Ninja News
Talli Roland signed a two-book deal with Amazon Publishing. They will re-publish The Pollyanna Plan with a new cover and release The No-Kids Club spring of 2014. Congratulations, Talli!
Taking Time and Other Science Fiction Stories by Ellie Garratt
Available now!
Science fiction stories of time and space...
Find the book at Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Goodreads.
Cassa News
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for CassaStorm on Goodreads. Open to the USA, Canada. AND Mexico!
Thanks to those of you who visited Jo Murphy’s feature on me this past Monday. I was stunned to discover she was a fan of my books before we ever met in the blogging world! Thanks again, Jo.
And I forgot to mention this in my review of Pacific Rim on Monday. There is a scene where Raleigh is telling Mako about the mental connection between the pilots and that the worst part is the silence when that person isn’t in your head anymore. Yes, CassaStar definitely entered my mind at that point!
Sharknado Play-by-Play
Yes, it was another SyFy Craptastic epic. We won’t even begin to dissect the implausibility of sharks surviving out of water in a storm and then falling to earth with a desire to eat everyone in sight. Just pretend you have the IQ of a carrot and enjoy.
9:01 Sharknado title appears and blows off screen. I’m guessing this won’t be the only thing that blows.
9:04 There are so many sharks in the water, you could literally walk across the ocean.
9:05 The captain of a shark fishing boat is killed. Lucky bastard doesn’t have to watch any more of Sharknado.
9:08 Ian Ziering, post Beverly Hills 90210, shows up. Don’t judge – dude has to eat.
9:15 Girl hands over sarong for tourniquet on man with deep cuts. Hello? The guy behind you is missing a leg and you still have on your bikini!
9:24 Sunny day – hurricane – sunny day – hurricane. Apparently the continuity guy was eaten by a shark.
9:32 When is Sharktopus going to make a cameo?
9:40 George the lovable drunk is eaten by shark. An hour later, the shark was pulled over and issued a DWI.
9:43 Sharks are popping out of the storm drain like a giant Pez dispenser!
9:51 Somewhere Bruce the shark is watching this and laughing his ass off.
9:53 The house is flooded up to the second floor but the road is clear. (Remember folks, the continuity guy is dead.)
9:54 If you only see one film where sharks attack a Beverly Hills home – don’t see this one.
10:05 Man says he came to LA to be an actor. Maybe one day my friend. Maybe one day…
10:16 Car blows up after shark attack. Shark terrorists?
10:30 I need to get ready for bed. I don’t think I’ll miss any critical plot twists though.
10:55 They blow up the final Sharknado with explosives. Shame someone didn’t do that to film itself.
Monster Movie Trivia!
How well do you know your monster movies?
1 – What was the monster in Brotherhood of the Wolf?
2 – How many times have Godzilla and Gamera fought?
3 – DeForest Kelley fought giant rabbits in what film?
4 – Which X-Men cast member starred in Deep Rising?
5 – What year was the original King Kong released?
6 – What was the giant creature in Lake Placid?
7 – In Godzilla vs. the Thing, what was the Thing?
Answers on Monday!
And I have to end with this from Jo Blo because it’s awesome!!!!Can't wait for the movie next year.
Have you picked up Ellie’s book? Did anyone else suffer through Sharknado? Know the other shark disasters or have one of your own? Seeing a movie this weekend? Ready for Godzilla next year? And know any trivia answers?
Was this done by the same guy who did Sharktopus?
I know 1, 4, 5 & 6 but no clue on the other questions without cheating!!!
More Shark movies
Sharklock Holmes
And a TV series
Sharkhouse 13
Congratulations to Talli Rowlands, Still can't master your Trivial any question on Danny Boy will be answered in a flash.
Sounds like the Shark movie was a bit out there!
Sean, it's done by the same company. They grind out these cheap films for anyone who wants to buy them. And they make a killing doing it.
Edi, those are awesome!!!
Sharkquake would be EPIC!! LOL. And I only knew the answer to #6. Alligator, right?
I was sitting here giggling about your comments on Sharknado. What a ridiculous story. So sorry the continuity guy got eaten. I don't imagine I will ever watch it unless I do so to see if I can spot where your comments apply. Love the idea of a shark getting a DWI 'cos it ate the drunk.
I had a feeling this review would be hilarious, 'cos you were chomping at the bit (bite) last week to tell us how horrific this movie was:)
My only add-on - the new show on AMC: The Walking Sharks
"I’m guessing this won’t be the only thing that blows" <--- Hahahaha!
I love those SyFy movies. They're unapologetically bad and make for great drinking games.
Yay for Ellie! Love your play-by-play. The worse part for Ian Ziering wasn't the sharks, but the fact his character had to be married to Tara Reid! Oh yes, Godzilla! I really hope it's good.
dude...that shark movie looks horribly awesome...hahaha...errr....ian zeiring...ok, trying hard not to judge, hard not to judge...ha...
shark vs. ninja, i'd def watch it...smiles.
Congrats to Talli and Elle!
OMG! I almost pee'd my pants. OMG!
That is the best one yet!
You had me at 9:01!
Thank you. Thank you SO much.
Darn trivia.
1. Ummm. I'm going with a wolf-like creature.
2. No idea
3. What? How do you even know this?
4. No clue.
5. Thirty-something?
6. Giant alligator/crocodile. I can never tell the difference.
7. Alien?
Congrats Talli and Ellie!
That shark movie looks so horrible lol
Great play by play! Sharknado could have used continuity guy.
I'm definitely looking forward to Godzilla. What better movie than a giant mutated creature destroying Manhattan.
Optimistic, close - it's the other one.
Jo, glad I could amuse you.
Mark, that's a good one!
MJ, drinking game - I'll have to try that next time.
Heather, you're welcome, and you got one right.
I can answer the Godzilla questions
#4 As far as I know I don't think they ever did fight.
#7 Mothra
I love the poster. I hope the design stays true to the original.
Yay for Talli & Ellie! I know they're aiming for campy when they make things like Sharknado but sounds like this didn't even get close!
Watching Sharknado was like watching a horrible train wreck, no matter how bad it was I just couldn't look away. The movie was so stupid. Your play-by-play comments were not, they were genius. As for the trivia, I only knew two- Boo, me. :(
You watched the whole thing!!???! LOL. Well, it does make for humorous commentary.
And congrats to Talli and Ellie. Always love to hear good book news. :)
LOL those syfy movies are so friggin horrible. Hopefully the new godzilla movie is way better than the last. But i think even that beats sharknado haha
#1some weird cross dog huge wolf thing, beast of something weird it was called.
#2 umm 1
#3 night of the lepus
#4 Jean
#5 1933
#6 Crocodile
#7 Mothra
OMG I am so glad I missed it but glad to have your play by play to affirm my decision (not that it was really much of a decision since no cable/satellite = no sharknado!).
And I only know the answer to #1 - a lion disguised by costume to make it look like a massive otherworldly wolf. Interestingly I just watched this and caught the Frenchman's gf (from the Matrix)in it.
Have a fabulous Wednesday!
As always, congratulations to the highlighted authors. Your play-by-play was funny. Doesn't sound like a movie I would even consider anyway but your synopsis sealed that deal.
That was too funny! :)
I think the creature in Lake Placid was an alligator? All I remember about that movie was that Betty White was in it. :)
One of these days, I'm going to find and re-watch the movie THEM - giant ants! I saw it on TV when I was kid and it was terrifying at the time....
HI Alex, There's a comedian -can't remember who at the moment who talks about fears and says that fears. He says that fear of sharks are a stupid fear because if you just stay out of the ocean then you won't get bit by them (Daniel Tosh maybe?)- on the other hand you can't stay out of an airplane because it's not realistic to go to New York from L.A. by train or car all the time. I guess Sharknado would justify a real fear of sharks. I guess I'm not terribly worried about Sharknado...
i like silly nonsense like shark movies... did you ever see the trailer for "land shark", it's safer to be in the water... and "pool shark"... just like it sounds.
i knew most of the trivia...
I already knew the ninja has sense of humor but you were hilarious today. What a wonderful way to start a day than by reading a review of Sharknado by Alex Cavanaugh. Brilliant!
Don't know any answer to the questions, it would be shameful if not because this is too common in me. (Still wondering about the IQ of carrots...probably the same I had on Monday.)
And yes, I think you should read the Artist's Way. I thought a lot about your dilemma while I was typing my post. I think it would help you...or yes, mess you a bit more, but believe me, it's a mess you'll also be comfortable with. In any case, it's worth the chance.
Thanks for bringing laughter to my day, you've just earned 5 dragon points :D
Sharks freak me the heck out. Even with the hilarious review, I'll probably stay the heck away because I'll have nightmares of airborne shark attacks. :)
Even though I found every time frame ridiculous, I still stopped at 10:50 and went, "Wait, what?" That sounded like an awful experience, and I'm sorry you had to go through watching it. *eHug*
I'm pretty sure I saw Deep Rising and can't remember who's in it at all.
6. An alligator overfed by Betty White!
Hi Alex,
Very interesting piece
Keep Going
I LOL'ed at your play-by-play of Sharknado. I'm guessing someone thought that was a really good idea ("Hey! Let's do a Jaws movie except with sharks falling out of the SKY!"). Just entered your Goodreads giveaway!
I'm quite ready for Godzilla! Or at least for a trailer to show how they're depicting the big guy. It's still my deep desire that we get that Legendary Pictures Godzilla/Pacific Rim shared universe movie eventually.
And you've certainly sold me on Sharknado. I'll have to track it down.
I think Sharkano sounds promising. I mean, if it has flaming sharks flying through the air, right?
You just gave them ideas for their next four films, man.
It's a case of a movie so bad that everyone flocks to it. Great news for Talli and Ellie.
I felt sorry for the "monster" in THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF. :-(
Yeah, maybe this one step Sharknado of fantasy!
OMG that was too funny!
Congrats to Talli and Ellie ;)
Congrats to Talli!! And I've picked up Ellie's newest release!
OMG! I love your play-by-play of Sharknado! I can tell it was much better than the movie! :)
Congrats, Talli and Ellie!
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun...
I'll stick with JAWS. :P
Congrats to Talli and Ellie!
I didn't see the movie--I'd rather write--but your commentary was great.
LOL love the Sharknado play by play. How about "Shark vs Alex!" Alex wins.
Congrats to Talli and Ellie. Think I'll pass on the movie but enjoyed your synopsis!
Lol! Thanks for the play by play!
I'm pretty sure the monster in Lake Placid was some sort of giant alligator, but that's the only one I know.
Headed over to check out your feature.
I really can't stand sharks. Just hearing the music from Jaws sets my teeth on edge. That movie freaked me out when I was a kid, and I didn't actually "see" most of it since I was hiding behind the couch every time the music came on. So, there you go.
Congrats to Talli! Such great news. And wishing Ellie all the best on her new release.
Continuity in movies is my husband's big pet peeve. He should have been a continuity director,
Alas I did suffer through Sharknado, but I want to LOL
DeForest fought Rabbits in Night of the Lepus. Love that movie. :)
Cannot wait for the new Godzilla, I loathed the Matthew Broderick one.
OMG, I am still laughing. Sharknado play by play. Priceless.
"When is Sharktopus going to make a cameo?" LOL Maybe in Sharktopus 2?
Hi Alex .. I agree Talli and Ellie are going great guns with their publications and tie ins .. so pleased for them.
While Jo's mention of loving your books before finding you in blog-land is just so great to find out - fan meets author via blogging ..
Count me out of shark land! Cheers Hilary
You'll be able to give your play by play again next year, as Sharknado 2 was greenlit!
I have to ask - was that shark movie for real?
obv. I didn't watch it. I think I'll be using that in an upcoming guest post about believability. Srsly, I'll believe any premise if it's well done. :)
I love how your Tsharknami has a silent "t", haha. How about...Sharkenopause. That could be scary. :)
Oy. My comment was lost. I had movie ideas and everything (whine, sniffle) but they were along the lines of Sharkong, and Cloudy with a Chance of Sharks, so I think the world might be better off without them.
Congrats to Ellie!
And I saw The Lone Ranger last night and was pleasantly surprised. The critics gave it such bad reviews I didn't expect much, but then I enjoyed it. Depp and Hammer pulled it off, and it was a fun movie.
I do not believe that Sharknado actually exists. You made that up for publicity, didn't you? C'mon MAAN!
Well, while we are on the subject, let's add some Hobbit into the fray, shall we?
1. Sharkopolis
2. Sharktaphobia
3. The Sharkchurion Candidate
and my personal favorite
4. Sharknado & Sharktopus's Excellent Adventure
Hey, by the way, are your books in Kindle format? My wife and I are looking for something AWESOME to read.
Following you from Bloggerdise New Blog Follower Club=)
Jeanie Huston
Congrats to Talli and Ellie! Great recap of Sharknado! I'm sure that your version was much better than the movie!
David, you are correct!
Christine, we watched in morbid fascination...
LG, I watched it so you don't have to.
Pat, you got five right!
Marcy, very good! Yeah, it's a cool flick.
Madeline, you're close. And I remember seeing THEM when I was a kid.
Danette, I wouldn't be concerned...
Jeremy, pool shark is awesome. No one ever sees it coming.
Al, five dragon points! Glad I could amuse you. I'll pick up the book and give it a try.
Debra, she did overfeed him!
Thanks, Julie!
Charles, as long as they don't give me the credit.
Roland, so did I.
Michael, Ninja always beats shark!
Rachel, really close.
Susan, Sharknado could've used him.
Melissa, you are correct.
Pat, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura, it was a real movie, but not made by real writers.
Ilima, funny!
Tyrean, that's great!!
Ib, those are awesome! And yes, both books are on Amazon for the Kindle. Thanks!
Thanks, Jeanie!
I've been hearing so much about this Sharknado but I dont know if I should give in to the pressure of watching it! I might feel like I've wasted 2 hours of my life. :) Congrats to Ellie and Talli!
Laaaaughing at the sharkness. And congrats of course to all of the awesome success :-)
When I first saw the ads for Sharknado I thought it was a joke. Guess I was right.
Congrats to all.
1 – What was the monster in Brotherhood of the Wolf? A lion.
2 – How many times have Godzilla and Gamera fought? No idea.
3 – DeForest Kelley fought giant rabbits in what film? Night of the Lepus?
4 – Which X-Men cast member starred in Deep Rising? Famke Jansen?
5 – What year was the original King Kong released? 1932.
6 – What was the giant creature in Lake Placid? A crocodile.
7 – In Godzilla vs. the Thing, what was the Thing? No clue.
Congrats to Talli! I read The Hating Game and enjoyed it very much.
Read about this shark thing over at Stephen's place. Definitely need to make the replay a family event. Dissing bad sci-fi is an oft repeated event around here!
So someone stole your idea about not hearing the other person? How rude. Or the sincerest form of flattery...
Tina @ Life is Good
So many sharks, so little time. Awesome review! I'm sure demon sharks will become a thing before too long.
SharkDueDate! Hey if anyone got pregnant with a shark it would truly be a disaster. *Sniff* I smell another SYFY winner! Congrats Talli and Ellie. And that Godzilla pic/image/poster was awesome.
Oh my gosh, that was the best play by play of a movie I have ever read. And sadly, now I really want to see it! What does that say about me? That I slow down to look at car crashes while telling myself it's out of concern, not curiosity?
Literally on the floor over the Sharknado review. You one funny guy- that one bad movie.
Vampire Sharks From Hell!
Bloodsucking Sharks From Outer Space!
Sharkzilla vs Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Do you want me to go on? :-)
Oh wow, I wish I'd seen this! But reading your minute-by-minute makes up for it :-)
Wow! Those are a lot of sharks in the Sharknado movie!
Nutschell, you will waste two hours of your life.
LD, the joke was on us.
Fran, you got four, and were one year off on King Kong - very good!
Tina, mine was first, so I'll take it as flattery.
Samantha, that's a good one.
Elizabeth, claim it's research.
Vanessa, those are great!
By accident (I would never do it on purpose) I caught a few minutes of Sharknado. Your minute-by-minute is SO much more entertaining, Alex! The acting by a couple of the starlets was so bad (stand helplessly while looking gobsmacked with disbelief) that I couldn't bear it and switched channels.
Having missed the majority of the shark movies on syfy i'm guess most of the ones i'd come up with have already been done. But your play by play was amazingly entertaining and I thank you for it.
Woo hoo for Ellie!!
I loved Sharknado. It was absolutely fantastic. the best one they've ever done. I was excited today to learn Sharknado 2 is coming. Woo hoo!
I didn't see Sharknado - and now I don't have to!
This had me laughing out loud :) Grats to Ellie and Talli! The only answer I know is the alligator...
Fun post!
Trust me, if I see a movie about sharks attacking Beverly Hills, it won't be Sharknado.
Godzilla has never battled Gamera and the Thing is Mothra.
I don't know the answer to a single one. Never was into monster movies, though I used to watch Ultraman when I was a kid. Gave me dinosaur nightmares for years, which is why I don't watch monster movies anymore. That was the silliest play by play I've ever read. Who thinks up this stuff?
Helena, you were smart to save yourself.
Mary, I saw that there's going to be another one.
Diane, you are correct.
Nancy, someone with a lot of time on his hands...
That shark movie is just begging for a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 send-off!
Love the Play by play Alex! SO funny! Sounds like a great movie to miss.
Congratulations to Talli! You go girl!
Just caught up with Jo's post about you. Such a great tribute and well-deserved.
So happy for Talli, that's awesome!
Thanks for saving me from having to sit through "Sharknado"....I owe ya one! :D
Congrats to all those with new book offerings...well done!
Alex, I missed Shraknado!!! Damn. My wife is busy right now trying to find it. After Sharktopus I am hooked on bad fish movies...
I don't think I know any of your trivia but the good news is...
I have entered the CassaStorm drawing a ton and I bought one of Jeremy's Ninja Army T-shirts!!!
I am now offical...and acting like I'm 12!!
Hey Alex,
Yet another public service by your good self. Now I wont have to suffer through "Sharknado".
Ellie's book is on my list of must-reads.
I've never recovered from watching that classic film, "Bambi Meets Godzilla!" Although, a rather short film....
Carrie-Anne, yes it is!!
Julie, thanks.
Chuck, you the man!! Jeremy will be so happy.
Gary, I need to post Bambi Meets Godzilla...
OMG, your play-by-play is so fantastic. I can't even believe this movie exists, but I am already loving that GIF of Ian jumping into the shark's mouth so much.
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
YOU are so fun ;D
I love all the shark ideas~
Congrats to Talli! :D
Yes, I have Ellie's book~
Stay cool Captain!
Pez Dispenser? You crack me up!!!
I'm going to skip the play by play because I have a feeling my mom's going to make me watch Sharknado with her tomorrow and I don't think I can stomach it more than once.
The only question I know the answer to is that the monster movie Deforest Kelly was in was Night of the Lepus. Unless there is another giant rabbit monster movie. Which is all too possible.
I have a feeling I'm going to end up watching this stupid thing just to see how bad it is.
More suggestions:
Sharkteroids - sharks rain down from the heavens like meteors
The Sharkpture - Jesus comes down to bring the good back to heaven... and feed the bad to FLYING SHARKS.
And I heard Sharknado 2 has been given the green light. Someone's laughing all the way to the bank. Craptastic! I am may watch it in fast forward one day, but not any day soon. Haha.
Congratulations to Ellie!
Alex: I saw Pacific Rim today and man, I had a blast! It was visually stunning and had awesome chemistry between the actors. The action sequences are never ending and overlong. I loved the scientists' subplot - I wanted more of that. I wouldn't watch Pacific Rim again though. I'm glad I listened to the excellent word-of-mouth! :)
I know nothing of monsters, except the cookie monster, so I'm skipping the quiz.
I LOVE it when you do these movie play-by-plays, Alex. Your humor really shines. This one's hilarious!
Hmm, what's next? Sharks on a Plane? Gone With the Sharks? Love Means Never Having to Say, "Look out there's a big angry shark about to bite your butt"? The possibilities are endless.
I did not see Sharknado, but your comments were awesome.
1. A werewolf of sorts or something wolf-ish?
2. Um...
3. Sounds hilarious
4. Famke Janssen
5. Pretty sure it was 1933
6. Giant Alligator
7. It was, ya know, that one thing...
Hope you're having an awesome week. :)
Freaking hilarious! Kinda makes me want to watch Sharknado just to see how bad it is!
oh my gosh I had a great chuckle at your Shark film review. I'll be sure to skip it ;)
I know it's a B-movie, but if there was a C it would fall into it. Surprised you wasted your time viewing and reviewing it, but hilarious. I can't believe you spent the time on a blow by blow and were actually paying attention enough to do it.
I know none of the trivia answers. Sigh.
Looks like Tara Reid's career has reached an all-time high! ;-)
JE, and once is too many times. Your answer is correct.
Brandon and Bryan, those are good!
Michael, they are indeed laughing their way to the bank.
Livia, told you it was just fun!
Thanks, Robyn. And your suggestions rock.
Kela, you got two right!
JL, this would be an F movie. And after the response to my play-by-play of Sharktopus, I knew I had to suffer through it.
Cally, she's ready for the Oscars now.
Jo's post was great!
Congrats to Talli and Ellie!
The only shark movie I know of is Jaws...
i know nothing, but love everything!
hilarious! you should have a vlog show like mystery science theater 3000!
OMS! I laughed till I farted a shark out of my--well, you know.
If only they had released "Sharknado" with your comments. Kind of like George Bush narrating "It's a Wonderful Life" for the sight impaired.
I think you've found your niche Cap'n.
Thanks for the belly laugh.
~Just Jill
Congrats to Talli and Ellie! Such great news. And yay for Sharnado :D Always good to start the day with a laugh :)
Sarah Allen
(From Sarah, with Joy)
Didn't catch Sharknado, but sounds like an instant cult classic . . . watching another one of those now--Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. Equally stupid, but that doesn't mean I don't find it funny!
Just signed up for the giveaway!!! Also, Sharkado 2. :)
Yay for Talli and Ellie!
And LOVED your Sharknado review! I almost want to see it for the cheese factor. It seems sort of like The Blob... so bad it's good again.
I keep missing these shark movies.
I'm thrilled for Talli.
The shark movie sounds like a hoot, but I think I'll go for something a little less ridiculous.
This: If you only see one film where sharks attack a Beverly Hills home – don’t see this one
Made me LOL
And i love Brotherhood of the Wolf! It's based on the true story of the Beast of Gevaudan. ...I should probably do a Wednesday Weird on that
Tara, I would almost enjoy doing that.
Jill, thank YOU for the laugh!
Thanks, Libby!
Sarah, glad I made you laugh. And you should do a Wednesday Weird on that.
King Kong was made in the decade of the 30's!
Godzilla's coming out next year? YAY!!! I've got to take my son to that.
Glad I missed that shark movie - a shark tornado, huh? Proof that anything can sell.
Hello! Hope you see my comment way down here. Anyways, thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't believe how popular those shark movies are.
Man I have been in the writing cave hard this week I missed your last post.
I really liked Pacific Rim thought about taking my son to go see it.
I also can't was for Godzilla.
T, anything sells on the SyFy Channel.
Hey Clarissa! Glad you're back.
Brandon, glad you came up for air.
The play by play was hilarious! Looks like SyFy might have jumped the shark. ;)
And you stumped me on the monster trivia. I'll wait for the music questions to come around again. I'm better at those, I think ...
That was a fun play by play! I followed the whole Sharknado thing with Wil and Anne Wheaton live Tweeting the event, even though I didn't actually watch it.
What is SyFy anyway? They're making these ridiculous films on purpose? It's really funny!
Sometimes I think SyFy is very creative. They couldn't make movies like Sharknado by accident.
Congrats to Talli on her contract! Yay for Ellie on her book release - I'm dying to read it!
Loved the Sharknado play-by-play. They're making a new Godzilla? Really? Why? (Which is the question I ask every time a new Superman craptastic extravaganza comes out. Can't anyone in Hollywood get an original idea anymore?)
I hear Pacific Rim is a fun summer popcorn flick. Not great cinema but great fun to watch. I hope so.
I'm looking forward to RED2 and RIPD.
Maybe the moviemakers where thinking of CassaStar, too?
Disappointed that you can simply blow up a Sharknado. But lol on Bruce, 'I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine' I tell myself that whenever I'm on a diet.
Clearly Sharknado is the newest classic on the unintended laugh-a-minute list.
Good job, Talli and Ellie. Nice overview of Sharknado. Wish I could have seen it
I do not think I could sit through the shark thing. LOL
Yay, Ellie Garratt. She's on fire!!
CONGRATS to Talli on her two book deal!
Stephen Tremp had mentioned on his blog the other day about Sharknado being on again. So once it finally showed up on the schedule, we set it up to record. My husband and I will probably watch it tonight.
Kirsten, jumped the shark - good one!
Deniz, they buy their movies from a studio called Asylum, and I have to believe they are bad on purpose.
Lexa, but the director of the new Godzilla is Gareth Edwards who did Monsters! And after the last Godzilla, we need a good one.
Donna, they can think harder and make it a film.
Nigel, no you don't!
Susanne, good luck with that.
I want to see Sharknado.
Since I had to cut my cable, I'm super glad to see this play-by-play. Thanks for putting the time into it. Now I know what the downlow is. :)
Wait, you didn't like Sharknado? What's up with that? It was cinematic genius.
Congrats to Ellie and Talli!
You're rundown of sharknado was so funny. I'd like to see these made into movies: (actually, no I wouldn't, lol!)
Sharkzilla (maybe this one)
A Fist Full of Sharks
The Good, the Bad and the Sharks
Shark Grit
Dances with Sharks
I can't wait to see Godzilla!
Alex, I loved your Sharknado review, it had me giggling throughout especially when you said that the continuity guy was eaten by a shark ;)
"Just pretend you have the IQ of a carrot and enjoy." -- LOL!
I bet my boy would LOVE this show.
David, I watched it so you don't have to.
SL, up there with Sharktopus!
Elise, those are good!!
Rachna, glad I could make you giggle.
EC, he would find it funny.
They're making a new Godzilla movie? Very cool, I'm a Godzilla fan from the very original ones.
BAWHAHAHAHAHA! Loved the Sharknado thing! I saw a preview for the second one and all I could think was, "Someone actually made that into a movie? Two movies?" If I ever need a pointless movie to watch, I guess I now know of one.
Can't believe Syfy actually replayed Sharknado. I was tempted the first time (there's really nothing on cable during the summer and I needed a laugh) but hubby nixed it. After all the hubbub following the first airing, the temptation faded.
I really like science fiction stories backwards and forwards in time!
I'm upset because I was trying to sell my Sharkano script to a movie producer in Pompeii. You would have loved the scene where Nero was bending over his fiddle.
I saw Sharknado and crapped myself. It's like a high school kid threw it together over a weekend.
Strangely, I was entertained. I probably shouldn't have said that.
Your observations were pure gold.
Did not watch Sharknado. Don't know any of these trivia answers. But huge congrats to Talli and Ellie!
Happy Weekend!
All the hoopla about Sharknado. I feel a bit silly because I haven't seen it yet. Sigh. Am I the only one?
Hey Alex, what a great review! I don't know if I get the SyFy channel, but I'll have to watch Sharknado if I can. I'll be munching popcorn and rooting for the sharks.
When we're through with shark titles, maybe we can try Whalenado, where this huge colony of whales that's pissed off at the Japanese for their whaling practices descends on Tokyo.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, by the way.
Hi Alex, I hope you're enjoying your summer. I have baby brain and I'm still recovering from many sleepless nights. I have to see Sharknado but I keep hearing about it. Just when I thought the SyFy channel couldn't get anymore ridiculous it does...
It's such great news about Talli. Hope all goes well with your goodreads giveaway.
No trivia answers from me!
I am now officially jealous that I didn't think to watch and blog Sharnado.
1 – Technically it was supposed to be a lion that had been modified with armor plating and metal implants. In reality, it was based on the Beast of Gevaudin.
2 – Canonically, that would be nil.
3 – Night of the Lepus.
4 – Jean Grey...err...Famke Jannsen.
5 – 1933.
6 – A man-eating crocodile, no matter how redundant those two words are together.
7 – Mothra!!!!
JJ - funny!
Rusty, maybe grade school kids.
Candilynn, no - many wise people avoided it.
Bob, I like that title!
MsMariah, you've been missed. And I'm sure SyFy could get more ridiculous.
Cairn, it all started with Sharktopus. Now it's tradition for me.
No joke, congratulations, Talli! Babe, you are on the cutting edge. I really believe it.
Great news about Talli's and Ellie's books. That shark doesn't stand a chance against the Ninja.
No movies this week, but I'm heavily into Orange is the New Black on Netflix. Addicted actually.
Sharknado, huh? least they were.......original? My vote is for Sharkenstien's Monster!
Impressive lists, as always.
Good for Talli and Ellie! All best wishes to them and of course to you Alex for book sales successes.
LOL! Sharknado sound as bad as the Legend of Boggy Creek!
Sadly, I don't get cable and had to let the craptastic event pass me by. Boo hoo. But loved your play by play! LOL!
Let, did you see all the nominations NetFlix received for its original programming? Impressive.
Randi Lee, good one!
Madeleine - worse!
PK, you're probably better off without it.
Ellie always has the coolest cover art, and I'm partial to blue. SHARKNAMI makes a whole lot more sense, doesn't it? BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF -- great movie; wasn't it a lion?
Wow, congrats to Talli on the two-book deal, and congrats to Ellie Garratt on her new book.
Thanks for the hilarious play-by-play on Sharknado! No, I didn't see it, but I love your comments about it!
Joshua, sorry I missed your comment - you are correct on all counts!
Milo, it was indeed a lion.
Lynn, now you never have to watch it!
I suffered through Sharknado, too, just to see what all the fuss was about. Wow. Just... wow. I no longer feel bad about my first drafts. ;)
Congrats to Talli! And I've heard a lot about Sharknado ... but I'm just so not interested in that! :)
Have a great week!
I have to say, I'd never heard of Sharknado. Can't believe with all the great books out there to make a movie out of, they'd pick such a crappy story. Oh well.
Giveaway entered, and congrats to Talli! Writer’s Mark
Um, I don't do carrot IQ very well. I'm thinking your commentary is more interesting than watching the movie, lol! I'll give it a pass.
I heard about Talli and I'm proud of her. Another book to check out.
I did not suffer through Sharknardo, thank God!
Major congrats to Talli!
Thank you so much for the shout-out, and to everyone for their congrats.
Carrie, our first drafts look brilliant next to that film.
Sia, safe to say you're right.
Talli, you're welcome!
I missed Sharknado. Thanks for the play-by-play! It sounds like it was awesomely bad.
Oh man, now I absolutely have to see Sharknado. Although I'd also be on board for Sharklood.
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