Monday, May 6, 2013

Melissa Bradley’s Favorite Lady Badasses, CassaStorm Winners, Friday Night Alibi, and Ninja News

Special treat for you today! Melissa Bradley is here to share her favorite bad ass ladies, and this Ninja highly approves of her choices!

My Fave Lady Badasses

"Thanks Captain, for letting me take over your ninja fortress for a little bit. Yes, I promise I'll be brief.Wait, what's that? Watch out for Mini Alex. Okay." Smiles and nods as Alex walks away, then looks around quickly for any sign of the little guy.

"Alright, coast clear. Now where was I? Oh yeah, I love strong women, love to read about them, love to watch them in the movies and of course, love to write about them. Growing up I was caught between the women's equality movement and old school, conservative relatives who wanted to me to start planning my wedding my junior year of high school. It was my dad who first introduced me to badass women. He took me to see movies like Alien and Star Wars and talked about his admiration for Ellen and for Princess Leia as leaders.

Anyway without further ado, here are my fave badass ladies of the movies

Ellen Ripley (The Alien films)
She was the first woman I ever saw in a command position on a space ship, going toe to toe with her mostly male crew, but also a nine-foot acid for blood alien. She wielded a flame-thrower and a pulse rifle with skill and I was dazzled.

Selene (Underworld)
Female vampires had always been slinky, slutty characters relegated to the background, but here was a badass who wielded guns, blades and had mad hand to hand skills. What is not to love?

Alice (Resident Evil)
Growing up, it was the guys who always racked up the zombie kills and the ladies only got one in on occasion and usually because the guys were not around or already dead. Here was a woman highly skilled in hand to hand and any other weaponry you could think of. She took charge of the situation and waded in to kill every ghoul in the room.

Zoe Washburne (Serenity, Firefly)
Zoe is in a whole class by herself. Second in command of a squad of rebel soldiers, then a crew of smugglers, she is one of my fave characters of all time. She is brilliant in hand to hand, but nothing compares to her skills with firearms and her uncanny ability to assess a situation and size up the odds.

I have lots more, but I don't want the Captain to cut me off using one of his ninja techniques. Besides I think I hear those little feet and I am such a klutz, I don't want to fall on the poor fellow. But before I go, I love to hear from people so feel free to drop by my blog, Melissa's Imaginarium anytime. Or hit me up onTwitter or Facebook.

About Melissa:
She grew up on the Southeast Side of Chicago, a land steel mills and churches right at the bottom of Lake Michigan. It's not found on many maps, but it shaped her passion for writing and storytelling. When she's not writing or working her day job, Melissa can be found at the library or parked in front of her TV indulging her other big passion, movies.


Thanks, Melissa – you rock!

Ninja News

Voting is open at Michelle’s BLOG for favorite funny A to Z Challenge definitions. Prizes are involved, so check it out.

Annie Walls is hosting the May Monster Madness next week. “How does May Monster Madness work? Well, it's a blog hop featuring posts about monsters! Anything you can think of as long as it has something to do with monsters... crafts, lists, movies, funnies (a personal favorite)... anything!”

The A to Z Challenge Reflections list will be open through Friday. Remember, it’s not a sign up! Add the link to your Reflections post after you have posted. (Sorry, we had to delete a few who signed up but hadn’t posted yet.)

The Best/Worst Movie Remakes Blogfest is a week from Friday – don’t miss it!

My review of Iron Man III (it was good!) will be up on Wednesday, along with a review of what I saw Friday night. (And yes, it was even better.)

Cover Reveal – Friday Night Alibi

Friday Night Alibi
By Cassie Mae
Available July 29, 2013

Rising star Cassie Mae introduces New Adult readers to a practical soon-to-be college freshman who seems to have everything—until a special guy shows her what she’s been missing.

In the wealthy town of Sundale, Kelli Pinkins has hatched the perfect plan to capitalize on her sweet reputation…

“Totally entertaining with as many swoon-worthy moments as hilarious ones, Friday Night Alibi is a must-read.”—Jolene Perry, co-author of Out of Play

“A fun, funny, and fantastic story, this is one you will read in a day, and pick up to re-read again the next.”—Kelley Lynn, author of Fraction of Stone

Pre-order Friday Night Alibi: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, and Random House

Challenge Winners of CassaStorm

Thanks to everyone who left a comment last month. (All 4100+ of you!) selected the following winners of a review copy of CassaStorm:

Jemi Fraser

Mark Koopmans

Congratulations you two!

Following the awesome Melissa? Who would make your list of badass ladies? Signed up for the blogfests? Excited to pick up Cassie’s book in July? And who else saw Iron Man III this weekend…?


Old Kitty said...

Am I first!??! Am I!??! Do I get to keep little Mini Alex for the day!??!!? :-)

Yay for Melissa and her fabulous choice of fabulous gorgeous and ass-kicking, kick-assing ninja women!!! Great choices!!

Take care

Anonymous said...

Nice cover by Cassie Mae! Also...looking forward to the movie remake fest. Still thinking of best and worst, although I have a lot of "worst" choices!

Anonymous said...

Well I am second to day.

Congrats to the winners of your book.
I wrote my reflection post BEFORE the link went up so I hope people will see it.

Have a good day.

Kyra Lennon said...

Aww, I can't believe I missed a giveaway! Congrats to the winners! :D

Unknown said...

I have read both of those books by Melissa and let me tell you, they are spicy.

Congrats to the winners!

Unknown said...

Thank for having me over, Alex! I enjoyed this field trip very much. I'm looking forward to your review of Iron Man 3, I saw it yesterday and loved it.

@Kitty Thank you very much, I'm happy liked my ladies. They do rock.

@Anne Aww... Make a girl blush. Thank you very much for the high praise.

J.L. Murphey said...

WTG Jemi & Mark. Another great A to Z for you Alex. Waiting with bated breath for July.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Those are some tough women for sure! Good picks.

Congrats to the ARC winners!

Haven't seen Iron Man yet, but am sure that's in my future! :)

Bryan Russell said...

Ripley is classic.

And I'm looking forward to the Iron Man III review.

Brinda said...

I love Melissa's list of heroines in film. Congrats to Cassie Mae!!

Louise said...

I'm with Melissa on Zoe especially! I keep telling people I want to be Zoe when I grow up ;-)

Congratulations to Cassie Mae!

Mark Koopmans said...


I don't often say Holy *Kram Snampook* at 1:13 HST, but you got me there.


Congrats to Jemi and *Cheers* for the awesome opportunity to advance read CassaStorm:)

I am type-less... really.


S.A. Larsenッ said...

That is a great list of BA female characters. Nice meeting, Melissa! I think ... my voice muffles, my lips suddenly clamped shut from the pressure of a hand pressing against my mouth. Oh No! It's mini Alex...

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Ellen Ripley rocks!!! Though I only liked the first two.

Andrew Leon said...

You saw something that wasn't Iron Man, Friday night?

Jemi Fraser said...

Wahoo!!! Thanks so much! I'm thrilled :)

Melissa rocks! And totally agree with her assessment of Zoe - she's one of my favourite characters as well!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Congrats to the winners!

Marta Szemik said...

Yay Melissa!
Congratulations to the winners!
I saw Iron Man 3 on Friday as well, with the kids, and loved it:)

VikLit said...

Lovely cover for Cassie!

Rhonda Albom said...

Fun post. My mind has gone blank, not a single badass woman. Oh well, congrats to he winners.

Tina said...

Love Melissa, have two of her books and they were great! Of course follow, too. She picked some good badasses, but I'd have to say Ripley and Zoe are my favorites. I'm sure you were happy to see you girl up there, eh?
Looking forward to your reviews, always enjoy them, and will have to check out the funniest def of the Challenge...
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kitty, Mini-Alex would have fun visiting you!

Yvonne, as long as you entered it on the list, we'll see it.

Melissa, always happy to host you!

Mark, congratulations!

Andrew, I did!

Jemi, congratulations.

Pat Hatt said...

Congrats to the winners and yeah great picks indeed. Xena is the only other one I can think of at the moment, but that is tv.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Love Melissa's list. I might also add Marion from Indiana Jones. She came about at a time when too many films were full of helpless females who had to have a man come and save her. Marion ran and fought alongside Indy (even if she did squawk a lot), and she was ready to take her own destiny into her hands.

Jo said...

Not surprisingly I don't know these women.

I am doing the health blog at the end of the month.


Al Diaz said...

I think Melissa chose the best tough girls. I would have added Eowyn, from the LoTR. Her "I am no man" is priceless.
Congratulations to Jemi and Mark!
I'm still thinking on the remake stuff. I'll have to do some research because I can't think on one. (I know I've seen them.)

Luanne G. Smith said...

Ripley from the Alien movies is definitely one of my favorite badasses.

And I've got a new woman badass from history up on my blog today as well. :)

Summer Ross said...

I want to see Iron Man III. Top of my list for bad-ass Lady- My grandmother. :)

Shell Flower said...

That is a great list of badass ladies. My favorite badass woman character in a novel is Jaqueline/Gingembre in Gone to Soldiers by Marge Piercy. She takes down a bunch of Nazis in the French Resistance. Briar from Boneshaker is pretty awesome, too. Can't wait to read Cassie's novel. Great cover.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Congrats to the winners and to everyone who completed A-z! Sorry I missed it! Love Melissa's list and whole heartedly agree about Selene from Underworld. Haven't seen the Alien movies in forever and the Resident Evil ones are just too bloody for my sensitive nature:)

mshatch said...

I totally agree with Melissa's list; those are some of my favorite kick-butt women. I might add Anne Hathaway as the latest catwoman; she was pretty hot and kicked some serious bad-guy ass.

jaybird said...

That's a great list and I tend to agree with her choices. Very cool.

Didn't get to see Iron Man yet. Too much going on this weekend but I am dying to see it and will hopefully be able to sometime this week.

A Beer for the Shower said...

Does the little girl from Kickass count? Even at 11 she's a little badass.

I also would have said Uma Thurman from Kill Bill.

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Melissa, I've never seen Firefly but I always hear how awesome it is! You've given me another reason why I need to check it out! :)
Congratulations, Cassie! You rock!

Cassie Mae said...

Thank you for helping out with the cover reveal Alex!

And love the badass choices. I still haven't seen Firefly *hides in shame*

Ciara said...

Congratulations to the winners! I'm a fan of strong heroines, too, Melissa. Great guest post! Great cover. :)

Jay Noel said...

Yay to the winners.

I love women who kick ass. I'm pretty sure Melissa has done some kicking of her own.

Still need to see Iron Man 3.

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for hosting Melissa today, Alex! Have a great week!

Stephen Tremp said...

I sure do follow Melissa. I like the Powerpuff girls. They are bad ass and adorable!

And just signed up for May Monster Blogfest. I know exactly what I want to post.

Leigh Caron said...

Hmm? Badass women. Lots come to mind. Sigourney is probably my choicebut living down her in Mexico... I think I might be becoming one.

Unknown said...

As always, good stuff. Loved meeting Melissa and reading about her book.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Women should be portrayed tough, because WE ARE. :)

Congrats to the winners!!!

Heather M. Gardner said...

So much awesomeness in this post!

Melissa is very cool. Love that she picked ZOE!!!

I'm signed up for your blogfest but not sure I can pull anything else off this month.

Cassie's book looks really fun.

Didn't see IM3 yet. Might bring the family to the drive-in. Yes, we still have those here. :)


Leovi said...

Yes, a real pleasure to know the predilections of Melissa Bradley interesting!

John Wiswell said...

Ripley is a great character! Casual dimensions, maternal and pragmatic dimensions, able to struggle for employment and fight for her life against xenomorphs. Her badass side is splendid.

ilima said...

Those are some great women characters, of course I'm partial to Zoe. :) Congrats to Cassie for her cover reveal!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Donna, good suggestion.

Al, another good pick. And we tend to forget the really bad remakes. Or at least we try.

Katie, you were a little busy at the time.

MsHatch, she was tough.

Brandon and Bryan, she was a tough little girl!

Jay, I'm sure she has.

Heather, I haven't seen a drive-in theater in years...

Charles Gramlich said...

The only bad-ass I don't know much about there is from Serenity. Was never able to catch that show. I tried to create one of my own for "Under the Ember Star." She's probably influenced by some of these characters but is mostly a legacy owed to Leigh Brackett and C. L. Moore, two of the baddest-ass women SF writers of any day.

Nancy Thompson said...

Yay for Melissa! My list would be endless. Congrats on the sparkly new, and very pretty cover, Miss Cassie!!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Great list Melissa! Congrats to Cassie, and to the winners of CassaStorm!


Roland D. Yeomans said...

Xena would have to be on my list ... that or she would kick where my brains reside! Great list, Melissa.

SC Author said...


Rusty Carl said...

I couldn't agree with that list of ladies any more. Great stuff.

Emily R. King said...

Great list, Melissa! And congrats to Cassie Mae!

David P. King said...

Another awesome week approaches! Congrats to Cassie, and to Mark for winning a review copy (I get to borrow it, right?). Loving Melissa's choices also! :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

No one messes with any of those lades.

Congrats to Jemi and Mark.

Hart Johnson said...

Love Melissa's lady badasses! She's got some great ones there. I have made an intentional decision to have more men need saving than women in my books. I like to balance what's out there and I by far prefer a tough female (even if it is a grudging toughness born of circumstances)

Suze said...

I am very interested to know what you thought was better than Iron Man III!

Crystal Collier said...

Those are some pretty excellent picks for kick-trash women. Selene is definitely my fav.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Roland, several have mentioned Xena.

David, you'll have to ask Mark. And probably visit Hawaii.

Suze, you might even agree with me when you find out!

Martina Boone said...

These are some seriously badass characters. LOVE the list. :) I have to admit, I'm still waiting for the Dead Witch Walking characters to be brought to screen. Ivy? To my mind, she's an awesome female vamp and a bigtime badass. :)

Carrie-Anne said...

My favorite "bad" female film characters are the silent Vamps, like Theda Bara, Nita Naldi, and Pola Negri. One of the silent Vamps, Valeska Suratt, has one of the saddest non-legacies of a once-famous film star, since all of her films are lost. At least Theda Bara has a handful of surviving films, even if they're not her best work,

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Melissa made some awesome choices and a fellow library goer? She rocks! Cassie is everywhere congrats girl. And congrats to the winners of your book Alex. Have a great day and I will be ready for your blogfest. Plan to see Iron Man next week.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Melissa, have you watched Continuum on SyFy? It has a very strong female protagonist.

Hannah said...

That is the ultimate badassery list. I approve. Well done, Melissa.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Melissa, great post. I love strong women characters too. They rock. And yes, Continuum is another series, plus Motive, and who can forget Nikita's Peta Wilson!

Samantha May said...

Ripley is a classic!

I think Hermione, though not the main character, is a bad ass in her own right. Girl went THROUGH it with Harry and Ron.

I'm loving Cassie's cover too!

Happy Monday :)

Samantha May said...

Ripley is a classic!

I think Hermione, though not the main character, is a bad ass in her own right. Girl went THROUGH it with Harry and Ron.

I'm loving Cassie's cover too!

Happy Monday :)

Johanna Garth said...

Melissa, I want to hear all the rest of them!!

Love Cassie's cover and, as always, the way Alex pulls together this great writing community :)

Isis Rushdan said...

Fab heroines. Love Ripley.

Congrats to the winners.

Can't wait for the reviews.

randi lee said...

Love the baddass list--especially Selene! She's one of my favorite characters ever. I really admire her strength and determination. said...

Melissa Bradley would make the top of my list of badass ladies. I love her. Congratulatiosn to Jemi and Mark, and to Cassie! Her book looks and sounds like a winner.


Michelle Wallace said...

Thanks for the mention Alex!
Congrats to the winners!

And hey... I won DL's contest, so I'm quite chuffed! It's a great way to start the week... a $75 Amazon gift card... woo-hoo!!

I'm off to check out Melissa-------

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Johanna!

Robyn, she'll be happy to hear that.

Michelle, you're welcome - and thank YOU! DL says because you heard about his contest here, I get a twenty-five dollar Amazon gift card.

Mark said...

Bad ass indeed:) Major props for mentioning Zoe from Firefly!

Unknown said...

Congrats to the winners of your book! I can't wait to read your review of Iron Man.

Carrie Butler said...

Yes! Zoe is one of the most BA female characters ever. I cite this clip as an example.

"Big damn heroes, sir."

Sherry Ellis said...

Congratulations to Jemmi and Mark!

LD Masterson said...

I remember when the only "badass" female around was Diana Rigg's Emma Peel in the old Avengers TV show (the British import). So great that we have all these to chose from now. I love Ripley.

mooderino said...

of course I follow Melissa. Everyone should!


Robin said...

Congrats to the CassaStorm winners.

I still haven't seen Iron Man III. It has been insane here. Oh well. Maybe soon...

The tough female heroine is now popular. I think that maybe she came into being on the small screen with Lynda Carter and Wonder Woman. It just grew out from there. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Zoe's my all time favorite. Can kill a man probably while she's still in bed with her husband!

Leigh Covington said...

Dude, I'm commenting early (for me) and I'm still number 83! Some things never change! It's all the awesomeness that is Alex! :) Great stuff going on here... as usual!

Ella said...

I am a Melissa rocked today and always ;D

You book looks bad ass!

Yes, congrats to the winners!!

We have to love tough female bad asses-they offer us hope, humor as they kick holes in doors and stereotypes!

Alex how was Iron Man III?! My son loved it. He rated it a 9 ;D

Powdered Toast Man said...

Roseanne is a bad ass chick from her days on her tv show. John Goodman once tried to eat her but got a karate chop to the throat.

Allison said...

Ooh, Zoe and Selene would definitely be on my list of badass ladies. So would Sarah Walker from Chuck, Jo from Eureka... maybe Teyla from Stargate... Black Widow from the Avengers... There are lots of good choices.

The Angry Lurker said...

Saw Iron Man 3 last Thursday, while a good movie it's still not the best!

Mel Chesley said...

I love badass women, too. Which is why I write strong female characters into my stories. Good post, Melissa!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carrie, that's right!

Moody, exactly!

Debra, and then just continue what she was doing with said husband!

Ella, I'd agree with that.

PTM, he would've choked anyway.

Allison, I would not mess with Jo...

Fran, certainly not better than the Avengers.

Suzanne Furness said...

Checked out some very creative definitions over at Michelle's. Congrats to Cassie Mae too :)

Arlee Bird said...

We've been getting some outstanding Reflections posts. A lot of good ideas and a lot of praise for this year's Challenge.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Sarah Ahiers said...

Ripley would definitely make the top of my badass women list

Mina Burrows said...

I missed the reflections post. Gosh darn it! I had family in town. I've signed up for Best/Worst though!

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Will head over and say Hi to Melissa. Love the new cover. And am looking forward to your Iron Man III review.

M Pax said...

I was of that generation, too, Melissa, which is why I loved shows like Mary Tyler Moore and That Girl... women living on their own with their own jobs. Fab. :D

Happy Monday, Alex.

Golden Eagle said...

Hooray for strong female characters!

Congratulations to the winners.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee, I think the Team handled this year best, despite everything that happened behind the scenes.

Mina, you can still post until Friday!

Theresa Milstein said...

Congrats to the winners of Cassastar. I know them both!

Ellen Ripley is definitely a good choice. The protagonist in Terminator was pretty cool too. The girl in Brave was a great female lead alternative for girls.

Pat Tillett said...

Congrats to your guest and to the winners. I need to work in the blogfest next week. It's an interesting one...

Elise Fallson said...

Totally agree on Melissa's lady badasses list! :D

Cate Masters said...

I think I'm the only person who's never seen Firefly! Soon to be remedied, though. I sent for it from Amazon - can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex! I loved Melissa's list, especially Zoe. She rocks!

I'm hoping to see Iron Man 3 this weekend and can't wait till Star Trek 2!

I'm behind...Little Ninja....? I didn't see anything different on your profile....?

Mark Means said...

I've been following Melissa for a while now and have no problem proclaiming her awesomeness :)

I saw I:3 Thursday night and really enjoyed it, so I'll be interested to see your thoughts on it.

As always, the Ninja News never fails to entertain :)

Oh, and congrats to the book winners!

Helena said...

I liked Melissa's list of strong women. I can add one to it -- Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. Reruns of that 1950's (old!) TV show were on when I was a little kid, and I wanted to be just like her: a seriously accessorized power.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I did visit Melissa. I love her picks for bad ass women in movies. Going to see Ironman 3 on Wednesday. Can't wait

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats to the winners! And love Cassie's cover.

Kittie Howard said...

Enjoyed Melissa's list and congrats to Cassie. Love the cover. I read somewhere that Scarlett O'Hara was the bad-ass who paved the way.

Trisha said...

Love all those bad-ass ladies! Nice post. :)

klahanie said...

Okay there, human, Alex,

My human has gone to bed. It's gone two in the morning and he has to be up at five in the morning.

Which means, I commenting on his behalf. Hey Melissa! Some consider me to be a bad ass or being I'm English, a bad "arse" lady dog. A diva dog, I reckon. I shall um hit you up on Twitter and 'Farcebook', my human friend.

Funny A to Z Challenge definitions? I'd give you a definition but I'd better not :)

Good grief, blog hops, blogfests and contests! Help! I'm excited about everything here. Well done Jemi and Mark.

Pawsitive wishes,

Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

L.G. Keltner said...

Melissa picked some great ladies! I especially like Ripley and Zoe.

Laura Eno said...

4100+ comments??? Boggles the mind... :)

I want to be Zoe! She is my badass hero. I loved Melissa's picks but Zoe tops the list!

Christine Rains said...

Fantastic guest post by Melissa. Those are some of my favorite kick ass women as well. Hope you had a wonderful Monday!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Theresa, Sarah Conner - good choice!

Cate, you will enjoy it.

Helena, I remember the 80's movie. Probably not the same.

Penny, are you now a modest badass Internet superstar?

Laura, oh yeah...

Chuck said...

For sure the first four would make my list. I never saw Firefly so I can't speak to that.

Congrats to your two winners, what awesome prizes.

Maurice Mitchell said...

It's cool how Ripley started out as just one of the crew and became one of the most powerful women in Sci-Fi Melissa. Congratulations to Mark! Hes cool Hawaiian Dude Alex.

Unknown said...

Totally agree about Zoe! Very ass kicking character.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

Enjoye Melissa's take on her strong female movie choices.

Congrats to Cassie Mae and to the winners of CassaStorm.

Time is a flying .... It will be out SOON.

Hope you had a great weekend. I am STILL catching up. Things have gotten a bit crazed here in Florida. Six days it rained in ORlando. I got washed out every time I went to Disney. I have one more chance on Saturday and I head for home EARLY Sunday Morning.


Hope all is well.

Livia Peterson said...

Can't wait to read your movie reviews, Alex! I'm skipping Iron Man 3, but will be seeing The Great Gatsby this weekend. Congrats to Cassie! Love the cover!

Unknown said...

Congrats to the winners! And congrats to Cassie Mae for for first novel! I've heard great things about Iron Man 3 and I really hope I get the chance to see it in theaters...the way it was meant to be seen!

Jack said...

Congratulations to the winners of your book!

Also, I'm envious. You got to see Iron Man III. (I'm determined to drag someone to see it with me soon.) Can't wait for the review!

SK Anthony said...

Congrats to the winners. Can't wait to read your reviews on Iron Man III and I'm so curious as to what Friday night movie was...

Great "meeting" Melissa too, awesome list of badass women ;)

Unknown said...

All excellent choices, Melissa! Zoe kicks all kinds of ass!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - Michelle's words I'm sure will catch on and perhaps enter the mainstream - her A-Z theme was fascinating.

Congratulations to Mark and Jemi for the advanced copy of CassaStorm.

.. and no I didn't see IronMan III - but saw the trailer .. I might get there .. cheers Hilary

Misha Gerrick said...

I'm hoping to watch Iron Man on Thursday. It's fully booked at the moment. :-(

Tonja Drecker said...

Love Melissa's choices! A secret part of me would die to be one of those :)
And congrats, Cassie!!!! I've been doing happy dances for her all day.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

A big congrats to Jemi and Mark!!!

Zoe Washburne!! Great pick!! In fact I love all of Melissa's picks :)

Laura Clipson said...

Selene and Zoe are my favourites from that list - great badass characters! I'm hoping to see Iron Man III soon, I've only heard good things about it :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Cassie on her amazing cover and congrats to the winners of CassaStorm.

It's great seeing Melissa here. I'd like to watch all her picks.

Unknown said...

Congrats to Mark and Jemi on winning copies of CassaStorm!

Great choices for female bad-asses from movies - mine are something similar!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maurice, yes he is.

Michael, hope you get your Disney fix before heading home.

Michael, it needs the big screen treatment.

Cindy said...

I do enjoy movies or books about women who kick ass. :) Great post!

Ian Anderson said...

Shoot. Didn't win the review copy...bummer. Oh, and the only movies we watch have talking veggies or trains from Sodor.

farawayeyes said...

I know and really like Melissa. No Ironman for me I, II or III. Ready for the remake blogfest a week from Friday, right?

Unknown said...

Great list of strong females. I've always liked a strong female protagonist. Iron Man 3 is on the to do list for this weekend. Can't wait.

Unknown said...

Enjoyed Melissa's lady badass list. And will be signing up for May Monster blog fest. Wow. The first blog fest for me in a while, but so up my creepy path. I can't pass it up. :D

Luna said...

Selene from Underworld would definitely be on my list! Thanks for always keeping us informed on all that's going on in the blogging world.

Have a great week!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Man O Clay, sorry!

Faraway, I've made my choices!

Author A.O. Peart said...

Oh, dang! I've missed the giveaway :-( Congrats to your winners though!

Thank you for introducing Melissa. I love her list of the badass heroines. Most of them are on my own list, lead by Kate Daniels from Ilona Andrews series :-)

DL Hammons said...

Zoe and Ellen Ripley for sure!! :)

Leovi said...

Yes, we expect its review of Iron Man III!

nutschell said...

Lovely to see Melissa on here. Ooh. I'll have to go with Selene as well. She was a total badass for sure.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Best of luck to Melissa and Cassie!!! They won't need it, but I'll offer it anyway!

Lisa said...

Loved your post Melissa,and your blog. I'm following you now... Thanks Alex for a fun guest blogger!

Julie Flanders said...

Love Melissa's badass ladies, great choices. She rocks and her blog is awesome. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad everyone likes Melissa's picks!

Tammy Theriault said...

Melissa has the good eye on the bad girls! Cassie..muah! Love love! And to our fair!! Waaaaa... hahaha :)

Susan Kane said...

We actually went to the Thursday night pre-showing of IronMan3. We were the oldest people there, surrounded by the comic book lovers and fans. Had an awesome time. Loved the movie.

SpacerGuy said...

Ah what nostalgia Melissa's heroines inspire. Ripley and Zoe are my favorites. "DO SOMETHING!"

Hildie McQueen said...

Everyone that completed the blogfest is a superhero in my opinion, it was hard work, but fun! I can't wait to see Iron Man III!

Morgan said...

I ADORE Melissa. There's just something extra or special about her. She's so wonderful!

(And I just *barely* got internet back! Yaaaaay. It's been interesting not having it entirely.) Missed your blog, Alex. You're always doing wonderful things.


JJ said...

I love the cover on Cassie Mae's book!

Susan Oloier said...

I saw Cassie Mae's cover earlier today. Very nice indeed. Looking forward to reading it. Congrats to her!!!

RaveAir said...

Great list of heroines!

I'm a little bit sad about the result, but congrats to the winners!

Mina Lobo said...

Rock on with all the righteous, butt-kickin' babes, Melissa!

One of my faves is Tuesday Next, of the Jasper Fforde book series (begins with The Eyre Affair). She's a BAMF with feelings, but she still gets the job done, which I totally dig. :-)
Some Dark Romantic

Deniz Bevan said...

Great post Melissa!
And congratulations to Jemi and Mark!

Jai Joshi said...

Ellen Ripley is clearly one of the most badass ladies in film. Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 is pretty damn scary too.
