Monday, May 13, 2013

Tammy’s Interview Victim, May Monster Madness, Godzilla, Ninja News, Jewel of Shaylar, and Cabbage

When Tammy Theriault invited me to do an interview at her site, I knew it would be different. I knew there was a reason for the survival badge. How weird was it? Come sample the insanity HERE!

Ninja News

Ilima Todd just signed a two-book deal with Shadow Mountain – congratulations!

Mel Chelsey’s book, Adversarius, Shadow of the Rose: Book One, is now available in paperback on Amazon.

Sean McLachlan’s fantasy novella, The Quintessence of Absence, is now available! The 25,000 word story originally appeared in Black Gate magazine. Congratulations, Sean!

Jade Hart’s latest novel, Mirror Amour, is now available. Way to go, Jade!

The Best/Worst Movie Remakes Blogfest is this Friday! Name the best and worst movie remake you’ve ever seen. Sign up HERE.

Jewel of Shaylar

Laura Eno’s Jewel of Shaylar is now available!

Archaeologist David Alexander investigates the cave where his father disappeared and hurtles into another world, one filled with magic and bizarre creatures…

Purchase at: Kindle US, Kindle UK, Nook, Smashwords, Kobo, Trade Paperback, and Goodreads.

Laura Eno. Speculative Fiction wordsmith. The secret to her stories? Spread lies, blend in truths, add a pinch of snark and a dash of tears. Escape into her world. She left the porch light on so you could find your way down the rabbit hole. Follow Me: Blog, Facebook, Twitter

May Monster Madness!

Hosted by Annie Walls.
How does May Monster Madness work? Well, it's a blog hop featuring posts about monsters! Anything you can think of as long as it has something to do with monsters... crafts, lists, movies, funnies (a personal favorite)... anything!

I decided to go with my favorite monster as a kid - Godzilla.

Nothing was cooler than the Saturday afternoon monster movie featuring Godzilla. He’s ingrained in my childhood forever. He began as a terrifying, giant monster, and over the years became more of a protector and almost loveable creature. Godzilla changed the way I looked at monsters.

Yes, he was a guy in a rubber suit! But I’ll take a guy in a rubber suit over the monstrosity that was Emmerich and Devlin’s Godzilla. Here’s hoping Gareth Edwards can do better in 2014. (He rocked with 2010’s Monsters.)

And it didn’t hurt that Blue Oyster Cult did a tribute song to Godzilla!

Visit Annie Walls for other participants or to join this blogfest!


This is for Gary:

From Wikipedia

Have you ever been interviewed by Tammy Theriault? Excited about the new releases? Ready for Friday’s blogfest? Picking up Laura’s book? What is your favorite monster? Godzilla fan? And care to comment on the meaning of the cabbage…?

Don’t forget to visit Tammy Theriault!


The Angry Lurker said...

I wasn't but I will be....hopefully!

Unknown said...

How funny, I was drawn to the site by the originality.

Brinda said...

Meaning of cabbage?

Laura's book sounds terrific. And I'll go check out your interview.

Anonymous said...

As always Alex a post full of news and information but why the cabbage for Gary??????

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Godzilla is a cool monster. :)

Nice news update...I always get the scoop here.

Popping over!

Laura Eno said...

Thanks for the mention, Alex! :)

Godzilla is a great monster. I have fond memories of him...

I'm sure you had a wild time at Tammy's!

Cabbage. Gary. Anything's possible with that combo. ;)

Unknown said...

I will have that riff running through my head all day long Alex. Great tune!

J.L. Campbell said...

Congrats to Laura and Ilima. I like the cover Sean settled with. It's nice and clean. Saw the ones he posted, but couldn't decide which I liked. This one is clean and elegant.

Checking you out at Tammy a little later.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Saw the interview. It was so funny!

Unknown said...

Godzilla! Great monster! I always thought he was just a little lizard in a giant lizards body! Completely understood! ;)
Here's my MMM'S for today Carmen Jenner Author and Book Me!

Happy Hopping! =D

Anonymous said...

That is a freakin awesome cabbage!
Oh, and the Godzilla post wasn't too bad either! Great stop. i stumbled on this little piece of radness too

Here's my day III MMM at Design du Jour.

Mark Koopmans said...

Me love Tammy!

Me interviewed by Tammy past.

Me lost my hair

Luckily me still speak good...

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Ah Godzilla, probably my favorite movie monster (although not a good remake). As far as my favorite movie remake, I would probably go with The Italian Job. I am heading over to read your interview now!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Godzilla is pretty cool as far as monsters go.

I'll pop over to that interview..

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Sean's novella sounds interesting; I may have to add that to the pile.

Godzilla's my favorite monster too. I used to watch the Saturday morning cartoon of him when I was a kid. Of course, that meant dealing with Godzookie too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, you have to go back to my last post to find out.

Laura, you're welcome!

Mark, what hair?

Optimistic, that was a good remake.

Sandra, unfortunately it did...

Rhonda Albom said...

I am off to read the interview now, well at least I was, now I am too busy pondering the meaning of cabbage.


Ian Anderson said...

Sorry, I hate cabbage. Maybe you do, too, and that's why you showed it sliced in half?

Sean McLachlan said...

Thanks for the shout out!
As for cabbage, it's only palatable if slathered with butter, and I do mean slathered.

T.F. Walsh said...

I do love Godzilla too... those Japanese original movies are the best. Hmm cabbage hey. Well I always add a bit to my soups:)

T.F. Walsh said...

I do love Godzilla too... those Japanese original movies are the best. Hmm cabbage hey. Well I always add a bit to my soups:)

Unknown said...

Very confused about the cabbage. Looking forward to your blogfest on Friday, though.

Leigh Caron said...

I've often wondered about the meaning of life...but never the meaning of cabbage. Do tell. And I couldn't get past the jerky editing in Godzilla to get scared. Dracula was my scary guy. I used to sweat like hell in the summer when I was a kid by keeping my windows closed so a bat couldn't get in. I told my mom I was afraid a bird would get in.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I always liked Godzilla.

Elise Fallson said...

Godzilla vs Mothra ftw and congrats to Laura! (:

Donna K. Weaver said...

Congrats to ilima! Such exciting news. And Godzilla. Yeah, does that ever bring back memories. The one that always comes to my mind is the one with Perry Mason. ;)

Brian Miller said...

ha. love that blue oyster cult song! godzilla rocks...and before the 1984 movie they had that short godzilla vs. bambi...ha...not sure why that one stuck with me...

Rusty Carl said...

Loved Godzilla as a kid. Best. Monster. Ever.

Rusty Carl said...

Loved Godzilla as a kid. Best. Monster. Ever.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Congrats to the Ninja's with upcoming releases! Was never much for Godzilla. More of a King Kong fan myself when it comes to urban distruction;) lol. Sound like some super fun bloghops coming up!

Pat Hatt said...

Tons going on at your lawn and yeah I'd rather take the guy in his rubber then that crap remake of Godzilla too. Hmm sounded wrong, just a bit.

Jennie Bennett said...

I'm headed to Tammy's blog right now :)

Jo said...

I still don't know why the cabbage. Laura's book is getting a lot of exposure today, congratulations. Haven't checked your interview yet, but I will.


Unknown said...

I haven't been interviewed by Tammy but I'm heading over there now to read your interview.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Congrats to Laura! I love the cover of that book.

Off to check out your interview and see how well you survived the grilling. :)

mshatch said...

My brother is the monster fan but I may well get dragged along, lol. Off to see your interview...

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Just heard about Laura's new book. The premise sounds really interesting.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Man O Clay, it's good in hot and sour soup.

Sean, you're welcome.

Donna, and he wasn't even in the original version of Gojira.

Brian, I remember that short!

A Beer for the Shower said...

The thing I loved about Godzilla is how he'd just kick a building down. All of these modern villains rig elaborate explosive devices that takes half an hour of plot just to understand, but no, not Godzilla. He just gets a nice running start and punts the Empire State Building like a big rectangular football.

Tina said...

Guess I'll have go see Gary cuz you have me stumped on the cabbage...Looking forward to the blogfest - yours are always so much fun. Heading over to see how Tammy tortured you!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Suze said...

Just over at Tammy's. That was a whirlwind!

Stephen Tremp said...

I'm one of the few that liked the Godzilla remake. Sure, some of the dialogue was cheesy but I though Godzilla destroying Manhattan during a storm was pretty darn awesome.

Looking forward to the new remake of Godzilla too!

I'm off to see Tammy.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I'm still laughing over the survival badge.

Friday should be epic! I can't wait to read all the posts!

Great cover for Laura Eno!

Favorite Monster? I'm fond of The Alien, from Alien. Perhaps not a typical monster but it scared the crap out of me when I first watched it.


PK HREZO said...

Awesome! I love Tammy's interviews. And I was such a big Godzilla fan too as a kid. The only one in my fam. Everyone else liked the other guys. I remember being the only one rooting for Big G when it was him vs. Kong. lol

Summer Ross said...

cabbage- yuck
I know people who are diehard Godzilla fans. I'm more of gizmo fan. :) Nothing after midnight....

Leovi said...

Good song by Blue Oyster Cult!

ilima said...

Thanks for the shout-out! And your interview with Tammy was hilarious. Glad you made it out alive. Maybe Gary is trying to avoid cancer???

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Brandon and Bryan, good point!

Tina, it wasn't pretty...

Karen, that's a good one!

Heather, we'd never seen anything like it, which was another reason it was scary.

PK, a lizard that flames should always beat a furry ape!

Unknown said...

Yay for Laura's FANTASTIC book!

John Wiswell said...

One of the best things that could happen to me as a kid was a Godzilla marathon on a weekend afternoon. I was always bummed when it finally ended. Very curious to see how Legendary Pictures handles it, and if it will eventually cross over with Pacific Rim like Del Toro wants.

SC Author said...

I follow Tammy! Inner interviews are hilarious :D

LD Masterson said...

Followed along to Tammy's. Loved the interview. And congratulations to Laura.

Arlee Bird said...

Yeah, Godzilla! But I've said that before. I'll check out the interview.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Karen Lange said...

Happy Monday! Thanks for all the links and info. Will head over to Tammy's!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Godzilla will never die! :-) He is a great monster. Heading over to Tammy's now.

Carol Kilgore said...

Good luck to everyone with new books! And congrats to Ilima on her contract.

I already visited Tammy's page. Great fun interview!

M.J. Fifield said...

I was never much of a Godzilla fan.

Headed over to Tammy's now...

Tammy Theriault said...

Hey Alex! Had a blast and anything weird for Gary seems normal. Go Ilima and all the other success stories!!

Tammy Theriault said...

Hey Alex! Had a blast and anything weird for Gary seems normal. Go Ilima and all the other success stories!!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I like the taste of kimchi. That's made from cabbage.

I too am a fan of Godzilla. I liked the whole Monster Island thing with the two tiny girls that would sing to the giant moth.

SK Anthony said...

That was a frigging hilarious interview! Let us know when you are done with Honey Boo Boo.

And getting rid of the handbook? Smart move :D

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Apparently, Tammy has great taste in interview subjects. Either that or she's one brick short of a load. Nah, she has great taste!

L.G. Keltner said...

I used to watch Godzilla movies with my dad when I was growing up.

Nancy Thompson said...

So many friends, so many books! Congrats to all! And who knew Tammy, or you, could be so out there?!! Oh hey, did you hear? This morning on the Today Show, Bradley Cooper admitted to always wanting to be a ninja!

Shah Wharton said...

Lol - Godzilla. You reminded me of those precious moments spent around my grandparents watching that, one Sunday afternoon. Cheer Alex X

Shah x

Sheena-kay Graham said...

In the monster category right now I'm feeling...Dragons. Congrats to all the authors of new releases today and what's up with giving Gary cabbage? Why not some Chinese Take out? Will check out your interview with Tammy, she's a riot.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I remember watching the Godzilla cartoon when I was a kid! said...

I love Gary, and I'm intrigued. Does Penny eat cabbage?

So many fun books and links. I'll go check them out.

Be well, Alex.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

So much news going on!

I survived a Tammy interview too! She is crazy with the questions, but I am crazy with my thinking, so it was a perfect fit!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ilima, you're welcome!

John, those marathons were always cool. Godzilla would make a great crossover with Pacific Rim.

Thanks again, Tammy!

Joylene, I'd go for great taste.

Nancy, I'm ahead of Cooper - awesome!

Robyn, not sure any dog eats cabbage.

Hildie McQueen said...

OMG I loved to watch Godzilla movies, they were (are) the coolest ever!! Hadn't thought about them in a while. Oh and cabbage...I like it.

Li said...

Hmmm... I can combine 2 themes here. cabbage was one of the monsters of my childhood. Along with okra (shudder) and dandelion greens.

Maurice Mitchell said...

Gareth should do a great job on his Godzilla movie Alex. He said, "I guess I will say I’m highly aware – and everyone involved is incredibly aware – of everyone’s opinions on what this film has to do and what it has to be. And no one will do anything but the right thing. Without addressing anything specific, everyone knows how important is to get it right." He'll make it work if they give him enough creative control.

Carrie-Anne said...

I love the classic monsters of the silent and early sound era, including of course some of the original creations played by Lon Chaney, Sr.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Godzilla. I miss monster classics like that. I would say I wish they'd make a new one...but they'd probably just ruin it.

Michelle Wallace said...

Congrats to all the writers/books mentioned...
Cryptic cabbage...
I'm off to Tammy's place------

Hart Johnson said...

Loved your interview with Tammy! And I am definitely intrigued with Laura's book! Sounds fabulous!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

so many great things happening to writers and i love laura she is a doll... congrats to all.

i had a shoot on the beach today, girl in bikini... gorgeous. i love freelance that my job is too wipe the sand off between takes.

sorry i am bragging...

Empty Nest Insider said...

Congrats to all the authors! Godzilla was one scary creature. I can't wait to see you over at Tammy's!


Unknown said...

Hope I have time to get in on the movie remake blogfest. Sounds like fun :)

Godzilla - awesome pick!

Suzanne Furness said...

Loads of great publishing news again today, congrats to all. Not sure about the cabbage reference???

Heading off to Tammy's blog!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, yours was great.

Lisa, okra still scares me.

Maurice, I hope they give him that creative control. Sounds like he will be to Godzilla what Jackson was to LOTR.

SL, Japan keeps making them, we just don't get to see them often.

Rub it in, Jeremy!!

Emilyann, please join us!

Ella said...

I use to love Godzilla and how off the audio was. It still makes me laugh-lol!

Congrats to all...cheers! We need a blog party! ;D

Oh, Tammy will do a fab to visit!

Johanna Garth said...

I've never seen a Godzilla movie!

But as for cabbage, your post reminded me I'm going to shred some for fish tacos tonight.

Andrew Leon said...

After your interview with Tammy, I think my approach will be, if she ever approaches me, to run away.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Aside from being a gassy person, lolol! It a dimwitted person. I know you can't be calling Gary a cabbage head.

Oh yes, I remember Saturday Chiller with more Godzilla movies than about anything else. I always disliked the creepy dude that climbed out of the Lagoon and wrecked havoc and terror on everyone. Godzilla I could watch because it was so fake. I don't like horror or monsters and my guys love them. Go figure. :-)


Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Wonderful that you keep up with everyone's new book releases!

Cabbage reminds me that I need to buy some to make cole slaw :)

Mary Montague Sikes

Ali Cross said...

I love the name "Quintessential of Absence". That's a hook right there! Congrats to all!

Unknown said...

Nope, never been interviewed. I'm off to read your interview now. I love Blue Oyster Cult.

Old Kitty said...

Penny loves cabbage?!

Godzilla was a man in a suit!??! Jamais!!!

One of the trailers to ST was some film called "Pacific Rim" but the trailer started with this great big monster coming out of the sea and the first thing I thought was "oh my goodness, they've gone and done a Godzilla remake!!!!" only to discover it wasn't! I have no idea what the relevance of the preceding bit is to your post but I'm just back from watching ST and OH MY GIDDY AUNT!!!!! is all I'm saying!!

Off I go to read your interview with terrific Tammy!

Take care

Bevimus said...

Ah, Godzilla- our lizard friend from the east. How could you not love him?

Susan Oloier said...

Lots of new releases. Very exciting!

Jeff Hargett said...

Glad to see you survived the interview, Alex. :)

Cassie Mae said...

I'm so excited for Ilima!!!! And there's always good news on your blog, which I think rocks awesome balls because everyone is always doing such amazing things.

Unknown said...

Now I know the secret of wearing Liederhosen that are crushing his meatballs, but I even know ninja Alex has a thing for Kate Beckinsale and Godzilla! Enlightening! lol

Ellie Garratt said...

Cabbage? Hehe. Your blog post titles always make me laugh!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Johanna, you need to watch one! And one of these days I'm going to try a fish taco.

Andrew, she's rough!

Sia, that meant you were outnumbered on movie nights.

Melissa, you are cool!

Kitty, now you're taunting me!

Cherie Reich said...

Congrats to Laura! Lots of great Ninja News out today. :)

Christine Rains said...

You're brave to get interviewed by Tammy. I barely survived myself! (But it was so much fun!) I'm excited for Laura. I'm a Godzilla fan, definitely.

farawayeyes said...

Ready for the blogfest - kinda. Love BOC's Godzilla, actually I also love Godzilla. I think he was just a poor misunderstood lizard. And, I'm not gonna touch that cabbage with a 10' pole.

Dani said...

Godzilla is the monster of all classic monsters! There are a lot bloggers to congratulate! I'm ready for the blogfest on Friday!!

Murees Dupè said...

Wow, lots of great information as always. I awarded you the sunshine award on my blog.

Mel Chesley said...

Thanks Alex! And great interview. Omgah... I laughed quite a bit. xD

Carrie Butler said...

Congratulations to Ilima, Mel, Sean, Jade, and Laura! :)

By the way, I read your interview at Tammy's and found it very interesting. Guess what I have on my bookshelf? That's right. It's the Ninja Handbook!

Unknown said...

I watched the awful Matthew Broderick remake in the cinema years ago - the only film I'd ever considered walking out on ...

Unknown said...

Haha! I love that "I just want to go home and draw bunnies" picture!

M Pax said...

Cabbage heads from 2nd City TV? I miss that show... Cabbage Head vs. Godzilla and Gamera would be awesome.

So many great books out - Tara, Ellie, Laura, Sean, and I'm sure I missed someone terrific.

Nick Wilford said...

An interview with Tammy seems like an experience not to be forgotten! Congrats on your survival.

I've only really seen the 90s remake of Godzilla - it was memorable because I saw it with my friends in a tiny village cinema when we were hiking in the Lake District, but it was pretty bad!

Isis Rushdan said...

Love Laura's book cover!

Sherry Ellis said...

I've heard interviews with Tammy can be quite intimidating. I'll stop by and check yours. (I'm sure you nailed it!) Godzilla always cracked me up - he was too rubbery to be scary!

Unknown said...

I love Godzilla! I even have a niece nicknamed Gabzilla because she destroys her brother's LEGO cities. As for cabbage, I define it in one word: coleslaw.

mooderino said...

I've always had a soft spot for Godzilla, the rubberiest of all monsters.


Lydia Kang said...

Cabbage is yet another thing that Shrek doesn't want to be compared to. He's like an onion, darn it. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, we can sport our badges with pride.

Faraway, you are extra cool!

Thanks, Murees!

Mel, you're welcome.

Carrie, are you prepared to be a Ninja?

Mary, that made me chuckle.

Jenn, that's funny!

Lydia, that's right!

Helena said...

Thanks for the book announcements. Laura Eno's book and The Quintessence especially caught my attention.

As for monsters, I think Frankenstein (the original from the 1930's movies) will always have a warm place in my twisted heart. But it was the original Mummy that scared the crap outta me.

Mark Means said...

To this day I -still- love (old school) Godzilla films with "Godzilla vs. Megalon" being my favorite :)

When it comes to Gary, I don't want to even hazard a guess as to the cabbage

I'm looking forward to the Remake blog hop, as well :)

Kittie Howard said...

I'm with you about Godzilla. But, hey, "The Blob" is historic cool.

Cabbage? Hmm, he likes kimchee?

Golden Eagle said...

Laura Eno's book sounds really good! I love the cover.

Nice picture of cabbages.

CA Heaven said...

Lamb and cabbage is a very good dish. We traditionally eat it in the fall, when the ranchers bring their sheep down from the mountains where they (the sheep) have been feeding all summer >:)

Cold As Heaven

klahanie said...

Ah Alex!

Hope you found the time to draw some bunnies. When I'm finished here, I shall go check out your interview with my adoring fan, Tammy.

Look at all those links to all those wonderful people. I think I have the missing link, but that's another story.

Speaking of Godzilla. Aint the classic movie, "Bambi Meets Godzilla!", worth an academy award.

Yes, me also been interviewed by the gosh darn lovable Tammy!

You know Alex dude, you are so popular, you could put up a photo of a cabbage and get a zillion comments and another thousand followers....

Thank you, good sir. Lettuce think some more about cabbage.


Jemi Fraser said...

I loved Godzilla too - something strangely endearing about the 'little' guy :)

Tammy's interviews ALWAYS rock! Off I go...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, I'd go all the way back to the first Godzilla.

Cold, that's good to know!

Gary, that was a funny short. And knew you would appreciate the cabbage. Even if no one else had a clue.

Stina said...

I'm off to read your Tammy interview, Alex. :D

D.G. Hudson said...

Aren't cabbages where they grow those Cabbage Patch dolls?

Will check out the interview.

Chuck said...

I could never figure out where BOC got the idea for a song about Godzilla unless it was a metaphor for the dangers of history repeating itself...or some such. Anyway it was a fun sing a long!

Cabbage = sauerkraut = yum!

Unknown said...

That was an interesting interview...I can't say I've ever read one quite like it. Haha. Congrats to Laura on the release of her new book! I have no idea what the cabbage means...hopefully, you'll tell us on Wednesday.

Jack said...

So many new books. This makes me happy.

DWei said...

The meaning of cabbage is to be turned into coleslaw right?

Shannon Lawrence said...

I haven't been interviewed by Tammy, but some day!

Godzilla. I remember watching it from behind a chair on Monster Movie Night. I was supposed to be playing with the other kids, but I liked the scary monsters even then.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

dolorah said...

Go Go Godzilla! Zombies have always been the scariest monsters to me; but I think I love a good old fashioned Dracula movie. You know, before they glittered and had angst about being a vampire.


Kyra Lennon said...

Pahaha, your interview with Tammy is fantastic!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

DG, yes they are.

Chuck, either way, I'm glad they geeked out and wrote the song.

DWei, that's one good use!

Donna, before they were watered down...

Tara Tyler said...

tammy's interviews are hilarious!
fantastic author news!
and looking forward to friday's fest =)

Unknown said...

I never heard of Tammy, but after that badge, I HAVE to check her out.

Always liked Godzilla too. They're doing a remake in 2014?? Hadn't heard that one!

Cabbage to me means pork & sourkraut with mashed potatoes. YUM!

Sangu Mandanna said...

Ooooh that sounds like such a fun blogfest! Wish I could jump in.

Unknown said...

Congrats to Laura!

Godzilla was always fun to watch!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Godzilla is a cool monster. I would love to create one such monster for my children's books. Will hop over to Tammy's to read your interview.

Theresa Milstein said...

I have a great stuffed-unstuffed cabbage recipe from my mother-in-law, which uses green cabbage. I love putting red cabbage raw in salad.

This was quite the diverse post!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

Back safe and sound in my WONDERFUL office. The sunshine is streaming through the windows and it's warming up to 88 ... YAY. I arrive yesterday and it was a freezing 50 degrees! THAT'S CHICAGO.

I just read the interview at TAMMY's ... LOVED IT! I so needed that laugh. You guys are hysterical.

I have a BAZILLION things to do, but I want to BLOG. SO I will.... LOL.

Already spent the early hours unpacking. SO NOT FUN. AN explosion of clothes, books, cds, baking stuff, food, gadgets, and what nots are ALL over my condo as I write this.

Do I care?

YES... I am INSANELY anal and organized ... BUT ... It will take days, so I must balance my time with dropping by my blogger buddies places...

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

My boys loved those Gozilla movies when they were little. We had lots of them on VHS.
Not ready for Fridays yet.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Terri, they are making another one!

Rachna, one that will endure...

Theresa, I'm all about the variety.

Michael, one thing at a time! You have all day to organize. Enjoy some blogging. And glad the interview amused you.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. Of cabbages and Gary - that was one long search! Found him and comment ... love the photo of the cabbage though! Fresh spring cabbages are just coming in here ..

Must get over to check out your interview with Tammy .. bought Laura's book, and yours on Kindle - I'm up and running finally, and Sean's novella looks a good read ..

Cheers for now and I see Michael's back in Chicago .. getting agitated about his 'mess' - Hilary

Tyrean Martinson said...

Congrats to All!!!!

Loved the interview!
Monsters? I think I forgot to post, or did I sign up? Anyway, my favorite monster is still Sully or maybe one of the fake ones from Scooby Doo.

And Cabbage? Well, it has layers like an onion and makes people smell. :)

Morgan said...

Hahaha! I'm DYING to go read that Tammy interview... I bet it's awesome!!!!

And I'm so happy for Ilima! Such great news. And I hope you're doing well, Alex. Feels good to finally be back into the world of blogging!


Leovi said...

Yes, I think The Quintessence of Absence is a very interesting book!

RaShelle Workman said...

Lots of great books coming out. I loved Godzilla as a kid too. My brother and I would watch them and laugh. So awesome!

Sharon Himsl said...

Godzilla, and I have to add King Kong(!), are two of the best monsters.

Unknown said...

I agree. Saturday afternoons with Godzilla. Ah, fond memories. I'm loving the monster fest. :)

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of that song, sorry! Skipping the monster fest, nothing to contribute.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hilary, thank you!

Tyrean, and they would've gotten away with it had it not been for those meddling kids.

Morgan, we've missed you!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with the non-compliant cabbage patch award on this one. It seems like it would fit Gary very well and he'd have a lot of fun with it.

Marta Szemik said...

Godzilla scares me until this day and YES I'm so curious about the cabbage.

Unknown said...

Jeez I am behind. I don't know which way is up anymore. Godzilla was one of my faves, but I really dug Rodan cuz he could fly.

Pat Tillett said...

I went
I read
I'm back...

Cabbage! It is the best of food, it is the worst of food. It all depends on who does the cooking...

Nicki Elson said...

Oh haha, I totally forgot about that Blue Oyster Cult song! Not sure I should thank you for the reminder.

Okay, off to Tammy's.

Sandra Cox said...

Fun trailer:) Thanks for sharing.
Jewel sounds like a great read.
Have a good one, Alex.

Anonymous said...

I love Tammy's interviews, so I'm headed over now.

Awesome book news!

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Congratulations to Laura! And Godzilla rocks.

Mina Burrows said...

Godzilla is the bomb. Why does Gary get cabbage? Looking forward to Friday. :)

Meradeth Houston said...

Yay for all the releases! And I must admit, my nephews love Godzilla to an extreme measure but I've never really checked out any of the films!

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

I have to admit I don't remember Godzilla from the movies, I remember him from the cartoon. I used to love that, even if it did mean putting up with Godzuki :). At least he was cuter than Scrappy Doo ;).
Tasha's Thinkings

The Happy Whisk said...

Read the interview and posted. Glad no one got shot. You guys sounded like you had fun, and that's pretty cool.

randi lee said...

I've never been interviewed by Tammy but it sounds like it's quite the honor! On my way to go read yours right now! :)

Intangible Hearts said...

Cabbage is a fiber that goes with Swedish meatballs. Eeuueuw!

Rusty Carl said...

Cabbage tastes great... but guaranteed to make my nights regrettable.

Lisa said...

Wow, loved the interview! Tammy sure gave as good as she got! Congratulations on the new releases everyone!!! Have to admit, I love cabbage, especially polish cabbage rolls my step dad makes! Favorite monster I hate is "The Blob." I know, sounds like I'm an idiot, but when I was a kid it scared the you-know-what out of me and I cried. Don't like "Bigfoot" monsters either, as I grew up in the woods.

Jai Joshi said...

That cabbage looks tasty!

The interview was hilarious, Alex. I never knew what either one of you were going to say next!


Cynthia said...

That head of cabbage could be a writing prompt, so yes, I believe you could get comments for posting just an image.