Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Almost Human, Grabbers, and Dr. Who in Whoville! Plus the Ninja is Rocking the Internet This Week, The Magicke Outhouse, and Ninja News

Almost Human Review

Based on the first two episodes, looks like it will be a winner.
It’s a good mix of action and humor, as well as an excellent mix of police procedural and science fiction. The first episode was at once comfortable, like it had been around a while, which is the mark of a good show. It blends aspects of Blade Runner, a touch of Robocop, and a generous mix of a hundred different police procedurals.
The casting is great with Karl Urban and Michael Ealy as the leads. I’m also really impressed they got Brad Anderson (Session 9) to direct the first episode.
If you want good science fiction on television, you’ll do yourself a disservice if you don’t check out this show.

Grabbers Review

Looking for something quirky and amusing? Check out this small budget flick. An Irish town comes under attack from tentacled space creatures who want to suck their blood and there’s only one way to survive – and it involves lots of alcohol.
By no stretch was this a great film. However, the effects are really impressive (especially considering the budget), the leads likeable, and the film is a fun horror/comedy hybrid. It didn’t stray quite far enough in any direction to be really effective, but it does achieve a good balance. Had a Tremors vibe (and hints of Shaun of the Dead) but not as good. The filmmakers did really try to make a quality movie and it shows.

Rocking the Internet this Week!

Wednesday November 20 - I have the honor of participating in the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer’s Chat on Twitter! These weekly chats can draw tens of thousands of people and are hosted by author-editor, SFWA affiliate member, and SF Signal contributor Bryan Thomas Schmidt and reposted later at the SFFW Chat Website.
The chat is one hour and begins at 9:00 pm EST.
Follow along on Twitter with hashtag #sffwrtcht!

Tuesday I visited Jessica Bell, discussing Indiestructible and beyond the book release.

Friday I am visiting Tyrean Martinson for her one-word interview.

Special Release

I was honored when Kym and Mark asked if I would read and supply a blurb for their upcoming book – and now it is finally out for everyone to read!

 Silverville Saga #3
By Kym O'Connell-Todd and Mark Todd

Everyone knows you can’t time-travel. But somehow those rules don't count in Silverville, where anything is possible. Combine ley lines with a mysterious privy fungus and you might end up anywhere, from Ancient Egypt to the Wild West or into the future. Add in an almost zombie and a pig that can sing “Happy Birthday,” and you’re in for a wild ride – if the tour guides can just work out the kinks.

“A unique cast of characters makes this a fun and enjoyable read!” – Alex J. Cavanaugh, author of the Amazon Bestselling Cassa series

“This rollicking story keeps the reader captivated until the last, surprising chapter. Who would have thought that a journey that begins in an outhouse could be so much fun?!” – Charlie Craig, showrunner/head writer for SyFi Channel’s hit series Eureka and writer for Fox’s The X-Files

“Mystery, adventure, exotic locations – Kym and Mark Todd have a time-travel hit with this new adventure in the Silverville Saga series. As soon as those deadly kinks are worked out, sign me up.” – Stacia Deutsch, NYT Bestselling author

Find The Magicke Outhouse on Amazon
Find Kym-n-Mark: Blog, Website, and Twitter.

Ninja News

TF Walsh posted about a new site - Indicated is a pay-it-forward promotional and educational tool, offering self-published and small press authors the chance to gain exposure to new readers through features and reviews, and providing ongoing resources that will strengthen marketing endeavors. Visit Indicated for information and membership fees.

Laura at the Daily Dodo has launched a Kickstarter project for the Chick Lit Love Fest! It'll take place at Dartington Hall, Devon on Saturday, April 5, 2014. She has three authors lined up - Alexandra Potter, Carole Matthews, and our very own Talli Roland. Check out her site for details and how to donate. Good luck, Laura!

Pat Hatt has a new book out just in time for the holidays - The Bohlingaringding Christmas Ring.
Perfect book for anyone with a sense of humor. (Or someone who needs one!)
Find it on Amazon now.
Congratulations, Pat!

And this t-shirt design is for David at Yackity Smackity - I knew there was a Dr. Seuss/Dr. Who connection!

Have you been watching Almost Human? Seen Grabbers? Picking up The Magicke Outhouse? Any interesting news? And have you seen any other cool Dr. Who t-shirts?

Don’t forget I am visiting Tyrean Martinson on Friday!


Natalie Aguirre said...

I haven't seen Almost Human but have seen the ads for it. Thanks for letting us know it's good.

If I get a chance, I'll catch your Twitter chat tonight. Congrats! That's great exposure for you and your books.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I've watched no new TV, but this sounds very interesting...might have to check it out.

Good luck with the Twitter chat! That's a huge deal!

Mark Koopmans said...

Break a leg on Twitter :)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

all the best on twitter-talk... you will be great. almost human did not pull me in, it looked great... i am very tough on new shows, now. i have one cool dr. who shirt on my site, well i think it is cool. some great stuff in today as always...

Annalisa Crawford said...

I have seen so many cool Doctor Who t-shirts I've had to stop looking - I want them all! And I am so excited for the weekend :-)

Huntress said...

Saw Almost Human-good
Checking The Magicke Outhouse-interesting.
A Twitter chat? Holy Talking Cats!

Rhonda Albom said...

Almost Human isn't in New Zealand, I never heard of it before this post. I haven't heard of Grabber either. Love the Dr. Seuss cartoon :)

Unknown said...

I've caught one eppy of Almost Human and liked it a lot!

I'd sort of like to see Grabbers, now that you've reviewed it. Not for the quality of it, but sometimes those movies (like Motel Hell) are hilarious. Of course I'll wait until it comes out on DVD.

Good luck on Twitter. I liked the interview on Jess's blog.

M.L. Swift, Writer

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I am DVRing Almost Human and will begin it soon. I love me some Science Fiction TV. I miss Fringe!

Frankie Miller said...

Who would believe that we've had 50 years of Dr Who? It proves that people do get excited about the idea of time travel. "The Time Machine" by HG Wells initiated me.
I'll try Almost Human if and when it appears on Terrestrial in England. I can see we'll soon have to sign up to Sky or Virgin.
Best wishes on Twitter.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

The Magicke Outhouse does sound like fun!

Would love to catch your Twitter chat, but that's when I get my son Alex ready for bed. I'll be lucky if I can sneak off to the computer for two minutes. Hope it goes well!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the SFFW chat debut! That's great! (I don't tweet but I'm with you in spirit!)

Thanks for the info about Almost Human and Grabbers - both sound like such fun. I can't wait till they come to Egypt!

Congrats to Kym and Mark for their book, Tania and Laura for their writerly projects, and Pat for the new book!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Natalie, appreciate that!

Jeremy, just so rare that I get to watch a show real time anymore.

Mike, it's on NetFlix now - go enjoy.

Sandra, your son comes first!

Patrick Stahl said...

That is a pretty cool shirt. The curve in the TARDIS really suits the design.

Pat Hatt said...

Thanks for the shout out and about. I usually wait to see if it gets a season 2 before I start watching, but have it waiting to be watched.

Chris Desson said...

Grabbers sounds funny. I'll have to look into it. You're post Tuesday was both wise and informational.

Unknown said...

HA! Thanks for the T-Shirt design!
They are coming out the woodwork for the 50th Anniversary.
I don't know what I'll blog about after 11/23/13.

Stina said...

I wish I had more time for TV. Almost Human sounds great.

Love the Dr Who picture. I used to love the show 30 years ago, when I lived in England. Haven't watched since we moved away. Love how it FINALLY reached cult status in the US. I was disappointed when we moved to Houston and I could no longer watch it.

Brian Miller said...

dr who-ville, that is awesome! ha...saw Thor, it was awesome!
the show sounds pretty cool,
have it set on the DVR but yet to watch any thing yet...

Bob/Sally said...

I watched the first episode of Almost Human . . . or, at least, most of it. It was just too familiar to me, and I couldn't help but pick apart all the stolen/borrowed/appropriated ideas and influences. It really felt like a pastiche of late 80s or early 90s sci-fi that I'd seen before.

I may give it another chance, but with so much toddler time TV in our house, I tend to hoard my DVR slots quite carefully. :)

Sarah Foster said...

Good luck on Twitter tonight! Assuming I get home from work on time, I'll have to check it out. Love the Doctor Who t-shirt.

Jo said...

Not familiar with this show, I am not even sure its on TV here. Will check it out.

Anyone who sets their story in an outhouse has got to have a good sense of humour.

Sorry I don't Twitter.

I too haven't watched Dr. Who since it started around 40 years ago in the UK. I am surprised it has become such a "thing".

Crystal Collier said...

Yay! Twitter tonight at 9--and thanks for bringing my attention to Almost Human. We have WAY too many TV shows to watch, but I'm always stoked when a new winner pops up. Off to check out the news items...

~Sia McKye~ said...

Almost human looks like a winner. Dan told me, hey you ought to watch this, you'd like it. He's right. Now if I can just remember to plop myself in front of the TV when it's on. :-) Neat T shirts. I'll try to stop by Twitter tonight.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

Charles Gramlich said...

Both Lana and I are enjoying Almost Human as well.

Louise said...

K-9! Love the shirt.

"Combine ley lines with a mysterious privy fungus" - OK, I'm hooked. Sounds like an awesomely fun read!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Doctor Whoville! LOL Good one. the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer’s Chat sounds awesome. I know you guys will have fun.

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for all the info. Hopping over to Jessica's now. Happy Wednesday!

M.J. Fifield said...

I haven't seen Almost Human, but I really want to. It looks like a lot of fun.

Best of luck with your chat—but I'm sure it'll be great.

Kittie Howard said...

Almost Human sounds like fun. Can't beat that Irish twist. Good luck with the Twitter chat. If I did Twitter I'd drop by.

RaShelle Workman said...

I did watch Almost Human and you're right. If felt like it'd been around a while. Plus, I go gaga for Mr. Sexy Urban… erm. Yep. =) I also love his partner and the way they are developing (at least the way I see them developing) both characters.

Isis Rushdan said...

I've been waiting for Almost Human and completely missed that it had started.

Good luck with the SFFW chat!

A. B. Keuser said...

I'm starting Almost Human tonight (Thank goodness for Hulu). And I'm really excited to watch it/interested in the whole idea.

Good luck on Twitter tonight!

Juliana Haygert said...

Hubs suggested we give Almost Human a try just last night - we ended up watching something else, but agreed to watch it soon. It looks very promising!

Leovi said...

Almost Human, una película muy interesante!

Andrew Leon said...

Karl Urban is enough to get me to try Almost Human. As soon as Netflix gets it.

ilima said...

Ooh, I'll have to check out Almost Human. And that Dr. Whoville t-shirt is awesome!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Ilima is right: that Dr. Whoville shirt is fun! Like you, I really enjoyed ALMOST HUMAN. THE MAGICKE OUTHOUSE reads like it will be fun. Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Lots of fun reading and viewing things highlighted here. You're so supportive of everyone.

I loved Mark and Kym's book-- who knew an outhouse could be such a great vehicle for fun?

Arlee Bird said...

A magic outhouse!! What a way to go through time!

Tossing It Out

LD Masterson said...

I liked the first episode of Almost Human and thought the second one was even better. Looks like a winner. And I'm adding the Outhouse to be TBR stack.

Julie Flanders said...

Best of luck with the Twitter chat! I'm not even a Dr. Who fan but I love that t-shirt, how cute.

Carrie-Anne said...

Good luck with the Twitter chat. I might stop in to see what it's about, even though it's been awhile since I've worked on a sci-fi project.

Patsy said...

Hope your twitter chat goes well. I'll look in if I can work out the time differences and I'm not asleep.

Robin said...

I am watching Almost Human. I DVR'd it. So, I have seen the first, but not the second episode. However, I really liked it. I am a sucker for anything that JJ Abrams does. (Just being honest.)

I would drop in on your chat, but I don't Tweet. I have tried very hard to avoid that venue of social media. I may not get around it forever, but for right now... I don't Twitter.

D.G. Hudson said...

I, who never watch tv, saw 'Almost Human' the other night. I liked it a lot. It might even lure me occasionally to watch subsequent shows. I do love anything scifi.

Congrats on the recognition, Alex!

S. L. Hennessy said...

I thought Almost Human was pretty great. I'm actually hopeful for this one. But it's Fox so, you never know. It could be cancelled. said...

That's an awesome t-shirt design. Drats, I'll be at my writing group during your twitter program. I'm sure you'll do great. Have fun and good luck with it, Alex.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat, you're welcome! I usually do as well since I watch most shows online and wait until I can watch a whole season at once.

David, thought you would like that!

Stina, you had to really look for it back then if you lived here.

Bob, understand that!

Sia, or set to record it in case you forget.

RaShelle, it did have that feel, like it was already comfortable in its skin.

Julie, it was really unique!

Robin, that's all right.

SL, true!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you on the Twitter chat and congrats to Pat on his new book!

Johanna Garth said...

Almost Human looks interesting. Will have to try to find it. And I really want one of those t-shirts. :) said...

PS Alex, I thought you should know that your comment on my blog post ("That was a problem for him? Did I say that out loud?") was a big hit with me and my readers. I'm still chuckling over it too.


Kym-n-Mark Todd said...

Alex, thank you sooo much for reading the beta draft for THE MAGICKE OUTHOUSE and giving us a blurb. We know it was a busy time with your own third CassaStorm coming out about then.

Plus thanks for the plug today as we launch our book!

Hope you think of this book next time you take a -- well, use the bathroom! :)

You're out hero, Ninja Cap'n.

Unknown said...

Awesome, this post pulled me in from the word outhouse, lol.

Thanks for sharing about Grabbers. My hubby loves odd flicks, so that's on my list for us to watch now.

Also, The Magicke Outhouse sounds like a fun adventure. Congrats to Kym and Mark! :)

Liz Blocker said...

I have to say that I wasn't impressed by the ads for Almost Human. The sheer volume of them was a factor - I just got really tired of seeing it advertised over and over and over... BUT I'll give it a shot, given your review!

Chancelet said...

I haven't yet watched Almost Human, but I may catch it soon on On-Demand. Grabbers sounds quite interesting... hadn't heard of it before. Is it at the movies? Congrats to the Todds for an interesting book premise! Writer’s Mark

SK Anthony said...

Man, I forgot to set Almost Human on the DVR but I'm crossing fingers its on demand. I'm really interested in watching it.

Have fun with the chat! I'll try to stop by :D

Shah Wharton said...

Almost Human is about to start here and it's on series record. I never heard of Grabbers, but it sounds worth a look. Enjoy your chat (I'll be in bed) and wow - awesome T-shirt! :)

Sheena-kay Graham said...

The Dr. Whosville design looks cool. Almost Human is my new must see tv series. Fox is doing really well and it is right before Sleepy Hollow which is even better. Best of luck with your twitter chat tonight Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Robyn! And glad I could amuse everyone with my honesty...

Kym and Mark, thanks for letting me read it! Now I have to read the first two.

Emilyann, I'll try using that word more often!

Nancy, it's out on video now.

Kimberly said...

I haven't seen Almost Human, it sounds good.

Have fun at the chat - I'll try to make it!

John Wiswell said...

I'm so bad at remembering the #sff chat time! The hashtag being cumbersome doesn't help, but it's really just that it always happens late enough at night that I'm busy or outright taken. I'll endeavor to free up tonight and show support.

And I need to check out Almost Human. I love me some Karl Urban.

Gossip_Grl said...

Hubby and I did watch Almost Human. We will keep watching it unless they switch it to the same time and night as Duck Dynasty! Oh and the other cool thing was that episode was on the sex bots. I had a post last year about sex bots. Imagine that- I had a posting before a TV show!

Michelle Wallace said...

I want that T-shirt! I want that T-shirt!
It's so cool that you provided a blurb for Kym and Mark's book! Great interview over at Jessica's place!
Congrats to Pat! I really like the title of his book.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Making a note of twitter tonight. I do like Almost Human and enjoy both the leads.
Wow, you gave me lots of links to check out today.

Christine Rains said...

Love that Doctor Who shirt! I forgot about Almost Human. Maybe I'll catch up on it next month when I have time to breathe! Grabbers sounds like my type of flick. I saw Pacific Rim on the weekend and enjoyed it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

John, appreciate that!

Cindy, you could see into the future...

Christine, it's a fun flick.

The Angry Lurker said...

Really looking forward to "Almost Human", Urban is a real talent!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I enjoyed Almost Human. I think it will sit comfortably in my Monday night slot.

Good luck with the interview tonight. Sounds like it will be full of awesome.

mooderino said...

I liked Almost Human but they seemed to have lifted the premise wholesale off of I, Robot, including Will Smith's distrust of robots and his artificial limb. Still, fun show.

J E Oneil said...

Ah, sorry but I'm not available at nine. What bad luck.

I'm still not sure about Almost Human. It's pretty good, but I have doubts that it will be able to keep up. Maybe though.

Tyrean Martinson said...

That Outhouse book looks hilarious! And Congrats on the twitter chat! I'll be at a Bible study at that time - remember, I'm on the Pacific coast - so I'll miss out. :( However, I know it's going to go great!

Thanks for all the news - and I'm looking forward to Friday!

Tina said...

I will watch anything with Karl Urban...and am excited to see the show. Loved the previews. Also, loved Tremors and The Engineer and I love cheesy sci-fi so Grabbers would fit the bill.
Man, this post was so full of good info...I'm overwhelmed in responding to it all, but I gotta say a time-traveling outhouse sounds cool and I think David will LOVE that t-shirt!
Tina @ Life is Good

Rusty Carl said...

I haven't been watching the show... been writing! I'll catch them on demand, probably.

I hate to say it, but when I was at Disney last month, I got entirely sloshed at the food and wine festival at Epcot and then went to the British area and had about $600 worth of Dr Who memorabilia in my hands before my wife found me and made me put it back.

I am eternally grateful to her. That's why we make such a good team. I do really dumb things and she fixed them!

Helena said...

I caught Almost Human because Karl Urban is McCoy in the new Star Trek movies, so I like his character already.

Grabbers sounds like a silly, fun hoot. I'd never even heard of it, so thanks for the heads-up.

Anonymous said...

I haven't caught Almost Human, but saw commercials that looked interesting.

Searched the hashtag in twitter and hopefully I won't be too much of a zombie from the day job to stop in and say hi.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tyrean, what you are doing at that time is more important.

Tina, you know I pack in the information.

Rusty, we need someone like that. Although sometimes I am the one with the voice of reason. That's not nearly as fun.

Patricia, if you can stop by, I'd be really7 grateful!!

Kal said...

Almost Human is very well done and I liked the idea of episodes on two consecutive nights. Just enough future tech to set the perfect mood for a much speedier procedural. I think it will be huge if Fox doesn't mess it up. Urban is great especially when he plays a soft touch over an action hero.

Sarah Allen said...

Dr. Whoville might just be my favorite thing ever ever ever :)

Sarah Allen
(From Sarah, with Joy)

Unknown said...

Haven't seen Almost Human. Perhaps, I should give it a try.

I love the Doctor Whoville picture. :)

Denise Covey said...

Hi Alex! Hope the twitter gig went/is going well. It's already Thursday midday here.

I've posted for the first time since NaNo begun. Now I have to catch up. What better place to come than your blog to find all the links at my fingertips!


M Pax said...

I liked what I saw of Almost Human.

Congrats to all the new book releases. Awesome!

Libby said...

Grabbers will go on my queue. Also, the fact that there is a book called The Magicke Outhouse makes me intrigued and disgusted.

Angela Brown said...

I know I sound like such a fangirl when I say this, but I was sold on Almost Human when I saw Micheal Ealy was part of the cast lol!!

Love the blurb you supplied for that new release as well :-)

Ella said...

I want to watch Almost Human-I love the actor who plays Bones in Star Trek!

Wow, you are busy-great blurb by the way~

I love this shirt...I know two who's who might like it! Sorry I missed the twitter party~

Pat Tillett said...

I haven't seen Almost Human yet, but I recorded the first two episodes.

T.F. Walsh said...

Grabbers sounds so cool... my type of movie. Haven't heard of it yet...:)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

That's a cool t-shirt.

I think I missed the twitter chat. Darn my stoopid timezone.

I'm looking forward to Almost Human. Sounds like it has promise.

Unknown said...

Almost Human looks pretty cool; and it's an Abrams show so you know that it's gonna be awesome (at least in the beginning). Here's hoping that it carries on :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kal, FOX doesn't have a great track record, so fingers crossed.

Denise, you've been missed!

Libby, it's a funny story.

Angela, my wife likes him as well.

Ella and Lynda, no worries.

Anonymous said...

I need to check out Almost Human! And I want that T-shirt!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Great job last night. I was stalking you a bit.

I'm watching Almost Human! I really liked it. Karl Urban? How can you go wrong. I agree about the comfort and the feel of the show. I'm sticking with it!


Sylvia Ney said...

I'm still on the fence about whether I'll enjoy ALMOST HUMAN, but I have to agree about the chemistry - they all clicked like they have been working together for some time.

A Beer for the Shower said...

I made an awesome t-shirt design previously that had a picture of ye old blue phone booth, that said, "My other TARDIS is your mom." I would have gladly sold it on our site, if not for copyright infringement. Boooo.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. I'm not sure if Almost Human is over here - but I will now keep my eyes open .. though we're flooded with Dr Who at the moment!

Looking forward to finding out how the Twitter interaction went - sounds fun ..

Cheers Hilary

msmariah said...

Alex-- I have to admit I was quite surprised how good 'Almost Human' was. I was expecting something "middle of the road" at best. Mediocre at worst. Karl Urban was the big draw for me, but I'm glad it turned out to be a great show. I really enjoyed it.

Yolanda Renée said...

I was prepared to dislike Almost Human, but actually enjoyed it. Tremors was a great movie, will have to check out grabbers.
Will have to figure out how to make twitter work - someday!

StratPlayerCJF said...

Haven't seen "Almost Human" but your review does make me want to check it out -- I'd seen the ads and assumed it was typical TV crap. There's a long history of schlock android-partner cop TV shows (anyone remember "Mann and Machine," "Holmes and YoYo," or "FutureCop" with Ernest Borgnine?).

I hope your Twitter chat went well! Sorry I missed it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather, thanks for stalking!

Bryan and Brandon, darn those copyrights!

Hilary, it went really well. Glad I had prepared answers for some of the questions.

Mariah, it was really solid.

Chris, I remember FutureCop... sadly.

klahanie said...

Now this took some checking out. As usual, plenty of info here.

Almost Human. Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar once said that to me.

Missed your twitter. Sorry about that.

Give me strength. Pat in the Hatt, a rhyming cat. And Dave is a rave. Dr. Who, how do you do, meets Dr Seuss on the loose....

Gwen Gardner said...

The Magicke Outhouse caught my attention right away. Not only the title, but the cover, then the blurb. Looks fun.

Doctor Whoville is a streak of genius!

PK HREZO said...

Oh man I need that tee shirt. I always make jokes about Doctor Who down in Whoville.
And I've been hearing about Almost Human. I'll be checking it out.
Great job on Twitter last night!!

Leovi said...

Yes, it seems funny Chick Lit Love Fest!

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched Almost Human, but the commercials do look interesting. I'll have to check out The Magicke Outhouse. Like that cover. The cover for The Bohlingaringding Christmas Ring is cute. So is that Dr. Seuss/Dr. Who t-shirt. : )

Unknown said...

Oh, I need that t-shirt for my nephew--he's a Dr. Who fanatic,even his bedroom door is painted to look like the Tardis:)


Intangible Hearts said...

The Magicke Outhouse sounds like it has endless possibilities....:)

Stephen Tremp said...

I love Almost Human. I was hoping this would live up to its hype, and so far so good!

And I'll definitely be checking out THE MAGICKE OUTHOUSE and read it over the weekend. Thanks for the link!

Sherry Ellis said...

Dr. Whoville is cute!

You've got to like that crazy outhouse, too!

Melissa said...

The Magicke Outhouse sounds really cute. Talk about a great setup for some hilarious one-liners. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gary, excellent rhyming!

Thanks, PK! Appreciate you joining us.

Samantha, that is cool...

Patricia Stoltey said...

I'm definitely going to read The Magicke Outhouse. I'm hoping it wipes out the outhouse memories from my early childhood on that farm with no indoor plumbing. :D

Nigel G Mitchell said...

I saw Grabbers on Netflix. I'll check it out.

I missed Almost Human. I need to check the next episode.

Empty Nest Insider said...

I'm sure that you were a big hit on Twitter. I still haven't joined up yet. Congrats to Pat, and all of the authors!


The Happy Whisk said...

LOVE the Doctor Whoville.

Hope all goes well on Twitter, I don't have an account, otherwise I'd be there. But it's a wonder I can even get Blogger to work.

Cheers and boogie boogie.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

That does look like an awesome show. I like the idea of some humor. I will also have to check out the movie. I love those kind of campy sort of horrorish movies.

Hope you had a great vacation!!

Susan Kane said...

The Magicke Ouhouse? It sounds strangely like the children book series, The Magic Treehouse...Any relation?...cousins, maybe?

Cathrina Constantine said...

I watched the first 2 episodes of Almost Human and tend to agree with you Alex. I was fully entertained.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Almost Human and Grabbers.

The Magicke Outhouse looks interesting.

Martin T. Ingham said...

I've also watched the first two episodes of Almost Human, and I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. There is definitely a classic sci-fi feel to it, like those familiar movies from the 1980s and early 90s.

River Fairchild said...

I've never heard of Almost Human. Thanks for the tip!
The Magicke Outhouse sounds like a blast. And our ninja has a blurb line right next to Eureka's head writer? Man, you're famous now!
I have that very long hashtag written down. :)

Unknown said...

What exactly is a one-word interview?
Would love to check out Grabber. And oh, how did you twitter chat go?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, this one is definitely a little more adult.

Martin, it felt familiar and comfortable - hopefully the show makes it.

River, I know!!

Peter, my answer could only be one word. And the Twitter chat went great!

Anonymous said...

Welp, looks like another show I'll be watching on Hulu. lol Totally forgot it was coming on, and with Football season dominating my house, I wouldn't get to watch it on Monday anyway. v.v

Grabbers sounds like an awesomely bad movie. lol

Elise Fallson said...

Almost Human sounds good, thanks for the updates! Awesome that you get to participate in the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer’s Chat on Twitter. Wish I could join in the fun, but at 9pm EST it's 3am where I live. ): I'll have to catch the highlights when I get back. Have fun and merde!

mshatch said...

I'll have to check out Almost Human, you know I love good scifi :)

Catherine Stine said...

Thanks for the heads-up on Almost Human. Just TIVOed it!

Tonja said...

Now the Whoville Christmas song is in my head.

Robyn Campbell said...

Almost Human rocks! Love, love it! T-shirt design is RAD!

Ack, I meant to go by Jessica's blog. *sigh* Christopher's head is worse and I don't know if I'm coming or going. I'll be there tomorrow though.

Happy Thanksgiving Captain!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Already visited Tyrean's blog and read your one word answers.
I am curious to see Almost Human.

Unknown said...

Ah, love that Doctor Whoville t-shirt design. :)

Bevimus said...

I did see the adds for that and it looked good, will have to look into it.

Cherie Reich said...

I enjoyed the first episode of Almost Human. Unfortunately it's on a bad night for me. I have to work until 8 PM and don't get home until after 8:30, so I'll miss half or more each week. Perhaps I'll catch up later.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Debra, it is tough to sacrifice the football time!

Tonja, but that's a good thing.

Robyn, just do what you can and no worries.

Cherie, check Hulu.

Carrie Butler said...

If tentacled space creatures attack, you better believe I'm drinking, too! ;) Welcome back, Captain!

Bish Denham said...

I enjoy Almost Human as well. The trailers for the show were enough to get me to watch it.

Love that Dr. Whoville shirt!

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
Thanks for catching my mistakes. I blush with shame. This is what happens when your really tired and your writing anyway.

I don't understand twitter and clearly I need to.

Congratulations on many levels. The Doctor Whoville looks hilarious.

SpacerGuy said...

You've been a really busy Ninja with the SFF writer chat. I haven't seen Grabbers yet but I have total confidence in the doctor!

Beth Barany said...

I'm really enjoying ALMOST HUMAN! :)

Bossy Betty said...

Hope Twitter went well!

Li said...

LOVE the t-shirt! I just bought a shirt with minions stealing the Tardis as a Christmas gift.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I see the ads for ALMOST HUMAN I think of the show BEING HUMAN. Lots of "Humans" out there.

I watched BEING HUMAN for a season or two but then grew tired of it. I can only take so much gore.

Author A.O. Peart said...

Ack, I can't believe I missed the first episodes of Almost Human!

The Magicke Outhouse sounds wonderful. I need to check it out.

I'm always up for a pay-it-forward so now I'm off to Indicated to learn more about that project.

Unknown said...

Almost human sounds just like my cup of tea. I can't believe I've missed it. I must look it up!

David T List said...

I'm glad to hear Almost Human is good. I've liked Karl Urban ever since the Two Towers and The Chronicles of Riddick. (Special mention to Doom!!)

Speaking of Dr. Who, get to, quick! There's a Dr. Who minigame on there (probably only for another 34 minutes!)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed both episodes of ALMOST HUMAN and expect more cool SF elements in the future. Saw GRABBERS was on Netflix streaming, so I'll have to check it out. And hey -- I'm at Tyrean's next month! Her 1-word interviews are great.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, we've all been there!

Lisa, that's funny!

Liz, fortunately Almost Human isn't gory.

David, I missed it!

Milo, the one word interviews are awesome.

Tess Julia said...

Awesome news about the twitter on Wednesday! You deserve all the success- I love your writing.

Unknown said...

I've seen a lot of commercials for Almost Human and it looks pretty good. I'll be sure to check it out this coming week.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I actually have Grabbers in my Netflix queue. Haven't watched it yet, but I figured it would be wonderfully cheesy like Take the Block or whatever that movie was called (I'm too lazy to go look it up!). Wow, you ARE all over the interwebs! Just watched the first half of the Almost Human premiere tonight and liked it.

The Warrior Muse

DMS said...

A time traveling outhouse? Now that is something I have never heard of before!

Toi Thomas said...

I like the Whoville pic. Can't beleive I never imagined that connection. I haven't seen Almost Human, but it does look good. Grabbers sounds a little crazy, so it's probably my kind of movie and the Magicke Outhouse sounds good; I'll have too look into that series.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Deniz Bevan said...

Love the Seuss Who! And K9 is a perfect fit!

Laura said...

Hi Alex- finally getting a second to catch up with some blog reading- thank you for the shootout!! Laura x