Today’s tour stop for Dragon of the Stars (which releases today!) is Edi’s Book Lighthouse - An Unusual Science Fiction Theme – The Power of Love
A to Z Challenge
– Cult Classics – F
Movies-Music-Sci-fi Book-Bloggers-Dragon Term
Movies –
The Final Countdown
This alternate history film was met with moderate success upon its release and has since gained cult status. Released in 1980, it starred Kirk Douglas and Martin Sheen.
Flash Gordon
This cheesy British film, directed by Dino De Laurentis (no surprise!), featured a soundtrack entirely by Queen. It was a box office success in the UK and has gained popularity over the years.
Music –
Faith No More – Angel Dust
The Real Thing placed them on everyone’s radar, but this follow-up album in 1992 proved even more solid and became their biggest seller.
Foo Fighters - The Colour and the Shape
Their best-selling album, this was their first as an official group. Released in 1997, it featured some of their biggest hits, including My Hero, Monkey Wrench, and Everlong.
Science Fiction Books –
Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
One of his most successful books, it was adapted into film several times and won multiple awards, including one of the only ‘Retro Hugo Awards.’
Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
One of the greatest novels ever, it is regarded as the first true science fiction book and has spawned numerous films and inspired tales of horror.
From the Earth to the Moon – Jules Verne
Written shortly after the end of the Civil War, the calculations in this classic novel are surprisingly close to reality. It also inspired the first science fiction film, A Trip to the Moon.
Blogger –
Want the viewpoint of someone well-travelled? Someone who is deep and genuine? Someone who takes the Battle of the Bands seriously? Then Faraway is your girl!
Dragon of the Stars Term –
Frent –
It’s the measure of distance for the Hyrathians. Far greater than miles or meters, it reflects their ability to traverse the universe at a speed far greater than we can imagine.
Dragon of the Stars is out Today!!!
Dragon of the Stars by Alex J. Cavanaugh
Science Fiction – Space Opera/Adventure/Military
Print ISBN 9781939844064 EBook ISBN 9781939844057
The ship of legends…
The future is set for Lt. Commander Aden Pendar, son of a Hyrathian Duke. Poised to secure his own command and marriage to the queen’s daughter, he’ll stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
But when the Alliance denies Hyrath’s claim on the planet of Kavil and declares war on their world, Aden finds his plans in disarray. Entrenched in battle and told he won’t make captain, Aden’s world begins to collapse. How will he salvage his career and future during Hyrath’s darkest hour?
One chance remains–the Dragon. Lost many years prior, the legendary ship’s unique weapon is Hyrath’s only hope. Can Aden find the Dragon, save his people, and prove he’s capable of commanding his own ship?
Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, Kobo, iTunes, Amazon print, Overdrive, Amazon UK, Chapters, and add at Goodreads
And to celebrate the release, there is a scavenger hunt! And it’s all about the Mini-Alex.
At the blogs listed below is a unique photo of Mini-Alex. Leave a comment at every one you visit and state – where is Mini-Alex? Make a guess, any kind of guess! The one who guesses at the most sites wins. (In the event of a tie, it will be a random drawing.)
Winner receives–autographed copy of Dragon of the Stars, bookmarks and swag, and $20.00 in iTunes gift cards.
You have until Saturday, April 11 to comment. Winner announced here on April 13.
Now, what are you waiting for? The hunt is on!!!! (And all links go directly to the post.)
Melissa Maygrove * Eva Solar * Father Dragon Al * Suzanne Furness * Karen Walker * Dianne Salerni * Christine Rains * Nick Wilford * EE Giorgi * Murees Dupe * L Diane Wolfe * Helena * Tyrean Martinson * Robin * Heather Gardner * Jo * Lynda Young * SL Hennessy * Toi Thomas * Lori MacLaughlin * Jess at Author Tracker, * Truedessa, * Annalisa Crawford, * Patricia Lynne, * Lisa at Flash Fiction, * Julie Flanders, * Julie Kemp Pick, * Nicki Elson, * Mark Koopmans, * Sydney Aaliyah!
Seen either of the films? Like the bands? Read the books? Following the awesome Faraway Eyes? Eager to pick up Dragon of the Stars and finally figure out who are the Kargrandes? Now – Scavenger Hunt time! Go find all of the Mini-Alexes… (You know you want to!)
Most important, don’t forget to visit Edi’s Book Lighthouse!
The hunt is on to find Mini-Alex! Have a great day and congratulations, Alex!
Congratulations Alex. Super excited for you. Love the idea of the Scavenger hunt involving my second favourite-Mini Alex, you are the first favourite :) Wishing Dragon of the Stars, loads of publishing success.
Yay, congrats, Alex!! Happy happy!!! I hope the book is a huge success. I know I certainly loved it!
Congrats on the book release, Alex. I know you're going to sell truckloads, because you're awesome like that. And what a coincidence, the two of us featuring Foo Fighters for the #AtoZChallenge. :D
Flash Gordon, Foo Fighters and Frankenstein - a perfect F trio :-)
Congratulations on the release of Dragon of the Stars today, Alex!
Ps. You've got verification switched on - I just had to select pictures of pasta. Did you mean to have it?
Congratulations Alex and good luck with your book.
Shall be looking for the mini Alex.
Another good post, You mentioned Mary Shelley creator of Frankinstein well where I used to lived up to 6 weeks ago, her son once owned the ground where the house was built and our doctot's surgery is called Shelley Manor because Percy Shelley Jnr once owned that.
Have a marvelous day .
Congratulations Alex! This is such a great way to celebrate Dragon of the Stars! It's gonna reach record sales in this galaxy and beyond! Hooray for FAE too!
Good luck on your release day. I am sure that it is going to be at least as big a success as your other books.
I have read all of the books. Quelle surprise. Off to visit the featured blogger.
I can't believe I still haven't read Frankenstein. Argh, so many books so little time!
Hey Alex! Doing a last minute touch-up and I'll be off to the races! Congrats on the book release. So excited! Hugs...
HUGE HUGE HUGE congratulations with your new book!!! WOW!!! So in AWE!!
Take care
Dragon of the Stars - how fantastic to see it for real! Well done Alex!
The Final Countdown, I remember that when it was first released before.
Jules Vernes was among my favorites when I was in jr high school. I used borrow the books in the school library >:)
Cold As Heaven
It's so wonderful that your book is finally out. Congratulatins, Alex! I'm sure it will do as well in sales as your Cassa series :-)
I remember watching Flash Gordon. It doesn't help that that movie was featured as part of Ted. Had me rolling back then and laughng with enjoyment of all it's brilliant cheesiness today.
I'll have to make sure to mention you on my blog today so people can check out the scavenger hunt!
Congrats! It's finally out and I bet it's such a relief for you. Now the hunt for mini-Alex!
Congratulations on the new release, Alex! I hope it does great!
Flash gordon was super cheesy. Congrats on the new book.
Happy Book Release Day, Alex!
I've read Fahrenheit 451.
An amazing story with an unforgettable opening line:"It was a pleasure to burn", it's a line which resonates throughout the book in interesting ways.
Wow, I read all of the books and listened to all of the music choices you listed. That's a first! (I still lag in the movie department.) Mini-Alex is eagerly awaiting the hunters this morning - good luck to everyone. I've got to head to work so I won't be around until this evening.
Wow. I've never heard of The Final Countdown. With such big stars, how did I miss that one?
Congratulations, you made it! The Power of Love sounds awfully familiar...Back to the Future:) Love anything Jules Vern and, of course, Frankenstein.
Congratulations Alex! Can't wait to read your new book!
Congratulations, Alex! :)
Happy publishing day!
When it comes to classic fantasy, science fiction, horroe and crime books it is again and again a surprise that people know author and title bt never read the book.
But that is also true for other books. I must admit I never read War and Peace nor Gone with the Wind and I'm pretty sure that will not change ...
You know I do, I wish you all the best today... you deserve all the attention, cause you are one of the nicest people I know that someday I hope to meet.
You are out of this world, the hunt is on...
Congratulations on the book release, Alex! And the scavenger hunt looks like a lot of fun. :)
Happy Release Day Alex!!!!
Congratulations Alex! Let the fun begin. the hunt for mini-Alex is on.
Alex, congrats on the new book release! I tweeted out the news this morning. Please let me know how I might help spread the word on your behalf, my friend!
I remember seeing The Final Countdown in theaters years ago and then again on Netflix a couple of years ago. I love watching movies that put people in the dilemma of leave or change history. I'm always happy that the hero decides to leave history as is because of the ripple it would cause in our lives today. Maybe it would be for the better and then again maybe it wouldn't be.
Best of luck with your Dragon of the Stars!
Thanks, Suzanne!
Thank you, Rachna. Mini-Alex will take second.
Lynda, you helped bring it together!
Michael, thanks, and great minds...
Annalisa, I've never seen that one before. There is just the robot thing and you can ignore that.
Yvonne, I remember you telling me that before. You lived on a piece of history.
Julie, thanks!
Elephant, wow! I appreciate that.
Thanks, Eva!
Kitty!!! Thanks and good to hear from you.
Thanks, Hank. I saw that one in the theater.
Angela, thank you! And it is a cheesy movie.
TBM, thanks, and happy hunting.
Ted and Holy Ghost, thanks.
Michelle, that is a creepy first line. And thanks.
Lisa - awesome!!!
Thanks Jennifer, Melanie, and Melissa!
Edi, thanks again for hosting me. Pretty sure I'm not reading those books either.
Thanks, Jeremy!
Madeline, Cathrina, and Rhonda - thanks!
Congratulations, Alex! Now everyone has a chance to read this awesome book. I was a big Faith No More fan. I even saw them in concert where Mike did something, uh, naughty on stage! My husband loves the Foo Fighters. Great F day!
From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne had some incredible almost prophetic insight about how and where we launch rockets and people to the moon. Except for the Columbiad Space gun.
Thanks to my dad, I grew up with Flash Gordon. I've got a lot of good memories surrounding that movie.
Happy release day!
This is SOOOO exciting. Congratulations!
I've read the all three books you've featured.
Have the best of days!
Way to go Alex. Fahrenheit 451 was a great story but his best was The Silver Locusts, IMHOP anyway.
Hope the launch is successful today.
When I say Dave Grohl is my first and true husband...I mean it. lol
Fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorite books. I'm pretty sure we're halfway living it.
Congrats, Alex!
I love that Foo Fighters album. My husband is My Hero.
Love Fahrenheit 451 and Frankenstein. I never really could get into Verne's writing despite trying!
Excited for you and your launch today, Alex!
Release day! Yahooo! So excited for you!
And I loved Flash Gordon!
Congratulations! I've read two of those books. Fahrenheit is intense. Ha. What a fun month for you, and busy, I know.
Play off the Page
Go Foo Fighters! One of my nieces is very involved in this group!
and your Science Fiction choices are right on! Have a Fabulous day!
How do you tell your clients their project is late because you've been hunting for Mini-Alex? The hunt is one.
Saw Final countdown, read F-451, like foo fighters...might be a record connect for me with your blog posts!
Congrats on the release.
Congrats on your release! Just downloaded the sample and will check it out later.
I've read Frankenstein, and now I have Europe's "The Final Countdown" stuck in my head.
Book release day is already here! Best wishes with that--I know you'll do well with this book.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Huge congratulations on publication day Alex! I hope you're having a great day and raising a glass of the fizzy stuff at some point :)
Congratulations on your release, Alex! It's going to be wildly success. :)
Now here's a bunch of cult classics that I know. Yay me! :P
Wishing you more publishing success! Frent sounds a seriously cool measure for distance, wonder what its conversion to light years is? :)
Have read some Jules Verne, mind blown.
Best always,
Congratulations on your book birthday.
I enjoyed reading Frankenstein and From the Earth to the Moon.
Flash Gordon was soooo cheesy. Kinda up there with Sharknado, almost.
Congrats on the release indeed, already bought at my feed.
Cathy, thank you! I appreciate that. Any Tweets or mentions are welcomed. And I think it's best not to change anything. You get back and find your world is gone...
Christine, funny! And thanks.
Teresa, cool!
Jo, so far so good.
Debra, that made me chuckle.
Thanks, Karen!
Dean, that is really funny.
Sandra, thanks! And sorry about that.
Rebecca, later I will!
Chrys, good for you!
Nilanjana, I have the conversion written down at home if I can find it.
Pat, you rock.
Everyone, thanks!! Overwhelmed already.
Love ALL the F posts for today, but The Final Countdown and Fahrenheit 451 are really favorites around my house.
Congrats on the book and I hope it does so well that you run out of copies.
Congratulations on your big release date!! And yes to Fahrenheit 451. :)
Congratulations and I enjoyed reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
Congratulations, Alex!!!
I can't believe I haven't read either of those F-books! What a slacker. Okay, time to go hunting for mini-Alex. Congrats on your new book.
Hey Alex ~ Your scavenger hunt link for Helena keeps say FORBIDDEN and that a system's administrator has been informed of my attempts to access the site. I'm guessing Mini-Alex is hiding someplace where he is safe and secure from rabid fans. Perhaps that zombie sheep has turned the fans chasing M-A everywhere into Zombies, and M-A is looking for a secret spaceship to save humanity!
Congratulations, Alex! A mini-Alex scavenger hunt sounds so fun! :D
P.S. Congrats on your big day!
Seeing as I was on an aircraft carrier in 1980, you can only IMAGINE how critically we viewed this movie. Plus, we shared a pier with the Nimitz. I can still remember how stuck-up the "Numbnutz" movie stars were!
Congrat Alex and there are some real winners in the F category of books. Flash Gordon's music is second to none too.
Release Day! Yay. It's always exciting no matter how often you do it. Congrats to you.
I know all the books. I know none of the movies.
Happy release day!!!
I didn't read Fahrenheit 451 until college (and by choice, not for class), and I LOVED it.
Yay for release day!! Congratulations!
I have read Fahrenheit 451, it was excellent!
Oh man, today your book is available. I totally forgot. Just downloaded a version from Amazon Kindle and will read this weekend.
Good luck and I'm sending thoughts of a smashing success. I'll look to Twitter for something to Retweet regarding Dragon of the Stars. I'll do a Facebook shout out to this evening!
Wow Alex, this was so much fun! I loved checking out Mini-Alex in all his hiding places. But more importantly, YAY FOR DRAGON OF THE STARS! Such a big day for you! I can't wait to start reading!!
Well Whaddya Know I'm a 'Cult Classic'! Thank you so much kind sir for that wonderful 'shout-out'. I do truly appreciate it.
I also appreciate being able to share this special day with you. I'm sure 'Dragon of the Stars' will do as well at the 'Cassa' series. Best of luck to you.
I have no idea where Mini-Alex might be, but I promise too look around.
Don't know the movies, but 'Final Countdown' looks like it might be worth the rental. Didn't see the 'Flash Gordon' movie, but I remember the very old TV serials. YIKES!
Fahrenheit 451 and Frankenstein - absolute classics in any sense.
Congratulations on release day! Hope Dragon of the Stars will exceed all your expectations!!!
Cherdo, that would be awesome!
Tamara, happy hunting!
Fundy, I just checked got right through to Helena's site.
Al, really? You should blog about that sometime.
Maurice, knew you'd appreciate it.
Lee, it is!
Thanks, Stephen! Appreciate that.
Lauren, glad you are enjoying it and thanks for getting a book.
Faraway, you are welcome!
Thanks, everyone!!!
I've already seen mini you in a number of places. Can't count the number of times I watched Flash Gordon with my son when he was little. Congrats on launch day.
Congrats and I owe you four attaboy shoulder punches now:)
Enjoy the day - and take Mrs. C. out for a nice meal tomorrow!!
Congratulations! The day has arrived and I know it will be a great day and a great run for your book. I saw Flash Gordon many years ago and recall it as being very bad:) I have read the Bradbury book and Shelley's book which I found great.
Great books and great bands. I also loved Final Countdown, the song. Still makes me dance!
The scavenger hunt is a great idea. Very original!
I loved Fahrenheit 451. The ending of the movie, where they're all reciting themselves, still makes me well up. There's a scene early on where books are being burned and a thick volume of Salvador Dali's works is tossed into the fire. I'd just bought that book when the movie came out.
Congrats on the release!!
Where to start on your list!?!?
Flash Gordon -yes.
Final Countdown. - yes!
Faith No More Angel Dust - HELL YES!
Frankenstein, From the Earth to the Moon, Fahrenheit 451 - the novels of my youth!
Great, great stuff.
Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
2015 A to Z of Vampires
Ah, Flash...
Oh, no, wait. Reverse that.
I'm skipping Dragon until I read 'fire.
I've seen both movies and read all three books. Does that make me some kind of literary giant? :D I've also been following Faraway for some time, from the days when she was living on St. Croix.
Big, huge congrats on the book launch today Alex! I wish you much success.
Great to see you highlight FAE. She is awesome and writes one of my fav blogs!
Foo Fighters rock! And so does Mary Shelley for writing Frankenstein. What a classic that has inspired so many, many others to tell similar tales.
Congratulations on the release of your latest book.
I'm still forbidden, Alex! LOL! Maybe I'm blocked for silly guesses!
Sci fi people always seem so smart to me, with all your terminology and insight into the future. I haven't seen any of the films mentioned but have read all the books.
FORBIDDEN! This Unauthorized Access Attempt Has Been Logged... A System Administrator has been notified of this access attempt.
My endless battle w/computers continues! LOL I omitted some of the number/letter jumble because I realized that I might be sending coordinates for a strike on me at my computer by AI! Just my luck LOL!
Congratulations on your release!
F451 was the first book we read in my ninth grade English class, which was at the tenth grade honors level. I had to read Frankenstein for a literature class my sophomore year at community college, and then again when I was forced to redo Western Civ over my senior year of university (since I'd only gotten a 3 on the European History AP from high school). It's so interesting how a lot of people use the name Frankenstein to refer to the creation, when his proper name is really Frankenstein's Monster.
Okay, I have seen both movies, listened to both albums, and read all three of those books. Looks like F is my letter!
The hunt is on!
Ahhhh I've been so behind with blog comments lately that I JUST saw mini-Alex hanging out at Dianne's blog in what looked like a kitchen sink. But so many other people got there before me. Anyway, CONGRATS!!!!!
Watched final countdown recently. It was surprisingly well done, but the ending sure felt rushed, and lacked a payoff for me. Many congratulations on the release of your book, Alex! :)
Hi Alex - I've seen mini Alex everywhere, but am still seeing him ... I know none of those movies, or programmes or bands .. I do recognise Frankenstein though .. and I do recognise mini Alex ..
Good luck to you and here's to much success with a glass of Pinot Noir! Cheers Hilary
Susan, he is all over!
Mark - ow....
Birgit, it was cheesy, that's for sure.
Timothy, the HELL YES wins!
Bish, I remember when she lived there.
Fundy, I just adjusted the address, so maybe you can get through now. Just don't let them bomb my site. Not today!
Carrie-Anne, you are correct - Frankenstein is the doctor.
Jay, big score!
Julie, that's all right. Doesn't matter when you comment for the scavenger hunt.
Thanks to everyone!! Off to visit more...
Wonderful "F" classics - love the books, especially. And, I have Dragon of the Stars downloaded now - hopefully, I'll have time to read it in the next few weeks. :)
I would guess that we are cult-followers. Those years we were mid-twenties to mid-thirties.
Congratulations, Alex!!
You picked one of my all time favorites today with Fahrenheit 451. I think it's one of the few books I've read more than once.
Congratulations Alex!!! Way to go.
Congratulations Alex! You did it!
Thanks for trying, Alex! I'm still verboten; but don't bother worrying about it! Wouldn't want something to happen to your site any day! Enjoy the rest of it!
Final Countdown looks/sounds awesome. And I haven't seen it!
Great selection of F cult classics, it sure is the final countdown to find Minialex. When I find him, I'm going to get him to spill the beans on the Kargrandes!
Tyrean, thanks!
Susan, I guess we are!
Fundy, I'll email you the link.
Thanks everyone!
I love ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Flash Gordon. Flash! Ah-ah! He saved the universe...and cue in the theme song.
Congratulations on your book launch. I'm looking forward to reading it.
How fun! Princess Aura from the FLASH GORDON film actually star-naps you in my post honoring your book launch. In fact, I think she gave me back a clone of you and kept the real you. Sorry, Mrs. Alex!
Woohoo, Alex! Congratulations on your book birthday. Got my copy!
I get to support your book releast -- CONGRATULATIONS!-- and see lots of Mini-Alex? Definitely a double win. Enjoy your big day. It's finally here!
This is way more fun than an Easter egg hunt~ Cheers, Captain!!! I will mention you on my blog, when I post in a bit. Just got home-the art fairies held me hostage with serenitea~ I am thrilled for you Captain Chill, Cool=AC
Congratulations on your book release!
I'm a fan of Flash Gordon, hubs has a Big Little book about him but I've only seen the old movies. I also remember Fahrenheit 451, another important film.
I follow FAE and like her BOTBs specials!
Good Luck with the Dragon!
The Final Countdown! Oh man, I forgot about that one. And gotta love the Foo Fighters. C&S is an amazing album :-)
Congratulations and Frents of success with Dragon of the Stars.
Love a cheesy film with a Queen soundtrack but a classic read is even better.
Woo hoo! I remember both The Final countdown and Flash Gordon!
My son and I will be seeing Furious 7 very soon. for some reason, my wife and daughter aren't interested.
Roland, tell Aura my wife wants the real me!
Thanks, Donna!
Thanks, Ella - you rock.
Roland, I'll take frents of success.
Ken, what's wrong with them?
Thanks, everyone!
I'm so excited for you! The day has finally arrived. Go dude! Already have my E copy, bought it this morning! Ray Bradbury is one of my all time fav authors. And Frankenstein is always good reading... Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @
All the best for your big day! It's been so fun seeing where Mini-Alex is cropping up. Great picks too. Read Fahrenheit 451 at school and it still reverberates for me. Love the Foos and was lucky to see them headline Reading in 98. They were epic! And Flash Gordon is a true classic!
I loved Flash Gordon as a kid.
Congrats on your release. So happy for you. =D
Genius! The hunt for mini-Alex! Love it! Congratulations on your latest release!
Congratulations on the starting signal for Dragon of the Stars !! I wish you many sales !! Foo Fighters wonderful !!
Congrats on your book's release.
I loved both The Final Countdown and Flash Gordon, although now Flash looks a bit (very) dated.
Happy book birthday! Congratulations.
I love that I've heard of almost everything on your cult classic list today. I was afraid I was losing my cred.
Where o' where can mini Alex be? Hopefully, celebrating his new book release. Wishing you success!
Lisa, thank you!!!
Nick, that's cool you saw them live.
Liz, dated but still fun.
JE, you still have cred with me.
Truedessa, he's still out roaming the Internet...
Wooo hooo Dragon of the Stars!!
Congrats, Alex ;)
Congratulations on the release of your new book!
Exciting hunt. I'll have to check it out. And Fahrenheit 451 has been one of my favorite books since I was young. It's scary how prescient that book is. The big screen TVs always make me think of it now. I need to check out Faraway Eyes, seems like she's my kind of blogger!
Alex, just FYI, having issues with the Helena link. I'm sure you can fix it, the ninja you are. Good luck today.
Congrats on the release today, Alex!!! Can't wait to read your latest - wishing you all kinds of sales and luck!
Fahrenheit 451 was the book that made me fall in love with science fiction - mind boggling and mind bending!
Great books here.
Your book popped up on my Kindle today.
To answer the question you left on my blog, the anthology releases Tuesday. :)
Congrats on the new book, Alex!!
And gotta love F for Foo Fighters!
Alex, dude,
So what have you been doing while I have been absent from the world of blogging? OH NO, not that darned alphabet challenge!
Seriously, congrats on your release, um, the release of your latest book.
What the "F" have I been missing.
Yours sincerely,
Happy Selling. Hope you sell bunches and bunches.
PS: I went with the immune bustin' griddle cakes.
Congratulations on your book baby, Alex! May he find as much love within the hearts of your fans as your previous trilogy did and may you be showered with all the praise for a story well crafted that so totally deserve!
Congrats on the book publication, Alex!!!!
The big day has arrived! May Dragon of the Stars be blessed with bestsellerdom! And may the best person win the Mini-Alex Scavenger Hunt.
I've never read Fahrenheit 451 but I've seen the 60's movie--excellent, and what especially eerie is how the movie credits are spoken because print and reading are banned.
Congrats on the release!
I just read Farenheit 451 last year. It took me over 40 years to get around to it.
It was worth the wait. :-)
Mini-Alex's galore. How wonderful.
Flash Gordon was one of the first movies I saw at the drive in. Good memories!
Love Farenheit 451 & Flash Gordon. I'm excited about the scavenger hunt. What a fun and creative idea. I'm big on scavenger hunts. I've been creating them for my kids, (one way or another ) for years. From teen parties to remakes of Survivor to my eighteen year old daughter's Christmas this year. She only wanted cash and I didn't want her just sitting there on Christmas morning while the rest of the kids opened gifts, so I wrapped or framed her $100, $20 and $1 dollar bills and hid them in weird place. She had to unwrap a clue that took her to the next clue and so on. I'm hyped up for yours. I feel like a kid again. Congratulations
We taking our son to see Foo Fighters this fall.
Happy Book Birthday, Alex!! This Dragon will no doubt take the sales charts by storm!!
Congrats Alex!!! Must feel like a king today!
Congratulations on your new book!!! I'm off to find Mini-Alex. :D
Scribbles From Jenn - Visiting from the A to Z Challenge
CONGRATULATIONS on your book release!!! I'm sure it will be on someone's cult classic list one day :)
You can find me here:
I hope you had a wonderful release day! Congratulations!! :)
A HUGE congratulations of the release of your latest book! I hope you are basking in accomplishment glory! Off I go to "search" for Mini Alex! Scavenger Hunts are just the best!
Brandy from Brandy's Bustlings
Big time congratulations on your new release! Hope your release day was awesome.
One of my boys is a big Foo Fighter fan. :)
Shell, I've tried fixing it - no idea why so many are having issues with it.
Medeia, awesome! And thanks, I will mention it next Tuesday.
Gary, always good to hear from you. We have missed you.
Ivy, good choice.
Melissa, that was really clever.
Susan, he'll have a great time.
Clarebelle, that would be awesome.
Lanise, sorry to stick that song in your head.
Thanks, everyone! It was an awesome release day.
Foo fighters forever!
Congrats on the release! As a big fan of the Cassa series, I'm excited to read this one. While the scavenger hunt looks like tons of fun, I think I'm just too impatient. Going to Amazon :-)
The books on this list blew my mind the first time I read them and they still have the same effect each time I re-read them.
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