Monday, July 14, 2014

Dawn of the Apes Movie Review, Sharknado 2, Traditional Publishing Defined, and Ninja News!

Movie Review

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes


First, I have to address the special effects. This film blows away all competition. I completely forgot I was watching CGI apes. Expressions, movement, eyes – all beyond real.

As for the story, it is one intense ride! Every scene adds a new layer of intensity. No, it’s not a feel-good film. There are moments of great sorrow and anger. You can see both sides clearly and there are mistakes made by both.

The film sets a good pace. It invites you to discover and explore the world of the apes. And the world of the humans. You won’t be rushed through the action, nor will you be bored by the personal moments. And you will come to realize all it takes is one misguided idiot on each side to send the situation into a nosedive.

Andy Serkis deserves an Oscar for his performance. Yes, Caesar is CGI, but Serkis provided all of the facial and physical movements. It’s incredible what he achieves and conveys through the character.

If you want smart science fiction, powerful drama, or just a great story, this is your film. Highly recommended!

And - finally saw Snowpiercer Sunday night! Review coming. Also recommended!

Traditional Publishing Defined by an Expert

Anne R. Allen had sent me some great stuff regarding traditional publishers. But rather than post it here, I am going to send you to her POST from yesterday. Here’s a sample:

But most people in today's real-world publishing industry—on both sides of the self-publishing fence—agree on the definition of traditional/legacy publishing.

Here's a version of that from Writer's Digest: "Traditional book publishing is when a publisher offers the author a contract and, in turn, prints, publishes, and sells your book through booksellers and other retailers. The publisher essentially buys the right to publish your book and pays you royalties from the sales."

She also has a warning every writer should read about the activities of some subsidy presses. Check it out HERE

Ninja News

I’m over at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group Site today - Nine Great Tools and Programs to Help You Edit

Today’s Themes that Rocked the Challenge features Chrys Fey. Check it out at the A to Z Blog.

Available now - Lazy Worm Goes on a Journey by Rachna Chhabria

Elizabeth Seckman is hosting a blog challenge from July 15-31:
Write something readers want to read. No word limit, no guidelines. Your only prompt is: The year was 1865....

Sean McLachlan’s second book in his Toxic World post-apocalyptic series is now out - Refugees from the Righteous Horde.

Kyra Lennon is putting together a charity cat anthology on September 5. See here site for details.

Leovi is an abstract photographer, and his photos are just incredible. If you’ve never visited his site, you are in for a treat. He posted this one last week – it would be so cool to write a story based on the image.
“I want to be the explorer of your universe”

Cover Reveals!

SOULLESS (Book 2 in the Maiden of Time trilogy)
By Crystal Collier
Coming October 13, 2014

Alexia manipulated time to save the man of her dreams, and lost her best friend to red-eyed wraiths. Still grieving, she struggles to reconcile her loss with what was gained: her impending marriage. But when her wedding is destroyed by the Soulless—who then steal the only protection her people have—she's forced to unleash her true power.

And risk losing everything.

By David Powers King and Michael Jensen
Coming January 27, 2015

Sharknado 2

Yes, the rumors are true – Sharknado 2 is coming soon!

Anyone else see Dawn of the Apes? Read Anne’s post yesterday? Excited about the new books? And who’s up for a play-by-play of Sharknado 2…?

Be sure to check out my post at the IWSG site and the post at Anne R. Allen’s!


Elephant's Child said...

Goodness you find, and promote a lot of talented people. Congratulations to all of them.

' all it takes is one misguided idiot on each side to send the situation into a nosedive' And isn't that the truth.

Anonymous said...

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was amazing. Just staggering. And Serkis should have received an Oscar years ago.

ediFanoB said...

Last night has been short for me! I enjoyed the win of the FIFA World championship 2014 by Germany :-))

Despite your praise of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes I'm not really interested in this movie.

I bought a copy of the Refugees from the Righteous Horde by Sean McLachlan und will start reading it soon.

Don't miss to read Radio Hope first!

You want to dive into the Toxic World? There is a novelette available: The Scavenger.

Vanessa Morgan said...

I'm a big fan of all the Planet Of The Apes movies, so I'm really looking forward to Dawn. I should also look into Kyra Lennon's cat anthology ;-)

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,

Wow, I usually get to your site when you already have a zillion comments. I'm very pleased to have got here very early by my standards. You know how it is. The hectic life of us celebrities.

I would like to go see the new Planet of the Apes move and it dawns on me that my son can pay for the tickets. See the ads for it over here and your write-up convinces. Thanks.

Plenty of thoughtful links, as per usual. Check out the A to Z blog? You must be joking! Doesn't that darned monstrosity ever go away?

You are at the IWSG as well. Dude, do you actually sleep?

Thanks for the heads-up on Yvonne. One minutes she's following my site, the next thing, when I go to check her out, she's gone again.

Cover reveals and Sharknado 2. What more could I ask for....



kaykuala said...

Great movie review, a must see for the new 'Dawn Planets of the Apes' being highly recommended. Sharknado2 is another good news. Still another, Yvonne is back, hooray! Read of self-publishing advantages set out by others, let's see what are pitfalls of the traditional. A lot to digest in the new books too! Thanks Alex!


Unknown said...

I read Anne's post yesterday and it was very interesting. Thanks for your review on the Planet of the Apes. I wasn't sure I wanted to see it but you convinced me. Hope you have an excellent week, Alex.

Truedessa said...

Hmm..I heard good things about Planet of the Apes..not sure if I will watch. The shark thing is not for me...Once again a lot of great news for people who want to be in the know. Have a great week and thanks for visiting my blog.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I doubt I'll go see Dawn, but it's good to hear that it shows both sides of the story. That's important.

Congrats to all of those with news!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats to everyone on their new books and covers. Didn't realize Rachna has a book out. How awesome!

Liza said...

Going to check out Anne's post and Elizabeth's challenge. Thanks, Alex and happy Monday.

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

I'll have to watch Dawn...Apes. Sounds like an above average flick.

Donna K. Weaver said...

We haven't seen Dawn yet, but it's definitely on our list. I think once the company's gone, we'll probably see it first.

The whole Snarknado craze just cracks me up.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I haven't seen Sharknado yet! I'd better catch up, just in case the second film refers to some important plot points of the first ;-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elephant's Child, that is the truth.

Donna, yes he should've!

Edi, was very happy to see Germany won! And have all of Sean's books.

Gary, you got here early! Hope you and your son go see the movie. And yes, I really do like my sleep.

Richard, well above average.

Annalisa, fortunately Sharknado requires no brain cells...

Mason Canyon said...

Congrats to all those with books released and cover reveals, as well as the photo (awesome). The previews for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes have been good and I was hoping the rest of the movie would be even better. Sounds like it is. Not so sure about Sharkrado 2. Have a great week, Alex.

Juliana Haygert said...

My husband is dying to see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes!

I have Anne R. Allen's post bookmark, because I want to read it, just didn't have time during the weekend.

Sharknado 2? No! LOL

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I loved the first Apes film.

I can't believe they're making another Sharknado.

That definition from Writers Digest says it perfectly.

Heather M. Gardner said...

WOW! A whole lot of Monday goodness.

I saw the previews for the Ape movie. Looks kind of angry. :)

We just watched Grudge Match. Stallone/Di Niro. A little long but kind of good. I'm so picky anymore.

Then The Three Amigos was on TV and we laughed our butts off.

Have a good one!

Tara Tyler said...

its been too long since i came by... sorry!!
great review, looking forward to more ape awesomeness!

yay for releases!
hav to check out annes pub article & liz's blog tour fun!
and loooove davids cover!
thanks alex!

Kristin Smith said...

Heading over now to check out Elizabeth's blog challenge. Sounds fun!

Also, can't wait for Crystal's Soulless to come out!

mshatch said...

I definitely want to see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and I did read Anne's post about Traditional Publishing - very informative.

Pat Hatt said...

Sharknado 2 - The Quest For More Money...or if anything else, to prove we can be as awful as reality tv.

Apes is getting great reviews all over, I'll have to go and see that one in theatres I think.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I am going to watch all the older Planet of the Apes films, I know we are going to wait on the newer film... we know we are going to like it. Watched a few stinkers over the weekend, but my reviews will be fair as they were freebies.

Just got the score for SnowPiercer... good, looking forward to review.

As always... great deal of stuff in your blog post today, best of luck to everyone's projects.


Dianne K. Salerni said...

I only caught the ending of Sharknado -- I think I got the gist of it from the last 20 minutes. :D

What made it so much fun was having Twitter open while I watched. The online reaction was twice the entertainment of the movie itself.

Sharknado 2/Twitter should be a riot!

Jo said...

Not sure I would want to see Planet of the Apes despite your recommendation. I hated the whole concept when I saw the first one. I found it rather frightening.

Lots of books to look forward to. I can't believe they are really making Sharknado 2.

Christine Rains said...

Lots of great news today! I've been hearing good things about Snowpiercer, and Sharknado is a force of its own. Have a wonderful week, Alex. :)

Maurice Mitchell said...

Glad you enjoyed Dawn Alex! I'm looking forward to the Snowpiercer review since the book was so cool. That cover for "Woven" by David Powers King and Michael Jensen rocks.

Anonymous said...

We sat down with our cousin this weekend to watch The Rise... and she loved it! Especially when Caesar spoke. lol I wish I'd recorded her reaction.

WHY, oh, WHY is there a Sharknado 2?!

Sean McLachlan said...

Thanks for the shout out! I saw Snowpiercer and while I love the visual style and the action scenes, I was distracted by the countless plot holes.

Luanne G. Smith said...

I was surprised how much I liked the first Apes movie with Andy Serkis. Really great. I do plan to see this next one too. Glad it holds up. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Juliana, definitely go back and read it.

Heather, haven't seen Grudge match yet.

Tara, no worries - you've been busy.

Pat, think they have succeeded.

Jeremy, Snowpiercer was great. Just didn't have time to add a review to my post last night. Sleep called.

Dianne, I bet! Probably like the play-by-play I posted.

Maurice, haven't read the book yet.

Debra, then yo will dig the second one.

Karen, I saw that!

A Beer for the Shower said...

Wow, Dawn is smart sci-fi? Honestly not something I expected. I figured it would be a dumb, action packed rehash. I may have to change my mind about seeing it then if it's intelligent and full of well conveyed drama.

I'm assuming the same will not be said of Sharknado 2.

Crystal Collier said...

Awesome. So much amazing news! We opted to see Edge of Tomorrow rather than Planet of the Apes, but we will see it...eventually. My 7 yr old really wants to see it. Not so sure about that yet...

Off to check out Anne's post!

Brian Miller said...

nice nod to leovi...def enjoy the visual treat daily...

and i so cant wait to see Apes....and am so glad you gave it such a great night this week i will be there....the boys are at VBS with friends in the evenings this i am on it...


have a great week alex...

Leovi said...

Alex thank you very much for posting my photo and publicize my blog, I'm really very happy!

Mark Means said...

While I'm still on the fence about "Apes", your review gave me a glimmer of hope. I might catch it at a matinee :)

Shell Flower said...

Amazingly glowing review for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The old Planet of the Apes movie was cool, but definitely not the best paced. Glad to hear this one is good that way. Congrats to all the new release authors. I'm going to hit the links, too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sean, you're welcome!

LG, I was equally surprised.

Brandon and Bryan, those two films aren't even from the same planet...

Crystal, that's also a good film.

Brian, take advantage of VBS week!

Leovi, you are very welcome. Keep taking awesome photos.

Shell, the new ones are ten times better.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I just go ape over the ape movies. This one I will see too.

Congrats to those who have new books out.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, going this weekend. I saw Snowpiercer and love it also can't wait for your thoughts on it.

Chemist Ken said...

I'll have to stop by the IWSG site and check out those editing tools. I can use all the editing help I can get.

The family doesn't sound too excited about seeing the Planet of the Apes movie. Too bad.

Chemist Ken said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David P. King said...

That you for sharing our cover, Alex! I totally forgot Apes was coming out. I better see that thing. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Still can't talk hubby into seeing Apes with me - may have to wait until it's rentable *sigh*

Is Serkis the same man who did Gollum? Name's familiar but I'm usually awful at these things!

Jennifer Hawes said...

I love anything to do with sharks:) Crystal Collier's book cover is beautiful! She is an amazing lady. I wasn't thrilled about the new planet of the apes movie, but your review just might make me go to the movies.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Anne Allen's advice is always welcome. That's one knowledgeable lady. As for Apes, I wanted to go and see it, but it wasn't in the cards this weekend. It was really hot outside and then a friend's van broke down (bad alternator) so I tried to help get it replaced. That took the majority of Sunday. Bleh.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

The Charlotte paper loved the new Planet of the Apes...amazing, since they hate everything! Glad to see it corroborated here. I'll have to see that one.

I want to see's at only one Charlotte theater.

Great piece by Anne yesterday.

Andrew Leon said...

Unfortunately, I will probably end up having to wait to see the Apes movie.

Robin said...

I wasn't all that excited about Dawn of the Apes until your review. I probably won't see it at the movie theatre, but now I really want to see it... sometime.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm looking forward to Dawn. The previews have certainly been cool

Unknown said...

I heard the effects in that movie are amazing! and those covers are gorgeous

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

David, awesome!

Ken, bummer.

David, you're welcome.

Jemi, he's the one who did Gollum!

Michael, doesn't sound like fun at all.

Elizabeth, I saw you had one theater showing it.

Unknown said...

Anne is constantly putting out great advice for writers of every level and aspiration. Her blog is a must follow!

Caught Apes over the weekend as well, and I have to say it might be my favorite movie of the summer so far. (It's between that and X Men.) If you even remotely enjoyed the last Apes movie, this one is a must see, because it's better in every way. (And I enjoyed the first one.)

Guardians of the Galaxy has me really excited, too. :)

Carrie-Anne said...

Leovi's photos are gorgeous! My primary artistic love is modern, abstract art, and his photos really remind me of that school of art. It lets the viewer use more imagination, instead of having a specific, concrete, obvious image.

cleemckenzie said...

I loved the first Planet of the Apes movies, so I'm seeing this next one for sure.

I'll check out the posts on publishing. I'm always interested in reading what people have to say about the positives and the pitfalls of this business.

Kyra's anthology sounds like fun. I have cat stories!

Thanks Alex.

Unknown said...

Happy to hear that The Dawn of The Planet of the Apes is a good one. It's now on my list of "gotta see it" movies.

Anne R. Allen said...

Thanks much for the shout-out for yesterday's blogpost. It was inspired by some stuff I read here. It's so weird when you see commenters spreading misinformation--and even weirder when they're so scornful of people who actually know what they're talking about.

I don't usually go see the summer blockbusters, but Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is one I'll be considering. Thanks for the great review.

Fundy Blue said...

Thanks for the review on Planet of the Apes which my husband is anxious to see! Also for the IWSG and Anne's post! Both were great!

Suzanne Furness said...

Great covers from Crystal and David, congratulations guys! Hope to catch up with Yvonne soon. Now off to check out those publishing links. Thanks Alex.

Sherry Ellis said...

Lots of good stuff here! Your review of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is excellent. Now I want to see it. Yvonne was back briefly, but her blog seems to have disappeared, again. I'm very excited for Crystal's new book. Her first was awesome.

Kyra Lennon said...

Thanks for the shoutout!

I am so excited about Crystal's new book - her cover is stunning!

Anonymous said...

I clicked on the link for Yvonne Lewis. It says the blog has been removed. I hope everything is okay.

CONGRATS to those with new releases and cover reveals!

Nicki Elson said...

If I see that movie, I'd porbably be to a'scared to go in Tropic World at the Brookfield Zoo ever again.

Ctystal's cover are so preeetty. COngrats to all Ninja's & thanks for keeping us up on what's going on in blogworld.

Cherie Reich said...

I haven't seen any of the Planet of the Apes movies, although I do know the basics through pop culture. That said, they do look like really good movies.

Congrats to Crystal and David/Michael for their covers! They look great! Congrats to the new releases!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

The last two APES films got rave reviews, but I am not into depressing films. I can get depressed for free.

Even SNOWPIERCER was ultra-dark, though well done: a Sci Fi movie done as an art film.

So many talented writers out there. But aren't we all getting lost in the ocean of new eTitles coming out every month?

I am writing my own, but I may just not publish it. I will finish it, of course. But to publish and have only 10 people buy it would be just too sad. :-

Like Cherie says: those covers are exquisite. :-)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I read Anne's post this morning. I enjoyed her insights.
Am I the only person who didn't see the first Sharknado?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

EJ, it was amazing. And very stoked for Guardians.

Carrie-Anne, and could easily inspire many a story.

Anne, you gotta see it!

Anne, you're welcome! You always know your stuff. And Dawn was just such a good film.

Sherry, did it? Bummer, I'll remove the link...

Kyra, you're welcome.

Susanne, I'll email her.

Cherie, much better than the originals.

Roland, a dark art film is an apt description. And you know I'll buy your book!

Susan, consider yourself lucky.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Great review of the new Planet of the Apes movie! Now I'll definitely have to check it out! I'll also have to watch the first Sharknado movie to catch up. Congrats to all of the authors! I'll visit you at the IWSG later today.


H. R. Sinclair said...

All good stuff here. The best? Sharknado 2!

mooderino said...

Serkis does seem to have made the motion capture thing his own. No one else seems to come close. Hope the movie lives up to your rave review (you've got me all excited now).

Moody Writing

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I haven't seen this movie but loved the original Planet of the Apes. Will have to see this one.
Also, great article on traditional publishing.
Congratulations to all the new books.

Carol Kilgore said...

Anne is a great friend for all writers. Congrats to all with new books and new covers. Now I'm going to hide from Sharknado 2 :)

DiscConnected said...


Had I not just seen a commercial for it yesterday with my own eyes, I never would have believed there was a Sharknado 2 coming.

I guess the first installment left too many questions unanswered. We did not get into what motivates Sharknado.

Can Aliens versus Sharknado be far behind?


Larry said...

I've missed you and the IWSG, Alex. I'm almost sold on the Apes latest, but I'm too much of a wimp; I probably wouldn't sleep for months. I agree about Leovi. I can't think of a more unique, phenomenal photographer. His every photo is a masterpiece.

Be well. xo

Stephanie Faris said...

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes sounds awesome...but NO to Sharknado 2!!!

Angela Brown said...

I have not seen Dawn of the Apes but the previews for it are amazing. Glad to know the movie is amazing as well.

Love seeing Crystal's cover reveal so many places around the blogosphere. And thrilled to see DPK's cover for Woven. Woot!

Cherie Colyer said...

Dawn of the Apes looks like it's amazing. Thanks for confirming =) Congrats to everyone with reveals and book news.

Karen Lange said...

Lots of good things happening! Thanks for the info. Hopping over to IWSG. Have a good week!

J E Oneil said...

The Planet of the Apes movies never interested me much. Snowpiercer sounds good, though.

Ugh, Sharknado 2. I don't know how they'll manage to top being swallowed whole by a shark and chainsawing out of it, but I'm sure they will.

mail4rosey said...

Leovi does have a nice website!

I want to see this Planet of the Apes. Glad to hear it was done well!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hollie, that made me chuckle.

Moody, you'll be impressed.

Carol, save yourself!

Larry, I would watch that!

Robyn, Leovi is amazing.

JE, I think they'll just do that scene again...

Ava Quinn said...

Sharknado 2? I still need to see 1! (It's in my Netflix cue.) I told my husband that I needed more conflict in a scene I was writing. His response? "You can always put in a sharknado."

Kirsten said...

Another impressive post chock full of good info! I'm so grateful for your heads up on the Anne R. Allen post. I checked it out--thank you! Now I don't have to worry about how that publishing thing works any more, and can go back to writing.:)

That is, after I check out Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Liz A. said...

Agreed that Andy Serkis deserves an Oscar nomination. He does all the acting with the extra added challenge of having the CGI added on top of him. But without his soul in the part, the parts would seem hollow and empty.

Rusty Carl said...

Probably won't see another movie until Guardians comes out... well, maybe. Unless I just get too itchy and have to go see something before hand... I'm just trying really hard to not to go for a while though.

And that publishing debate is still going? I guess it's okay to talk about it some, now that I think about it. I mean, it is a changing landscape, so it's important to be sure that our definitions mean something.

And Sharknado 2... looks like it'll be even better than the first.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I want to see Dawn and Snowpiercer. I don't think either are in Oz yet.

I do love Leovi's art.

Lynda Dietz said...

There's always so much going on here in your blog posts! I'll just choose one thing to comment on: any movie that has Andy Serkis involved in it is one I'll watch. He's one of my favorite actors for sheer versatility.

Morgan said...

I LOVED Anne's post. I thought it was perfect and spot on.

Annnnnd I want to know if you've ever taken Mini-Alex to a movie. ;-)

Helena said...

Your review makes me want to see this latest Ape movie, and even some people at work (serious older consultants) are looking forward to it 'cause it sounds like an intelligent flick with depth.

BTW, Snowpiercer has finally arrived here, but for some weird reason it's is only being shown in one theater in the entire Denver/Boulder area. Why isn't that movie getting wide release?

Suzi said...

Sharknado two? I didn't realize #1 was such as success. Guess I know what I'll be watching that night.

Catherine Stine said...

Gotta, gotta, GOTTA see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mina Burrows said...

I'm kinda over the Planet of the Apes series. I'm sure it's awesome, but...

There are no words to describe Sharknado! NONE!

Going to check out Anne's post now. I missed IWSG this month. :(

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ava, that's classic!

Liz, exactly!

Rusty, I think Anne's post finally killed the debate.

Lynda, then you will be impressed with his performance in Dawn.

Morgan, no I haven't. Maybe he needs to go...

Helena, blame the distributor. He's a jerk.

Mina, no worries.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen the new Planet of the Apes movie yet, but hope to soon.

Lot's of interesting articles listed, best wishes to all the authors with new releases.

Patsy said...

Maybe I'm odd, but I rather like watching old films with really bad special effects. CGI seems like cheating!

Gossip_Grl said...

I am really not a Planet of the Apes fan but the hubby turned the TV to something showing how that movie was made. It was really interesting watching how they made it. Of course he will watch it when it comes to Redbox.

Unknown said...

The apes movie I have been on the fence about seeing. It might be worth taking my manly man to.

I'm checking out your post on insecure writers.

Loved the covers- beautiful!

Chrys Fey said...

I never really liked the Planet of the Ape movies when I was younger. They kind of creeped me out. haha

I'm going to have to find out more about Kyra's charity cat anthology. :)

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

My husband and I recently re-watched RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES in preparation for DAWN. I wanted to see DAWN before, and now, after your review, I REALLY want to see it. :)

Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I was avoiding the ape movie, but maybe I am wrong.

Thanks so much for the shout out! You're an awesome friend to have :)

Leovi said...

Thanks for the review of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, I look forward to see it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gossip, the effects and everything Serkis had to do is just amazing.

Madeline - go! Enjoy.

Elizabeth, you're welcome, and hope you get a lot of entries.

Birgit said...

I'm back-went to the Jimmy Stewart and Lucille Ball museum and now fighting shingles-not fun. Now Love to see the new Planet of the Apes movie. I have to read more on it and I agree with you about Mr. Sirkis as he is great and needs to be recognized. As for Sharknado 2-Please do Tara Reid get eaten up by a shark...I hope so

Patricia Stoltey said...

I've put Dawn of the Planet of the Apes on my must see list!

DMS said...

Congrats to all the authors who have new books out this week!

I hadn't checked out Anne's post- but will have to read it.

Thanks for the movie review. :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the Planet of the Apes series and hope to see this. Those covers of Soulless and Woven are amazing.

Intangible Hearts said...

Planet of the Apes and Sharknado 2(too)? Oh my! Liked your take on the Writer's Digest version of traditional versus non-traditional pubbing but last week you must have inspired me to voice my opinion on Linked-in. Please check it out.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

So glad you enjoyed the movie. DH can't wait to see it. We're having an intense heatwave, so an A? theatre would be nice. Sadly, air quality is extremely bad due to forest fires. But it'll get better.

Congrats to all the new authors.

Unknown said...

"...all it takes is one misguided idiot on each side to send the situation into a nosedive." Dang, Alex, great tagline! And it applies to a whole separate group of monkeys in Washington. :) Thanks for coming by...been smothered with life and haven't blogged much. Appreciate your support.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Birgit, sorry about that! And I hope she's eaten as well.

Intangible, if I was on Linked In, I would!

Joylene, sorry about the fires.

Mike, that is so true! And I'll always visit.

Dean K Miller said...

Looking forward to "the Dawn" Sharknado 2 not so much.

Leslie S. Rose said...

Andy Serkis - International treasure!

Denise Covey said...

I'm glad you like those apes! I read Anne R Allen's post. I'm really pleased I did after all that confusion about traditional publishers which was a lot of rubbish. Glad to see Soulless on the way!

Jeff Hargett said...

Lots of good info and good links here. May check out the Apes at the theater. I hear they put on a good show. :)

The Happy Whisk said...

I haven't seen the first Shark thing or the ape one.

Anonymous said...

Ahh! That cover for Refugees From the Righteous Horde is fantastic. Heebie Jeebie time! I love it.

There is a part of me that wants to see Planet of the Apes in theaters but I may just wait for it to come out on DVD. It sounds like a great flick.

Liz Blocker said...

Andy Serkis is a genius, and I hope he somehow gets recognized for all of the amazing work he does, even if his actual face isn't on screen.

Congratulations, everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

No, but I want to! And yes, yes, and YESSS please :-) My husband produces a local entertainment show & they are doing a "Shark Week" to celebrate :-)

Leovi said...

Sharknado Terrible 2!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, I must admit, that is an EXCELLENT review of DOTPOTA! I really enjoyed reading it. Will be watching the movie tonight, and being a huge Reeves fan, I expect it to be nothing less than great.

So glad to know you enjoyed Snowpiercer as well. I thought it was almost perfect, and so unique.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I wasn't sure about seeing Dawn because I haven't seen the first one but your review has convinced me to give it a chance. My movies to see right now are Sex Tape and Guardians of the Galaxy. Sharknado 2 will be what I watch as soon as it premieres of SYFY. Congrats Crystal and David on your books and covers. Everyone needs to be careful when publishing their work. Hi Al!

Melissa said...

The movie sounds great. POA had a big impact on me as a kid.

Lot of news as always. Congrats to all.

I'll have to check out Anne's post. She always has good stuff.

M Pax said...

I'm mega excited about Sharknado 2. Yay.

Planet of the Apes sounds better than the trailer looked.

Busy, busy authors! Congrats to them all.

Tonja Drecker said...

Some of those Ape movies got really bad. Glad to hear someone got it right again. Ug! I have to come up with something for Elizabeth, and yay to Crystal and David. Both are going on my TBR list.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Sharknado 2!!!!! I could NOT be more excited. Haven't seen Apes yet, but I'm going this week. Fingers crossed I like it as much as everyone else seems to have!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ivy, you don't want to see the first Sharknado.

Liz, he needs to be recognized.

George, thanks! I'm trying to improve my reviewing skills. Snowpiercer was incredibly unique.

Sheena-kay, Guardians is going to rock.

SL, I bet you will!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I am so excited to see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes!! I loved the first one. I am going to try to go Saturday!

Loni Townsend said...

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes sounds pretty good. I haven't seen any of them, not even the old ones. But I suppose there must be something there for them to do new ones.

Sharknado two cracks me up. :)

ilima said...

Awesome covers!

Nick Wilford said...

I didn't have much interest in seeing the new Planet of the Apes, but I do now. Glad they seem to bring something fresh.

I'm signed up for Kyra's anthology which should be a lot of fun!

Mason T. Matchak said...

I've heard a lot of good things about the new "Apes" movies. I think it's interesting, because the originals had a lot of social commentary as well, but it's harder to see that now through the haze of decades past and rubber monkey suits. ^_^ It's good to see that sci-fi can still hold up a mirror to modern times, though.

Oh, I don't know if you remember my entry from last IWSG, but: sadly, nothing good happened at 42 days since I queried. Bah.

Liesel K. Hill said...

Thanks for the Planet of the Apes review. I wasn't impressed with the previous movie, so I'm glad you liked this one. Maybe I'll see it. Sharnado 2. LOL. 'Nuff said. :D

Liesel K. Hill said...

Thanks for the Planet of the Apes review. I wasn't impressed with the previous movie, so I'm glad you liked this one. Maybe I'll see it. Sharnado 2. LOL. 'Nuff said. :D

Lisa said...

that caption on Leovi's was perfect

Ellie Garratt said...

I'm see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes tomorrow. Cannot wait!

Both of Sean McLachlan's books look an awesome read. I'll be adding them to my TBR list :)

Miranda Hardy said...

I totally want to see Dawn of the Apes now. I've also loved those story lines, and I bet the effects are amazing.

Al Penwasser said...

I'm looking forward to seeing "Apes." Although, there won't be a Charlton Heston screaming, "You maniacs!" or a Linda Harrison wearing strategically placed rags.
On the other hand, that wasn't a "feel good" flick, either.

farawayeyes said...

Sharknado 2 YIKES!

Kathe W. said...

great post Alex- especially like your thumbs up for Leovi's fine art!
Cheers- and have a great day!

Unknown said...

thanks so much for sharing Anne's post, great stuff!

Krista McLaughlin said...

Andy Serkis definitely deserves an award for all of his work, especially when his face isn't on the screen. :)

Sharknado 2? I haven't even seen the first one yet...

John Wiswell said...

I'm glad you enjoyed Apes! I hated it - the special effects couldn't cover for the wishy washy story and awful political messaging. Still regret going to that with friends rather than seeing Snowpiercer alone. I probably won't get another chance to see Snowpiercer at the cinema.

Patsy said...

Alex, I've nominated you for the versatile blogger award. No pressure!

Toi Thomas said...

I'm forever late as usual. There is so much great stuff going here, but I'm only leave on short comment.
I'm going to see Rise of The Apes if I hurt someone. What do you think it'll take to win that guy an Oscar?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mason, bummer! And I think the social commentary is lighter in the new films.

Ellie, enjoy!

Al, do miss those rags...

Krista, don't bother with the first one.

John, sorry you didn't like it. Snowpiercer is on Direct TV now.

Patsy, thank you!

Leovi said...

Yes, it's beautiful Lazy Worm Goes on a Journey!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - got Anne's post open to read ... the films - not my sort .. but Leovi's photo I think I should use for my Colour posts ..

.. and book, books, books - gosh I admire everyone who writes one let alone more novels ..

Cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

Your article on writing tools is excellent! :)

Congrats to Sean on his new book - that cover is creeeeepy!

Good luck to Kyra on her cat anthology! Congrats to Crystal and David on their exciting new covers!

I'm so going to watch Sharkando 2 - and I'm sure I'll hate/love it like the last one. :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, it felt great to see my book here. Thank you.

I have been hearing a lot about Dawn of the Planet Apes. But, as I have been too busy with college, writing for the newspapers and working on my book, I haven't seen any movie recently.

How is your writing going?

Unknown said...

I'm really hoping to see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes soon - I really enjoyed most of the franchise (forgetting that awful Tim Burton remake) and I agree that Serkis deserves Oscar recognition for his performances.

SK Anthony said...

Glad you liked Dawn of the Apes! I've heard good and bad, I'm very curious to see it.

i love both cover reveals, I'm so happy for David and Michael after all the fiasco they've gone through.

Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Alex, for the compliment that you don't think I look like I'm 74! I'm trying VERY hard not to feel this old LOL. And it is doubly nice to see your comment. YOU are amazing, both as a writer and as a blogger. I AM glad to be back.

Jennifer Lane said...

That movie so doesn't appeal to me but I'm glad you enjoyed it! Kyra's charity anthology sounds cool

LD Masterson said...

I agree, Anne's post on publishing was excellent.

Sharknado 2??? Seriously? {shakes head in disbelief}

Blue Grumpster said...

A layered Planet of the Apes movie.... who would've thought... So now I have to go and watch it, thanks to you, sir. Did you say... Sharnado 2? There's a Sharknado 1? So it's like a tornade but with big teeth? I need to catch up on my reading.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hilary, Leovi's photos would be perfect.

Lexa, thanks!

Rachna, you're welcome! And I'm just waiting to get my manuscript back from my test readers.

Ann, YOU are amazing!

Grumpster, worse than one with teeth...

Gwen Gardner said...

Lots of news, as always. Thanks, Alex.

Will go check out the self-publishing post, etc.

Laura Pauling said...

It's amazing what movies can do these days through technology. I'm willing to watch any movie - outside horror - if I hear it's well done. :) Thanks for the rec.

Tonja said...

That was a particularly long list of comments, even for you! I love Leovi too - I've never seen art that's consistency so interesting and cool.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Dear Alex!
I am -Holy Shark!-- totally up for Sharknado 2! I loved the first one.
It is the best! I want to hear your play by play for sure!
Please feel free to contact me via goodreads, my email, or FB. I have some happy news to share with you.

My kids and I are safe. You didn't know it but you helped me.
I am so grateful.

I plan to micro review Csssastorm and look forward to discussing that with you. It will help me get a paying job. :)
Thank you so much my friend.
Alex, you really are a true rockstar!

jean xox

Jenni said...

I'm not a big Planet of the Apes fan, but your review makes it sound really good.
Such beautiful covers! Woven's cover reminds me a bit of The False Prince, which I loved. I read a bit of Anne's article--interesting stuff.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to renting the new Apes movie. Believe it or not, I was named after Caesar (before he became Caesar) in the original '70s series. My parents liked the name after they saw either the 2nd or 3rd Apes movie, and I've been stuck with it ever since.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Wow!!! Congrats to all, especially Crystal, David, and Michael!!!

Thanks for the movie review!

Susan Kane said...

Sharknado husband can hardly wait. Perhaps I will go with him, but it is only "perhaps".

Theresa Milstein said...

Thanks for the Planet of the Apes review.

I'm happy for the authors of Woven. I know this has been a long saga to get published.

Jay Noel said...

I want to see Dawn so bad. Hopefully this week.

Also, I will check out Anne's post on publishing. Looks very interesting.

Can't wait for Woven!!!

Carrie Butler said...

That photography is gorgeous! I can't stop staring. :)

Shah Wharton said...

Wow - got to watch Dawn of the Planet of the Apes !!

Congrats to David, Michael and Crystal, and every other worthy mention. :)

I'm off to check your post over on IWSG X

Shah Wharton said...

Wow - got to watch Dawn of the Planet of the Apes !!

Congrats to David, Michael and Crystal, and every other worthy mention. :)

I'm off to check your post over on IWSG X

Michelle Wallace said...

You know what? I remember reading this post... and I thought that I had posted a comment... seems I hadn't...
I did check out some of those links...

Katherines Corner said...

Looking forward to The new Planet of the Apes. I agree with you about Andy Serkis. And sharknado, don't laugh, but YES please! hugs

SC Author said...

Awesome! I really really want to watch the movie. You recommend it in theaters, right?

Anonymous said...

Ninja, I totally think you need to add more info about you in your blog. We all want to know more about what makes our hero tick.

I think snippets of you playing guitar would be out of this world; it would be even better if you dressed as the Ninja you are! :)

My alter ego can't wait to co-host IWSG next month! Hugs!! Eva

PK HREZO said...

Yep here it is! Yay I can't wait to see it!!!!

Deniz Bevan said...

I still haven't seen the first Sharknado! But it's fun when Wil and Anne Wheaton tweet about it :-)