Today I have the highest honor of appearing at Janice Hardy’s Fiction University. I’m discussing pros and cons of marketing and the small press. If you want to know more about what a small press can and can’t do for you, then check it out.
A to Z Challenge
– Cult Classics – Y
Movies-Music-Sci-fi Book-Bloggers-Dragon Term
Movie –
Yellow Submarine
This animated feature capitalized on a psychedelic pop culture and was nominated for a Grammy and a Hugo. Ironically, while the Beatles performed the songs and appeared in person at the end, other actors did their voices during the cartoon segment.
Music –
Yes – Fragile
Released in 1971, the fourth studio album became the band’s biggest commercial success so far and featured the icon song Roundabout.
Science Fiction Book –
The Year of the Quiet Sun by Wilson Tucker
This 1970 time travel novel won a John W. Campbell Memorial Award and was nominated for a Nebula and a Hugo.
Blogger –
Yolanda Renee –at Defending the Pen
Enjoy a good murder mystery with a little more? Want to meet a supportive author with a wonderful spirit? Then you need to meet Yolanda!
A year on Hyrath would be longer than a year on Earth, although only by a few weeks. Their division of time is also numerically different, as their days have twenty-five hours. Their months and weeks are also more evenly divided.
Dragon of the Stars is out now!
Check out the site What Are the Kargrandes? for clues as to how they tie into the story.
NA Alley is holding an auction this week to raise money for this young lady:
Back in 2008, Queena was a vibrant eighteen-year-old with her whole life ahead of her. That changed the night she was brutally raped, beaten, and left for dead after dropping books off at the library. The attack left her blind and unable to walk or talk, requiring around-the-clock care.
PK Hrezo is currently writing a book about this young lady as well.
Available now!
Scattered Seasons by Sandra Ulbrich Almazan
Only .99 cents for a week.
Find it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, and Kobo
May Movie Preview
Here is the continuation of upcoming theatrical releases for May. As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snarky comments by me.
Bound by a shared destiny, a teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor embark on a mission to unearth the secrets of a place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory.
Director: Brad Bird
Stars: George Clooney, Britt Robertson, Hugh Laurie, Raffey Cassidy
For all your tomorrow needs. Off the beltline. Free hotdogs and balloons for mom. (MST3K fans will get that.)
Remember Yellow Submarine? Fan of Yes? (And have you seen them in concert?) Would you want twenty-five hour days? Checking out the auction? And is Tomorrowland a must-see for May…?
Don’t forget to visit Janice Hardy’s Fiction University!
Awesome you are at Janice's today. I just stopped by. That was an excellent post and so true!
As a Beatles fan, I love Yellow Submarine, though it's been a while since I had a chance to watch the entire movie.
Thanks for mentioning Scattered Seasons!
Alex, it appears we've been somewhat on the same wave length concerning our songs & movies!
I certainly remember Yellow Submarine but I never got to see it. I wasn't a bit fan of the Beetles at the time although I enjoyed most of their music.
What a dreadful thing to happen to Queena. I remember many years ago being accosted on the way back from the library, luckily that's all that happened.
I loved Yellow Submarine. We used to joke that you could tell when the Beatles didn't take a song seriously when they let Ringo sing.
Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
2015 A to Z of Vampires
"In the town where I was born lived a man who saile to sea ...."
After checking the meaning of MST3K I'm not sure whether that indicates that Tomorrowland is a more funny film or not.
Nevertheless I will wait for some reviews.
Hmm...not sure about the extra hour, but it'd be great to sleep more. I'm still so pumped about the Avengers to get excited about a different movie:) We're so close to the finish line!
Natalie, thanks!
Sandra, you're welcome.
Cathrina, I'm sure that will end tomorrow...
Jo, that's terrible! Glad that you're still with us.
Tim, that's funny.
Edi, it's one of the lines from an MST3K show. Hopefully Tomorrowland isn't funny in that way.
Jennifer, one more day!
My husband was watching Yellow Submarine one morning before work. It was the strangest collection of different things! I couldn't figure out what it was about.
I'm having another instance of "Oh, I haven't seen that movie but I'm sure my fiance has." He's a Beatles fanatic. I didn't know that about the voices!
Yell Submarine is weird as can be. Tomorrowland may be a good one too
I was pretty crushed when I first learned the Beatles didn't voice themselves. But those voices are still the Beatles for me!
Yes on "Yes", for sure. Yellow Submarine...Yes on that, too. Now to Yolanda's to check that yes box.
Finally, one I know. I have a Yellow Submarine picture book.
Yes! I am a fan. Tomorrowland looks like a yes as well.
I did not see that Beetles movie, but I do like that song. I'll check out your interview. Tomorrowland will likely be disappointing.
I've never seen Yellow Submarine, but I used to sing the song to my kids all the time - badly out of tune, and forgetting the words, but babies don't mind that kind of thing!
I've never seen Yellow Submarine all the way through, and I'm unfamiliar with the music and novel so another 0 for 3 today- shame on me! But Yolanda I know and love, and that's far more important, anyway!
Me! Me! I've seen Yellow Submarine more than once. And I know the song!!!
Big fan of Yes! Not so much of the Yellow Submarine. I may have been too young when I watched it, but it was a bit too trippy for me.
Well done on finding a sci-fi film for Y, I can barely think of a Y film at all :P
Yellow Sub was fun. Saw YES in concert 1972. I'll return to Queena this afternoon - how sad. Not a fan of Geroge Clooney, but the plot sounds interesting. Thanks, Alex!
Yay for Yolanda's mentioned! :)
Quest for Queena is a great cause. I donated two eBooks. :)
I have never seen Yellow Sub, now I know I have sang it, own it and reference it once in awhile. I know I am in shame... the band Yes, since I can remember loving there long yet learning from their music.
Shame they didn't use the actual Beatles for the movie. They likely charged too much,but that would've made the movie much more of a treasure.
I remember watching Yellow Submarine in my 8th grade Civics class. It's a fun movie.
I do remember Yellow Submarine. Now I have the song stuck in my head! :) I'm off to Janice's.
Stephanie, it does represent the trippy 60's.
Sarah, ironic it wasn't them in the movie.
Tony, my wife was shocked to learn that.
Beverly, a picture book? Wow.
Annalisa, I'm sure they didn't care.
Lauren, I'm not a big fan either.
Dixie, you're cool! I saw them many years later.
Chrys, good for you.
Robyn, I think they'd had a bad experience with their previous movie, which is why they balked at this one.
Thanks Alex, you made my day, week, month - heck you've made my year!
I did see Yes in concert and they were quite trippy as was Yellow Submarine. Why (Y) not? good Ys
Yes was a really good band. I had a Rush album too.
Yellow Submarine is around here somewhere. My oldest went through quite a phase with that one.
25 hour days I wouldn't be against
Thank you, Alex-I am going to have this song in my head all day-tee,hee. I haven't heard of this Y book~
Off to visit Yolanda! I hope your day is filled with sunlight spinning like yarn-(yeah, I want you to see yellow) ;D
I remember Yellow Submarine. It was different. Not a Yes fan and that movie is likely one I'll watch when it's available for rent.
Again, you've got more than I can absorb. However, the Yellow Submarine will be a tune in my head all day. I supported PK in her Kickstarter campaign to write the story of this girl. It's a heartbreaking one.
Would I want twenty-five hour days?
Not a good idea.
Would one hour more really make a difference? After a while, it won't be enough, and then we'll need just one more... then just one more...
The more humans have - the more they want!
I know Yolanda Renee.
I'll check out the article over at Janice Hardy’s Fiction University later on...
Yes is the kind of group I like. Sometimes the vocals can be strange (like Rush) but the intricacy of the music is amazing.
Yay, Yolanda! Love her!
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
I haven't seen Yellow Submarine but I've seen Enough clips to know its trippy. Yaaay Yolanda!
Yolanda, you're most welcome!
Catherine, you rock!
Holy Ghost, I bet the Order would like it.
Lee, awesome.
Michelle, you think we need one more?
Lee, not strange!
I'm so grieved about the fate of abused Queena. Man is so savage to their own, :-(
Great post, remember Yellow Submarine, who can forget the Beatles?
Visited Yolanda's surperb site.
is she the only blogger who name begins with "Y" surely other Y bloggers sites needs some mentions.
Back in the day I thought Yellow Submarine was so cool. It was much different from the other animation at the time. It does look rather dated by today's standards.
Once again I don't know any of these. And I thought I was well rounded and learned.
Yellow Submarine, Fragile... both hold lots of memories for me.
What an incredible story of survival and perseverance Queena's life is. I'm glad PK is writing about it.
I'd only want 25 hour days if I didn't get tired for that extra hour. What good's an extra hour if I can't use it? :)
Hubby's the big Yes fan in this house. I like 'em okay, he's a FAN. ;)
I'd have to say, you were very creative in building the world in Dragon of the Stars - even narrowing it down to how many hours were in a day. Nice job!
Yvonne, you came to mind, but trying to mention people I haven't mentioned before.
Rosey, I wouldn't mind sleeping for that extra hour.
Sherry, thanks. I really tried hard at world building with Dragon.
If I remember correctly, "Owner of a Lonely Heart" was a song by Yes - and I really liked that one!
That's weird that the Beatles were vocally dubbed... maybe someone thought their Scouse accents were too strong??
Going over to see how I can help the Quest for Queena (how so very sad... but God bless her indomitable spirit...)
PK is awesome. Yes won my heart!
I barely remember the Yellow Submarine appearing on network TV when I was a kid. Looking back it seems I was quite fascinated it the movie, but today I can't recall a thing about it. I featured Yes in today's post, as well. Great minds think alike? Okay, my mind isn't so great. So, I guess it was a coincidence, no or is that YES?! :D I'll hop over to check out your featured bloggers now. See yo-later, Alex!
We had a volkwagen variant in our family with yellow coachwork much like the submarine in the song!
Its been a total buzz on the AtoZ challenge with co hosts and bloggers stopping by, I'm off to meet Yolanda now.
I really enjoy the music part of your post. My husband took our ten-year-old to see Yes last year, and he loved the show!
I rented Yellow Submarine from Netflix some years back, and wasn't that impressed. It was fun and cute, but not great, classic, timeless cinema. At least it was far better than the dreadful Magical Mystery Tour, the worst Beatles' movie ever.
I'm pretty familiar with the songs from Yellow Submarine although I've only seen clips of the movie.
An extra hour to get things done or to sleep, sounds win-win!
I remember seeing Yellow Submarine once but I didn't even realize that the voices weren't actually The Beatles. Interesting!
Heading over to check out your post at Fiction U now.
Ahh the Yellow Submarine-always fun to watch. I remember Yes but I did not see them in concert. If we had 25 hr days I don't think we would see much of a difference. The movie sounds interesting and can either be really good or suck real bad
Year of the Quiet Sun sounds intriguing, and so does a 25 hour day. An extra hour for reading/writing, what's not to like?
I know Yolanda, she does awesome flashes and novels. Missed her during this A-Z.
Yes, I have seen Yellow Submarine.
Loved Fragile. Still do. Yes Songs is classic too.
I did not know that about Yellow Submarine.
I liked the Yellow Submarine song. I don't think I ever saw the movie. I do like Yes. I would like for there to be 30 hours in a day. The 24 we have never seems to be enough. Great article about small presses. Whatever way you go, most, if not all, marketing falls to the author.
I don't go to movies theater or read books or whatever - sad
Love the Yellow Submarine song but didn't see the movie.
So, do you think I'll like seeing Tomorrowland? I'm not, evidently a MST3K fan because I have no idea what that is! And you ask, do I remember Yellow Submarine? I own it! I can't tell you how many times I've seen it, but I can tell you I know all the words to every song... And I can mimic the big "Blue Meanie!" Yes, I like Yes, and no I've not seen them in concert :( my loss. Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @
Yes, wonderful symphonic rock of Yes, my favorite album is Relayed in 1974!
I wouldn't mind a 25 hour day, so long as it was an actual extra hour and not the 24 we know just divided up differently. I'd probably sleep through it, though.
Mark, it was indeed by Rush. And their voices weren't even dubbed - they just didn't want to do the movie.
Cathy, great minds do think alike.
Spacerguy, that must've been quite a sight.
Susan, awesome!!
Carrie-Anne, that one was awful.
Lori, it does indeed.
Lisa, that's a line from a MST3K movie. No idea if the film will be good or really bad.
Buahaha! For a second there, I thought you said to NOT go to Janice's blog.
Elizabeth Mueller
AtoZ 2015
My Little Pony
Sounds like you had fun creating the world for your new book.
I remember the Yellow Submarine song. My Dad was cop and used to patrol various concerts back in the 60's. The Beatles was one of them. He said you couldn't even hear the music over all the screaming.
Thanks for the MST3K reference! That made me laugh!
Yes was a favorite band of mine back then, along with Blue Oyster Cult. Never watched Yellow Submarine but knew the song--god knows it was one of those that stuck in your mind whether you wanted it to or not. :-)
My son and I were just talking about the horrible things people do to one another.
Sia McKye Over Coffee
The Yellow Sub reminds one of the Beatles. Tucker's book a good additional source knowing of another sci-fi. Year in Dragon can create new insight of time. Interesting Alex!
I remember watching Yellow Submarine when I was a child and enjoying it because it was a fun cartoon with good music. Of course, I didn't think much about understanding what was going on :)
I'd like being able to get more writing in during the 25 hour days.
Man, I wish I had twenty-five hours in a day... lol
Thanks for mentioning our auction! :)
Great Y's. I loved Yellow Submarine, and I was such a fan of yes, that there are photos of me from high school wearing my Yes t-shirt. Good on PK for writing the book, it is such a sad state of the world that these things happen.
Cindy, that's wild.
LG, glad you got it!!
Sia, BOC? You are uber cool.
JE, I don't think you can understand what goes on...
Carrie, you bet!
Rhonda, you rock!
Now I'm singing that submarine song in my head!
The title "The year of the quiet sun" is one of the most alluring titles I have read in awhile. I don't know why. I just really like it.
Hmmm. 25 hour days might be good if I used the extra hour to sleep or write :) And I love, love, love Yes. Saw them live in summer 1991 at Deer Creek.
One more letter. I'm curious to your Z letter for your book.
I wouldn't mind an extra hour each day. =)
I'm off to visit Janice's blog.
I would love another hour added to my day. The stuff I could get done (or the sleep I could get). :)
I remember my cousin taking me to a showing of Yellow Submarine. It was so weird, but I loved it.
Alex, you are amazing. Thank you so so much for featuring our auction. It's been too long since I've stopped by and doing so now reminds me how much I've missed it.
You always have fantastic A-Z posts, and so supportive, oh most honorable blogfather. :)
Can't wait to see Tomorowland!
I know Yellow Submarine and today's blogger.
Queena's story makes me so sad everytime I hear about it. Good move on the part of NA Alley.
I remember the theme song from Yellow Submarine. It's so sad what Queena went through. I'm sure PK will handle her story with the utmost of care.
Twenty-five days. Yikes.
I would love twenty-five hour days, but knowing me, I'd just squander the time.
I like that you've figured out a different time system for your work - I've seen so many non-Earth settings where it's somehow assumed that they use the exact same time scales we do, right down to minutes and seconds. I think it makes the work quite a bit more interesting when that detail is specified and different from what we're used to. ^_^
Jeff, you should check it out then.
Patricia, I have a Z letter!
PK, you're most welcome.
Mason, I worked better if it was different.
I've heard the song Yellow Submarine, but I've never seen the movie.
One more day. Yay!
I don't know what I'd do with an extra hour each day, but it would be nice as long as it didn't have to be spent at work. I haven't heard of Tomorrowland, it sounds like something I might like to see.
I'll check out the auction.
I didn't even know that "Tomorrowland" was in the works, so I was surprised to see trailers for it. Disney really knows how to market anything, it seems.
And yes, I'm plenty old enough to remember Yellow Submarine. But A Hard Day's Night will always be the best Beatles' flick.
Saw the short for Tomorrowland, and I was sold. ;)
I remember watching the yellow submarine on TV over and over and over and over again... I could always find it on somewhere ;)
You can find me here:
Yes gets my vote - as do the Roger Dean album covers. Followed Steve Howe and Chris Squire's solo careers a bit.
Yellow Submarine was iconic Beatles when I was growing up.
Great choices as always - guessing ahead to Z. Maybe a stairway somewhere...
Elizabeth, working that last hour would suck.
Helena, they do a Small World movie and it just might be a sign of the apocalypse.
Roland, he always did amazing cover.
Yellow Submarine. Somewhere in my centuries-old-memory I think I've seen that one. Don't remember where, though.
I saw the first trailer for Tomorrowland yesterday. It looks kind of weird.
And now I have Yellow Submarine stuck in my head!
I love YES! But, no. I never saw them in concert. That would have been awesome. I did quote some of their lyrics signing yearbooks when I graduated high school.
I do like 25. That makes sense to me. I know its odd, but it's a 1/4!
This movie might be one that should have stayed a book. Not sure.
Ahhhh Please & Thank you, Yes & No... the magic words when we were little. I have really enjoyed all your Posts that I've seen. You definitely know how to pick them. I hope you enjoyed mine too. I thought the yodeling was clever haven't seen one person pick that one yesterday. hehehe Well, only one more day and time to put the ol' thinking cap on for this one too "Z"! Everyone will have Zoo & Zebra so I want to think of something different. hmmmmmmmmm
"Alex J. Cavanaugh" has been included in our A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that we hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.
Since I'm such a slow writer, maybe I should consider going the shorter story route too.
And when you say you're a great supporter, I'd say you were undervaluing yourself. You're a absolutely fantastic supporter.
I really want to watch the Daredevil show but I don't have Netflix :( much sadness
I am dropping in from a to z road trip. I remember the beatles cartoons from when I was a kid. Not sure about tomorrow land, was just at Disney World, they should really have a sign on most of their transactions, ride the ride, see the movie. My Y post was
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