Monday, November 3, 2014

Live RiffTrax Experience, How I Miss You Blogfest, Writing a Series, Who’s Your Hero, Foodie Blog Hop, and Ninja News

Riff Trax Live!

Worth every penny! (That’s Bill and Kevin in the photo.)

For those who wonder – what is RiffTrax? – here is the skinny:

Twenty-four years ago, Mystery Science Theater 3000 started, and it was a man and two robots making fun of bad movies. (You could see their silhouettes in the bottom corner.) When MST3K ended its very long run, the three guys started RiffTrax. They recorded the same snarky dialogue and jokes for hundreds of movies, good or bad. You download their riff and synch it up to the actual movie – and then sit back and laugh your ass off.

They started doing live performances, and those were broadcast to theaters across the USA. (With humorous slides shown beforehand, like the two here.) It grew to be huge, and they now do multiple shows a year. (Next one is December 4.) This past showing was a big deal because they filmed it LIVE in Durham, NC. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to see Mike, Kevin, and Bill in person, my wife and I hit the road and headed north.

It was an incredible experience! Nothing like being in a crowd of ‘your peeps.’ (Many came in costume.) They tackled the movie Anaconda, and it wasn’t difficult to parody. Folks, it was cheesy when it came out, but now it looks AWFUL. There is a scene where the waterfall is flowing UP. And the snake screams. Really! It was bad…

If RiffTrax comes near you, go!!

Five Tips For Writing A Series by Joy Campbell

Alex, many thanks for hosting me on the Island Adventure Romance tour.

I stumbled into writing this series because of a quirky secondary character with an interesting history. The books in the Island Adventure Romance Series are a combination of action, adventure and romance and can be read in any order. I've enjoyed writing these stories that have been described as well-written and compelling, with vibrant characters.

What are some important considerations when writing a series?

1. Compelling Characters - Create unique characters that readers will remember long after they finish reading. This can be done through character traits, interesting quirks or personal habits.

2. Meaningful Journeys - Give your characters goals that make their risk taking worthwhile. Their journey must result in growth at the end of the novel.

3. Unique Challenges - Each main character should be given a set of challenges that make their story distinct.

4. Return Visits - Readers like to catch up with characters from other books, so arrange little drop-ins to keep your fans updated on their favourite individuals.

5. Diminishing returns - Know when you hit the point where it's time to close a series. Don't get caught up in making money and forget good sense. Start a new book or series when there are no stories left to tell in the current one.

You may enter to win a ten dollar ($10.00) Amazon voucher or an e-copy of the entire Island Adventure Romance collection on the Rafflecopter HERE.

J.L. Campbell lives in Jamaica and writes romantic suspense, women's fiction and young adult novels. She also writes non-fiction and is a certified editor. Visit her website or her Amazon page. She's enjoys good company, so feel free to follow her on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest.

Who’s Your Hero Blogfest

Hosted by Joy Campbell

I have many heroes.
My wife, who continues to prod me when I want to give up. My parents, who set such a great example of a solid marriage. My blogger friends, who’ve accomplished some amazing things. The IWSG Admins and A to Z Challenge Co-Hosts, who tackle their responsibilities with gusto.

And of course my greatest hero, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I’m grateful to have a relationship with someone who was willing to die for me despite my imperfection. He’s my peace and steadfast rock. I’ll always fall short, but fortunately He always forgives me.

Who is your hero?

Foodie Blog Hop

Hosted by Holly Sinclair

She is celebrating the end of her tour with her cookbooks and wanted us to post about food. I could go on about how much I dig Thai food or post my favorite Chinese recipe, but I thought I’d just let you know what Mini-Alex Likes best:

Ninja News

And the winner of the Trick or Treat Bloghop is… Christine Rains!

Charity Bradford has started a Kickstarter campaign for her next book.
I've decided to self-publish my latest novel FADE INTO ME. This book really highlights my growth as a writer. It's also the first book where I feel I let myself "out of the box." Before I send this book into the world, I want to make sure it's the best it can be. This means hiring a professional editor and typesetter. I'm not here to ask you to back me, but can you help me spread the word about my Kickstarter project? Finding people interested in this story is what will make the difference.
To donate, go HERE

Out now - What Time Is the Tea Kettle? By Andrew Leon

Just released - Nobody Knows (Razes Hell Book 1) by Kyra Lennon
Find it pn Amazon,Amazon UK, and Goodreads

How I Miss You Blogfest!

It’s that time of year again! Hosted by Andrew Leon, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and Matthew MacNish
The bloggers you miss and the ones you would miss.
List one to three bloggers you really miss.
List one to three bloggers you would really miss if they stopped blogging.
And then go let them know!

Join us November 24!

Who wants to go see RiffTrax now? Ready to write a series? Who is your hero? Favorite food? And what bloggers do you miss…?

Don’t forget Wednesday is Insecure Writer’s Support Group post day!


Annalisa Crawford said...

Congrats to Joy, Andrew and Kyra :-)

Li said...

I want to see Riff Trax! I also want to see them tear apart Snowpiercer, which I rented this weekend. Oh, the plot holes and the dialogue. (I'm holding my head.) Glad you posted about them, never heard of it!

I'm in the middle of writing a series on my blog, I just need to clear up a few more personal things and get back to writing.

Rhonda Albom said...

Riff Trax does sound pretty cool and I think my girls would like it too. I love the mini Alex in front of the Hot Tamales (one of the few candies I love that isn't here in NZ).

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Christine on her win.
Loved all the items on the post and am looking forward to the Blogfest later in the month.

Have a good day.

Kyra Lennon said...

Thank you, Alex!

ELAdams said...

Great tips on writing a series! When I start writing, I like to know how many books there will be ahead of time so I can outline in detail and make sure the series keeps building and getting better with each book.

Congrats to all the new releases! :)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

lots of great things, i would have enjoyed the riff... right up my alley. i am glad the last month is over, my candy of choice is heath bars... mmmm, too many i did eat.

have a great day,


Natalie Aguirre said...

My husband used to love Hot Tamales too. He'd say that's a great choice.

Liza said...

My sister craved hot tamales when she was pregnant!

Jemi Fraser said...

So much good stuff going on!! Love Joy's writing - she's got some awesome books!!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

RiffTrax sounds like fun!

Thanks to Joy for her writing tips!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lisa, go see them! Look for a theater hosting the December 4 event.

Rhonda, I should send you some.

Kyra, you're welcome.

Jeremy, hope this month is better for you.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

RiffTrax sounds fun!

Congrats to the accomplishments. And great tips.

God IS good for sure. I appreciate your faith.

kaykuala said...

Sadly they are not anywhere near to us. Thanks Joy for the series writing tips and congrats to writers Kyra and Andrew. Thanks Alex and putting in for Blogfest!


Jo said...

Thanks for explaining RiffTrax Alex, I am so glad you enjoyed it.

I don't have a favourite food, I love most foods. Not much I don't like.

Hart Johnson said...

So much stuff going on! I really need to pay better attention--two blogfests I could have joined today and I didn't even know about them.

Best of luck to Joy with her series! and those MST3000 guys cracked me up--I had no idea they'd continued their stuff.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

All this food talk is making me hungry! :o

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - hot tamales are cinnamon candies - crumbs I'd always thought they were Mexican style potato crisps/chips ...

RiffTrax - can quite imagine one of my brothers being into them .. but I'm so glad you and your wife managed to get to see them ...

Cheers Hilary

Brian Miller said...

i like the tip on diminishing returns....hoping it is just a blip, but Lee Child's Jack Reacher character hit a wall this last series...He either needs an overhaul or time to hang that one up....

i loved mystry science theatre....we get rifftrax at the local theatre, so will have to wait for a good one...

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Great advice on writing a series! Especially that first one about the characters. When writing the first book in my series, I had some early advice from a beta reader to make my protag more successful, have him make less mistakes and be more heroic. There was another, more successful and heroic secondary character. She even suggested I rewrite the story and make HIM the MC instead.

Instinctively, I knew she was dead wrong. If I was going to write a series, my protag would need room to change and grow. If he started out a hero, what did he need to learn in books 2 and 3? Wouldn't readers want to follow him more if he was struggling on the path to being more like the aspirational character (who also didn't *always* get it right either)? said...

I knew it. I'm still saving my Hot Tamale for Mini-Alex. Looks like he can't get enough of them.

Have a great week, Alex and Mini. xo

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

I have to say my hero, right now, is Kevin Vickers, the Sgt At Arms in the House of Commons who, at 58 years old, pulled some classic James Bond moves and took out a killer in Canada's capital. If it wasn't for him, many more people could have died, including our prime minister.

Pat Hatt said...

Wow, lots of blog hops going on. Anaconda is awful, bet it was a great show

Jay Noel said...

Congrats to Christine!

I just introduced my kids to MST 3000 a couple of weeks ago. They thought it was hilarious, despite most of the jokes going over their heads.

Signed up for the Blogfest. Hard to believe it's that time of year again.

Mina Burrows said...

That conference sounds like fun. Joy's got some great advice.

You've built a great network of heroes around you Alex. That's the best feeling, isn't it?

Luanne G. Smith said...

Never heard of Rifftrax, but sounds hilarious. Some movies deserve the snark treatment.

And good tips on writing a series. I know I've got three books in mine and that's it. Then it's on to something else.

Rachna Chhabria said...

I knew that Mini-Alex will mention Hot Tamales (see I am a mind reader). My heroes are my parents, my paternal grandmother and my Spiritual Master.

Charles Gramlich said...

My wife is a fan of Mystery science theater but I've actually never been able to sit through an episode, though I've tried a few times.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Teresa, thanks.

Hart, you should visit the RiffTrax site then.

Brian, you need to go then!

Dianne, good point.

Jay, good for you!

Mina, yes it is.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

My hero is Jesus Christ. He's seen me through some tough times, and he always forgives me when I fail him.

I've never written a series, but may try one some day.

Have a super week.

mail4rosey said...

Glad you had a great time at RiffTrax. I'm with Mini Alex, Hot Tamales are good stuff. I haven't had those in years!

Fundy Blue said...

Great post today, Alex and Joy! RiffTrax was something new to me, but it is something I would enjoy. Although I'm not sure I could watch something like "Anaconda," because I have a horror of constricting snakes. Joy, your tips about character writing were excellent. I enjoy reading series, but I am nowhere near writing one. Right now I am working on a memoir that is tied in with Canadian historical events, and then my next book is a novel tied in with true World War II naval disaster in Newfoundland. One thing I consciously realized after reading you tips is how much I enjoy hearing about what has happened to minor characters in a series. Have a good one!

Huntress said...

Congrats to Charity!

Regarding your choice for the Hero blogfest, I totally agree. Good.

Unknown said...

great tips from Joy! congrats and best of luck to Charity :) that Rifftrax thing sounds hilarious. Oh this fav food blog hop is making me hungry! I'd have to say mine is Italian. Pasta and cheese is my happy place. And WOO HOO Mini Alex!! :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

The RiffTrax guys are so funny.

Return visits in series are fun. I made sure people got caught up on earlier characters in each book of my series.

Love your hero choice.

Margo Kelly said...

Love the How I Miss You blogfest concept!! And I especially love what you wrote above: "And of course my greatest hero, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."

Karen Lange said...

So many good things happening this week! Wishing our writer friends all the best.

I've not seen too many episodes of Mystery Science Theater but they certainly are entertaining. I remember one from years ago where they commented that one character was wearing "Levi's loose fitting clown jeans". Somehow that phrase stuck and is now often tossed around by our family. Can't even remember the film, just that phrase!

Sarah Foster said...

RiffTrax sounds hilarious! I always liked MST3K. There are definitely a few bloggers I miss so I'll have to join the blogfest.

Christine Rains said...

That is so awesome you got to see RiffTrax live! I'm still pumped up about being a winner. Thank you so much. Awesome guest post about series. My favorite food right now is Coffee Crisp (chocolate bar). My mom's on her way here right now and I know she has some! My heroes are those folks that do every day good deeds. Like the woman who gave me ice when I broke my wrist and a man who helped carry boxes up the stairs when I had so much and a rambunctious child to mind. Little things like that make all the difference.

Stephanie Faris said...

Yay to self-publishing your novel. Do you already know which editor and typesetter you're using?

Bish Denham said...

Lots of interesting stuff going on. A spouse is always a good hero to have! I'd never had Thai food until recently when a Thai restaurant opened in town. Very yum!

Yvonne Osborne said...

I could go on and on about the bloggers I miss. And, of course, those I would miss. I will keep this one in mind.....

Mark Means said...

Riff Trax looks like a fun time. I'll have to look and see if they're coming to my area.

I like your hero choices and think I'd have to pick the exact same ones. Though, I'd mean MY wife and parents...not yours :D

Charity Bradford said...

Alex I love how you've never been afraid to proclaim your love of family (especially your wife) and our Savior. This makes you one of my heroes.

My other heroes are my mom because she's been through a lot of junk in her life. She's clung to her faith in Christ and managed to keep a positive outlook on the future. My husband because he is always willing to put his own wants aside to serve others. And last but never least, Jesus Christ. His love and grace are the only things we can really depend on in this world.

@Huntress and @Beth Summer thanks for the well wishes!

@ Stephanie Faris, yes! I'm hoping to work with the same editor who helped with my first novel. She gets me and isn't afraid to push when I'm stubborn.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Ha ha - friend lying about being into Guardians of the Galaxy pre movie.

The book series tips- excellent stuff!

I'm not sure who my hero is at the moment. I try to be my own hero. At least if I fail, no one has to point it out to me in some huge international scandal. (Example: Lance Armstrong)

Ha ha ha- rock on, mini Alex!

Congrats to Christine.

Miss you blogfest sounds neat.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I love Joy's tips about return visits. I do like that when I read a book!

I can't believe I didn't guess what Alex would have in his picture! Silly me. Thanks for participating in the hop.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Beverly, Amen!

Fundy, those sound like good book projects.

Huntress, Diane, and Margo, thanks.

Karen, I'll spend the rest of the day trying to remember that film now...

Christine, congratulations again!

Bish, Thai food is awesome.

Mark, awesome, and that made me laugh!

Charity, thank you!!!

J. Lenni, good point about the scandal. And that was one of my favorite slides from RiffTrax.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Riff Trax sounds like a great time. I bet your wife thinks she's pretty lucky too. There's nothing like true appreciation to make one feel loved.
Don't think I have a favorite food but it might be string cheese at the moment.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Alex,
As usual, when I stop in, I feel like I'm all caught up on what's going on in the blogging world.

Solid heroes, Alex and Jesus is right up there at the top of the list.

Thanks every so much for having me. Wishing Christine luck with her kickstarter campaign and congrats to that with new books on the market.

I hope Holly's tour was successful.

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to read the post on series and for your kind words, guys!

Diane, great observation on the creation of MCs in our stories. Something has to be left to keep us coming back.

Fundy, I'm glad the tips were helpful. Minor characters are indeed worth a second look. :)

Stephen Tremp said...

Just signed up for the Blogfest.

The Dec. 4th show for Santa Claus is showing nearby. I'll order tickets for the fam today.

Leovi said...

Yes, indeed, wonderful project RiffTrax!

A Beer for the Shower said...

I'm so incredibly jealous. Rifftrax sounds awesome. Will definitely have to seek the next one out.

Our work in progress is actually our first official series. We made a character likable enough and with enough plot potential to merit more than one book, so we're trying it out. And hoping not to beat a dead horse, ala #5. No one wants to see Book #16: (Main Character) Dazzles the Retirement Home.

Tonja Drecker said...

RiffTrax sounds amazing! Will have to keep an eye out for them.

ilima said...

I knew that mini Alex was a spicy one. And RiffTrax sounds like a lot of fun! Anaconda was on TV the other day. I'm so curious about that waterfall.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Riff Trax does sound like a good time. And poor Anaconda. How can you go wrong with a cast that includes Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, and Eric Stoltz (who remains asleep for much of the movie). Angelina Jolie's dad is kind of an over the top villain.

Joy, that's great advice on a series. I'll have to keep it in mind as I look toward cranking out sequels.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Holly, you knew it would have to be Hot Tamales! Thanks for hosting.

Susan, that made me chuckle.

Joy, you're welcome, and Amen!

Stephen, get tickets and go!!

Brandon and Bryan, if you get the chance, go see RiffTrax Live. And that's why I stopped writing my Cassa books. Byron was getting old!

Ilima, it's about halfway in the movie.

Michael, Voight had one expression the entire movie...

S. L. Hennessy said...

I love Mystery Science Theater and would LOVE to see it live. And I think you're a hero yourself to many in the writing and - especially - blogging community.

Carrie-Anne said...

I pretty much only know how to write series and family/town sagas. It's weird for me to tackle a standalone, no matter how long it is, since I won't be going on the characters' journey through life over many generations.

Gwen Gardner said...

Love Joy's tips! I love writing a series. It allows you to grow close to your characters.

Thanks for all the info, Alex!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Congrats to Joy, Andrew and Kyra! Rifftrax Live sounds like a dream come true and Anaconda was awful enough that they had great material. Glad you got to attend Alex!

Mason Canyon said...

I loved watching MST3K, it was always so much fun. Congrats to J.L., great tips for writing a series.

Arlee Bird said...

I never get enough Thai or Chinese food as my wife is not a fan so we don't go to Asian restaurants very often.

"Miss You" Blogfest? I'll have to think on that one for a little while.

Tossing It Out

Jennifer Hawes said...

Ditto on your hero, he's mine too:) I totally remember those guys/robots making snarky comments on movies and laughing so hard!! I'm in the middle of writing a series and I'm having way too much fun.

Tony Laplume said...

I plan to insidiously plant characters from later books into earlier books in my space opera series. And of course drop in familiar ones from the earlier ones, too. That's good advice.

Suzanne Furness said...

Lots going on as ever. I haven't done a blogfest for a while so I will try and join in with one soon. There are lots of people I would miss in blogland.

Unknown said...

Ya, I'd love to see RiffTrax. Those dudes are so funny and I'm glad they're continuing the tradition of MST3K.

My hero would have to be my mother. She endured so many horrible things in her lifetime. She taught me to always get back up after you've been knocked down.

Al Diaz said...

Glad you had a great time at Rifftrax. Mini-alex looks good and happy with so many hot tamales! :)
You have gotcha on???????????? Seriously, Alex?

Elizabeth Seckman said...

So that's what Rifftrax is!! I've watched that on TV. See? I'm getting old- so bad with names ;)

Jesus was on my short list, never thought to do more than one. I'm forever grateful that he puts up with my sorry ass!

~Sia McKye~ said...

Glad I read your blog this morning Alex. I had forgotten all about IWSG but I do have a topic, lol!

Congrats to Charity. Some good news for Andrew and Kyra.

Not in any of the blog hops this time altho I'm trying to read some of them.

My favorite junk food candy is Hot tamales, lol. Fun to see your ninja near a stack of them. :-)

Birgit said...

Some great tips you gave for writing in a series. Those guys sound downright funny & I would love to hear their take on that horrible movie. Congrats to them. My hero or heroes-My parents-my mom is a true survivor and was always my rock. My dad whom I lost 26 years ago who commanded respect and got it. he lived a tough life & little education but was an avid reader and a believer in dreams. It is coming on Remembrance Day in Canada so I commend all the veterans who suffered through the wars and often had to suffer after they came home ( my dad was called a bum and this was after WW2). I think of all the civilians who had to endure hardships I can't even and don't want to imagine. These people suffered and sacrificed so I can have what i have...amazing to me! We take freedom too much for granted

Sheena-kay Graham said...

RiffTrax is sadly not in Jamaica. I'm so in for I Miss You Blogfest! Mini-Alex does look like a guy who would love hot tomales. Your hero post was sweet Alex. Your wife, friends, parents and Jesus Christ are amazing heroes. Unfortunately Kickstarter doesn't accept paypal so sorry Charity. Joy gives some great tips and every writer needs to know when a series must end.

Michelle Wallace said...

Those are great tips on writing a series.
Oh, How I Miss You it that time again? Seems like just the other day we did the last one...
For a long time, I was under the impression that hot tamales was a spicy dish, like a sort of tomato-based jalapeno...LOL

Mark said...

I love Mystery Science Theater 3000! Thanks for letting me know what happened to those guys, I'm totally going to check out more of their films now:)

Dean K Miller said...

Loved MST3K and yes, RiffTrax live in a heartbeat.

I've met so many heroes working with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and in life in general. Whoever I meet next and share a smile with, that person is my hero.

Suze said...

Sounds like you and your girl had a lot of fun at RiffTrax!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lauren, thank you!

Maurice, I'd forgotten how truly horrible that film was.

Lee, bummer!

Jennifer, Amen!

Anne, she set a great example for you.

Al, gotcha on what? What did I miss?

Elizabeth, same here.

Sia, that makes you uber cool.

Birgit, we do.

Sheena-kay, bummer it doesn't.

Michelle, now you know!

Mark, there are hundreds of films.

Cherie Reich said...

RiffTrax sounds like a lot of fun.

Great tips, Joy!

Mini-Alex looks great with all those Hot Tamales. :)

Empty Nest Insider said...

Glad you had fun at RiffTrax Live! Congrats to Joy, and all of the authors! It's always great to see Mini-Alex!


Crystal Collier said...

Yay for Andrew and Kyra!

#5 cracked me up. There are so many series up there where I just roll my eyes. Some authors just don't know when to quit. (Or is that their publishers?)

Unleashing the Dreamworld

Catherine Stine said...

Nice, heartfelt post on your heroes, Alex. I've been admiring the heroic efforts of doctors, willing to take risks with their own health to aid in the Ebola crisis.

Elephant's Child said...

Rifftrax sounds like a HEAP of fun.
My heroes? There are lots of them, and they are all people of integrity who don't put their own wants first. Needs are a different matter, but I think we confuse wants and needs often.
I have lost some bloggers to death - but they are remembered. And while they are remembered they are not gone.

Unknown said...

I really feel like Hot Tamales right now! I have seen Mystery Science Theatre but not RiffTrax, I want to now though.

Al Diaz said...

Yeah, sorry. My bad. I meant captcha. That annoying obnoxious "prove you're no robot" thing. My brain tripped when I was prompted to type a number from the iPad.

Anonymous said...

Great hero choice! Looks like Mini Alex likes Hot Tamales candies a lot. Great guest post from Joy.

Andrew Leon said...

Oh, hey! Thanks for the plug.

I'll have my post about the blogfest up tomorrow. I'm not going to hit very many people you don't get, so it's kind of pointless to put the blurb up the same day.

mooderino said...

I like Anaconda. Hilarious even without Rifftrax.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Crystal, I knew when to quit!

Catherine, and so many have lost their lives doing that.

Elephant, well said, and those two things are different.

Al, it's turned off - no idea why you are seeing it.

Andrew, you're welcome.

Moody, yes it is...

J E Oneil said...

No Hot Tamales for me! I have a sensitive tongue :P.

Good luck to Charity. I hope her Kickstarter reaches its goal.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I would love to see Riff Trax in person. Sigh. I miss all the good stuff! Hot Tamales are a no-go for my stomach -- or I should say a too much go! :-)

Heather M. Gardner said...

HOLY 'Too Much is Never Enough' INFORMATION, ALEX!

You are the KING of the internet today!

I'm so glad you got to see RiffTrax LIVE!

So cool!

Another great blogfest returns!


Julie Dao said...

So glad that you have those heroes to keep you going, Alex! And is it that time of year already for the Miss You Blogfest?! 2014 has flown by!

Carol Kilgore said...

Great tips, Joy! I need all I can get - I'm getting ready to write a trilogy.

Alex, how did I know you'd say Hot Tamales, LOL!

Patsy said...

Yay! A question I can answer!

Cake, pizza, curry, chocolate, bread, mangoes, cheese, pineapples, apples, nuts, potatoes, onions ... WHAT? Just one answer? Oh, no I can't do that.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I think I remember the robot and those guys for Mystery Science Theater! I don't know if I watched the shows, though...but that robot...yeah, I remember that.

Great heroes and nicely put. :)

Good tips for writing a series from Joy. I think readers really do especially enjoy catching up with recurring characters.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

RiffTrax sounds like super fun. It's unlikely they'll come to Oz, though.

Great tips from Joy!

Susan Kane said...

Ninja Alex on the Hot Tamales candy, excellent.

I would like to write some sort of series on my blog. It would be like Rick Watson's blog site, a recording of time and events. But I don't know, since my posts fluctuate, just like me.

Chrys Fey said...

I have written a series although it's not published yet, and I am working on another (for Hurricane Crimes). I love series, but it's true that you have to know when to start one and when to end one.

Favorite food? *mind goes blank* I could list a bunch of food, but pick a favorite? Umm...*runs to kitchen, comes back* Italian. Ha! That's a broad answer. ;)

DMS said...

RiffTrax sounds fascinating!

Joy's advice is great! Wishing her the best of luck. :)

I have been enjoying reading about the heroes of my blogger friends. Great choices!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather! Just wait until you see Wednesday's post...

Patsy, can't pick just one...

Lynda, but you can download some RiffTrax from their site!

Chrys, end while it's still interesting...

Holy Ghost Writer said...

Rifftrax is great to see live.

Intangible Hearts said...

I just found out (after 22 years of marriage) that my husband didn't know what Hot Tamales are. Can you imagine?

Denise Covey said...

Alex, chock-a-block as usual. I love your hero post.

Kristin Smith said...

You have wonderful heroes! What a heartfelt tribute to all of them.

So mini-Alex likes Hot Tamales? Awesome.

A huge congrats to all those with new releases!!

Anonymous said...

Eep! I would have forgotten about IWSG this week if you hadn't said something. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I always loved MST3K and am glad they're riff-trax are available.

Thanks to Joy for her tips!

Your wife is your first hero? You're the most awesome man ever!

Congrats to Andrew and Kyra! :)

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Wow - so much to learn during this read. It could take me a while to get up to speed on what time is what?!
You rock it Alex!!

Helena said...

I'd forgotten all about Mystery Science Theater until you described it! I used to like those weird little commenters, and now RiffTrax sounds like a real hoot. If it comes to Denver or somewhere nearby I'll try to catch it.

Considering how snarky I can be while watching a dumb show, I'll fit right in.

dolorah said...

Hot Tamales, way cool Mini Alex :)

Joy really knows how to keep a reader involved in a series. Good tips Joy. And that was an awesome entry into the Hero Blogfest Alex.

Congrats to all the new releases.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Intangible, no!

Lexa, you are cool.

Dixie, sorry, I know it's overload. Wait until you see Wednesday's post...

Helena, check their site - I bet it's broadcast in a theater near you.

Gossip_Grl said...

Great post and congrats to the three winners!!! Next to Jelly Belly Jelly Beans Hot Tamales and Mike and Ike are my favorite candies. :)

Unknown said...

RiffTrax...never heard of them. Sounds like a hoot!!!

Just started a new series under my alter ego's name. We'll see how that goes.

Who would I miss? YOU!!! Kristem Lamb. Anne R. Allen. I'm sure there's more, but these are the top I always check in my in-box.

Anonymous said...

It's like mini-Alex is in camouflage.

Looks like a fun event. It's great sharing something with a group of people.

I love Joy's writing. I have one or two of her series I'd like to finish.

Julie Flanders said...

I remember watching Anaconda when it came out and it was laugh out loud bad back then, so I can only imagine how it would be now. Glad you had such a fun experience!

Leovi said...

Yes, that is very rich ... Foodie Blog Hop!

Jennifer Lane said...

Thanks for the education on RiffTrax! I used to love MST3000.

Sherry Ellis said...

Those are great tips for writing a series. It's really important to have memorable characters that the audience wants to read about !

Mary Aalgaard said...

I admire many people, but I don't really have a "hero." I like your list. Favorite food? Can I list a meal? I love the chef's salmon and stir-fried veggies, and my sister's chocolate cake leaves me wishing we'd celebrate someone's birthday every day!

L.G. Keltner said...

I'm glad you had such a great time seeing Riff Trax Live! If the opportunity ever comes up near where I live, I'll definitely go!

Anonymous said...

My heroes are the people who quietly make a difference in all of our lives, because they are solid good people who make the world a better place just by living in it. There are lots of those, some who I know personally, some I've yet to meet and some I only hear about, because someone else decided to tell their story. I think we can guess who I miss in the blogfest...yea, she was a hero of mine too.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Favorite food? Pizza. The one
I crave is from my years in Indiana when I hooked myself and my kids on the best-ever-pizza from Pizza King. The boys (now all grown up) actually order it sent to California and Arizona from time to time. I need to try that.

So much going on over here at your blog, Alex. I especially love all the book release news.

Shell Flower said...

You need to find a Hot Tamales recipe! Glad you enjoyed RiffTrax and it was worth the trip. Congrats to all the new release authors--another great bunch of books coming out. I might do the blog hop, but seeing how Nano goes first.

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,

Of course, all the mention of blogfests, blog hops and anything relating to the alphabet, leaves me q quivering wreck. Argghhh, make them STOP! Wow, I must be getting better! Seriously and rather worryingly, I'm aware of a lot of what you have so kindly mentioned.

My hero is most definitely somebody who is a unsung hero. Quietly does good for others without little fanfare.

Who do I miss? Um, "klahanie" blog!

Take care, dude.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Terri, thanks!

Medeia, that made me chuckle.

Jennifer, then you would dig RiffTrax!

Mary, sounds delicious to me!

MJ, yeah, I will be listing Tina...

Patricia, one of the main food groups!

The Happy Whisk said...

Very funny Mini Alex photo.

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks so very much for hosting me, Alex.

Grateful for the good wishes!

John Wiswell said...

One of the highlights of Otakon any year they do it is Mystery Anime Theatre 3000. This series started the snark-off culture that I can't stand, but the original folks are just so good at it. Makes me want to revisit a couple of the worse Godzilla films!

Unknown said...

Like the Mini Alex photo!

Karen M. Peterson said...

Glad you had a good time at RiffTrax! It would be so much fun to see it live!

M Pax said...

I would love to go to RiffTrak. I love those sorts of movies, as you know.

Congrats to Joy! Woot!

I'll be taking a blog break the week of the hop.

kjmckendry said...

RiffTrax sounds like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

So many blogfests, so little time. I really feel like I've been so absent from the blogosphere this year. But some of these sound like so much fun...

Morgan said...

Loooove. Cover art is AWESOME… and fabulous work by Al… love mini Alex. :)