A to Z Challenge
– Cult Classics – P
Movies-Music-Sci-fi Book-Bloggers-Dragon Term
Movies –
The Princess Bride
Adapted from William Goldman’s book, this ‘romantic, comedy, fantasy, adventure’ movie is on several, of the American Film Institute’s top one hundred lists.
Plan Nine From Outer Space
This Ed Wood film featured Vampira and Bela Lugosi, and was given the Golden Turkey Award for worst director and worst film ever.
Music –
Pantera – Vulgar Display of Power
Released in 1992, it’s one of the most influential metal albums of the 1990’s. It’s one of the 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die and features the iconic song Walk.
Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon
This album debuted in 1973 and stayed on Billboard’s charts for 741 weeks. One of the bestselling albums of all time, it’s estimated one out of every fourteen people under the age of fifty own it.
Science Fiction Book –
The Puppet Masters – Robert A. Heinlein
This novel was originally serialized in Galaxy Science Fiction. Numerous movies and shows have used Heinlein’s concept, including Start Trek and The Outer Limits. There was also a film based on the book staring Donald Sutherland.
Bloggers –
Patricia Lynne
Enjoy the comical ramblings and insights of an author? Like short fiction and paranormal? Want a cheerful smile to greet you every time? Then visit Patricia today!
Patricia Stoltey
Do you enjoy mysteries and thrillers and want to know more about the process of writing such books? Interested in the Rocky Mountains Mystery Writers of America? Want to meet Katie Cat? Then you need to follow Patricia!
Patsy Collins
Want the latest on writing contests? Enjoy pictures of England and Scotland? Then you need to check out the blog of free spirit and author Patsy!
Dragon of the Stars Term –
Ensign Tamsin Pavott is the junior weapons officer on the battleship Ryzell. She is loyal and dedicated, not only to her job but to Lt. Commander Pendar. She is an important part of the mission to find the Dragon.
Dragon of the Stars is out now!
Check out the site What Are the Kargrandes? for clues as to how they tie into the story.
Ninja News
Elizabeth S. Craig posted about using audio as a means to connect to readers and explains how to use SoundCloud. Check it out!
Brandon Ax just revealed the cover for his next book, Light Bringer, and is celebrating with a sale on Elemental and Ashes. (Both .99 cents until April 21.)
Those of you who’ve been around a while might remember a blogger by the name of Panda Ninja.
Well, she has a new blog and is publishing a serial novel.
Nightmare Chronicles by Brittney Woodson
Find the series at Channillo
Find Brittney: Blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads
A to Z Challenge Survivor T-Shirt!
Created by our very own Jeremy Hawkins!
You can order yours from the NETOSHOP.
Can you quote The Princess Bride? Fan of either band? Read Heinlein? (My books have been compared to his which is a great honor.) Following those bloggers? Think you’d like Ensign Pavott? Who’s ready to earn a Challenge Survivor t-shirt? Only ten more posts to go…
(And I might be a little slow commenting today, but I will get there!)
If you missed it, I visited Adventures in YA Publishing yesterday.
Although I am so old I don't recognise many of your references, unfortunately, I was delighted to see Patsy Collins mentioned, she helps so many beginning, and not so beginning, writers.
Can well remember Pink Floyd! They made quite an impact before! Thanks Alex!
For a change, I know some of these. Heinlein was the first SF author I read I think. Loved The Princess Bride, and I think we have all of Pink Floyd's albums.
Will explore your featured bloggers later.
Princess Bride is on the shortlist of films to show my kid, as is Plan 9 of course!
Loving the cult classics A to Z. I didn't have time to participate this year but I might do something similar next year on obscure but fun films.
Princess Bride is on the shortlist of films to show my kid, as is Plan 9 of course!
Loving the cult classics A to Z. I didn't have time to participate this year but I might do something similar next year on obscure but fun films.
As you wish. I can and do quote the Princess Bride and so do my girls. Its a favorite family movie around here. Hubby is a Pink Floyd Fan. And I am a new fan of Patsy Collins. How cool - the T-shirts.
Ooh, Plan 9 sounds great for a laugh. I need to watch more terrible movies that I can take the piss out of later. hehe.
Pantera = legends.
Pink Floyd = legends.
My fave thing in this post is the Princess Bride! The book is also pretty awesome. One of those rare cases where the movie was NOT worse than the book, in my opinion.
I absolutely adore the Princess Bride. Watch it every time I stumble across it. "Have fun storming the castle."
Who can forget Pink Floyd? I well remember them.
Loved the T-Shirt.
Carole, Patsy is so good at finding contests.
Elephant, Heinlein was a big influence on my writing style.
Sean, that would be cool.
Lanise, it's laughable all right.
Rhonda, we quote it all the time.
Trisha, the movie and book are about even.
Princess Bride! Love. You ever watch Psych? Cary Elwes guest appearances were awesome. Love the t-shirt!
Okay--one in every 14 people under age 50 own Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon? My question is--on album or did all of these people download the entire compilation onto their iPhones/iPods and such once mp3 players came en vogue? Because I never owned that album but I gave all the albums I did own away about 10 years ago when I got tired of carting them around from house to house every time I moved!
Pretty pleased to appear in your P post, Alex!
Love the T's!
Just visited Patsy's place.
And I still need to go to Adventures in YA Publishing. On my way now.
Panterra is more my style. Hard and fast! That was the year I graduated High School. The T-shirt is sweet!
2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador
Inconceivable about Pink Floyd!
Thank you for the mention, Alex! :) I really am grateful for it!
Also, as a HUGE Seinfeld fan. I remember them often mentioning Plan 9 From Outer Space. So, I finally decided to give it a watch years later (this year.) And it is the WORSE movie EVER! But it was so bad that it was actually very funny, despite the movie not meant to be funny, lol. The dialogue was awful, acting was awful, plot was awful. Just everything about the movie was plain awful, but in a very entertaining way, haha.
Thanks again for the mention!
~Brittney Woodson
The last time you mentioned The Princess Bride on this blog, I said my kids had never seen it. Since then, they have! They were a bit sceptical at first - but by the end, they were quoting it :-) Happy Mum!
Pink Floyd--two thumbs up. So, so amazing. Isn't this the one you can play along to The Wizard of Oz and things "line up" somehow? I've got to investigate that.
I still love the Princess Bride. I was happy to be able to share it with my kids.
Pink Floyd's music is as relevant an awesome today as it was when it came out.
Thanks for the mention.
Pink Floyd is, without question, my favorite band. Mrs. Penwasser swears that I must have used an unholy amount of drugs in high school. I swear to her that I didn't. I'm just weird that way. But SHE married ME. So who's the one who should take drugs, I ask.
Ohh a blog where you can find writing contests? I'm headed over. Hubs could def. use a reintroduction to his love of writing, and what better way than through a contest? :)
I have The Dark Side of the Moon. I guess most people my age do. My kids think it sounds outdated (ridiculous, right???). -_-
Have a great weekend.
Plan 9 was one of my childhood favorites--what was I thinking?
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Stephanie, it might be a combination.
Patsy, you're welcome.
Jeff, you rock!
Brittney, you're welcome. And the only way to watch that film is with the help of MST3K.
Annalisa, wonderful.
Tamara, yes!
Brandon, you're welcome.
Al, you have a point.
Lee, what were you thinking?
I can't quote The Princess Bride...I don't think I've actually seen it.
I can't wait to get a Challenge Survivor T-shirt. I feel like I've really earned it this year. :)
I had a teacher in high school who was obsessed with Princess Bride, so we got to watch it in her class more than once. I saw Plan 9 From Outer Space a few times during my childhood since my dad has an affinity for Ed Wood. We had our own style of MST3K banter while watching movies like that. Good times.
My husband had one of his senior pictures taken in his Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon t-shirt. It's definitely an album worth celebrating.
Inconceivable you should choose that movie. I didn't like it when I first saw it, but it has grown on me. My name is Hugo Montoya.......
Yes I did like Ensign Pavott. I don't wear T shirts so I am not interested. I hope lots of people will get it though.
Wow! Thank you so much, Alex. I'm super honored to get a blogger mention during a to Z, especially since I had to sit out this year for the very first time. You've made my day!
Let's talk about Pantera, I honestly never got into them... should I? THANK YOU for sharing the shirt...
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]
Hi Alex - Pink Floyd .. I can manage them .. and they stood the test of time. Patsy and Patricia don't do badly either ..
Then Jeremy with his shirt - looks amazing - great design .. and I'm sure will be a huge seller ..
Then Elizabeth's audio post .. is a really good one .. Cheers Hilary
haha awesome idea with the shirt. I can quote a few lines in The princess Bride, anybody want a peanut?
Pink Floyd holds up no matter the decade
I've never been a huge Princess Bride fan. It's not a movie I like to watch. It's much better as something to talk about and quote.
Princess Bride is my favorite favorite childhood movie. I've seen it so many times I can turn the sound off and do all the dialogue.
I avoided the princess bride for many years thinking it would be too silly but I ended up loving it.
I'm ordering my T-shirt(s).
Princess Bride is a cult classic. Love that show.
I loved the book Princess Bride and the movie was great too! We still listen to Pink Floyd!
Love The Princess Bride! I recently purchased the book and plan to read it one of these days.
Can't quote "The Bride" but Pink Floyd...was spinning that in the car cd just the other day. Power Packed line up of "P" bloggers!
Hardly a day goes by that someone in my house doesn't quote the Princess Bride. Especially me. One of my favorites- "I've been mostly dead all day." Since I am almost always sick. Ha.
And my husband's favorite to quote, "Never bet against a Sicilian when death is on the line..."
Princess Bride! I still love this one!
Love the a-z gear! Great idea.
Wait, there's a t-shirt this year???
I remember Plan 9 what a crack up. I've also been to a Pink Floyd concert and though that might seemingly make me sound cool, I have to admit to 'not getting it'.In fact, I'm not so sure I 'get' Plan 9 either and Princess Bride even has some moments that I just don't 'get'. It must be me.
As always, you have such a great array of media and blogs and ideas. I did really like The Princess Bride. It had Andre the Giant in it, who I had the luck to actually meet in Denver!
BTW, I am giving your Dragon book a shoutout today on my blog so stop on by!
That Jeremy - he's an amazingly creative, awesome man and my minion leader. Love the survivor gear.
Have a great weekend, Alex.
Chrysler, you have to see it.
LG, that's cool about the banter.
Patricia, you're welcome!
Jeremy, you're welcome!
Lauren, so can we.
Jay bird, funny!
Tony, there is a t-shirt.
Intangible, you are cool.
Catherine, cool. And thanks!
I've loved The Princess Bride ever since the book was first published.
I am a 1 in 10 - oops, song reference there - I am a 1 in 14 - still got my LP version :)Haven't seen The Princess Bride for years, think I'll have to get a copy for DVD night with Ella :) x
Princess bride is one of my favorite movies of all time and I have terribly fond memories of a drive-in movie version showing of Plan 9- complete with a hoola-hoop contest and actors stumbling around dressed as "the big One" and the woman. Good times.
I'm way behind on visiting those lovely "P" ladies- better get to it!
So many "P's"! The Princess Bride is a good one.
Nice Jeremy created a T-shirt!!!
I'm pretty sure not a day in my life goes by when someone doesn't quote the Princess Bride, including me. Also, the Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon is seriously a classic. I loved that album and my son even has that t-shirt, as he is a Pink Floyd fan,too. I like their older stuff, too though.
Golden Turkey award. LOL
I remember watching Plan 9 on the last day of school in eighth grade. The teachers wanted to show us the worst movie ever made :)
The Princess Bride was a great movie that I would love to see again! Terrific looking t-shirt!
Pavott is one of my favorite characters in your books. And I much prefer your books to Heinlein. Jeremy made a really cool Teeshirt. And three cheers for The Princess Bride.
Pink Floyd is timeless. Wonder what that 1 in 14 would be if the over 50s were included? :)
The survivor T-shirt is super cool.
Princess Bride is a classic. "You killed my father! Prepare to die!" LOL
Maui Jungalow
Pavott was a great character in your book. I really liked her!
Beverly, that's funny!
Donna, you know you Floyd.
JE, they showed you the second worst ever made.
Susan, thanks!
Nilanjana, probably not as many.
Thanks, Sherry!
Heinlein made the unbelievable sound believable. He had very strong belief sytems in politics, military and genders which totally lended itself to his great SF stories. I'm running on impulse engines today but I'll have a new set of dilithium to fire up the warpcore on Monday.
Is there anyone on planet earth that doesn't know, "Prepare to die!"
Princess Bride has been a favorite of mine, and my son's for many a year! Thanks for sharing. :) Have a great day!
Oh-"Inconceivable!" I don't know how anyone could not love "The Princess Bride" and I just love Plan 9-it is so funny to read the back story on it also. I love it that Ed Wood used his wife's chiropractor to finish the scenes of Dracula after Bela Lugosi died. I have to see the T-shirt and what colours there are and the price:) Great idea to have a T-Shirt
Yay! I love Princess Bride!
Tamsin Pavott is a cool name! Sounds like we'd get along!
Awesome t-shirt design Jeremy!
Thank goodness I recognized Pink Floyd and Pat Stoltey. I drew a blank on everything/everyone else. I may be suffering from A to Z burn-out. Or old age. Nah, I'll blame the Challenge.
Le, only people we don't want to know...
Lisa, blame the Challenge.
Loved the Princess Bride.
Nothing beat Pink Floyd at that time!
No one has guessed Kargrandes yet? I thought someone did?
T-shirt hound - right here!!
Lots of great suggestions today. Princess Bride? I think I quote that one as much as I quote Monty Python's Holy Grail or Star Wars.
Anybody want a peanut?
I liked The Princess Bride, but I'm not as obsessed with it as some people. Although, I have been known to quote from it from time to time...
Princess Bride is such a great movie! I didn't appreciate Pink Floyd until I started dating my current boyfriend.
I bought him tickets to see Roger Waters a couple of years ago, and it was pretty awesome.
As you Wish!!!
My name is M...tega, and I have come to kill you...
Dread Pirate Roberts
I love that movie. Cannot say the same about Plan 9 from Outer Space.
We have that Pink Floyd album in the basement :)
I actually hadn't seen the Princess Bride until last year sometime - fun movie, but I can't quote from it! :)
Love the Princess Bride. Not being able to quote from it is inconceivable.
I'm really long overdue to add some Pink Floyd to my large vinyl collection. I'm most interested in their earlier stuff, from the Sixties, before they got such a huge cult following. From what I've heard of it, it's got a different sound from their later albums, when they were more famous.
Wow. The Puppet Masters and The Princess Bride, worlds apart but both fun! Great looking shirt from Jeremy. :-)
Had to back up one post and check that trailer out. Can't wait for new Star Wars, Hans Solo and Chewbacca - hope that wasn't just a cameo.
I've read some Heinlein novels but not that one. . .sounds interesting.
My husband can quote the ENTIRE Princess Bride film. Makes it a little annoying to watch with him.
I've never read Heinlein, since you write like him, I'll read you instead ;)
You can find me here:
"My name is Some Spanish Name. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
I love re-watching Princess Bride to see how innocent Claire Underwood was as a young lady.
PS... I am one of the 13 who don't have That Album.
Ah, The Princess Bride, a great alternative to your typical fairy tale. "They're kissing again. Do we have to read the kissing parts?"
Awww, thanks for featuring me Alex.
Hubby and I just saw The Princess Bride. We enjoyed it, although the princess being useless a few times really got on my nerves.
Princess Bride is a-keep-on-watching movie and what a brilliant writer behind it - William Goldman.
Avid Heinlein reader.
Had pleasure getting to know David Gilmore of Pink Floyd, having followed religiously.
T-shirt will be a celebratory bonus.
Great bloggers to feature. The Princess Bride is loved by so many people. I can take or leave it.
Dixie, people have guessed, but only those who have read the book know the right answer.
Jeffrey, I can definitely quote Holy Grail!
JH, that's cool.
Susan, few people could...
Carrie-Anne, it was more psychedelic. I think they were on more drugs in the 60's than the 70's.
DG, no, he's really in it. So are Fisher and Hamilton.
Clarabelle, thanks!
Mark, don't throw of the statistics!
Patricia, you're welcome.
Roland, that is uber-cool!
Yes -- The Princess Bride! Have you read the book? It's like watching the movie but with all manner of deleted scenes included. Hilarious stuff. So is Plan 9 -- I laughed out loud through the whole thing. So awful!
Very familiar with Pink Floyd because Andrew had all the albums as his favourite band!
I've loved Patricia Lynne's flash fiction this challenge. Hard to believe there are only ten days to go!
Wonderful Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon! I think I've heard this album a thousand times!
I love that Pink Floyd album. It's my second favorite behind Momentary Lapse of Reason.
Dark Side of the Moon is a fantastic and timeless album.
I still like to hear it.
Dark Side of the Moon is a fantastic and timeless album.
I still like to hear it.
Milo, I have! They are both excellent.
Nick, I hope you kept all those albums.
I can definitley quote from The Princess Bride. Great film! "I am Enigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Ah, the spelling is probably off, but everyone knows that line.
One of my favorite movies in all the land is Princess Bride. My son used to have a t-shirt that said, "Inconceivable!" on it.
And, Pink Floyd was one of several bands I loved in high school.
Hope all is well!
Hey Elsie! Hope you found that post.
I know both Patricia and Patsy!
That's a great T-shirt!
I enjoyed the article over at YA Publishing!
(10 days left? where has time gone too? I'm one post behind. Just can't seem to catch up... arrrrgh!)
Yes, I would like to win a T-shirt A to Z Challenge Survivor!
I am late to the party but excellent P words. Princess Bride - classic. Plan 9 - cult. Pink Floyd - can't go wrong there.
I'm also going to say Pink herself to give you some girl power - she can sing!!! cheers for the weekend. I'm running late but look forward to Monday Q
I'm a fan of Princess Bride. There's something about that strange form of storytelling that appeals to me.
Play off the Page
Michelle, no worries if you are behind!
Joanne, I admire Pink and her talent.
I love The Princess Bride. I remember going to the theater to see it. Not only have I referenced it a few times on my blog, my husband and I often say to others who are about to go off somewhere, "Have fun storming the castle!" So many great lines from the movie.
Yes to pantera! Yes to some pink Floyd and double yes to princess bride!!
Delighted to see Patricia and Patsy here. Both are great ladies. I have to read Dragon of the Stars ASAP. Enjoying reading the Dragon terms :)
Hi Alex!
The Princess Bride is one of the funniest movies...ever.
The last two days when the radio alarm went off it was playing Pink Floyd and now you have them listed as well. It must be a sign for me to go listen to them for a while!
Great bloggers!!
I love Pink Floyd. They're so relaxing. And who doesn't love Princess Bride?!
Only 1 out of 14? What is this world coming to? I had my dad's copy, on tape!
Love the Princess Bride. One of the few movies that's as good as the book!
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