Monday, November 25, 2013

Crazy Cat Lady Advice from Elizabeth Seckman! Plus Godzilla, Indiana Jones, Ninja News, and a List of Upcoming Events

The Ninja is Everywhere!

I have an interview with the ever-enthusiastic Livia Peterson today! Short, simple, and unique – just the way I like it.

I’m also posting at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group website today on revision tips. Perfect for those of you finishing NaNo soon. My very first writing tips post! Feel free to humor me…

If you missed the #SFFWRTCHT Twitter chat last week, the full transcript is now up at the SFFW Chat Website.

And on Tuesday, Cassafire is the featured science fiction book with The Fussy Librarian!

And now, please welcome one of the funniest, sweetest, and most positive authors I know - Elizabeth Seckman!

Advice from the Crazy Cat Lady

My grandmother was a writer; a dreamer; an agoraphobic cat lover. She owned several acres of “farm” land that bumped up against a busy city. It was a green oasis just a few turns from the interstate. There was never any live stock on the farm, just pets. Lots and lots of pets. Seems people knew Mary Hartman had a soft heart and kept any creature dumped on her. Many times all of her monthly income would be spent at the vet as she scrambled to keep all the animals healthy and spayed.

I was in my teens when it hit me- my grandma was a crazy cat lady!

At least I knew that was how the world saw her. People didn’t care that she was once a speakeasy songstress or a greeting card poet.

Nope. Most of the world didn’t see past the cats. People would be rude to her…make sneaky snide comments.

Wow. That would that light me up. I’d want her to get mad, to get even…but she never did.

One day, she calmly told me, “If you ever want to know a person’s true nature, watch how they treat someone they have nothing to gain from.”

That’s some highly beneficial advice for a writer.

The literary world is a striated mish mash. From the smalls to the bigs. The traditionals and the indies. We meander in many of the same circles vying for the same market. So, as I wander, I take note- who is snarky, who is helpful, who is kind to the newbie who can’t even spell query? Who won’t deign to mingle with the uncontracted? Offer help when it doesn’t further their own career?

These are important things to know because everyone starts at the beginning. And unless you have a crystal ball, no one knows who will be where in a year…or five…or ten. That’s a mystery, but who you can trust doesn’t have to be. While you’re sitting on the lower rungs? This is where you find out where the loyal, dependable, trustworthy, and true are. Take notes and remember.

Elizabeth Seckman is a simple chick with a simple dream…to write stories people want to read. Find her - Blog, Facebook, and Amazon.

Fate Intended is the third book in the Coulter Men Series.
Fate brought them together…reality may tear them apart.

And to celebrate the release of Fate Intended, Elizabeth’s publisher is offering the first two books for ninety-nine cents on Amazon - Healing Summer and Past Due!

Ninja News

The ever-amazing Father Dragon threw an anniversary party this weekend that is probably still in full swing. Honoring his best friends with kind words and this award, Al revealed his dedicated heart and wise soul. Thank you, my friend.

Karen’s Very Prestigious Blog Awards are now open for voting. Several blogger buddies are nominated and I’m up for favorite blog!

The trailer for Ice Dogs by Terry Lynn Johnson debuted last week – check It out:

All six volumes of The Cindy Chronicles by RaShelle Workman are now available in one set for one great price!

And she’s offering prizes to celebrate, so check it out! 

Upcoming Events

Frozen comes out November 27, and despite my initial reservations, I may have to go see this one. It’s currently 91% on Rotten Tomatoes and being hailed a classic.

This Thursday is Thanksgiving for those of us in the USA. Wishing all of you a happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your day of food, family, and potentially crappy football.

Milo James Fowler is hosting another Freebies special – Tis More Blessed. “If you have a book/eBook/short story/collection you'd like to give away or raffle off on Friday December 6th, Friday the 13th, Friday the 20th, or Friday the 27th, just enter your name and the date(s) of your giveaway under Link Title.” I’ve signed up to give away copies of my books, but I’m a rebel – I will be giving them away on Monday, December 16.

The last Insecure Writer’s Support Group posting of the year is on December 4. Please note that the first one of 2014 will be the second Wednesday, January 8, due to the New Year’s Day holiday.

Lexa Cain and Julie Flanders’ Dream Destination Blog Hop is December 5-8. Lots of prizes for this one!

CheersFest 2.0 is December 9! We are roasting Lee ‘Arlee Bird’ of Tossing it Out this year. Yes, we are roasting the bird…
We also have a second badge now, designed by the awesome Jeremy Hawkins.

The Fifty States of Pray is Christmas Eve, December 24, hosted by Mark Koopmans. (Also known as The Madman or M-Koo!)

The signup list opens December 1 – join us in posting some encouraging words of prayer or blessing on Christmas Eve. 

Awesome Images

Jo Blo listed some awesome images they’d found around the net, including this one from Brian Rood, titled Indiana Jones. Check out his site for more amazing images.

From Blastr: they’ve kept his appearance mostly hidden, but “we get a teaser sample in a Godzilla tie-in book "kit" that will feature both a Godzilla figure that roars and 48 pages of material on the history of Godzilla and the making of the new movie will be released sometime next year.” And the cover:

Finally, this comes from Edi’s Book Lighthouse - The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. It’s fifteen minutes long, so if you don’t have time, please bookmark it to watch later. It’s a stunning animation…

Yes, it’s post overload, but I won’t post again until next Monday. (Really rocking with the outline for my next book right now.) 
Do you know a crazy cat lady? Participating in any of those events? Think the images are awesome? And what are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Be sure to visit Livia Peterson for my interview, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group for revision tips, and if you missed my Twitter chat last week, the SFFW Chat Website for the transcript.


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Your grandmother was a wise lady! And she shared some smart advice about character that applies to many different areas of life.

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm sticking around home this year...have a son with wisdom teeth coming out over the break. :(

Huntress said...

Going to Luvia's site next. Definitely checking out the bloggers now that NaNo is past me. Elizabeth's post is amazing. Love her grandmother's advice. So true. Bookmarking this post.

ediFanoB said...

Hi Alex,

I needed to read something postive today after I received the message that I have to work either on Sunday 8th of December or Sunday 15th of December.
I decided to read your post - A really good choice!

I hope many people will enjoy the mesmerising Fantastic Flying Books video.

I like the Indiana Jones image a lot.

Unknown said...

I'll definitely watch that video when there's more time...sounds like a good one just from the title.

Have a good time at Livia's today!

M.L. Swift, Writer

Tony Laplume said...

I've gotten more interested in Frozen the more I've seen of it, so count me in as excited for it, too.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Happy Thanksgiving! And glad you're making progress on your outline.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Wow, what a lot of info. My poor head can't retain that much!! Loved Elizabeth's guest post - her grandmother sounds like an awesome lady!

Sean McLachlan said...

I'm tempted to do the Dream Destination bloghop except I'll be traveling at the time, lol! I'll be in Vienna doing some travel writing. I've always wanted to go there but it's not my dream destination. Hmmmm....

Brinda said...

Alex- There's a lot going on this week!

Hi Elizabeth (virtual wave). I'm a crazy dog lady. :) Congrats on your new release.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, that's never fun...

Edi, bummer! Take December 8 and get it over with. Thanks again for posting that video.

Tony, yeah, it just didn't look appealing, but now I want to see it.

Annalisa, don't let it explode!

Sean, you've traveled so much, I'd be interested to know where you would go...

Melissa said...

Since it's my year to work TG (and my dh's birthday is tomorrow) I'll be cooking turkey dinner tomorrow, working Wed. night, and sleeping on the actual holiday.

Glad your outline is going well. Enjoy your holiday. :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Love that Indiana Jones image. So neat. For Thanksgiving I am going to my sister's house and we're all going to have Thanksgiving dinner there! Have a great Thanksgiving Alex!

Melissa said...

Ph, Elizabeth, sorry! I haven't had my coffee yet. LOL

I enjoyed your guest post very much. Your grandma sounds like a neat person. She had acreage, so the animal rescuer works instead of crazy cat lady. :D
(The people next door to my parents who had over 100 cats crammed into a modest, suburban home are another story. Animal control said gutting the house wouldn't clean it. It was so bad it should really be bulldozed. :/)

Gossip_Grl said...

We call a neighbor the cat lady. She feeds every stray in the neighborhood. Congrats on the outline to your new book! Wishing you and your wife a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Lot of stuff today! I'll have to check out the transcript of the chat. That's good advice about watching to see how other people treat those who can't help them. And yes, I wouldn't mind seeing Frozen--but my son doesn't like going to movies. (At least right now.) That's probably good for me!

mshatch said...

There was a crazy cat lady who lived at the end of road nearby when we were kids. Of course, I don't know that she was really crazy but she had a lot of cats!

Laura Clipson said...

I feel like a crazy cat lady some days, but I don't think I've progressed that far yet. That's some pretty good advice.

Frankie Miller said...

Grandmothers have a way of influencing us, and Elizabeth's grandmother was wise. It is only pleasant to be courteous with people no matter where you are in life, and it costs nothing. I sometimes see professional footballers who don't seem to have the words 'Good Morning' in their vocabulary - very sad.

Unknown said...

Love the Indiana Jones art work.
My son keeps asking me is it time to see Godzilla yet? I remember going to the movies with my dad to see it in 1985...good times.

Sarah Foster said...

I'll definitely have to check out your revision tips on the IWSG website. I won't be working on my NaNo book for a while but I need to get going with revising my still nameless other book.

Most likely seeing Frozen on Thanksgiving. And taking my four year old niece, since she's the only person I know who wants to see it as much as I do...

A Beer for the Shower said...

That Ice Dogs clip needs 100% more Cuba Gooding Jr. Or maybe I'm just thinking of Snow Dogs...? (Then no, no it doesn't, and it's awesome without)

Grandma was right, as grandmas often are. Mine has dispensed much wisdom, as seen on the blog. Not to be outdone, though, my grandpa is where I got my storytelling skills from. And the ability to ingest mass amounts of alcohol. Come to think of it, the two may be related...

Luanne G. Smith said...

Lots going on! And well done on that outline.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wife, Alex. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melissa, sleeping on Thursday sounds like a good idea. And that's disgusting about the house of cats.

Keith, same to you!

Sandra, take advantage - one day he will change his mind.

David, I grew up with the Japanese originals.

Sarah, we go without kids. I guess we are the kids then.

Brandon and Bryan, much better without him! And slight chance they are related...

Old Kitty said...

I am totally in love with Elizabeth's grandma! What a wise and wonderful woman!! Awwwww!

Oh that Indiana Jones pic is super awesome - there's something very sad about this Indiana Jones! What to go and hug him right now!

Take care

Unknown said...

That's amazing news! I thought Cassa was going to be your only trilogy- so glad to see we'll be getting to read more from you!

Livia Peterson said...

Thank you Alex for stopping by my place today. It was an honor to host your CassaStorm blog tour.

I plan on seeing Frozen - in 3D on opening day. I know it will be the BEST animated film I've seen this year besides Despicable Me 2.

Andrew Leon said...

I'm unsure what the cost is of being nice that more people just don't approach life that way.

Except, then, I look at the data of what people are attracted to and by and nice generally isn't it. :(

Charles Gramlich said...

Good that we have some crazy old cat ladies. The animals need it.

ilima said...

Congrats to Elizabeth! And I have no desire to see Frozen. It's like I've turned into the grinch or something. Maybe its the head cold talking. :(

Jo said...

Elizabeth, you grandmother sounds like a wonderful and caring person. What great advice she gave you.

I am delighted you are writing Alex, the Cassa series was great so will look forward to whatever you come up with next. I will have to come back for the video segment.

Congratulations on your Golden Scale Award.

Catherine Stine said...

Wow, Alex, you're burning up the Net with all of your appearances! Go, you!
And there are so many great blogfests and giveaways in DEC. I'm in the James Fowler one, yay!

Jo said...

Duuh, I forgot to wish you and your wife a Happy Thanksgiving. I used to enjoy this holiday in NC, but our holiday is, of course, in October and we dont' make so much of it here in Canada.

Pat Hatt said...

Awesome Indy pic indeed. Also heard Frozen was as good as the Disney movies of old. Great advice too, some times people just like to prop themselves up by making fun of others, tons of cats, whoopie.

Juliana Haygert said...

I can't wait to see Frozen, hmm, I mean, take the kid to see Frozen ;)

The Happy Whisk said...

You are one busy blogger, Alex.

Maurice Mitchell said...

It sounds like an fun twitter chat Alex! Great advice on trust Elizabeth.

Vanessa Morgan said...

I love the quote “If you ever want to know a person’s true nature, watch how they treat someone they have nothing to gain from.” So true. When I still had my pet supply store, everyone in the movie business ignored me. Now that I got several books and screenplays turned into film, everyone in the business wants to be my best friend.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kitty, he would appreciate a hug.

Melanie, working on it...

Livia, thank YOU!

Jo, hope I don't disappoint. And you should throw a US Thanksgiving party anyway.

Jen, I do my best to keep up.

Vanessa, go figure!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

You really are everywhere!!! Gosh, how do you do it all?

I'm thrilled for Terry! Can't wait for her latest book's release. I spotlighted her a few years ago, as her first was breaking open into the publishing wild. She is such a genuine person.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Elizabeth, your grandmother was a smart lady. I so agree with her too.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

shout out to the great "FATHER DRAGON" he made it very special to be a friend... on that... shotgun responses... cool, godzilla, indiana jones, livia, frozen and all the books...

thank you for the cheersfest 2.0... i think art is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

Carol Kilgore said...

Great post, Alex!

Elizabeth, I really liked your post. It's something all of us have encountered. And very true.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Bish Denham said...

Excellent advice, Elizabeth. You're granny was a wise lady. Certainly this writerly community has given me lots of help, answering all sorts of questions and being supportive.

Love the trailer for Ice Dogs and definitely intend to read it!

And I'm signed up for three of the four blog hops!

J.L. Campbell said...

Lots of ground covered here, as usual, Alex.

Interesting post from Elizabeth. So true that character shines through how we treat people who can't help us. Gonna have a look at Elizabeth's specials.

Want to participate in a couple of the 'fests'.

Johanna Garth said...

Great advice Elizabeth. I always find it odd that people draw those types of distinctions. Especially because, as writers, we all have so much to learn from each other, no matter where we are on the striation or how successful.

Karen Lange said...

Nice to hear from Elizabeth. Wish her well with her books! Thanks for all the news. Will check out your guest spots.

Happy Monday!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Fabulous story about Elizabeth's grandmother! What an interesting woman who gave wonderful advice! I look forward to reading your tips at the IWSG, and to seeing you over at Livia's. Hope you and your wife have a great Thanksgiving Alex!


Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I'm going to be hitting the road to go visit family for Thanksgiving. I just want to wish you a happy turkey day (or Turduckin if that's what you eat). It does sound like you are staying busy with all the appearances. I'm also excited to see Frozen, but I usually go to all the animated shows (for example I saw Turbo in theaters and most people I know just avoided that one).

Cherie Reich said...

I was wondering what we would do about January's IWSG post. It's good to know. :)

Elizabeth, I think crazy cat ladies are awesome. I aspire to be one. And what sage advice too!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Alex!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the SFFW chat and on being featured by the Fussy Librarian!

Elizabeth's right about people. I've seen quite a few who're contracted with the bigs who never return comments or help those still struggling. It makes me sad. Sometimes I wish I had a farm and could be a crazy cat lady - I love cats and the peaceful existence of the countryside. Great post, Elizabeth!!

I had an awesome time at Father Dragon's shindig and didn't even mind when all my gummy bears disappeared.

Thanks for reminding folks about Julie's and my blog-fest! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Alex! :-)

Jay Noel said...

Whoa. I had to go over your post twice to make sure I didn't miss anything.

All these blogfests and so little time!

I had to watch that entire "Flying Book" movie with my daughter. It was incredible!!!

Crystal Collier said...

Wow. Awesome advice from Elizabeth, and look at all those amazing holiday events! How's a girl to choose? *nibbling fingernails*

Al Diaz said...

Elizabeth, your grandmother was a wise woman. I shall take notes and remember indeed.

Alex, all the dwarf squad is cheering on you to keep writing. Thanks for accepting the award, I know you'll honor it. Thanks for being at the party and for being one of my best friends. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. We don't celebrate that in Mexico but I feel thankful anyway. :)

Leovi said...

Alright! Interesting stunning images!

Suzanne Furness said...

Al's dragon party was a blast! So glad to hear you are in the swing of things with your new writing project.

Glad Jan's IWSG will be second Wednesday. Right off to check out interviews!

Happy Thanksgiving.

mooderino said...

Ooh, writing tips. Off to check them out.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sheri, she is super nice!

Jeremy, we'll help you keep it together.

Bish, I think I signed up for all of them...

Michael, I've never tried Turduckin - looks like it would be a lot of effort to make. Have a safe trip!

Lexa, you're welcome!

Jay, wasn't it amazing and with such a sweet spirit?

Al, I'll gnaw on a turkey leg in your honor.

Moody, don't laugh...

SK Anthony said...

Elizabeth, this was an awesome guest post!
Your grandma was a wise woman, and that advice you gave is worthy of you being her granddaughter :D

Alex, happy to know you're rocking away that outline! And of course I shall read your tips, I don't promise I'll use them though, I kid I kid ;)

Birgit said...

I have to say Alex-You Ninja rock! You always leave a kind comment on my blog when I enter in my cards that I made and it means alot:) You spend time and effort and many should appreciate that. I love what Elizabeth's Seckman's grandmother would say.I love it and it is true. That is why, when times are tough, many so-called friends drift away and one may only have 1 or 2 that stick by a person. I could be considered a crazy cat lady now. I used to be, well, a non cat lover. I could not get passed showing their butt to me as they walked away while I was calling to them. I love dogs but now I have one dog( a rescue) and 4 cats! My hubby is a cat lover-he came with 2 and we got 2 more-they were rescued. The last one is a little , um.....fat! She was overfed and she is a bit psycho. She also loves to use our rug as toilet paper and drags her but and leaves a streak that many men often leave for their wives to clean-icky. So I have to constantly wipe her but much to her hissing-heheheheheeee. I shall leave you with that visual

Michelle Wallace said...

The Fantastic Flying Books is a fantastic animation!
I saw it for the first time in April, on one of the AtoZ challenge blogs. It was awarded the Best Animated Short Film at the 84th Academy Awards.
Great interview over at Livia's place! said...

Yeah, I don't know what to comment on. It's all fantastically inspiring.

I will say that I love Livia and Elizabeth.

Happy Thanksgiving, dear Alex.

Robin said...

This was a very full post. So much going on. I suppose everyone gets extra done before the end of the year.

I know this will light your fire... but I went and saw Catching Fire this weekend. It was pretty darn good:)

Julie Flanders said...

Wise words, Elizabeth, and so true. I know I would have loved your grandmother.

Thanks for sharing about our hop again, Alex. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Heather M. Gardner said...

AHAHAHAHA!! Too much information!!! Well, no. :) Never too much.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Alex.


Susan Kane said...

I tried to watch the video but couldn't. You see, yesterday I participated in a true English tea party with 14 screaming nine-year old girls. It is silence I crave.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I like what Elizabeth said about how you treat people. I used to worry that I'd end up being a crazy cat lady. I saw Thor 2 over the weekend and thought it was good. That Loki!

Sherry Ellis said...

Elizabeth's grandmother sounded like a very kind soul. She gave some good words to think about, too!

Rusty Carl said...

I'm glad that outline is shaping up for you. Everytime I start thinking of a new project I swear it will be outlined the right way. Then, I end up getting so excited I start writing before I've got it all worked out. Almost always means I've got years of revisions ahead of me.

And why is he design of Godzilla always such a secret? I recall the 90's reboot made it a huge secret, then when I finally saw it in the theater, I was like, oh, it's a giant lizard. Kind of what I expected. Well, not exactly what I expected, but still.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Quite a post, Alex! Outlining a new book and all! Wow! Elizabeth's post has marvelous advice. My daughter has turned into a cat lady, so I relate to that and caring about those unable to care for themselves. Good luck to Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing so much.

Mary Montague Sikes

nutschell said...

Wow so much good stuff here! Wonderful to know Elizabeth. Thank you so much, Alex, for the message you left on my blog. I'd really love it if you could help spread the word about story Sprouts and the Doce Pares shirts. Will email you details soon. :)


M Pax said...

Very wise words, Elizabeth. I would have enjoyed knowing your grandmother.

Cool on Godzilla.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Elizabeth Seckman's book sounds wonderful, and I love her tagline. Also, Congrats to Terry Lynn Johnson her trailer is fabulous!

LTP said...

Love the pic of Indy. He's one of my favorite characters.

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

So glad to hear that about your writing. Don't you love it when a plan comes together?

Yolanda Renée said...

Grandmothers are such beautiful people! Love that post!

Thanks for going all out with all the reminders of what's coming up - I've not been keeping track so it's wonderful to find it all in one place! Thank you for that!

Have a truly awesome Thanksgiving. Just me and hubby this year - boys are with their girls! LOL

shelly said...

I really liked Elizabeth's post. The girl wrote the truth.

Hugs and chocolate,

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too.

farawayeyes said...

Whoa! There is a lot packed in here today.

Elizabeth - loved your 'crazy cat lady grandma'. I could be a crazy cat lady, except for the fact that I don't have any cats or even like them much for that matter. But all the rest - like the crazy part - oh yeah!

So many blog hops just when I'm trying to take the cure. I may have to fall off the wagon to roast Lee, and that Christmas Eve prayer one sounds great.

That picture is certainly 'Indy' at his best.

Intangible Hearts said...

I agree with Elizabeth there are writers in the Indie world who help a lot and others don't lift a finger. Too bad, huh? Love the Indiana Jones portrait. It's lovely.
Have a great holiday Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

SK, use at your own risk!

Birgit, a psychotic fat cat - that is a little scary. And thanks for the visual...

Thanks, Michelle!

Robin, you and a billion other people I guess...

Julie, you're welcome!

Susan, surprised you survived.

Rusty, it was a giant iguana. Not what I expected.

Nutschell, be happy to!

Wendy, or when a cliche saying comes together!

Faraway, join us!

Christine Rains said...

Wow! Lots going on. Fantastic guest post by Elizabeth. Her grandmother was a wise woman. I'm popping over to Livia's!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Thanks for having me over Alex! It really is an honor. You are too kind! I was busy today getting all the food plans ready for a our traveling football team and I thought, I really need to get to Alex's or I'm going to be knee deep in comment answering...and seems I am! Another wonderful problem to have!!
@Elizabeth (what a lovely name ;) My grandma was wise. I learned a lot from that woman.
@Huntress, amazing? Golly thanks!
@Annalisa, she was. Funny and sweet...God didn't make a soul much better than her!
@Brinda, waves back!! I'm a crazy multi-pet lady! I've got a few too many of everything from dogs to frog.
@Melissa, LOL. I understand the pre-coffee brain. Yeah, she did have plenty of room for all the animals. She'd be the first one to get mad that people over-crowded animals...better they be put down than suffer in filth.
@Gossip, tha would be my grandma. My sister has taken up her mantle...she feeds all the strays in her neighborhood.
@Sandra, yep. People are always nice to the people who can give them test in that!
@mshatch, no you never know what's in a person's mind (or heart) until you know them.
@Laura, crazy is always long as you think you're sane, I'm sure you're sane
@Fanny, grandmas are such a blessing. And I agree, some people really need to get over themselves!
@Beer, no wonder your blog is so much fun! You got all that wisdom from grandpa. That's golden!
@Old Kitty, somehow I am certain you two would have been soul mates!
@Andrew, you're right...being kind costs nothing! I don't get why people want to be mean.
@Charles, yep. Somebody has to love the animals!
@ilima, Thanks!
@Jo, yes she was :)
@Pat, perfectly explained...people prop themselves it! I shall be repeating that!
@Karen, thanks :)
@Jen, she did enjoy her cups of tea. I still drink tea, just like I did with her!
@Maurice, yep. That is a good way to see who is trustworthy!
@Vanessa, see? Grandma was right! Personally, I'd probably need you more at the pet supply store...I get more info from them than I d my vet ;)
@Southpaw, thanks!
@Carol, thanks!
@Bish, I have found some of the most awesome people in the writing community...must be the open, creative mind thing going on!
@Joy, thanks!
@Johanna, I couldn't agree more!
@Karen, thanks!
@Empty nest, thanks!
@Cherie, me too...I've got the crazy bit I just need a few more cats!
@Lexa, there is something very peaceful about the country. I live in a rural area and I have come to love it.
@Crystal, thanks!
@Al, you're as wise as she ever was.
@SK, shucks...thanks.
@Birgit, that gave me a for real LOL. When I do that, my kids stare at me...guess they had to be there! And yes, Alex is kind to all. I noticed that very early on and heard my grandma in my head say, "He's good people."
@Robyn, why thanks! Love to you too!
@Julie, with your animal rescue efforts, Grandma would have given you the double thumb's up!
@Mary, Thanks!
@Sherry, she was a kind soul...for sure!
@Mary, thanks! Your daughter must have a special heart.
@Nutshell, nice to know you too!
@Mary, I think you'd liked her. She was a wise woman!
@Cathrina, thanks. Tag lines usually make me sweat...glad you liked it!
@Yolanda, Thanks!
@Shelly, thanks...truth is good!
@faraway, I've got the crazy thing down pat too. Life's too short to be totally normal!
@Desert Rocks, I do love indies. And I've met a few bigs who are sweet, but boy those indies...they take it to a whole different level!!
@Christine, Thanks! do you do it?!

DMS said...

It was great to hear from Elizabeth. I can picture her grandmother's pet farm. :) How wonderful that she had the space to help all of those animals.

I want to see Frozen! I have heard great things about it.

Best of luck with your outlining! Happy Thanksgiving, too! :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

My sister is a bit of a crazy dog lady, but she has a farm so it works out. Dogs are all well behaved and taken care of.
You gave me way too many links to follow today.

T.F. Walsh said...

I really want to watch Frozen... :)

Really enjoyed Elizabeth's post. Her grandmother sounds wonderful.

Julie Musil said...

Off to read your interview on Livia's blog, and check out the revision tips. I'll soak up any wisdom I can get!

Happy Thanksgiving, Alex!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Love the cover to ICE DOGS and that illustration for INDIANA JONES is stunning. I will be working Thanksgiving for those who have families. Wish me luck on grey, rainy roads all. :-)

~Sia McKye~ said...

Elizabeth, what a great story about your grandmother. Her words of wisdom are spot on! Generosity of spirit comes from a good heart that's willing to help just because and not for any personal benefit perceived.

Rashelle cool cover.

Terry Lynn, I'm not a big YA reader but I do like the story you have with this one!

Alex, I love that pic of Indiana Jones.
I'll have to bookmark that video.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I loved your article for the IWSG website. It's perfect! And timely.
And Al's party is a blast!!! Big hugs to the dragon :)

Brian Miller said...

wow. i am way late...offline most of the day...very cool indy pic...that flying book video is really cool...well worth watching again....

David P. King said...

So much awesomeness here. Were do I even start? Read your interview. That trailer is amazingly put together (and very much the same feeling as what I produced for ... you know), and I'm taking the kids to Frozen, first showing on Wednesday. It'll be The Girls first big screen outing, so I'm hoping to start her off with a classic. :)

dolorah said...

A lovely post Elizabeth.

Thanks for all the news Alex.


Helena said...

Elizabeth and her Grandmother sound wonderful -- wise and kind always is the best way to go.

Thanks, Alex, for the Indiana Jones link; Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite all-time movie!

Rhonda Albom said...

Been so busy writing I am running late on reading. Sorry. Brilliant advice from the crazy cat lady “If you ever want to know a person’s true nature, watch how they treat someone they have nothing to gain from.” Can't wait to read your tips, I am almost ready to need them :)

Emily R. King said...

Elizabeth, you astound me! I learn something new from you every time you blog. Thanks for this. And thanks for having her, Alex!

SC Author said...

Elizabeth, that is so so true. An incredibly wise quote from a wise woman :) Thanks for sharing!

Mark Koopmans said...


You know I am thankful of the 50 States of Pray shoutout, but I am so very appreciative that you mentioned Father Dragon's post. (I'm not on the computer much Sundays and would have hated to have missed such an amazing post - so cheers:)

PS: Super excited for my Twinny and Liz is quite wise, I have to say :)

Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mrs. C, and stay thirsty, my friend.

Carrie Butler said...

Yes! What an important thing to highlight. Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth! :)

And it sounds like you're everywhere, Alex! Happy Thanksgiving. :D

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and to you to Alex.
Will certainly sign up for Mark's Xmas Cheer Fest. Lovely idea!
This post was great, packed full of lots of stuff.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, it's all in the reflexes...

Susan, that's my job!

Roland, sorry you have to work, but what you do is something that doesn't pause for holidays.

Lynda, thanks - I really tried hard with that post.

Brian, wasn't it amazing?

David, it's supposed to be amazing. I'm sure she'll enjoy it.

Donna! Good to hear from you.

Rhonda, keep writing!

Mark, you didn't want to miss Al's post. It's amazing.

Kirsten said...

I was absolutely floored by how kind and helpful other writers were when I was that newbie who didn't even know what a query was. Though I'm still in the trenches of the unpublished, Elizabeth Seckman's thoughts are so true. There is nothing more profoundly satisfying than helping another writer find the joy of creating stories and sharing them with the world.
Have fun outlining your new story, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Such a great post! Really enjoyed Elizabeth's guest spot. I'm signed up for Milo's, and Julie's and Lexa's giveaways/blog hops. The end of the year is going to fly by!

Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving, Alex!

Tina said...

Yeah, my head is spinning...but in a good way. Going to focus on the guest spots. Loved Elizabeth's advice!
Heading to see what you've got to say, traveling man.
Happy Thanksgiving my dear, dear friend. And may the football not be crappy...
Tina @ Life is Good

Liesel K. Hill said...

Congrats on Cassafire being featured. So exciting. Love the Indiana Jones image! :D

Unknown said...

What a great interview with Elizabeth! Bookmarking the video to watch later, and HAPPY TURKEY DAY to everyone. :D

cleemckenzie said...

Loved reading Elilzabeth's post about her cat-loving grandmother. I'll stop in at Livia's to see the interview. That Dragon Award is super. Have to download mine and put it up.

Happy Thanksgiving. Here's to a wonderful Dec.

Unknown said...

Loved your interview over at Livias. Ah, Galaxy Quest quotes... hard to resist.

Also, congrats on your blog award nomination! Very exciting =)

Cate Masters said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Alex!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kirsten, exactly!

Tina, the Cowboys are playing though...

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Patsy said...

Yes, I know some crazy cat ladies. I don't have any pets myself though, so I'm just a bit odd.

David T List said...

Wise advice from the cat lady!

Glad to hear you're enthused about the new project Alex!
I'm looking forward getting the KS launched so I can return to writing!

Patricia Stoltey said...

So much to absorb in this post, Alex. I especially loved the piece from Elizabeth.

Wanda said...

Your ninja abilities of ability of being in multiple places all at the same time is impressive Alex. Hope you & your family have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Sarah Allen said...

Holy wow that Indy pic is incredible!! Always loved those movies.

Sarah Allen
(From Sarah, with Joy)

Carrie-Anne said...

There was a self-professed cat lady at the temp job I had right before my car accident 10 years ago. In addition to the numerous cats in her house, she also had a tent set up in her backyard for any stray or feral cats to be safe from the elements and get some food.

Anonymous said...

I know some cat ladies. They have big hearts. I love the quote from Elizabeth's grandmother.

I love Terry's book trailer.

J E Oneil said...

Do I know any crazy cat ladies depends on how many cats is needed to qualify as crazy. I only have two, but I still think I'm pretty crazy :)

I have mixed feelings about Frozen. It doesn't look bad, but I don't like how they changed a story almost entirely focused on female characters (without romantic entanglements, to boot) to one focused on a female heroine and a lot of males around her. You'd never see the reverse happen, that's for sure.

klahanie said...

Late again for this party. Still, better late than never.

Yes, post overload and a lot to take in. Anybody with a cat, according to Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, is crazy, whether male or female.

Okay, briefly. Lovely to note Elizabeth here. I shall completely ignore any mention of a blog hop...

It was very nice of the dragon dude to think of so many fine folks.

Wishing you a peaceful American Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

Got that email from Fussy Librarian! Love Elizabeth . . . and I just might have to sign up for the Christmas Eve blogfest :-)

Trisha said...

I'm definitely a cat lady, and a little bit crazy (but in a good way of course! hehe), but I don't have more than 2 cats. They certainly cost me enough money as it is! And in future I'd love to just foster cats instead of owning them - more lives get saved that way. :)

I have to remember that I joined IWSG. Yikes. Better make a note of it!

Arlee Bird said...

I'm away for Thanksgiving and not online much. But I made it here! Have a happy Turkey Day!

Tossing It Out

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Whew! The ninja gathers more comments than cats have fleas! How wonderful!!
@DMS, it was a fun place for a little girl to visit!
@Susan, having the space is quite the blessing!
@TF, thanks!
@Sia, amen to that!
@Donna, thanks!
@Helena, I have to agree!
@Rhonda, I agree...brilliant
@Emily, hugs. Plain and simple.
@SC, my pleasure!
@aww, twinny...see I got more than just lovely hair from the gene pool :)
@Carrie, you're welcome :)
@Kristen, I am so glad I joined the writing community...go it alone and it is just so much harder!!
@Madeline, Tina,Candilynn, and Lee- thanks!
@Patsy, I've only got a few too, so maybe I just qualify as odd also!
@David and Patricia- thanks!
@Carrie-Anne, a tent? Wow. That's a cat lover!
@Medeia, big hearts are good things.
@JE, I suppose the number doesn't matter a whole bunch
@Gary, I will never argue with Penny
@Jamie, aw shuck and thanks
@Trisha, Trisha, you're definitely always in the good way!

Thanks again Alex...see you tomorrow...while the turkey roasts :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

David, let me know when it launches.

Carrie-Anne, crazy but nice of her to place shelter out for the strays.

JE, I'm seeing it tonight, so I'll let you know.

Gary, I didn't think Penny was fond of cats.

Jamie, awesome!

Trisha, that's a wonderful idea.

Elizabeth, you are most welcome!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth - sounds like your grandmother was a wonderfully caring person. Great advice, too!

Alex - Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Elizabeth, I love that story. My grandmother always took in strays, too, although it tended to be stray kids. Wonderful advice, too. Thankfully, so far, I've only met good people in the writing community. (But I've heard some stories.)
My daughter is super excited to see Frozen! I love Disney, so I'm sure we'll go see it. :)

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Oh yeah, and Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

Liz Blocker said...

Holy posting, Batman!!! This is chock full of great stuff :) Alex, I'm so glad you're taking time out to write. Elizabeth, I love love love what your grandmother said about knowing a person's true nature. It's so true.

Li said...

Cool Ice Dogs trailer! Kudos to Milo for his promo, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Alex!

LD Masterson said...

A wise "crazy cat lady" indeed. I have a crazy cat uncle. He lives in a residential area and has 24 cats in his house, almost all were brought to him injured or homeless. They're his children.

I like your writing tips. I do my out loud character reading in front of the dog. She doesn't seem to mind.

Leovi said...

Yes, very interesting interview, write the story you like to read, so I've often thought the same!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

@Susanne, she was a kind lady!
@Rachel, stray kids need homes in the worst way...what a great lady your grandma is! I've been very lucky too, though to be honest, if I read some snark between the lines, I just cut and run. Life is too short for mean people.
@Liz, thanks!
@LD, I understand your uncle's plight (though I am sure he gets a lot of joy from them). It's like people find out they have big hearts and just dump their unwanted animals on them. My poor grandma couldn't have turned a creature away if her life depended on it!

Unknown said...

Really enjoyed the guest post, Elizabeth! :)

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Alex!

Unknown said...

Our family is looking forward to seeing Frozen and yes, we do know a Crazy Cat Lady!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rachel, for the most part, I've only met nice people in the writing community.

LD, dogs don't judge, do they?

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Great advice, Elizabeth!

Happy thanksgiving, everyone!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

Holy smokes! My trailer is on the hottest blog in the blogsphere. THANKS Alex!

And good luck with your new project!

JJ said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

PK HREZO said...

Wow Alex! That's a ton of info! But good stuff! And I love Elizabeth's post. She's right on the money. We all need to be reminded.

Have a happy Thanksgiving! Now I'm off to visit these links....

Nigel G Mitchell said...

That motto about how people treat those who can do nothing for them is one of my life lessons, truly important. Looking forward to Godzilla.

Sandra Cox said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Alex!

Elizabeth, Crazy cat ladies are my favorite people.

David T List said...

Alex, it's absolutely alright to post Monday! I'd be honored for it to appear on the Ninja wall!

Cassie Mae said...

Elizabeth, you are my hero. I'm copy/pasting this post and keeping it my files of "inspiration and crap" :) Love you to pieces, my dear.

Also... I said the word "query" wrong for a year before I heard it said the right way. I got so into the habit that it's still "qu-eye-er-ee" to me ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Terry, you're welcome!!

Nigel, it is important.

David, consider it done.

Cassie, that's almost as funny as how you spelled forty.

Ella said...

Happy Thanksgiving Captain! I have missed you~ My computer was compromised among all my other fun ventures~
I will make the rounds later! You are everywhere-I thought I spied you in a corner aisle, last week. I waved but you didn't see me, Ninjabread man!

Leovi said...

I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Toi Thomas said...

I loved your tips for revisions. They are good anytime, not just for NaNo. The tweet transcript is crazy but very interesting. I adore the video and images...As always, good stuff.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Happy Thanksgiving Alex and thanks for wishing me Happy Birthday. Definitely plan to see Frozen over the holidays and Elizabeth's grandma gave her wonderful advice. Ignore the haters and riff raff.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Hi Alex! Back from computer mayhem. Elizabeth, I suspect your grandma and I are related. I'm pretty sure I've heard my grandchildren refer to me as the crazy cat lady. The book sounds pretty wonderful.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Alex!

I'm looking forward to seeing Frozen.

Bossy Betty said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Alex!

Denise Covey said...

Hi Alex. I feel like I've risen from the dead after NaNo which I didn't finish this year. Congrts on your editing post for IWSG website. I must say that was great advice from the Crazy Cat Lady: “If you ever want to know a person’s true nature, watch how they treat someone they have nothing to gain from.”
Love it.

John Wiswell said...

Darn it, Alex. I'm sorry I missed your hashtag chat. I feared I would, and two hours beforehand my family called and needed a ride. But it sounds like you had a good time with Bryan, which is lovely!

It is hard to believe the Frozen movie I've seen commercials for is a classic. That's... so odd.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hope your Thanksgiving went well. I was late for Al's party as I have not been online from the past few days. It was a wonderful tribute to all of us.

Nicki Elson said...

Hmm, a really interesting post, Elizabeth. You're grandma's a wise woman.

I've heard Frozen was great---and can you believe I'd never even heard of the movie until yesterday??

SpacerGuy said...

You've got me psyched up about Godzilla next, Alex. Elizabeth grandma really loves her cats. How wise is she. We depend so much on our furry friends for companionship.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I think if it weren't for my hubby I could possibly become a bit of a crazy cat lady. I had four cats at once at one point (two were rescues from bad situations...I couldn't help it! Ours is not a no-kill shelter).

Elizabeth gives some great advice, and I think it applies to far more than just writing.

Good luck for favorite blog!

The Warrior Muse

Misha Gerrick said...

That is a great piece of advice, Elizabeth.

I don't keep track on purpose, but I am aware of who helps others and who doesn't. It does influence whether I visit people or not.

alexia said...

Whoa, that is an especially jam-packed blog post! Lots of awesome stuff going on.

Your grandma was wise, Elizabeth! I never understand why people are mean for no good reason. Cats are awesome, anyhow! I'd be fine being labeled a crazy cat lady :)

Alex, hope you had a great TG!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ella, I have missed you!

Sheena-kay, you will enjoy Frozen.

Joylene, I've missed you as well.

Denise, you are still a winner in my book.

John, no worries!

Nicki, it was marketed oddly...

Shannon, your husband is the voice of reason.

Misha, hopefully I don't suck at that...

Alexia, it was great!

Kathe W. said...

Love your Grandmother- anyone who takes care of stray animals is a saint in my book! Cheers!

Bevimus said...

Yay for amazingly giving crazy cat ladies like your grandmother! Where would be without them?

RaShelle Workman said...

Hi Alex ~ Thanks so much for mentioning The Cindy Chronicles and giveaway. You rock!! Hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving. I'm certainly thankful for you. =)

Tracy Jo said...

Great advice from Elizabeth! Loved it. Looking forward to following her. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Can't wait to see Frozen. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Alex! Thanks for the shout out -- 40 authors signed up so far, including Jay Lake, Cat Rambo, and Gini Koch. Should be fun this month.

Leovi said...

Yes, I too love chocolate!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - gosh 165th .. well I'm late but here ... however to Elizabeth - what a great grandmother you had - and how wise .. I love that phrase:

One day, she calmly told me, “If you ever want to know a person’s true nature, watch how they treat someone they have nothing to gain from.”

Insightful lady ..

So pleased you're both writing and publishing - good luck for 2014 .. and Happy Thanksgiving, even if it's gone ... cheers Hilary

cleemckenzie said...

Great that you're featured on the Fussy Librarian. I'll have to check that out.

Love Ice Dogs cover and the trailer is compelling.

Unknown said...

Love that picture of Indiana Jones! And happy belated Thanksgiving :-)

Shell Flower said...

One of my sisters is a crazy cat lady. She brought her 5 cats with her to my parents' house making a grand total of 8 cats there. Can't wait to see your editing advice and glad to hear you are working on a new book.

Mason T. Matchak said...

Bit late on this one, but I thought "Frozen" was brilliant. It gives you everything you'd expect from a Disney movie, and subverts it, all at the same time. I wasn't a huge fan of the songs, but still, absolutely loved it. ^_^

Elizabeth Seckman said...

@EJ & Nicole, thanks!
@Jenn, I think everyone should know at least one ;)
@Pk, I doubt you ever need to be reminded to be nice!
@Nigel, wise man!
@Sandra, they can be the most entertaining sort of people!
@Cassie Mae, I love you too lady who has the mostest awesomesauce in the stratosphere. (I still can't pronounce query, but I can spell it ;)
@Sheena-kay, haters and riff always sum it up best!
@Joylene, you must have lucky grandchildren!!
@Denise, thanks and glad yo survived NaNo!
@Nicki, Thanks!
@Spacerguy, I know I rely on my fury friends every day!
@Shannon, My hubs keeps me in line too. I chased a stray down the highway the other day (never caught it) but my kids narked me out and my husband flipped out...we have enough animals!!
@Misha, I don't mean to either, but it has become a life habit. I have known people I just love and will see them rip on someone who seems helpless and I just can't like that person any more. No matter how nice they are to me.
@Alexia, I think cats are totally classy.
@Kathe, she def couldn't turn away strays!
@Beverly, we'd just not be as smart
@Tracy Jo, Thanks!
@Hilary, cheers right back to you...and always better late than never :)
@Shell, tell her the key is multiple litter boxes emptied often :)

Deniz Bevan said...

That's great advice. Shucks, if I lived on a farm, I'd have way too many pets myself. I want a goat, and a horse, and sheep, and cows, and more cats, and...