small window of computer time, so I'm going to get something up and visit some posts while I can. Thanks for all you do and ake care!

Suzanne Furness said...

Looking forward to reading the first IWSG newsletter.
Great news about another contest too.

Fundy Blue said...

Hi Toi! Congratulations on your latest book! It sounds intriguing! I'm totally java fueled; but if I'm desperate I also resort to dark chocolate and ginger chunks. Good luck with your book!

Sher A. Hart said...

Got hacked again. I will grab the new badge if I'm still blogging next month.

Pat Hatt said...

Deadpool is going to be awesome indeed, hopefully. What a new badge? Are you saying I'll have to go change every post until Jan 2017? How rude lol

S.A. Larsenッ said...

'K, so the cover for the anthology is absolutely awesome! Truly it is. Way to go to everyone! I like the newsletter idea and having one article written by a member. Very cool... I'll think it up!

Laura Clipson said...

I love the new badge! Can't wait to read the newsletter :)

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

The New Badge is great. Looking forward to the newsletter and the anthology. Great cover there. Haven't seen any of the movies, as usual.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame to see that I missed the anthology while I was away from IWSG. I'll keep an eye out for this year's contest, and I'll be sure to try and get my hands on a copy!

J E Oneil said...

Another movie that takes place in Egypt with all those white Egyptians. Amazing how that always happens. Can't wait to see Deadpool. That should be great!

M Pax said...

The cover for the IWSG anthology is awesome.

To me, it's sacrilege to put zombies and Jane Austen together. I hate zombies.

The Egypt one kind of tempts me. It looks fun.

Cherie Colyer said...

Anthology cover looks great. I'm not a big zombie fan, so will probably pass on this new one. I am a Marvel fan though, so will see Deadpool.

Lan said...

I am super excited for the release of Deadpool! Really hope it lives up to all the hype. The anthology looks great. Am going to pick up a copy as soon as it comes out!

Toi Thomas said...

J.L. Campbell- Thanks for the kinds words.

Jennifer Hawes- Oh boy, I guess kids would be the ultimate love triangle because you can’t love one more than the other.

Sandra Almazan- Fresh oranges are the best.

Natalie Aguirre- Admittance is the first step. ;)

Liesel K. Hill- I too like herbal teas, but some of new fruit teas are too sweet for me, and I love sweets.

Mary Aalgaard- Those scones sound great.

Toi Thomas said...

Tamara Narayan- I didn’t even know you could get decaf green tea, but with ginger and sugar, I bet you can’t tell the difference.

Angeline Trevena- Sometimes it’s all about the smell, the flavor, and memories.

Susan Gourley/Kelley- I find I drink water with most of my meals, so when I write, the other beverages really are my mental fuel.

Rachna Chhabria- I think alternation keep the addition away, at least, that’s what I’m going with. ;)

Nissa Annakindt- Choosing between 3 cats does sound tough.

Toi Thomas said...

Shadow- I try to stay away from soda, but every now and then temptation wins.

Christine Rains- You really can’t go wrong with water.

Shell Flower- Maybe I’ll give yerba mate a try.

Mason Canyon- Thanks, I hope you check it out. It is supposed to be a bit humorous.

Joanne- Croissants with writing sounds lovely.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fundy, no worries! If you're limited, I understand.

Pat, please tell me you haven't already booked the next year...

Thanks, Shari!

Noon, will keep you posted on this year's contest.

Cherie, I'm a DC fan and I'm excited!

Toi Thomas said...

Bish Denham- Sometimes I enjoy coffee flavor more than coffee caffeine. I get it.

L. Diane Wolfe- One cup of coffee a day is about my pace too, and luckily I drink need it every day. I love it. I have a friend who drinks hot chocolate even in the summer.

Julie Flanders- Thanks for the kind words. Glad you like my blog name.

Tyrean Martinson- Yes, the caffeine and sweet combo can be additive. It’s something I’m working on.

Susan Kane said...

Hail, Caesar! looks awesome. Coen brothers are brilliant. And Gods of Egypt--Gerard Butler. Can't help myself.

Toi Thomas said...

Elephant's Child- Thank you. It means a lot.

Sheena-kay Graham- Thank you. Hope to see you at the ToiBox. Peppermint tea is very relaxing. Nice choice.

Lexa Cain- Thank you very much.

Fundy Blue- Thank you. Oh, and I love dark chocolate with ginger.

I’m excited to try out all the upcoming movies except Gods of Egypt. It’ll probably be a rental. I’m insecure about a lot right now, but I keep moving forward. The challenge of submitting to the newsletter and another anthology might be just what I need. I think Communication might be an interesting theme to explore. We went from pony express, to the telephone, to email, now texting. Who knows what the future will bring.

Thanks everyone for the kind words.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Nooooooooooooo...they really made the movie for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies???? Sigh. I'll admit, I did read the book, but still.

Deadpool looks awesome, as does Suicide Squad (which is a lot darker and probably more violent (and not released for February, though).

Erika Beebe said...

I have to admit Alex, I want to see Gods of Egypt. I think it's a personal thing, since I'm in love with all sorts of mythology and how others try to pull it together. Welcome Toi, by the way! I love coffee and tea for sure! My insecurity this month, bringing on the best and most intense conflict in my resolution, and making sure I wrap up all the promises made with a big sparkly silver bow. I like silver the best. In any case, I yay for the new badge! Yay for the newsletter and I can't wait to read it! Erika

Birgit said...

Congrats on your new book Toi and being showcased here:) I drink OJ and soda water combined for a nice fizzy drink and that's all i drink except for some water. I have been in a certain situation, love-wise, that is heavy and that is all I shall say. One day I may talk about it, like when I am 85:) Hail Caesar is a film i really want to see!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Toi. I find myself drinking coffee during the day job and tea at home. I made a note to myself to grab the new badge for my next post. That's great about another anthology.

J.Q. Rose said...

Pretty classy badge. Kudos to the artist. Deadpool sounds familiar. Is this a remake of an oldie? Had to laugh at Pride Prejudice and Zombies. I bet it'll be up for an Oscar!!!

Unknown said...

The new badge is a nice upgrade. The cover for the anthology is sweet as well. I really want to see Deadpool (seems right up my alley), good for a guys night out (I don't think the wife is gonna like it). I used to strictly drink coffee (since I worked in coffee shops for 12 years), but since I've been off caffeine, I now drink a fair amount of tea. When the new baby arrives later this month, I may have to go back to coffee.

Doreen McGettigan said...

I love the new badge and the anthology cover. I am looking forward to the next one, I want to try again. I'm also looking forward to the newsletter and submitting something.

EEGiorgi said...

yay for the newsletter! I'll try and put something together to submit. And congratulations Toi on your new novel!

Liz A. said...

For the next anthology, you all should have stories where the main character is a writer. Oh, the possibilities...

Sorry, Toi, I'm a water drinker. No coffee, tea, or soda here. And I only drink juice with breakfast (half a glass) or when I'm sick. Odd, I know...

I did hear good things about Hail Caesar. And I'm all zombied out, too. (But I do love Austen. But the curiosity will hold until it makes it to TV.) said...

Cool new badge. I need to remember to upload it to my blog. :)

I'm a hard-core coffee drinker. Tea makes appearances, but nowhere near the frequency as coffee.

Chemist Ken said...

Alright, I'm ready for DeadPool. Not sure what kind of plotline they're going to have, but it'll probably be fun to watch no matter what.

Jennifer Lane said...

Coffee is usually my go-to but tea is great during the winter when my feet are cold.

A newsletter? I'm impressed by your drive, Alex!

Elizabeth said...

I like the new badge! Coffee is my fuel of choice, but I don't mind tea once in a while. If I could pick the genre for the next contest, it would be historical romance. I would like to give that genre a try :)

dolorah said...

Love the new badge. Its time for a change. Hopefully I'll get a story ready for the next anthology. I'll have a year to write it, right?

PG zombies do not thrill me either. I gagged all the way through Warm Bodies (watched to spend time with the kids). Why do people want to make all monsters warm and fluffy?

The only movie I plan on seeing soon is something with the grandkids, perhaps Kung Fu Panda 3. Lets hope grandma can smile through the event, lol.

Stephen Tremp said...

Wifey and I are hoping for a decent if not better showing of Hail Caesar. Of course I';; be going to Deadpool all alone and loving it I'm sure. Love the promo poses.

Cathy Keaton said...

Oops! Too late for me to use the new badge this month. Gonna have to wait until March. It's very nice! said...

Mmmm, my love triangle? I smile at the thought, and it's not so much a triangle as an - I don't know - oreo cookie, with me in the middle. Thanks for the happy thoughts you inspired with this post and the question, Alex. =)

Cynthia said...

What a nicely designed new badge!

I look forward to the newsletters!

Michael Abayomi said...

I am not exactly holding my breath for Gods of Egypt either. But if lowered expectations was what the director was aiming for with the early trailers, then he has succeeded with flying colors.

mail4rosey said...

I never saw The Crow. It wasn't good? Didn't one of the actors pass in making it? I think I remember that... I didn't want to watch it because of that (I'm a wimp, I'd be sad for the actor's family), if that's the right one I'm thinking of... it's been awhile.

Rhonda Albom said...

Love the new badge, and the cover of Parallels. My insecurity: I finally finished my first book - a non-fictions with the editor now.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, Suicide Squad looks great.

Erika, if the reviews are good, I'll go see it.

JQ, no remake - Deadpool is a superhero character. And if that movie is up for an Oscar it just might be a sign of the apocalypse.

Liz, might be a lot of autobiographies if we did that!

Jennifer, I've wanted to start one for the past two years.

Donna, at least eight or nine months. And Kung Fu Panda 3 was fun.

Robyn, I read Oreo Cookie with men in the middle, but I'm sure that would make you happy as well.

Michael, that made me chuckle.

Rosey, the first movie of The Crow was a masterpiece, and yes, Brandon Lee died while filming it. Very tragic.

Leovi said...

Yes, I love Coen brothers, interesting Hail, Caesar!

Juneta key said...

Great cover for the anthology. I'll have to see if I can come up with something for the new newsletter. Happy Writing
Nail Your Story: Add Tension, Build Emotion, and Keep Your Readers Addicted (Growth Hacking For Storytellers #2)
by Monica Leonelle

Ravyne said...

Hey Alex! I am new to IWSG and loving it already. Great new logo, btw. As for me, I am both a tea and coffee lover, drinking both throughout the day depending on my mood. And for movie interest: Gods of Eygpt! It's the only one that peaked my interest. Definitely no more zombies! Cheers! Have a great day!

Nicki Elson said...

Hooray! Love the new badge. Just installed it at my place. :)

Looking forward to the newsletter.

Bevimus said...

I'm super excited about Deadpool, personally. I love what little I've seen of the comic and the previews I've seen have been unbearably funny.

alexia said...

I love love triangles! LOL. And I also like both tea and coffee. Excited about Deadpool!

Patricia Stoltey said...

I can never resist a Coen brothers film, so I'll definitely watch this new one.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Toi, the cover looks awesome. I love contemporary romance, so I will have to make a note of your book!

Alex, but this zombie movie has gowns. Gowns!! How could you not be excited.

Deadpool? Never heard of him. LOL. Chad won't let me talk when the commercials come on. How rude. I should make him wait until it comes out on video.

Lisa said...

Took the hot new badge! Yay!!! I want to see Deadpool! I'm going to try to get an article in, to be used whenever it's needed... Love being a part of this group! thanks for dropping by my blog!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

So many good ideas and opportunities for the IWSG. I'm looking forward to the newsletter. Thanks for coming by my blog!

Cherie Reich said...

The new IWSG badge looks awesome! I'm with Toi. I love tea and coffee. There are very few days I don't have one or the other or both.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Toi! I like the exert :)

I'm looking forward to all of these movies you've listed. Gods of Egypt is right up my alley. I have a guilty pleasure fore sword and sorcery cornfests with mythology (Egyptian, too!) thrown in. Obviously, the one I'm most excited for is DEADPOOL. Yay!

Love triangle? Me? Naaaw. Maybe between beers or places to get beers, haha

Genre? Horror? That would work best for me.

Donna McDine said...

Love the new badge! Just put it up on my blog! Hail Caesar looks hysterical!

Tonja said...

I'm tired of Zombies and Jane Austen.

Stephanie Faris said...

Love the new badge. Updating it on my post for next month.

YAY to the new anthology. Sounds like a great read. Can't wait to check it out.

I have to admit I'm curious about Hail, Caesar...I'm not fan of the Coen Brothers but a lot of great celebs in it.

DMS said...

The new badge looks awesome! Yeah for the anthology. :)

Carrie-Anne said...

My little brother is really excited for Deadpool, and had our father take a picture of him with a big cardboard cutout of Deadpool by the movie theatre when we visited our parents in December. My parents still can't believe he's 29 and so into things like superhero movies, anime, manga, and cosplay, as though people are automatically supposed to lose interest in that after some arbitrary age.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Great new badge, Alex! Looking forward to Hail Caesar with its tongue and cheek Esther Williams style aquatic dancing extravaganza to Channing Tatum playing Gene Kelly! Thanks for hosting another wonderful IWSG!


Liza said...

Late to the game this week. Gotta grab that new badge! Hope you had a great week, Alex. Looking forward to the newsletter!

Heather R. Holden said...

The new badge for IWSG looks great! And I'm totally with you when it comes to being zombied-out. Would be nice to see some other kind of monster steal the spotlight, finally!

Charles Gramlich said...

I've got no plans to see Pride and Prejudice with Zombies. I just am not really interested in gimmicky kinds of books/movies

Misha Gerrick said...

I sooooooo want to watch Deadpool it's not even funny.

My love triangle would be... uhm... chocolate or nougat.

T.F. Walsh said...

New badge is very cool:) We're booked in to see Deadpool for Valentines:) And I so want to watch Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - look fantastic.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ravyne, welcome!

Beverly, yes they have.

Elizabeth, gowns? Why aren't they naked?

Madilyn, I'm a sucker for sword and sorcery as well.

Carrie-Anne, I'm in my fifties and still excited about such things.

Julie, thanks for being a part of it.

Heather, we need to start a new trend.

TF, the perfect Valentine's Day movie.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I am not going to the theater to see P&P&Zombies. Maybe I'll watch it On Demand, but only if I can get it for free.

I'm on the fence about going to see The 5th Wave. Did you review it? (Mental note: Check Alex's prior posts.) I loved the book, but ahem, not the sequel which started to get way, way, way out there. I have a bad feeling about this movie, although I'm willing to be proved wrong.

Blogger is being a stinker tonight and making me identify images with every comment on every blog, including this one. Boo, Blogger. Boooo!

Tabitha Bird said...

Very cool! I didn't know about the group or newsletter. Might just go sign up now.

Sandra Cox said...

The new badge looks great.
Enjoy your weekend, Alex:)

Al Penwasser said...

"Gods of Egypt" looks really silly. There's enough of history during that time period without having to resort to monsters.
But, before anyone accuses of me of being a snob, I soooo want to see "Deadpool."

G. B. Miller said...

Been a while since I commented here. So with that out of the way, my only insecurity right now is coming up with three concise blurbs for my short story trilogy.

I rank writing blurbs up there with writing a synopsis as the top two ways for me to pull my hair out with tweezers.

Cool new badge. Always a good thing when you can jazz up a tried and true item.

Father Nature's Corner

Michelle Wallace said...

I love my coffee...but need to cut down (don't know if that's possible LOL)
A genre in mind for the next IWSG Anthology Contest? Mystery/suspense/thriller.
I forgot to add the new badge.
Looking forward to the IWSG newsletter.
The cover for Parallels is GREAT on the eye! Really snazzy!

Blue Grumpster said...

That's a great new badge. I'm gonna give Deadpool the benefit of the doubt, Alex. I hate injokes like when Ryan Reynolds says something about hating green outfits (Green Lantern flop duh). I'm zombie’d out too – especially PG-13 zombies. Everything needs to be PG-13... It's frustrating. It started out with Robocop 3: For Kids. YIKES!

Julie Dao said...

I, too, am zombie-'d out, but I'm going to go see this anyway tomorrow with a friend! Hope it's at least entertaining!

Mason T. Matchak said...

Neither coffee nor tea do a thing for me when writing. I use alcohol. ^_^ Just a shot, though, and I edit sober, which is good because the editing process always takes a lot longer and booze is expensive.

Thought about seeing Price and Prejudice and Zombies, but couldn't muster up enough interest. Definitely going to see Deadpool, though. Bwa ha ha.

Deniz Bevan said...

Ooh, that Coen brothers film could be fun.

I've recently gotten into tea! Still trying different blends to work which one I like most...

Annalisa Crawford said...

I am so excited for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I loved the book - the original and the zombie version - and I adore Matt Smith. I'll be seeing it next week.

Hubby and #1 son are watching Deadpool as I type. I'm sure I'll hear all about it, in detail :-)

Leandra Wallace said...

I'm super excited about P&P&Z- I love stuff set in the Regency time period. =)