Friday, April 17, 2015

A to Z Challenge – O – Cult Classics: One Million Years BC, Ozzy, CS Lewis, and More! Plus the Latest Star Wars Trailer and the Periscope App.

Today I have the great honor of visiting a top-notch site, Adventures in YA Publishing. Think the writing ends when you finish the book? Think again! I have a whole list of writing that follows ‘The End.’

A to Z Challenge – Cult Classics – O
Movies-Music-Sci-fi Book-Bloggers-Dragon Term

Movie –

One Million Years BC
This British 1966 film was a remake of a 1940 movie. It featured Ray Harryhausen stop-motion dinosaurs and a sexy Raquel Welch.

Music –

Ozzy Osbourne – Blizzard of Ozz
This was Ozzy’s first solo album and sold over six million copies. It was also one of the last album sot feature guitarist Randy Rhodes before his death in 1982.

Science Fiction Book –

Out of the Silent Planet – C.S. Lewis
This was the first of Lewis’ Space Trilogy, followed by Perelandra and That Hideous Strength. The title has found its way into music several times, including a song by Iron Maiden and an album by King’s X.

Blogger –

Anne at O’Leary Miniatures
Are you into miniatures? Want to watch the evolution of a fine painter? Then you can do no wrong following the amazing Anne, friend to bloggers from all walks of life!

Dragon of the Stars Term –

They are one of the eight races in the Alliance and among the first to come against Hyrath. Their primary battleship is called a Predator.

Dragon of the Stars is out now!
Check out the site What Are the Kargrandes? for clues as to how they tie into the story.

Ninja News

Ever hear of Periscope? Rebecca Bradley explains:
Periscope is a live-streaming video app, and as you will have seen if you have looked at any of the above videos is it’s very versatile and social. It’s made by Twitter so if you download the app you get a list of your twitter friends and you can choose who you want to follow on the app.
Visit her site for the full scoop!

Latest Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer!

Second trailer came out yesterday and I caught it on JoBlo’s site - we get Han Solo in this one!

Remember One Million Years BC? (I know why I remember it!) Fan of Ozzy or Lewis? Follow Anne and her amazing painted figures? Heard of Periscope? And what do you think of the latest trailer…?

Be sure to visit Adventures in YA Publishing!


Jeremy [Retro] said...


Jeremy [Retro] said...

Sorry, I haven't been in the #1 spot in awhile. Star Wars trailer... I think they visually got it, but the next is the story. Yes I teared up when Han and Chewie show up in the end, it was 1983 again and me a kid. Ozzy and C.S. Lewis Yes! Don't remember seeing the film, it's going to be a great day... fingers crossed!


Elephant's Child said...

Another action packed post.
I loved that CS Lewis series, though it is a lot of years since I read it.
And Ozzie is the ultimate survivor isn't he?

Michael Abayomi said...

Yay for the new Star Wars trailer. Christmas can't come soon enough. :D

kaykuala said...

Who would want to forget One Million goodness, Raquel Welch! You can say that again! Thanks Alex!


nashvillecats2 said...

At last there's a film I remember, One million Years BC. I can recall seeing that.


Robyn Campbell said...

I remember One Million Years BC. I remember thinking how beautiful Raquel was.

Ozzy. You are bringing back musical remembrances to my soul.

That trailer is excellent. Cannot wait.

Alex, C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. Love his stories. ALL of them.

Melissa Sugar said...

Yes. Huge fane of Ozzie & Lewis. I've been a fan of every band you've hit during the challenge.

Mark Means said...

Oh yes, I know what -I- remember One Million Years B.C.! Raquel Welch still looks great to this day.

As a huge Star Wars fan, strangely enough, I'm not all that enamored by the new trailer. It has some cool spots, but it mainly left me feeling "meh". I'm sure it will change after I see the whole least, I'm hoping it will :)

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Excited for new Star Wars movie I am. Dress as Jedi with husband and son I might.

Bushman said...

I believe Penwasser has that picture of Welch framed and hanging in his living room much to the dismay of Mrs. Penwasser!

2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

Donna K. Weaver said...

Oh, yeah. I remember One Million Years BC. Dinosaurs and a half-naked beautiful woman. *rolls eyes*

Love getting to see Han again.

Christine Rains said...

I do like listening to Ozzy now and then. And yup, I remember One Million Years BC. That trailer is amazing! December is so far away. Have a great weekend. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Love seeing Han & Chewie - I'm trying not to be too hopeful about the movie, but it's hard!!! Can't wait :)

RaveAir said...

Christmas is far, far away... (sigh).

Is Chewie younger than time of the blow off the 2nd Death Star? And is he uses some kind of lipstick? :D

I have very high expectation about episode VII.

Jennifer Hawes said...

I had to read Peralandra in college but if it was the second book, now I'm wondering why our prog didn't have us start with the first? I do love C.S. Lewis! Going to watch the trailer now...:)

Rhonda Albom said...

One Million Years BC - fun
Ozzy Osbourne - not for me
Anything by C.S. Lewis - wonderful.

Stephanie Faris said...

Glad you guys got Han Solo and a new trailer! So THAT'S the movie that Raquel Welch photo I always see comes from. I always thought the bottoms she's wearing in that photo look odd--like diapers.

Nilanjana Bose said...

RW looks too fashionably clad/unclad for OMBC :)

Great SW trailer. Christmas is a long time away still.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Saw the trailer on the news last night! Looks like fun.

I remember the music and books! Never saw Raquel Welch in 1 Million Years BC, but recognize the poster. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, you got it! And that was a great way to end the trailer.

Elephant, it is a miracle he's survived this long, that's for sure.

Hank, you're welcome!

Robyn, he was an amazing author.

Melissa, you rock!

Sandra, take photos.

Jeff, I don't doubt it.

Jemi, as long as Lucas isn't involved, it should be good.

Zoltan, I'll have to watch again for the lipstick. That would be odd.

Stephanie, caveman diapers.

Anonymous said...

These are all unfamiliar to me. lol

Tamara Narayan said...

When I was a kid, Star Wars movies were among my favorites. Back then, my sister was a fan of Oz, but the album covers scared me. Today, I better appreciate the music. As for the trailer? It looks promising. This time around, I'll take my kids.

May the force be with you.

L.G. Keltner said...

My husband and I watched the new Star Wars trailer together, and I swear, I've never seen him so happy. Except maybe the day when he married me, and the days when our kids were born. And that's only a maybe. It looked pretty close to me. I'm excited too, but he was glowing.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I actually saw the Star Wars trailer on the news this morning - there is obviously nothing else going on in the world today!

Dean K Miller said...

Never an Ozzy fan, but we use his name on one of our arrivals into Colorado Springs Airport, called the Ozzzy 3 arrival.

Hopping over to Adventures in YA soon.

Cathrina Constantine said...

OMGoodness!! I actually had chills watching the Star Wars Trailer!!!!

Chrys Fey said...

I was never a fan of Ozzy, but I like his wife. She's funny. And his daughter is great too. :)

kjmckendry said...

I agree with Jeremy about the Star Wars trailer, I got chills watching it, I just hope the storyline is strong enough!

SK Anthony said...

Eeeeek! I'm so excited for the new Star Wars! :D

jaybird said...

I read once, that my two literary heroes, CS Lewis and JRR Tolkein met together every week for a men's bible study and their own writer's group. Man, do I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for that!!

Hart Johnson said...

So I've somehow missed all the specifics on the new Star Wars--wasn't really behind them making one, but it sure is good to see Harrison Ford and Chewy together again...

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I'm so excited to see Harrison Ford in making of the new Star Wars.

I'm embarrassed to say that I've seen the movie with Raquel Welch. Kind of cheesy, but if you're a guy, she's nice to look at.

Pat Hatt said...

I've known of one million years bc, but never watched it. Easy to tell why many did though lol

Hopefully star wars is as good as it looks.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LG, that made me chuckle.

Dean, that's funny.

Chrys, she married him - Sharon has to have a sense of humor.

Jaybird, they did indeed meet often and it would've been awesome to be there.

Teresa, that's the only reason to watch it.

Jo said...

I loved those three books and Out of the Silent Planet was incredible

I know why you liked A Million Years!!!

S. L. Hennessy said...

People often forget that C.S. Lewis wrote more than just the Chronicles of Narnia books. I loved Silent Planet. And I'm so nervous about the new Star Wars movie. I want to be excited, but I was so disappointed with the last three. Still, it looks great...

Patricia Stoltey said...

I'll watch the trailer, but even if it's terrible, it wouldn't keep me from the movie. I love Star Wars movies.

Andrew Leon said...

My boys are in the midst of full on meltdowns over the trailer. It's kind of a mess.

(Pat has now moved on to down rating others of my books. heh)

Keith's Ramblings said...

Ozzy Osbourne! Main man! How to be a great singer without actually being able to sing! I was listening to Dreamer from The Essential Ozzy Osbourne album just a few minutes ago! Now I need go play the rest!

Deniz Bevan said...

Yay for Ozzy!
I hadn't known about that Iron Maiden CS Lewis song. Must check it out!

Lisa said...

I saw One Million Years BC a very long time ago and to me RW is one of those women who is timeless in her beauty and even now has aged fantastically well. I haven't read Out of the Silent Planet but will now, because I LOVE C.S. Lewis. Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

Unknown said...

Raquel Welch was so amazing looking in the 70s. Ormentas sound very cool!

Ava Quinn said...

I'm a HUGE Harryhausen fan. And Ozzy is a go to for me whether Black Sabbath or solo.

Anonymous said...

I got shivers when I watched the trailer. The voice over, the music. It was like a throwback and hopefully a sign that the movie will be more like the original trilogy.

Unknown said...

ooh the trailer is good...I saw it yesterday, it's blowing up the internet and I love it! And Ozzy Osbourne! My dad has his records, and I used to love his reality show on MTV (this was back when I watched reality TV lol)

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

WOW... Raquel was certainly THE BOMB!!!! She is still beautiful even now....

I never new C.S. Lewis wrote scifi as well.... interesting.

Anne's miniatures are certainly AMAZING!

Nope, never heard about periscope...sounds like a very cool app to have...

cleemckenzie said...

The One Million BC I remember was a 1950's Victor Mature one. Really terrible as I remember.

Al Penwasser said...

One MILLION years BC? 900,000 tops.

Liz A. said...

The only thing I know about One Million Years BC is that the poster was in The Shawshank Redemption.

Why does Periscope sound familiar? Oh, right, I heard something about it on a tech show on the radio a couple weeks ago.

Brandon Ax said...

That teaser was awesome. I saw it yesterday and got super, "nerdy" excited. Looks like they will do it right.

Ozzy still has it IO bought his last album and am enjoying it as well.

C. S. Lewis is one of the reason I became an author. Didn't know that about the music correlation.

Sarah Foster said...

Loved the Star Wars trailer!

Tara Tyler said...

great picks... and new movies - another PAN?? but i can watch Hugh any day for any reason.
Mad Max looks good, but repetitive
and Woo Hoo - Star Wars! Han!!!!!!!
yipee! (virtual cartwheel cause i'm too old to do a real one!)

and thanks for the info on Keith - I knew you'd know! said...

That's a well done trailer. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be funny (I suppose so), but it made me laugh. It was a bit overly dramatic.

The writing process is never-ending, and so seems this alpha Challenge. Smiles.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jo, you bet!

Lauren, I know how you feel.

Andrew, of course!

Keith, that made me chuckle.

Patricia, we can only hope.

Michael, now you know.

Lee, don't think I saw the first one.

Tara, you're welcome.

Leovi said...

Great movie One Million Years BC, saw a child and even last me the anguish of encounters with dinosaurs! Unforgettable beautiful Raquel Welch!

Sherry Ellis said...

I remember One Million Years BC. My husband was a big fan of it, too!

I finished reading Dragon of the Stars. I really enjoyed it! I think that one is my favorite so far. Nice job!

David Powers King said...

I just about lost it with that Star Wars trailer. I may have seen that Million Years B.C. movie on TV years ago. :)

Anonymous said...

I read the C.S. Lewis series years ago. I should get them out again. Love the trailer and getting excited about the movie!

RaShelle Workman said...

Han Solo!!!!! I'm hoping the new Star Wars is GREAT!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sherry, thank you!

RaShelle, it can't be worse than the last three.

Cherdo said...

My hometown had a drive-in and I saw One Million Years BC - as a kid, I thought this was such a great movie. Dinos, man! You gotta love the dinos! Raquel Welch? I didn't even register that as a big deal.

I wish I was still a kid some days, ha ha.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

First I've heard of Periscope. I'm going to check out the trailers. I never watched One Million BC as I didn't find the part you thought interesting that interesting.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I really have to watch One Million Years BC. It's such an iconic film.

The blog sounds interesting. I'll make a point of checking it out.

Stephen Tremp said...

The Star Wars trailer has been all over Facebook and my kids have been watching it non stop. Glad to see they are so hyped to see the new version.

I was expecting to see Chewy with a walker.

Mark said...

The trailer is awesome:) And I didn't know Lewis wrote sco fi, how cool is that?

Julie Flanders said...

So, so cool to see Han and Chewie. <3
I've never heard of Anne's blog before but it definitely sounds like it is worth visiting.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Yes!!! A Star Wars trailer that actually has me totally excited for the newest movie!
Wait, you wrote more?
I had a moment of total Star Wars fandom - old school style. I hope it will at least be a good movie, even if I don't know that it can live up to the imaginative landscape that inspired me when I was six. :)

I'll check out periscoping and Adventures in YA Publishing

Lisa said...

I enjoyed the trailer, I didn't know it was coming, now I do, thank you Alex

SpacerGuy said...

The force is awakening. I never thought I'd be delighted to see the galactic evil of the empire so crushed in death or is he? Surely Vader can't die... I have to know, LOL.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - the BBC have been advertising the return of Star Wars ... those two characters almost look as wizened as each other. Anne's miniatures I must look out .. Periscope sounds an interesting app ..

One Million Years - I don't think we can forget Raquel ..

Cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cherdo, the good old days of drive-ins!

Susan, well I can't argue with that logic.

Stephen, you would think he'd at least be a little grey now...

Tyrean, funny! It just has to be better than the last three films.

Mark Koopmans said...

Hmmm, how come Han Solo looks so much older and Cheewy looks exactly the same :)

Raquel Welsh... yeah, that was a great movie.. I think :)

Birgit said...

I have seen One Million Years BC-she comes from the blond group although that is not why men watch:) The trailer looks good and it seems the daughter of Han and Leia is in the forefront. When I see Harrison Ford in his get up (hmmm that has not changed in 40 yrs and still lokks pretty new-must smell though), I realize why i had such a crush on him. Now Chewie doesn't even have grey hairs or anything-he looks and sounds the same.

Jeffrey Scott said...

One Million Years BC. Wow, that takes me back a long time. Not, one million years, mind you. But a long time back. I remember it. :)

Cherie Reich said...

Periscope sounds really interesting. It looks pretty easy to use too from my glimpse at it. I could see being a watcher instead of uploading something.

Suzanne Furness said...

I've seen One Million Years BC, I remember that one!

Susan Kane said...

One Million Years BC, oh yes, we remember it. We "riffed" it all the way through. It was great fun.

Arlee Bird said...

I saw a mention of Periscope somewhere yesterday but didn't pay attention to it. Just what I need--another techie thing to figure out and worry about.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Haneen Ibrahim said...

sounds like a good book, on my loooong list now. Predator! guh! this can't be good.

J E Oneil said...

I've heard of C.S. Lewis's sci-fi works but never got around to reading them. I suppose I should rectify that.

J E Oneil said...

I've heard of C.S. Lewis's sci-fi works but never got around to reading them. I suppose I should rectify that.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

One Million Years BC sounds like an interesting movie!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I saw it here first! The trailer didn't look that exciting until Hans Solo showed up with Chewie. Harrison Ford looks as good as ever imho. The other 2 from the original didn't age nearly as well. I'm wondering if they're in it? Carrie Fisher and ....uh what's his name? Anyway, all the same I'm very excited about this movie!!!!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

My kids think Harrison Ford is going to play the part of some grandpa! ahahaa!

Elizabeth Mueller
AtoZ 2015
My Little Pony

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Yeah--how come Chewy didn't age??? My boys grew up on Star Wars. Makes me teary remembering how excited they were when we'd take them to the theatre. They're all in their 40s now. I love the series. Never will grow tired of it. Now I have the pleasure of experiencing it all over again with my grandchildren.

Carrie-Anne said...

I don't think I'd heard of that book by C.S. Lewis. Some writers are very surprising in the variety of books they right.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Han and Chewy brought back memories. My youngest son had all the little character toys. We should have kept them , but didn't.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, good question...

Birgit, Chewy does look the same.

Susan, but of course.

Karen, Fisher and Hamill are both in it. And no, they did not age as well.

Elizabeth, no way!

Joylene, no answer. Cool you can enjoy it with your grandkids.

Beverly, only those unopened are worth money, so no worries.

Heather M. Gardner said...


I was so nervous about the SW trailer it took me a few hours to actually watch the darn thing. It was good.
The problem for me is, I don't really know what was supposed to happen after 'our' 1,2,3, or as the kids these days call it, 4,5,6.
We shall see. I'm cautiously optimistic.

You can't go wrong with Ozzy. :)


Elizabeth said...

I just finished reading Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra, currently working on That Hideous Strength. I have really enjoyed them so far. And I am so excited and about Star Wars!

Shell Flower said...

CS Lewis is amazing. I've always been fascinated with miniatures, too. Gotta check out that blog!

Shell Flower said...

CS Lewis is amazing. I've always been fascinated with miniatures, too. Gotta check out that blog!

Trisha said...

I love Ozzy! But I only have his 'best of', The Ozzman Cometh.

I know a lot of people have got to be insanely excited about the Star Wars movie. I'm not sure how I feel since I haven't even seen the whole 'second trilogy' yet. But the trailer I saw looked pretty awesome.

Raquel Welch was indeed totally sexy! That image of her on that movie is so iconic.

Ella said...

This whole post makes me smile!
Have a happy weekend, Captain~

Nick Wilford said...

I've got to say, unlike Han Solo, Chewie has aged remarkably well!

Didn't know about CS Lewis' sci-fi writings. That's interesting.

Unknown said...

THANK YOU so much for the trailer!! Lost in the AtoZ, I wouldn't have found it until May ;)

I watched way too much TV when I was young and One Million Years was always on. Gotta love the dino's and the boobs!

You can find me here:

Anonymous said...

Moved onto the Space Trilogy after devouring all Narnia books. Always remember That Hideous Strength as best of three. And that Raquel move and poster - I was just the right age to drool.

And looking forward to Christmas.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather, since it's JJ Abrams, I think we'll be all right.

Trisha, skip the second trilogy. Not good.

Nick, Chewie does look good for an old wookie.

Clarabelle, you're welcome.

Roland, I can still drool...

stephen Hayes said...

My older brother had that One Million BC poster on his bedroom wall for years. Back then I didn't understand the fuss. I do now.

Mina Burrows said...

I just watched the Star Wars trailer. So exciting!

Empty Nest Insider said...

It was nice seeing Harrison Ford in the Star Wars trailer. Sorry I got here so late, Alex.


Dixie@dcrelief said...

Love Miss Anne at O’Leary Miniatures!!!
C.S. Lewis - anything will be nice.

Wish there was more on the trailer.

Suzy said...

I am looking forward to the new Star Wars movie. Out of the silent planet sounds interesting
Dropping by from the A to Z
Suzy at Someday Somewhere

Michelle Wallace said...

-----Popping in and out--------
I'm off to visit Adventures In YA Publishing!

Michelle Wallace said...

-----Popping in and out--------
I'm off to visit Adventures In YA Publishing!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Ormentas sounds fascinating. Alex, how did you come up with such amazing terms and names.

The Happy Whisk said...

I thought Randy was one of the best.